Oh dear, is that what you do when you meet someone less educated than yourself is it?
Says a lot about you.
Why not educate and enlighten them?
Maybe TSMs stuff isn't as fresh as YOUR medical stuff YOU'RE getting but that's most likely to be coming from a lab in the south here, as far as I know TSMs is coming mostly from Canada, do you know how long that delivery turnaround is?
They ordered something before and it was on the menu 9/10 weeks later so yeah things might be slightly muted compared to box fresh weed from here but its Canadian mids, what are you actually expecting?
And you probably know growers are machine trimming bud now and vac-sealing it at certain humidities to get those dense 'Cali' type buds?
So, solid dense buds arent the only sign it's PGR weed then, PGR will have the solid buds but also has the complete lack of terps and often a tint of orangy brownness due to the pistils still being around, never had anything like that from TSM & I defy anybody to spend a second with the MotorBreath, Grape Juice or that wild Cherry Zoap and tell me that it's bland, flavourless or odourless bud.
Having said all that I do like to think i'm careful about what I buy and where because I work on a tight budget so do my research, I really do trust what I'm smoking and wouldn't recommend anything I wouldn't smoke myself but please, feel free to fill in the gaps in my knowledge on this, i'd hate to think i'm misleading anyone and just the chance to learn from a highly educated polymath like yourself would be a real treat, i'm sure we'd all benefit from knowing more about PGRS mate and you can really do some good work for the community by sharing your obvious knowledge.