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joined mar 2024
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14 topics on zerocool40
Real D Shake
How safe is littlebiggy?
Just wanted some opinions from you guys as over the last few days I've been getting a little paranoid about using this site and questioning how safe it actually is. I've not done many orders around two so far and but I can see that racking up pretty quickly considering how easy and convenient it is to make orders on lb.

At the moment i am sending the required BTC directly from my paybis account to the payment address. As everyone who uses paybis has to, you have to verify yourself by providing photo ID so there is a link to my real world identity right there.

I was also wondering how it would look on my banking statement when there is regular payments to paybis, i know most banks are not really keen on crypto so i was thinking about that also.

Do most users access the site using TOR or practice any other stealth measures when ordering?

I would love to hear what other people think?
The old bill cant even attend burglaries let alone police the internet for a few zeds of weed here and there. Relax and carry on
Couldn't have put it better myself 😂.

To original post,
Chill man, unless your some millionaire drug lord Kingpin they aren't going to come knocking your door down for a couple Oz of weed
To be honest I'm beyond giving a fuck about law enforcement. I buy small personal amounts, the worst that might happen is it gets intercepted, I might get a warning from the feds, I might lose fifty quid. The ability to order all sorts of top products from the comfort of my home outweighs any concerns.
My sentiments in a nutshell, if the dibble are gonna do me for the £100 a Month I spend then they have far too much time on their hands.
I would not risk it, i bought some stuff on here and it made me feel really tired and my eyes go red. 😁
Same some thing weird go on 🤔
My only concern is it getting lost in the post. I have over 100 buys now and that's only happened twice and eventually been refunded.

I wouldn't worry about the old bill as a buyer. They can't keep up with Twitter crimes. The worst they would do is confiscate it.

I use Coinbase which is registered with real details. All your bank sees is that you invest in BTC. Investors buy regularly. They can't see what you do with it after buying.

I would only worry about these things if I was a seller. However, I still use Tor here.
Best practice mate is to send that to a non-KYC wallet, not directly to Transaxe. Sending directly can and has been detected and people have had accounts on exchanges closed. As you note, KYC required official documents that tie you to transactions (the whole point of the legislation), so any steps in between you and the end transaction seem wise. It'll cost you more as there are gas fees for the initial sending to your wallet, then when you send on from that. Oh, and, invariably, any coin kept in your wallet will inevitably drop in value while you hold it, as seems to be the way of these things. I've ordered over 190 times (which is a terrifying number to type in the timeframe I've been on here), and I've rarely had an issue.

Your bank may well contact you or refuse a transaction at some point. That happened to me initially and I had to lie to the fraud department and pretend I wasn't buying drugs. Then after about 15-20 minutes he told me he was 'mostly satisfied', released it, I bought drugs, and I've never had an issue with transfers to the same exchange since. Then I went back to sleep as I was between night shifts and it was an utter nightmare of a disruption to that. I only wanted more weed, dammit!
Can you recommend a good intermediatory wallet that i send my purchased bitcoin to before sending onto the payment address please?
I use Exodus mate. If you have any referral payments from LB then have them paid to a non-KYC wallet too, for the obvious reasons that you've identified. Yes, we're just buying weed online, but I feel it's best to be a bit cautious when all of this is in reality far from anonymous and untraceable.
Safe as a buyer that is not a person of interest.

If you use a centralized exchange that requires KYC, your transactions here are very much traceable, however...

As long as you are not a person of interest they aren't going to spend precious funds, time and resources to catch you buying a bit of ganja.

Precautions you can take:

1. (simple)

Send your Bitcoin to a decentralized self custodial wallet before sending here.

Exodus, Electrum, Coinomi all work.

This is still traceable but may prevent you from being flagged by your exchange.

2. (simple)

Use Tor and a VPN (providing you know how to use a VPN without actually worsening your OPSEC)

3. (moderate)

Buy your BTC with cash or on a decentralized exchange, bisq and hodlhodl work for this.

4. (moderate)

Make use of Monero, buy Monero on your centralized exchange, send to a decentralized exchange or wallet with a conversion feature and convert back to Bitcoin there.

Most of this is overkill as a buyer.
How long before an order shows as paid on LB?
Vendors cut off time?
Cheaper bud sellers?
RealD or Strainsburys Shake?
Anyone had any order issues with Hemp Lady?
Has anyone ever been caught before?
How long does it take?
Paybis Question
Transaction Fees?
Strainburys Highgrade Skywalker OG Shake Any Good?
Paybis FCA Questionnaire?
Best Shake on LB?
4 posts by zerocool40
Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
My all time favourite Sci-Fi TV series has to be The X Files and for a comedy for me it's got to be Only Fools & Horses, never fails to make me la…
GiveAway Time!!
43 please
Best weed strain you’ve ever smoked?
Damm this brings back some memories doing the same things with my mates how things have changed 🤷‍♂️
How you Discovered LB??
I found out via a Reddit thread. Was a bit skeptical at first but after so many people confirming it’s legit I had no reason to believe otherwise :-)
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