I've had a Pax vape for a few months now, and over that time it's probably had 3-4 zips of good British bud pass through it. I've been cleaning it every day, then leaving the brush overnight to see how much collects on the end by morning. After days, weeks, and now months, I may still not have very much, but after making the effort to collect it up, I now want to consume what little I have gathered in the most effective way that's practical.
Most of the hard work was done via a variation on the dab tool technique, using plastic instead of greaseproof paper to collect up all the scrapings and so forth. However now I've managed to collect a little lump, I realised I don't know what to do with it! I stopped smoking a while ago, but regardless I wouldn't want to just put this in a joint.
I don't know how strong it is, as the consistency is similar to the nasty tasting black tarry stuff we used to scrape out of pipes (mostly rocky) as youngsters. However as this has come from pure good weed, I figured it should taste better even if it's not strong, and ideally I'd like to consume it in a way that lets me know how strong it is.
Although I don't normally smoke now, I'd still be happy trying a one-hit type smoking technique with this stuff. The biggest problem is the consistency, as it's too soft and oily for buckets or a normal hash pipe, even using the crack pipe technique of layering cigarette ash underneath.
There are two methods I think might work, but both come with problems. Hot knives were an obvious solution, but I've only ever done them with old school rocky so don't know how well they work with this stuff. Also I'm not 14 years old, plus oven hobs have changed a bit and I wouldn't know where to put the knife on mine (convection)!
There is one method that should theoretically work, but whether it works easily or effectively is another matter: it was actually the colour and consistency which gave me the idea of trying to chase a beetle of this on some tin foil. It'll look real bad if I'm caught, but that element aside, isn't it basically the same principle as those cheap little glass American style crack pipes? Effectively the foil with the oily resin stuff on it works like the glass bowl, as a solid platform you can apply heat to. Then just use a properly folded (so when unfolded any deposits are easily accessed) foil tube to inhale through, basically creating a separate stem that can follow the hot smoke across the foil, although that might be too narrow if there's loads of smoke, so I'd also try a funnel with a wide spout or something similar.
I'm looking to use this up now partly as I'm intending to buy a better vape - most likely a Tinymight 2 - which I doubt will leave as much over, but if it does I'll want to keep that seperate. I know some vapes (including the Pax's big brother) come with accessories for hash, concentrates and so forth, but I never read much about owners actually using them in all the posts and reviews about dry herb vapes.
One reason I'm taking this long to buy a new better vape is because no one seems keen to give me a deal. One place offered me a free accessory, but even after reading the description I didn't have a clue what it was for. If I'm forced into paying retail, I'll probably start a new topic here asking for advice about which of the many accessories are likely to be useful for me, but if anyone can suggest UK Tinymight sellers worth approaching for either a discount or some *useful* accessories, I'd be very grateful!
TL;DR - what's the best way to get the maximum effect from my little lump of vape scrapings? Preferably without having to smoke tobacco, or buy something I'll probably only use once.