I couldn’t name 1, I think my head would explode from trying to decide 🤯 You’re in luck though, I’ve got a big fat list of films i’ve been watching in my notes 😂 What kind of movies do you like?
If it’s stoner-esque films you’re after there’s loads like the big lebowski, dazed n confused, half baked, friday, fear n loathing in vegas, harold n kumar, how high, cheech n chong, there’s a few off the top of my fried head i can think of 😂
American beauty’s a great film as well but dunno if counts as a stoner film 🤔
Napoleon dynamites always got a special place in my heart as well, always loved that film
I watched beasts of no nation, and city of god again over the weekend and i’d forgotten how good they were, would highly recommend if you haven’t seen them already… Also watched saltburn a couple weeks ago but thought it was trying a bit too hard and didn’t love it or find it too shocking, but it’s got the whole world talking atm so might be worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet
Here’s a lil list of some great films i’ve watched over the past few months though, interstellar, seven samurai, 12 angry men, shutter island, no country for old men, there will be blood, grand budapest hotel, train spotting 2, arrival, moonlight, new bladerunner, social network, spirited away, pulp fiction, hateful 8, back to the future
ofc there’s some absolute classics you have to watch at some point if you haven’t already, shawshank, godfather, alien, space odyssey, citizen kane, jurassic park, the matrix, fight club, inception, raiders of the lost ark, the shining, se7en, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, silence of the lambs, gladiator, good the bad n the ugly, do the right thing, forrest gump, taxi driver, saving private ryan, one flew over the cuckoos nest, american psycho… hopefully there’s enough there to find something you like, sorry for the obscenely long lists 😅