There is absolutely no way you can know the amount to take to have a perfectly good time. Everybody is different.
I have had friends that ate 100 dried liberty caps and it brought them to their knees.
I have had others that can take 2-300 and still hardly trip.
Personally, I find 40-50 a nice amount that I can really enjoy smoking weed with too.
Personally I grind them and tip into a tea bag which I then re tie. It gives you a smoother ascent and stops stomach issues from the fibrous material in the shrooms.
My only advice is go low first time. It's not the end of the world if it is underwhelming. Add 10 to it next time..or more if brave.
And it's not the end of the world if you take too much and it seems overwhelming either.. but I can tell you that it might well seem like it is if you do π¬
Take 30-40 libs first time (1-1.2g dried). Make sure you have no anxiety or anything playing on your mind and maximise the comfort of set and setting as much as possible.
Good luck.
I have had friends that ate 100 dried liberty caps and it brought them to their knees.
I have had others that can take 2-300 and still hardly trip.
Personally, I find 40-50 a nice amount that I can really enjoy smoking weed with too.
Personally I grind them and tip into a tea bag which I then re tie. It gives you a smoother ascent and stops stomach issues from the fibrous material in the shrooms.
My only advice is go low first time. It's not the end of the world if it is underwhelming. Add 10 to it next time..or more if brave.
And it's not the end of the world if you take too much and it seems overwhelming either.. but I can tell you that it might well seem like it is if you do π¬
Take 30-40 libs first time (1-1.2g dried). Make sure you have no anxiety or anything playing on your mind and maximise the comfort of set and setting as much as possible.
Good luck.