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joined jul 2023
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3 topics on syjefroi181
Nitrous oxide to become class C substance in UK
UK users of medical cannabis tell of raids and arrests
nice grinder... worth it?
76 posts by syjefroi181
on  JackD80
Best dry herb vapes
From what I have heard, DHVs are a 'buy cheap, buy twice' product. Budget permitting, I would avoid anything less than $100 or so. I have a Crafty+ …
{buy help}
Experiences with RM atm?
I have heard that RM sometimes sends letters to people saying "that was very naughty; don't do it again". Even so, stealth is usually good e…
Trump is exactly what the US deserves.
Guy is apparently "farting a lot" (a.k.a. shitting his diaper) at his trial. Literally stinking the courtroom out. If the US elects him ag…
Dealing with Death
I lost my father to cancer 6 years ago. I don't know about your dad, but I know that mine hated it when people wrapped him up in cotton wool. Cancer s…
on  {gaming}
best sci-fi world on xbox?
I cam here to say this. Specifically, the first one - in terms world building and lore, it is an A-class game.
How you Discovered LB??
A popular online blog links to lb in the newsletter. After rifling through various pages here, I figured it looked legit and made an order. Nearly a y…
DM strikes again
Shhh! Less people hearing about DM = more to go around for those in the know 🤫 Kidding aside, the latest batch is absolutely 'float like a butterfly…
My photo of the day
Awestruck. Does NOT help at all that I just huffed some Imperium X before finding this picture...
First Bigga to 10,000 Likes?
As much as loading Puffs page made my browser sad, I think the HTML-jank adds greatly to the charm of this place. Feels like an underground site from …
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Do I dispute ?
Message the vendor. One with good comms would see that the order clearly hasn't arrived and would work with you to rectify it. If not, then that is wh…
Help Needed: Can't buy BTC any more, don't have correct KYC!
Bisq is a wallet with an integrated P2P exchange, meaning you can buy Bitcoin without KYC. However, you can't really get small amounts, hence why I ha…
iron jizz
on  iron jizz
What is the best Science Fiction Anime Series?
I am going to give a quirky suggestion and say Boogiepop Phantom. Otherwise, Cowboy Bebop. (But once you are done with Cowboy Bebop, watch Samurai C…
on  Asaddd
At which temperature are you guys dry herb vaping?
I start at 165, increase to 180, and leave the bowl half finished. I then go back at 180 and increase to 195. Towards the end, I go back down to 165. …
on  {gaming}
Last game you bought on release?
I played the leak of Pokemon Scarlet, about a week before the release date. It stuttered like hell and and the animations didn't seem to load properly… + 2 more
Spending too much $$$ on a grinder?
started topic + 4 more
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
3.14g Thanks!
Smoking weed in a flat
Moving it stressful as balls, so we completely understand where you are coming from. In my experience, so long as you aren't a neighbour from hell, mo…
Shroom noob - how to start?
Opt for a lower dose rather than higher. It wasn't too awful, but my first go on magic mushrooms turned into a bad trip halfway through. Having it wea…
do your meds affect your stone?
I take amphetamines most days. I still get much more of a relaxed high over a buzzy one though. Mixing in a little booze usually helps the creative th…
Congrats on 30K! I predict 30107 reviews. 22/04/24 21:11
20/04/24 17.39 593 Cheers!
£53,980 14/04/2024 16:32 Cheers!
Vaping tips you wish you'd realized sooner?
started topic
BEST JOKE partie deux
Two nuns in a bath. One says "where's the soap?". The other replies "yes, it does, doesn't it?"
Video reviews
I would encourage online video reviews of the strain - it is really useful to get a rough idea of how something hits. Heck, small things like "th…
Best dry hep vaporizer?
I have a Crafty+. My weed lasts for an actual eternity now; no way am I going back to combustion. I would say it is a great starter vape, but some f…
Does weed actually make any one feel happy ?
I have an overactive brain (thanks ADHD!) and weed is great for stopping my thoughts running at 1,000,000 MPH. I wouldn't say it makes me happy per se…
ive been smoking joints wrong all my life
I am lucky enough to have a private balcony, but fuck me the wind up there... you are constantly battling the elements to keep the bastard lit. Def. …
Advice on effective use of my collected vape cleanings?
My method of dealing with dry herb vape residue is 'rinsing' with coconut oil. Because the sticky residue is also a bit oily in nature, it sticks to t…
Totally private BTC purchase, spend and exchange?
One difference is that non-KYC tends to be more expensive. However, I find a few bob difference is more than worth it for not having to explicitly dis…
Is my Crafty+ CU salvageable?
started topic + 2 more
on  jsa91827
Quitting tobacco and combustion
I have now completely quit combustibles, having switched to a Crafty+. Hopefully, I can give you some early user insights. Pros: 1. Health. I apprec…
Wow, sorry this has happened. I appreciate the immense amount of risk vendors on here are taking, and am equally frustrated with the bad faith actors …
on  MightyRux
100+ Buys!
Congratulations! And here is me struggling to crawl my way up to 10 buys, haha. Although I am a little confused... 🤔 Do our accounts get nuked at 100…
Agreed! TGT are fantastic for finding great deals on here. I would strongly recommend them for anyone wanting to make a first purchase - they very oft…
How Can I Stay High All the Time?
I would love to know the answer to this myself - trust me - but high is a relative state of mind. You at 'my tits feel tingly high' will want to kno…
Favourite film list. 30g Truffles competition with DrShroom
TRUFFLE PIG Sexy beast
what is happening brainwise when you are trying to remember something?
Your brain can re-fire old neural patterns, and it is the combination of areas of your brain being lit up that drive our thoughts. See article - https…
on  paddy420
Cannot believe I found this community.
Bwahaha. Yes. I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.
{buy help}
Some questions for an order with issues
Sounds really annoying. Waiting, and praying, for orders to arrive safely is easily the most frustrating part of this otherwise wonderful website. I'd…
Tell me your go to food for Munchies 👀
Hot sauce. I don't mean your garden variety tobasco, I am talking the stuff which is mostly mashed up ghost peppers.
TGT 28G Haloween Giveaway :)
$29181 Cheers TGT!
XMAX V3 Pro vs. Crafty+
started topic + 10 more
The masters are back
Last harvest, I had a vile hangover and, feeling too ill to move, I figured 'I'll sort out an order tomorrow'. Yeah, the image sums up mfw I logged on…
on  {gaming}
A London-through-time quiz
That was fun! I was actually more accurate on the videos further back in time.
Stoner kid
Substitute for tobacco
I have fuck all tolerance, so often will cut with marshmallow leaf to make a j. It is decent.
on  Mrwig27
What's EveryonesTypical Stoned Experience?
The fives stages of getting stoned, for me at least. Stage 1: I am annoyed and anxious, so imma get litty up in this bitch. Stage 2: I am still an…
on  bevbevan1
So true 🤣🤣😅
My nan used to buy me these! Yes, they were shit, but I was 6 and thought Nesquik with a curly straw was the height of sophistication. That said, I …
on  3eeziro
trying mushrooms for the first time
My advice with anything edible is 'go low and go slow'. Remember: You are signing a deal with the devil and riding whatever high you wind up getting. …
{buy help}
Sorry this has happened, always annoying when a vendor accepts your $$$ but isn't responsive. When did you originally make the order? If it has been…
Suggested Strain Names
Amnesia Jones - would be a great strain for creativity if it didn't fry your thoughts into gibbering nonsense. Excessive use leads to paranoia.
Will Tor Ever Mainstream?
I think people, in general, are mindless about privacy. We sign over tons of data to Amazon, store cards, streaming sites, etc. and it has become bake…
If you really care about bitcoin, then there is a fantastic wallet out there. It is priceless. For those who want to buy drugs off the internet? The…
WHATS THE BEST? dry herb vapouriser for those on a budget?
I have been researching this exact same topic (also looking to switch to dry herb vaping). The two gold standard "budget" vapes are the XMAX…
cannabis antitumor activity in prostate cells
Interesting study, although worth pointing out that it concludes that CBD alone may be responsible for the antitumor effect (as opposed to the whole p…
on  Kiltman
Funny Scoring stories
This might be my favourite topic on this fucking website.
Vice Documentary on Contaminated Cannabis in Germany.
If legalization + regulation aren't possible, we should make home grows legal. Just quietly agree that 1-2 plants in someone's home constitutes person…
creativity. weed vs alcohol
alcohol 100% is better for my creatvity. weed is better for pretty much everything else, but all it ever does it numb me.
Getting parcels delivered to Post office
You can't control what gets put through your letter box. Sure, the parcel has your name and address on it, but you didn't order it. Had you have recei…
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Date of posts - where is it?
I find private browsing + not logging in keeps new posts at the top. But it would be more convenient to see a date, like so: 07/08/23.
Richard Branson's words on the "War on drug's"
The war on drugs has been sorely lost. The only people who give a shit are the idiot curtain twitchers who eat up unfettered shitrags like the daily m…
Question from a new vendor?
Welcome! I would recommend engaging in discussions here - it will get your name out and start building up trust. Small quirk of my idiot monkey brai…
bigg topics