Hi a close family relative has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer can anyone reccomend.which dosage or seller I should purchase rso with frequent he is having chemotherapy and wants to try the best rso he is a smoker but can no longer smoke.hoping to make.a.difference if anyone can advise thanks
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joined feb 2021
0 topics on BadKnob
8 posts by BadKnob

Rso emergency
My better half also has stage 4 lung cancer. She's just finished radiotherapy and started chemo. I've been getting RSO vapes from magicvapesuk here on…
Mckenna's if you can get your hands on them. I have ordered them from another vendor and they weren't all that.
E - Liquid Suggestions
I 2nd this!
Blotters or gel tabs
started topic
Charras, Manali, Parvati etcβ¦
I'd love to.get my hands on some nice Manali.
Thc e liquids not cartridges!
started topic
Did I mention ;) that I scored a First Class in my degree??
How do you know they don't do both? And its not shrooms they sell ;]
bigg topics