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joined feb 2023
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16 topics on Mrwig27
by  Mrwig27
Underrated/Under The Radar Movies That Can Be Picked Up For A Couple Of Quid 2nd Hand On Amazon/Ebay
by  Mrwig27
Super Silver Haze : Canadian Imports
by  Mrwig27
Greatest Comedy Sketches Of All Time
by  Mrwig27
F*#@cked Up Films To Watch High As Balls
by  Mrwig27
by  Mrwig27
510 Thread Reccomendations?
by  Mrwig27
by  Mrwig27
Beau Is Afraid
by  Mrwig27
Best Edibles On LB?
by  Mrwig27
What's EveryonesTypical Stoned Experience?
by  Mrwig27
End Of Year Awards?
by  Mrwig27
Comedy When Blazed
by  Mrwig27
Barchester Chronicles
by  Mrwig27
Amyl Nitraite
by  Mrwig27
by  Mrwig27
Best Mushroom Dispenser On LB?
111 posts by Mrwig27
I need a new series to watch
Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2 + 3 more
use three words to describe little biggy
Fookin' beautiful community
little biggy theme song?
I'm putting forward this infectious little number...'In Hell I'll Be In Good Company' by The Dead South :) + 4 more
What do you guys want next :)
A Pineapple Express cart would be lovely:)
{buy help}
Most Reliable Shipper on LB?
Can't look beyond Canadian Imports here...Super stealth and free NDD
on  J5129
Cart sellers?
Just ordered Gorilla Dawg. Lemme know what you think
recommended animated series?
The most recent series of Beavis and Butthead on Paramount Plus has literally had me rolling on the floor with laughter. So funny
on  arbdash
fun movies to drown your sorrows in?
Definitely worth trying a bit of Empire Records...goes well with a comfy sofa, a cheese toastie and lovely cup of tea:)
Any good series?
What We Do In The Shadows. Was on BBC all series on Disney Pluus. So few genuinely decent sitcoms about in recent years...this though t…
What was your favourite age?
Brilliant :)
on  [music]
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
Take That's cover of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' is all kinds of horrible :)
on  {rap}
Kae Tempest - Full performance
Such a talented artist, I really need to see them live. 'Faces' is so hauntingly beautiful
Best seller on littlebiggy
Yup. Druids Magic are highly recommended. The Imperium X from their last listing has probably been the best flower I've tried this year. Eagerly awai… + 2 more
Jimmy Boco
Top tunes, any genre … Go!
Salmon Dance by Chemical Brothers. Good luck getting this one out your head...once there, it takes root :)
Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Damn, forgot about Fargo (probably edges my pick to be fair) :) + 10 more
Bald Eagle Bakery gets my vote
on  [music]
The Chats: Smoko
So good...pretty sure I was stood behind the frontman in Finsbury Park last year watching Pulp...Wet Leg were support....their cover is rather good :)
Favourite movie?
As effortlessly cool now as it was the first time I watched nearly 30 years ago. Not bad for a first directorial effort :)
Best Music Documentaries
Blows my mind that Bad News preceded Spinal Tap :) Both always worth delving back into. + 4 more
on  OddBall1
What’s the tastiest strain you’ve found on LB
Recently getting back into bud after exclusively using carts for the best part of a year....but the Mimosa from Gentlemen Dealers definitely worth a m…
on  {gaming}
Last game you bought on release?
Fifa 23 sadly. Because I'm absolute mug when it comes to this game :) Bit wiser now the last few gens with regard to new releases and am more than ha…
on  [music]
what current artists will become classic?
If the 2nd Wet Leg album is anywhere near as good as their debut, they'll be talked about and listened to for many years to come. Such a refreshingly …
5g mushroom competition
Sadly didn't go..but the George Harrison tribute concert 'A Concert For George' was just such an amazing, beautiful and fitting send off.
on  Foxy2022
Thank you LB & a bit of positivity!
Absolutely can vouch for Gentlemen Dealers...yet to try Spacemen..but they're getting a very good reputation. Big shout out from me for Canadian Impor…
on  engreekez
Finally 100+ buys
Next 100 you level up and get a strain named after you :)
on  blockhead
we are building a stable coin alternative to btc
Yup. Its supposedly sacrificing the decentralisation for far higher TPS....but the fact it can be turned on and off doesn't sit right. Can't wait to s… + 2 more
We are Back!!
Absolute legends of the LB glad you're back
What seems normal at 2pm but is scary at 2am?😂 Ill go first
Has to be the neighbour gardening. On to their 3rd patio in as many years now :)
on  {gaming}
Best Star Wars Game of All Time?
Used to absolutely love the original Empire Strikes Back sit down cabinet. It used to save the high scores and fir a short period in my local muzzy th…
Top 3 vendors
Canadian Imports: Superb carts, speedy delivery and great value. Gentlemen Dealers: Lovely bud Bald Eagle Bakery: Quality edibles
on  [movies]
Best Threequels took close to 40 years of people losing their minds over Michael Myers not featuring....but chuffed that Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch is beco… + 3 more
on  [movies]
Anybody seen ‘Saltburn’?🤓
Need to get on this...but still recovering from the trauma of watching Beau Is Afraid and Infinity Pool pretty much back to back and high as balls Ne…
on  Jbee46
"Trading is not allowed"
Ah, in which case check your Emails. All firms are requiring us to answer a short quiz to make sure we understand the risks with crypto following new … + 2 more
I want to try a vape - any recommendations?
Checkout Canadian Imports...although all well reviewed carts on here are worth a look. So many good vendors
on  [movies]
Who has the best horror film suggestion?
Not so much a movie, but the last series of Black Mirror saw a slight deviation in its final episode, rebranding as Red Mirror, a full on horror focus… + 2 more
Merry Xmas LB's
Cheers guys. Keep up the awesome work :)
on  [movies]
Best Xmas Movie?
It's a Thanksgiving film...but it absolutely works as a Xmas movie. Just finished it now :)
on  xandalf
Vendor of the year?
Tried a few this year, but in terms of quality and value carts it has to be Canadian Imports. Consistently brilliant products and service
on  {gaming}
Sensible Soccer is back!
Goal Scoring Superstar Hero....tuuuune :) Would be great if this included real players and multiple world leagues like SWOS...sadly licensing and mone…
on  {gaming}
What game are you currently playing?
Just started on Little Nightmares 2. Absolutely loving it so far :)
GVC AI Christmas card competition!!
I have NEVER been treated like this...
As a regular and returning customer for their cartridges I absolutely concurr. Consistently brilliant product, incredible stealth and value to match.…
Favourite film list. 30g Truffles competition with DrShroom
TRUFFLE PIG Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime…
Can't do this one I'll leave it to Rik.....
Everyone’s favourite vendors 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Canadian Imports. Carts are absolute 🔥 and extremely good value.
Nitrous oxide to become class C substance in UK
....and over to Bill :)
on  ad1717
Favourite Movies on Weed / Psychedelics
Spirited Away would be awesome baked + 3 more
Things to bring your high down!
This may very well be the years best thread 🤣 + 2 more
on  Richy781
XRP discussion
Not a holder...but I think accumulate until the next Bitcoin halving...Very likely to be amongst the leading altcoins if all goes to plan based on pre…
on  [music]
fav spacey, floaty albums?
Weirdly was watching the Acid House the other night and it played out with On Your Own...what a that band + 2 more
on  [music]
Most Timeless Artist?
Queen and Freddie only have to look at the age range and diversity of the fanbase.
Who's your fav Comedian?
Really tough one.....Rik Mayall, Bill Hicks, Doug Stanhope, George Carlin, Stewart Lee, Steve Coogan, Andy Kaufman all worth a shout...but for me Pete… + 7 more
Summer Blues
Invested in a 10 quid Cheese Toastie maker from Wilko's over a decade ago. Still going strong and by far my most used kitchen gadget....including the… + 2 more
on  [music]
Looking for new tunes
Dead South are awesome. Discovered them during lockdown....also, touring UK later this year :) + 2 more
New Menu Incoming!
500mg kick arse gummies?...yup, yup please :)
Brilliant Vendor
I concur. Haven't delved into the Deep Dive, only Microdose....but can't recommend these guys highly enough (Also, my last 2 orders have a included fr…
on  Shipitout
DoctorExtracts is fantastic, and should be your default for carts!
I concurr. Canadian Imports tend to be my go to for carts...but decided to give the live resin Biscotti a go from DE. Just finishing now....can absolu…
on  Bitcat88
Best stealth vendors
Canadian Imports I can 110% vouch for. I only use the vape cartridges myself...but the effort that goes into the packaging is unparalleled
Smoke this stuff before watching a movie!
So awesome :) a little bit reminded me of the time I got so blazed watching Terminator 3 for the 1st time....I forgot Arnie was in it!!!! I was so tr… + 2 more
on  Caeba
No Fall Damage Or £100,000,000,000
That's some proper Black Mirror stuff :)
{buy help}
Why doesn't LB use XMR?
Definitely would make sense as the leading privacy coin. Guessing because of the increased volatility on altcoins could be an issue
Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post
Would absolutely love to get involved with this :) + 2 more
Top 3 or 5 vendors?
Canadian Imports and Psychonauts are my go to...The quality of product and top level stealth from Canadian Imports make them very easy to reccomend
on  HughPhug
How we doing, all good? bit of a scare
Wipeout VR blazed is the way forward :) blank out the Graham + 2 more
Magic Mushrooms debate 18th May
What I wouldn't give for a 2002/2003 situation where I could walk into the local Headshop and buy some fresh Mexicans or Golden Teachers....strange an…
Reckon a USDC payment option might be the way forward
Enjoyable....but really needed a prequel series. Seemed like a lot of story packed into a tight 2 hour runtime + 2 more
First time using this site, anyone suggest a good vape pen I can use on the go?
Canadian Imports is my go to right now. Supreme stealth and a very quality product. I use a Honeystick Pen easily …
on  Nutta
Movies to watch when baked
Been getting into some David Lynch recently whilst in the zone. Mulholland Drive I can highly reccomend
First cart short circuiting my vape
Had same issue myself. Used a pair of tweezers to pull and now works like a dream
on  [music]
Best Movie Soundtrack?
Anyone mention Empire Records? That movie definitely deserves some love :)
bigg topics