***Postal delays in the first half of September 2022***
TLDR - Post has been a nightmare, we have also compounded this, we are aware and apologetic. Your orders
are always safe and our products are as we say, the best qauality and value anyhere in Europe.
All orders look to landing on Tuesday morning... this is shit, but its the case. Any orders not arriving today, please
contact us and we will get this sorted immediately, normality should resume with the post.
In the last few weeks of postal days there has been a huge amount of disruption to the Post.
We have 3 locations on the UK, we move our stock between them all and ship from them all.
If we need to move stock, we have proceedures that make this process very safe. One is that we won't move
certain stock if there's an increased risk of attention in mail centres...
I don't want to say too much more, but MCs with backed up mail and no movement = large sweeps by dogs etc.
All of our parcels have zero scent, BUT we know that some buyers, on the whole, will possibly
have other items in transit, and this increases the risks.
We have shipped on all safe days and acknowledge that the compounding delays have been a fucking nightmare across
the board.
This is frustrating all-round, and especially here on LB as we are new here.. so proved to be a joke
of a start and painfull to see the fast backlash..
We will learn quickly how LB works and whast expected. We will improve, but our priority is always remain - production - security - quality first.
We can't always be on hand straight away to abide every issue, but we are 100% here, trustworthy and reliable.
MOST IMPORTANTLY : As always, all orders are fulfilled and we commit to our 100% refund or 100% reship policy
Our products, as our customer from other platforms know well are fire, they're safe and reliable concentrate
products. Hopefully LB buyers will finally be sampling these and this will impact the overall picture moving forward.
All the best to you and yours,