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joined may 2020
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43 topics on hoqwer
by  hoqwer
Have Prices Gone Down?
by  hoqwer
Why is the (not so new) site so crap?
by  hoqwer
Anyone freeze their weed?
by  hoqwer
Who buys from new sellers?
by  hoqwer
How do you report someone sending you private messages that violate the rules?
by  hoqwer
Is my new Mighty vape legit?
by  hoqwer
Vape Upgrade???
by  hoqwer
Preferred the old site
by  hoqwer
Magic Truffles vs Magic Mushrooms
by  hoqwer
Who are the best home grow vendors?
by  hoqwer
That moment when...
by  hoqwer
Haze recommendations please (April 21)
by  hoqwer
ULC Mixed Popcorn Review
by  hoqwer
Jesus!... The Prices!!!
by  hoqwer
LB going sloooooooowwwww!
by  hoqwer
RSO Vs Coconut or Butter
by  hoqwer
Vape Hash
by  hoqwer
British Bulldog Original Amnesia Review
by  hoqwer
What does Dry Sift mean?
by  hoqwer
How much bud when eating it?
by  hoqwer
Recommend a good UK hash vendor
by  hoqwer
Best vendors Dec 2020
by  hoqwer
Mimosa smells and tastes soapy
by  hoqwer
Anyone smoked any Mimosa?
by  hoqwer
Early 2000s UK Strains
by  hoqwer
Vaping different strains
by  hoqwer
Date and time on forum
by  hoqwer
$ or BTC
by  hoqwer
Long live TGT!
by  hoqwer
Is it worth keeping vaped weed?
by  hoqwer
by  hoqwer
Real Time Baked
by  hoqwer
Vaping Herb is Amazing!
by  hoqwer
What are the best Sativas on LB?
by  hoqwer
Selection Packs
by  hoqwer
Thai / Swazi
by  hoqwer
Hyperbole Descriptions
by  hoqwer
Is shake worth it?
by  hoqwer
Why is Paybis sending me to Skrill to make payment?
by  hoqwer
Just bought my first dry herb vape
by  hoqwer
Bittylicious payment with no reference
by  hoqwer
First Time Order... Ooops!
by  hoqwer
Help with Order
174 posts by hoqwer
use three words to describe little biggy
Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!
Struggling to find anywhere that doesn't require id
I use bittylicious. I can’t remember if they wanted ID or not to set the account up, it was years ago. But you can purchase by BACS transfer to circ…
what comes after the web?
How do you earn money just posting on Reddit?
on  {rap}
American VS UK rap
True. Unless all you care about is women, money, getting shot, cars and simplistic bars. Nothing intelligent to hear there. Move on. Whenever I hear A…
When will AI replace every job?
It doesn’t sound like we need a whole lot of people more like! + 2 more
What signs of doom do we share with the Roman Empire?
Celebrity chefs!
What was your favourite age?
4-11... no responsibilities, loads of family and good friends around and I could play and daydream all day without consequence 🙃
How you Discovered LB??
There was a review somewhere with a link a few years ago. Never looked back.
First Bigga to 10,000 Likes?
I think you might be! 😂
lex freidman probes scientology theory
Really can’t stand Lex. He contributes nothing to any discussion whilst giving the impression of being deep and probing.
Best weed strain you’ve ever smoked?
1995 Northern Lights 2023 FBC (from Druids Magic) The two best strains/grows I’ve ever smoked. By far.
iron jizz
on  iron jizz
What is the best Science Fiction Anime Series?
Deathnote was good, so was One Punch Man. Terror in Residence was really good too. And I quite liked Knights of Sidonia. Or just watch Akira and Ghost…
on  {shade}
time it takes to hack your passwords
How do I change my password? 😂🤣😂 But seriously, how do I change my password? 🤦‍♀️
I smoke to treat long-term C-PTSD symptoms. It is the only thing that relieves the physical stress held in my body. Research shows mushrooms are one o…
So many purchases, so few reviews... Please share your experiences.
started topic
on  [movies]
Best Threequels
One of the first horror films I saw, along with Halloween 3 which in my opinion is one of the best horrors ever made. + 2 more
on  [movies]
Masters of The Universe [FULL]
Dude we must be same era! Loved SuperTed and BananaMan. He-man, Mask, Thundercats etc. + 2 more
on  [movies]
Who has the best horror film suggestion?
Martyrs is by far the most disturbing film I’ve ever seen. It is so dark and fucked up. + 2 more
on  [movies]
Anyone watch Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 when totally baked?
started topic
New sprays
1,200mg per 10ml, but how many ml per spray?
Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Laser Focus microdose review
Thank you. I think I've ready that post before. One last question, do you get any feelings of overstimulation or being wired when you MD on LSD, like … + 3 more
How To Control Guns
Humans aren't equipped physically or emotionally to comprehend the speed at which a gun can take a life and devastate the lives of *all* those involve… + 3 more
Is it easy to make good home made oil / cannabutter / coconut?
started topic
Have you ever been busted for postal deliveries?
started topic + 3 more
Vice Documentary on Contaminated Cannabis in Germany.
This is really scary! I would assume it is the same situation over here. I don’t want to smoke chemicals or to be comatose. I just want honest well-g…
Carts vs Bud
started topic + 4 more
Review of 'Bulldog's Budget Bud' (formerly listed as 'Jack Herer Shake')
I found the JH to be pretty strong and I have quite a high tolerance, being stoned every day for 25 years. The high wasn't too intense at the time, it…
Review of Bulldog's 'Amnesia Flash' (Premium and Budget)
I've been buying from BB for 3 years and couldn't agree more with this review. HO
on  {rap}
Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
It’s gotta be Skepta or Dizzee man! Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing! + 4 more
being honest with mental health
I have PTSD. My doctors and psychologists all know I drink and smoke weed to help cope with it. No one has reported me or are monitoring me or anythin…
Does anyone actually feel any medical benefits from smoking?
Over the years I have used weed successfully to quit nicotine, coke and most recently alcohol addictions... not all at once! All of which I have abuse…
Anyone Tried Honey Heaven 5000mg CBD Oil
started topic
on  Caeba
No Fall Damage Or £100,000,000,000
I'd take the money every time. Not for materialism, but for a stress-free existence for me, my family and friends where we could just 'be'. Plus, I …
Indica Vs. Sativa - is it all BS?
I don’t know really. A lot of it is down to the grower and how good they are. That has the most influence on affect for me.
Fantastic product and vendor
Hi JD, nice review of the product when taken as a macro-dose. But, can you describe / review your experience micro-dosing this product, please?
Any low THC high CBD grows
started topic
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
No notifications
I have no notifications either. And I can’t even access the .com site. It can’t find the server. I’ve resorted to Tor and Society at the moment as the…
Any heavy couch lock grows?
started topic
Magic Mushrooms debate 18th May
There is so much new research on psychedelics with promising results in so many areas of psychology. I’ve just written a research proposal to investi… + 2 more
Review - Druids Magic - Frosted Black Cherry
I just picked some up and I'm no novice, but this is one of the strongest smokes I've had in a long time. I have halved my dose and I'm still twice a… + 2 more
on  Columbo
Fuck FTX and that Twat who couldn't balance his books!
If you use Bittylicious it is done through BACS transfer so no worries about purchases being cancelled. I’ve been using them for a while now and never…
doctor doc
Psychology services and cannabis
Who told you that? Was it a Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Clinical Psychologist, receptionist? I can’t imagine a Clinical Psychologist saying that.… + 2 more
on  fournaan
Suggestions for what to mix with weed when vaping?
Just get some super cheap shake.
on  redwill
To grind or not to grind
For me it depends on the weed. Some weed is too dry and when you grind it turns to powder. Then when you smoke or vape it, lots of dust comes throug…
{buy help}
Bitcoin wallets recommended and help for newb
Exactly this. You don’t need a wallet. I’ve used bittylicious exclusively for a long time to buy BC via BACS transfer and send it directly to the ve…
What Ever Happened to Bud Botanist?
started topic
Bulldog’s branching out!
started topic
on  [music]
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Trip Hop Portishead - Dummy Massive Attack - Protection Massive Attack - Mezzanine DJ Cam - Underground Vibes Techno Richie Hawtin - DE9 Closer To Th…
8 weeks flower but it's always 9
And this is why you guys have become my go to grower/vendors right now @fastbudsuk @britishbulldog @budbotanics
Any Thai/brick weed/less potent weed on here?
Hi TTF, I went through exactly the same journey as you. Looking for something purer and less strong. Had Thai Stick from TGT and Drugs Inc., Book of…
Best grinder
😍 + 2 more
Missing Christmas orders support group
Luckily all 3 of my orders have arrived. The last one arrived today. I totally agree with strike action and fully support the posties, nurses and teac…
anyone pick strains by terpine profiles?
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
understanding THC levels
Exactly this. Grow, time of harvest and cure have way more effect on the type of high than the strain. I’ve had strains before that are supposed to be…
on  Ramos_78
Pineapple Express
Huge cannabis farm worth more than £1 million found by police in Barnsley
This is a pisstake. Not real. But pretty funny 😄
{buy help}
General Security buyers should use
I’ve read that loads of times too. But I don’t think the postie cares what name it says. Would you? They don’t know who lives at your address. All the… + 2 more
Death Bubba Review
started topic
Do smoke reports help (vendors and smokers)?
I've been smoking for 25 years... and if I smoked 2g of 20% in one sitting I would die from a fatal panic attack! 😂🤣😂
Do you know what the CBD content is? Does it have any THC too?
on  owenwwf
Why does no one sell 1:1 ratio / Low THC green???
It is listed now but TGT say it is 0% THC
What % CBD and THC please?
started topic
What's the best way to store bud - long term?
started topic
Why is some weed harsh on your throat when vaping?
started topic + 6 more
Hangover Cures?!
A beer, a fry up and a spliff... in that order!
bittylicious credit card problem
They still take cards, but they have raised the minimum spend so you have to buy quite a lot if you want to use card. I ended up just paying by BACS. …
on  {bitcoin}
Buying bitcoin wihout having to phone the bank?
I've done loads of transactions on here using Paybis and never had this until tonight and my bank was shut. In the end I just used Bittylicious and pa…
Festival season
Ask Big Dave in your local.
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
What is harm? don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. What is love?... Oh sorry wrong song!!!
on  winston
What’s in your box?
You guys are crazy! I only have: 1/2 Oz various Hazes 1/2 Oz Blue Kush and 1/2 Oz Wedding Cake!
Do you test for PGRs?
No, but you can tell from looking at the buds. I don't smoke anything that looks like it's on juice!
on  {rap}
What decade had the best rap?
1990s for US. 2010s for UK. + 2 more
on  Freshman
Is there another way other than coinbase?
I’ve been using paybis and bittylicious for over a year. All good. Paybis the best of the two.
Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
More like USA BC
Cali weed vs Dutch and Spanish weed... is it all clever marketing
UK and Euro are just as good if grown and cured properly. Cali is all hype. + 2 more
on  Richy781
Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
Breathe deeply from your belly. Treat yourself and those around you with compassion and empathy, always.
on  {shade}
Ultimate Security on LB?
And never do signed for... you gotta keep plausible deniability ?? + 7 more
So how many of you got Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?
Wow never heard of this... Google says its very rare. + 2 more
on  Smarty1
DMT Experiences
I've been wanting to do DMT for ages, to break through and discover what's out there and what's in here. But have always been too scared. My ego never…
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
Never ever going to happen geopolitically. Neither UK nor Turkey would ever give up the strategic advantage their bases give them. I can’t imagine the…
on  winston
Best alcoholic drink pairing with weed
San Miguel Hot orange juice Westons cider Chardonnay Brandy Gin Vodka In that order of preference.
cannabis and exercise
“ u sound like the type of person id like to do a 60, 70mile ride on! “ LMFAO!!!
on  Biggdave
The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Surely the rest of the cabinet are already blackmailing Johnson over his coke habit... it’s the only way to explain how he’s still in power when he’s … + 2 more
Wedding Cake Review
started topic + 3 more
Bonneville Membership ??
Totally agree with all of this PollyPuf20! + 2 more
Another great Blue Kush from BudB
started topic
Tolerance break
I’m normally good after a week. Depends how much you smoke I guess. I normally feel pretty empty during that week too. Hard to explain. + 2 more
Sadiq Khan to launch review into decriminalising cannabis in London
It’s already legal for medical use, since 2018. You can get a prescription right now privately really easily and it’s legal for regular NHS GPs to pre…
Noobie, recommended UK sellers
British Bulldog Fastbudsuk UkPacks Budbotanist
Amnesia Haze Review - FastBudsUK
started topic + 2 more
Great vendor, with bloody nice shrooms
What was the full effect? Did you just do 0.1g per day or more? You say 0.8-1.5 is mild trip, but I thought you wouldn’t get a trip at all from doses …
Blue Kush Review
Great review! It’s a great smoke from a great vendor! + 3 more
Worst and best HYPE strains ??
I personally love a really good Haze. BB your last grow, the OG Amnesia, was really citrusy! Cured to perfection too. I loved it. Wish I’d bought more…
Slow heart rate from chronic weed use?
Do you know what your resting heart rate was before you started smoking weed? Everyone is different. Mine is usually just below 60 and has been fo…
How to pass saliva drug test???
Don’t smoke and drive. You’ll kill someone.
Freebies available - Limited Time Only
Exactly this!
Blue Kush Review - BudBotanist
started topic
on  dpoynder
Cutting out tobacco?
When I quit smoking, I booked a week off work, bought a big bag of weed and a pipe, did a big shop to make sure I didn’t need to leave the house for a… + 2 more
Complete n00b here
Really cool, I'm a new user too and I didn't know this. Bitcoin wallets etc. is all alien to me. Would be much easier to not have to deal with wallets…
Reviews please
Hi Chaky, yep what ULC said is accurate. Soft, fluffy, breaks apart really easily, no need to burn first. Nice smoke and stone. ULC sent me a sample a…
decarboxylating hash
How do you know which is which?
on  zz87
OG Kush, Wedding Cake, Original Amnesia - A British Bulldog Bonanza!
I still love this place man. Ignore the dramas, ignore the ‘Cali’ rubbish and ‘import’ prices and this place is ace. Still lots of lovely people, gre… + 3 more
Would killing Trump save lives?
True this. Trump, although particularly vulgar, isn’t the problem, he is a symptom. The real problem is the people and money that actually run the wor…
on  Pedro9007
Strain suggestions for chronic pain
Me too please BB!
If I was to sell some ORGANICALLY GROWN high quality herb on here...
Where has cotton mouth gone?
Haaa yeah I haven’t had a whitey in years... the last time I had a whitey was smoking old school grass 20 years ago! I still get dry mouth though.… + 2 more
on  JDutch
Sticky Bud
Man i just let the whole lot air. Much better in a few days. Then I just grind the whole lot up and let it air a bit more. Prefer smoking it a bit dri…
Fucked up the multiple orders postage shit
What??? There’s an easy way to do multiple orders? Can someone tell me how because I always fuck this up. Quite often want more than one stain from a …
Demand Is Setting Prices
Me too... a lot more!
Is this hash or really compressed bud?
started topic + 4 more
Going down?
Yep very expensive on here. Laughable. Local dealers are dry round where I am, but my mate just bought a couple of Henrys for £25 a go in Bristol last…
Swazi Gold vs Jamaican Sess
I’ve been on the same journey recently. Bought: Thai Red String from TGT Swazi Gold from TGT Book of Wisdom from Drugs Inc Jamaican Sess from Gods C… + 2 more
Jamaican Sess Review - June 2020
started topic
Hash: "Old is Gold"?
Love hash! Wish I could smoke it easily without tobacco
love letter
Which country was it from and to?
on  {bitcoin}
Anyone Try Paybis?
Yep used it a few times and all good. Bit expensive though.
Nice easygoing smoke please
started topic + 3 more
What happened with JJ?
What's the best way to smoke Hash
started topic + 2 more
bigg topics