Embarked on this session of healing, therapy and soul searching after taking a 2 months break from LSD.
Although my date selection was based on full moon, the weather prevented us from seeing the moon in it's full glory.ย
Once we reached our spot for the rest of the evening, we were a little apprehensive on tripping , given how hot summers are in India, even if it's in the high ranges of Munnar. Adding to our little apprehension was how tiny,ย cramped and claustrophobic the washroom was,ย also the fact that we reached here after about 4.5 hours of driving.
Anyway at about 17.10 hours I gave a drop to my brother and another drop to my wife and I decided to not do it myself and instead just relax on some vaped concentrates. But my wife was quite upset that I decided otherwise and I figured my brother too would be disappointed that I chose to chicken out the last moment, although my decision was based on the fact that I hardly slept the previous night and then drove through enough hairpins to induce some nausea. However,ย to not be a spoilsport and play along, I treated myself to one drop as well.ย
We sat outside on the reclining chairs. It was still a bit unpleasant outside due to the heat of the sun, made a little less unpleasant by the gentle breeze. We sat outside facing the sky in anticipation of the sunset eventhough it was very cloudy with neither the sky nor the sun visible. We were listening to music, mix of psychedelic trance, psybient trance , amongst other instrumental music leaning towards flute and violin.ย
Both me and my brother are fairly experienced trippers with profound fondness, love, immense respect and gratitude towards L (and psychedelics generally) for the beautifully life changing substance it is or it's been for us at least and how we have shared many life changing sessions smoking changa,ย doing a bottle wash and one 500 mics trip, amongst a few other really enjoyable and memorable moderately intense trips. His last trip however was almost an year back,ย candy flipping,ย and he pretty much stayed away from it all till this trip.
I on the other hand had some really intense (both visually and mentally) trips over the past year including a beautiful candyflip leading upto 2 months back.ย
My wife however started tripping just last year with a handful of LSD sessions (3 of them quite profound with catharsis, epiphany and visual brilliance) and twice with mdma and once candyflipping.
So about 45 minutes since taking the drop, give or take, my brother told me that he was feeling the L physically, the build up of energy,ย the psychedelic vibration, and the restlessness due to increase in energy, everything but a change in visual acuity.ย ย
My wife was experiencing an even lesser distortion from the otherwise perceived normal reality, she was feeling calmer and more relaxed than she was feeling earlier.ย
I was feeling nothing except that I was now enjoying the weather and feeling pretty good myself listening to music.ย
Evidently, by 18.00 hrs the climate had gone from quite unpleasant heat to beautifully cozy weather with a small tinge of chill factor that was already elevating and enhancing our mood in addition to the obvious coming up of L.
We were now reaching almost an hour and my brother was chilling the fuck out on the huge infinity hammock,ย lying down looking at the sky,ย listening to the music, smiling to himself which was a clear indication of the L induced euphoria that had been creeping into his very being. My wife was now high as I perceived, without any changes to her vision.
Although I had been tripping for a decade now, I had never really combined cannabis and L, I have vaped during the comedown several times, 5 hours into the L session and such, but never in the peak or never in the first hour. My last few session had all gone from good to great, thanks to cannabis.ย
So I figured it was time to crank up my vaporizer and to treat myself to a cocktail of 5 concentrates (Papaya cake Hash rosin, Northern lights Crumble, GSC live resin, SC live resin and Blueberry Live resin). I carefully loaded enough quantity to knock me out for the rest of the evening and vaped a very minscule quantity of it and my wife seeing me vape took a drag too.ย It must have been an hour now since the L, and 2 drags later from feeling almost 90% normal I was shot out through a cannon into an intense state of mental and physical Euphoria that now stands more intense than my Punisher XTC trip and another candy flip trip that had become beautiful trips on their own.ย
How I felt from about 18.15 till well into 20.30 transcends all explanation and I cannot express it or words won't do justice to the experience. It was unrealistically beautiful. I owe it to the sudden change in climate in that 1 hour,ย the inhalation of a cocktail of terpenes and cannabinoids, and ofcourse the L itself. But something about this session far exceeds all my other trips (some of them being visually brilliant and dreamy) in terms of sheer beauty and euphoria. This is the exact same drop of L I had already used 4 times before this trip and I never experienced something that I did during this trip. It was magically beautiful, feeling the cold air, looking at the amalgamation of the clouds and sparkling lights far away from us, the view of the mountains, the breath of fresh air.ย
I know, understand and have experienced Euphoria several times,ย the euphoria of L, the very different and almost artificial euphoria of mdma, the combination of L & X taken just an hour apart, the euphoria of vaped concentrates with weeks of tolerance break and the beauty of vaping on a comedown. But nothing I have done or been doing for the past 16 years comes close to what I experienced in terms of mental euphoria and physical exhilaration. And all this with zero mental fogginess or feeling of paranoia or any form of negativity.ย
100% positivity, beauty and mind numbing Euphoria.
My wife was now leaning on the hammock fence looking at the place where the clouds came down to kiss the mountains far away. She was physically just 10 feet away from me, but she was mentally 100s of 1000s miles away from me. She was gone. She was just not there anymore. She stood there speechless, dumstruck for about 45 minutes and then she turned around, walked slowly to me and asked me incoherently if this was all real or if this was paradise or if we were alive. I asked her to take a deep breath, comforted her that I was there and off she drifted again into the endlessness of her being. She went back to the fence, taking in all the universe was there to offer her.ย
My brother was now giggling in happiness and euphoria he now explains to be his most intense trip ever (one drop of L alone) even compared with multiple drops of L, multiple mdma trips, and one candy flip.ย
I'd not call the trip to be visually unreal or mindblowing in terms of what I saw. I have had trips where I was absolutely bowled over by the magnificence and sheer brilliance of visual acuity, of the sunrise, sunset, full moon and whatever else I have laid my eyes on. But this trip,ย it's mainly about what I experienced mentally, emotionally and how that impacted my physical being. The amount and intensity of the euphoria is unutterable. I'm still trying to understand, comprehend how this came to happen.ย
I remember playing a musical piece that was a combination of key board mainly, and a bit of violin. It was heart churningly beautiful, mind numbingly ecstatic, unreally euphoric. I couldn't believe what I was going through mentally, and I still cannot put in words the mental beauty instigated in me.ย
It was just past sunset (18.40 hrs, 1.5 hours into the trip) and the twilight just made it stunningly beautiful.ย The beats of the music, the chirping of crickets and cicadas along with the cold breeze made me feel mentally orgasmic, I felt that the crickets were responding to the vibration of the music and were vibrating in the same frequency as my heart beat. I became so much at synch with the nature, as I have before, but never have I felt in synch with the frequency of nature. I never felt this ecstatic and at peace with my being and with my surroundings, with 2 of the most dearest people in my life. I blended in and became one with the nature.ย
My wife shed her ego, her identity,ย her affiliation to human species and went through classic ego death, but peacefully, not in fear of losing herself. She kept looking at me now and then, and everytime she looked, I'd be looking at her, smiling and offering comfort through eye contact alone. She later told me that the beauty of the surroundings made her feel initially like she had died and was now in heaven, but then she couldn't find her father who had already died and couldn't see me and thought this couldn't be real and then for a bit she forgot who she was, what she was, her name, her father's name, and she could no longer identify herself as a human or what she really was. She was in this state for about half an hour, I held her in my embrace and asked her to take a few deep breaths with me, which she did and then slowly synched back again with/into nature.ย
A few hugs and my wife was back into the reality of life and we had some heart to heart moments on death and her father's passing. I walked up to my brother, stood him up and hugged him deeply and breathed out a few deep ones and as I breathed out, my brother let out a sigh and hugged me real tight in reciprocation. A much needed hug that lasted about 30 seconds.
We continued to listen to music, talk about about this and that occasionally, enjoy the ambience, relax with not a worry in the world. We tasted some chilly flavored butter milk that pierced our sense of taste right into our brain cells.ย
I felt good to be alive, good to be living rather than just existing, amidst all the hate, war and poverty. I'm so so thankful for life, for yet another opportunity to embark on this journey of a life time, to experience what millions see as dangerous,ย unlawful, and unhealthy even and yet find immense beauty in it and make life itself beautiful despite all the chaos and vicissitudes of life and living. Life has become so much more beautiful, and I couldn't be more grateful for the multitudinous opportunities that I believe has helped me to become a better person than I was before LSD found me.ย
And I feel truly blessed to be able to share this beautiful substance and these experiences with my dearest and nearest and to have them take it positively and respectfully.
Thank you Psychonaut for making available the best LSD I have had.