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joined aug 2024
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5 topics on thchunter69
6 posts
+16.2 votes

Looking for 14g extracts at $200

Looking for 14g extracts at $200
Drop a comment or message if you can provide this quantity at stated price 🤝

I think we do 5g for $100. You can order 10g and we will send 12. How does that sound?

Im just grabbing some RSO and crumble from DiamondExtracts, their bits are right in your range.
The D9 is $130 for 20ml, the budder and crumble are exactly the right price too but there's no 14g listing, you'll have to message and ask for a custom maybe👊🏻
The D9 is $130 for 20ml, the budder and crumble are exactly the right price too but there's no 14g listing, you'll have to message and ask for a custom maybe👊🏻

100% with you there brother, DiamondExtracts is a top quality vendor with exceptional products.
I have tried his crumble (Pineapple Express, Gelato) and bought a fair bit of his d9, also entered his strawberry sweet raffle (worth it for the sweets alone lmao fucking banging) and won one of the competitions! I used their RSO to make capsules for cancer patient that greatly helped ease pain, increase appetite and improved sleep quality.
If he had it available in a 14g listing I would buy it!
I have tried his crumble (Pineapple Express, Gelato) and bought a fair bit of his d9, also entered his strawberry sweet raffle (worth it for the sweets alone lmao fucking banging) and won one of the competitions! I used their RSO to make capsules for cancer patient that greatly helped ease pain, increase appetite and improved sleep quality.
If he had it available in a 14g listing I would buy it!

Ahhh congrats on the win👏🏻
Im using the RSO for pain relief too mate, stuff is magic and when it's bad that takes the edge off better than anything else really.
He doesn't have a custom listing but there is a custom in the D9 listing, if you ask nicely he might throw one up for you, it just seems like they mostly prefer to avoid doing smaller bits🤷🏻♂️
Im using the RSO for pain relief too mate, stuff is magic and when it's bad that takes the edge off better than anything else really.
He doesn't have a custom listing but there is a custom in the D9 listing, if you ask nicely he might throw one up for you, it just seems like they mostly prefer to avoid doing smaller bits🤷🏻♂️

22 posts
+90 votes

RSO for lung cancer

RSO for lung cancer
Mother in law has been diagnosed with lung cancer and obviously can’t smoke. Any recommendations for RSO vendors that sell an effective product for pain relief and sleep would be much appreciated, thank you!

Sorry to hear. Please pm us and we can send a 10ml RSO syringe for free.
While we don't think RSO is a cure for cancer, it can sure alleviate some of the symptoms.
While we don't think RSO is a cure for cancer, it can sure alleviate some of the symptoms.

Thank you so much Diamond, received the RSO earlier. Have started her on a .5ml dose to gauge how much is effective and it seems to be doing the job fantastically! Taking the edge off the pain and hopefully help get a good bit of kip 🤞 thanks from us both man it’s really appreciated.

Dave, I answered your question yesterday with more than enough relevant information and provided sources.
You should have done some research before wasting your money OR simply asked on here for cart recommendations.
I think you’re a bit salty honestly.
You should have done some research before wasting your money OR simply asked on here for cart recommendations.
I think you’re a bit salty honestly.

You didn't answer anything! The Internet did! I don't need recommendations, I have been buying D9 up until now but I was curious and nothing would make me think that a product on here would be unsafe.

At the end of the day mate the UKs cannabis market is still largely unregulated unless you’re a medical user, you knew that it was an odd purchase and that’s why you made the post yesterday and the majority of comments were telling you the same thing. Why would you expect different results today?
I wasn’t trying to be an arsehole and I do apologise if I have caused offense as that was not my intention.
Please don’t vape that RSO cart my guy, I don’t even know you and I’m concerned for your health.
I wasn’t trying to be an arsehole and I do apologise if I have caused offense as that was not my intention.
Please don’t vape that RSO cart my guy, I don’t even know you and I’m concerned for your health.

Hi sorry to hear about your mother in law I really hope the rso will work for her.
I can vouch for YNM, gassed and Dr distillates rso have had all recently and worked well
I can vouch for YNM, gassed and Dr distillates rso have had all recently and worked well

Of course I will, I’ll drop you a message. I’ve always done her a spliff to help with general pains and sleeping, with great success, so fingers crossed for the same results with an ingested form of concentrate.

Sorry about the mother in law mate keep it green has some homemade from 8 strains which is nice and strong minimal doses required.
Hope this helps her out
Hope this helps her out

What are you wanting to achieve with the oil mate? Better sleep and appetite or the healing properties of the oil?? Or both?? I can't vouch for the oils on here but I can vouch for mine. I follow Rick Simpson' recipe to a T.
How far or how well has the cancer progressed?? Still in the lungs or has spread to limpth nodes in the arm pits or neck??
2 options- small doses to help appetite and aid sleep
Get as much of the highest quality stuff you can source and start pumping the stuff into her as quick as possible. You want to be hitting a ML daily within a week.
Then from there 2-5ml daily. Sometimes best to take a capsule 30 mins before bed, you can get large empty capsules online. Large ones can take just over a ML. Tolerance builds very fast but it's important to get as much down as humanly possible
Send me your details and I'll send you 10ml out to help
It has to be high quality and a full plant, full spectrum, not just trim and added coconut oil to bulk it out.
Even buy few ounces of fire and make some yourself, its easy after the 1st time.
Best wishes and message me if you need any advice
How far or how well has the cancer progressed?? Still in the lungs or has spread to limpth nodes in the arm pits or neck??
2 options- small doses to help appetite and aid sleep
Get as much of the highest quality stuff you can source and start pumping the stuff into her as quick as possible. You want to be hitting a ML daily within a week.
Then from there 2-5ml daily. Sometimes best to take a capsule 30 mins before bed, you can get large empty capsules online. Large ones can take just over a ML. Tolerance builds very fast but it's important to get as much down as humanly possible
Send me your details and I'll send you 10ml out to help
It has to be high quality and a full plant, full spectrum, not just trim and added coconut oil to bulk it out.
Even buy few ounces of fire and make some yourself, its easy after the 1st time.
Best wishes and message me if you need any advice

The indomitable human spirit shall prevail my friend! Thank you for your comment, it means a lot.

You could try our edibles, capsules or pump jack. A few of our customers report that they help.
All the best in this fight, maybe research this dewormer rumour that is going around.
All the best in this fight, maybe research this dewormer rumour that is going around.

Thank you for the kind words MJ.
It is terminal stage 4 and we are now providing care at home, she is happy and that is all we could ask for 🙏
It is terminal stage 4 and we are now providing care at home, she is happy and that is all we could ask for 🙏

30 posts
+129.2 votes

Terpiest buds, decent prices. (Looking for.)

Terpiest buds, decent prices. (Looking for.)
Any recommendations? Mainly using herb vapes, thank you!

I like The Spacemen’s Grape Juice. If you like gassy kush terps this is a winner.

Second this 100% but when youre checking that Grape Juice scroll down and check the Cherry Zoap too, that has some mad terps, really tasty stuff.

Your awful and haven't a clue on weed your smoking pure pgr toxic stuff #re-educate yourself

Oh dear, is that what you do when you meet someone less educated than yourself is it?
Says a lot about you.
Why not educate and enlighten them?
Maybe TSMs stuff isn't as fresh as YOUR medical stuff YOU'RE getting but that's most likely to be coming from a lab in the south here, as far as I know TSMs is coming mostly from Canada, do you know how long that delivery turnaround is?
They ordered something before and it was on the menu 9/10 weeks later so yeah things might be slightly muted compared to box fresh weed from here but its Canadian mids, what are you actually expecting?
And you probably know growers are machine trimming bud now and vac-sealing it at certain humidities to get those dense 'Cali' type buds?
So, solid dense buds arent the only sign it's PGR weed then, PGR will have the solid buds but also has the complete lack of terps and often a tint of orangy brownness due to the pistils still being around, never had anything like that from TSM & I defy anybody to spend a second with the MotorBreath, Grape Juice or that wild Cherry Zoap and tell me that it's bland, flavourless or odourless bud.
Having said all that I do like to think i'm careful about what I buy and where because I work on a tight budget so do my research, I really do trust what I'm smoking and wouldn't recommend anything I wouldn't smoke myself but please, feel free to fill in the gaps in my knowledge on this, i'd hate to think i'm misleading anyone and just the chance to learn from a highly educated polymath like yourself would be a real treat, i'm sure we'd all benefit from knowing more about PGRS mate and you can really do some good work for the community by sharing your obvious knowledge.
Says a lot about you.
Why not educate and enlighten them?
Maybe TSMs stuff isn't as fresh as YOUR medical stuff YOU'RE getting but that's most likely to be coming from a lab in the south here, as far as I know TSMs is coming mostly from Canada, do you know how long that delivery turnaround is?
They ordered something before and it was on the menu 9/10 weeks later so yeah things might be slightly muted compared to box fresh weed from here but its Canadian mids, what are you actually expecting?
And you probably know growers are machine trimming bud now and vac-sealing it at certain humidities to get those dense 'Cali' type buds?
So, solid dense buds arent the only sign it's PGR weed then, PGR will have the solid buds but also has the complete lack of terps and often a tint of orangy brownness due to the pistils still being around, never had anything like that from TSM & I defy anybody to spend a second with the MotorBreath, Grape Juice or that wild Cherry Zoap and tell me that it's bland, flavourless or odourless bud.
Having said all that I do like to think i'm careful about what I buy and where because I work on a tight budget so do my research, I really do trust what I'm smoking and wouldn't recommend anything I wouldn't smoke myself but please, feel free to fill in the gaps in my knowledge on this, i'd hate to think i'm misleading anyone and just the chance to learn from a highly educated polymath like yourself would be a real treat, i'm sure we'd all benefit from knowing more about PGRS mate and you can really do some good work for the community by sharing your obvious knowledge.

🤣🤣🤣 we have different versions of intelligence does that keep your heart warm at night ??? I said what I said deal with it sheeple I don't filter to fit into someone's box like I said i said what I said deal with I ain't loosing no sleep 😘😘😘😘

I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit you silly twat, imagine telling people to deal with what you said like what you said had any meaning at all, its clear youre just a disgruntled customer or a rival vendor trolling, you've shown you weren't interested in actually helping the community here, this is just bitter shitposting which by the way isnt having the effect you hoped for, all youve done is allowed more people to see TSMs bud is fine, different levels of intelligence is right enough🤣
Maybe next time you have an issue with a vendor you could take it up with them and leave individual Biggas out of it, you know fuck all about me.
And nothing keeps my heart warm at night mate, i'm awful remember😜
Maybe next time you have an issue with a vendor you could take it up with them and leave individual Biggas out of it, you know fuck all about me.
And nothing keeps my heart warm at night mate, i'm awful remember😜

Awwwww little baby I ain't writing to the queen so I'll save my punctuation for letters mush not my fault you smoke cancer weed and been called out want me to send you some dummies???

I usually buy the grape juice, what's wrong with it?
TSM are my first choice vendor but I had a few oz from them that wasn't what I'd usually expect, one batch tasted seedy with the funny smell/taste. Anyway I spoke to them and since have buying the grapejuice which is nice and I've been happy with. Maybe they had a few random bad batches of weed as they usually get good stuff. On another note, I just purchased a second oz of RS11 cali mids from Riley Packs and was substituted with uk flavours so I'm not pleased. I am usually a loyal customer to tsm and have made the occasional order with Riley Packs, I will say though every vendor does substitute at some point and if its a big order, you're stuck with it and it's painful to smoke and pay for bud you don't like. I personally rate the spacemen overall don't know anything about pgr so feel free to educate me, I think the advantage of LB is we can share our views and experiences
TSM are my first choice vendor but I had a few oz from them that wasn't what I'd usually expect, one batch tasted seedy with the funny smell/taste. Anyway I spoke to them and since have buying the grapejuice which is nice and I've been happy with. Maybe they had a few random bad batches of weed as they usually get good stuff. On another note, I just purchased a second oz of RS11 cali mids from Riley Packs and was substituted with uk flavours so I'm not pleased. I am usually a loyal customer to tsm and have made the occasional order with Riley Packs, I will say though every vendor does substitute at some point and if its a big order, you're stuck with it and it's painful to smoke and pay for bud you don't like. I personally rate the spacemen overall don't know anything about pgr so feel free to educate me, I think the advantage of LB is we can share our views and experiences

So your actively telling people to smoke toxic weed shame on you avoid spaceman like the plague

Meh you’re reaching man maybe you wanna provide some evidence cause these are bold claims get a 60x jewellers loupe and inspect it for yourself for pesticide trails and check the trichomes unless I’ve been incredibly blessed I’ve ordered 10+ strains off them and not an issue regarding taste looks or burn you muppet 🤣🤣

I'm not looking to stir the pot, just give my experience.
I'm a heavy smoker, 2oz+ a month and was using tsm for most of my weed and was getting headaches, or I should say headache, as it was pretty much constant for months.
By chance I saw a comment about pgr, so decided to change vendor for my herb and within 3 days of changing my headache stopped completely.
It may be coincidence, or not, but I don't have headaches any more :)
I'm a heavy smoker, 2oz+ a month and was using tsm for most of my weed and was getting headaches, or I should say headache, as it was pretty much constant for months.
By chance I saw a comment about pgr, so decided to change vendor for my herb and within 3 days of changing my headache stopped completely.
It may be coincidence, or not, but I don't have headaches any more :)

Headband from SOTL - extremely gassy I like it a lot

If you've not ordered from keep it green you might want to check out theirs. I've only ordered a few bits there but have always been exceptionally grown and filled with flavour.

Couldn't get my beak out the bag when my order of northern lights dropped. Lovely fresh potent terps

Surprised noone's mentioned this on a post about flavourful terpy bud yet, do yourself a favour Biggas and have a look..
Franz's Blue Sunset Sherbet🔵🌇💨
Franz's Blue Sunset Sherbet🔵🌇💨

Give RadarBreeder a try. Everything I have had from RB has been bang on, the mix bucket is a perfect budget option.

Hey boss,
My Afghan Kush is very terpy lovely flavours.
Only got a couple oz's left before next batch coming in a couple weeks time
My Afghan Kush is very terpy lovely flavours.
Only got a couple oz's left before next batch coming in a couple weeks time

We’re a new vendor trying to find our niche on Little Biggy.
We sell pre-ground top shelf Cali at local grow / Thai prices. You won’t find more stinky, flavourful bud to vape or smoke than our ready-to-roll Cali packs.
Every pack is hand ground and contains 100% top shelf Cali flower in every pack. No PGR, No infused terps, just pure, fresh GAS. Try it one time and I promise you’ll be back for more!
We sell pre-ground top shelf Cali at local grow / Thai prices. You won’t find more stinky, flavourful bud to vape or smoke than our ready-to-roll Cali packs.
Every pack is hand ground and contains 100% top shelf Cali flower in every pack. No PGR, No infused terps, just pure, fresh GAS. Try it one time and I promise you’ll be back for more!

The pondtiff of piff Exotics, Never seen my water attachment drip with oil like that my god!

5 posts
+18 votes

PinkLeafFarmacy Persy diamonds - Italian Ice

PinkLeafFarmacy Persy diamonds - Italian Ice

Firstly, I would like to state that I have never purchased from PLF and I’m a relatively new user here. This is my opinion on the seller and the product that has been provided.
Secondly, people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. PLF have apologised to affected customers and hopefully sorted the issue with their supplier (dropped them.)
I love extracts and concentrates, vaping them for 5 years, smoking bud and hash for 15 so I’m by no means a connoisseur/expert but I do have a lot of experience getting high as fuck off thc lmao
After seeing the post offering samples I thought I would give them the benefit of the doubt and am I glad I did! The next day I received two .5g pots of Italian Ice, these diamonds look stunning and taste phenomenal.
Coating my mouth with the delicious taste of vanilla gelato as the thc binds to my receptors, I feel a sense of calming warmth overpowering my fatigue after a hard day at work.
All communication has been nothing short of top tier.
10/10 diamonds
10/10 communication/customer service
10/10 ndd and great stealth packaging.
As stated I have never purchased from this vendor before however after our interactions going forward I will be purchasing regularly as long as this level of service is maintained.
I am under no obligation to post this however it wouldn’t be fair to not give credit where it is due.
Secondly, people make mistakes and nobody is perfect. PLF have apologised to affected customers and hopefully sorted the issue with their supplier (dropped them.)
I love extracts and concentrates, vaping them for 5 years, smoking bud and hash for 15 so I’m by no means a connoisseur/expert but I do have a lot of experience getting high as fuck off thc lmao
After seeing the post offering samples I thought I would give them the benefit of the doubt and am I glad I did! The next day I received two .5g pots of Italian Ice, these diamonds look stunning and taste phenomenal.
Coating my mouth with the delicious taste of vanilla gelato as the thc binds to my receptors, I feel a sense of calming warmth overpowering my fatigue after a hard day at work.
All communication has been nothing short of top tier.
10/10 diamonds
10/10 communication/customer service
10/10 ndd and great stealth packaging.
As stated I have never purchased from this vendor before however after our interactions going forward I will be purchasing regularly as long as this level of service is maintained.
I am under no obligation to post this however it wouldn’t be fair to not give credit where it is due.

Amazing! Glad you enjoyed them mate and thanks for taking the time to write this up for us 💚

Absolute pleasure PLF, thank you for the sample! Looking forward to ordering more when they’re up 🙏

What you said lol
You paint a sensory experience with your words lol
Beats my got well cained clean and terpy lol
Like you don’t get the level of anger for a mistake
You paint a sensory experience with your words lol
Beats my got well cained clean and terpy lol
Like you don’t get the level of anger for a mistake

Haha thank you :) really enjoyed it, definitely going to get some more!
Well that’s the main thing for sure haha as long as it hits hard and tastes nice/clean, a good review and positivity goes a long way!
Well that’s the main thing for sure haha as long as it hits hard and tastes nice/clean, a good review and positivity goes a long way!

4 posts
+13 votes

DiamondExtracts competition winner - 10ml distillate.

DiamondExtracts competition winner - 10ml distillate.

Firstly, big shout out to the fantastic team over at DiamondExtracts for hosting the competition! The very generous prize of 10ml distillate arrived in the post today (Thursday, winners announced on Tuesday).
I will reorder another 10ml syringe ($70) when I get through this as I’m planning on using 5ml for carts and the other 5ml for edibles :)
If anyone has any suggestions to better utilise the distillate please drop me a comment 🙏
DiamondExtracts - definitely worth checking them out if you want to grab yourself a bargain or win some excellent prizes in future competitions 👍
I will reorder another 10ml syringe ($70) when I get through this as I’m planning on using 5ml for carts and the other 5ml for edibles :)
If anyone has any suggestions to better utilise the distillate please drop me a comment 🙏
DiamondExtracts - definitely worth checking them out if you want to grab yourself a bargain or win some excellent prizes in future competitions 👍

Hi fellow competition winner!
Tried a bit about 2 hours ago. Nice buzz going. I warmed up the syringe in a cup of hot water then squeezed a bit onto a haribo. Might try a bit in a dry herb vape later on.
Tried a bit about 2 hours ago. Nice buzz going. I warmed up the syringe in a cup of hot water then squeezed a bit onto a haribo. Might try a bit in a dry herb vape later on.

Ayyy lucky number 13, let’s go!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it so far mate! I’m working at the moment so waiting patiently to get started haha
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it so far mate! I’m working at the moment so waiting patiently to get started haha

39 posts by thchunter69
1 post
+4 votes
Best Tasting Hash?
I was just about to paste the link to your shop!
Tried 3 hashes from babbstar: Albuquerque, Barbara, Pineapple. All fucking beautiful.
Going to or…

Best Tasting Hash?
Looking for a nice tasting hash, had a few in the past and was disappointed with the lack of that 'hashy' taste, even some expensive bits :/
If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.
Cheers, Paul
If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.
Cheers, Paul

Some of the more expensive ones taste like weed now so know what you mean. I've been enjoying the Calibull from TheGoodStuff, reminds me of an old school kind of hash but nice and strong.

The Afghan gold seal from GC is a lovely authentic hash with an old school black flavour. It's one of my favourites here. I might do a full write up later now I'm thinking about it.
Simpson Kush from GAW has more of a rocky taste that you may be looking for and it has a decent stone for a commercial hash.
Simpson Kush from GAW has more of a rocky taste that you may be looking for and it has a decent stone for a commercial hash.

Hi i have the PK gold seal in my basket thanks for the recommendation it sounds like what im looking for, cheers paul.

It's not Afghan at all is it! But everything else was correct. It's a lovely old tasting hash. I've bought it 3 or 4 times now.

how is the strength? im not looking for anything to blow my head off just a nice chilled smoke that tastes good hopefully

I was just about to paste the link to your shop!
Tried 3 hashes from babbstar: Albuquerque, Barbara, Pineapple. All fucking beautiful.
Going to order some CaliGlue tomorrow :)
Edit a few weeks later: the CaliGlue is fire as well. Using it sparingly, vaping with some lovely buds from greencat 🥵
Tried 3 hashes from babbstar: Albuquerque, Barbara, Pineapple. All fucking beautiful.
Going to order some CaliGlue tomorrow :)
Edit a few weeks later: the CaliGlue is fire as well. Using it sparingly, vaping with some lovely buds from greencat 🥵

It's comparable to decent commercial hash. It's not going to really blow your head off like a cold cure jungle boys or barz LA but there's a decent stone to it. I roll it with bud usually. The smell and taste of the hash completely dominates. Tastes almost medicinal. I'm definitely doing a write up later.

oooh you have me excited now, order in :D hopefully lands tomorrow, need a break from the heavy thc strains just want something to chill with, the fact you say it dominates the taste/smell is exactly what i was after thanks again for your recommendation, cheers paul

I did the write up I mentioned earlier. Probably got a wee bit carried away to be fair.

1 post
+1 votes

Any good websites that let you stream movies/sports
Both of these and Viva apk are really good apps for android devices.
I use them all downloaded onto a standard firestick, very easy process.
They …

Any good websites that let you stream movies/sports
There was a thread on here not long ago which had a massive list of websites where you could stream livesports & watch movies but for the lift of me i can't see to find it. Can anyone post a link to it or suggests some websites please?

I’ve tried using fmhy website a couple of times now to stream live sports events but what I’ve noticed is that it keeps crashing every few minutes it’s really frustrating. I’m guessing that has something to do with how many people are trying to watch it and I reckon the server can’t handle it.
I’ve tried different streams but it’s all the same unfortunately.
Is there any other good alternatives that anyone knows? Some good matches on today from about 3PM that I would like to watch.
I’ve tried different streams but it’s all the same unfortunately.
Is there any other good alternatives that anyone knows? Some good matches on today from about 3PM that I would like to watch.

Both of these and Viva apk are really good apps for android devices.
I use them all downloaded onto a standard firestick, very easy process.
They also support RealDebrid, it’s a couple of quid for a few months and they hold all the highest quality links (4k/Blu-ray movies and series) in their servers.
This can easily replace all streaming services for a fraction of the price.
I use them all downloaded onto a standard firestick, very easy process.
They also support RealDebrid, it’s a couple of quid for a few months and they hold all the highest quality links (4k/Blu-ray movies and series) in their servers.
This can easily replace all streaming services for a fraction of the price.

I currently use to watch series not too sure about live sports tho.

Bit basic but putlocker has a few ads but if ur persistent u can watch just about anything 💚

Did try putlocker but every time i clicked to watch something it just kept redirecting me to different websites with no actual content on it just bombarded with ads.

It’s like that my only other option is Netflix so I use it a good bit putlocker it’s a annoying one but you get use to it

Check out r/Piracy sub on Reddit and go to the MegaThread/Movies & TV you can download/stream from plenty of sites. provides movie streaming or torrent download. Used this a lot but more recently bought android box and signed up for iptv service which gives me all the channels (sports/ movies / news etc ) from uk and US and more ,including pay per view. I pay / renew every 3 months for about £20, and pay by btc…this also include movies and tv series streaming which regularly gets updated with latest from the likes of Netflix, hbo Hulu and everything else…it’s immense
Make sure you use a popup blocking browser like Brave or Librewolf (secure firefox) and use a VPN!
Make sure you use a popup blocking browser like Brave or Librewolf (secure firefox) and use a VPN!
for all sporting events. Have to close a lot of adds but once u get the hang of it u can watch any sporting event live . Even ppv fights . Enjoy
for all sporting events. Have to close a lot of adds but once u get the hang of it u can watch any sporting event live . Even ppv fights . Enjoy

1 post
+2 votes
I ordered on Thursday and mine arrived Yesterday (free shipping option).
Post has been taking longer than usual in my area so I’m blaming Christmas …
Fuck about i ordered last Thursday they said my order had been ‘missed’ by packers and sent it Monday but not lookin good. No response from
Vendor now either
Vendor now either

Also waiting on a Thursday order. Vendor stopped replying when I asked about tracking. It is that time of year and I have a legitimate parcel delayed. Hopefully a Royal Mail issue. I’ll give it another day. But first time using this vendor, likely last. probably back to the regulars for me. Not fully convinced it was sent straight away, if at all.

Yeah that’s th exact same here man I got my usual vendors, tried from Hashman for the first time see if any good, an also waitin for tracking but no response I’ll update if anything arrives 🤞

Same here, RM is a bit of a mess right now according to good old reddit. Special deliveries are priority, especially this time of year, so unless you live relatively nearby to HMUK it'll be a few days more for everyone else to see their goodies.
Also, still a new vendor and has gained some ground here in a little over 2 months, already at over 100 sales so hats off to the guy, must be busy with the abundance of orders that have come his way.
Comms have been acceptable.
The dispute is there if needed anyway but I doubt it'll come to that.
Also, still a new vendor and has gained some ground here in a little over 2 months, already at over 100 sales so hats off to the guy, must be busy with the abundance of orders that have come his way.
Comms have been acceptable.
The dispute is there if needed anyway but I doubt it'll come to that.

Mine came yesterday, spoke to HM-UK on here last night. Seems to only be online late evenings
RM does indeed seem to be struggling already, though
Hope all works out well, guys
RM does indeed seem to be struggling already, though
Hope all works out well, guys

Im in that boat also jason , ive said many of time , patience is of essence at times . I got 2 parcels floating around somewhere , on tracker but not moved in over a week ( sick) not from this seller . But i do find comms essential when were feeling jittery about our parcels , but in the same token ….. we dont know the reason for the blankers but there could be genuine reasons behind it . So always give seller’s benefit of the doubt imo . Fingers crossed they all come home . Hashman was on the bull with an order i placed a while ago . 👌

Yeah. Bedn waiting 7 days for item- no reply from message I sent yesterday either. Not looking good

Was gonna order the red label from this vendor today in the hope I got by Saturday if I paid for NDD.
By the sounds of it, (and no shade meant) I would likely be unwise to do that for one reason or another.
By the sounds of it, (and no shade meant) I would likely be unwise to do that for one reason or another.

I ordered some red seal but was sent commercial morroc instead fingers crossed my real order turns up but it’s been a few days now and getting jittery!! Just want a decent plug for black hash

I ordered on Thursday and mine arrived Yesterday (free shipping option).
Post has been taking longer than usual in my area so I’m blaming Christmas shoppers!
The red wrap is worth the wait guys trust me.
Post has been taking longer than usual in my area so I’m blaming Christmas shoppers!
The red wrap is worth the wait guys trust me.

My red seal came today rookie mistake made thou if you stick bits together make sure no wrapper on them I got red seal wrapper all thru this bit I got don’t think I can be bothered to pick it all out

Hey man. Instead of down voting my post- which I thought was pretty fair, putting most of the onus on Royal Mail. Even though It was purchased a week ago and sent tracked 24. You could reply to my message about the tracking. Cheers

Yeah. .he only send half my order ..said he would ship it and still not arrived ..mag him yesterday . He's read msg but not replying

Tbf mate he has responded to me now. Sounds like a lot of messages to get through and certainly not the only vendor experiencing delays. I’ll update when mine arrives and I’m sure your missing amount will be sorted in time

1 post
+5 votes

"Liquid diamond + Live resin vapes"
Hi mate, as far as I’m aware thc diamonds are a concentrate that is very high % thc similar to distillate but in a crystal form and then liquidised to…

"Liquid diamond + Live resin vapes"
Hi all👍 has anyone tried any of these? 🤔
Ive Tried them tonight. Not sure if they contain liquid diamond and Live resin 🤔. Its a different type of high. Compared to the usual, live resin or distillate high.Im not saying there not what they say they are green team . so wanted to see anyone's thoughts on them 🤔😉
Ive Tried them tonight. Not sure if they contain liquid diamond and Live resin 🤔. Its a different type of high. Compared to the usual, live resin or distillate high.Im not saying there not what they say they are green team . so wanted to see anyone's thoughts on them 🤔😉

I wouldn't buy any weird looking vape thing ever, even off a reputable seller on here. Where are you inconspicuously consuming drugs with something like that if you want to leave the house and get toasted?
Doctor Extracts and Sensi Mart both do excellent quality carts that they make themselves, and I'd be much more inclined to trust something like that. Completely innocuous, and I've smoked their carts in crowded beer gardens with no-one batting an eye.
Doctor Extracts and Sensi Mart both do excellent quality carts that they make themselves, and I'd be much more inclined to trust something like that. Completely innocuous, and I've smoked their carts in crowded beer gardens with no-one batting an eye.

Very wise words
99% of branded stuff is fake much better to go with the sellers above also if Keep it green makes some more they are top notch
99% of branded stuff is fake much better to go with the sellers above also if Keep it green makes some more they are top notch

You couldn't do that with the live resin carts we sell as they stink of weed. Everyone would be looking around to see where it's coming from

And the vast majority of people would never connect the smell with a cart, especially in a crowd.

I went to see a band at the o2 and you're allowed to vape in the inside-outside part of the venue (if that makes sense) and I was puffing on one, everyone was looking around and then looking at me. Either I was paranoid or they all knew lol

Hi MightyRux 👍 yes used both of those vendors many times before.As I mentioned
Was part of an order. Never tried liquid diamonds vapes.
So thought give it a try. Would be interesting to exactly know whats in them though 🤔🤔 hoping there not harmful in any way? .
Was part of an order. Never tried liquid diamonds vapes.
So thought give it a try. Would be interesting to exactly know whats in them though 🤔🤔 hoping there not harmful in any way? .

The price on it appears to be lower than what that product could realistically be bought for in bulk to then make a cart or vape containing it, which cart producers have pointed out on the topics a few times that I've seen. Maybe they had an amazing deal.

really? i've seen even small bulk d9 resin going for 10$/ml and under. is live resin really much more expensive than that.
and from what ive read here liquid diamonds, (thca) are dirt cheap generally made synthetically in china from hemp.
and from what ive read here liquid diamonds, (thca) are dirt cheap generally made synthetically in china from hemp.

Pretty sure proper live resin isn't something easily made cheaply? I'm happy to being proved incorrect. You seem to be taking about a completely different product, but the 'diamonds' point you've made is very interesting.

Tbh jayboy mate I wouldn’t buy any of those BS branded vapes you have absolutely no idea what’s in them and tbh TGT have been pretty poor in dealing with these
If your looking for a decent 50/50 vape these are highly rated and produced/filled by a trustworthy vendor imo
If your looking for a decent 50/50 vape these are highly rated and produced/filled by a trustworthy vendor imo

Yeah, TGT used to be a solid vendor, but anyone punting fake bs "branded" shite should be ashamed, but, money is money, so let your reviews do the talking. They'll soon stop if their rating drops. If you want branded, Sayno2drugs, and nobody else currently.
Those 10/10's are extremely dubious as well.
Those 10/10's are extremely dubious as well.

Hi Jonnyh2 👍 cheers for the comment.. yer understand what you're saying. No 1 knows what's in them. I bought it as part of an order with some bud for a mate. who I got it for. So thought I'd try a liquid diamond vape for a change. From the usual live resin and distillate that I normally have

Hi mate, as far as I’m aware thc diamonds are a concentrate that is very high % thc similar to distillate but in a crystal form and then liquidised to become liquid diamonds. CleanCartsClub do a really good liquid diamond cart 👍

Thanks for mentioning us!
Our liquid diamond carts are made from 100% live resin, and I think our reviews speak for themselves 🙏
This video explains the process used to make these carts, and what “liquid diamonds” are, as im aware these terms can get a bit confusing!
Our liquid diamond carts are made from 100% live resin, and I think our reviews speak for themselves 🙏
This video explains the process used to make these carts, and what “liquid diamonds” are, as im aware these terms can get a bit confusing!

Thanks CleanCartsClub 👍
I may take a look at your carts in the near future guys. At the moment, got 3 or 4 to go at 😉. Prefer the disposable ones really. So discreet for out and about. I'll take a look at your menu though guys 👍
I may take a look at your carts in the near future guys. At the moment, got 3 or 4 to go at 😉. Prefer the disposable ones really. So discreet for out and about. I'll take a look at your menu though guys 👍

liquid diamonds are tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, THCA.
This is a precursor to D9 THC (the main stuff that gets us high). Liquid diamonds on there own are not psychoactive until they are decarboxylated by heating them.
apparently you can make them super cheap from hemp and from reading comments here, china is where most of it comes from.
althouygh i wouldn't be surprised at all if a bunch of seller just call there d9 liquid diamonds because it cool
This is a precursor to D9 THC (the main stuff that gets us high). Liquid diamonds on there own are not psychoactive until they are decarboxylated by heating them.
apparently you can make them super cheap from hemp and from reading comments here, china is where most of it comes from.
althouygh i wouldn't be surprised at all if a bunch of seller just call there d9 liquid diamonds because it cool

Hi donloco 👍 thanks for the link guys. The Liquid diamond 💎 vape I got, was part of an order for a friend. Who paid for it for me. As I did the order for him.. ive never tried a liquid diamond vape before. So wanted to give it a try 😉. Ive had live resin & distillate vapes many times. Individually or 50/50 .So wanted a change but thanks again donloco 👍 much appreciated

Hi mate your link won’t work for me unfortunately but if they’re the 1010 boys ones then I bought a couple and they were both brilliant. I dab most of the time anyway so I just used to pen for when I was out and about and really enjoyed them! Lasted weeks and only had to charge it once as well. If they weren’t authentic as others are suggesting then they were extremely well done and really clean smokes so I believe they were real but good luck anyway!

Hi Harvmac 👍. there the 1000mg liquid diamonds& live resin vapes, Packman
And Melt x Packwoods. Types. Never tried them before. Prefer the disposable types. For out and about ( more Discreet). Not sure if there Legit or not? Get you stoned, but slightly harsh on the throat and chest. Slight muffled head this morning 😏. Great intro price though,
They may be 💯% ok . Just knew to me. As normally only have live resin or distillate or both combined 👍
And Melt x Packwoods. Types. Never tried them before. Prefer the disposable types. For out and about ( more Discreet). Not sure if there Legit or not? Get you stoned, but slightly harsh on the throat and chest. Slight muffled head this morning 😏. Great intro price though,
They may be 💯% ok . Just knew to me. As normally only have live resin or distillate or both combined 👍

Hmmm must admit I’ve heard a few people calling them fake because apparently they don’t come with packwoods boxes like in the photo. Also colouring is off I’ve heard some people say. I’m not knowledgable to comment on them ones myself unfortunately !!

Website link on packaging also leads to fake website, these fuckers are getting harder to spot lol. I go on Temu and if the empty’s are commonly for sale I avoid. I’ve had lots of branded and sometimes the vape itself is shite but filled with nice toke but vape doesn’t live long enough before leaking/blocking etc, sometimes the vapes fine but full of shite!
I find the people making their own and not pretending to be a brand better in general- one exception if MJ gets his matrix HFTSE carts worth the 70 a ml price
Had some fakes tested less than half branded contained thc
Nicotine, synthetics and even ket once
I find the people making their own and not pretending to be a brand better in general- one exception if MJ gets his matrix HFTSE carts worth the 70 a ml price
Had some fakes tested less than half branded contained thc
Nicotine, synthetics and even ket once

Hi Harvmac 👍 thanks for the info. Yer be interesting to see how many people have tried these vapes. And have absolute 💯 % experience if there fake or not? The concern is, what are actually in them? If they prove to be fake packman/Packwoods vapes? 🤔🤔

Hi donloco 👍. Yes fully understand what you're saying about synthetic products ie: terps. Delta 8 and so on. And I imagine its a common thing. being a cheaper option to produce.synthetic products. Although theses diamonds vape/live resin packman/Packwoods 1000mg disposables from The Green Team are only $37.50 intro price.
We can't actually prove there a fake product? Without proper testing that is. My main concern is, because I have 2 of these. Are they safe to vape or not? With the possibility of them being fake 🤥. I'm hoping the others that have purchased theses, see this topic and give there opinion on the matter. Also The Green Team themselves can reassure customers,that they are legit and safe to vape 🤔
We can't actually prove there a fake product? Without proper testing that is. My main concern is, because I have 2 of these. Are they safe to vape or not? With the possibility of them being fake 🤥. I'm hoping the others that have purchased theses, see this topic and give there opinion on the matter. Also The Green Team themselves can reassure customers,that they are legit and safe to vape 🤔

Just a couple of paragraphs from a recent LA Times report shows just what is getting into these things 🫣….and these are the GENUINE ones!
“Tests conducted for The Times and WeedWeek identified seven off-list pesticides in legal products on store shelves. One brand of vape contained fenvalerate, a fungicide proven to lower sperm counts and prohibited in the United States since 2008. Sixteen products contained pymetrozine, an insecticide known to cause liver cancer and to mimic human hormones, part of a chemical class known as endocrine disruptors, which over time cause reproductive disorders. Pymetrozine is approved for only limited use by the federal EPA, and is banned in the U.K., Canada and Norway.
A pink acai vape from Stiiizy, the state’s top-selling cannabis brand, carried more than 60 times the maximum amount of pymetrozine allowed by federal regulators in cigarettes. But because California does not require testing for pymetrozine, the company that makes Stiiizy products said it is not in violation of state regulation.
“We adhere to all standards and limits set by the State of California, which has some of the strictest testing requirements and pesticide limits in the country,” Stiiizy President Tak Sato said in an email.
“Tests conducted for The Times and WeedWeek identified seven off-list pesticides in legal products on store shelves. One brand of vape contained fenvalerate, a fungicide proven to lower sperm counts and prohibited in the United States since 2008. Sixteen products contained pymetrozine, an insecticide known to cause liver cancer and to mimic human hormones, part of a chemical class known as endocrine disruptors, which over time cause reproductive disorders. Pymetrozine is approved for only limited use by the federal EPA, and is banned in the U.K., Canada and Norway.
A pink acai vape from Stiiizy, the state’s top-selling cannabis brand, carried more than 60 times the maximum amount of pymetrozine allowed by federal regulators in cigarettes. But because California does not require testing for pymetrozine, the company that makes Stiiizy products said it is not in violation of state regulation.
“We adhere to all standards and limits set by the State of California, which has some of the strictest testing requirements and pesticide limits in the country,” Stiiizy President Tak Sato said in an email.

Hey polly
Vapes are so open to dirty substances have you ever looked at the results page on weedinos and put vape as keyword?
Scary scary shit
I had one tested after almost passing out in bath- bloody ketamine
I’m not 22 those days are far behind me but so dangerous when people don’t know what they are taking
Since acquiring the ace cup and by accident discovering what it can do with a 510 cart I am considering making my own, thinking 50/50 diamonds and D9 ? What do you think ?
Also the Achilles heal of the ace is the foam base atomiser have you ever come across a mod ?
Vapes are so open to dirty substances have you ever looked at the results page on weedinos and put vape as keyword?
Scary scary shit
I had one tested after almost passing out in bath- bloody ketamine
I’m not 22 those days are far behind me but so dangerous when people don’t know what they are taking
Since acquiring the ace cup and by accident discovering what it can do with a 510 cart I am considering making my own, thinking 50/50 diamonds and D9 ? What do you think ?
Also the Achilles heal of the ace is the foam base atomiser have you ever come across a mod ?

Hey Emz!
That’s VERY disturbing on the ketamine front!😱
The AceCup is simply brilliant for carts (I know cart vendors such as Canadian Imports who now don’t use anything else!), but I have cut down on my carts use a lot despite never having a real bad experience. Too easy (habit forming) too strong (tolerance building), too unsure of what’s in them. But that’s just me….
The only thing about making your own is how do you ensure the quality of the base ingredients? I know a few people who have tried with mixed results. ‘Mix’ being the issue- I love rosin vapes as these are pure pressed bud without any chemicals but they won’t vape without dilutants, so here we go again.
My favourite ever were rosin vapes from Serial Chiller Labs- they had cracked the recipe so never shared it!
The saving grace for the AceCup atomiser is that they only cost a tenner. I briefly had a Puffco Proxy and they are £60 each!😖 When I buy a new extract I dedicate an atomiser to it so it means an extra tenner on the cost. The function defo makes it worth it though especially as it uses so little gear. But then I look at my box full of used atomisers and think “shit, there’s a lot of money there!”🤦♂️
That’s VERY disturbing on the ketamine front!😱
The AceCup is simply brilliant for carts (I know cart vendors such as Canadian Imports who now don’t use anything else!), but I have cut down on my carts use a lot despite never having a real bad experience. Too easy (habit forming) too strong (tolerance building), too unsure of what’s in them. But that’s just me….
The only thing about making your own is how do you ensure the quality of the base ingredients? I know a few people who have tried with mixed results. ‘Mix’ being the issue- I love rosin vapes as these are pure pressed bud without any chemicals but they won’t vape without dilutants, so here we go again.
My favourite ever were rosin vapes from Serial Chiller Labs- they had cracked the recipe so never shared it!
The saving grace for the AceCup atomiser is that they only cost a tenner. I briefly had a Puffco Proxy and they are £60 each!😖 When I buy a new extract I dedicate an atomiser to it so it means an extra tenner on the cost. The function defo makes it worth it though especially as it uses so little gear. But then I look at my box full of used atomisers and think “shit, there’s a lot of money there!”🤦♂️

So I’m actually considering making my own HFTSE and using that to blend own made shatter or live resin but also love Canadian imports they remain the m&s of biggy lol

Hey polly I promise if I actually achieve it to send you one but will never be looking to list them I’m just. A fussy old smoker couldn’t keep up with the admin of being a vendor lol

Hi pollypuff23 👍 always good to hear your opinion on things on LB. 😉.. straight off the bat, so 2 speak.. just by reading that comment is enough to make people confused somewhat. Also when you think.,as an example" Say No 2 Drugs" are somewhat regarded as
One of the most trusted USA Vendors ( for those who didnt know)selling carts to the UK. And also mentioned as the best carts by some on Lb. Reports from what you've read from the LA times makes you wonder still 🤔 great comment eitherway pollypuff23 😉
One of the most trusted USA Vendors ( for those who didnt know)selling carts to the UK. And also mentioned as the best carts by some on Lb. Reports from what you've read from the LA times makes you wonder still 🤔 great comment eitherway pollypuff23 😉

Hey buddy,
It’s a real worry. SN2D is a genuine vendor selling genuine premium off the shelf US products. BUT there is such a huge demand for liquid extract right now that the supply chain is being corrupted. Legal weed was supposed to be safe weed - that’s what they promised us right? It’s completely untrue it seems…
It’s a real worry. SN2D is a genuine vendor selling genuine premium off the shelf US products. BUT there is such a huge demand for liquid extract right now that the supply chain is being corrupted. Legal weed was supposed to be safe weed - that’s what they promised us right? It’s completely untrue it seems…

Have you tried Matrix carts when MJ gets them ?
The HTFSE Durban poison spectacular I think they are Canadian ? Well worth 70 squid
The HTFSE Durban poison spectacular I think they are Canadian ? Well worth 70 squid

Hi pollypuff23.. yes totally agree with you on that. Especially regarding sayno2drugs... there even selling premium flower from over there the UK on LB. With there being such a demand for Liquid extract like you say, why should stuff like Synthetic products be used. 🤔🤔🤥. It's not the way to go. Its definitely a concern. And shouldn't be ignored. On a more positive note. I may try some of Sayno2drugs flower. See what sort of quality there sending over here on LB.. seems quite a few people have ordered flower from them, with good reviews. And good shipping costs also 👍. $18 international first class post. And free post if you order 3 products or more 😉.

1 post
+2 votes

Diamond Extracts crumble is very tasty, clean extract and very well priced. Same price as his budder, I haven’t bought any of the budder yet but it’s …

Any vendors have any well priced concentrates
Would love to see some recommendations
No stupidly high prices please
Would love to see some recommendations
No stupidly high prices please

Myconauts extracts are great value and the mystery bags are a great way to test them out

Whambamthankyoumam had some of Diamond Extracts badder for £25/g. Nice for the price.

Depends what you mean by stupidly high? Type Extracts in the item search will help. Diamond Extracts crumble and Certifed’s sugar wax both excellent choices for the price.

Diamond Extracts crumble is very tasty, clean extract and very well priced. Same price as his budder, I haven’t bought any of the budder yet but it’s on my list!
Myconauts extracts are spot on and his mystery pots are a nice bit of fun, I always get a good variety of :) ghost train haze and Acapulco gold were beautiful
Myconauts extracts are spot on and his mystery pots are a nice bit of fun, I always get a good variety of :) ghost train haze and Acapulco gold were beautiful

2 posts
+5 votes
Looking forward to trying your bud out Hebba, will post some pictures when it arrives! Hope you have a great Christmas and new year brother, much love to all 💚

Thank you for the sample bro it was really appreciated, completely forgot to take a picture my bad! Very nice bud, smoked and vaped, good flavour coming through. Was this your gorilla glue Hebba? I will place an order soon 🤙

A big massive thank you, really appreciate your kindness and really looking forward to trying your bits.. thank you again
Lush BitzNBuds
Lush BitzNBuds

6 posts
+7 votes

I’ve just had a quick look into this, it would seem that it is possible with Co2 extracted RSO as it doesn’t contain the ethanol!
+ 6 more

Hi all, I ordered an RSO vape but now I am extremely anxious that I should not be vaping it. Does anyone actually know? The Internet has conflicting info. Thank you.

Magicvapeuk would disagree with you. What evidence can you supply to prove it? The Internet does show RSO vapes that are being sold in USA.

From what I read I was going to make some myself
I made some prior not knowing the risks and people loved them said there harsh and a bit to thick but they loved the high
Idk if you can get all of the ethanol out of rso
Not my area of expertise
But I’ve seen pharma grade rso carts sooo 🤷♂️
I made some prior not knowing the risks and people loved them said there harsh and a bit to thick but they loved the high
Idk if you can get all of the ethanol out of rso
Not my area of expertise
But I’ve seen pharma grade rso carts sooo 🤷♂️

I’ve just had a quick look into this, it would seem that it is possible with Co2 extracted RSO as it doesn’t contain the ethanol!

RSO is usually extracted with ethanol, ethanol is not safe to be inhaled through vaporisation.
Exert from (
Based on pharmacokinetic principles, inhaled ethanol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, bypasses first-pass metabolism, and can quickly reach the central nervous system (12). It is unclear whether a small dose of inhaled ethanol can result in a bolus of ethanol reaching the central nervous system causing short-lived, nearly instantaneous, intoxication before equilibrium is established. The shape of the mouth, configuration of the device, and puff topography can change the deposition of an aerosol in the entire pulmonary system, as the mouth can cause the aerosol to collapse and collide in the upper airways (13–16). Aerosol that impacts the oropharynx can be absorbed in the throat, swallowed and absorbed in the GI tract, or coughed out. The aerosol particle size measured by mean-mass aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) dictates the region of deposition (17).
Exert from (
Based on pharmacokinetic principles, inhaled ethanol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, bypasses first-pass metabolism, and can quickly reach the central nervous system (12). It is unclear whether a small dose of inhaled ethanol can result in a bolus of ethanol reaching the central nervous system causing short-lived, nearly instantaneous, intoxication before equilibrium is established. The shape of the mouth, configuration of the device, and puff topography can change the deposition of an aerosol in the entire pulmonary system, as the mouth can cause the aerosol to collapse and collide in the upper airways (13–16). Aerosol that impacts the oropharynx can be absorbed in the throat, swallowed and absorbed in the GI tract, or coughed out. The aerosol particle size measured by mean-mass aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) dictates the region of deposition (17).

RSO is made by soaking the whole cannabis plant in a solvent, usually grain or isopropyl alcohol, then straining and heating it to evaporate the solvent, leaving a thick, sticky oil.

I use food grade isopropyl but you’d be amazed at the amount of cowboys that use much cheaper lab grade or even rubbing alcohol. There is no way of knowing this was responsibly produced and while that could be argued for any products you haven’t literally made yourself I would not ever vape RSO. It’s the worst of both worlds. If you want the medicinal benefits you really want to be applying topically or ingesting and if you want to get high you’re much better off with d9 or dry herb.
Honestly, bin it. It’s not worth the risk.
Honestly, bin it. It’s not worth the risk.

How can you guarantee the seller is fully evaporating the ethanol?
Why not just buy either d9 or live resin carts and then RSO separately and experience the drug as it was intended?
Why not just buy either d9 or live resin carts and then RSO separately and experience the drug as it was intended?

I can do you a custom listing for:
1x 0.5ml d9 cart
1x 1ml syringe of RSO (purchased from myconauts)
for $35 including shipping let me know if you’re interested.
1x 0.5ml d9 cart
1x 1ml syringe of RSO (purchased from myconauts)
for $35 including shipping let me know if you’re interested.

1 post
+2 votes

RSO vapes
He asked the same thing fucking yesterday 😂

RSO vapes
Has anyone out there had these? I have ordered which is arriving today and I am shitting myself and not sure I should try it. Why are they allowed to be sold on here if so dangerous? Who moderates this website and vets the products to ensure they are safe? If no one, why isn't that happening? I always thought LB was a safe place for people to use but guess I was wrong. Please only reply if you have direct knowledge of these products and the potential harm they could do to me. I don't want cowboys! Thanks.

Don’t vape RSO. That being said don’t stick forks into mains electrics, don’t fight tigers and don’t drink bleach. I don’t rely on little biggy moderators to keep me alive off site or on. Do your own research.
Presumably the reason most people haven’t reviewed these vapes negatively is that’s they’ve passed out after inhaling ethanol or the vapes have combusted in their hands preventing them from editing their ‘looks great, haven’t tried yet 10/10’.
If you’d like a longer list of things it’s not safe to do I’d be happy to oblige. Failing that I’d have a quick google before doing anything I wasn’t sure about, at the very least vaping RSO ‘isn’t recommended’ and when there are so many amazing Products, here’s looking at you ‘unicorn piss in 1ml disposable 🤤’, it’s a risk not worth taking.
All the best with the tiger, do let us know how it goes.
Presumably the reason most people haven’t reviewed these vapes negatively is that’s they’ve passed out after inhaling ethanol or the vapes have combusted in their hands preventing them from editing their ‘looks great, haven’t tried yet 10/10’.
If you’d like a longer list of things it’s not safe to do I’d be happy to oblige. Failing that I’d have a quick google before doing anything I wasn’t sure about, at the very least vaping RSO ‘isn’t recommended’ and when there are so many amazing Products, here’s looking at you ‘unicorn piss in 1ml disposable 🤤’, it’s a risk not worth taking.
All the best with the tiger, do let us know how it goes.

Aside from the main risks already mentioned, RSO is all about the full spectrum and that is not going to vaporize evenly so I can't see the point.

Dude you’re posting everywhere about this stop panicking about your lack of research and just toss the vape or if you really don’t wanna waste money open it up and eat the RSO as intended 🤣🤣

1 post
+4 votes

5/10 battery
I would recommend the CCELL SILO for out and about discreet usage, really easy to use and draw to activate.
If you’re wanting a pen like battery the…

5/10 battery
Looking for recommendations for the best 5/10 thread battery for carts bought here thanks

Highly recommend the Yocan Uni Pro. Easy to use, discreet, multiple voltage settings and a pre-heat function. I also have a Nectar Honeybee but the Yocan is way better in my opinion

I would recommend the CCELL SILO for out and about discreet usage, really easy to use and draw to activate.
If you’re wanting a pen like battery the CCELL M3B pro is really good.
I’m using the CCELL palm pro at the moment and that’s my favourite one so far :)
If you’re wanting a pen like battery the CCELL M3B pro is really good.
I’m using the CCELL palm pro at the moment and that’s my favourite one so far :)

Yeah I can second the CCELL Palm Pro - it’s the first and only battery I’ve had, so I don’t have a comparison, but it’s working very well.
Not the most discreet maybe but it’s very compact. And has a pre heat function, which is quite important I think to prevent clogging - also has three different temp settings. Very easy to use and feels nice in your hand - getting great hits and vapours from it as well, even on the lowest one.
Not the most discreet maybe but it’s very compact. And has a pre heat function, which is quite important I think to prevent clogging - also has three different temp settings. Very easy to use and feels nice in your hand - getting great hits and vapours from it as well, even on the lowest one.

The ccell palm is crap when you compare it to a kodo pro. Much bigger clouds from the kodo pro on the same voltage as the ccell palm. I binned my palm after getting a kodo.

Hi carrie1313. 👍 Heres a great pocket Sized battery for 510 thread carts..
From Clean Carts Club 👍
From Clean Carts Club 👍

I have my eye on this Vessel battery at the moment. Reviews seem to be really good.

1 post
+2 votes

Not tried the venty myself however use my dry herb vape daily. I would recommend using the dosing capsules so your chamber stays clean for longer and …

Just got myself a Venty. I’ve never had a vaporiser before, so not sure what to expect! Does anybody have any experience using one? 💚

Not tried the venty myself however use my dry herb vape daily. I would recommend using the dosing capsules so your chamber stays clean for longer and also regularly clean out the cooling chamber/mouthpiece/anything that gets a build up of resin for optimal flavour and experience :) isopropyl alcohol is the best for cleaning the gunk off!
If he’s still got it, Radar Breeder does a beautiful Jelly Breath that tastes amazing in the vape:
If he’s still got it, Radar Breeder does a beautiful Jelly Breath that tastes amazing in the vape:

1 post
+2 votes
10ml Distillate Giveaway!
11:40 10/09/2024
Good luck all 🤞

10ml Distillate Giveaway!

We are hosting a give away, with help from the lovely people at the national lottery
Go to the national lottery website and enter this at the end to view the numbers on the 16th.
You may pick 1 number 1-49 - if your number matches the SECOND number on this game on Monday 16th, you will win 10ml dist! I'd advise keeping your number relatively low as it will be the number second in numerical order, not from the draw order.
Yes, there can be multiple winners, so please enter ASAP to secure your spot in our competition.
To enter, please upvote this post and comment your 2 numbers below.
Any questions, please post them below.
Go to the national lottery website and enter this at the end to view the numbers on the 16th.
You may pick 1 number 1-49 - if your number matches the SECOND number on this game on Monday 16th, you will win 10ml dist! I'd advise keeping your number relatively low as it will be the number second in numerical order, not from the draw order.
Yes, there can be multiple winners, so please enter ASAP to secure your spot in our competition.
To enter, please upvote this post and comment your 2 numbers below.
Any questions, please post them below.

Whoops, mistype and now I can't edit it. nightmare. You may only choose one number, if someone else has picked it, no problem!