You are no longer at the mercy of any street dealer, you now have a choice. You had to play by their terms for 5 years, wait in the car an extra 15 mins while he finishes his tea and meet him when it suited him, not when it suited you, driving back home with your little bag of twigs, now you are in a place were the sellers play by your terms (and our terms, as a community) because most sellers here have the best intentions, to deliver a good product and a good, honest service, and if everyone is on board with that we get to sample some of the finest of what is on offer.
People need to realise that in most cases street dealers are either growing it in their spare cupboard or room, with no proper equipment in place, experience or know-how most of the time, and would lack the willingness to improve if the opportunity was presented, in favour of extra margin or lack of effort, or they are getting it on tap so have to take what they are given and keep their mouth shut because they know were their bread is buttered. None of those two things equals a good experience for the customer, because there was never any intent on making it a good experience, only to make some easy money from the desperate locals, of which there are many. They get their own personal smoke elsewhere, and not even a 5 year buyer and seller relationship will they make you aware of it.
Now you are on LB were it all changes, and when anyone talks about weed in your company you can be assured you have the upper hand in that conversation, because you have choices aplenty, you will remember the days you had to put pedal to the metal to meet your dealer half an hour away, on their terms of course, one choice take it or leave it, get no respect and a shitty product in return and you will laugh about it because now with less effort than getting in your car and closing the door you have opened up options you never thought possible.