I was also smoking on this yesterday and agreed it’s very nice. I’m now starting to think I should have saved it for a social occasion...
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//review by sidetracked
If legend is anything to go by, this strain was created in a lab by the CIA and the FBI before being stolen by a rogue technician who then sold it to the masses. Now I don't know about all that... but I do know this is a very smooth, potent and delicious smoke.
Right away you know you're in for a treat. The buds are dense and have just a tiny bit of sticky-ness to them, with lots of trichomes on display. Firm when pressed and glistening inside when you break it open.
It has a sweet, fruity smell with an earthy stank cutting right through the middle. I assume it's strong smell comes from it's skunk genetics. It really hits the nose and stays there for a bit. There are so many little scents of something in there that it is hard to detect them all. In hindsight the scent was giving not-so-subtle hint of the flavour to come.
I found the flavour to be similar to Wedding Cake, in the sense that it is sweet and a little peppery. It differs from that strain with it's subtle fruitiness and very smooth smoke. I smoke bongs and I hardly felt it go down. It's quite easy to smoke a lot and fast but be careful because it packs a decent punch.
This is another powerful strain on the long list of powerful strains TGT are providing us. It's no secret I'm no fan of sativa, at least I wasn't. This stuff is a hybrid but it's sativa dominant and has just enough indica to keep the negative sativa effects at bay for me. For the first time in a long time I'm able to fully enjoy this thoughtful, cerebral high that I didn't know I missed. I'm happy and engaging, having great conversations. It's an exhilarating, calm enduing strain that really has changed my mind on sativa as a whole. I'm already seeking out sativa strains that might work for me. I think it works both ways too, there is a minor body high to it that just works so well, it won't sap all your energy like strong indica strains do. I'm having a good time with this stuff man. Cheers.
//disclaimer I received some of the G13 as a thank you for assisting TGT. My review is my true opinion and is as honest as it would have been had I purchased the product.
You can find my other reviews HERE. Thank you.

I think so anyway, it would definitely work socially for me. It allowed my thoughts to flow freely and made me want to be social/chatty and engaged with out that bit where I start analysing everything I say and do. As you said “just enough indica”. Very nicely balanced.

That's good. It's hard for me to find a good social weed, most of them send me over the edge. Have you found any others that work for you? I felt that man, just opens the mind a bit and made me a lot more chatty. I think I know what you mean, I get proper panicky sometimes with sativa and overthink like crazy. Glad I found something that works well for me.

Anything that’s nicely balanced is usually good for me, too much sativa and Im over thinking, too much Indica and I’m a zombie haha. Also found anything with Arjans name on is pretty nice and balanced.

What kind of ratios work best for you? And do you have any preferred dominance? I thought I did but I'm not sure now. Aye Epix said that was a nice one, I'm gonna give it a try next week it does sound promising.

I find sour OG is good, NYC diesel is great, skunk#1, the orange strains etc, a lot of the classic Dutch hybrids really work for me in that setting.
Have you got any preference day to day? I’m convinced there’s a strain for every situation it’s just finding it.
One thing I do know is these newer limoncello hazes are amazing but put me on edge if I’m somewhere new haha.
Let us know how you get on with the strawberry haze, I’m really curious how you find it after the g13 haze.

I've not tried them, usually if something can have negative effects then I'll get them haha so that worries me. I will do mate I have a feeling it will be good.

G13 Haze is actually quickly becoming one of my top strains. Really special high. Will be doing a review myself later tonight.

The elequence and format of your writing style was also an A* :)

Just finished watching season 4, absolutely love this show. This video is a hilarious little peak behind the scenes.
If you've seen it, who is your favourite character?

Might start 5 tonight actually.

But yeah I'm only 3 episodes into the 4th season... I've heard that the 4th book was the worst of the series, so will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Let me know when you finish watching it, I want to know what you think of the 4th season. They have that Amazon money now it looks brilliant doesn't it haha. I wonder if the books are worth a read.

The story has definitely picked up again. Season four was my least fave one. I was concerned that the show had started to decline. S5 has definitely put my mind to rest.

MJ reached out to me and we spoke. I came away from that conversation with a feeling of regret and respect. Regret that I had said such negative things about someone who clearly took great pride in his product, and respect for the person that made me realize my mistake. While my original opinion on the chocolate remains the same overall, it is now worded with the same care that MJ puts in to his products - and with the respect it deserves.
I received a pack of 8x12.5mg Bears as a gesture of goodwill from MJ. This blew my mind. It showed me two things 1) As a customer I was respected. 2) This man stands by his product. Both amazing things to see in a vendor. I would like to thank MJ for taking the time to deal with me and for handling it like he did. With that out of the way, let's talk Bears!
The stealth was top-notch. The delivery was speedy and the little package fit right through the door no worries. The bears are presented nicely in the package and have the look of a quality product. The deep green is very eye catching.
Let me just say as a gelatin sweet, these would be quite nice on their own - but when that taste of the shatter comes through and compliments it your mouth will salivate. Very impressed with the taste. They're sweet but not too sweet. The shatter infusion is delicious and subtle enough to keep you wanting more. I ate them all in one go and have no regrets.
They are very professional looking. It must have been a long process with a lot of dead bears to get these right and you can appreciate all the work that went in to them. The bears are quite firm and have a good consistency. They don't just fall apart. You get to really chew them and take in all the flavour. They are also very handy if you like to control your THC intake as you can eat as few or as many as you like.
I ate these over two hours ago and I was feeling them kick in slightly around the 1 hour mark. I started to feel more relaxed and a little giggle-y. It hits your body mostly and as another hour passed my eyes started to feel slightly heavier and I felt very relaxed and happy. I still feel them hitting after nearly 3 hours although I have a high tolerance and think something around the 250mg mark would have been the ideal dose for me. I can't wait to try some more!
In conclusion. MJ I have a massive amount of respect for you and your work. Your passion and pride is shown in the product and I would recommend this product to everyone, you won't be disappointed. If you have a high smoking tolerance I would recommend a higher dose however this is just what I think would work for me.
Thanks for reading!

Keep an eye out for the Lit Bar (1000mg), if your tolerance is up there at 250mg. I'll probs get some jellies made up too, my tolerance is up there as well.
In the meantime, the RSO I have listed should satisfy. 500 - 600mg THC in a handy syringe.

Now I would like to talk about transparency. I have no issue with Vikosh offering services to vendors. I have no issue with Vikosh helping new vendors out and asking them to use his referral code. Where my problem lies is that I feel like Vikosh had intentionally made it seem like anyone considering becoming a vendor should absolutely contact him first. I can not think of any good reason he would want that to happen. I can think of quite a few bad ones. If you are offering a legitimate service then you should be fully transparent on what that service is, and whether or not it is mandatory.
Since Vikosh has refused to comment or update the description of his services to reflect their true nature, I have posted some key information below his original advertisement in the interest of transparency and fairness. You can find the link HERE.
And with that, our job done, and our community stronger.

Be careful biggas.

I don't know much about the stuff but the dude says it's like $5k worth...reckon he wasted at least $1k of it stuck on the worktop and all over the floor...what a bellend... can't believe he shotgunned 2 beers in the middle of it too... proper wanker...

The system we currently have in place is when a new vendor joins they are vetted by a trusted member (sometimes). That system does not work and time after time scammers are operating here and people are getting screwed.
Something needs to be put in place to stop anyone and everyone signing up as a vendor. I think the people behind the scenes need to start vetting. I think they need to make sure these vendors have the product and stock they claim to have. I think they need to make sure they are providing adequate stealth before they start selling or WE pay the price. Escrow is good but it doesn't stop vendors joining and it also doesn't guarantee your money back when you get screwed.
I am not accusing anyone of anything but I have a bad feeling about the latest vendor to join our ranks. I urge everyone to make their own decision on the matter but at a glance I certainly wouldn't be trying them out. Right away there are several red flags and I would hate to see anyone lose money over it. I am aware I could be wrong and I hope I am, but I'd rather be wrong and vet someone properly, than right and have biggers lose money.
I understand this is a free market, but that doesn't mean it needs to be a unsafe one. I'd love to hear all of your thoughts.
Please discuss.

There's a whole miserable world outside of people ready to exploit fears. I like to think of little biggy as a sanctuary from that.

Also, each of your paragraphs contradict the other, so I'm not sure what you really mean.

It’s a total cliche but we’re given a lot of liberty on here and with it comes some responsibility.
I’d like to think anyone capable of finding this place etc has the basic skills required to conduct their own due diligence.
If someone isn’t comfortable or has doubts they should stay away. I also hope it’s pretty obvious to anyone that’s spent a couple of hours here who the most popular vendors are and who’s a safe bet for a noob.
Vendor reps are earned the hard way and I think it’s pretty fair to say all the top vendors fully deserve their rep so something must be working.
Ultimately I don’t think any system is perfect and there will always be occasional problems especially when people are involved.
Even with a vetting system in place, the situation Panda found them selves in would still have occurred as it was one of the vendors staff attempting to sabotage the business.
I have no idea of numbers but would guess/hope the percentage of problems is tiny compared to successes.
Also, I say all this as someone who’s never had a problem on here and understand some users experiences may differ but still stand by the main point of taking some responsibility for your own decisions.
I totally understand where you’re coming from but until there’s a change in law, unfortunately I see it being nearly impossible to vet. I would like to think if people are careful then risks are really really tiny and are generally kept to the minimum.

I have seen time and time again people stumbling on to this site and having to ask the community how to set up a wallet, buy btc, find a vendor, make a order, pay for a order. It is evident that unsuspecting and naive people sign up all the time, and those are the people we as existing members need to protect.
I disagree, I think as a new member it is overwhelming. You have so many choices and the pressure of making the right one only increases the chances of making the wrong one. It is not immediately clear that shady people operate here. People come in and make a order from the likes of Radar, or Drugs INC and they then assume it will be safe to order from anyone. Even BH got screwed, and I wouldn't call him naive. The issue is not with the big vendors here mate, it's the exact opposite. Despite little to no ratings, people continue to buy off these flash-in-the-pan scammers. I don't understand why it's acceptable on any level.
The system is far from perfect, it actually does the bare minimum. You mentioned responsibility, 95% of the policing here is done by us. We need to collect evidence, report, and convict. The admins just remove the culprit once we've done everything else. I don't see how we can be any more responsible with the system we have been given.
I encourage you to do some digging in to the panda situation mate. People are still receiving unsafe packages that stink, after the worker in question was supposedly removed. You bought that sabotage thing? That situation wasn't handled properly either. At least 2 people including panda have been received letters and the vendor is getting a pass. 2 others got lucky and were not reported, but their packs were reeking. People continue to order unsafe packages. Personally I don't think any amount of people getting busted is acceptable. JJ looks as legit as they come, has plenty of ratings and is very, very active. Yet anyone could easily get screwed by ordering there. I'm not sure how we are supposed to be vigilant about that, or responsible for it.
I don't think the law needs to change, just a few simple changes around here to protect the community. It isn't impossible, and has never even been attempted. No matter how little it may be, I don't think any risk of people being doxxed should be acceptable.
Thank you for joining in the discussion mate. I hope my tone doesn't come across as argumentative.

Saying that, I’ve seen similar points raised in the past and nothing is done once the hype dies down.
I would urge anyone with concerns to gather like minded people and at least attempt to put into action the changes they want to see.
If it’s a case of protecting new accounts from ordering off new vendors, could accounts with less 10 buys be locked off from vendors with less than 50 sales?
Should we only accept new vendors who’ve been bought here via referral?
Should all new vendors be made to send samples out ?
If that’s what people want then at least try and make it happen.
I still think a change in law is the only way you’ll get the buyer protection you want but could user address’s be erased from the order form once the purchase has been rated?
I think anything close to GDPR are going to be impossible to enforce but how could it be better?
Also if someone isn’t happy with how things are run and doesn’t have confidence in the system they don’t have to use this place. The situation with smelling packages is unprecedented but what could have been done differently to prevent it from happening?
I understand everyone wants good stuff and for some it’s medical but while it’s illegal or until members who want changes bring in those changes it’s very much a case of buyer beware. I have every sympathy for people who do get caught out but personally I’ve been well aware of all the above risks and the possibility of having a package intercepted since day one and accept it.
I honestly wish you all the best in your endeavour to get the changes you want.

Some of these suggestions are good. GDPR levels of data protection I'd never expect, however some basic transparency in relation to how vendors handle our sensitive data is a very minor thing to ask for. Putting guidelines in place so that vendors know to practice good OPSEC in regards to our data. These are things I could easily put in to words, but without official backing they would mean nothing.
I understand that you are happy and that's great, however by your logic anyone who has an issue with anything here should just leave. Personally, I don't want to lose 95% of our community. My original post here was about scammers, not bad stealth and JJ, so I'm not sure how we got on to that.
Regardless my opinion on that situation is that of course it could have been prevented! JJ could have practiced better stealth. He got several people busted mate.. not just Panda. That should never have happened and I can't believe it is being accepted, after several more cases of seized packs. That is insane to me. You pretty much just summed up my point? Until we can mount the changes outlined in this post, we as buyers must beware. Getting busted because a vendor practiced bad stealth is not something any of us have accepted, nor should we. There weren't just intercepted at all, these packs were in a horrible state and were begging to be picked up.

If like you say 95% of the community has issues then you should be able to make enough noise to get the change you want. You say it’s impossible to get change, but you haven’t even tried.
Going back and forth when we have different opinions is ridiculous. I’ve tried to level with you and see it from your perspective at this point I really have nothing else to say to you.

Do you really think having a discussion with people who have opposing opinions to you is ridiculous? It begs the question.. why engage in a discussion in the first place?

So far now I have come across 3 separate posts of people that have had stinking packages, this is not acceptable. It's so dangerous man, and I've learned first hand what happens, thank fuck I didn't have a big order. People could be fucking arrested and face court, the buyer is entirely in the hands of the vendor and I think this needs making apparent, maybe as a notice before you actually go ahead and press pay that can serve as a warning.

That is a really good idea and one easily implemented. People also need to be aware that their data is in the hands of the vendor too. Who knows what is happening with that.

I'm just getting refunded mate, I'd have sooner not have had the police around though instead.
it was only 30quids worth and I can't even spend it on here for a bit now lol
I'd hope the vendors would delete addresses after they have dispatched, but whether this happens and how you police that they do, I don't really have an answer for that

Well how it's dealt with in the real world is the GDPR. Vendors should be stating exactly what they do with our data. When found to be breaching the rules they ought to be subject to punishment in the form of fines or termination (in the case of SD/DH). I just don't think it will happen with the way things work though. One can dream.

Pass the test to be able to trade, I found my reviews insightful and improved my offering. A re- review could be implemented after a set period to keep new vendors focused.

Low effort profiles: No product photos, bad grammar, no branding, no proof (username & date) in photos, low quality/effort pics, pics from google.
Pricing: If it looks to good (cheap) to be true, it is. If you see bad pricing like $15 for 1 gram and $45 for 2 gram - this is also a warning sign.
Vendor personality: A honest vendor should answer any questions/concerns in a friendly and customer service orientated manner. Look out for aggressive sellers, if they want your money that badly then something is up.
Unusual behaviour: A vendor should NEVER try get you to finalize a sale away from littlebiggy, if they do they are most likely trying to steal your money. No matter what reason they give you, it's likely a lie to get you away from the protection of escrow.

Sounds a massive bellend.
What proof do you have that Ronald maybe the same guy?

//review by sidetracked
I forgot to do a full review when I first got this stuff, probably because I was so blasted off of it. I did write down some notes while I was toking and have a little bit left, so I'm gonna get my thoughts together now before it's too late.Here we have one of the most delicious, euphoria inducing strains I've ever smoked. I couldn't possibly find anything to fault about this stuff, it is perfect.
Wow. I know my pictures aren't up to much but look at those buds. Picture perfect with some eye catching colours, absolutely dripping with trichomes. They are somewhat light and feel very healthy. They're not dry or brittle and have a very nice cure. The colour of the bud is really impressive too, a subtle purplish hue runs throughout the flower. The bag appeal is off the charts.//aroma
I love the smell of this strain. The grape terps are very detectable from the bud, there is a slight earthy smell lingering but mostly the grape stands out. It's very sweet and fruity. When ground up it released the most enchanting grape smell that had me drooling.//flavour
You know when you think of a sweet you like, or something fizzy, and your mouth starts watering? Yeah, that's what happens to me now when I think of Grape Ape. I just can't get enough of it. I just kept toking and toking trying to take in every last bit of flavour on offer. I was exhaling as slowing as possible to try and take it all in and I just wasn't satisfied that I had tasted enough, it's very moreish. Once I was done being overwhelmed with flavour I was able to analyze it a bit. It is strong and hits you right away then lingers for a bit. It is very sweet and grape-y with a hint of blueberry, and has a sweet aftertaste. I swear I can taste it on my lips for a little while after I smoke it. I'm very impressed with it.//effects
Due to it's slow build up the high was deceivingly light at first, but after a few minutes and another toke I was floored. I should have waited a couple of minutes for that second toke to be honest. I had no idea it was coming and it was very pleasant as it gently passed over me. I felt my limbs become heavy and my smile widen, I was very relaxed and calm, with a sense of well-being. I was in a great mood and giggly, laughing at absolutely nothing. My mind was completely spaced out and my body sedated. I was able to stop thinking about the stresses of life and just relax for a while.On top of being a recreational powerhouse, I think this would also be a great indica strain for treating depression, pain, stress and sleeping problems. I'm a daily smoker and it knocked me out cold and lifted my mood quite effectively. It's a strong strain too so it should dull those aches and pains quite well. Maybe best not to smoke it during to day unless you're a fan of taking naps. This is one strain not to miss.
Thanks for reading. You can check out more of my reviews HERE.

//review by sidetracked
I noticed a couple of people looking for info on TGT's cheese so I figured I'd get a review up. I smoked a gram in 30-40 minutes so this is more of a first impression that a in-depth strain review.Blue Cheese holds a special place in my heart. This strain was everywhere when I first started smoking green, and I mean everywhere. Even if you didn't smoke it you probably knew what it smelled like. It's been a little while since I picked some up so I'm excited to revisit a classic.
There is a mixture of some light buds and some more dense ones, some have a bit more leaf that others. It's hard to see in the picture due to bad lighting but there are a fair amount of trichomes on there. It is a little dryer than TGT's usual offerings but not too brittle nor does it crumble when handled.//aroma
The smell isn't overpoweringly pungent or offensive to the nose, it is light and has a tangy zest to it and a slight sweetness. When broken apart it produces a more powerful stank and if you wake a big whiff it is very pleasant and can be quite calming, as if it were a candle or attractive perfume. Perhaps that's just the sweet smell of nostalgia.//taste
The taste is close to the smell in that it can be fruity and a little sweet but it lacks the musky cheese taste, thankfully. I find Cheese can be a little rough so this works nicely.//effects
The high comes on a little slow and builds up around the eyes. It's a good hybrid ratio that I think leans more on the indica side eventually, but just a little. I felt alert at first as the sativa rushed to my head, it is a little euphoric. It takes a few minutes for the indica to creep up and remind me it's actually the dominant side of the plant. That's when my eyes started to get heavy and my body relaxed. I was watching some Bill Burr and started to get really giggle-y. There are some medical benefits here too. I think this would be good for pain and stress among other things. It made me quite sleepy too after a few bongs so it would be good for a sleep if you get enough in you. My only gripe really is the high doesn't last as long as I'm used to with the newer strains, so you have to top up just a bit sooner. Not a huge deal though as it is cheaper than all of that bud as well. I think Blue Cheese is a capable daytime smoke in lower doses and a great nighttime smoke in higher doses. A great little blast from the past.//disclaimer
I received some of the Blue Cheese as a thank you for assisting TGT. My review is my true opinion and is as honest as it would have been had I purchased the product. Apologies for the less than great pictures also. Thank you.

I don't have a crazy amount of experience with psychedelics, so perhaps I was a little naive to think this trip would be easy to do while doing the whole live trip thing, that was my first mistake. After 30 minutes or so I thought I seen shadows starting to warp, so I reported that, but for the life of me couldn't replicate what I had just seen. I was staring at lights, shadows, objects hoping something would move. Nothing. Had I just imagined it, because I wanted so badly for the drug to kick in? Another 30 minutes go by and I'm more concerned now, still nothing.
It was another 15 minutes before I could be 100% certain I was starting to come up, the room was swaying and the normally while walls shifted hue; green, blue, yellow, it was very subtle and seemed to come and go. Now this is where the anxiety started, I became so aware of all the virtual eyes waiting for my updates, hoping for a good experience for me, and I had nothing great to say. At this point I'm trying to keep it together while replying to comments and the screen starts buzzing, as if I could feel the electricity coming out the screen and attacking my eyes. Words became hard to read and everything vibrated. This was when I read Frankos comments about the screen grounding me and it made a lot of sense, so I shut off the monitor and lay down on my bed.
I wish I turned the lights off at this point and laid down, but something stopped me, maybe it was my body being locked but I'm not sure, I think it was more of a mental block. Perhaps I was too scared to fully let go. I closed my eyes and really only saw darkness, there was a short moment where I could see the inside of my skull, but it was a dozen malformed jaws and teeth all fused together and it really freaked me out so I didn't wanna do that anymore.
For the next 30 minutes or so I'm switching between eyes open and closed, not really seeing much when closed and when open everything is fuzzy, moving, and trippy as hell. Tracers, floaters, everything sounding weird, all that. The buzz of electricity and whirling of fans from my computer seemed to pitch and whine at random, that was quite eerie.
We're maybe 2 hours in and this point and I still can't see and vivid or crazy visions, eyes open or closed, this is where it all started to feel like a bad acid trip. I look down at the floor and my dog is eating her food, but something is wrong. Her jaw is quivering and making weird cracking noises, food is falling from her mouth. I'm staring at her with a look of shock and concern, at this point I had forgotten that I was tripping and fully believed something catastrophic was happening. Her face is morphing and warping, her body drooping and sagging, my poor dog is falling apart in front of me, I have to help her. I start to gently hold her face in a attempt to piece her back together, I'm scared and have to get my brother, walking behind my dog making sure pieces of her aren't falling off. I beg him to please look at her she needs to help, he is trying hard not to laugh his balls off, of course. He entertains it briefly by sort of patting her down, assuring me she is fine, this is when I have a brief moment of clarity "you're tripping balls man" I thought. I look at my dog again, she is a pudgy mess. My brothers face is just a pixel-y blur, I retreat to my room in a fit of nervous laughter. This was definitely the most intense part of the trip. Poor dog must have been so confused as to why I kept patting her face and head.
The next two hours are a mix of hilarity, fear, and anxiety. Something landed on my bed, I have no idea what it was but as I touched it, it seemed to move. This made me jump back and try to investigate this little spec of weirdness. I still have no idea what it was but after 5 minutes (relative, could have been 30 seconds) I concluded it wasn't alive or a threat.
I went down the stairs during this time and attempted to take a bong, mistake number 3. My legs were a big bendy mess of malfunctioning muscles that had the not so easy task of walking down 12 stairs. My perspective was weird, as if my eyes were on top of my forehead and no in my eye sockets. I tried to spread a little green in the bong but my hands are so sweaty it just sticks to my fingers, I can't get it off and it starts to multiply, just replicating itself all over my fingers.. I wipe my hands on my shirt and retreat back to the safety of my room.
My mind is racing, is my dog okay? Am I going to fail scool? What is everyone on LB saying? God I hope they know I'm okay, I should update them. I can't, the screen gives me anxiety, oh god I turned it on there are 26 new messages, it's all too much I'm out, back to the bed. I'm just lying there trying not to let it all overcome me, not fully tripping at this point, slight tracers and stuff but nothing crazy.
I'm aware of how incredibly hungry I am so I try to eat a packet of crisps I had near by, this was my final mistake. I was crunching on the crisp and suddenly my teeth shattered, the next crunch I crashed down on my own teeth and destroyed them. I immediately spat out the contents on my mouth in to my hands.. just crisps. There was no pain and I'm feeling my teeth, all still there. Fuck that sucked. After laying there for a bit I eventually put on some Joe Rogan, still slightly tripping, this is where it becomes more pleasurable, I'm able to watch JRE, laughing and start feeling like I'm coming round. I mostly relax now and still have hard time walking around the house, slight tracers etc still.
This was where I started to reflect on my experience and concluded despite everything it ultimately wasn't a "bad trip". I was able to conclude that I am not fully in control of my life, I have lots of fears I could now plan to conquer. I have a lot of relationships in my life I need to improve. I do wish it was a more vivid visual experience with enlightenment and triumph but hey, maybe I just wasn't ready to go there quite yet.
This was a bit of a long one, thanks for reading through it. Thanks to everyone that took part, send me good vibes and kind words, this community is beautiful. <3

I know i will never take another hallucinogen in my lifetime, this just reaffirmed my position on this.

Were the bad trips the reason you stopped?

I drowned when I was 15 on holiday in Spain. I was fully out cold, under the water, and before I passed out I had fully thought I was dying, and accepted that as it went dark. I was maybe only under for 30-45 seconds before my step-bro grabbed me, but my lungs filled with water and stuff, it was nasty. I don't remember any life changing realizations coming from that, or anything at all, other than I stopped swimming.
Death isn't life changing to everyone I guess.Unless I didn't die enough. T_T

Next time don’t put that pressure on yourself.

I'm not sure why you are upset, but if you message me we can talk about it.

Who is your money on for the main event? I think I'll do a accumulator and hope for the best.

Tomorrow I'll most likely do a full write up, but for now it'll be report as I go. At peak I'll most likely stop updating till after. Thanks to everyone for the tips and good vibes, the LB community continues to amaze me.
20:33 - 25mg Ingested, Wrapped in a skin. (accompanied by increased heart rate, nerves?) *this normalized after few mins*

21:09 - First noticeable effects. Lights/shadows pulsing very subtle, wavey. Slight tingle in the legs. Nothing too crazy, yet.
21:13 - First yawn. :)
21:28 - Not sure if I jumped the gun, not much to report so far.
21:45 - Definitely feeling something now, room is warping a bit. Swaying like I'm on a boat almost.I swear the Hue of the room is changing. It's weird these effects seem to come and go.

Friends, I've been waiting a long time to embark on my next trip and the stars have finally aligned. My mind is right, I'm in a good place mentally and physically, I feel great. I will be doing a trip report, perhaps live at first while I still have control over my body, although from what I have read that won't last too long.
I plan on fasting for 10 hours before dosing with 25mg 4-AcO-DMT, since I have a dodgy stomach I'll have a small snack 4-6 hours before I drop it. Most likely will bomb it in a skin for faster onset. Am I missing anything?
I know a few of us have tried this before so I somewhat know what to expect but I won't really know until it hits. Any advice?

Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!

If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.

You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.

Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.

No they don't - the main reason for this is the additional cost, as these are given as freebies we have to keep cost down. Second reason is they are sent randomly free with orders so the people recieving them already have an account and are already registered on littlebiggy so we feel the link would be a little redundant.to these people
We do have other merch accessories and stickers for when we're at events and gatherings which do have our QR code on 👍


Early days eh? I was there at the Crypt in Deptford (still have my membership card) when they only had a couple of tapes :) My mate is a good friend of Ed, and still is, so I've been lucky enough to hang outa few times and share a spliff or several backstage.
Eds released a new album this year, which is well worth a listen - he's still got it!
If you also liked the ullulators, you should really check out what Gavin has been up to too - he has released some amazing stuff lately - check out bandcamp for his stuff.
Take care, fellow old person! :) hehe :)

Big fan of these at the moment, very pink floyd

Nice and fuzzy. Happy smoking!

Check out the crazy microtonal fret spacing on the guitars!

What you on at the moment?

The 0.0 has got a real nice quality to it, it doesn’t send me into space or anything it just gives me a real nice lift that leaves me happily lazy, very hard to leave it alone.

Their new album is dry, but this 18 minute kraut rock inspired jam from last year's Silver & Gold Sessions is a screaming banger.
Get your smoke on and enjoy biggas!

Found these guys recently, sound like the melvins mixed with jimmy hendrix

But I think this track by Ash Ra Tempel featuring Timothy Leary is another level.

Off the top of my head.

There is a really good series on YouTube that goes in to great depth about how it all works.

This is the link to his main series I was talking about, that goes in to great depth on banking, the federal reserve, fiat currency and economics as a whole. Enjoy!

The ECB have been doing it for years, with no federal reserve at all.
All countries do it to a greater or lesser extent.
The reason the (US) dollar is so popular is they have a federal reserve (gold).
The reason the Euro is failing is it's based upon the German banks and their megalomaniacal desire to control Europe.
There is no EU federal reserve. Only German banks.
When the EU (and Euro) collapses, Germany will be fine, the other 26 member states will fail.
Invest as you will.
Cheers. BB

CBDC coming soon.. to a place near you!
(Not Financial Advice) 🥸

This is a major cause of inflation. They are putting money that hasn’t been earned yet from the future in todays circulation . That’s why our money 💰 s worth fuck all now. Well one of the many reasons;)

little ben

Banks are the only ones legally able to create wealth out of thin air , digits on the computer.
For example when you get a loan - digits , but you have return back with interest to the bank Real money from your job , revenue streams.
Circular Banking.

White rabbit trust on YouTube and youandyourcash.com seek and example plenty of successful remedy.


On another note, unsure whether to list-it, as it may not be to the liking of the powers that be.


If you are interested in N, N DMT powder. Please lmk and quantity. I am charging $240 for 2g or $150g

...lmk os you can afford $120 a gram if you buy 2g or more...My greedy associate charges $180USD per gram, which is not economincal for the uset

You could try Shrekage's micro dosing course, when available. Unlike SSRI's I would say there is little to zero harm in trying. If you do decide to micro dose I would love to hear the results.

I have been taking a 2 day break after dose day in line with the Faddiman protocol and I've had a mixed uptake so far. More than anything though is that you live in the present and appreciate things more. With my son going through cancer treatment my mind has been going crazy with what could happen but so far I find It easier to not worry about it with the microdosing. But I have only been doing it a week so I will report after a month in further detail.

I am sorry to hear that man. I can't begin to imagine what that must be like. I'm sure you have a great support network, but if you ever need someone to talk to or to listen, I'm always around. I'm glad this can calm your mind a little. My thoughts are with you man, I hope for a fast recovery. <3
I'm eager to see how the dosing turns out, I look forward to any updates.

I have never had the best support but I have had a long time to cope with it now, and he is doing really really well so that helps, I will update you on the course progress after I have done the first month. I plan on doing a breakthrough dose of DMT around that time as well.

I'm sorry to hear that. We should talk. I'm glad to hear he is doing well mate, that's awesome. Cool please do. I'd love to breakthrough, I'm not even sure I truly know what that means though.

I have experienced an increased mental calmness and am developing more patience.

Unfortunately there is very little research on the relationship between cannabis and SSRI's. That does mean your personal experience with the two is just as good as any current scientific consensus, since there isn't one. Personally I doubt it's just your imagination, there is probably something to it.

And yeah I'm sure I feel different with the weed now, it's nothing negative really it sort of feels like it just hits me harder now, which saves me flower atleast lol


What method, substance, and dosage will give a better response?

Micro Dose Caps Here: https://littlebiggy.com/link/36ryoH

The Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End), all hilarious on their own and even more so when baked.
Dazed and Confused. Awesome coming of age movie set in the 70's with lots of pot and hilarious shenanigans.
Any Cohen brothers movie, specifically The Big Lebowski, is a great movie to watch high.

Currently on netflix

The movie is based on a criminal that lives in Tokyo with his sister who is a prostitute/stripper.
You watch the entire movie from the criminal’s perspective which makes you live the movie.
He uses drugs like DMT which are reflected directly into the movie so you feel think you feel them too (depends on how high you are ahaa).
This is just the first half of the movie as something happens.
Then in the second half, it’s a hauntingly beautiful psychedelic experience and you watch the rest as his spirit. You go in and out his physical and spiritual world of existence. In the physical he watches people he cares about like his sister. But, in the spiritual world he goes back to his childhood and re-lives his trauma/experiences that moulded him.
If you haven’t heard of it, this probably sounds mad. It definitely is!!! The first time I watched it I was off my nut on acid while smoking bud and fuck me… unbelievable.
Whoever reads this and watches. Just know - You either react well or not. I have recommended it many times and I know a people that will never ever watch it again..

I was dabbing some MJConcentrate shatter when I watched this and it was awesome!

I love this kinda shit when I'm baked as fuck, maybe add your own instead of baggin' on others' choices :)

Could write a mile long list but instead I will just leave a link for you all so you can watch what you want. You will find most movies here and free :
https://fmovies.pub/home (You may have to turn your antivirus of) safe enough I watch movies there all the time :)

1. Pineapple Express
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Dazed and Confused
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
5. Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
6. Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
7. Almost Famous
8. The Goonies
9. Drop Dead Fred
10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) - follows this washed up actor who used to play a superhero in big blockbusters back in the 90s, who's trying to regain recognition by directing and starring in a broadway play, but is constantly tormented by the voice of "birdman". what really brings the film home is the filming techniques - they made it look like the whole film was shot in one take, and there's lots of generally beautiful scenes (as well as an homage to enter the void!)
smiley face - gregg araki movie about stoner anna farris having a series of misadventures across los angeles
the evil dead ii - c'mon, it's sam raimi and bruce campbell at their best. if you aren't too big on the scares then watch army of darkness instead

(Weird as fuck dark & trippy animator, musician, artist & creator of Salad Fingers. Some of his stuff leaves you feeling like you've taken drugs when you haven't 🤣🤣🤣

absolute nonsense throughout, snoop is so fucking cool, blaze a fatty and get baked

if there are any vendors selling high strength edibles hit me up :)

20 g of high grade trim
10 g of high grade popcorn buds
per 500 g butter
on items tonight

Haribo Peach Rings:
Runtz Watermelons:
Cheeto Cheese Puffs:

So when it comes to edibles, with all due respect to other vendors, we are very experienced and well known as a top UK edibles maker and bulk supplier.
The key word is maker, we produce all of our products in house. Our edibles will all come in under £35 a gram.
Thats sweets, capsules, brownies etc. All top quality and long life. All packaged and branded by WeedStar
Or you can make your own using our tinctures.
We'd be happy to send samples as well.

100mg each -> https://littlebiggy.org/link/WYPSUx

in comparison to eddibles made using thc distillate where there is no other active ingredients apart from thc and trace amounts of cbd
we will have these listings up soon
feel free to drop a message
best regards, THB

200-400mg edible for £6! fuck you up all day for £6!!!!
coconut oil, low heat, time = result :D xxx

Just wondering what your using for Roach?
Love the adaptability of Roach to fit a cone etc. But, my lungs cant take the punishment so work with Rolls69 filters now. Also adaptable air flow by advancement and retraction to cool things.
What you fellow enthusiasts using?? Just a general community question....
Ez Bigaz

The 32 leaf pack comes with 32 perfect sized roaches and they just so the job perfectly in my opinion. Thanks for the trivia mate!

FYI when i smoke blues, i fold, lick and tear about 6mm strip off the bottom of the skin, then roll. Ends up basicaly 1 papers thick all around the cone but the roach end, a nicer, less paperier smoke!
Anyone ever find smoking silvers that the paper burns to fast for the cherry, and you end up sucking half air half smoke through the roach, feels like you loosing half your joint? Just me maybe lol
(I can roll joints honest! 20years experience lol, i just like em loosey goosey)

Cotton filters should be illegal as you are basically smoking cotton as the hot smoke oxidises it.
On a side not ive recently switched to a small glass water pipe and my lungs have never been better, fuck all this paper man.

Even the slimmest are fairly thick but they do make the smoke cleaner and tastier and I don’t feel like my lungs are going to collapse the next day!

What papers are you using mate?

Currently using Cannaseurs extra long/ extra slim which have the +/-.
Next to try I have Raw Black

I have tried filterd joints out of curiosity but didn’t really enjoy it.
Raw are my go to paper, I like that it now that they so easily available in most UK news agents, definitely a step up from the blue rizla.

remember in our world trust no one person even on society or little biggy, even if they have a zillion votes, even if they have shipped to you before, facts and procedure handle 90% of situations, group consensus solves the rest.
verification is our strength - even if you hate post drama your relevant experience should be shared with the rest of us. follow up on your posts are especially valuable to see if your problem was resolved.
always be kind and don't let suspicions get nasty but forgive when they do, people are emotional now.

Also agree with the fact that many people are emotional right now, and cooped up in their houses with nothing to do, so sometimes trivial things can become more important than they actually are.
I'm sure we can all agree that our wonderful NHS staff are the ones who should get as much love and attention as we can give them right now. They're on the front-line. Weed is just weed at the end of the day.
Stay safe everyone. I hope you and yours are all well.
Cheers. BB

Take it easy

Still best to be careful though but if they where fully focused on this site it would be blocked like the torrent sites are, thankfully there are no billion dollar companies to force the govs hand on that one.... yet. I wonder how long before one of these Cali companies wants to impose its IP rights lmao

I'm fairly new here and using it and IMO more chance of your postman pocketing ya gear than your ISP giving a toss what ya up to. because my postman well knows now lol
Thanks to the help of people like PollyPuff 20 by bank balance does not thank you lol
Take it easy

If you do decide to get a VPN make sure you look into the company before hand. Some big VPN companies have cooperated with police and attempted to covered up data breaches in the past.

But your paranoia would need to be fierce to stop you taking advantage of this wonderful website lol

today aaron could unlock the data that has been retrieved from all of us by villains worse than than he ever faced.
he was also a talented programmer and could likely help build the ai that can process this data for the benefit of mankind. it's a situation that begs for the open source spirit aaron encapsulated.

There may be others, but these are the vendors I've personally used.

Have a look through this list as of 28MAY.
I remember some vendors had what you are looking for listed.

Bought quite a bit of here, but after trying LC never looked back
Long Live LC

What happens if bitcoin value drops over the next 72 hours? Will the vendor then receive insufficient payment and cancel my order?


Check it out


Don’t get mad at me because you’re washed up!!

You clearly have issues as WE can see from your comments. You struggle to make any sense. It was hard to get any meaning from what you wrote but I think I got it. "We" would refer to the other people that have to read your shit. I'm sorry you can't understand basic sentence structure. I'm sorry you need to spam links to try generate cash for weed.
I'm not mad because I'm "washed up" - whatever that means. I'm pissed because you're on here begging for referral clicks to try feed your habit. No one else does it so why do you think you can? Because you're broke? We all struggle. None of us spam shit links. Not that you care to understand why I have a problem with what you're doing. I highly doubt you'll learn anything from this. I won't respond to you anymore I can tell I've already wasted enough of my time giving you attention. Happy spamming!

Oh ya one more thing this guy is a MOOCH watch out.

I don’t care if anyone uses my link you clearly are a beginner in the weed game and must be rich and poorly educated I’m not waiting my time on you either. I guess we can talk at a later date once your balls drop and you have enough buys to be able to purchase from every vendor and people would actually value your opinion. When you bash vendors on here about their products to try and mooch some freebies making vendors look bad and then saying I was wrong after you scam them out of their products. Like I said you’re a beginner and when you’re cherry pops and you know what the hell your talking about then make comments. Mooch

Just trying to send the link and make a little coin on the side use CashApp no fee Bitcoin transactions and free debit card with signature in gold on front. There’s no bs limits or fees just check it out and get the app using my link this app will save you thousands in fees!! Just check it out!!

Quick question for you. If i have transaxe referrals accumulating, does that mean I get a % of all of those peoples spends for FIVE years?? Just off the one referral??
This is how i have Understood it to work...but would like confirmation.
Thanks! <3

Anyway, my order reached me today (one I've been looking forward to for the full duration lol) Thank you Pope, I hope you're on the mend now mate and will eventually be up and running back to your usual self.
Is this Tangerine Dream Nugget a pretty sight or what? ooft!
(Not Google images, I just felt a peice of paper with my screen name written on it was going to detract from this thing of beauty :))
Peace, love and festivities!

just happens the last strain i bought from him 'Casper OG' ended up being the nicest bit of flower i've ever had in my life, had a particular terp profile that ticked every single box for me, never seen that strain again :(
rip pope

I'll kick us off with BIRTHDAY CAKE by Drugs inc

Been getting some nice stuff locally recently as well as from here,some nice UK grown Cali strains too for not too much more cash than normal prices!

I never got to take a photo of one of my favorites on here. TGT's Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Check out the crystal cover on these bad boys.
This strain is perfect to use if you want to have a great chat with someone or get actual work done. Super focused and social... perfect for me.

Hopefully the admins can fix however they are processing their photos.

JJs orange sorbet on the left n TGTs lemon sorbet next to it in front of the jay of lemon I'm now toking on.
Love this place :-)

First pic is Critical Zkittles.

This shit just hits you like a bus!!
Great taste, great smell and a lovely strong indica-smoke :)
This is one to remember.

Had to try some of the budget stuff on offer,does the trick for the price but find it a little harsh on the throat by itself in a jay,so been mixing all three together with a bit less of the Thai than the other 2.
Still got a bit of TGT's royal Maroc to add to the night time jays as well :-)

Here's my recent panic bought stock up lol
RBs strawberry amnesia that came yesterday,well worth the delay... especially the generous amount added to make up for it.
Tasty stuff :-)

Lucky enough to still get decent stuff in-between lb orders.
I'm sure we're all stocking up as much as we can afford while we can eh!

Would definitely recommend.

Quality over quantity I guess. Happy growing bro!

Looks good though man!

![[Vendors' Union]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/adLyMlpjDlfAcOIH.jpg)
I'm so green to the world of Bitcoin that I personally wouldn't know how to implement it, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
There are so many new members looking to at how to buy bitcoin and theres a fair few vendors who'd like to sell, I've seen on the bitcoin forum that its possible, the main stumbling block seems to be buyers claiming their money pack through the banks after the transaction and basically scamming people out of bitcoin. But with smaller amounts and maybe an escrow service in place, is it possible ? How could it work ?
Don't worry about shooting this post down in flames, it is just a through away idea

No problem.

It all seems like a witch hunt, vendor or buyer, I'd have no problem with a vendors page.
This thread is about the title, no need to hijack it any further as I don't agree and we have both had our say.

Have a good day.

in order to accelerate safety we are adding seller provided testing to our regimen. this will not be a substitute to random testing but rather a requirement for products with critical risks.
we will be contacting individual sellers but in the meantime ask us anything and we might have a few more answers than before :)

This will cost a lot of money?

They’re products might be on point but ffs who put a 13 year boy in charge to represent them? Surely they’re not needed here, I don’t think so, I certainly wouldn’t give them my money but we vote on shit here. StickyFingersCo must think they’re invincible here to act in such a way and then give the middle finger boasting sales figures. Just a horrible vibe all round.

i vote against this ban.
Way too much of a witch hunt. False accusations etc.
Some people v happy. If not just dont use them. There is way worse shilling on here even if it was true, but seemingly it isnt. Storm in a teacup.

And i had you classier than a downvoter tbh carver. nvm.

Sorry to disappoint man, I down vote shit that doesn’t sit right with me and this isn’t a storm in a tea cup imo, it’s a cancer that will eventually blow up in someone’s face, hopefully not yours.

Read a bit of it and people calling out other accounts that were clearly not sticky for being sticky. UK420 even came and verified this particular account was not sticky, but still the hounding continued - so it looks like some kinda witch hunt to me.
Cant pretend I'm aware of everything that was going on, but the first thing I looked into was clearly made up BS to discredit the vendor, so there definitely false accusations happening here and I would not support removing the vendor unless there's conclusive proof of serious wrong doing. Not saying their isn't, just saying i'm not seeing it.

Big up carver! :)

Calling someone out for mental health issues while talking to themselves!!! Fucking classic that was lol

It's really pathetic what went on and how long it went on for. It also got way out of hand for what it was all about as well.


I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I can drift away with tunez like this

You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

I discovered music thanks to weed :)

Only vendor I’ve used on here so far is JJ and every single message I’ve sent to him has been replied within an hour or two, it’s unbelievable customer service since he must get a fair few messages. With my limited experience on here I’d recommend him lol

Since it’s all from the same date it sounds like something went wrong on that order date tbh, hard to say without tracking. Don’t want to harp on about him but JJ also provides tracking which I why I chose him for my first order. I think there are one or two other vendors who provide it if requested or at least check on it for you. If they don’t reply that’s just useless though

Sorry to hear about that mate, hope future orders go better for you!

I waited to day 50 before I gave up
Try to message them again to explain, but some things have took a month to land...shite, I know but it’s awkward times...that’s if this post isn’t years old lol
If they are reputable I wouldn’t panic but if they are new with hardly any sale, get that refund

I put in a dispute with escrow and was refunded within 48hours.
Well worth it ??

Over Xmas I got myself an Ultimate Game Pass and been thoroughly indulging myself (apart from the dreaded going to work!)
Many other Gamers on here?
What you playing at the moment/recommendations?

What are you playing through just now? Xbox Game Pass is such good value for money man, even on PC.

When I'm feeling particularly "toasted" though I just like to stick Forza on and bounce around fields causing damage :-)

Haha, aw man Forza in one gorgeous game, you can really zone out in that one. Screw those garages though ¬____¬ I could hardly ever find them.

Yeah those garages are so hard to find.
Youre right about how good it looks. I very often crash off a road cause I'm admiring the view.

Yeah it's a well build little world.

I’m a GTA online veteran and Red Dead online noob, also really enjoyed the story mode for both (PS4).

And I'd definitely recommend a Nostalgia Machine for anyone who used to game pc in the 2000's and wants to remember just how great C&C Red Alert 2 was. ;)

Aw man C&C was so good back in the day. That and Starcraft.

Man I love Mk but I suck at it. My bro is quite good with the combos and stuff, especially in MK9, it's crazy to watch.

I actually like 4 v 4 and chaos , tornados and spikes and plungers it’s madness lol and a few smokes in between can’t beat it man
Mk11 I’m ok at , well I think I am I need to pick someone and learn there moves , I just like looking at all the cut scenes and finishers and that graphics are quality , I wana play now lol, have wait though it’s the kids time on it :(

I can imagine it's hard to get good with limited time on there. MK does take a lot of practice. Haha mate I'd hit them with the old "let dad show you how to play", then when they ask for a shot you just tell them you're not doing teaching them yet. =P

The Game Pass is great, even better if you gameshare and go halves with someone you trust. Purchased downloaded games also share so if either one of us decides to buy a new game the other one can play it for free which is pretty sweet.

I'm still learning about crypto myself, started using it a month ago and it's been a revelation although a bit of a learning curve.
Good luck and have a tasty day!


We really do have a good thing going on in the UK but at the same time, now that I've seen those pictures with your name I'm very intrigued as I do love Hash.
I have placed an order for the sample pack and will happily leave honest feedback/review/photos for the community once received. Thanks

I'm sorry to call you out but it seems odd, just looking out for my biggas.

Something just doesn't seem right. To reach the fluency of which you are speaking English, without living in an English speaking environment is nothing short of astonishing. Unless of course you studied written English for a very, very long time? :/
I'm sure your product is authentic, not sure why you would lie about where it is shipped from though? Although I'm fully open to the fact I'm just too paranoid and am completely wrong. If I am hey, I'm impressed.

If you're so interested from which country I'm from you're more than welcome to ask me in a private massage, and so is everyone else. I have no interest to hide my origin I just don't want to publish it for every watching eye to see.

Said they’d be back, didn’t show up today... the crazy thing is, I hadn’t bought anything recently. I’m guessing it’s that one package that went missing in the mail about a month back... regardless, very scary shit.
Open to all suggestions and comments on how to handle this.

No show from the cops for a second day in a row... not sure what to think at this point. My buddy says he doubts they'll ever come back.
From what I am able to gather, this is a package with like 2g sample pack that got lost in the mail about a month ago or so... I'm really confused as to why they are even bothering to stop by in the first place tbh....

Ah man, keep us posted, heads want to know that the E to the pix is in the clear, one love man, fuck the feds.

No stealth = No wealth.
Opinions vary, but I vote for confusion, politeness and ultimately silence. The burden of proof is on them.
Very best of luck Epix. For what it's worth I think this will blow over and be forgotten about, but give it some time.
Also you never know, it could be about a stolen bicycle or local domestic dispute. Keep us updated.

Cops knocked up on Monday... it's now Saturday. Still haven't come back.

Yeah, as discussed and surmised when I was pondering a (still...) missing pack last week I can't see that they can really do too much - I suspect that they are reaching even for a 'possession' charge if you have never even possessed it... obviously there are archaic rules in regards to use of the postal system etc but honestly... surely the feds and the courts are too busy for this shit?...
Obviously they don't have a warrant or they would already have been in and taken ya stash!! Looks like they just want to give you a stern telling off?...
Best I can say is what I intend to do if it happens.... invite them in for tea, explain how it is so much safer (and better!!) for me to purchase weed on the internet than in a car park and apologise for the archaic laws that require them to visit me and establish that I am indeed, not a society threatening criminal of any sorts...
Panda has suggested a mean looking ferret to hold during the process. I think this would help but I'm short on ferrets. And money. I spent all my money on dope. On Lb lol...
But, my underlying point I guess is that I have always found politeness and apologies go a long way with the feds...they just want to feel like they are in charge isn't it.... I plan to go yes sir I did order the weed, no sir I can't tell you where from, yes sir I will never do it again, no sir I promise....
Soon as the mother fuckers leave I will 100% make another order for NDD for at least a half oz. Fuck the feds. High til I die.
Sorry you got to sit and deal with it though man, keep us posted brother.

On the other hand, an apology and an explanation that buying weed on the internet saves you exposure to all sorts of negativity encountered with buying weed 'on the street', along with a cup of tea, will likely keep them much more malleable...
Also, you don't want to offend their detective skills and get them all into trying to prove too much... then they would want to start looking for more evidence... never great...
Greet them with a smile. Give them tea. Say sorry. Say Bye. Give them the bird. Hit Lb for a celebratory NDD?...

I agree with you shed politeness does go a long way, they were more interested in playing with my dogs than having a go at me really after the first couple of minutes lol

But now with the lockdown... I might not have a choice but to get some again haha.

I'm going to guess they aren't coming back at this point, so that's a HUGE weight off my shoulders. Hoping I'll be able to make a comeback here and start doing reviews and such again. Really missed my little biggars =(

But my wife answered the door. She saw they had a mail parcel in an evidence bag... so we are assuming. I'm not ordering anything else illegal, so... I can't think of what else they would have been here about tbh.
But yes, still no cops. I still have about a half O left of all the massive stocks I had been collecting... so I'll be looking to cop (no pun intended) again soon.

Ah, bless the women, they are what keeps us all upright and moving forward eh..ha ha... I can understand that man, must have been a shocker for her..
Given what's happening right now, think we can safely say it's very likely the whole case will disappear into the winds of time now...they have already spent too much time/money on it by coming round once!
Ah sweet dude, welcome back to the ordering decision nightmares!! Loads of choice on here at the moment - not sure how post is going to start treating us in the coming weeks but yeah, you know the squads on here, you know who packs the super-stealth... peace E

Assume it’s only a wee or you wouldn’t be asking this question

They are also not really interested in getting a customer - its the suppliers they want if they want anyone.
Sorry your misses got scared though, I'd have to do some mighty sweet talking if the boys in blue hassled my wife on our doorstep :)
Good your back, stay safe!

Yeah, we can't become citizens here for another 2 years... so she was SUPER SUPER pissed that I might have jeopardized that situation... so yeah, I wasn't the favorite person for a while.

they will try to rattle you just like they did by making you think about it waiting like this. stay quiet they are not looking for explanation they are looking for INCRIMINATION.
you are in control and hold the shots here, whatever they do have is likely to be minor and you can only add to it by talking to them so be polite, respectful and silent.

I went right back to TGT of course, they had the best weed when I left, and wanted to see how they were doing. Wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Got the Lemon Shebert, Dogwalker OG, Payaya, then their skittles hash and morocan hash.
Honestly, I can't even decide which one I like the best. All great smokes. Happy to see TGT is still doing their thing on here. Each one of them has their own distinct flavor and smell and high... really all top level stuff. Most have really nice bulblus trichomes. One of them they weren't as bulbus, but still was killer bud regardless.
Since I haven't been on a while. What would members say are the top dogs around these days. Always looking for that good bud.
Nice to be back =)) I'll try to upload some photos, I took some... just also became super busy with a new job I took on right before leaving here. So can't do as detailed reviews as I sued to =(

I’ve been meaning to write some on the papaya and dogwalker but life has been distractingly tolling recently
Been wondering where you been at Epix, you and a few others that are normally here
Hopefully as is well with everyone there or anyone reading this...keep the head up, keep er lit...I’m a little tipsy

That sucks but at the same time it’s not that bad, we could be doing worse things

As well as the ones already mentioned Gods Connect is still bringing some of the best buds, and I've heard some good things about 'the Gentleman Dealers', but yopu cant go wrong with most of the top vendors here - yey!

I would suggest giving UrbanLeafCo a try! I had some lovely bruce banner from them a few days back and guava dawg sounds fantastic!

Would be great if prices didn’t rise in some areas
Streets flooded here with good smoke where I am atm
Plenty of stardawg or whatever dawg it is n a few others I’ve forgotten the list...prices are competitive in comparison
Yet to get a fill but I’ll still be here and elsewhere getting the goods
Hopefully prices drop cause the $90-$100 odd a 1/4 is just mind blowing and pocket burning

Site is sloooowwwww compared to few months back when I last logged in
Have tried various locations/browsers/devices

If you use vpn u also need to know this and understand it fully.

Some of us find it useful for stress, better than any pill and more clear headed (not a zombie)

messages with anything sensitive PGP

For windows get "GnuPG"
Basically once you download and create your own public and private key, you can give people your public key and they can encrypt messages that only you can open. In return you can add all the public keys of your friends to your keychain and when you send them a message you can encrypt it with their public key so that only they can read it.
You type your message
Highlight and choose to encrypt
Choose which Public key to encrypt
Then copy and past it and send it and done.
Let me know if there are anymore questions.

I do use Tor for access to other markets as I buy elsewhere too, but on biggy I'm browsing in chrome :)
If you are concerned about security, use Tor. Definately use a VPN though.
I'm not even remotely concerned about anyone trying to snag me, no one wants to do an online investigation to bust an old hippy and his wife for smoking too much weed each week, anyone probing this place is after bigger fish imo.


We currently have 3 strain variety packs (gorilla glue, zkittlez and clusterbomb). We do 3g and 6g weights for this pack.
We also have 4 strain variety packs that are the same strains as above, but with orange gorilla as well. These packs are either 4g or 8g.
All of our strains can also be bought separately in different weights :)

I Don’t think I have to continue the thought

edit: Was this response meant for the vendor Greenlabsla, perhaps?

*note to self. Drinking and commenting bad! Smoking and laughing and not responding better!! *

I fear sometimes shake is a way of getting rid of a bad batch - not always but sometimes (as others have said it depends on the individual).

Not wanting to sound ignorant - I always thought shake was the crap from the floor, sticks, leaves, dead bits, whatever.
That doesn't sound great.
Am I missing something?
What is it exactly?

But like I say when on a budget you can't. Grumble. There are other guys on here that sell shake but never tried them as a little pricey compared to RB

I find that when I need to smash a joint down me quick for stealth reasons, I don't feel as high as when I take 15+ mins to smoke it down.... why? Anyone the same or not?

I've learned recently that it seems like the lungs do 99% of their absorption DURING the inhale only, while the lungs are expanding. I found this very interesting but haven't delved too deep into it. But shallow, less relaxed and quicker breathing would nullify the lungs' full ability for absorption even if the breath was held (seemingly rather pointlessly). I'm feeling that this is likely the main answer to this. The lungs are actually fairly useless at even absorbing oxygen considering that's their job. A very small percentage is utilised with each breath so they don't have a flying start anyway. Less available lung space will very quickly hinder their ability. A longer and deeper draw also means a hotter ember and more smoke flooding into the lungs. I believe long, relaxed draws without any need for holding your breath for more than a second will hit you more than a larger joint would if chugged down quickly without full lung expansion on each breath. Try and let me know if it works! Focus on long full breaths after each breath without holding. Keep inhaling until you reach the end of each breath after toking and think about your breathing for just one joint. I really feel like you should feel more smashed and less dizzy.

I think with the example you've given, the reason why you've had to stealth smoke should be taken into account (ie you're in a rush or the feds are walking over). If you have to bun down a spliff quick, quite often it's in a more stressful situation, which could counteract the effect. When I was younger I remember once coming home from work angry and stressed. Drained a joint in 2-3 mins.... didn't feel anything!

Perhaps the lung can only absorb so much in a cretin period, who knows but i also find that rushing a jay doesn't get me as high as taking my time with it.

There is a cut off point that holding it any longer doesn’t make a difference but you still need to inhale it right deep and hold for some time to get the most out of if...I’ve proved this to myself over time

Wish I could get on with bongs/pipes, they have their time and place, as does vaping...I just always end up wanting a j

Have you had any delays?
If so how long have you been waiting?

They had to fill the staff car park with the backlog of post/parcels.
I’d imagine this could be happening in any number of regional sorting centres.
Some routes are dealing better than others,
I’ve received mail posted on :
7th April 1st Class Signed for and it arrived 15th April
13th April NDD and it arrived 15th April (TGT)
I’m still waiting on a package posted 14th April with NDD.
So yeah I think we are all in the hands of the gods (aka Royal Mail staff that aren’t off work)
Good luck everyone

I have another customer who's item was sent the same day as yours and he's still not received it.
It was most likely stuck in some isolating postie's van I can only assume.
There seems to be no reasonable explanation as why mail would take so long, even during this global situation. All other mail no issues.
To top it off with my village, all post offices in my area have shut today until Tuesday.

I wish there was a way to get this stuff delivered through Amazon somehow, not having any issues with their parcels being delivered on NDD.
Hang in there people, it's definitely worth the wait!

Haha nah I'm only joking bud, the wait is always the worst part but things seem to be picking up so fingers crossed for Monday :) They look great too!

Need your help please, looking for good bud that would help with severe back pain, i have been trying a few varied strains but honestly i am not getting much high and doesn't last, any ideas ? thanks guys wifty

THEGREENTEAM's Gummie Bears 250mg (5 x 50mg)
Stealth and packaging is always A+ from THEGREENTEAM. Decoy used (they're not CBD, people) and custom packaging too, not just thrown in a Mylar.What a smile these put on my face. Ripped the bag open and it smells like fruity gelatin and shatter, yummy.
The bears are very well made, high quality gelatin. One of the bears was a little deformed, but weighed more than the pretty ones. They're firm and don't disintegrate as soon as you bite them, you can chew them up good.
I ate 150mg. Great flavour, very similar to Haribo gold bears but much sweeter and has the taste of shatter cutting right though that overpowers the other flavours. The bears are small, about the size of your pinky tip, so it's no surprise they taste strong as there is 50mg shatter in each of them. By far the strongest tasting gummy I've had.
Onset took about an hour and a half (tip: have some fatty food in you before you consume your edible for faster onset). Clean body high, I'm sitting with heavy eyes, feeling relaxed and giggly with a major dose of the munchies.
I'm impressed with these. From the stealth and packaging, to the dosage, the taste, everything was spot on. TGT are taking it to the next level with their product lineup, I can't wait to see what is around the corner.
Chocolates are up next.

Think what's most impressive of all though is how professional TGT are; the quality, the service, the packaging - they're honestly better than most normal online retailers! TGT are ready to take on the world.

Long time no speak... wow has the world changed since I was here last =(
Anyway, as many might remember, I had cops knock on my door a few months back. I'm a father of 2 with a wife... and lets just say she wasn't happy.
Thankfully nothing has come from that situation, so it looks like I'm finally going to be staging a come back =) Really missed the community here.
How has everyone been?

Always strange to hear about police knocks over a bit of weed. Last time I went to my local dealer there was a police woman in full uniform with the cop car parked outside just stood in queue waiting to get served with all us other wrong'uns lmao if I ever get a knock about this I hope it's from her :P

Feel like I should have found a stoned version of Geralt for my pic now, lucky for you Rick is always fucked up so he fits right in haha

Anyway, they knocked up while i wasn't in, and then never came back. Been months now, so seems like it's all good.

Welcome Back :)

This week I ordered some Papaya, pretty much as soon as I saw it land! Royal mail seems to be speeding up guys! Only a 2 day wait on 1st class! Woo hoo! I dont have to buy from a local supply this weekend to see me through til Monday!
When I opened up the packaging - which is always pro with TGT, I was smacked in the face with a very fruity scent! Definitely distinctive as papaya fruit! Lovely stuff!
Ive had 3 spliffs of this so far today. The first 2 sent me back to sleep! I was woken early by the postman...but I usually manage to carry on with my day...but todays wake and bake made it impossible to get out of bed! Im smoking spliff 3 as i write this, and its charming in taste! Maybe reminding me a little more of grapefruit, than papaya on the exhale. Very fruity, not citrus, a little more bitter than citrus weed and not as deep tasting as a berry strain.
The high, well...it's a heavy hitter I'd say! I'm experiencing a wondering mind and heavy eyes. My body is as stoned as my head! I am in a state of "zombie"! Finding it hard to keep my thoughts tidy and productive...I cant see me getting a whole load done today without exerting all of my energy haha.
The deal was bang on 7g and the nugs (one nug) was HUGE! Bit of a thick stem, and a few sugar leaves present, but nothing to complain about! Being just one large bud, its only the one stalk. The buds still have some moisture left to them and are still slightly sticky. Though not very much crystal if you like to catch your kief!
Overall, I'm really pleased with another top strain from TGT! They provide some super tasty strains and their commitment to bringing something new to the table is unmatched!
Bud Quality - 9/10
Taste/smell - 10/10
Delivery/stealth - 10/10
TGT - 10/10
Thanks for taking the time to read My review! I hope it helps you with your furure purchases! Can't wait to see what TGT has next :)
Happy 420 tokers! X

Love those nails btw.

Great review as always! But I have to say, I do get scared when I see your reviews posted because I know after reading them it's time to attack my bank account!
: )

Appreciate the reviews.

"If there's no return address or franking mark on the item, we’ll send it to the National Returns Centre (NRC). We'll then open the item to try and find a sender's address. If we do, and the contents aren’t newspapers, magazines or advertising materials, we’ll then return it to the sender."
Click here for source

Nice work TGT, these look amazing.

Actually had the privilege to have a rip of
cali papaya coincidentally after ordering yesterday...nice smoke as you would expect...
Couldn’t tell you anything else lol cause I’d been smoking mystery cali I had on top of locally sourced mimosa (dam that’s tasty) almost looks like cali quality but at the proper reasonable price...well slightly over priced if I do say so myself at £12.50 per g lol lol

All jokes aside I was flat broke but for $15 (not including stupid shipping to Ireland) and for the way they look you couldn't be leaving them there! It'll be a week before I get to sample the tasty looking bastards but I'm already drooling! Spot on the money as always TGT.

Please Help!!!

But hey it's all good , the only thing I dont like is not having the surety of knowing where my parcels at , but hopefully even that could get sorted some day , maybe a system could be put in place where we know that aswel . Peace people . Love this place .

Aye some vendors will use the delivery cost to pay staff or other overheads so some are quite high. Radar Breeder offers it for £5 I believe. After buying BTC and paying transaxe fees it certainly makes that average bud cost a premium price.. not much you can do about that unfortunately.

Stay safe all x

Anyway, you would be entitled to complain if you did feel like it - what you are experiencing is frustrating for sure.

I just start getting itchy after day 4...having to be on top of my post as i live in a block of flats etc. Im sure tomorrow is the day....even though i ordered sunday haha

Aw that is brutal. Nothing worse than having to watch for the postie, especially when he keeps walking by! My buddy lives in a flat too and everyone in the building has been getting leaflets in their mail box... general warning about the smell of cannabis being in the flat... no bueno :(

It also helps with any problems like if package doesn’t turn up then you can prove it didn’t
Hopefully this is all completely over sooner rather than later, we’re all going a bit mental lol
Do you still hate me Petitefleur?

Post seems to be returning to some kind of normal now. 1st class arriving within 2 days

I've messaged RB to ask for a refund.

Granted, my tolerance levels may have been slightly down last year, but from talking to a few of the dispensary staff who regularly partake, none of those guys gets through more than 3 in a day. The consensus (amongst them) appears to be that 30mg is the magic number. The packs generally advise to eat 1 - 3 on them. But for me I honestly feel like 5mg is enough for a very nice time, and that this type of high is the pinnacle, i.e. much better than vaping or smoking. Caveat: my 5mg figure is based on not doing this shit every day. Every 8 - 10 days I have found to be optimal

Appreciate all the feedback you guys are the best! He is finishing early today so we will be having another go at the gummies together fingers crossed!

I wanted to congratulate every person who makes this possible, I can't wait to make the first purchase!
Ps. If anyone needed, in life before the pandemic I was a graphic designer / photographer! haha
Greetings again, and you're great!

We could always use your photography skills to get some nice pics of your purchases to help us biggas see what is on offer, if that's something you're interested in.
May your first order go as smooth as possible. :)

But believe me that being able to collaborate in this way would be great for me

I cannot be sure though

Like here in uk I’ve seen growers get community service so what will they do over a few grams? Very little if anything at all

Good luck dude/dudette. So many passes and so little failures there that I have had less problems here than on the street. Just stick to what the most of us here have already tried and tested

Photos are as per usual, standard lens and 40x loupe, Have a lovely Sunday people, peace to you all!
Before even opening, bag appeal is crazy. Solid frosty nuggets, you just know you are in for a treat...but when opening the bag, the smell of this bud is phenomenal. The parent strains are so prominent, and the grow quality is among the highest around.
Bud is dense, sticky but not in a bad way, just through such a high thc content, grinds beautifully and smells sweet as candy-Campari strawberry and cream sweets specifically!
Lighting up.... daaaamnn! Finest, finest flavour. Mouthwatering, such sweet strawberry on inhale, crisp haze aftertaste. Its uplifting, feels like silver but with so much more in the eyes.
For me, It really is the haze that beats them all, DrugsInc have sourced an absolute beast! For anyone who hasn't grabbed a bag yet, do yourselves a favour-and for those who have...I challenge you to recommend a bud to rival it!
Til next time community, Peace! JJJ

Warm regards

TGT send me a mis-order (fully rectified) and to avoid disappointment, I grabbed the SS fro DI. Both are amazing, have made my week lol. Just a heads up, Im on for the G13 haze next, will be doin a review on that as I wanted to do one for the strawberry but was hosting that evening and my buddies raided the jar!

Only thing was that I wasn't able to rosin press it and was able to do that well on the strawberry haze from tgt.


i'm always looking for that good sativa soar.

But its top product!
Great cure, haze stench!! out of the bag.
Deep Haze high with classic silver at onset ,on into a dreamy complex , long lasting euphoria from the Strawberry Cough.
A superb Sativa, racey at times and everything you can ask for :-) (Sativa Head lol).

Vikosh79 has been reached out to several times for comment and instead of responding he has down voted any criticism and stayed silent.
I think Vikosh79 intends to stay silent and wait until this is forgotten so he can continue his plan. I would like to see the Vendor's Union page terminated so that this cannot happen.

However I do like Vikosh posts and updates about vendor sales and all that stuff.
Hope they still keep coming.

That said I really appreciate you calling this shit out.
Vikosh I hope you stay around and learn from this.

Then there is the conflict with the prime directive of do no harm. What if the termination causes harm or if the terminated party is not causing harm?
That said I think this union is one of the most fundamentally idiotic ideas I have seem thrown up on these pages.
If sellers can't handle the general public and what that sometimes means they don't belong here or in any open forum. An authoritarian solution is disgusting on too many levels to count.

1 LB is a little bigger now, so this isnt a quorum.
2 the bot doesn't function anymore, its builders gone etc. I don't see a lot of bots like this mostly borgs.

I don't have enough to vote on, in the meantime this is a much healthier drama than ronald season 19.

He should be open and clarifying peoples worries if it was so genuine. For me it’s a complete conflict of interests anyway. No one person should have the power he’s trying to achieve on here. He’s already kind of getting away with it. With his only contact me shit. It’s not on.

Been seeing this animal mints, sounds interesting
I love flavours ya know

I can’t compare to the orange sorbet but follow the link to the orange tree
Must do more reviews from time to time, there’s been a few that I should’ve done in the past

Can get good stardawg and lemon haze here and there on the street cheaper right now £10-12.50 per g and it’s banging...only problem is it sells out super snappy, literally in a few hours

So it was my first order and I tried to pay using Bittylicious, but it wouldn't work. 0.0057BTC.
So I closed the order window and have no record of it (as I though it hadn't worked).
So I placed new orders using Paybis - all ok.
A bit later I was still on Bittylicious and the payment has gone through. But I have no idea where it went or what it was for now.
The only reference on Bittylicious is B73UEF7YX which doesn't look like an LB order number or BT address.
Is there anyway to find out where the money went?
If it went to a seller I'd quite like the weed, or a refund.
I think I have an idea of who I was trying to pay, but is there anyway to actually find out?

I’m sure they’ll sort it out for you when the 3 weeks is up. It’s so frustrating I know but just hang in there. And maybe think again before using them while this pandemic is on. I think it’s the area they are in. It’s must be hit bad. Fingers crossed bud it lands tomorrow 11/5/20

Incredible, disgusting prices tbh.
Honestly who needs a vendor like that round here ?

Just another way were being fucked by the government who are the biggest growers of cannabis in the country, connect the dots, follow the money.


If it was.?
Just seen it. I agree total rip off to be honest ..some prices on here
Are well to pricey..I could understand if it all was grade A+++++
But a lot of average stuff. Or low grade on here..heisen beard agrees

Things are a little sour for me now after being shafted recently by newer vendors. My only advice to new users would be beware of any new sellers and just use the established vendors.

Sorry here about your experience with a vendor mate..but I feel..my opinion of course..us customers should know of any vendors that have shafted someone..coz it could happen again to someone else?..I'm sorry its happened to you..but we should know mate..:-)

Not some plants grown by an amateur in his spare room.

Pic is of PP.

Your price is to high imo which I am perfectly entitled too.

I understand you got stung. But you haven’t been stung by me, you have never purchased from me. You therefore certainly shouldn’t be warning buyers away from ‘new vendors’ that would imply all of us.
Whilst you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, You should really be more clear with your writing.

It's simple business - price competitively.
You may well be straight up but it's gonna be difficult for me to take that risk again with anyone new.
Take it easy GF

A. Be clear with your writing before outing someone,
B. Dont write damaging comments about a grower you havent tried.
Ive had at least 2 strains on here @ under $60 an 8th, you must have missed those as they seem to go quite quickly.

B. No sorry I must have missed that bargain.
C. Don't lecture me please.

You got upset because I gave you a response.
Never mind. Take it easy.

All I can say is that is true GF has offered me a sample. I don't want it but it does show he is a straight up guy. So big up GF.
Maybe I was wrong, maybe all of your stains are absolute fire and worth that $20 a G. Who knows?! I can't risk it at that price for a new vendor.
It isnt your fault the price of weed has gone mad tho and I do appreciate that.
Fill your boots. Green is gold right now.

Free samples for biggas? And not me either. Someone that's been here for ages and can vet you personally. I mean what's it gonna cost you five grams in stash? To send out 10 samples to the community and them we get some real feedback.
Stay safe GF take it easy man.

thats unreal what was it for....super duper triple dipple haze hash kush?
F"#! Me
Little Ben

![[Vendors' Union]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/adLyMlpjDlfAcOIH.jpg)

I managed to cancel most of them, actually managed to pay for one of them with Drugs Inc UK and somehow managed to partially pay TGT for an order for the wrong product!
Bittylicious wouldn't accept my payment and then changed it's mind and said it did. Paybis worked fine.
I'm a nightmare! I must have tried to place 15 orders in the process of trying to get it to work.
I've emailed both sellers to apologise and try and sort it out.
So sorry TGT and Drugs Inc if you're reading this! What was supposed to be really simple turned into a complete mess!
Hope I don't get kicked off :)

Enjoy your first pack when it lands and give me a shout if you have any questions. You're in good hands.

1st up is DANK COOKIES

I’m looking forward to seeing the menu, and just saw ya got the RUNTZ in. Always been a strain that I want to try, I don’t know whether to pull trigger on RUNTZ, hows the taste, stone effects, any pain relief from it?

Racist, homophobic, constantly threatening to take the site down and now threats of posting personal details on here? Here is just a slither of the shit this guy has posted. I mean ffs.
“You don't want none of this mate.......trust me.
if want to play i can start by posting your details on here, i'm that much of a cunt.”
“You have no idea bro so just live and let live or i'll end this whole fucking site.”
“How about i'll help you back onto the boat you came in, Borat?”
“We don't need to make them, we invent them and then send them to your shitty little countries to be made cheaply and usually poorly. Aw baby, you REALLY need this site don't you? no wonder you think the weed is great, hahaha fucking el, they thought commercial was the best weed in world in Poland when i took it hahaha oh dear you're getting fucked and you don't even know it gay boy.”
“It's called freedom of speech, maybe you don't have that in Cuntasakstan, but here in the UK we say what we fucking want.”
“i'll bring this website down.”

Heisenbeard is an over opinionated cunt, he knows that.
But this is a whole new level of cuntyness.
You had a few good grows, doesn’t make you dr.greenspoon does it. Doesn’t mean you can talk to people like that either man. No one needs uneducated hate/racism in their life. You have now alienated yourself for simply being a cunt.
Apologise man. The best thing for you to do is show some humility, admit you went over board and Don’t let it happen again. Carverr is well in his rights man with it all over his page.

Firstly, if this is successful and they do ban him, what's to stop him from coming back with multiple accounts with the sole intentions of making your life worse and trolling you even further on LB?
I don't think he was being serious when he said he would bring the site down. I think HB just likes to wind people up and if you react then you're giving him what he wants?
Now while I don't agree with all the stuff he has said I think it's fair advice to say take everything with a pinch of salt, especially when it comes to dealing with strangers on an illegal website lol.
Rather than go any further, why don't you just restrict him from your page / posts? Or better yet, why don't you two just leave all this shit go and start fresh, life is too short for this nonsense gents.
I won't be voting as I have had no bad interactions with HB and honestly, I do just think he is saying all this because he is bored and wants a reaponse (though I could be wrong lol).
Nobody enjoys being trolled or harassed though, regardless of intent, so if ye can't squash this and become friends then why bit just be civil and avoid eachother?
Hope you're well Carverr and hope all this gets sorted.

Ah I’m glad it’s Friday although every day is seemingly like a Friday,
Stay safe and keep high 8)

He’s alright once you get past the cunt stage lol.
He shouldn’t be racist though man it’s not nice to read yet alone have to tolerate. Hopefully he will apologise to the guy he was racist too not only carverr. Kiss and make up everyone cmon

Has anyone else made this mistake before? and what happened did your order arrive as per usual?

![[Vendors' Union]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/adLyMlpjDlfAcOIH.jpg)
It is not us versus them or them versus us.
It is not about deleting all bad reviews. A 1/10 review that you make, because you believe that you've been wronged and you want future buyers to take it into account, please be kind/unbiased (if that's really your intention!) to these future buyers and support your review with clear facts, pictures, screenshots (i've seen many reviews with supporting material on LB: i.e. moldy weed, super dark buds, damaged merchandise, etc. - so it is possible, right?)
All reviews are subjective.
As a vendor to vendors, I think impartiality is very important looking into this matter.
Not because i benefit from selling to vendors, rather because without both, customers and vendors, i do not have my purpose here. Neither does any of you (unless introspection is so painful), without vendors or customers there is no LB as a marketplace, just a big bag of rants (some sort of Facebook for anonymous cannabis activists).
The fact that LB has already turned into 'a hot spot for drama' is already upon us (there are accounts that are solely registered to go around, slandering people and purposefully ordering to give negative reviews and harm - do your own research).
Give a chance to those who are wronged to get support and protection they deserve - buyers and vendors. Keeping in mind the nature of LB and what is sold/purchased here, both should have some sort of protection. Same rights.
Buyers and Vendors, both, are the reason this site exists.
That said, get in touch with the vendor first!
Grant them parole and subsequently give them a chance to fix their mess up. Practice patience. Should they not answer or fix their shortcoming, let's say within 48hrs, then go ahead, break a leg.
I experienced impatience and anxiety waiting for orders (up to 45 days!!!) or a response from vendors. I know how it feels. I caught myself thinking that i am the most important person in the world in that situation and everything should revolve around me, forgetting that the vendor in question can experience certain struggles as well. I remind myself that the reason why i came to buy on LB is because where i live cannabis is illegal and therefore shipping it worldwide can be risky and encounter unforeseen circumstances (e.g. COVID now, the first pandemic of my whole existence).
Ordering an "illegal" substance online has it risks and by doing this you automatically take those risks.
That is why this site, its community members, some vendors and buyers try hard to make it as stress and anxiety free as possible for each other.
I like this page and think it can help us to scratch each other backs. Isn't it?
Have a wonderful day all,

Just because there is already drama on LB doesn't mean we should create a page where that can be encouraged. You're side stepping the concerns we brought up, not addressing them.
You may not decide how long a customer must wait before contacting anyone. What if a new user comes a long and thinks this page is displaying site rules (it's not, btw).. You have now forced someone to act how you feel they should on this site. That is not on. You cannot force your way of rating and reviewing on to other people.
No one should be waiting 45 days for package and if you are you have every right to be upset. You may have achieved enlightenment and have god levels of compassion, doesn't mean everyone else has. Also.. people don't think they're the most important person in the world dude.. they just want their medicine. In fact most are too scared to even message a vendor because they don't want to bother them. People need to be encouraged to ask the status of their order, not discouraged.
Vendors hold the power on Littlebiggy, you're mad if you think it works any other way.
What this page actually does, is help you scratch vendor's backs.
As a bigger with the communities interest at heart, I find this page unnecessary at best and harmful at worst. This page is not designed to help us, it's designed to silence us.

This place has seen hundreds of chancers like you come and go since its inception.
The plans you have... forget them.
This aint no dictorship, homie.

Vikosh, you are a vendor, you cannot be impartial in this matter. The blatant conflict of interest here is staggering.

![[Vendors' Union]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/adLyMlpjDlfAcOIH.jpg)
As you can see from THIS post by Vikosh, he would like all potential vendors to contact him BEFORE registering an account. Why would they need to do that? You can see Vikosh also kindly provides a sign up link with his reference code. He wants to get referrals. 1% of every sale the vendor will make, in fact. He would also like to promote his "Buddy Plan" to anyone thinking about signing up.
Vikosh, you are attempting to insert yourself as the first point of contact for anyone who wants to sell on this site, and you are doing it in a misleading way, attempting to deceive our community with the purpose of your union. You are making moves to put yourself in a powerful position that shouldn't exist, and the union is another step in that plan.
No one should have to contact you to sign up, and you have not made it clear that isn't the case.
There is a massive conflict of interest here. You are a vendor.
No one should have to worry about their review being attacked by your union.
You are not doing this to benefit the community. You are doing this to earn money and solidify your positon as a consultant to vendors.
The community has raised several serious concerns about the existence of this page, which you have so far ignored. I ask that you respect the community and directly address all the comments.

To add to the specific points you put against him, I can't say your wrong, but if the dude can get some money without being disingenuous, great for him.
Hope I got my little ramble off in a legible way, love this community.

I agree with you that if he isn't being disingenuous it's fine, however, one would think he would at least attempt to defend himself against such serious accusations. He has repeatedly refused to respond to the community. I know silence doesn't equal guilt, but how can we assume otherwise if he can't do something as simple as refute the accusations? I have to go with my gut on this one.

As a new member of the bigga community I thought I'd put up a post about my first month here, the sellers I've used and why I'm here. Don't know why I'm posting this really but it was seeing peoples posts and images on here that convinced me this place was legit so maybe my post will be seen by someone else trying to figure it out or maybe no one will see it, doesn't really matter :) I was actually convinced quite quickly when I started seeing the same names popping up with posts and pics (I don't know any of you well enough to name check you but I'm sure the regulars know who they are - thank you for convincing me!).
So lets get right to the point, hows my first month been? it's been beyond my hopes, it's been perfect really. I've found buying on lb is usually slightly more expensive than buying offline but there's a couple reasons for this - p&p obviously but also bitcoin exchange rates. I wanted to mention that early as it's probably the only negative I can think of and I want to be honest about it. That said, you're paying for convenience, choice and control, who doesn't want that? worth the slight increase for me. Although my limited budget is going to get pushed n the coming months because I want everything I see on here! lol I do also worry a little bit about the uk importing too much cali... don't get me wrong it's great but cali prices will become the norm - we're not Americans, we musn't forget that! :) As for everything else on bigga no complaints other than its impossible to tell how old posts are haha
The sellers I've used have all been spot on:
The Green Team - 3 orders so far with TGT, they've been fantastic with me. Lovely bud, every strain has been nice and strong, a nice smoke and the packaging and stealth is perfect. I plan on using them regularly for my bud and I've got to try some of their hash when the funds allow as I'm sure it will be just as good.
littlebud - a new seller who was offering a sample pack of his own Alien Triangles and Girl Scout Cookies. The seller was very honest in hi description and the price was cheap as chips! Really nice smoke with some amazing flavour. Was very happy with what I got and will try to use again.
jj - I bought 2g of stardawg of jj to empty my bitcoin wallet, I actually apologized to him for the small order but it was a stoner moment as jj clearly specializes in smaller order sizes and that is just so helpful if you're on a tight budget. The bud was perfect, jj is a good fella, arrived quickly again everything spot on and I will look to jj again no doubt it!
So that's who I've tried so far, I have posted pics and reviews. I don't intend to do that for every single order but so far I have again just to try and help out some other new users and just to share with the more established members. I do intend to try out as many sellers as I can as I truly believe in supporting this place but as mentioned I'm skint so it might take a while for me to get to you but I believe it's important.
This is getting long now and there's no way anyone is still reading so now I'm going to get to the more important stuff, why I'm here...
I didn't come here because of the lockdown all my locals are still selling. I cam here for 2 reasons. The selfish reason being that I simply wanted a bit more control over the weed I was smoking and I'm not in a position to grow my own any more. The main reason that I am here though is that it's 2020 and cannabis is STILL FUCKING ILLEGAL! I'm a firm believer that growers and sellers deserve the respect and protection of being legitimized. The work you do is AMAZING, you care about your products and your customers, you work all day every day and you make successful business from often tiny margins it's incredible.... sellers on here seem to get a bit of stick from time to time (maybe I'm just "old school" now? haha) but honestly they are pioneers and I believe a place like this really could go on to be the next phase of getting there. And ofcourse this isn't just good for sellers, it'll be great for us consumers too! We all have our uses/needs for the products we buy, I wont go in to detail about mine but what I will say is I'm genuinely forever grateful.
Well there we go, post over. Hope you enjoyed reading it more than I enjoyed typing it all out lmao
Have fun biggas, smoke up! :)

Whilst writing all that comment..id need to be lol..you should get a few thumbs up(votes) when people read your comment.. Just 1 thing to say regarding what you've wrote ..like u say,you're first month using site..1 vendor to mention zz..RADAR BREEDER..top vendors .along with the ones u have already mentioned ..there's so many to go at...im on the G13HAZE from green team at moment..good buds..not the strongest haze ive ever had..but .very good still..ive stuck a vote on for you zz 87..if only for the effort with your comment...respect..to you and all who read these posts. :-) JAY BOY

I've got some of RB's critical hash on my radar for payday :D

I ordered from green team before and everything was cool.
I’m back cos I’ve nearly run out and can’t wait to buy some more! Looking at buying from some new smaller guys on here.
I use this site cos I have no hook ups anymore and didn’t know how I was gonna get through lock down without any green.
Anyway, love this site, love the chill vibe.
Much love

Agree abut the chilled vibe, so refreshing compared to the rest of the internet haha. Enjoy your night mate

Know what ya mean about this feels like the future!! No being messed about by a dealer etc. Next step - legalisation ? !
Yeah, have an awesome night too bud

1) free ndd cost with option to order before midnight for ndd :)
2) comms which is so important. I had messages during the despatch process without asking. All questions answered. Which is what all vendors should be doing.
3) Quality and packaging of product.
4) Tracking number on despatch.
No brainer well done jj.


I hope one day we can just do this in £
p.s - your sour og looks lovely :)

its the only part of lb that doesnt work

![[Vendors' Union]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/adLyMlpjDlfAcOIH.jpg)

it seems that this site was designed with decentralisation as one of the pillars. creating aligned circles of interest/authority within are counter to that design philosophy imo.
any vendor providing a quality service should have no problems, except perhaps from other vendors...

Ultimately vendors already have protection in place and I think the community handles trolls and false reviews perfectly well. Having a page like this where we promote targeting and eliminating "bullies" will allow mob mentality to seep in to our community, and innocent people will get caught up in that.

The vendors are very reliant on the feedbacks on this site.
Which means that their service and reputation they have to earn.
This doesn't cancel the fact that they, as well as the buyers, need to enjoy protection.
I'll be happy to see you around again.

Got a refund but my rating and review got removed.


If you absolutely must order an hour or two before a vendors cut off time I would try ThePopeOfDope (away for a week right now). Anytime I've ordered right up untill 12am he has been on the ball.
Or Radar breeder. Anytime I've placed a order before and sometimes after 2am it has been sent in the morning without fail.
I can't comment on anyone else since I've never ordered at cutoff. Although TGT could be worth a try (10AM cutoff).
I agree with you completely, a line is indeed a line. Cutoff times shouldn't be flexible, we depend on them being absolute.

Not here to shoot anyone and being honest everyone's been great here, from vendors to other buyers. Just a little gripe of mine is all. The only other one is that i have had only one vendor, TGT, mark the order as "ordered" to begin with, before appropriately changing it to sent. Every other order (a lot) from anyone else just gets marked as sent when they take the order. Just gives a less accurate idea of the process, which can remove some assurance from the situation, especially given the nature of this market and process.
Thanks for your response.

On marking the order as sent... I'm the opposite. I don't want to be waiting for the postman next day because the order was marked as sent, but wasn't actually sent.

Very sorry we just keeping up with orders and WILL sort messages soon.
But we cannot guarantee which strain is sent but can label what it is.

It's a shame really. Would have thought it would be in his interest as well. A quick topic on it saying which one is currently 'open' would suffice?

I want to treat my self but I don’t want to end up with a lucky dip. I think quite a few of the biggaz are thinking the same thing.
Either way RBs products are always incredible in my opinion.

Paid have no idea what this means and worried now. Any advice lease biggas?

Cheers for the feedback so far sidetracked, hoped mine was landing today but alas that doesn't look to be the case :( I'm not without smoke though and since absence makes the heart grow fonder the Ketama will be all the more banging when it does drop :)

That's a shame, tomorrow is the day though! I think TGT only post NDD on Tuesday and Thursday now as well, so it's likely to have been posted today to arrive tomorrow. Keep me updated.

Me and wife been doing this daily for 35 years. In all that time I've seldom gotten hash as good as this and can recommend them all to anyone who appreciates quality. Happy chuff chuff chuffed!

On opening the package that arrived in 2days (ndd) I was a little disappointed, I thought oh shit they've all squashed together in transit and then it was clear it was nearly all one super large bud, awesome looking flower coated in trichomes with a lovely smell and clocking in at a weight of 5.7g, this bud has been injected with alien probes to make it this big I'm sure :')
Our weapon for tackling this bud from the stars is the Arizer Extreme Q desktop vaporiser and for this bud we decided to use the bag attachment and I'm glad we did, I set the temps too around 220C and a Fan speed of 2 and we were blessed from above with the milkiest damn bag I've managed to get. Pure white clouds, the throat hit was intense and left you thinking fuck this is some strong shit, flavour was there and loud, you can easily taste both parent plants in the mix.
The high was powerful and long lasting for me, Infact I was actually pretty far gone after a few bags, TGT really do seem to get some good Dawgs in, and I hope they continue to get these strains for us as they are personally my favourite.
Many Thanks for looking after me as usual
I'd highly suggest people order with NDD at the moment , with people having a few issues and delays with 1st class.

In my opinion, hash should be smoked in a joint or a bong.

Oh yeah my last 3 NDD packs all took 2 days... that's spooky. :'(

Only cost around £100 mate, really good device for the money as long as you go careful with glass parts as obviously they're a bit delicate.
I've just ordered another 14g of this alien dawg I really enjoyed it last night playing a few games on the PlayStation with the Mrs it was spot on!

I have my own thoughts on this but as I was labelled 'RB's Scrote' by him just thought I'd put it out there. Also labelled a 'smoker joker' too by this dude, but to be honest if that's meaning I'm not a connoisseur/budtender type of smoker it's not far from the truth lol I still like to have an opinion on my purchasers though.
I'm about ready to put this little fucker up for being banned lol

now i have nothing to binge watch i must face sad reality again :(

Class American Prison Drama
If I ever get myself a Zombie Stick I might try Coronation Street on catch up Season 1 Episode 1 :-)

You gotta have a screw loose to watch those soaps mate, imo

Predestination. Good sci-fi mystery mindfuck movie.

Southland - also a good series that went under the radar
Recently - really liked Doom Patrol

Saying that, it is all personal preference, one mans trash is another mans treasure, so each issue should be dealt on a case by case basis.
Good Luck

Any advice welcome

I just wanna say I wish you no harm and I'm not one to hold lasting grudges

Guys I have just had the police visit me, 2 officers, I just came clean with them as they have me trying to collect the parcel without a something for you card on cctv (as one was never put through) I was bang too rights.
The 2 officers were very good with me, they said forefront that on this occasion I will not be in trouble. They showed me the parcel and it was absolutely stinking, they said they haven't even opened the tin and it's stunk out the station, stealth was next to non existent.
They have taken my information and left me with a verbal caution.
They asked where I had ordered from and I have said that I could not tell them.

If is a small amount is just a warning especially if you don’t admit to it. Not worth while investigating the case further.

Still can't see how it was in the public interest even if it stank the station out.
You probably would have got the same sanction if you were growing 9 or less plants, might be worth thinking about.

I'm really sorry this has happened to you man, and so soon too. It's really upsetting for me so I can only imagine how you feel.. fs bro.

You're still part of this community and there are other ways to partake. You are such a contributing member.. a hit like this is really bad for the community as a whole man.

Yeah I appreciate you man, you have a great energy. We have many more chats to come, hopefully we can fix this somehow. They really made you feel like a criminal for a little bit of weed huh.. sad sad times indeed.

Fortunately my 12 year old son was at school so didn't have to see me getting questioned and my landlords were not in sight so I've dodged a bullet

That is bonus mate at least he didn't have to go through that with you. I wouldn't say you dodged a bullet, more like took a bullet that just missed all vital organs haha. It sucks but you'll live y'know? If you do decide to go down the alternative post route in the future let me know how it goes.

Biggest shame of all is that if that was THAT stinky imagine how it would have smoked :( hope the boys and girls at the station atleast got to sample it as would hate to see good weed go to waste! lol Hope all worked out :)

As above. They should be able to help.

Not been ordering as heavily as around a month ago I had a pretty messed up experience on acid, this has left me with an impending sense of doom every time I smoke weed? I know crazy but I'm sure the psych vets on here may know what I mean. Now I feel ready to trip again as I need to get over this experience, it was difficult but not enough to put me off.
I've been told by some psychonaut friends to keep benzos like xanax on hand, quite frankly I know this would give me a sense of comfort but don't have access to them, I just don't know anyone that can get them. This leads me to the real questions, is it true that they would help? Also is there anything more readily available that would have a similar effect? Weed usually chills me, it sends me crazy on acid.
Many thanks

There is no trip stopper
Relax and stay calm. You are more in control than you think
After tripping so much i get off on weed which to me is like a double bonus
If you have doubts then wait, you might not be ready for the next journey

The weed usually enhances my trip but last time it was pretty much the trigger for pulling me into the difficult experience. I feel this is why smoking causes this feeling now.
The likes of tramadol apparently can negate a lot of effects of a trip, but then of course serotonin syndrome or seizures is a severe risk. Kinda defeats the point, stop tripping, but die.
I think I'll probably just go for it. Might feel the need to find some benzos for the anxiety effect locally but that could take forever with the lockdown. I need to get onto the dark net, but that's too intense.

Maybe you’ll get accustomed to it and or it will pass
Set and setting...stay safe and have a good time

Now that you've said it that doomed panicky feeling is quite similar to what I imagine I felt when I got the phone call. Maybe nothing but maybe the weed has negative connotations in a way.
Thanks for all your replies, let's me talk it through in my head more.

You’re welcome

Psychedelics are going to bring some psychological shit to the surface, good and bad but its an opportunity to deal with it, face it and put it behind you
Once we deal with our problems we can enjoy ourselves in the moment and psychedelics teach us this
To get to heaven you must first go through hell

In fact instead of smoking weed I've started microdosing acid and feel 1 million times better, the symptoms the weed helped mildly have damn near disappeared.
Thanks for the replies all of you. Great community, helped me come to my conclusion that I couldn't be happier with.

I've not done it the most scientific way, bought 100 crystal caretakers 220ug (as you can imagine I'm planning long term use) and made my solution, from one tab at a time, essentially 10 days from one tab. So far though I feel incredible and actually am in shock at how much more in tune with life I am. I've always been negative, so much so it's been a joke with friends. Now I actually see the beauty in life, the moon, sun, stars, trees etc.
Never know it may be temporary, I can't vouch for it long term as I've not been on long. If you struggle with the point of "everything" I can recommend though, as that was me.

Literally anything will help if you believe it will but you cant stop the ride

Really appreciate the advice from you all, I will update when I've landed. If I update before, it won't make any sense, ignore it!
Peace and love to all you.

Wouldn’t recommend mixing any drugs like this
Plus your tripping, why stop something that can be a pivotal changing moment in ones path in life

I had read up on my friends prescription of mirtazapine because my friend wouldn’t be in the mind frame to care what he was given to take from the drug pushers ah hem i mean doctors!
So reading about this I noticed about it involving 5-HT serotonin receptor so i thought this shit must be active as psychedelics bind to the same receptors
Guess what i right, mirtazapine is trippy! On the psychedelic level with a twist...wouldn’t recommend it. Stay away, theres safer options to get off like mushrooms
So back on track...i dont know if this would add to or intensify the lsd or would it bind sooo much to the receptors blocking the lsd
but i thought once the lsd is bound to the 5-HT receptors that it was there until a certain time
So i look up mirtazapine and apparently its antagonist means blocking, but im thinking you would need to be on mirtazapine first to have negated effects from lsd
Maybe a pharmacist can chime in here, my best advice
Dont mix drugs, especially adding prescription drugs, in fact throw you illegal obtained prescription drugs in the been and smoke more cannabis and eat more shrooms!

your post makes no sense; first you say mirtazapine makes you trip (not according to any account I've ever read!) . then later you say it is an antagonist (which is the correct version).
you're presenting yourself like you understand what you are talking about and querying my information yet you are talking utter shit. you mention personal experience yet the account you've given here lacks any! go read bluelight and wind it in.

have a look
The only reason i downvoted once is based on what i perceived to be ill advice to mix drugs
There is a big lack of understanding from both sides here
Subjective my experience is, i ask you to look into it further.
Im not literature kinda guy i only have my own experiences to reflect on

the title of this thread is 'Benzo as a trip killer'. I offered the information on what is a 'trip killer' as Benzos are not. after your first (less than cordial) response (the original escalation of language you complain so bitterly about) i referenced you to bluelight for the science but you seem to have ignored that. the link you referenced is about some freaks doing huge doses of that drug alone which is not relevant to was discussed. if you do most drugs in a high enough dose they'll likely do *something* to you. I've pushed nothing, only corrected erroneous information. the op did not come back so I left it there.
you've gone out of your way to try and twist this. I think your responses probably speak for themselves. it's so cringe to read.
it's worrying that some people on here seem to trust you so much. for me >1600 upvotes since you joined in jan 2020 is alarm enough.

Then come back and apologise
I have experience and it is documented
Heres one link ya lazy ill mannered brat!
I bet you’ll hide with a redface before you’ll ever apologise

I'm on both sertraline and mirtazapine. They are inhibitors. It's almost impossible to trip on either/both.
Tried 300ug recently, most.i got was a buzz whilst my mate was tripping hard in just 100ug.
Again, not meaning to take sides. You're a good guy on here who makes many great posts but on this specific matter diceman is most definitely correct in his assertion that one counters, not compounds, the other.

I usually found when you fight the sleep is when weird shit happens on said substances like diphenhydramine for example
Too cap it off, scienctists doesn’t understand fully how psychedelics work
So who are we to say with validity
Life is subjective to boot

I don’t understand how either and it does sound counterintuitive
But when i see bright colours, twisting objects and moving surfaces and edges i call that trippy
Im not saying its like lsd...i said psychedelic with a twist
Look at the link please

You're right about us not knowing much about psychedelics. It's a big distorted field in chemistry and biology. All I know is they Inhibit my LSD trips which bloody pisses me off. At least I still.get the surge and buzz when coming up.

There are many levels of consciousness

and i gave a link to info that diceman side didnt exist

Of course i don't know, scientists don’t understand the mechanisms of psychedelics fully
I was speaking my experience not expertises
I provided evidence to the contrary of the claims of TALKING SHIT to help give insight
thats what im here for but if you attack me then im gona say it how it is
Are you gonna defend diceman then for the way he unduly spoke to me
Look at the link I provided and look into it yourself
Im sorry if i come across as rude but i have no tolerance for ignorance
No problem with you all
Just wish you would read things fully and understand where the writer comes from with his experience albeit limited and do the research before attacking him...definitely doesn't make me look bad being attacked
I just said he was rude and lazy for not even researching before attacking me
So yeah bandwagon
You know mixing drugs is a very bad idea especially when you dont know the person in questions physiological response to said compounds
Cheers for your support

Im literally not long awake and im appearing more defensive than im...not that its a reasonable excuse but my vocabulary is very limited
You are defending or appears you took a side at least
I havent forced anything and my experience isnt an assumption surely...i have no clue about the in and outs, dont claim too please re-read
If you have time after or later, look into a bit, its quite interesting...for me anyway
Maybe my words do look offensive but you cant see my smile

Just wanted to send all my buds on here a holiday greeting. Whatever you are celebrating this time of the year, I hope you have a nice one with friends or family!
One thing I know all of us will be partaking in and that is Spliffmas. So an extra special spliffmas greetings from me here in Scotland and may your spliffs (or your preferred method) have something a little extra in them over the holidays =P
Peace and love,

Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surprised community like this exist. Makes it easier :)

I'm a lil late on the post as its now May...
Anyway, take care and Thankyou LB

blazing away at 2pm in the afternoon on the front of the beach, with lots of tourists old people and kids walking past is very unique in Thailand... Weed is a deep dark green from the sun, has the classic Thai smell and hashy sort of taste, strength is 8/10 it's the most strong Thai weed I've had, .. the bar is safe and they want customers it's called 'gecko bar' so if you're planning a holiday head to koh samet , besides decent weed it's got beautiful beaches and right now Chinese free! No food and bits of rubbish floating around the Ocean!

Have a great holiday. Cheers. BB

I am kinda new here due to the whole virus situation. Just wondering and asking advice.
When you get your delivery, do you write your own name with the correct postal code and address, or is it better to put a pseudonym ?
I don’t want to receive a love letter from the postal or police service telling me that my letter has been seized and some legal stuff might happen (fine, prison, or community service,…). With this confinement it’s crazy for a stoner to just be a stoner. Especially when your country still does not legalise herb.
Stay safe everyone!

If they charge a premium for this it's ok with me IF it's a premium service, if the order is sitting around or if the stealth is shit that's different, they need to make that ship cheap or free because that's what I'm paying for.

A First Class stamp for a letter weighing up to and including 100g costs 67p, while for a large letter of the same weight, it is £1.01. First Class stamps for large letters of up to 250g are priced at £1.40. For a weight of 500g it costs £1.87 and £2.60 for large letters weighing up to 750g.
100 White Jiffy Airkraft Postal Bags Bubble-lined Peel and Seal - Size 1 (170mm x 245mm) Amazon £13
100 Pack 12 x 18cm (4.7 x 7.1 inch) Black Mylar Foil Open Top Bags Vacuum Heat Sealable £17
so let's just say you need a 750g stamp @ £2.60 an a bag for let's just say 20p with 2 bags @ 45p for the weed =£3.25 and that's an over estimate. If you buyed it all in bulk the cost go's down alot That's why most sellers do it for $5/$6 Coz the price to send stuff isn't that much.
Even stamps are cheaper in bulk.

I'm a big fan of the Dawg strains, & over the last few months I've tried a few, Star, Gelato, Kosher & now, most recently, the Purple from TGT. I wasn't that impressed with the Gelato, the Star is great, the Kosher I think is a bit more potent than the Star, though I'm no expert, & now, I don't know if it's just me, but this Purple batch seems to pack an almighty punch? It really hits hard, which is fantastic!!
I guess my question is, is the Purple a super, super strong strain, or does it depend on the grow / cure, or any number of things?
Thanks for humouring me.

Just got to decide between going for this or trying something new, love how much choice there is here.

Carverrs Captures will just be shots of some of my purchases.
Big love my Little biggers :)
More in comments

Could it not be made in typical forum format with one page of clickable categories and date organize each post?
I appreciate the site maybe more leaning to just a marketplace but Im quite enjoying the community part of this aswel.

With this place having been around 10+ years I feel the people behind this site know what they are doing and must have good reason for every thing being the way it is, even if it is slightly irritating at times.
In my opinion we don’t need a ‘gentrified’ Lb.

It’s a unique place and personally, I don’t think making it look like every other online forum would improve my experience.

I will also say I have no idea about back end web site stuff but have got friends in this field and totally get how a pro like your self can see ways to improve things that I have no idea about.

i just think we need a few nice ux tweaks. Keep it weird looking and difficult to understand, but once you have messages/orders/all that, that could be done a bit better imo.

On joining I just about remember getting a message saying something like ‘more will be revealed over time as your post etc.’
I now think that’s very true, it almost feels like an initiation into the mystery’s of littlebiggy.

I've only been here for two months and at first I was all for sweeping changes, but it really does grow on you.
Vive la Littlebiggy.

However, i still think that we can make some quick fixes with messages and topics that would make it easier to navigate.

And yeah I figured the lack of dates would have something to do with that, but sure would make it better :)

But I do agree, the main wall seems to get a lot of vendor spam, which would be nice if it was in a general sales area, sections like a forum would work well I'd imagine. But if it's been like this for 10 years, I'm sure this subject has been raised many times... so we are best to learn to love it how it is

Pressed this at 140 for 14 seconds. It sizzled really well. The first photo is what the result was. You can see how clear that rosin is... absolutely beautiful.

I really recommend giving this a press if you have a chance.

Can't say enough good things about this strain... you really couldn't ask for more.

You could smoke them, but they probably would taste like dogshit haha.

Not gonna talk much about taste and smell, because to me it smells like nice Thai and it taste pretty nice as well.
Didn't smoke 3 days and rolled up 0.4 with tobbaco.
Must say what a nice high I got from this one. You can feel the sativa in it. It gave me such a good uplift and really creative in my handpan playing. After half hour I just suddenly felt need to put radio on, felt great and started to dance and sing for a while. After another half hour the effect came slowly diwwn and I just felt nice and relax. Didn't make my eyes heavy even that red.
If you depressed or anxious or just need to lift your mood up than you can't go wrong.

When I'll receive the parcel I'll write a review (hoping to receive it, is an international delivery and the situation with Covid-19 could rise some delays or even lost package)


It's almost too much to listen to. Some of the lyrics are so surreal now he has passed. All I know is it's beautiful music and I'm glad I get to hear it. Enjoy.
RIP Mac.

Mac was exactly as he said....most dope!
Lil Bill

Mac is one of only a handful of artists in the last 10 years I really rate.
I feel like music as a whole has diluted massively with the proliferation of the internet...it's been good and bad...good is that there are still stacks of dope artists out there... the bad is that you have to sift through sooooo much shit to find gems now...

hope you are good!?!
Samples of birthday cake will be live tomorrow with pics!
hope to receive your review on the dank and stealthy postage if interested!
Thinking i will do 1g samples but with a .5-.7 of the other strains i had...green diesel or sour poison, didnt have as much as i thought of them, and just looking for reviews let me know.
Big Ben

Loved Mac man...so shit, just peaking as it went wrong...
Not into all of his stuff but Of the Soul and Brand Name are two of my top tunes of the last few years and the Circles album was not what I expected but still very good.
Was fucking weird how he had that video of him being buried alive come out not too long before...can't remember the name of that tune but liked that too.

he also tweeted me back once when I said “poo” with a casual “that came out of fucking no where man” I couldn’t believe it, bet he was blazed.
Anyway, KIDS and the High Life are my Jam!!

The more you use these receptors the more the body will limit thier availability, so you get less of an effect. Stop the weed for a few weeks and the body turns the receptors back on.

The physical body is like a gateway to the manifestation, you feel yourself half of you in this reality and the other half connected to this other “place”
Words don’t really do it justice its rather quiet confusing to say the least...if there ever was an analogy it would be the matrix
All my trips have that similar insight
Words cant describe it really

You could say i seen this while looking inward

When you get into the higher concentrations it becomes different gravy, ive had some whopper trips.

Tell you vague story, i was dealing with real serious negative thoughts and salvia smacked it outta the park...i did not expect that!


So - question for all the pot smokers of all kinds - how do you get high???
I roll joints with rizla hemp papers and rolling tobacco. I use cardboard roach and I have for the last 10 years or so popped a swan rolling filter in the roach too. (People can say what they like about filters, doesn't stop me getting high I assure you. I breathe a lot easier too...for now...)
I used to buy low tar cigarettes like Silk Cut just for rolling joints but as I have got older (and my weed connects have got shittier...) I have just ended up lumping my weed in with my cheap ass duty free dark blue Drum rolling tobacco as it all tasted much like shite anyway.... used to get rare diamonds but mostly spent the year waiting for my weekend to the 'dam...
Since getting on LB and getting down to the business of real weed I am now getting a bit annoyed with the strong taste of my drum over-riding my weed (had some bangers from Ronald1776 this weekend and ended up rolling nearly pure so as to not waste the flavours! Fucking gorgeous...will post up about that elsewhere) so I am looking to make a switch to something new to make the most of the flavours dropping through my door these days...
Looking at dynavaps and sampling different tobaccos at the moment but it got me to thinking....
How do YOU get higggghhhh man??

Discovered edibles on a trip to the US and really like the way you can control the dosage to take the edge off after a long day without going into space. Sometimes I enjoy going into space but not always practical with work, wife, kids etc!
Occasionally hit the vape pen (raw garden cartridges) but I’m too much of a lightweight these days and usually end up falling asleep!

It's easy once you get going man, good luck and enjoy what you have found here!

The only down side is that it can be a little dry when you get it so I’d also recommended a using humidifying stone for a few hours (raw make them and they’re available from loads of online shops).
Might be worth ago. After converting to additive free, every smoker I know refuses to roll with anything else.

Not heard of the the other two, I shall take a look man, thanks for the recommendation.

Yeah... about 10 years back I came back from a foreign holiday (the only time I abstain) and the girl I was with at the time noticed that night that soon as I had come home and smoked unfiltered my breathing was for shit when I slept...started using little swan filters in joints the next day and not looked back since.
Is weird at first...you have to get used to toking a bit different than you would and at first it feels like you aren't even smoking properly but I can't smoke unfiltered now at all...If I forget to pop one in, soon as I spark I can tell without even looking and have to get a filter.
I did read something a few years back about the science of it...don't know if it's true, I'm a pothead not a scientist but... the article was saying that the a cigarette filter can't stop THC molecules anyway as they are too small to be trapped by the filter... bro science? Dunno...
I do know that I still get high as fuck with them, hope that helps man.

When I can I smoke. Can't remember myself when was the last time I mixed it with anything. Always prefer pure flower. Can be with a hint of hash or kief etc. If I have enough I use my wooden pipe.
Sometimes vape flower, for the sake of stealth mainly, but never tried cartridges. Yet.
Mixing it with tobacco totally kills it. And I since around 10-15 years can't stand tobacco. Gives me bad headaches. Plus is in the way when you try to work out.
It is already a long journey to learn one herb, without mixing, understand it. Of course if the goal is just to get smashed than its a different story.
Like in case with sage of seers or iboga. I also don't think tobacco available in retail has much to do with the original tobacco plant...

I now only vape, either using oils in a 510 vape (from MJC), DynaVap, arizer solo 2, arizer EQ or a mighty. Took me a while to get used to the high but now I won’t go back to smoking- on the odd occasion I do I have pure now, no baccy.
My weekday go to is a dynavap on a water pipe and then the mighty and arizers through water on the weekends
My lungs are definitely feeling better these days

It's a bit of a investment all the vape gear and all that...kind of wish there was a smoke shop I could go to try them all out and see what they are like

I smoke mother fucking sheds.
I was raised on the Summer House side and my dad was OG Log Cabin.
On the streets they call me Lil Log. When my daddy was coming up the Sheds ruled everything, everyone had a shed. But then things changed...there was more and more Log Cabins like my daddy coming up in the game...next thing you know, everyone wanted log cabins and that shit was on...
My daddy and his homies were everywhere - back gardens, front gardens, centre parcs, everywhere. No one wanted sheds no more and log cabins ruled the land...
My daddy gone now. Rain got into him...rotted the mother fucker from inside out...but before he went he said to me... he said Lil Log.... if them sheds ever rise again boy...you gotsta smoke them straight up g... I made a promise to my daddy... if I see a shed ever in my mother fucking life...you just know I gotsta smoke him.... you know why?
Cos I'm the Shed Smoker mother fucker.... all sheds back up or regret that you feel me.

Ahh..cleaning pipes isn't really for me if I can help it...I do have a water bong but just can't be arsed with sorting it out all the time...also...I like the whole ritual of the spliff...the sit down, put a record on, roll a joint and then the whole smoke of course...
The other thing I have found with combusting pipes etc is that they seem to use an awful lot of ganja... Amazing how quick a bag can go with a decent bong... I do think that hash is best consumed with pipes though...I do smoke it in joints but it's always struck me as more suited to piping.
Thanks for dropping some thoughts dude, may you and yours also be well and stay that way man.

Yes it seems that this lockdown business is going to impact on my supply of duty free drum shortly too so I am definitely looking to get a new method of partaking rolling asap...
Peace Komrade, have a joyous week man

Used to be a gold drum smoker but gold leaf does me fine now.As below the pueblo baccy is a bit drier n lighter,American spirit is another one with no additives,I find it gets too dry n dusty as you get to the end of the pouch though.
Use bull brand natural hemp papers (3 for a pound :) or big silver rizlas or RAWS from corner shop if I run out while on the go.
Used to always just rip off a bit of skin packet for a roach but recently started using the wee booklets from the pound shop, slightly thinner n narrower than the raw roaches which is perfect for me.
Always roll em cone shaped but try not to have the roach end too tight or you end up with tar leaking out!
Got myself a dab rig to try out n it's fun to get out now n again but my lungs can't really handle it n it's too much fucking about with blowtorches n stuff lol
The shatter I still have left from RB I've just been dabbing onto the inside of a skin before making a joint as normal,sure gives it a kick! Put too much in last night n couldn't finish the end of the jay!was coughing like fuck!
In fact I'm gonna make one right now with a liberal sprinkling of TGT's ice cream cake n a wee bit less shatter than last night so my lungs don't turn inside out!

Silver rizla too - used to be my bag - I found that they smoke a bit too hot though and I have had it suggested to me that it is the chlorine in the silver ones that causes that. I'm getting on with the rizla hemp ones at the moment, got a pack of elements from Ronald 1776 the other week and did rate those highly at first but I went off them a bit toward the end of the pack...again seem to smoke a little hotter than the hemp papers.
Yeah dab rigs and all that...I do fancy getting higher but I really can't be arsed with blowtorching and cleaning and all this shit... maybe I should try snorting a line of hash??..Can't see that working out too well lol...
Hope that ice cream and shatter didn't kill you!!

I like to put on some tunes, kick back and smoke a joint for like 10-15 minutes... not sure how I'm going to like having to constantly blowtorch my shit you know?

Yeah...I'm not too into this having to blowtorch every few minutes...doesn't it become a bit laborious to have a smoke?
Sounds like hard work though... I love to kick back in my super recliner and puff...could see myself having a Richard Pryor type accident with a blowtorch in the recliner ha ha...

Been burnt a few time because I’m an idiot, but I think taking the coke out of the equation I hope to avoid Richards fate!!!

Ah ok, yeah...I'm thinking the dynavap is going to be my first port of call with my adventures into alternative smoking...the inital cost isn't too bad and I can get to see what this vape thing is all about...picked up another little bit of bud this week that I'm sure is tastier on it's own....
I'm actually considering dragging my old water bong out later but I know I have no gauzes...have to get all ghetto technician with the tin foil!

Old man shed is deaf as a mother fucker...honestly wouldn't hear myself getting punched in the face...
Can you feel the click? I'm pretty sure I'm not going to hear that shit...what's the downsides of overgoing the click?

If you over do it then you burn the buds. Now your just smokin’!

That said I love joints and I buy branded pre-rolls they spoil my breath so I top them off with cannabis candies, always CO2 extracted.

Branded pre rolls? Interesting - assume they are pure flower? All the ones I have seem have been - the candies is not something I am well up on, had a go with some of the chocolate on here but I keep passing out just before I get really high lol...

Everyone in Uk has gone mad buying up all the toilet paper because of COVID-19.... All the supermarkets near me have sold out
I really need a shit... please help

I don’t use facecloths anymore after that last time I mixed the two up

You can buy a cheap deal of C.2.0 on my page, 4g for $39, but i'm all done with freebies for now.
It seems some people (not all) are very happy to take freebies when they're in dire straits, but not so happy to give back, even with a comment or post that would take them less time than it took me to weigh it.
Anyway, i hope your situation gets better soon. Sorry i couldn't help more.
Cheers. BB

Anyway, i hope you get better soon BLC.
Stay safe. Much love.
Cheers. BB

Happy to be proven wrong but Royal Mail are absolutely overwhelmed at present.
I agree with everything else you've said, but wouldn't want people to get their hopes up.
Cheers. BB


The GG4 from JJ is lovely hit me hard as expected. The other 1 skin has finished me off!
I have realised the quality I can buy locally to be honest. LB is special though due to the selection available and the ease of buying will it take over eventually though?
Can’t wait for my 2 orders to land to add to the stash...

It was fukin amazing!!!!!!
Defo one to try out if you’re bored too!!!!
Has anyone else done similar recently?

Yeah defo like to blend strains to get that lovely mixed effects, so I put in gorilla glue #4, gorilla zkittles, cookie dough & super orange glue, roughly 0.75g of each, it was a heavy hitter for sure!!!
I think I may do another similar experiment but with other strains and can add in a sprinkle of so fine hash too just to top it off :O

How did your experiment go?

Do you worst.

This is what it said the first time I clicked it too

Been using coinbase since I joined nearly 2 months ago but now for some reason can only buy £50 worth of BTC p/week! :-(
Been trying diff apps n sites like coinmamma n Luna amongst others but they either won't let me use my bank card or are too hard to navigate for a daft scaff like me!
Spotted this thread earlier n download the crypterium app,a few hours later n I've made another couple of lb orders.
The limit was 5 or 10000 EUR,a lot more than £50,I did have to verify indentity with driving license before I could buy then had to send a selfie holding bank card before I could send to diff wallet.
Took a few hours but got there eventually!

You could try Bittylicious for bitcoins I've recently made an order yesterday.and used them.need to register quite easy.takes few mins.....jay boy.all stay safe


Been brought here by a friend, cant wait to be a part of what looks like an ace community!

1/Grind your weed
2/smoke slowly, inhale one or 2 good puffs and hold it for few seconds
3/try to have at least one or 2 days Tbreak every week or at least one or 2 days when you lower your intake
I know guys it sounds stupid but even me I have stage when I realise I am smoking like crazy and not getting stoned because I do not follow easy rules.

Rule number 4/ enjoy and don't forget why you smoking it, chill out :)

Thanks for the information skunky, i'll have to do some reading up on Watercuring.
Cheers BB.

Exodus is a really good wallet i know lots of people using it, really simple and user friendly!

Last night I received a letter under my door from my building management: stating that someone is smoking cannabis on the floor and it’s illegal and will call the police etc. My wife spotted the letter and now she’s flipping out that the police are going to smash down our door, she always overreacts next level. She is totally against all things drugs but tolerates my smoking because she bought me like this, lol. All night Ive had nightmares about being busted over smoking J’s on my balcony. I told the Mrs to deny everything and say I said it’s just CBD flower. I quickly ordered a few carts to change my style of consumption and will do a clear out of paraphernalia or get it all in one bag so I can throw it off the balcony into the garden if I get an unwelcome visitor.

Should be easy cause it seems you got it going on in the empathy department :)

Thanks again

I have to post a picture of the absolute perfect stealth and top quality buds RB is putting out. I have ordered quite a lot from all different vendors and I’m impressed by them all. I haven’t had any packages that smell or look a bit dodgy and most of the buds have been as described if not better.
I do think RB has a slight edge in my opinion. The packages are printed and just look like any other package getting sent. There’s no smell at all until you spend 15mins opening all the high quality smell proof bags then it hits you. The one I got today is unbelievable. I ordered gelato dawg and fromage blue. The quality is second to none. Thanks again RB.
I am completely new here and I will be doing a lenthy review of all I have received in the next few weeks so people know exactly what to expect if they order. What a great place this is !!!

I totally understand that I'm starting to look like someone on TGT's crew. I have nothing but good things to say about them... but man, they once again are bringing some of the best stuff being found on LB at the moment. I don't think anyone can deny that. I'm just a picky weed enthusiast that really likes smoking and writing about good cannabis.
ANYWAY. This Banana Kush Hash is something I've never seen before. I've told you before that I'm not a big hash guy. But I have started to get more and more into it after getting my dynavap and smoking it in there... the taste is just next level, and I feel like it gives me a much nicer high.
I opened up the bag to find one big HARD chunk of light brown hash in there. Looking at it at first, I was a little confused because I was used to good hash being super soft, but this was rock hard. It was also not a light as I was expecting from the photo on the page... so at first I was wondering if I had the wrong stuff tbh.
However, when I took a bit of it, ground it up in my grinder... and oh lord does it grind up well being hard like that, it's beautiful. It comes out almost like dust, feels like you could do lines of this stuff lol. But the point is, I said earlier about smoking hash in the dynavap, the drier the better... and this is the PERFECT hash to smoke in there. It hits well, tastes great... now it's not the best hash taste I've had, but it taste really nice and different. But when the high hits, that's where this stuff pulls apart from the rest.
If you read up on Banana Kush strain, it's a very balanced Indica Sativa, and that really shows well in this hash. I only took a couple of large puffs off of this on my dynavap, and I was sitting back in my chair just contemplating life. It had me sit there really comfy and content with life just thinking about the big things. Sat there and just really enjoyed that for a few minutes. Then I toked some more, and I could feel the sativa part kicking in, so I went out to the store, did some stuff, and I could feel it help race me around with that sativa.
Now I'm back home, and able to write away like a maniac, but all with this nice calm vibe. Really really enjoy this high, and again... another amazing drop by the TGT team.
Appreciate the good weed!
Stay tuned for me rosin pressing of this stuff... first few presses were giving nice yields and powerful effects from smoking.. holy shit.

It's impressive right? One bong and I'm riding that lovely high for well over an hour. I never thought about grinding it up actually, that''s a great idea. Btw do you think any hashes taste nice? I'm not sure I've ever found a hash I would consider tasty, some better than other for sure but I can't say I've ever liked the taste.
Anyway great review as always my man.

I also use it to wrap my concentrates in before I put them in the dynavap... works SUPER well. Even better than the concentrate insert for the dynavap. Heavily recommended. Also much better than hemp fiber imo.

Epix advice!!!
See the pun!

Recommend actually standing on the hair straightner while doing it to put all your weight on it. It helps to have micron filter bags around it, I have 90u sized ones... but it still works without them.
I've got some writeups on rosin pressing if you scroll through some of my post history if you're interested. Some examples of hash presses etc.

Any advice will be much appreciated!

If you try it let me know how you get on man, happy shopping.

Here’s an article that might be of help to you and it’s probably worth reaching out to reliable sellers with a good range of products for recommendations as well.
Out of interest what vendor/bud did you go for in the end?

So this weekend I had a buddy come around to watch a few films and light up some good bud that I've bought from here.
Now, my friend isn't exactly new to weed, he's had a fair bit aswel as some harder drugs so didn't really even think of mentioning anything about potency.
It was his first go on the Dynavap aswel, so I get the stash out and I'd made a mega shit mix with all the strains I'd bought off the site along with a bit of hash mixed in for good measure, I go first and I'm thinking fuck this is heavy, like holy shit this is FUCKING HEAVVVYY, I burst out laughing and Im nearly fucking falling over lol but it's great and I can manage it, there's no such thing as too high is there lol. I remember saying to him it'll take about 10 mins too kick in but you'll be alright.
No he wasn't.
Not in the fucking slightest.
He started off alright and we were both laughing at the usual fuckery, then it became obvious he was absolutely tripping his nuts off, his skin goes white as Casper the fucked up ghost and he just gets worse and worse.
I'm now grounded and freaked out by his reaction, jeez it killed my buzz hard, I've never had a whitey so don't really get what happens, I assumed it was blood sugar/pressure crashing so offered him a drink but he's like not even in the room anymore, he can't look at anything other than the bottom of a bucket, so he goes to bed in the spare room and doesn't wake up for 15 hours. He's literally come around too go to sleep.
Next day he's back in the world of the living and says "fuck ever having that mix again" lol next time I think I'll start him out on something a little less mind altering lol
It was a mix of
Strawberry Haze
Birthday cake kush
Forbidden zskittles
Honey cream
Biker OG
Banana hash
NYC diesel
And Grape Ape
It hit like a train!

How do you keep all your buds fresh P?
I have been using little 1g 62% bovedas in small jars (7g and below) but it seems to me making them a little too moist?... my buds don't seem to go as far as they look like they will in the grinder...

You'll be surprised with the dynavap mate, there's a bit of learning curve with it, mainly how you heat it but when you master it it's really crazy how hard it hits you lol

They have failed to respect the community by doing the decent thing and removing items we do not want here, unfortunately this is the only other option.

carmelectra69, djvicem8, djsammy77766, drugdeco664, beachsand0001, therapy771, codeinflux8, master60000, r3452345. I doubt this is them all, just the ones I opened a tab on.
Thank you for your service.

First time I've not received an order since finding lb last year :(

It has now been 16 days since your order, you are entitled to a refund via escrow, I would suggest that you take it.

Yeah I've dealt with the vendor a few times and never had any issues at all so agree somthing unforeseen has happened.
Cheers for the advice

I tried last night to click on some previous items I'd got from them, as well as their profile, and kept getting the message "access to this page is restricted".
Had me thinking I'd been blocked for some reason, so glad, in a way, I'm not the only one. Messaged but no reply yet.
A shame, they're a great seller and comms is normally high quality

I’m starting to miss Pope, RB and Gods connect topping my list with decent smoke!

rb - https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4772620


Copy of my post from this topic: https://littlebiggy.org/link/JbKY7I
"Personally I'd avoid Cali. UK grown/EU imports like Purple Dawg, Slurricane, Purple Chemdawg, Mochi, Banana Strawberry, Sherbet Cookies, 24k Kush. All insanely high hitters than match Cali for half the price. They're all incredible flavours at >20% THC.
All you're paying for with Cali is the privilege of having weed sent from California. And most of the time it's sent over here because it doesn't pass USA dispensary regulations. Think about it. Why would they bother shipping it illegally if they could sell it legally at a premium? Because they can't. If you're spending less that £90-100 per 1/8th it ain't legit Cali. Support UK Bud."
What do you guys think? Should we stop supporting dispensary illegal Cali?


Too expensive for an every day smoke, but for a weekend treat or if I really want to mong out its perfect

they are able to share grow techniques witout the fear of the law. thats not to say the uk isn't hitting it into the long grass atm, especially considering the circumstances. I just hope that Boris can see the idiocracy of it all, and simply legalise it in the UK asap, take the tax and allow us to engage in the now worldwide industry, meaning US weed could be imported as freely as the (superior) UK weed could be exported.

Only thing close I can find is the {wanted items} topic thread

Seller says sent first class 5 working days ago...loads of reviews from other users on the same bud so they have all had theirs several days ago now.
I have also had orders arrive before and since this order from other vendors but now reviews are popping up to say packages from my overdue vendor have been turning up opened and have poor stealth...
So - obviously first class post doesn't take 5 days ever in my experience. I have also never in 15 years at my address had a parcel go missing....which means I am 99.9% that the package is now either stolen or been passed to the feds...
At what point do I now clean house and wait for them to turn up?
Anyone got any experience (apart from Panda! Hi P!) of what I can expect? Will they want to come in and search or will they not get a warrant for that off the back of a package?
Can take a telling off but not too excited by the prospect of them taking my remaining bud stash...

Ah yeah...guess you just have to write it off and crack on really.... yeah fuck first class ever again...

However, you could claim you have no knowledge of anyone sending you anything. the police were pretty cool with me and had no interest in searching anything even though I just said hey yeah I smoke it I did order it, my situation was a little different as like the dickhead I am I went to pick it up. Lol.
I would still say it would still have a chance of showing up, some on here have waited far longer and still eventually got it. Royal mail are pretty terrible sometimes.
I hope it works out for the best and nothing comes of it.

The uk police don’t really care if you smoke a bit of cannabis
They expect you to lie so there’s times when telling the truth can throw them off
They are people at the end of the day

Seems a few of the packs that went out have come open and them ras little fuckwits of posties round here would be right up in that I tell you... ah fuckers, wait and see, may still turn up... reckon some fuckwad posties getting high on my shit right now though, hope he's appreciating that shit if he is...ha ha
Yeah can't see the babylon where I am have got time for a little pack anyways...if they come I will make them tea and explain that they don't understand how things work and that they need to leave in peace?
Might work...Nah so worried about them. More the expense of the mother fucking buds maaaannn... my spend is fucking way out of control lately for some strange reason...lol...

You wouldn't believe the amount of shit that happens mate, they hire basically fucking morons to do the job, alot of stuff was being opened and stolen by agency workers, parcels, card with money in it, and the managers just didn't care really. So I wouldn't be surprised if something like that has happened.
But no one on here including myself can tell you what will happen, they visited me for a damn eighth lol
I think telling the police to leave in peace while holding a rather angry looking ferret will probably do the trick though. Lol
Pray to the weed gods, man.

You know what man - it's the thing with you that's even made me think that they would bother. I actually can't believe they came to you for that man!!!
Ridiculous...actually angers me as a tax payer to a degree!! We paid for that fucking visit...madness

I knew even before going deep deep down that the police would be there ready to bum me lol.

No warrant no search...

Coinbase - I read that they might cut off an account if they suspect you are transacting to 'darknet' wallets or suchlike...
1) Anyone actually had this happen?
2) Should I be concerned?
Not too worried about feds tbh (I smoke everything that arrives within days lol..) but more a) to provide security for my vendors and b) I wouldn't want to get cut off from coinbase (I find it so easy to buy/transact bitcoin from)
I am aware of sending btc to a further external wallet before transacting but then I read of lots of hassle with external wallets - so... worth/should be doing or not?
I'm not transacting vast sums, always under £100 and a few times a month at most, really can't see that big brothers possibly going to be interested in that are they?...
Let an old man know what's up will you lads... don't want to fuck anyone over by being a dumbshit, cheers.
Peace to all the weed smokers.

Coinbase is fine to buy coin, but I would suggest you send it to another wallet before you buy anything with it. It only adds a minute or two to the buying process.
Coinbase > Your wallet > Vendor.

What wallets are people using? What’s the eaaasssiest for a dumb fuck??

Anyway man you can't go wrong with Electrum for a first wallet, as far as I know it's still one of the best.

Coinbase is no hassle as far as I am aware so far so good


I actually just watched the new Jay and Silent BoB Reboot last week. must watch

So. My package doesn't turn up but the escrow expires before the 14 days that the vendor requires me to wait for it?
Is the vendor making me wait so that my escrow expires and I can't claim the money back anyway?....
Can't see how I am covered once the funds get released??

Some vendors ask for 2 weeks as on occasion packages have turned up after that time period. Message me the name of the vendor and I can give you more info.
Escrow is definitely not pointless.

Yes, totally get escrow - would never have made a buy without it but.. it's only when it goes wrong that as buyers we all seem to be disadvantaged?
Had a no-show delivery - first one - first time I actually looked at the escrow expiry on my order.
Have now been asked to wait well past the point of the escrow expiry before vendor can do anything.
So, with no valid escrow, I am now down to trust alone anyway far as I can see.
If my escrow expires and the vendor then tries to rob me, far as I can see I'm done and it's my fault. Case closed. I shouldn't have let the escrow expire without raising it with escrow service.
I'm not suggesting that this vendor would do, or is attempting to do that as it seems to be a standard procedure for all vendors but...
Does that mean all of us biggas are actually just on hope/trust once escrow closes if we haven't had our delivery?....I kind of think so...
It has been suggested to me that you can still claim through escrow after expiry but I think that would defeat the object of it in the first place no?

Don't know really...still got a vague hope it may arrive but escrow expires in 10 hours so by the time the posties been again I'll be in the dead zone...
Whole thing is my fault for not going recorded etc, I usually always do... got complacent I guess.
I'm not the type to hassle a vendor, I have asked the question, they say 14 days, when that's up I will go knock on their door again and let them lead the way I guess (not bothered about a refund, rather a reship but at 50% or something it wasn't even a big pack anyway, so we're talking a couple of days smoke at best lol)...far as I can see that's all I can do anyway. Already decided I don't have the effort to get vex about it.
It's a buyers market here so it's up them how they resolve it really. Good service will always get the regular pounds so...
...whacked an order in with my regular vendor and am going to kick back and chill now knowing it will get here no problems... fuck the missing pack, dead ting to me now lol

they are strong and the terpenes taste lovely and natural. if you hit these carts for more than 5 seconds you probably will find in hard on throat and you will cough.... you get that with many carts with high quality oil in.... i even get that with mjs.
ive had some terrible carts on here.... 1s that were clearly fake just by looking at the oil.
i dont want an arguement just giving my opinion

After opening my delivery I noticed the packaging was different to dispensary bought KingPen carts I had before. I was going to disregard this until i opened the box and found that the black case holding the vape cart was missing the california warning badge for THC and when I opened the case i got an immediate chemical scent.
I was sent Purple Punch so googled fake Kingpen carts. In the first instance I couldnt find any record of KP even using the strain on the loudpack site and the rest of my digging unearthed this video and a few like it.
Sent this to the seller as the cart I received was definitely made using fake packaging and I was informed that his source was a reliable one in cali and he didn't claim they were genuine in the first place which is fair enough, however if that had been in the description I would not have bought.
Still, the seller encouraged me to try the cart, so i tried it myself. I should mention that I am a daily concentrates user, I have tried just about the lot, start every morning with a dab and I have made my own oils/concentrates in a variety of different ways too.I have also tried many different carts, real and illicit. This one was the worst. Didn't have a hint of the good stuff to it just tasted chemically and burned.
I had a couple of friends try (without giving them my opinion or info about my findings) to ensure that it wasn't in my head after my research and they were as disgusted as me.
Didn't want to cause any bother on here, didn't even want reimbursement for the awful cart when I informed the seller i just wanted to make sure he/anyone buying the carts would like to know about my concerns.
I have attached a photo of the packaging/back label for comparison to the youtube link in this post.

I have attached a reply from my connect above.
Purple Punch does in fact exist, google image search it and you'll find it's on weedmaps and other reputable sites.
Bare in mind retail packaging changes, my guy has a very large stock that I'd assume he purchased a while ago therefore stocking the old packaging.

I can see why people will be paranoid over fake carts, but they should be paranoid over ALL carts. 60% of branded carts in the US tested positive for pesticides last year (you can find all these tests online freely). If anything, fake carts with homemade oil can be safer.
here it is below

I will contact my Vendor and ask him all details regarding the Oil and get back to you.
It is no different to the people making their own Carts on here, no know knows what's going into them. Same goes for edibles any every over drug you can purchase.....
I personally use these and have no problems, not to mention the positive reviews I have received.
It's not like I can walk to a lab and have it tested when it's illegal..
Fake carts are not very dangerous, there are a lot of reputable vendors out there that put top quality oil in known brand carts, this is because these carts are cheap and work with oil very efficiently.
You can buy fake packaging for almost 50% of products being sold in California dispensaries, this including edible packaging too.
People like saying their dangerous based on the media that went around weeks ago, where's that media now?
The chance of you getting 1 of those shitty fentanyl carts is lower than 1%.
Vendors aren't going to make their own Cartridges...
They make their own Oil and fill those cartridges...
My vendor also claims these as authentic, however I've never looked into the packaging as I've seen first hand how the manufacturers packaging can differ.
Please don't start slandering my page and products based on the fact you think the carts are fake.
Please refer to my reviews as these customers have honestly reviewed what they think of the product.
I also noticed that neither of you on this topic has purchased from me yet you still decide to slander.
as for the review you screenshotted I cannot explain it as I've never had a response like this from ANYONE. The Oil burns smoothly and is not harsh like explained. As for the "chemically smell" either this is a lie or OP has never smelt terpenes in their life and vapes dark shitty oil.
This could easily be a review made by another vendor in an effort to boost their sales which does happen quite often on the dnm's.

Other than that it’s just what we’re told

Yes there is 1 seller from UK that makes carts but they are very reliable an it maybe a drugs market but this place is different from the other places where that crap is sold. We trust each other here in a way that's helpful to every so if a seller comes along selling carts knowing there not real then people won't have any trust in you.
Why don't you have them tested by test borg?

There's no trouble buying all of that, it takes a few clicks apposed to looking for unbranded carts, then the tubes for protection, then the non existent packaging which deters people away.
I don't know test borg and have never heard of it before.
If you can find a legit lab in the UK that'll test Oil at a reasonable price then go ahead and send me the connect.
You're slandering me based on my 9.2 overall rating.
There's no need for this type of attack at all, I have done nothing wrong. Did you even read the positive reviews?
1 bad review and you just go into attack mode?
You're technically saying if I was to just buy the Oil and fill Carts myself then it would be all okay? as long as it's not in a branded cart? yet you still don't know what goes into it.
It makes no sense at all mate.
I can't ask my Vendor to send me receipts...

I’m surprised you’re only checking “all the details” with your vendor now as opposed to when you first started stocking these.
Yes a lot of stuff gets sold under wrong names both on the net and with regular dealers. Does it mean that any of those dealers should have and be able to uphold a solid reputation? No.
The fact you stocked these without even asking the details on them, as well as stocking something under an existing brand name without being sure of authenticity potentially shows that the desire to make money here outweighs the responsibility you feel for the people you’re supplying.
Note that I said potentially as it could just be a big oversight that you needed bringing to your attention. If this is the case then please take on board what has been said and try not to take offense. As you said... it’s business and before anything else in business comes trust. Without trust every business will fail!

No one is attacking you so do not play the victim card. We have very legit concerns over a product you are selling to our community. To call our concerns a slanderous attack is frankly outrageous.
If Adidas started putting Nike logos on all their clothing and called themselves Nike do you think that would be okay?
We are not saying if you made your own carts and didn't disclose your process or ingredients then it would be okay. You said that. If you did that we would want to know exactly how they are made and what is in them.
I believe your response to this situation is cause for concern to be honest. It's clear you have no issue selling fake carts and in fact do not see it as a problem at all.

I've now written a few different posts in the last few days (Christmas weed and accessories time) and I want to tie them all up with some lessons that I think are worth sharing with LB community. I saw many of you ended up getting your own DynaVap from my review.
1. DynaVap review: https://littlebiggy.org/link/oTYHXs
2. Rosin press Stardawg (with some CW too): https://littlebiggy.org/link/MH2BCe
3. Rosin press Wedding Cake: https://littlebiggy.org/link/KM46U7
DynaVap Tips:
- Respect the click (sometimes). Mostly don't forget to wait for the cooling click before reheating and burning your stuff or potentially ruining your cap
- Smoking some has in there is great, other not as much. I hard some harder hash that I could grind in my grinder. That smoked super well in there. However I got some really nice and play dough like hash... so far I couldn't smoke that as well. I've had to go up to 4 seconds after the click to get the temp I need... and then the whole thing just gets too hot. But you do still get that amazing hash flavor though. Very nice with the DynaVap.
- Smoking rosin in here is amazing.
- I also got the DynaCoil concentrate attachment... so far I'm not loving it tbh. I like just putting some hemp fiber and putting them on top... I'll do more testing... but so far
- When hitting flower, you can mainly keep the air port clear (this is not a carb), put your finger over it a bit to make it more intense, but for the most part you don't need it.
- With extracts. I recommend keeping your finger on it, and then roll it back and forth in your fingers fast. I find that builds up the best vapor with concentrates.
- Still working on how to vape oily hash well with this. Tips welcomed.
Rosin Pressing:
- For flower make sure it's got good moisture. If it's dry, the flower will absorb the rosin back into itself. If it's dry with a lot of trichomes, then do kief press.
- For flower I put my flat iron on 140c for around 10-15 seconds with some good pressure. I find that listening to when the sizzle starts to die down is a good time to stop.
- With kief, I was doing a 60 second press at 90 degrees. That gave me an interesting wax like consistency that was easy to work with. You can also do 140c for 10-15 seconds with that to get the more shatter like substance.
I'll add more tips on here as they come up. Good to have one place.

For melty hashes, I use the hemp fibre stuff, chopped up a bit - I roll the hash into a long thing sausage, then roll in the fibre to cover the outsides. Then twirl the whole thing into a little coil and drop it into a cap; usually comes out leaving a fairly clean interior.
Not tried making my own rosin yet, but it's only a matter of time ;)

But yeah, the capacity is limited for sure.

Has nice temp settings and is cheap with a big plate.
Let me know how it goes!

Just tried pressing the 818 Headband bud, sadly not getting too much of a return on it, but what I am getting looks nice enough. I'll probably dry sift it now and test out the kief on it.

Ah no luck. What do you consider a good yield and bad yield from pressing?

Once i perfect this, i’ll do bigger batches and more measuring.

As I said I was struggling to get good hits off of soft hash. The hard stuff that I could grind was fine, but the soft stuff just wasn't working.
Now I took my nice soft hash and pressed it at 140c for about 10 seconds... then just scarped up all that beautiful rosin... popped it into my DynaVap and blamo.
Great flavor and GREAT STONE.
Biggies... I'll say it one more time... pressing and dynavap is the way forward for the mega stoners among us.

But that's how it be sometimes.

The Green Team have done it again, this fruity lump smells awesome!
Purchased the banana hash from TGT soon as the listing went up, arrived this morning packaged just as we like.
First opening, its very light, creamy looking, not as bright as the listing photo but far lighter than what would be expected from the region.
First touch, its firm, not very malleable even when warm. One touch with a lighter though and its off to the races-melts nicely, not a mental ignition but holds flame well and burns clean.
The smell of it is awesome! Moroccan, but so much more fruity...kinda want to bite it! Rolling a joint, I began by picking at the edges as its been a while since having such a hard sift. Opted for the lighter and things started getting messy, increasingly sticky!
The smell carries through to taste wonderfully, from first tokes to the roach, consistent flavour! Its probably not ideal for the morning as immediate relaxing effects are present, not couch-lock style but more, in a minute, you know? For those who do like a heavy smoke, it feels like this will have the high you are looking for, long lasting and physical without being a curtain call!
If anyone was lucky enough to get the banana hash from GodsConnect back in October, its very similar in flavour and taste.
Id recommend this highly as a dry sift, it stands apart from others in flavour and effects, Definitely worth having in the inventory!
TGT were faultless as ever, great communication, stealth and once again a very special product.
Il do a rosin run when I get the chance this weekend, but for now I'm off to work!
Peace community, Love to you all x

It all looks amazing, but had a joint of that Grape Pie and WOW... no joke, the high from this is some Cali quality shit... I'll do a full review soon, but as ya'll remember, new process is smoking it 3 times before a review. Will hit up this banana kush tonight and give a first impression.
Working from home so no time to take a preview photo =/

Any comparisons with that hash in particular and or any of UK420s/Bazza’s past hashes would be greatly appreciated.
I see the blonde colour and I suspect it’s far less oily. Does it bubble when a flame is held close? Clean ash? Etc
Thanks in advance mate... super eager to get some of it if it’s as good as it looks!

Mixing Arjan’s Strawberry Haze, G13 Haze and Cherry cookies with a nice roll of Wedding Cake shatter in the middle.
Needless to say I’m high af.
What are ya’ll token on right now?
Cheers little biggars!

I'm having a little taste of TGT's Banana Kush at the moment, it is something else man... 0 impurities cleanest stuff I've ever laid eyes on.

Enjoy the video!
The panda..

And yeah I'll be back to normal soon, I am staging a fuck you to royal mail though and I've ordered a shit ton of plant material for my fish tank and a massive jar of chocolate koko nuggz that looks like weed too see if they open it lol

(of course this highly depends on where you are living)

Is there rules against selling class a on this community?
If not, is there a call for it?
I would appreciate any feedback or comments on this.
Thank you.

I know many of you know that I've long been interested in trying CBD. I was first going to try it during my tolerance break in January, but people recommended I stay away from all canabanoids, so I did =)
Enter CBD Ave offering up some free samples for review. As I do love writing a review and wanted to try some CBD, it was a match made in heaven!
As you can see from the photo, they come in a really nice package and are well shaped little guys. Really happy with the presentation. The taste is fine, wouldn't say it's the best tasting gummy ever, but I'm not here for the taste anyway =P They aren't bad tasting and perhaps a different flavor would do me better.
I ended up eating 3 of them, so 30mg of CBD. Began to feel the effects around 45min-1 hour in. Very interesting. Makes you completely calm and relaxed without the high. I could feel it come on stronger as time went on. Just felt really at peace, in a bit of a zen zone. Wasn't stressing or worrying about much... all around enjoyable experience.
I can now officially say that CBD does indeed work and I can totally see taking this after a long hard day at work instead of having to smoke a joint. Would help keep my tolerance down and have something nice to chill me out at the end of the day... or actually to eat before work and just zen out there. Love it.
I'll do another write up on the chocolate when I try that... that looks like it will actually taste pretty good =)
Thanks again to CBD ave for hooking these up.
You can pick up these bad boys at: https://littlebiggy.org/link/Xv0Cv8
That's the 10mg version I got, but there are also stronger available in the store.

Yeah I might give some CBD bud a shot now.

Let me know how you like it!

I've talked about how much I love this strain from TGT, loved it so much I ended up getting an ounce of it, and boy was I not disappointing. Just got some of the most epic rosin pressing out of this bud. For a sativa, that is incredible.
First of all, just check out the MASSIVE amounts of white dusting on this bud... it's really amazing.

Please can anyone recommend a pure indica strain please.
I have smoked a few hybrids and they each give me different reactions. From the massive creative head high to the increased sex drive.
I just need something to keep me high and cloud 9....I want that floating feeling with head high which I think a pure indica will give me.
Any recommendations will be highly appreciated.

The Toad
A more recent addition to the high-THC strain canon, The Toad is an exclusive of Tyson Ranch, the cannabis brand and product line co-founded by Mike Tyson. A mostly Indica strain deriving from Chemdawg OG and GSC, The Toad offers a euphoric high pretty immediately, then settles into a body relaxation, according to Tyson Ranch.
The Toad has been tested at nearly 37% THC with a total of 43% cannabinoids.

Stupidly I didn't sign in first but all was good ,next day delivery,and super heavy for my tolerance.
So it's an unnofical 10/ 10.

You guys were really into my new stash spot the last time I posted about it. Now I've done some reorganizing, and have a lot more weed =P
Strains I currently have from top left across, then the bottom left two, and bottom right two.
1. Grape Ape from TGT
2. Cherry Cookies (gotten from a different site, super nice)
3. Arjan's Strawberry Haze from TGT
4. Massive bag is more of the Strawberry haze
5. Big bag of shake
6. Blue Cheese from TGT (right below the big bag of shake top right)
7. Kosher Dawg from JJ at the bottom left (top)
8. Orange Sherbet from JJ at the bottom left (bottom)
9. Phantom OG from Green Hulk
10. G13 from TGT
The below that we have concentrates from Drugs Inc (all gone). Do have 3g of shatter coming in today though, so can fill up my tubs again =)
The bounty of LB continues.

Top left = left overs Arjans, top right = ounce of blue cheese, middle left = q of jungle cake, bottom left = q of purple chemdawg, bottom centre = q of mochi, bottom right = left overs cindy gorilla.

I wish the government would pull its finger out its arse and leave us chilled smokers alone. We ain’t hurting anyone. I hope Panda can sort a PO Box for a while. Sucks that’s happened to him.

Got myself some TGT Strawberry Banana at the recommendation of the friend that brought me here! (I'm still a new one to all of this so leaning as I go)
Packaging was simple and effective. Stunning quality and trimming on the plant, and what a smell! You can really smell the berries in this one. It's a lovely smooth complex flavour vape and a lower temperature, at medium temperatures the flavour really shines! The high is Relaxing, happy and uplifting! Good to say wont be my last order of this one!

The community here is fantastic, and I just wanted to thank you all for having my back and being a distraction for me yesterday.
Unfortunately I did a quick data wipe on my phone before the feds arrived (just incase) so the links in my previous posts to videos will no longer work. Apologies for this.
I have 2 more strains currently that I have not reviewed properly so I will make another video again of these.
The wider community should check out reviews from the likes of EPIX, SIDETRACKED, NLXXHZ, FRANKO, just some of my favourites.
And again thankyou LB community!

Take some time to lay low, but I think you should be okay to join back up eventually. Just make sure you get it from vendors with proven track records. Might not be worth chancing it on new vendors for you going forward... let the rest of us do that testing ;-)
Looking forward to your upcoming reviews!

Yeah I'm just gonna take a break ordering for a bit, I've had a word with TGT about alternative posting methods (non RM) and they said they are sure they could help me out once I get the bottle to order again lol tgt have been my favourite vendors so far along with drugs inc, very professional teams with those guys.

I’ve always preferred regular 1st class post over signed/tracked, don’t know if it makes any difference in practice but in my mind you really don’t want a unique identifier for your controlled substance
Anyway, cheers!

Or, that's the plan anyway :')

There’s always a way haha. Haven’t done much in the way of concentrates myself so looking forward to seeing those videos! The carts are crazy discreet too, like air port safe, should be absolutely fine.

Yeah my next order will be a bum twitcher for sure mate, I'm just gonna wait for a while and order just from TGT, drugs Inc, and pope in the future, aswel as my man shrekage he's a good guy. Can't see it happening again with these guys and the way they pack, I just got too curious to keep trying different vendors.
And yeah it's crazy that in 2020 weed is STILL a class B drug, and alcohol and tobacco can still be sold it just doesn't make sense to me but hey ho that's unfortunately the UK we live in currently. Super jealous of the legalised States of America and Canada, I bet it's amazing just been able to walk in a shop and pick and choose what you want

On the delivery? Therefore police couldn’t prove who it was meant for?


I'd recommend watching the second video Down below if you're already high and wonder what Disney metal/classical sounds like lol
The 3rd video is of a very heavy flavour.
Enjoy, the panda.

We opted for the Jaffa-lato stick, first impressions of it are "fuck this thing gonna kill me"
I haven't combusted product for a number of years after quitting tobacco so I was a little anxious how hard it would hit my throat but too my suprise it was very very smooth, no coughing at all and quite a nice taste.
I had intended on saving it for a group of four but me and the Mrs got bored and just ended up doing it last night.
I feel like my dynavap has prepared me for high THC hits quite well as the stick didn't blow me away too hard, we had half each which gave a really nice stone that lasted for around 4 hours, for me it was a super clear headed high, really super chilled, ideal for watching a few films, nothing too constructive.
Our one niggle with the product is ours seemed to burn Very fast, I don't know whether this is normal or not as we don't usually smoke anymore, only vape with the Dyna. I'd like too try another one too see if this is the same.
Overall I'd say that one of these between 2 people is ideal for a nice night.
Product was delivered very quickly, with great stealth.
The panda...

But yeah, smoking a whole one of these by myself got me really damn high.

At this point, this place does feel like family... it has become a big part of my life and I really appreciate it.
Anyway... I'm high af off of this G13 right now, and I can't say enough good things about it. As I said I've decided to smoke products 3 times now before I give a good review, and that is why it's taken a bit since the big drop to write this. As you saw from my stash post, there is a lot of damn weed to smoke. But finally feel like I'm ready for the G13.
It's 1970, the drug war is kicking into high gear... yet covertly, intelligent agencies within the American government are creating a super strain of marijuana to allow their soldiers to go into battle without fear.
That is one of many legends of the G13 strain... often known has Government Strain 13, and many other things. These stories are the big reason i became interested in trying this, wanted to see what all the hype was about.
G13 is described as being a strain that has very powerful physical effects, euphoria all that... but then this is then G13 crossed with the original Haze strain. So with all of that body euphoria and hard indica vibe, you also get the focus and up form the haze.
With all this build up... I had a lot of expectations going into this smoke... and I have to say, it actually delivered.
First smoke was actually the best. It was quiet, I was by myself, hadn't smoked anything that day, ready to go into this feeling everything. I sparked and inhaled... it came on slowly, in stages.
First I began to feel the up from the sativa flying in my head... and quickly I began to feel the halo effect all over my head. That stayed for a while, until I began to feel the euphoria cover my body and everything relaxed and I felt it behind my eyes.
All of this, I still had this sativa up high from it.. it was really special, basically weed that hits all the best spots of getting high for me.
I laid down and watched a movie... enjoyed the hell out of it, and felt like I was getting couch lock. But when I needed to get up. I just got up, and the sativa side kicked in again.
When I then smoked it with my wife, it was super social and great for that... all around, after smoking it, it's hard not see why there were so many legends about the G13... this is some next level weed imo.
I have a hard time defining the smell and flavor, but they are good... just hard for me to describe. Very different strain... recommend people read up on it... talked about being from a Afghani land race that the US government was experimenting on... that much of the legend seems to be true.
Thanks for bringing this TGT.
Zoomed in photo below.

Now hop in your car and bring me some :')
What camera have you got mate those photos are really good the bud actually looks wet with resin, it's certainly captured the stickyness!

The bud is deff worth trying

But cool review and awesome photos. I also really enjoyed it and agree that the effects came on in stages, also really struggled to pin down the smell/taste of it but agreed, it was very nice.

I love that most of our focus in each of our reviews was on the high it provided, it says something about the strain I think. After reading I'm glad I'm sober right now cause I'm about to go toke on some G13. Cheers!

Those of you who read my strawberry haze review remember thay even after having spent way too much on Christmas, I was so impressed by TGT's SH that I went for an ounce. I knew it would drop during my January tolerance break, so there was no sweat when it was a few days late. Few days turned to 14 days. Now looked like the package was gone. TGT team was nothing but gentelmen and worked to resolve the issue. When they then realized that it was a mistake with one of their delivery drivers, they offered a nice bonus treat of samples of all their new strains.
Even before this, it was clear to me that TGT was runninf a top shelf operation. But this interaction really shown great comms throughout and helpful.
Now as usual I will do reviews, but only the ones I find worthy of your money.
From left to right: G13 Haze, Blue Cheese, Grape Ape.
Little spoiler, I already hit the G13 Haze and wow, it makes you belive the conspiracy theories about the strain. Some really special bud, grab a sample while you can.
I'm not going to say much more about it, but damn. Its very good.
My new rule is to smoke the strain atleast 2-3 times before giving a final review.
I'll upload a few photos, really nice looking bud.

Just right now I have too many strains and too little time =/

Anybody else that’s up for a bit of NN on Friday then let me know.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Looking for help/advice/guidance regards CBD. My wife suffers pretty badly from anxiety and depression and has been a slave to anti-depressants for God knows how long. She really wants to try a course of CBD but we don't really know where to start RE strength, where to buy from etc.
If anyone can give me some first hand knowledge (we'll anything really) I'd be hugely thankful.
Cheers you awesome lot!

Radar breeders CBD skunk
JJ's Full spectrum CBD oil
MJC's CBD edible gummy shapes
Hashishin's CBF isolate powder (ships from Middle east)
As far as I know that is all the pure CBD available on the site right now.
There is also Cheesemasters Medical Buddha (CBD) but this contains THC, also seller is new.
I hope you find something that works mate.

Probably start with 25mg full spectrum CBD, then increase gradually. My Dad takes 100mg per day (they say 500mg per day for ppl with serious illnesses) with no side effects. He's had pain in his knees for the last 20 yrs, which he's just tried to ignore. The CBD has gotten rid of that pain, and slowed tremors in his hand.
I take 50mg per day, for a wellbeing dose. I feel its working because i'm super chilled all day, even when driving.
I have Gummies listed on my page. I can also get 2000mg full spectrum made with MCT oil.
There Is another vendor on here doing isolate and another with an alcohol tincture. The tincture is from JJ, I don't remember who is doing the isolate.
If you send your address, i'll give you a sample of the gummies.

MJ is legend and we're gonna start off with some gummies and then see how we go from there!
Thanks guys

Hope you all enjoy :)
iTunes link: https://music.apple.com/us/album/r-y-c/1482899310

Shout-out TGT loving your stuff at the moment guys!

It deffo makes me very happy to see members like yourself come along and start adding quality content like this.

I came across this fantastic website simply titled “Grow Weed Easy”. I had one seed of Skunk #1 and thought I’d apply the useful guide from this website to grow my very own green. All my attempts from the past were a big fail until I came across this website
It was the most fun project I’d carried out and I couldn’t believe how easy and educational it was. The cannabis plant is most definitely an amazing plant to work with.
For those of you who have the same desires go and check out growweedeasy.com.
All the best

What kinda yield do you think you’ll get?
Impressive looking plant dude, congrats.

It's helpful during the flush. I sit a bilge pump in the bottom tray and have a hose set up to fill and drain.

@nlxx, thanks for the heads up mate.

I've also pressed it, making some mediocre rosin.



I used to have a Microkorg XL, nothing fancy but so much fun to play around with.

Is it just a hobby for yourself?

It’s quite intuitive to use and it gives you an almost unlimited bank of seriously powerful sounds to play with.
I like to run it through a daw and mix reason sounds and live instruments.
And yeah, it’s a just a hobby these days. I’m a guitarist first, played in a few bands, was never well known but did ok, have toured and been on radio etc. Looking back now though it all feels like another life. Still love music and being creative though.

Ah that's cool man, no one hit wonders? Hey you're probably the most famous person I know then.. sign my chest!? Haha. Yeah I think one of the best things you can do as a human is to create.

But let me know if you check it out. I’d say Reason changed my home production game the way LB changed my weed game, it gave me access to so much.
Oh and deffo not famous, never signed anything, but I seriously wish I had that one hit wonder.

When I was in my teens I found it hindered creativity so I didn’t really mix the two but as I’ve got older and grown “more In touch with weed” I’ve found it enhances creativity massively or maybe I’m just really damn high but either way, it’s a lot of fun.

The site does a few subtle yet significant things to stay under the radar. No hard drugs being a big one. Even if authorities are aware, and I'm sure they are, there isn't much to go after or any urgency to do so. There are much bigger fish to fry, at least that's my take on it.
If you need anything just ask mate.



I mean as long as the vendor gets the payment and I send it to the correct address everything should be fine?
I see a lot of people using Coinbase but why charge yourself extra than it has to be ??

A lot of people use Coinbase because it is very easy to get started with it. The fees are marginally higher than other similar exchanges, however unless you're using a P2P exchange you are going to get hit with comparable fees regardless.

Let’s just say I don’t have to walk out my front door for no one
I just wanted to clarify to make sure trace and fall backs don’t happen.
I hope all is good ?

One of the weirdest purchase of my life that ended up being awesome. Got my a nice stash spot for my weed/supplies and my taxes lol.
Ended up blacking out some of the photo to make sure there isn't any identifiable stuff on there. Figured I need to be careful with what I show on here.
I've enclosed another photo of the second drawer and the whole unit. I would really recommend getting something similar if you can. This one wasn't even too expensive and is super well built. Came assembled.
Would love to see more stash spot photos from ya'll!

kind regards

I’ve wanted to try one of those zombie sticks forever, so that would be very much appreciated =)

First of all can i ask is blockchain a good wallet to use ?
It is bitcion i need right rather than other currencies ?
Paying for the goods . Is it self explanetary ? When you pay ? First time ever using bit coin.
Your help would be much appreciated
TuttiFrutti :)

Bitcoin is the only currency accepted, that is correct. You can read this post here https://littlebiggy.org/link/JUUKxr it should answer your other questions. If you need further help feel free to ask.
Now you just have the not so easy task of picking your first strain to try. :)

On that thread the Vendor was asking for pioneers to be his first customers, it was also where the Vendor said to me “where I come from we have some really good hashish and is really worth trying” well that sounded like a challenge and when you put it like that, for $22. I’ll give it a go.
The Shipping - From the date this was marked as sent, it took 7 days to get from the Middle East to my door in the UK which is a lot quicker than the 14-21 days I was expecting.
Vendor also provided me with a tracking number so I was able to track the progress of the package as it made its way through the system, very reassuring!
The Stealth - Seriously impressive on this package, it’s metal gear solid, special opps level stealth. Obviously I won’t go into details but I will say the effort that has gone into making sure this gets to me is massively appreciated so well done and thank you.
Despite the international shipping, with stealth like this I personally have full confidence that any future order will reach me.
The Hashish - I received 2 grams of lovely beautiful dark hash that under the right light is almost dark amber at times. It has a thick creamy smell typical of good dark hash and my finger tips are sticky and smell for sometime after handling it.
It also looks very clean, smells great and slowly pulls apart like play doh.
Under the jewellers loupe this stuff looks really impressive, behind the dark outer shell the layers are clear and the abundance of Amber trichomes become really apparent, I haven’t seen this much amber in my hash for a long time so I’m really excited to try this.
The Smoke - This is smooth, really really smooth. To give it a fair review I smoked a pipe, a small bong and a joint and this stuff goes down easy in every method. Absolutely no harshness or cough made this a really pleasant experience. The taste was good, strong, really thick and totally present, if you like the taste of hash you will probably feel like you want to chew the smoke, I did anyway.
The Effects - Like giving warm milk to a baby, it’s lazy, stoney and extremely relaxing for the body as well as bringing a very nice calmness to the mind.
I found it very similar to smoking a crop that’s been harvested during the later stages of the harvest window. Its got that very relaxing, anti anxiety quality that’s sometimes described as narcotic which I know is a very desirable and sort after characteristic for many users. The type where if you don't fall asleep the next few hours will pass in a very calm and relaxed manor.
The Conclusion - I have to agree with vendor, where they come from they ‘have some very nice hashish that is definitely worth trying.’
I’m really happy with this hash and very pleased I made the order, my first thought when ordering was I’ll either be taking one for the team or be pleasantly surprised and I’m glad to say it’s the later.
It’s a bit different to anything I’ve had in a long time and in my opinion well worth a try if you’re looking for that good, clean, potent, dark hash with a super lazy and calming later harvest effect.
Shipping might take a few days longer but for me it’s not something I’m to bothered about. If vendor can consistently guarantee this type of quality then I will certainly be ordering again at some point in the future. Also as a side note on comms, I only messaged vendor once but they replied in a polite and speedy manner so again, top marks here.
(***Standard disclaimer - it’s just my opinion, this was from the hash sample pack offer where I paid for shipping and vendor sent 2g for review. I have reviewed this fairly and to the best of my ability, the last thing I want to do is miss inform anyone on LB. photos are my own taken using an iPad***)

I'm very happy to find out I was wrong about Hashishin, and would like to apologize to him for my, umm.. persistence in the matter (I was seriously convinced this guy was from Bristol or something hahah). Another solid hash vendor to add the the list. Cheers.

Also I think the vetting of new Vendors is essential, don’t stop. Certainly gave me the confidence to order.

This kind of elaborated reviews makes it worth the while sending the samples.
I must say it's one of the best hash reviews I've encountered in general, and I couldn't have describe the hashish better myself.
I'm really happy to know you are enjoying the hash!
I guarantee that I'll always send what I say I will, and that I'll sell quality or won't sell at all. I actually have a career which from I get my pay check from, so I'm not here strictly for the money but more for the experience.
So thanks again!

That’s also good to know and I hope you enjoy the experience! Cheers!

are there any decent eliquid cannabis suppliers here as would like to purchase on regular basis if poss

MJ's - https://littlebiggy.org/item/1c5KivUB2UbVbB0MyeWkkbTM/view/p
DI Cart 1 - https://littlebiggy.org/item/a8oOoV7dlaInhqUR3nziuS4o/view/p
DI Cart 2 - https://littlebiggy.org/item/0ygIVPdnAP50ZeC45LDl0r1n/view/p

Man... what a year. I've only been on LB for 7 months, but I can say this has been some of the best 7 months of my life. Sure, not only because of LB, I've had some amazing personal accomplishments, but having LB in my life sure has made it all the more fun.
I've had some amazing experiences on here, from the 4-AcO-DMT live trip to the absolutely insane quality of weed and concentrates that I've had on here. I was first introduced to concentrates here at LB, never had access to them before this. These have really brought another level to my weed game. I'm taking a break from them for the moment, but it's a great tool to have in my stoner toolbox.
Speaking of taking breaks... I'm now going to take the month of January off of weed. With all the concentrates and strong bud here, I just felt like I needed the break to get my good old high feeling back. After finding LB, it's too easy to just lose yourself in this bud... however with my past experience, I think it's important to keep this under control.
After I've taken January off, I'll be coming back to only smoking flower. I'll be keeping it to one dynavap cap a night on week days, and then smoking a bit harder on weekends. Will smoke flower until my tolerance builds enough, then bring in concentrates. Once the concentrates peak on tolerance for me, I'll be taking a 2 week break and then repeating the cycle.
I think it's important to do cannabis responsibly, and I think LB is exactly the kind of community where this should be encouraged. If anyone here struggles like I do to keep their habit in check, I would like to ask you to join me on this journey. Not taking January off, but to find a responsible habit for yourself to smoke, and share it with the community.
I hope everyone here has a wonderful 2020. I'm excited to see this community grow (just not too much lol). I'm encouraged by the new vendors we have seen coming in now at the end of the year. I feel like LB is ready to take that next step. I just hope that we manage to do it responsibly, and stay the awesome community that we are right now.
Thank you all, peace and love!

Happy new year!

I smoke a decent amount myself but I have three rules to keep the T in check.
1 - try to wait until 4.20 before I get high.
2 - generally stick to one strain at a time, gives me a chance to get to know the strain Im smoking and I really notice the difference when I switch to a new one.
3 - Lots a water and some sort of exercise.
Good luck and let us know how it goes !

I’ll most likely do some sort of write up on the t-break. Will see what I end up doing =)

I’ll do some write ups on the t-break and how its going soon.
Also welcome btw! You’ve found the best place on the internet.

Looking forward to the write up BTW and cheers for the welcome. It's great to find somewhere like this.

For some reason you can’t seem to get it pure here, can only get precursors that turn into melatonin. I get mine from the US.
5HTP in higher doses also makes you sleep well, and replenishes seratonin on top of it =P


The bulk of mine is made up of Purple Dawg and Grape Candy. About 8g. Padding it out we have Strawberry Banana, Wedding Cake, Slurricane, and Candyland. About 4g between them. To add a little spice I have some Strawberry Cough, some Kritikal and a little Morrocan blonde hash. And just a little Bday cake wax and GG#4 shatter to really get things going.
This is by far the best Christmas stash I've ever had put by. Thanks to all the vendors making it possible, thanks LB for hosting this amazing community, and thanks to you all for making me feel at home.
Post your stash below!

I have a bunch of different things on this end, but a lot of it on its last legs so can't get a nice photo of it. But I have the following: Wedding Cake, Star Dawg, 24k Kush, 818 Headband, Royal King Hassan Hash, Kritikal hash, and other TGT hash, forget the name.
Then space monkey shatter and birthday cake wax.

Same man most of it is down to the last I'm trying to nurture them. Sounds like you could get yourself a mighty good cocktail going there.

Ah, I used to be a PC guy myself, but as I got older, I prefer to just use consoles for gaming. No drivers and video cards to worry about. Just don't have the time anymore haha.

I feel ya man they can be a pain. I ended up getting rid of the PS4 recently too, it just kinda sat around. I like PC just cause I can download a lot of games.

But another supplier (Supplier B) I ordered on 14th and got it on 17th.
Supplier A is claiming Post Office delays. So why did Supplier B have no problems at all? Anyone else have issues with UK Mail Deliveries?

I ordered from MJ conc after the order i mention above was made and it was here next day, perfect stealth, wee freebie too. I used it all up as thought my main order would arrive and lo and behold ive been dry the whole xmas period and still strung out. No good like. For me it is medicinal as much as recreation, so gutted im out.

There are no back logs at the office I work in just to give everyone a heads up (it’s not a small office either one of the biggest in the country)
That’s not to say some smaller offices may struggle but any longer than a week somethings wrong.
Stick to tracked or special delivery if you can and you should have no problem. I have to say every order I have made since joining this great site has been perfect on time no problem so not all vendors are lazy.

Was yours about the same time?

I have had 3 different deliveries since then. One of the supplies doesn’t even have very good stealth compared to the others (I prefer his method though as buds arrive pristine and not squashed)

RM may be shit, but not that shit.

I ordered off Thegreenteam: https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4775239 again on 19 Dec and guess what, Goodies arrived 21 Dec in a nice box, so bud wasn't squashed flat like it normally is!

If it is found police are called they take it away end of from RM point of view.
I would say to all vendors or anyone sending anything special delivery is your best bet as it does not go through machines at all and is handled with upmost security as it’s our most expensive service.

TGT. Never had any probs with either of them.

I know im gonna get voted down a lot for this but felt I needed to say this...
You know me and what im about etc-hopefully some of you feel i’m a decent guy?!
Just remember LB there are people on with a wide range of medical conditions / disabilities (visible & not) here and for some these products are used sensibly and medically and can literally be a life saver; especially when the Medical profession fail you.
Please take a moment to consider that....
Just wanted to raise everyone’s awareness to a different view.

Can these pills be harmful if misused? Of course. Does that mean they have absolutely no place here? I'm not sure.
I can give you an example. I know a older lady, she suffers from horrible anxiety and depression. For whatever reason she has to self medicate with Valium. She gets these pills on the street, most of the time they do not contain the amount stated 10mg, and actually often don't have any of the active drug in them. They have harmful substitutes in them that can lead to seizure, injury and even death. Now let me ask you LB, should she have to go to the street and risk that happening to her? Shouldn't she have a safe haven to order medication she cannot have prescribed by her doctor? Just like we have the option to buy our medication here.
Now I know the majority of us don't want this kind of thing sold here and that is fine. It's just something to think about.


Lets face it, weed can be harmful! Ive seen and experienced many a drama and cognitive deterioration with it dramatically on here lol.



Hey LB! It's been just over a month now since I found this beautiful community and it's been a damn good month. Christmas came early for me. I've been able to try shatter and wax for the first time which is something I've been wanting to tick off my list since I found out it existed years ago. I've had a go at the edibles and a few types of hash that I've never even seen before. I've been able to buy with confidence knowing everyone has my back with rating and reviews.
Most importantly for me I now have control over what weed I buy. On the streets I got what they gave me and that was that. This led to some bad times smoking sativas that didn't sit well with me. Now I can blast indica's all day knowing I'm in good hands. It has been a really positive change in my life actually.
So I want to say thanks LB and thanks to the community. You all gave me a warm welcome and made me feel safe.
This rating is for ya'll. 11/10
Happy holidays & happy toking.

Anyway, yes... I came in a few months before you and what a big difference this place has made in my life. Love it. Welcome!

Bro it has really changed my life. The best part for me, I think, is just knowing that you can order with confidence and get a (most of the time) quality product. Sometimes I think its too good to be true.. then another pack lands.. ahhh it's a good time to be alive, eh mate?

I'd like to talk about my result after 2+ weeks of abstaining from any THC containing products. Disclaimer: this is not meant to be a judgement against cannabis use, nor is it meant to shame frequent users. I'm strongly in favor of the flower. And in the future, I will continue to use it. Promising myself to give it up forever (the absolute shall) is impractical and not even really necessary. However, I have been starting to feel that there's a time and place for cannabis. Inreasingly, such times and places are becoming seldom for me. :( There's a threshold that once crossed, renders usage counterproductive. For me, anyway.
So, here it is. After 2+ weeks of sobriety, this is what I have found.
- Clarity of thought has increased.
- Focus has increased.
- Problem solving speed has increased.
- Ability to comprehend complex thoughts and ideas that are being explained to me has always been pretty good, but it feels lightning quick now.
- More articluate speech without delays and pauses.
- Dreams have more intensity.
- Better goal setting. Also far better at setting schedules to achieve those goals. I stick to them.
- More engaged with and available to friends and loved ones. They have noticed the difference, although they are not sure what the cause is.
- Hitting the gym far more consistently.
- Weight loss.
- Difficult to relax at the end of the night.
- Movies are 75% less interesting.
- Food is 39.5% less delicious.
- Music is 75.52% less interesting.
- Outdoor activities (bike riding, hiking) are about 58.7% less interesting.
- Difficult to combat boredom at times.

I regularly work away so take a lot of 1-2 week breaks and most of the time its a good thing for me. I do find i have more motivation for gym, meeting friends etc and better focus at work.
Problem is when ive got smoke available in the house i cant leave it alone and if smoking everyday for a long period im almost glad to go away so i can stop again.
Dont get me wrong, giving up is easy apart from maybe a rubbish sleep the first night or 2 and im normally only having 1 j a night so not a heavy smoker.
Like most others i started with hash as a teenager 20+ years ago and it was always good - giggly, socialable, fun ..... i remember slate, rocky, gold and red seal blacks
I know the thc level was probably much lower but i guess there was also a higher cbd content as well?
Interested in trying some strains, particularly solids that have a higher cbd and lower thc. Maybe some of thd cheaper pollens, morrocans would be worth trying? Maybe tbd thai stick? Any recommendations welcome.

I just try to avoid midweek use (and the super potent stuff) so I can prevent the sleeplessness and stinky sweat when abstaining... I’ve found that the longer you’ve been without a break the more your pits will stink ;)

I am in the exact same boat in terms of the pros and cons. I stopped for 2 years at one point as all of the pros you listed above became too apparent and started to have a negative impact on my life, its still great when i do it, but im not sure if long term usage has made the effects more dramatic as when i used to smoke when i was younger i never had any negative effects from it whatsoever. I appreciate this post :) Sorry for the ramble. How long do you plan on keeping this up for? :)

To me drugs were a means to an end. I didn't want to think about things so I inebriated myself as much as possible with any drug that was within hands reach. I've been clean for a time now and I'm over the worst of it, but I still have this negative relationship with drugs.
I smoke weed daily and it is indeed a problem for me. I shouldn't as it inhibits my production and allows me to procrastinate so much more than I ordinarily would. It is however still that little escape I need to avoid turning to harder drugs, at least that's what I tell myself. It's better than what I was doing, that's for sure.
So I wish I could stop but probably for much different reasons than yourself. I certainly wish I could stop for a few weeks just to see how I feel.
Your percentages are hilarious btw. I agree fully, music is indeed exactly 75.52% less interesting while sober.

After that I'm going to try a new cycle... start with just flower, when the tolerance is bad, go to concentrates, once I hit bad tolerance there as well, I take 2-4 weeks off depending on how long my smoke cycle has been and start over.
Hoping it brings more balance to my smoking habit. At least try to find a better way to not lose control of it.

Interesting, do you find eventually flower just doesn't get you high enough anymore, even if you smoke large amounts? It's like.. yeah I know I'm stoned and stuff but I also know that if I quit for a couple weeks it would be 10x more intense. I just can't seem to go more than half a day with no weed before it badly effects my mood. Maybe that's just my personality though.
Ya that's the plan right now man. Just gotta find a way to make it something I do to enjoy and not something I need? We need balance and control for sure.

But yeah, smoking doesn't get me the same kind of high that it used to. I can get there from smoking concentrates or rosin... and if I smoke enough flower, but I would like to smoke a bit less to get to where I need to.
I think 4 weeks might be a bit long for a tolerance break for me as well... I might be able to manage 2 weeks. I agree, that it is tough for me too, but I want to try and prove to myself that I can do it. At this point, that's my main test right now.
After that, I'll do t-breaks of 2 weeks going forward... and probably only every 6 months or so. We'll see how it all goes.

Ya I feel ya, I'm worried about getting too into concentrates for that reason. They are also a bit pricey for me to be smoking all the time so that limits me fairly well.
I think 2 weeks is good for anyone. I know the longer you go the better than first joint back will be but 2 weeks I think is more than enough for most of us. Yeah true, if you look at it like a challenge it may be easier to do. You don't want to fail after all so it's good motivation to stay sober.
Sounds like a plan man, it's a good idea. I need to get myself in to a healthy routine and keep it going. Let me know how you get on.

All you're paying for with Cali is the privilege of having weed sent from California. And most of the time it's sent over here because it doesn't pass USA dispensary regulations. Think about it. Why would they bother shipping it illegally if they could sell it legally at a premium? Because they can't. If you're spending less that £90-100 per 1/8th it ain't legit Cali. Support UK Bud.

I don't smoke it because of all the chems they use to grow it. You get that insane chemical high from it that people love but fuck me it leaves you rough for days unless you keep smoking it. And the worst part is that its so normal over there. I have seen Cali grows on YouTube and they add some very dubious stuff that even the best flush couldn't get rid of. Can be a tough crowd on here though that will defend it to the grave and happily pay for it also.
Like sidetracked said, support our growers.

Looking for advice and recommendations.
Would like something really heavy and sedating with a higher CBD content but still a fair amount of THC. More CBD than THC basically.
Medicinal purposes, depression. Also I quit alcohol 7 months ago so its just to level me out on an evening. Im new to this site so any pointers in the right direction with some recommendations would be most welcome! X

THEGREENTEAM (TGT) have some Strawberry Banana (70/30 indica dom) which is think has amazing medicinal value. I wrote a review where I go in to detail on the benefits of it but it is really good for getting to sleep, releasing stress and relaxing. I think you will like it. You can read more here https://littlebiggy.org/link/oOzUjj
Radar Breeder has two heavy hitting Indicas that I liked. Purple Dawg (70/30 indica dom) and Surricane (indica). Really knock you out and get you feeling happy.
For RSO you could try Drugs Inc, or Shrekage29.
None of these will be available till after the holidays though. Hopefully this helps.

Relatively new to the site, only placed two orders with one vendor so far, I'm looking for a nice hash, something for evening preferably and if possible fast delivery as locally there is not much around at the moment.
Could anyone recommend a vendor/product?

When you code or script (I automate with PowerShell) do you have a favourite strain or flava? What is it and why?
I personally prefer indica dominant flava’s as I like the couch lock feeling but can be a bit distracting when zoning out but some weed makes me zone in and I script like a digital ninja. I just don’t know what flava’s work best for me to be high as fuck but present in what I’m doing.

I've only been smoking it for a couple days but the Grape Candy from TGT is really nice. Not too heavy and just the right amount of sativa.

I think I will have a look for a nice hybrid, maybe a tasty haze will do the trick

I'm gonna put a order in for some of DI's new Chemdawg. Like you I prefer indicas and this comes in at 75/25. So it will give me the stone I like while hopefully not sending me straight to bed haha. I'll let you know how it turns out next week when it arrives.
TGT also have some Wedding Cake in, I believe it's 50/50. I feel more of the sativa effects on this one so I could deffo smoke it all night while blasting away at some code.
I tend to mix my green a lot and find that works well. Any sativa with Stardawg I find gives me really nice sativa effects but also fully sedates me. Could be worth a try there. RB has amazing Purple Dawg atm. It goes with literally anything imo.

I’m going to give TGT a try. Radar Breeder had some beautiful amnesia I really enjoyed it. It was a good experience buying from him as well. His stealth is next level I kinda wish he did something so the bud doesn’t get squashed though. Not that it really matters at, it was still great.

I can't recommend TGT enough. First class getting to me in 2 days (sadly they don't offer tracked or signed for, yet) the weed is banging and natural, none of that PGR or nasty shit. The communication is on point and they're a friendly bunch. This is starting to sound like a review haha, I'm just stoked with my first 4 orders from them I need to big up them tbh.
I get what you're saying though I prefer my nugs au natural for sure. The smoke is the same sure, but I like my bud to have some life.
At the risk of sounding like I work for TGT (I don't btw).. they don't vacuum pack their weed. I won't go in to detail but the stealth is top notch and you can't smell a thing outside of the package, while getting a nice full bunch of nugs.

Paid just means you have sent the money. Bazza hasn't sent your package yet so he hasn't marked it as sent. When he does the number will update.
Have a little faith I was in your position a few weeks ago now had over 20 packages land. I know it's easy for me to say and hard for you to do but have patience all will work out. If RB package doesn't arrive soon contact them.

I made my first ever orders yesterday and am excited. Slurricane, g13 Haze Hash and a Zombie Stick.
I've been making my own butter but needed a higher quality to work with. Pretty excited that I don't have to pay Stupid amounts to street guys for good quality.
Will be leaving reviews on both of my purchases from D-Inc UK and RadarBreeder once they have been received.
Glad to be part of the community. Lots of goodies for me to try lol.

Welcome (back), looking forward to your reviews :).

The basic difference is energy, Sativa produces it - its extreme point is paranoia. Indica on the other hand, relaxes you and its extreme is couch-lock.
Had I known this I probably would have been so much better off, for example Sativa can make you productive and Indica can kill this but give you a great nights sleep.
I think I'd be both healthier and better paid today had I known any of this :)

Myrcene, or β-myrcene, is an alkene natural organic hydrocarbon. It is more precisely classified as a monoterpene. Monoterpenes are dimers of isoprenoid precursors, and myrcene is a significant component of the essential oil of several plants, including bay, cannabis, and hops

Thankfully now I only smoke indica's and have never felt better. Wish I knew sooner too.

Anyone recommend any alternative platforms? Easy to use also :-)

But I would love a cheaper option.

If you're ready to move on from CB then try https://bittylicious.com/ - They have lower fees, although you'll find fees exist with every BTC service and coinbase isn't really that high respectively. You can also have the BTC sent directly to the vendor to avoid network transaction fees. You will need photo ID and proof of address to lift buying limits though.

I have the same problem as you I'll browse for hours and never make a decision so I just stocked up on the bud I found to be the best so far.

As for buying bitcoin the website I use is www.bittylicious.com. You will need to register an account and provide a valid ID and proof of address but once you are up and running it is very easy.
Make an order on Littlebiggy. Confirm the right postage address and click pay. This will then ask you to make a payment to an address which will look something like to this "1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2".
Go to Bittylicious and copy and paste the address in to the "Bitcoin address" bar. Enter the amount of Bitcoin you need (this will be displayed on the Littlebiggy order page) and click the "Get some coins" button. This will then exchange your cash for bitcoin and instantly send that to the vendor. Payment should be received within a few minutes and you will get a confirmation. Now you just have to wait patiently.
I will suggest that you always select the tracked/signed for postage option where available as it speeds up delivery times and gives you some evidence in case your package gets lost in the mail. It does cost more but gives some peace of mind. This can be important as a new buyer and especially at this time of year.
I wish you all the best and have confidence you will find ordering here a very pleasant experience. If you need any further help please don't hesitate to ask here or send me a message. Happy shopping!

Much appreciated!

ThePopeOfDope had some really nice Forbidden Fruit, another hard hitting indica but he is MIA right now.
If DIUK ever get the Black Cherry Soda in again I'd pick some of that up right away. Best tasting stuff I've had on here hands down. Really mellow but heavy body high.
I should expect none of these to leave you paranoid or anxious. I get worried about that too and haven't had a problem with the strains listed.
Happy toking!

Is this going to be a painful process for both me and The Pope? Who incidentally is ignoring all communications. A tedious situation really but I’m not in the habit of giving my hard earned money away.

I think as customers here we all feel a little scared of going against the grain, as it where. We all need to remember we have rights as consumers and we need to exercise those rights or risk losing them altogether.
If you feel that you have no options left then dispute the case. Yes it should only be used as a last resort, but don't be afraid to use it. This is of course just my opinion and you should make your own decision. I hope you get it sorted!

My preferred vendors are chosen not just by their products, but their service and their ability to stand by both.
If anyone takes the plunge with a new vendor this festive period, I hope it goes well, please post your reviews and in the meanwhile congratulations to all users who have assisted in the recent clear out of flies in our wonderful ointment!
Peace people!

I've never used darknet markets so I don't have much to compare it to but the vendors I've used here have all been great, even when things go wrong. Hopefully LB is sticking around for as long, if not longer, than it has already been around for because honestly this place is amazing, no more dealing with spotty roadmen half my age on corners.
Big up to all those who look out for us all.

As for new vendors, when there is no rep all we can do is investigate ourselves and trust our guts. There are also red flags to look for as we seen this past week. Always buy the smallest amount for a tester. Just being vigilant will go a long way. Lucky for us there are a lot of established vendors with proven track records for those unwilling to risk it.
The 818 Headband from Bulkstop on paper sounds a little too good to be true, and looks pretty decent for the price. However the way the vendor communicates and provides evidence has made me take the plunge and order a 1/8th to test. So I think it all just depends on who you're dealing with.
I'll have a review up shortly after it arrives.

I agree the 818 headband does on the surface seem a little too good and it is so cheap, also when i check now the seller no longer has any items listed on their page which is a red flag. Something seems off there, unless its an honest mistake/error.

I find it extremely suspicious when a vendor who has no sales, no votes and joined yesterday is willing to send out a kg to whoever is brave enough to order it. See, even writing that made me laugh out loud!
Personally, given the madness with the mail services I'll be staying with my favoured biggas, if any of the new maybes are still around in January I might take a chance. Hardly like there's a lack of variety though eh ;)
at this rate, i'm gonna need a bigger jar!


I understand it isn't for everyone but at 3x the price of normal bud (that has similar THC contents 25%+), it's just a little silly. I've tried Tangerine Cookies, MAC and Guava and they were all really nice for sure but for every gram I could get 3 gram of Purple Dawg which also absolutely blows your tits off. Again I get that it's a status symbol over here to smoke Cali but ultimately I think this is an anti-consumer practice and giving in to artificially inflated prices like this will hurt us all in the long run. Just something to consider my dudes.
What do you all think about Cali weed in general and its pricing? Is it anti-consumer?

Don't get me wrong the cali buds are without doubt the nicest looking I've seen but the high just doesn't justify the cost for me.

I stick to good honest old hippies for my gear, they always know what's the happy hap

Having tried a few Cali strains none of them are in my top 3. I was hoping it would be a fad and pass, but I still see people posting cali packs on snapchat proud to have paid 75quid for a 1/8th. Crazy. I also don't want to sound like I'm just salty or hating but I feel like someone had to say something. I doubt I'll make a change or anything but I want to get people thinking or at least acknowledging the absurdity of it.
I'm glad I'm not alone man. Support UK Bud! (says the guy who just ordered Dutch import.. at least it's at a very reasonable price!)

Same with me! My top 3 are all flower i have had here, it is certainly a fad in my opinion but once cali came on the scene in 2016 it seems to have taken off and is showing no sign of slowing down. The prices are still astronomicaly high after all this time, i have no idea why people buy into it, its hype in my opinion. No of course not i dont find your comments salty of hating at all, i agree wholeheartedly and i dont think it helps the UK game in the long run when nobody wants UK weed anymore.
You arent alone, ive been thinking the same for ages but darent say anything as people treat this stuff as if its as you say, gold haha. Hey at least Dutch imports are at near enough the same pricing as here so its all good :p

For the price of an OZ you could be well on the way to setting up a grow and turning out your own killer buds or even half way to actually visiting California for your self.

Yeah mate when you start thinking about everything else you could do with the price of a oz of Cali then it really gets ridiculous haha.
I'd love to hear from those who stand by Cali and the prices to see where we all differ.

I’m also interested to hear as well, it’s a real subjective topic but a very very interesting talking point.

Importer paying - (example price) £280 an Oz
Importer selling - £330 an Oz to 1st supplier
1st supplier selling for £380 an Oz to 2nd supplier.
2nd supplier selling for £430 an Oz to 3rd supplier and so forth..
Each time I make a 3.5 sale I make ~£8. So you work out how far along the supply chain I am. I've lost too much buying it myself, ide rather pay extra and let someone else take the BIG RISK that's associated with it.
I know importers factor in lost parcels prices to weigh up differences as alot will get caught in customs
I brought these items to biggy not to earn bucket fulls, twas a seasonal gift for everyone to try out but please relise that I do have to make it worth my risk in vending them also

I think that this is a tricky issue, because it's easy to see both sides of this argument. Consumers AND sellers are getting gouged alike here. Probably fair to point out that the prices in CA itself are through the roof, especially in the Bay Area. And sadly, that inflation is passed along to all of us here in Blighty.
As a CA native, (we don't refer to it as "Cali" ourselves) I appreciate that you and others here are able to bring over a little piece of home for me from across the Pond. The rich, golden sun; the rolling green hills, the dense redwood forests in the north. Cheers.

Well worth a watch as it hits on some of the hurdles faced by independent growers.

The scope of the California problem is bigger than just the cannabis market. The state is basically pricing itself out of existence. Droves of people are moving out-of-state every day. Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Idaho and Washingon state. Interestingly, this is having the effect of changing the demographics in those states. Many formerly "red" (Republican/Conservative) states are becoming "purple" and are imminently "blue" (Democrat/Liberal leaning) just because of all the Californians rushing in. The Republicans are in big trouble long term, which is why they're doing crazy shit like striking up deals with the Ruskies. But I digress...

Very Interesting site and a good reference for international prices.

It's like when we sell something on eBay, we don't sell it to anyone who pay us the least amount, we sell to the person who is willing to pay the most and the postage!

I appreciate you giving us some insight in to the supply chain, it gives us all more to consider. It should be noted that because you pay that much doesn't mean everyone does. Maybe you don't artificially inflate your prices but others do. I just seen prices high enough to insight a reaction.
I have a lot of respect for anyone vendor that puts their time and effort in to bring us a service. I know it isn't easy, you are running a business after all. I don't want you to think I am being intentionally disrespectful.

I've been following how it's unfolding in CA and Canada and tbh, I don't see much Canadian cannabis on here, considering it's legal recreationally for some time but the quality and price (including tax) means black market weed is a lot better value for money.
As bigbarz has pointed out it is legal in other states too but you're not seeing those products from those states here, why? I don't understand that.
I think we here and myself included have been blindsided by legalisation that we have not considered quality or tax, in CA it's around 30% depending on state, whereas here in the UK vat is 20%, sanitary towels are 5%, so if cannabis is legalised here in the UK, would the vat be 20% or higher? And it goes without saying the quality may not to be what we on here are now used to.
Also, going back to your point on price, for us the consumer that will only happen with more vendors competing for our money and the price they purchase from their distributors.
But sometimes classic economic models don't fair well and can make a point without taking into account a more organic, fluid concept of behavioural economics and economic anthropology.

I'll be chilling with this tonight and I'll report back on the cerebal side of things here :)

Ordered Tangerine Dreams from Pope too but sadly that order hasn’t been for-filled yet after placing it on the 28th November ?
I think you can match these strains without them being imported from Cali but not easily! Both the Slurricane and Black Cherry Soda are good examples of strains that come close!

Since I found this wonderful place the cost of my little hobby has went through the roof! I put that down to wanting to try all these wonderful new things (concentrates, edibles, Cali flowers.. there's just so much to try).
For me I can manage to make 2-3g last me all day as long as I don't start smoking till after 5pm. So if I take it easy and buy a Oz I'm around £150/week in flower + probs £40 in other purchases (shatter, hash, etc).
So this got me thinking.. what is your weekly toke bill on average? And how do you keep costs low if possible?

throw in a few edibles & Green Dragon (made myself) on Saturday night date night with the wife

It was my first time though. I bought a basic dab rig and blow torch thingy. (melted marshmallow is the best) Most people who dab want to avoid smoking mass amounts to get really stoned from what I can tell. I really like dabs. Definitely gets you high. I'm in Aus so have never seen any locally or anything, just here on lil big and youtube inst etc. You might be able to hot knife the dabs or a joint as mentioned but its actually really hard to work with. The "shatter" I got was more like honey and was as sticky as industrial glue or something. The wax was a little more handlable.
Anyway thought I'd share my experience.
Peace :)

Peace :)

Where to get one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=dab+straw
The one I bought: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07NTL6VRM
How to use one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMbT1xZq2mc

I've been using this little beauty for the last two years. Its definitely one of the best concentrate vaporisers out there!
Please excuse the cheesie vid

Ye, RBs menu is always varied and rapid delivery with perfect stealth with good quality across a wide price rage and bud spec and choice.
Gods Connect although out of the game in terms of pure quality across a range of grades and hash with awesome stealth-sad to see him go
UK420 has great looking bud but missed his pineapple so cant comment on actual product and service yet-ill be quicker to purchase next time.
The pope seems a great guy with amazing products and is responsive to questions and polite. Id be ordering from him more frequently if I wasn’t on such a budget.

RB and Drugs Inc probably the two that I have bought the most from.

Uk420 have a great selection too, and usually stock tasty hash options.
I was also very impressed with ndwuk, who went away for a bit but seem to be back again!
I've had no problems getting deliveries from these guys, and all the descriptions have been accurate, which I appreciate

Just wanted to do a quick recommendation for you concentrate guys out there. I've mainly picked up wax and crumble, so I hadn't run into the super sticky shatter yet, but I did and ended up going to friendly amazon and finding a solution. Got this https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HBV137X/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Not recommending the kit as a whole necessarily, but that mat is exceptional. You can lay the shatter on there and pick it up with no stick. You can roll it into a ball, flatten it out... it's pretty impressive.
I've been able to deal with the wax and crumble with just a toothpick and one of those cali shatter valley silicone tubs... but shatter is a tricky one, and this mat helps a hell of a lot.
The kit there isn't bad as a whole either. You have a nice tin to keep all your concentrate/accessories in one place.
Would love to hear some good lil biggar smoke accessories suggestions! (specially if they are available on amazon haha)

Got some of the Cinderella 99 from Drugs Inc now I just have to wait patiently for it to arrive. Easier said than done!
This is the straw I ordered. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07NTL6VRM/

I actually have the same dab straw. All you need for this is a torch lighter to heat the tip until it's red hot. Then you wait until the red goes away, and place it on the concentrate you want to vape and inhale.
Not any more complicated than that... and with the Cindy 99 (you'll probably get a different flavor), what I've been doing is just putting the straw right into the concentrate container, and vaping it directly from there... so no need to even having to try and deal with it.
Let me know how it works for you.

I think it's the Wedding Cake they have right now which I've heard good things about. Yeah I'll probably just grab little bits - wax seems kinda easy to work with.
I will man thanks again.

Key Lime Pie purchased from DrugsInc. Usual exceptional stealth as is of all our top rated vendors, arrived in 2 days and weighed what was ordered!
Visually was a treat, solid nuggets, tight and well trimmed. Bright vivid green, orange and brown hairs with purple hues creeping through the insides, just about shows in photos...But the smell people. Im a very big fan of lemon but this limey tang is something I haven't come across. Lots of citrus weeds out there, but this was like a lime. Literally.
The taste was as the smell was, mouthwatering. Its a strong herb, but you tend to forget that while contemplating the flavour party. Easily overdone!
I's recommend this to any couch lock fans, or citrus heads as both will be equally satisfied with this rare and tasty delicacy!
DrugsInc have once again provided a quality service across the board, with thanks!
Standard Photos and 40x Loupe lens, Enjoy!