Dimitri is, lemme explain.
Shrooms are alike for sure, tho they don't pack you off in a spaceship to the spirit world.
Dimitri is a long lost cousin of mary jane, they go hand in hand.
Mary lets you hit dimitri very hard, it enables sessions lasting up to 5 hrs straight, getting through little bit more than half G of pure dimitri, enough for 10 high end breakthroughs at least.
I've come to the conclusion, after being battered and dragged through the mud with the Deems that we must above all appreciate the 3rd dimension, God's Creation.
We must fight for her, tho she bears the sigil of lucifer, the sign of satan, and on all sides of her 3 dimensions she bears the mark of the devil the 3 sixes.
This won't last tho, this current world, just know that satan is the god of this world.
You guys know i'm a Christian so let me go on.
I've not had a session for a while now, maybe 7 weeks or so perhaps longer but even that wasn't like the 'real' ones i got through that would last hours and hours.
I got shown everything on those journeys, i would usually meet the 'old man', he would be by my side.
now to the point of this post,
for a while now i've been putting the spiritual before the real world, lioving in the world but seeing through it all, understanding the Eternity of the Spirit and just not being involved with the real world, not paying it the respect it deserves, but this was a mistake, as the real world is the Creation, ok nowadays the satanists are running rampant but there are Good people everywhere and beauty to be seen on all corners of the globe and beyond.
Dimitri has solidified my Faith like i wouldn't have thought possible years ago, i know about the spirit world and have seen the real and the spirit collide on many occasion.
Dimitri looked at me and said 'ah so you think you're a Christian?', well here how about some satanic seduction, how about legion, how about rabid demonic evil?' And it dragged me through it, gave me spiritual enlightenment and brought me so much closer to God.
I dunno if i'll go back to dimitri, it may have done it's work in me, the third eye, ESP, they call it an eye cause to produces tears, dimitri tears, i personally have shed a tear from the 'third eye' the pineal gland i guess, never felt anything like it, it felt like a drop of luke warm water hitting inside of my brain.
Well folks, ya'll remember to have a good day, get things done, and take care of yourselves.