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joined feb 2024
Old Pothead. Writes stuff. Sometimes.
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38 topics on BigRoo
by  BigRoo
Cleaning My Grinder: A Story With Questions
- The Dirty Grinder Problem -

My grinder is a few years old. It's a metal one that screws together in separate layers for grinding, ground, and kief. It has never been meaningfully cleaned. I've poked and chipped at it a bit when it got stuck. The kief catcher has been blocked for ages although I was never sure I wanted my kief caught in anything other than what I'm currently smoking in the first place. Its become more of a masher than a grinder as compacted dark resin coats much of its once sharp teeth.

- New Grinder Dreams -

I was thinking of buying a new grinder when I decided I should probably clean the current one up first to see how much that helped. One of the grinder teeth snapped off years ago and it actually really improves how the grinder works. That gap is where your bit of weed starts. If I made grinders I'd engineer a weed gap something like this in. If I bought a new grinder I'd be tempted to break a tooth off. I'm sure several people will tell me why I'm wrong about this but it's a hill I shall die on.

- I Need Alcohol -

So first thing I reached for was our good friend alcohol. That age old tale like it's the solution to all of life's problems - but it quickly became clear that poking a bit of alcohol around was inadequate for this.

Obviously more alcohol was needed. That age old tale...So the whole grinder went in for an iso bath. Cleaning it with a sacrificial toothbrush after a good soak brought it back to factory levels of cleanliness pretty quickly with all that compacted resin dissolved into the alcohol. But it had one flaw. It was now a super sticky solution. A film of glue-like stickiness had settled across every surface of the grinder. After you touched it, the same is true for you. We are back in sticky Spiderman fingers territory. More wiping with alcohol didn't seem to clean it so much as smear it onto more surfaces.

- Saving New York -

So before I started using my sticky fingers to climb buildings and save New York City from crime, I went for possibly not the best solution, but for the one within the easiest reach of my Spidey fingers. Cif cream cleaner.

- The Lemon Problem -

This dispersed the stickiness with ease using the same ex-toothbrush. I think it more thoroughly cleaned the grinder too. The problem now wasn't stickiness, it was lemonness. And not the nice lemonness one might have in their grinder. The bad lemonness that you don't want. It'd be like smoking a yellow block from a urinal if I put weed through it.

- The Wet Problem -

After some more rinsing and cleansing the problem was no longer lemonness. It was wetness. The kief mesh and the many nooks and crannies hide water away. This was a better problem to have but still a problem. After much careful patting and some hairdryering I decided some resting time was needed for full dryness.

- The Outcome -

A while later I tried it out and it's essentially like a new grinder. It twists super smoothly with ease, evenly grinding buds into useful little pieces and once more my kief is being caught.

- Kief or Thief -

Although I'm still questioning if saving kief is better than having it now. Is it robbing me under the guise of future reward? Like daylight savings when the clocks change back. We don't ever get an extra hour in bed. Merely what was once already ours has been returned. If someone stole a tenner out of your wallet in spring then gave it back to you in Autumn you would not thank them for it. So is it a kief catcher a kief thief? I'm intrigued to know people's thoughts on this one.

- New And Improved -

The grinder basically works like new but with the added toothless gap that seems to improve function for me anyway and feels like a design feature. It's my hill - my hill folks.

- Fresh and Clean -

It may not be completely radical news to many people out there but cleaning stuff makes it better. My grinds are now fresher than a brand new pair of underpants.

- Thanks -

As always thanks for reading, I hope it was informative and if not I hope it was entertaining in some way at least.

Please upvote the post of you like reading this stuff and get involved in the comments to let me know how or if you clean your grinder - or what the cool kids use to grind with these days - and whether it's a kief or thief device? Thanks.
I need to clean mine again.
I just stick it in a pot of water and boil it, everything basically falls off at that point!
I didn't think that would work as water never washes resin off your hands. Part of why I'd put it off for so long. Might try that first next time.
I keep it simple a cheap plastic grinder that comes out of the dishwasher completely pristine.
Cannabis Cannibals
Reading this brought back memories using these hand grinders. My 2 cents is they are a great budget/starter solution but if you're a hardcore daily smoker like me take my advise and get a cheap ninja, nutribullet or kenwood blender for like 30 quid that comes with a smaller jug for nuts etc. Then take your daily buds (3-7g?) grind them for a second or 2 and you have your weed ground for the day just need to roll them. Do this and the walls of the jug will staticly attract and build up kief and every month or 2 you will harvest an oz or more kief that you can turn into hash or press the rosin from it.
The missing "stashed" kief is not noticeable in your joints as I'm sure you could tell by experience using a kief catcher grinder where you will lose plenty of it stuck to the teeth and the walls of it anyways.
So having an oz or so kief as a reward or cashback every month or so is 100% worth it when you light a fat one up boosted with your own hash or rosin!
Thank me later ;)
I tend to flick between different flavours all day so only grind one or two spliffs worth at a time. The last grinder I bought was actually downsized from previous so is the mini type I guess. I'm not at your level mate where you need industrial electrical hardware for your bud volumes!
Cannabis Cannibals
I wouldn't call a kitchen blender industrial level hardware but even when I grind 1g I use that it just more convenient, same goes for having pre ground weed the kief is just a bonus really that builds up over time.
It is compared to my little one spliff grinder. I feel underpowered man.
Cannabis Cannibals
That's what I mean, I been there. I know what's it like to grind as you go. Done that for nearly 2 decades and I felt stupid when I started using the blender for not doing it sooner. Just saves me hand grinding everytime I want to roll a joint and having ground weed in a tupperware for a couple days is perfectly fine for me, I often had 3-4 flavours pre ground but these days I only have 1 or sometimes 2 strains pre ground for the day.
I can still remember my mate turning up with the first grinder I'd seen years ago. Thought it was stupid and unnecessary at first glance. About 3 minutes later after seeing it used, "can I borrow your grinder mate" I still like a grind and sniff as part of my rolling ritual. Might be an interesting topic to discuss rolling rituals - yours has clearly evolved. One of my mates always rolls 3 at once for example, lights one and pockets the other two for later.
Cannabis Cannibals
Yeah I also do that often, having a few pre rolled if I'm out for a while or just a couple in advance ready to go while busy. Call it lazy or convenient I guess to me it just became to repetative grinding each joint one at a time.
I never think that far ahead. I'm wondering now if I rolled a batch up if it'd be convenient and save time or I'd just blitz through weed much quicker by chaining my rolls.
Cannabis Cannibals
Just having them pre ground already saves me a lot of time.
The rolling part only takes few seconds but having them ready to go certainly helps.
Great read, as usual mate. Iso should work if you cover it and leave it for ages. Mine looked like swamp water when I last tried this. Felt like I was wasting all the goodness though, so my mate suggested boiling it in milk next time. Yeah, don't do that. What a mess, and I threw the pan away. That's probably more a me issue and not paying attention. The grinder, however was fine, eventually.

I've had (and am having) very solid service from a Herb Ripper grinder, which is available in both kief stealing and non varieties. I went with the stealing version and it blocked up. It always blocks up.
I've decided when I do finally get another grinder it'll be a no kief thief. It's not just a choice but a lifestyle. Life on the edge man. No kief reserves. That's like a pension scheme for trichomes. All or nothing grinding is the way forward.
I go for the cheap plastic grinders buy 4 for £5 off amazon and just bin them when they are too gunked up😬.
I use a keif box with a 100ų screen for all of my bud so it collects nice clean keif
I used to get The Original Grinder Company ones out the local shop. Were a few quid but nice to know the convenience store understands its customer base by getting in quality plastic grinders. They sell blunt papers too. I don't know what they are but have seen the crazy kids buying them. Since then though I've aimed to use as little plastic as possible. I figured a metal grinder would last a long time and it's fully recyclable once I'm done. It has lasted ages and now clean is really like new. I'll buy another one but will choose more carefully next time now I know the level of time commitment I'm making.

I remember every so often I'd have a kief smoke before it blocked. It'd be strong as was such a blend of bits and bobs. But each saved bit and each saved bob must be robbed from me now. I was considering not getting the same thing on my next grinder.
I broke a tooth off my old small palm sized grinder, it worked better like you said until eventually physics took over and snapped all the rest of the teeth one by one due to the uneven pressure load. Bought a new proper sized one and it's actually engineered pretty well, not too mention made very well.

When cleaning, I use iso too. Give it a soak for a few hours in 80-100% iso, and have a go at it with a tooth brush. When finished, give it another rinse off with fresh iso, the sticky film will rinse off just as easy. Let it air dry and you're good to go!

That small grinder lasted a good 6 years.. and it was only a fiver! 😂
I swear man that there's a product design computer out there could engineer in the toothless gap feature and improve this base object we all use with that useful buffer within the grinding space. I should crowdfund a new startup Gappy Grinder Ltd on LB and make it happen. I've not broken another tooth yet but there's one that's not exactly happy. It's a work in progress I guess.
I take out literally every little bit of stem, so my buds are never really big enough I need a gap. I basically end up finger grinding half of it.
I linked the grinder I bought, very similar design to a santa cruz shredder. The teeth are engineered to push the bud a certain way between the teeth, its a completely different grind to your standard diamond teeth grinder. Definitely worth a try. Even has a little plastic ring built into the lid to stop paint chippings and screeching
I've looked at the Santa cruz shredder grinders. I might indulge. Considering how many years this one's lasted and how often I use it, it's not a bad investment. Could see me through the rest of my days. I don't think I'll go for a kief thief next time. I want all the goodness now.

I'm going to lose it aren't I.
I have a purple Santa Cruz shredder and I wouldn’t really recommend it.
Poor threads, coating chips. Just not great!
Plastic ones might be better I guess
Thanks man. Top tip and it's answered one of my questions. My current grinder is only anodised on external bits so I'd wondered about that over time. Santa Cruz is off the list.
Problem is the (supposed) end game grinders are proper spenny e.g., brilliant cut at $100+ I think

I really need to change up before I start coughing up purple
Luckily vaping is quite filtered anyway so hopefully none of it is already in there
I'm appreciating my grinder all the more. Not sure I'll pay that sort of designer money for one to replace it. I'd rather spend 20 bucks and get a bag of weed.
did i hear some buddy say toothless grinder (there is a cheaper aluminium one also)
That's actually pretty cool. A nice design. I wonder what it's like after having hundreds of buds through it. Might have to have a proper look at these later.
Love reading your stuff man, please keep it up, and it was on your reco that I picked GreenCat for my first purchase - no regrets whatsoever. So thank you for that.

To the matter at hand though, you've channeled one of my secret penchants - that for cleaning. I believe a clean is the cheapest repair. And for anything involving organic compounds such as food and the good bud, I have to say, anything inorganic is just, well, grinding me up the wrong way, much like a bad bud broaching device, brother.

So, can I suggest following an organic cleansing ritual for your toothless wonder: firstly, splash liberally or dunk shallowly in some (white) vinegar and then sprinkle with some bicarb (not baking soda) and watch the fizzy, oooh. This should cut through some of the resin, but maybe not all cos it is a sticky goo. Maybe have another go, cos yeah, bicarb fizzy cool. Not once, not twice, but trichome's the charm.

Then, you do need some natural acid to cut a little further: slishe a lemon in two, and press and grind. I wonder if this could also inadvertently be the start of some wonderful concentrated edible tincture, the lemon juice and the goo, I don't know. I'll let someone else try, but maybe you could start with this method and follow up with the vinegre, if you're so inclined.

But then, finally, as some other good fellow suggested, boil it: just water and again, squeezed lemon or that white vinegar. All natural, all clean, because you're worth it, my bro.

And following the organic theme, if it plugs in the wall, it takes away some of that soul. Cos after all, we are green, we spice up life with the herb, a flower, a blooming bud and in that, there's no need for a machine.

I do hope you concur and may the good times continue to roll.
Thanks man. Green cat was the first vendor I ordered from too. I then tried loads of different vendors before returning again. I'll get a few bits and bobs elsewhere but the price and quality at GC is solid.

My grinder is some kind of aluminium alloy. Doesn't aluminium react with sodium?
I gave up on my trusty plastic grinder when i heard about all the microplastic stuff

had a metal one since it had the kief catcher but i removed the screen section so now im smoking the full shabang 😄
I might do that on mine. Did it come out easily? Or leave a mess?
I just pushed throw mine with two fingers haha

the full mesh came out so no mess or sharp edges
I was thinking I'd get a very technical description back but this sounds simple enough for me to do. I'll have a look at mine later.
This makes me think about the time I went to Amsterdam for a quick trip, and purchased a fairly cheap, if not reasonable plastic grinder for my time there.

One thing I must say though, that grinder, of course being new was just a joy to use. It weren't like those plastic grinders you get here from the poundshop which starts making screeching noises after a couple spins 😂

Nonetheless, I lost that grinder on the last day and now I'm here rolling a joint using my 5 year old metal grinder that needs WD-40 and doesn't spin without giving my biceps a little workout 😆

Always a good read as always Big Roo!
Thanks man. My grinder is lovely and smooth again now it's clean. I've also seemed to become the Barry Scott of LB without realising it.
yo buy some 99.99% isopropyl (pure alcohol) from amazon, soak your grinder in a tiny amount for 2 mins and it will be as good as new. im still on my very first grinder I bought in 2001
Brilliant read that....and I thought it was just me with the kief dilemma. I have a metal Cheech and Chong grinder...never seen a good cleaning apart from emtying the kief catcher...i have several little pots of kief laying around, I'd rather that had been in my blunt ... so definitely thief. Yes I could still smoke it.. or try and make some hash but I dont need this dilemma
I have thought about one of these here fancy electrical/battery operated grinders but I just imagine them to get constantly bunged up...and i would feel disloyal to my trusty C&C
I doubt I'll go electric but my next grinder will have no kief thief. I like the look of the Santa Cruz 3 piece shredder. Pretty spendy but it'll last a long time I guess.
Yep, not going down that route again. Not seen the Santa Cruz one. I will take a peek ...if it lasts as long as my C&C one I'd be very happy.
Another commenter said the anodising chips off over time. My grinder is only coloured on the outside so doesn't suffer from that. I'll keep looking I think. Flag up any good ones you find mate.
No paint on the inside either. I did see quite a nice 3 piece one today per chance...can't for the life of me remember the name but it was $79 ...metal and not painted. I'll see if I can find it again mate
It's a lot of money but for something that's used several times a day and will last years it's probably worth paying a bit out for.
by  BigRoo
Druids Magic - First Order
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Piatella Review: is it the hash dreams are made from?
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Orange Fans: The Love is Spreading
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From There to Here: A Cannabis Ramble.
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If hash were a religion would Piatella be its god?
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My New Year's Resolution for 2025 is -
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Which vendors are staying open for Christmas 2024?
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The vendors who mostly got me stoned in 2024
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Let's talk about buying your first electric dab wax pen extract thingymebob
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Commercial Hash Labels - why are they mostly shite?
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Cannabis edibles advent calendar for a stoner Xmas!
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Can you remember your first LB order?
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My Perfect Cookies: D9 & RSO Baking with BigRoo
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RSO is the way to go
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Ever heard of a strain called Gringo?
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Memory Lane: Old school weed strain recommendations please
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Is this the strongest product - ever?
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Rock Star Level Hash - Piatella spotted on LB
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Hash making challenge: Can I make $25 worth of hash from $25 worth of trim?
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Beginners guide to buying weed online from Little Biggy
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Flavour Chasing - BigRoos Orange Day
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Best Orange bits for an all out Orange Session?
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Vacuum packing - does it change bud quality?
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60 bucks for 7g - Cheap UK Weed List - Less than $60 qtr delivered to your door.
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Shaky hash making
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Happy Star Wars Day
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Let's talk about hash
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Sweating & waiting Biggie
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Where's the best orange bud?
304 posts by BigRoo
on  Novasuper
Pictures not loading
I'm not sure what's going on there but often I can get them via data on my phone but not on WiFi. I thought it was just me.
on  JackD80
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I was impressed by my mates mighty. Was more money than my little Xmax vape but it's a really good bit of kit. That's what I'll probably buy next time…
How would you improve biggy
Free weed with every order! There's some sensible suggestions been commented. The time stamp would seem a simple fix. Stock control for vendors would …
Thc hamper!
It'd be an interesting comparison with my usual cookies. The huge benefits of your sweets are that you could take a pack out and slowly go through the… + 3 more
3.5g + 7g Bukkake Available with personalised Notes. Perfect Valentines gifts 🎁
The most in-your-face deal on LB!
Well done to the winners. They're in for a happy month. I was actually pretty close this time. + 3 more
Some help here, please guys
Cool man. Hopefully you'll hear soon. + 5 more
on  fin7777
Cannabis 101: myrcene the most dominant terp
That's the thing though isn't it. It doesn't completely make sense based on the current model of thc gets you high. If that was the size of it we coul… + 2 more
on  fin7777
Cannabis 101: what are terpenes?
Nice post mate. Definitely the exact sort of thing worth exploring on LB. I for one would like to learn more on this. + 3 more
I guess many of the technical things a website might do would involve further user validation such as mfa - which wouldn't exactly be popular here whe… + 6 more
New Vendor for Delicious Edibles
Like the name and logo man. I always make my own edibles but you've got some interesting options going on. Good luck with it.
The Static Room Siftella Hash?
Interesting. Do you know the £ yet? + 3 more
Nice write up man.
Geoguesser competition
Nice comp man. Something a bit different. Which is hard to do within the confines of the comp rules.
$96173 I'd go for D9/RSO as I prefer making my own edibles. 12/2/25 12:04 Thanks for running the comp.
Still a new Bigga
I made friends with my old postie so he'd sign stuff when I wasn't home and post it anyway. I'm working on my new guy now. + 2 more
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on  Zipst4r
Some of the fancy hashes absolutely blow your mind man. Usually I'll use hash as a joint topper. Some of the cold cure and frozen hashes are fantastic…
32378 19/11/2024 @19:47 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
Competition Time!
£76925 Thanks for running the comp. It's a great prize. Good luck everyone. 11/2/2025 19:06
Best Tasting Hash?
I did the write up I mentioned earlier. Probably got a wee bit carried away to be fair. + 5 more
GAW February promotion 2g free hash
Nice. I've tried a couple of your hashes and both were decent. It's a nice bonus.
Who has the best tasting Haze?
Can't help you with this one - I'm pretty haze averse.
I'm sure I read that on another thread here - and it makes sense. You can request a late dispute anyway though but if I ever have to I'd rather it be … + 2 more
1/10 Review 🙄
Not that I need to, the ratings are all good, but I can vouch for this hash. I wrote a topic about it on my page. I've bought it like 4 times now as w…
Need help? Confused? Here is the littlebiggy ultimate guide. Credit Budzinho
One of the top pieces of content on LB. No ones done this better. Everything is there all thoughtfully laid out.
Shipped all orders on time! Thank you everyone to a great start of the week, We are slowly getting faster and more preci…
Just had a look through your menu - white widow x skunk #1. Now there's an interesting mix of the past for me. First trip to Dam it was skunk everywhe…
Your original Skywalker og was absolutely spot on. Had the full deep blue flavour. The second batch, in a blind test, I'd not have guessed it even was… + 2 more
Anxious about buying online
I wrote a short guide which lists the things that keep you safe and is linked here. Budzhino has a great guide too which is linked from the article. .…
Does Indica or Sativa really affect your High?
I want the job of the scientist searching for this proof. I will buy my own lab coat & glasses.
Our recent REVIEW 😂
"I have to get to a library. Fast" They went full davinci code in your reviews. I hope cleanup Borg can sort it as it's not helpful for the …
what papers do you use when smoking flower?
I reverse roll (I believe the cool kids call it backstrapping) using a large ocb paper but I also can't roll with a roach in. I'm right handed too alt…
5 new strains in stock! ┃ 3 x $100 Store Credit Giveaway 🥳🎉
That's gotta be a winning number! Thanks man. + 2 more
If you had too....
I joined LB to avoid smoking Stardawg for the rest of my life! I had some Blue Nerds a while back that ticked a lot of my boxes. As for one strain t… + 2 more
New vendor selling carts - $13 ea intro offer
It's a good vendor name. Welcome to LB and I hope it goes well for you.
Mmmmmm... Blue Nerds
started topic
TGT 2025 Xmas Cut Offs and 22 Prize GIVEAWAY.
$103,476 23/12/24 @ 15:31 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
I grabbed a bit and I'm glad I did. Nice for the price mate.
Best example of this strain right now in the world 🌍 💯🔥
Might well be tempted by this if still available on payday - and assuming there's not a sudden influx of orange strains on LB. I wished, in my piece a…
Go to MUNCHIES when high 💨
Mmmmmm... Greggs. I used to like the veggie sausage and bean pasty but they've stopped doing them. + 2 more
on  Zephram36
Dr Green Thumbs Watermelon Zkittlez 🍉🤤
Nice write up mate. Thanks for sharing your love for this hash. It helps other people - like me - choose what we might like to try next. + 2 more
Thank you GC
I've had the silver bubble here before. A real old school flavour - can really taste the component strains - and it's a lovely bud. You won't go far w…
£81.27 23/12/24 @15:35 Thanks for running the comp and good luck everyone.
on  ewannim
Revenge most fowl
I really liked it. Superb film with well thought out cultural references throughout. I don't think they'll top the wrong trousers though as the train …
Best Value for high tolerance
I'd highly recommend RSO cookies. It's like 20 bucks for 1ml from doctor distillate. That's enough for several cookies depending upon your tolerance a…
Is it always a good idea to have 'signed for' delivery?
I've made friends with my last two postman so they usually sign it for me and post it anyway but I don't always get the same postman. I actually prefe…
If it's still available when I next order then me too.
Merry Christmas Biggaz!
Happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas Biggas🎄🎅🤶
Happy Xmas.
Merry Christmas all the best people thanks to everyone this year who's ordered from us doesn't go unnoticed enjoy your d…
Happy Xmas.
🎅🏼🎁🎄Don Loco's Christmas Song Competition🎅🏼🎁🎄
Reckon this is the best Christmas song. It usually wins polls around this time of year. Completely fair as it's one of the only songs that critiques t…
on  Zeek
Favourite vendor?
I did a write up of my vendors for 2024. Green Cat is my favourite for buds. Decent price and quality. Can check the full list from the link. + 2 more
6* hash for your pleasure
Hehehe - top reply. I already know that somewhere in some future topic I'll be quoting that. + 2 more
When do you reopen after Xmas? I've ordered extra on my last few bits so hopefully got a bit to keep me going a while.
on  Freshface
When are you opening your Christmas stash?
I started this weekend. Just now in fact. I didn't actually get that much treat stuff but stockpiled loads of different weed so I can switch through a…
🎄🎄Right people we promised a competition for Christmas so here it is 🎄🎄
$101,496 12/12/2024 - 17:47 Thanks for running the competition. I tend to do pretty badly at these. Perhaps it'll be my moment. Good luck everyone.
on  TWDuke
Distillate / RSO recommendations
I usually order D9 and RSO from Dr Distillate.
on  Kurvana
Strain and vendor recommendations?
I did a write up of vendors I've used in 2024 if that helps out some newbies.
Since my call out 3 days ago not one vendor has taken up the challenge.
Crikey. Thanks for the mention. It'd be a big responsibility. I guess if it fell to me I'd do my best to be fair. Probably test over a couple of days … + 2 more
Apex 🦨 smoke report
Nice write up man. Thanks.
use three words to describe little biggy
Just like home.
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
New reviews not saving?
started topic + 3 more
How do you roll?
I usually roll using a king brown ocb, small bit of American Spirit tobacco, then packed with weed. Prob about 0.3/0.4g. I reverse roll although the c…
Giveaway time, where my Dawgs at?!
$72230 2/11 20:13 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
on  Barussss1
Strongest stuff on LB?
In terms of smoking I'd go for a mix of some nice bud with wpff hash or shatter. But if you want to be fully buckled make RSO / D9 cookies prior to st…
RS11 FOR £145
Agreed - I've had some nice cheapies here. RS11 is a beautiful strain. Tastes like swallowing a whole pick n mix counter. It's like tasty & sweet … + 2 more
Do magic mushrooms strains matter to you?
I'd wondered this too. They grew in the fields around where I grew up and although they were sparse, when you found one you'd usually find lots close …
Competition ⏲️
$82846 11/11/24 @7.03am Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
on  HarvMac
Honest reviews
I try to be honest with my words but I rarely give a lower rating without a good reason. A 10/10 on a $60 qtr is likely to not be the same 10/10 on a …
Terpiest buds, decent prices. (Looking for.)
If you've not ordered from keep it green you might want to check out theirs. I've only ordered a few bits there but have always been exceptionally gro…
“1/10 Never arrived”
Had they'd had that conversation via message instead of review I expect they'd have got a better outcome. Was it a newbie? I think most seasoned lb us…
Stupidest message ever??
I want that job man.
on  Lee5
I'm curious about that myself
Date: 4/11 Time: 15:30pm Price Prediction: 53,753.21 GBP Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
Monthly giveaway
£59423 7.11.24 @ 11:20 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
Happy to see you back on the wall.
Wheres the piatella at
Currently myconauts have some at a pretty decent price (linked). The only others I've seen here were Eddys and Thc23. I might treat myself if there's …
Can any vendor do 14g shake for $30?
LV do half Oz of popcorn and trim for 29 bucks delivered. It's rated well but I've never ordered it myself.
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
Bruno Mars. "When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are" My question is - h…
Competition time
Lucky number 8 please. 9/4/2024
$72567 RSO/Distillate (prefer making my own cookies) 18/10/2024 21:31 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
I was late to this one - not that it'd have made a huge difference. Will keep an eye out man. Thanks for running the comp. Tis one of the things that … + 2 more
How you Discovered LB??
I'd seen a website in the news supposed to be selling weed. I'd started looking through reviews, which were mixed, but ultimately it seemed like it wa…
on  wheezebug
Dry weed
Man, that's like when I look at rucksacks online and it says it can carry ten litres or thirty litres. How much is that? Like am I meant to liquify my… + 3 more
Orange / dank strains, extracts & high grades hashes.
Not ordered from here before but have been on my list for ages. Main reason is I rarely buy qtr of one type of hash. Your menu looks like it's got a … + 4 more
taking a punt
Can try TGT who have sample grams and offer free postage. Currently have one under 12 bucks.
STRAINSBURYS EXIT SCAM !!! ??? Share your story below.
I wondered why there's so many .2 votes on my topics. That explains it.
Hash Awareness
Interesting post. Thanks for flagging it up. I've not had a bad hash from LB yet. Although I've got some in the post so hopefully not just jinxed it …
Eddibles vs RSO
I wrote a topic about this just recently. I'm new to RSO but I'm a fan of it as an edible. In short it tastes bad but really gives a full cerebral hig…
Bollocks, I am late to every party. I'd have enjoyed this as a smoking / writing evening too. Next time...
is there more interest in budget flower or topshelf flower?
Personally I tend to buy a mix of cheapies and mid priced stuff. Only ever get the odd expensive bit - and even then I favour a bargain. I've no idea …
Oldskool soapbar you use to burn
I've never ordered from them but gramazon have a double zero hash. That might be close to what you're after although you may need to add your own chun…
Thanks man. Hope all is going well with your vendoring. + 2 more
Number 13 please. 27/9/2024 13:38 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
Save your bitcoin guy's
It'll be carnage in the KIG store! + 3 more
🎉 Moonrock Giveaway! 🎉
17 please. 8/9/2024 10:24 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
GiveAway Time!! ⏰️
17 please. 8/9/2024 10:21 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
1g $20 Flash Sale
Seems I am late to every party.
on  Caeba
9.8+ Vendors 2.0 (A-Z & 123)
Interesting list. Lots of these I already know and love. I was surprised some of my regulars didn't make the cut - but I checked - you're correct - th…
on  Billybob1
I'd guess it depends on your tolerance. I know the cookies I make would render some of my friends completely unconscious whereas there's people on LB …
Unsent referral payments
started topic
Afghan Kush back in stock $140
It's got me thinking about doing an old school week. Might write a topic up later. Was quite nice chilling in my garden with the Afghan earlier. Thank… + 2 more
on  HarvMac
best haze on here ?
I'm not the biggest haze fan but the haziest haze I've had was a g13. GAW has a highly rated gipsy haze too which I linked.
UK Flower
The orangina was one of the nicest bits I've had from anywhere. Lovely stuff.
Rux Reviews - WPFF Ice Hash - Guapicana
Nice review man. It's a bit spendy for me but it's made me want to try it. I like the idea that it'll test my tolerance levels and make me feel like a…
Pistach is closed ?
That explains it. Wondered what had happened to.them.
COMPETITION!!! 1oz of Blueberry
Congratulations Olly. I was actually close this time. + 4 more
What Strain Do You Dislike?
It's completely possible I've not had the best versions but also maybe just a taste or body chemistry thing where for whatever reason those strains do… + 3 more
Moonrock Giveaway!
$61,367 14/8/2024 18:00 Thanks for.running the competition. Good luck everybody.
New Vendor - Creators of CrumbleHash© - A revolutionary Hash - Cur8Resin - Minimum 15 Buys to Purchase
What price will it sell for usually? Looks like pretty nice stuff. It will be interesting to read the first reviews.
on  Mohan
Good value hash
Shroom of the loom had a pretty nice.commerical hash you might like (linked) that's super cheap.
Help finding vendor
I don't think I've seen a half g but the green team do good value sample gram packs and separate grams. New vendor cannabis Cannibals are doing gram s…
How do you consume hash?
I mix with weed (what people now call flower but I've no idea when or why it changed) into a joint with tobacco. On its own in a joint I find it'll bu…
Olympic Games Giveaway
Am I late to this? I'll guess 67. 28/7/2024 21:58 Thanks for running the comp. Good luck to everyone especially our GB team.
Baccy or cig tobacco in joint?
Have you tried American Spirit (blue)? It's drier than most tobaccos as it doesn't use the same preservatives. Very clean tasting so mostly taste the …
Giveaway Time!
$58937 7/8/2024 21:05 Bitcoin generally does the opposite of what I think it's going to do so this time I've outsmarted it by guessing the opposite … + 2 more
New barz_la dry sift
Might give that a bash. Thanks. + 2 more
Piatella Review-
Nice review mate. Might have to indulge myself - I'll nip to the shop before I start! + 2 more
Back With a Selection
Welcome back mate. Glad to see you here again.
GiveAway Alert!
13 please 24/7/2024 11:36am Thanks.
Cheaper bud sellers?
Relatively new as a vendor but seemed to have really stormed the low cost / good quality / fast delivery end of LB. Although, to be fair, there's quit… + 2 more
This is a good shout. Good level hash at the price. I've not tried the linked hash but in general the quality is top notch. + 2 more
on  Essemcee
Which hash should I get next?
I'm interested in trying the various grades of the barz brand hash. Looks like it's made to perfection - some look more like an extract than a hash on…
Giveaway, New Products, New Deals
$54,387 7/7/2024 - 11:44am Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone.
Competition time!
I'll take 13 please. My lucky numbers never seem to do me any favours. Thanks for running the competition, good luck everyone. 24/6/2024 - 17:24
on  Asaddd
What to do with D9 distillate?
I make cookies. I usually buy a box of cookie mix but just make one at a time from the packet. I add distillate to the mixture. Bake it. Then it bakes…
Hash recommendations
I wrote a review about the LA barz ocaso hash. It's the lowest of 3 grades made by LA barz but was undoubtedly the most mind-blowing hash I've ever sm… + 2 more
Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Congratulations to trippycat. I might give the series a bash myself. + 5 more
Homemade Decarboxylated hash With Pablos Shake
Hope your orange is the stuff dreams are made from. The best hashes I've made have been fresh frozen. I've never used the bags before but I expect tha… + 9 more
Alien OG & OG Kush
Mmmmmm.... Orange.
iron jizz
on  iron jizz
What is the best Science Fiction Anime Series?
Steins gate or psychopass series 1 are amazing.
🚨 1000mg Bundle Giveaway 🚨
92. 24/5/2024 18:37 Good luck everyone.
Thank You for 25 Sales
Glad to have you on LB mate. For anyone reading this who's curious about Cannabis Cannibals, I wrote about the Tangie Berry in my linked orange day po… + 3 more
on  Redfish
I like the Tommy Shelby shatter sotl has. It's always reached me still in a stable full glass state without any sugaring. Has 24hr delivery. Not sure…
best bud here for sleep?
I also get insomnia. The thing that always gives me a good night's sleep is making cookies from d9 distillate. Can get 1ml pretty cheap on LB. If you'…
Which Roach Is The Best?
I'd say number 1 - I've not used rizla for years but that moisture trap card is the best material for roach. I guess, in a way, Rizla had complete mar…
on  Foremost
Help with 1st time buy pls
Completely agree. A few oddballs aside it's a supportive & helpful community. + 2 more
I wouldn't start trading bitcoin based on my prediction here. I don't do well at comps although the bud weight I actually got closer than I expected. … + 2 more
I just posted about exploring hash this month so your timing is great. I was recommended a few different types. I'm hopefully set for the weekend but …
on  OddBall1
What’s the tastiest strain you’ve found on LB
Orangina or the mimosa from KIG are up there for me. I haven't been so excited for years over a bag I've bought. I'm a fan of orange strains which ten…
Intro Listing is LIVE!
Think I'll order the love potion on payday. Hard to resist with a name like that.
Hash Heaven 🤤🤩😶‍🌫️😇😮‍💨💨🤯😋
That's above my price point but I'm sure whoever gets a sample is going to be a happy test pilot. Looks incredible stuff. Like the stuff dreams are ma… + 2 more
thatguyforbud - Thailand bud has landed, check it out
How blue is your blueberry? + 2 more
Where did you go - my lovely - where did you go...
started topic
BigRoo Review: Odins - Zkittles gp decarb (decarboxylated) hash
started topic + 3 more
New strain ideas?
I'm a fan of orange strains. Mimosa is the go to but I've had an orangina that for me has more dank orange flavour and more of a creeper of a buzz. Di… + 2 more
Guess the weight and win $100
114g. Maybe. I've no idea. I only ever weigh up little bits. Good luck to everyone entering. Thanks for running the comp. 23/5/2024 - 9.19am.
How do I become a seller?
Budzhino has a helpful guide for this which I've linked.
💖Sold Out & Thank You Intro Offer ended
Damnit.. still got 2g in the cart. Am always late to every party. Looks like it went off with a bang. Looking forward to seeing your future creations. + 8 more
New flower to the menu.
I'd agree for pretty much the same reasons. I don't get paranoid but I don't have an enjoyable time either taste-wise nor effects. + 3 more
Shop Open Intro Offer $9 per gram
You cropped up on my topic the other day on hash making funnily enough. I've just put an order through which cleaned out my coins otherwise I'd probab…
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
Historically I don't do well at comps. I'll go for 7.42g. (posted 9/5/2024 19:45) Thanks for running the competition. Good luck to everyone.
Ah, I remember now, you were the people who had the 1/10 review for edibles that were too strong! Part of me still wants to take that test. + 3 more
new weekly 100$ deal, thatguyforbud
Looking forward to seeing the orange. The dank citrus flavours seem under used these days in the quest for sweetshop named bags. Not saying I don't li… + 2 more
on  Kiteyy420
Just made my first order of a vendor!
Did I get there in the end? + 5 more
Our first ever listing!!
I guess it's difficult to set up as a newbie and this sort of thing would be a good way to kick off as people are talking about it and someone will li…
420 + 2K REVIEWS THANK YOU GIVEAWAY! $420 store credit between 2 winners ($210 each)
Well done & thanks for running the competition. The reviews are an important part of the experience here. Glad to see you've maintained such a gre…
BigRoo Review: Barz Ocaso Hash
started topic + 12 more
BigRoo Review TS Shatter
started topic + 3 more
How to deal with u fair reviews as a new vendor?
Looks a pretty rough ride starting as a vendor on here. Hope you get some more reviews in soon as they'll change the rating number pretty quickly. I c…
First few orders in. Ecstatically packing with a grin on my face. Love you all <3
Hope it all goes well. Your prices are super cheap for anyone who wants those products so I'm sure once you get a couple of reviews and ratings you'll…
New batch
I'm hoping to have a small test of the Barz green ocaso by the weekend as a treat. There's too many tasty things on here - bloody hard choosing someti… + 3 more
Creators Wanted
Comparing bud & delighting viewers sounds a fun gig. I've just started doing some write-ups on LB as a mix of entertaining myself and hopefully a…
Well done folks. Thanks for running the comp. The comps are a very nice bonus for the winners so it'd be great to see more.
BigRoo Review: Tropical Haze
started topic + 3 more
For Currently my $$$ is going to be going elsewhere until fees make lb viable for me again. I'm a wee bit sad about that as I've been liking the site…
Ah, my entry has popped. Aimed too low just like my school report always said I would. Good luck to those remaining. + 2 more
Like probably many people, I fall into both of those groups. Am both a stoner weirdo and have pain to deal with. The latter mostly self inflicted due … + 2 more
Competition Idea
I run comps at work. Generally speaking the more complicated they are the less people will enter. Competitions with the least amount of brain power ne…
Fancy a change from hashish
Might like Keep it Green KIG. Orangina / mimosa would fill your criteria I believe.
I'll be back..
started topic
Wake And Bake
I'd be wake bake then flake after one of them man. I definitely wouldn't be a contender here. These days I'm mostly evenings with the odd time here an…
420 Giveaway 🍁 $250 Store Credit!
Thank you - that'd be amazing. I'll send a message now. I didn't expect to get anything. + 2 more
Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
I'll likely go for a mixture of things in sequence but probably ending with smokes of mixed extract & bud with a couple of edibles. There's a lot …
Caption Contest
The queen at the start of the game and when the pawn in front of her moves forward.
It's the first 1/10 review that makes me want to try the product. I make my cookies about half that strength which is enough to plant me on the sofa…
Vouch of approval, connoisseur-level hash
I think this will be a payday treat instead of an extract. I'm fairly new to lb so have been trying few different weeds, making my own edibles from di… + 3 more
{buy help}
How long do refunds take
This is what I was here to find out. I just replied with my wallet address and kinda expected something else to happen to confirm things were in motio…
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
I'll go for 58. Thanks. Good luck everyone.
BEST JOKE partie deux
I just had a brilliant chat with a dolphin. We just clicked.
on  Bouncer
Anyone else using revolut having to wait ages for confirmation
Actually just gone through. Phew.... + 2 more
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
I'll take 55 please. It looks like it's free. Thanks for running the comp. Good luck everyone. + 4 more
bigg topics
on 4eggs