yip... transaxe down, fees up ... no weed for the weekend again...LB format fails me another week ☹️☹️☹️
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joined mar 2020
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2 topics on Kushna42
44 posts
+80 votes

Transaxe down?

Transaxe down?
Getting transaxe down please try again later message and site seems to be down for maintenance. Anyone else having this problem? One or two messages on transaxe support. Trying to make an 11 o'clock postal cutoff.

Try Society. Mine just went through. Still pending but shows half an hour ish until confirmed.
12 dollars on a 120 dollar purchase. Not great but I'm hopefully sorted 🤞
12 dollars on a 120 dollar purchase. Not great but I'm hopefully sorted 🤞

society didn't work for me. my transaction has confirmations and still hasnt moved from "awaiting confirmations" on society/littlebiggy end.

Oh ffs.
If that's the case I quit. Not worth the hassle and cost now. Back to mid level street haze I guess. Fuck.
If that's the case I quit. Not worth the hassle and cost now. Back to mid level street haze I guess. Fuck.

I've tried this and am a waiting confirmations on the blockchain also. Will update as and when etc

That's about comparable to what I've just parted with. And still unconfirmed. At those prices it should be like shit through a goose.

contacted my vendor and it seems to be the case for other of their customers today that payments are stuck on awaiting confirmation. likely a problem alongside the transaxe outage. the last time this happened it took a day for the order payment to show as confirmed. hope you have more luck. UPDATE: 6 confirmations later it shows as paid on lb/society. shoutout to dr.distillate who was going to send the order ahead anyway. class act and great vendor.

Thats the guy i was hoping to order from. Getting close to cutoff and still no confirmations. Hope he can wait a little longer

Im not sure if its a placebo but i usually paste my btc transaction into the free bitaccelerate.com in the hope it gets picked up quicker than the general queue. might be worth messaging the vendor if you've ordered from them before to.

I did a few of those.
Have a confirmation now but like yours, society and lb both say no...
Have a confirmation now but like yours, society and lb both say no...

mine confirmed on the 5th or 6th confirmation. a couple hours after ordering in-spite of it being confirmed once on the blockchain within 20mins. if mines anything to go by, it should confirm and update on littlebiggy/society soon.

3 confirmations now. The Dr. said he'd ship anyway so hopefully all's well with this transaction.
Now I just need to wait on the initial stuck payment from 4 days ago to return 👎
Now I just need to wait on the initial stuck payment from 4 days ago to return 👎

sounds like its taking a similar journey to mine. it will confirm here fairly shortly i bet. respect to the dr. for doing the right thing to :)

Fees have dropped again so maybe soon. Mine started moving inline with the fees on Mempool lowering.
Good luck.
Good luck.

That makes sense. It's definitely sped up. Missed the cut off and if I'd waited it would have cost me less. But hey, I'm really early for tomorrow's one so all good man. Livin n learnin

Yep. That's it all through and showing paid now. Whoo hoo. Next time I might hang on for a bit and see what happens but you what it's like, you want to feel you can be doing something about it.

aint that the truth. i paid about $40 in btc fees to jump the queue on this tx. honestly bitcoin is a joke and if i hear anyone say its going to replace visa/fiat in the future, im going to be inclined to slap the stupid out of them.

Is this why my orders are showing as unpaid despite the payment being confirmed? The payment page glitched after I sent payment, so that page never changed to paid, as it usually does. I messaged Transaxe about 12 hours ago, and nothing yet.

if your btc tx is showing confirmations, it should be showing as confirmed on littlebiggy/society. i wouldnt be surprised if theyre inundated with similar messages. hopefully they get back to you on it soon :(

Yeah, I know it should be showing as paid, but it isn't. First time this has ever happened in around 100 orders. Hopefully they'll sort it out manually soon.

It took about half an hour to show up here after 3rd confirmation, if that's any help. Order literally just completed after 5 hours. It should be soon

1340 7/12 Transaxe back up folks but fees are sky high. More than half of my order n way higher than last hike. Going to have to wait it out again.

5 hours later and massive charges it's paid and showing up here.If I'd waited I would have paid less, transax would have been back and as it is I missed the cut off anyway so let that be a lesson to me but I'm impatient and get super anxious where weed is concerned. I'm surely not the only one though I wish I wasn't like that. Anyway all is back on and you live and learn so let's all have a smoke. Fun times.

6 posts
+17 votes

Unconfirmed transaction help

Unconfirmed transaction help
Can anyone tell me if there's anything I can doI.I'vehas an unconfirmed transaction sitting there 6 days now. Googled it but it's a bit beyond me. Can anyone help put it in layman's terms for a simpleton like me to understand and if there's anything I can do.
Cheers lb-ers
Cheers lb-ers

send a message to transaxe.. tell them a payment is still unconfirmed and they should clear it .. put ur order no. in subject title for quicker reply

Thank you. I should have said though, it's not on this site. Just a general question about btc and blockchain. I did a withdrawal from one wallet to my bitcoin address and it's just sitting there unconfirmed on the chain. Appreciate your quick response though. Thanks you. Sorry, I should have been clearer.

To initiate a transaction you pay a gas fee. It's currently about 30x higher than usual. People can pay more in fees and that will bump you back in the queue so a transaction that should take 30 minutes actually takes significantly longer. People are currently doing this a lot. People are overpaying by hundreds of dollars in fees to get really high transactions through, and they're doing this to get highest priority. Why?

Go to that site and post you btc wallet address.
you should see you transaction, click on the transaction id number.
if stuck transaction sent back to your own btc wallet as well as the main recipient, then you can try sending back to yourself that exact same amount, which won't be much at all, but you need to boost fees for it to be taken up.
you should see you transaction, click on the transaction id number.
if stuck transaction sent back to your own btc wallet as well as the main recipient, then you can try sending back to yourself that exact same amount, which won't be much at all, but you need to boost fees for it to be taken up.

79 posts by Kushna42
1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
Most Reliable Shipper on LB?
The Gentleman Dealers and then Canadian Imports. The odd time it's been longer than ndd it's been because of my stupid rural location and royal mail s…

{buy help}
Most Reliable Shipper on LB?
I'm sick of paying extra for "next day delivery" and not having it arrive anywhere close to next day. Are there any vendors on here you can actually trust to provide NDD when you give them plenty of warning?

There are many, but you have to be realistic with cut off times and occasionally lenient with the pressure on vendors. The ‘need for speed’ causes more disputes on here than virtually any other issue.
The cardinal sin is when you pay for NDD etc and it doesn’t get sent that way. But most vendor’s seriously try to get that order out in line with their service promise.
Great NDD providers in my experience include The Gentleman Dealers, Dr Greenthumb, Dr Terpy and Canadian Imports (but check latest posting days)..
The cardinal sin is when you pay for NDD etc and it doesn’t get sent that way. But most vendor’s seriously try to get that order out in line with their service promise.
Great NDD providers in my experience include The Gentleman Dealers, Dr Greenthumb, Dr Terpy and Canadian Imports (but check latest posting days)..

Hi Pollypuff
Spot on again my friend :-)
There is no way a seller can guarantee 100% once the parcel is in the system, many things can happen which are outside of the seller's control.
I see SD more as a way for the seller to see what happened with a parcel if it goes missing. Easier to agree on a refund if the seller can see you didn't get it (so a must for big orders).
As it stands I just received an order today which I ordered SD on Wed last week - posted on Thu according to seller.
I assumed that the Coronation had been wreaking havoc with RM services but looking at the enveloppes they used 1st class not SD.
I've just dropped them a message according to the LB etiquette. Probably an oversight on their behalf.
I remember all too well how I used to get my wares - and what I used to go through - before discovering LB.
As long as it arrives - and the quality and quantity match the order - I'm not fussed.
Spot on again my friend :-)
There is no way a seller can guarantee 100% once the parcel is in the system, many things can happen which are outside of the seller's control.
I see SD more as a way for the seller to see what happened with a parcel if it goes missing. Easier to agree on a refund if the seller can see you didn't get it (so a must for big orders).
As it stands I just received an order today which I ordered SD on Wed last week - posted on Thu according to seller.
I assumed that the Coronation had been wreaking havoc with RM services but looking at the enveloppes they used 1st class not SD.
I've just dropped them a message according to the LB etiquette. Probably an oversight on their behalf.
I remember all too well how I used to get my wares - and what I used to go through - before discovering LB.
As long as it arrives - and the quality and quantity match the order - I'm not fussed.

This exactly. If I paid for a NDD service and did not receive it, I would send a note to the vendor and see if they could make it right somehow, if it was that serious to get NDD.
But I also remember back some time ago (lol), when I had to go to the gas station pay phone, page my dude, hope that he calls back quickly, and then wait. Sometimes he’d come in 20 min, sometimes 3-4 hours. And even as of present day, prior to LB, dealing with bs about meeting here or there or where or when… So I have a fairly high pain tolerance for waiting, especially given how incredible it is that finally a place like this exists. But to give the op his due, I would have something to say to the vendor if I paid for something and didn’t get it. But let them make it right for you.
But I also remember back some time ago (lol), when I had to go to the gas station pay phone, page my dude, hope that he calls back quickly, and then wait. Sometimes he’d come in 20 min, sometimes 3-4 hours. And even as of present day, prior to LB, dealing with bs about meeting here or there or where or when… So I have a fairly high pain tolerance for waiting, especially given how incredible it is that finally a place like this exists. But to give the op his due, I would have something to say to the vendor if I paid for something and didn’t get it. But let them make it right for you.

I totally agree. Some Biggas would react less angrily if they got a dog turd in their package than they do to NDD not arriving NDD! 😂
I know this is controversial and beside the point but I tend to order long before I run out so that does tend to help with the stress.
But I’m still the same as every other Bigga at the end of the day…checking for the post 15 times, grilling the Postie like it’s his fault and total disbelief that my fucking package hasn’t arrived the day after I ordered it!! 😖💥😖
But then it all comes good eventually and the world is back on its axis! 😶🌫️
I know this is controversial and beside the point but I tend to order long before I run out so that does tend to help with the stress.
But I’m still the same as every other Bigga at the end of the day…checking for the post 15 times, grilling the Postie like it’s his fault and total disbelief that my fucking package hasn’t arrived the day after I ordered it!! 😖💥😖
But then it all comes good eventually and the world is back on its axis! 😶🌫️

Hi Gortport
Totally agree - this place is like heaven :-)
I know they'll make it right, they're pros and have top ratings, my number one vendor.
Totally agree - this place is like heaven :-)
I know they'll make it right, they're pros and have top ratings, my number one vendor.

Hi Biggas
As it turned out the seller did make it right and then some.
In fact I was not upset about the SD not being SD but one of the order items was missing which was my main reason for messaging them.
They resent it with SD and added some freebie edibles :-)
Big massive hats off to DIUK for sorting it out with class, talk about customer service.
Goes a long way to prove that comms is what you need when things don't go as planned. That and sticking to top vendors.
As it turned out the seller did make it right and then some.
In fact I was not upset about the SD not being SD but one of the order items was missing which was my main reason for messaging them.
They resent it with SD and added some freebie edibles :-)
Big massive hats off to DIUK for sorting it out with class, talk about customer service.
Goes a long way to prove that comms is what you need when things don't go as planned. That and sticking to top vendors.

With you all the way Dukey!…the only orders I’ve had not ever arrive were sent (or not sent, being the point) by RM first class.
Tracking helps us all. I don’t need the numbers I just need the seller to check it when it’s late.
But you need to get what you pay for and where sellers offer premium postage that’s what you should get…👍👍
Tracking helps us all. I don’t need the numbers I just need the seller to check it when it’s late.
But you need to get what you pay for and where sellers offer premium postage that’s what you should get…👍👍

Thanks pollypuff
And I always make sure I have something squirelled away for the rainy days too ;-)
When I became unable to purchase BCs last Autumn I had a big enough stash to see me through Winter.
And I always make sure I have something squirelled away for the rainy days too ;-)
When I became unable to purchase BCs last Autumn I had a big enough stash to see me through Winter.

Well, dr green thumb couldn't manage it either and the tracking # they provided doesn't work. Gonna hold off judgement til I know more but I guess the search continues!

Been here since Jan. 25 or so orders in and I've not had a single fail to land. The longest wait I had was 4 days which was the only first class item of the lot. The rest were NDD/T24 and took no more than two days. Of the top off my head (and I sincerely apologise to any vendor I miss off) these ones I have ordered more than once from and they've arrived as advertised:
Dr Green Thumb
Pontiff of Piff
The Green Team
There's a fair few I have had one order from and again was as advertised (Riley packs, Gen Hub 2.0, Green Cat all had some lovely product). Keen to see how the post plays out though as there's still some vendors I feel obligated to try out soon.
Dr Green Thumb
Pontiff of Piff
The Green Team
There's a fair few I have had one order from and again was as advertised (Riley packs, Gen Hub 2.0, Green Cat all had some lovely product). Keen to see how the post plays out though as there's still some vendors I feel obligated to try out soon.

Pistach has been utterly terrible for me. Said they'd send NDD, and didn't even send it til i got in touch with them to ask for tracking because it hadn't arrived. Now being super unresponsive so i don't even know when to expect it.

That's a shame. I've had three orders all drop next day recently. Hope you get sorted anyway.

ULC have always been top drawer for NDD in my experience. Even ordering at 11am delivered next day.

Pistach has been releasing some really good flower at knock out prices lately, they're probably getting overwhelmed with orders. I believe they're also on TG, so busy vendor. Honestly, their stuff is amazing, but sometimes pay a little extra with a vendor you've used before. Have to say though, I've ordered from Pistach and never had an issue, think you're just in the 1% bud :(

I wouldn't mind if they didn't give me an attitude about their mistake and then go no-contact so i have no clue even if my order has been correctly shipped yet.

Eddys hash bar, have ordered from him twice. Both times came next day. Can’t praise him enough, great coms too

GenHub2.0 & Rileys Packs always arrives on NDD for me, but so does UrbanLeafCo on 1st class & its free!!??

Dr Green Thumb, RealD and Urban Leaf Co, order from all 3 always get it the next day no issue.

We absolutely can my friend get an order into us before 12 we can get it out that day for ndd..
In saying this sometime orders take a while to come through so we suggest making the order the evening before or in the morning.
Much Love
d i
In saying this sometime orders take a while to come through so we suggest making the order the evening before or in the morning.
Much Love
d i

I always order NDD with plenty of time to spare for this reason, usually before midnight the night before.

Can tell my dyslexia kicks in more when I'm stoned by the fact the topic header I read first time was "Most Reliable Snipper on LB", I thought they only sold weed and shrooms lol.
In regards to your actual topic, The Green Team and The Pontiff are reliable, It's in venders interest to get it sent asap because they have to wait to get those funds from escrow. And if you're like me and live in the sticks with a less than reliable RM then i just accept delays. Also from reading the occasional manifesto it's clear some venders don't post ever working day. But it is always annoying to pay for a service you are not getting.
In regards to your actual topic, The Green Team and The Pontiff are reliable, It's in venders interest to get it sent asap because they have to wait to get those funds from escrow. And if you're like me and live in the sticks with a less than reliable RM then i just accept delays. Also from reading the occasional manifesto it's clear some venders don't post ever working day. But it is always annoying to pay for a service you are not getting.

Our packs are shipped as per our manifesto. If you order NDD before cut off time it will be shipped accordingly.
Shocked to see how many people are not getting their items sent on time.
The one time we missed delivery, all buyers were informed and upgraded to saturday delivery to ensure they receive ASAP.
Shocked to see how many people are not getting their items sent on time.
The one time we missed delivery, all buyers were informed and upgraded to saturday delivery to ensure they receive ASAP.

I send everything 1st Class for free, which usually takes a couple of days. Buyers can opt for Special Signed Delivery, but will have to pay for it. That said, I just recommend free 1st Class.

Honestly, never had an issue with any vendors here. However, special mention has to go to Dr Terpy, without fail, their Free 1st Class RM always arrived next day, and the quality has always been out of this world.

I have placed around 8 orders from different vendors over 4/5 months. My favourite is ULC as all orders from them have arrived the next day and they provide RM 1st postage for free. Top top vendor with super nice bud.

The Gentleman Dealers and then Canadian Imports. The odd time it's been longer than ndd it's been because of my stupid rural location and royal mail snafus

Never had a problem with this personally. Like others have said think that there is no guarantee a seller can give as it it down to the delivery service. For reliability I can vouch for Riley packs , pontiff, pistach and big shout to RealD every order of the shake with free shipping has landed ndd

Check us out Free Special Next Day Delivery by 1pm.

I’ve sent special deliveries that have taken 4/5 days, other times I’ve sent first class signed for and it gets there in a day. From someone who been dealing with these thieving slow fuckers is it’s not the vendors fault if parcel goes missing or is delayed.

3 posts
+9 votes
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
Hissing of Summer Lawns
Slanted and Enchanted
+ 3 more
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
I’ll start Dr Dre 2001 and Bob Marley and the wailers.

Wu Tang Clan - Enter the Wu Tang (managed to see them in NYC for Rock The Bells 2010 performing the whole album was a dream comes true) and the second best album for me would be Gang Starr - Moment of Truth

finally someone said Blue Lines. It's odd because in a lot of ways musically I don't rate it highly, it's kind of clumsy in parts, some of the ideas are underdeveloped, some of it almost makes me cringe. But there was just something so special about that time and the sound felt so new and yet familiar. Even though their later stuff is "better" Blue Lines has such a permananet special place in my heart.

Prodigy - Music For Jilted Generation
Leftfield - Leftism
Could list plenty but these 2 are special 😎🥳🤯👽
Leftfield - Leftism
Could list plenty but these 2 are special 😎🥳🤯👽

Leftism is immense. It's been a while, I'm gonna have to fish it out the old collection.

Time well spent. As for The Prodigy, I saw them at Glasto in '95. They were flying high off the back of Music for the Jilted Generation. I vividly remember Keith (RIP) rolling onto the stage in a giant hamster ball. They were awesome. So much energy.

dark side by pink floyd and blonde by frank ocean. i absolutely rinse both year after year :)

Full albums I've actually listened to over and over are "The Wall" & "Graceland"
Really love listening to Graceland on a fresh sativa high)
Really love listening to Graceland on a fresh sativa high)

Graceland brings back memories of my mum blasting that album most days when I was a kid

That's how I first heard it too when my mums friend got them the album back in the early 80s)

Tom Waits "Blue Valentine", Ry Cooder "Bop Till You Drop" - honourable mention to Joni Mitchell "Blue", Janis Joplin "Pearl", David Crosby "If I Could Only Remember My Name", and a gazillion others...

I know I’m cheating but I got
Outkast- Aquemini (and stankonia)
Fugees - The Score
Jay Z - The Blueprint
Kanye - MBDTF
Nas- Illmatic
Outkast- Aquemini (and stankonia)
Fugees - The Score
Jay Z - The Blueprint
Kanye - MBDTF
Nas- Illmatic

If you don’t know…wake up! 💯❤️

I’m a grump about Ill Communication. It has some great tracks on it. But the jazz filler does nothing for me.

What's going on- Marvin Gaye..almost goes as a mix album the way the songs blend into one another. So relevant to today too.
Another I've played to death over the years is Joni Mitchell- Blue. Just a sublimely chilled album.
Many more, but these two I think I have probably played the most in my lifetime so far
Another I've played to death over the years is Joni Mitchell- Blue. Just a sublimely chilled album.
Many more, but these two I think I have probably played the most in my lifetime so far

Since my favourite 2 have already been picked by loads of people, I'll go for...
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Portishead - Dummy
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Portishead - Dummy

I can safely say that Appetite for Destruction is the album I've listened to the most. Carousel by Subcircus has had well over 20 years love from me as well

Dark Side of the Moon has got to be my first pick. Millionaires by James is great when you've got some sativa running through your system.

The b-side of the sit down single is Live at the Manchester Gmex. On headphones is still the best crowd singing of a song to date.

Never heard Dub Side of the Moon until today- bloody great👍- so big thanks for the heads up!!!

Wow!!!! Just WOW!
Dubside of the moon 🌙
Amazing..... how this has escaped me is beyond me 🤷♂️ I love darkside that much I have the prism tattood on my chest
Dubside of the moon 🌙
Amazing..... how this has escaped me is beyond me 🤷♂️ I love darkside that much I have the prism tattood on my chest

2 is incredibly difficult, and I can't be the only one with eclectic tastes and a butterfly mind where these will all change regularly anyway. So I'll go with:
Ash - 1977
Kent - Hagnesta Hill (available in English and Swedish, so surely I get to choose both?)
Ash - 1977
Kent - Hagnesta Hill (available in English and Swedish, so surely I get to choose both?)

I once worked on a tour of Denmark and Kent played , your comment is the only other time I’ve heard of them lol

That's so cool! Is this weird? The most unbelievably amazing band that almost no-one has ever heard of, or so it seems. They filled stadia in Scandinavia.

"The Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd: Released in 1973, this album is considered a masterpiece and one of the greatest progressive rock albums of all time. It features a conceptually unified theme and explores various philosophical and existential topics. Tracks like "Money," "Time," and "Us and Them" are widely loved.
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson: Released in 1982, "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time and a cultural phenomenon. It revolutionized pop music, blending various genres and delivering iconic hits such as "Billie Jean," "Beat It," and the title track "Thriller."
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson: Released in 1982, "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time and a cultural phenomenon. It revolutionized pop music, blending various genres and delivering iconic hits such as "Billie Jean," "Beat It," and the title track "Thriller."

Muse - Absolution( regardless if you like the band the story of the end of the world from start to end is amazing!)
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York

Dark Side of the Moon, best album ever, bar none. 50 years old this year, same as me!
950 weeks on Billboard 200 chart! 750 of them consecutive!!
Lee 'Scratch" Perry - Open the Gate. Sadly deleted and expensive to buy, but can be downloaded online. 2 CDs of heavyweight 12". Jimmy Cliff got me listening to reggae, this album burnt it into my soul.
950 weeks on Billboard 200 chart! 750 of them consecutive!!
Lee 'Scratch" Perry - Open the Gate. Sadly deleted and expensive to buy, but can be downloaded online. 2 CDs of heavyweight 12". Jimmy Cliff got me listening to reggae, this album burnt it into my soul.

This is tough but going on repeats alone I reckon these pip it,
Riding with the king - Clapton and BB King
We're new here - Jamie xx and Gil Scott-Heron
Riding with the king - Clapton and BB King
We're new here - Jamie xx and Gil Scott-Heron

So glad someone has shouted out Jamie xx, amazingly talented music producer the first album with him and his sister The Xx I can’t even guess how many times I’ve listened to it, song 1 known as intro is a work of art. I’m gutted they or he have released so little but sadly he probably earns more producing for other artists who are more mainstream?
Not heard of your other suggestions but will check them out based on your clearly good taste !
Not heard of your other suggestions but will check them out based on your clearly good taste !

There are loads of full albums I’ll listen to…naming just two, well the two most recent ones that spring to mind for me Acid Bath-when the kite string pops and Oasis - definitely maybe not a bad track on either one.

My picks:
The Velvet Underground & Nico - just a classic album. Spaceman 3 "The Perfect Prescription" with an honorable mention for Ode to Street Hassle
The Velvet Underground & Nico - just a classic album. Spaceman 3 "The Perfect Prescription" with an honorable mention for Ode to Street Hassle

Its an absolute epic album. That bit in Fountain and Fairfax where Happy Chichester's piano wraps around Barb's cello is heaven. Its as good an album as Black Love for sure, some fans prefer it but BL is the GOAT.

Script of the Bridge by The Chameleons. Some friends told me they would bury the album with me, I'd go to sleep listening to it.
Scary Monsters by Bowie, time of life thing for me 'Teenage Wildlife'.
Scary Monsters by Bowie, time of life thing for me 'Teenage Wildlife'.

Mrdeeds36, yes it is, blinding track, good to hear from another fan. 'Up the down escalator' is my anthem for a crazy world today.
Light up, smile and wave.
Light up, smile and wave.

"They sit at their tables and throw us the scraps
For Christ's sake leave us something!
Now they can erase you at the flick of a switch
How long now will it take now?
There must be something wrong boys"
I adore this period of post punk before brit pop came along and fudged it. IMO lol
Swamp Thing from Strange Times is another brilliant song.
For Christ's sake leave us something!
Now they can erase you at the flick of a switch
How long now will it take now?
There must be something wrong boys"
I adore this period of post punk before brit pop came along and fudged it. IMO lol
Swamp Thing from Strange Times is another brilliant song.

You nailed it with the lyric mate.
They were a good band live, too.
I agree with you.
'The storm comes, or is it just another shower'
They were a good band live, too.
I agree with you.
'The storm comes, or is it just another shower'

Hi Mate, Got 'Script of the bridge' playing again this weekend. The album seems more poignant than ever.
Light up and have a good weekend.
Light up and have a good weekend.

Hey bud, I'm well thanks and intend to have a good weekend, it's my bday on Monday so have started early with some very nice and mood lifting Cap Junky, then for some stand up comedy me thinks.
Script of the Bridge will always be applicable to me. Finding some albums feels like finding treasure and it's one of those albums, as is From the lions mouth by The Sound, which if you haven't heard I profoundly recommend. Have a good'n mate and tell me, what are you smoking on matey and have you chonged anything recently with strong euphoric/giggly affects?
Script of the Bridge will always be applicable to me. Finding some albums feels like finding treasure and it's one of those albums, as is From the lions mouth by The Sound, which if you haven't heard I profoundly recommend. Have a good'n mate and tell me, what are you smoking on matey and have you chonged anything recently with strong euphoric/giggly affects?

Happy Birthday mate.
I will be listening to that recommendation later today.
Smoking 'red apple' Leb, 'apple tart' Maroc hashish and just got some 'Sunset Sherbet' and 'Billy Kimber' bud, all amazing.
Happy birthday. Crispy
I will be listening to that recommendation later today.
Smoking 'red apple' Leb, 'apple tart' Maroc hashish and just got some 'Sunset Sherbet' and 'Billy Kimber' bud, all amazing.
Happy birthday. Crispy

Hi Mr, Really liked that album, how did I miss that? Do you like 'sad lovers and giants' and 'and also the trees' ?

Never heard of either band before this shout. I listened to Epic Garden Music this morning on a hike and it's fantastic love the use of the keyboard and you can really hear early elements of shoegaze taking shape on tracks like "Lope" and "ART".. This is a very good band crisp.. Try listening to Soul Mining and Dusk by The The and tell me what you think. Anyway stay cool compadre.

dEUS The Ideal Crash and Pretty Hate Machine NIN. Never tire of those two... There are many more but these two popped out my cheesebox first.

Hard to pick just 2, and I see a nearly all male list below...so:
Baduizm - Erykah Badu
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Midtown 120 Blues - DJ Sprinkles (couldn't leave this utter classic out!)
Baduizm - Erykah Badu
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Midtown 120 Blues - DJ Sprinkles (couldn't leave this utter classic out!)

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless. Still sounds like nothing else.
…And You Will Know us By The Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes - possibly not the best album ever. But I just love it.
…And You Will Know us By The Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes - possibly not the best album ever. But I just love it.

Dre 2001 and Fleetwood Mac Rumours.
Fleetwood Mac especially. Playing that album on a good car stereo on a nice road in the summer. Great times....👌🎶
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Fleetwood Mac especially. Playing that album on a good car stereo on a nice road in the summer. Great times....👌🎶
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Cheap Thrills - Janis Joplin with Big Brother and the Holding Company. Aqualung - Jethro Tull. Both are extraordinary (to me, anyway) with a good dose of THC.

Just 2 …thats tricky!!
Some have already mentioned primal scream screamadilca. I played underworld dubnobasswithmyheadman a lot as well, but I think I will actually plump for depeche mode violator and u2 Joshua tree, 2 albums that got played a lot and got me through life…
Some have already mentioned primal scream screamadilca. I played underworld dubnobasswithmyheadman a lot as well, but I think I will actually plump for depeche mode violator and u2 Joshua tree, 2 albums that got played a lot and got me through life…

Bit random but....
E99 eternal - bone thugs
Favourite worst nightmare - arctic monkeys
Not sure they my face of all time but certainly remember listening on repeat to both of these
E99 eternal - bone thugs
Favourite worst nightmare - arctic monkeys
Not sure they my face of all time but certainly remember listening on repeat to both of these

Reading the comments, we’re such a bunch of mixed people here haha (GOOD) I think I saw every genre. I don’t really have 1 album I like but it’s one song from a few if you get me.

For me it's got to be lupe fiasco lasers album deluxe edition. And Hopsin No shame album. Can listen to every song on both and never get bored

1 post
+1 votes
Menu updated once again!
2 posts
+7 votes

Wtf is lb turning into
Haha. Ikr. Some children are trying to ruin it for everyone but I think they've been sent to bed without supper so all good. This happens from time to…
+ 2 more

Wtf is lb turning into
Came on to buy smome smoke and it's like a fucking soap opera in here wtf is going on 😆 🤣 😂

Haha. Ikr. Some children are trying to ruin it for everyone but I think they've been sent to bed without supper so all good. This happens from time to time. Jealousy is a terrible thing to nurture.

Finger crossed 🤞🏻 brother, like so many others it’s been a complete life saver since finding littlebiggy

As it has for thousands of others. Hard to fathom the level of cruelty at work to try and hurt so many but they've tried before and it it made barely a ripple. They want people to go where there's no escrow and no come back from selling dodgy boof. It'll be fine. ✌️

Me included. The risk of getting a letter or a slap on the wrist instead of a kicking, being robbed or worse, was liberating.
Let’s hope it creates the tiniest of ripples again.
Let’s hope it creates the tiniest of ripples again.

1 post
+4 votes
⚠️ JB Vapes removed from sale ⚠️
Despite all that you're still the best, most reliable vendor on here. Been a customer for more than three years and never, ever had a problem, more th…

⚠️ JB Vapes removed from sale ⚠️

Hey Biggas 🙂 We're lifting these vapes, it appears that they are counterfeit. Our apologies to the 2 dozen or so customers, please get in touch for a full refund.
The matter of authenticity was first raised in this post:
by a new account obviously created for the specific purpose, in a manner that was insulting and that called into question the authenticity other items on our menu that we've gone to great effort to source and verify.
Our instinct was to defend and tell this c*nt to f*ck off, please do so by the way.
We were wrong, the points made specifically about these vapes by this c*nt, and then again by other Biggas, about stickers and serial numbers check out upon investigation.
Please accept our apologies, we've been here a long time, long enough to demonstrate our good character and respectful manner when we are approached respectfully.
What has happened here is simply a failure of diligence and scrutiny on our part due to the excitement of securing what we thought to be an authentic high-end item from a supplier we've dealt with previously.
We'll take greater care moving forward, and make efforts to rebuild trust where it has been shaken.
The matter of authenticity was first raised in this post:
by a new account obviously created for the specific purpose, in a manner that was insulting and that called into question the authenticity other items on our menu that we've gone to great effort to source and verify.
Our instinct was to defend and tell this c*nt to f*ck off, please do so by the way.
We were wrong, the points made specifically about these vapes by this c*nt, and then again by other Biggas, about stickers and serial numbers check out upon investigation.
Please accept our apologies, we've been here a long time, long enough to demonstrate our good character and respectful manner when we are approached respectfully.
What has happened here is simply a failure of diligence and scrutiny on our part due to the excitement of securing what we thought to be an authentic high-end item from a supplier we've dealt with previously.
We'll take greater care moving forward, and make efforts to rebuild trust where it has been shaken.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who initially read the other thread, and this is a very reassuring response. Kudos.

Could’ve done without the word ‘mong’ being thrown about numerous times as an insult. Probably should’ve added that to the list of things to apologise for before calling it comprehensive!
Besides that, as ever, Ruxxy makes a clear and sensible summary. We learn and move on as better people 🚀
Besides that, as ever, Ruxxy makes a clear and sensible summary. We learn and move on as better people 🚀

There no need to shame someone in public. Guy could have messaged privately and I can assure you it could have been sorted. Then calling us name no good.
But it's cool 😎 No damage done vapes gone and everyone getting a Refund.
But it's cool 😎 No damage done vapes gone and everyone getting a Refund.

Whilst it was obviously something that made you respond defensively, I think you're possibly missing Rocket's point that the derogatory terminology used may make people feel negatively towards you as it's something that anyone who has any loved one who may be attacked by people due to any form of neurodivergence is very often triggered by. Just something to think about as some people just need to see they're not considered abnormal in any way, and it shouldn't be hard to be kind. I need to work on the last part of this myself.

You think trying to be a reasonable human being and thinking about how you affect others is comparable to unhinged ranting? Thanks for your considered input.

In this context yes, it was just to grown adults calling each other names. No need for anyone else not involved to get upset about anything. The south park episode about bikers being fags sums this beautifully. If TGD was screaming mong in the face of someone with a disability I'd be on your side lol.

Thanks 😊 anyone affected by any name calling we apologise 🙏.
It was only referred to the one guy. It's all sorted everyone have a nice weekend and 😎 chill.
It was only referred to the one guy. It's all sorted everyone have a nice weekend and 😎 chill.

May have referred to this one person but you still said it out to the community 😂 so a sorry ain't doing anything for me. Call themselves Gentlemen my arse they can't even edit out potential very offensive words. If anything should of been in personal message. These comment have definitely effected my views of this site as an overall. The guy didn't say anything offensive to yourselves other than your product was fake which it was!!! It just makes you look like an angry Muppet teen who can't control there temper. And yeah don't care I used probably more offensive words then the person complaining there fake. But I did warn you in private message to edit your posts cause yeah does take massive offence towards my daughter but yet have to look at these comments every time in on this site. Cause of this vile human

You can't Edit them told you this.
And how do you expect us to send him a private message when he blocked 🚫 private messages.
We have apologied to you in a private message and in public. What else do you expect from us ???
Nothing more we can do will make you happy. 🤔
And how do you expect us to send him a private message when he blocked 🚫 private messages.
We have apologied to you in a private message and in public. What else do you expect from us ???
Nothing more we can do will make you happy. 🤔

Yeah nothing would make me happy then I guess cause if I was that person I'd of done the same. You didnt say that they can't be edited to me which I think on the thread that it's is on can be edited as there is over 3 deleted comments there too so😅. And also pretty sure you can't block people just tried myself but hey hoe(I Could be wrong). But your only making your self look like a bigger Muppet. Trust bro there would be no holding back from me especially when he was only pointing out your shitty fakes. I Would literally fill your page with hate got plenty of people on my side. Tbh I will probably keep complaining till the end of time cause all I can imagine is if it was me in them shoes. and apologies only count when you mean it and havent ignored me and then posting lies!!!😂😅 Gentlemen??? My arse🤯

After reading,,, im getting the jist your a proper jobs worth . They apologise and you still want more .

I got involved by congratulating TGD on their response by posting this thread. I then felt the need to post what I did as people I love deeply could be incredibly hurt by comments like this, so I feel like educating people, if I can (if they're at all open to how words could be hurtful and damaging), may be a positive thing.
It's a public forum, and can you imagine the number of people observing on here, as with all online forums, but they're too wary to post?
They've seen it though, and absorbed that. Potential customers lost. This is the public face of your store, if you're a vendor.
It's a public forum, and can you imagine the number of people observing on here, as with all online forums, but they're too wary to post?
They've seen it though, and absorbed that. Potential customers lost. This is the public face of your store, if you're a vendor.

Vile how a vendor can comment like that the poor guy was only trying to let you know they were knockoffs insults like "mong" is very disrespectful especially from what's meant to be a reputable vendor who I had high praises for before seeing these comments. My daughter is considered a "mong" and it doesn't give anyone the right to call anyone it. I understand the frustration in finding out there knockoffs but no need to go off on one at a customer for pointing it out and for him to post it on the page only warns and let's customer know they ain't no good for use and potential dangerous. Fair play for taking them down but that's the only positive I can see in these comments.

🤣😂"grow some balls" id say it was pretty ballzy of me to even comment on a site full of criminals. And your a bit late on the band wagon was a month ago at least😂🤣😅

We sent you a private message apologied if you have took offence. We have disabled people in our family too.
It was only referred to that fella No 1 else.
Hope it's all clear now 🙏
It was only referred to that fella No 1 else.
Hope it's all clear now 🙏

sorry to add but might be worth telling those who bought them.not to inhale as god knows whats in maybe sending one off for analsis to reassure those customers they not full of spice etc. no hate just a suggestion

Why 2 dozen biggas would pay $111 delivered for a branded disty pen blows my noodle. Seriously people...even top branded genuine dispensary vapes in the US are being randomly tested and found to be loaded with contaminants. Filthy disty hits hard so nobody cares and rates it 10/10. Jeeez, this is so not going to end well...

The distillate/resin etc are all derived from the flower. If the distillate is contaminated then so to is the flower.
Always keep yourself informed and be due diligent.
Also, often the third party nutrients may be at fault and growers are unaware.
Always keep yourself informed and be due diligent.
Also, often the third party nutrients may be at fault and growers are unaware.


4 years serving the LB community and 0% disputes
Sign of true GENTS admitting a mistake and rectifying as others mentioned vapes are a dodgy area atm in UK personally I stick to good ole combustion
Sign of true GENTS admitting a mistake and rectifying as others mentioned vapes are a dodgy area atm in UK personally I stick to good ole combustion

Thanks pal.
We decided No more vapes they to much headache either they leak or dodgy.
We decided No more vapes they to much headache either they leak or dodgy.

There's so much competition too, and honestly, big respect to taking these down. So many fake vapes out there, other vendors should sometimes do more due dilligence.

I'm kind of new on here so just still trying to navigate properly. I've checked out your menu and it looks good.👍🏽 definitely will be grabbing something from you soon now that I seen your stopping vapes, Me personally I just think spice when I see vapes. Props for dealing with it the right way though.

Thank you for clarifying that up properly and doing a genuine response rather than what that thread turned into.
I will say, I have been mostly ordering from TGD for a few months (with some other vendors in there as well) but have loved everything the gents have sent me so far. I have been smoking for nearly 2 decades now and I am still regularly blown away by how nice some of the bud has been. (No disrespect to any vendor I have ordered from! Thankfully never had anything actually bad from LB so far)
I can't really talk about vapes, as I have never really trusted the UK market for vapes anyhow as there are 100s of fakes floating around. I think its normal for even the most trusted sellers to pick up bad vapes at the point the UK is in with them currently.
I will say, I have been mostly ordering from TGD for a few months (with some other vendors in there as well) but have loved everything the gents have sent me so far. I have been smoking for nearly 2 decades now and I am still regularly blown away by how nice some of the bud has been. (No disrespect to any vendor I have ordered from! Thankfully never had anything actually bad from LB so far)
I can't really talk about vapes, as I have never really trusted the UK market for vapes anyhow as there are 100s of fakes floating around. I think its normal for even the most trusted sellers to pick up bad vapes at the point the UK is in with them currently.

Yup! Stuff happens!
I am a bud only guy thankfully. I have loved everything I have had from you guys, regardless if it was a pack or the more budget strains and the service I have received has always been 10/10.
I am a bud only guy thankfully. I have loved everything I have had from you guys, regardless if it was a pack or the more budget strains and the service I have received has always been 10/10.

while cowards hide behind throw away accounts, this big bigga admits a mistake.
this bigga
this bigga

Despite all that you're still the best, most reliable vendor on here. Been a customer for more than three years and never, ever had a problem, more than I can say for many other vendors.

Getting tough these days with dam counterfeits mate, at least your a good soul 😎

2 posts
+7 votes
The Last Rock Band?
I also love telling young uns that Pat Smear was a Germ.
+ 2 more
I've said before that Foo Fighters are one of the last true mainstream, longstanding, "Rock Bands" that maintain the rock spirit
Short lived bands are still making good rock music (GVF a good shout), but the days of Rock Gods are gone....
Short lived bands are still making good rock music (GVF a good shout), but the days of Rock Gods are gone....

I always enjoy telling them that i saw Dave Grohl drumming for Scream before he joined Nirvana.

Rock music is still alive and well, its just not as popular as it used to be. It isnt dangerous and exciting to young people any more, rap/hiphop has taken its place in that regard...
It sucks Greta Van Fleet are the only example being brought up here though, to me they are highly derivative and not really doing anything new.... Check out Clutch, Steven Wilson, Opeth, Graveyard, Lake Street Dive, Menzingers, The Hold Steady, Elephant Tree, Creeper - all great artists making interesting music. And hey there are still SOME big bands, like Biffy Clyro, Foals and Queens of the Stoneage doing pretty cool stuff!
It sucks Greta Van Fleet are the only example being brought up here though, to me they are highly derivative and not really doing anything new.... Check out Clutch, Steven Wilson, Opeth, Graveyard, Lake Street Dive, Menzingers, The Hold Steady, Elephant Tree, Creeper - all great artists making interesting music. And hey there are still SOME big bands, like Biffy Clyro, Foals and Queens of the Stoneage doing pretty cool stuff!

My neighbors love Clutch and now all their windows are broken I can hear the lyrics better.

Steve Wilson is a fantastically talented musician, however he's also a mahoosive elitest plonker who for a very long time wouldn't release music on streaming services due to it being "digital" and lower quality and therefore not the experience he wanted for his listener base. He has since changed his stance on this but it along with some really awful interviews he did make me unable to listen to his music (knowingly)
Anyhow I felt like sharing that for no real reason
Anyhow I felt like sharing that for no real reason

Haha same goes for Tool... I'm a fan but yeah he definitely has an air of pretentiousness! Seems to go hand in hand with prog rock xD

Think a lot of people (Myself included) are just stuck in the last, like what they like & find it difficult to get into new music
Think a lot of people (Myself included) are just stuck in the last, like what they like & find it difficult to get into new music

Rival Sons are worth a listen if you’re looking for old school retro/Zep type sounds with their own twist. The singer Jay has an immense voice

They are after the last, like a symphony orchestra playing the same shit centuries later. But they do fucking rock.

Currently keeping the flame burning for me are Fat White Family, Gnod, Hey Colossus, Gilla Band amongst others.

The bands that had someone die in them,there proper bands,basically they don’t give a fuck about themselves all they want to do is create great music,jimi Hendrix,the doors,Janis Joplin,AC/DC with Bon Scott,nirvana,Amy winehouse but to name a few,people will always disagree though.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.

You are one "L" away from the same name as a southern rock band! Rock seemed to eat its babies over the last decade or two. Too many old rockers raging at the dying of the light while clutching a new remaster of Physical Graffiti and demanding to know why there is no good new music anymore (there was, you didnt support it).

For me no matter how many bands I listen too I always end up back with the classics , floyd , the who, zeppelin, sabbath the doors etc it’s like a warm bath after work just slip straight in! Lol

Kings of Leon
Foo Fighters
Guitar music will make a comeback. The ‘urban’ wallpaper crap will die at some point. Think Glastonbury this year proved that rock still draws the crowds but it isn’t woke (which is why i love it).
Foo Fighters
Guitar music will make a comeback. The ‘urban’ wallpaper crap will die at some point. Think Glastonbury this year proved that rock still draws the crowds but it isn’t woke (which is why i love it).

Jethro tull- locomotive breath 🤘
Wolfmother- joker and the thief 🤙
Marilyn Manson- cry little sister 🤟
Wolfmother- joker and the thief 🤙
Marilyn Manson- cry little sister 🤟

1 post
+2 votes
GiveAway Alert!
23 please. 13.40 26/07
Good luck everyone.

GiveAway Alert!

To introduce our new 'Flown Here, Not Grown Here' Range, we're launching another GiveAway..
Prize is 1 Gram of the Grape Ape 🍇 🦍
Please choose a number between 1-59 and like the post to enter.
Winner will be the matching number to the FIRST ball dropped on the Lotto of Saturday 27th July 2024.
Please time stamp your entry..
Good luck! 🤞🍀
Prize is 1 Gram of the Grape Ape 🍇 🦍
Please choose a number between 1-59 and like the post to enter.
Winner will be the matching number to the FIRST ball dropped on the Lotto of Saturday 27th July 2024.
Please time stamp your entry..
Good luck! 🤞🍀

1 post
+8 votes
5-star review
Agree wholeheartedly. Best vendor on here imo. Always on point with everything.

5-star review
Had to just say hands down best experience on Little Biggy with these guys. Honestly the best selection of products I have seen anywhere and a genuinely 1st class service. Cannot recommend enough. :)

Got to agree with this. Their Ice Cream Cake is the best version available on LB and at a fair price too.

👌👌 you should check the new bubblegum strain out nice big nuggets with purple veins popping through looks amazing can’t wait to try it 🫡

1 post
+2 votes

Best Music Documentaries
The Decline of Western Civilization Parts 1 and 2.Both are great, 1 is early US punk (Germs etc) but the 2nd Part is 80s metal and has the most high a…

Best Music Documentaries
I’ll kick things off with the unhinged, Dig. All about the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
It’s really one for the ages. The Withnail & I of rock docs. It’s like Spinal Tap. But it’s all real.
“You broke my sitar, you cunt”
Other than that.
American Hardcore is a great roundup of American Punk. Not too much Ian McAye
Who Killed The KLF. Just because. If you don’t know who the KLF are.
Get out from under your rock. Because they are back. From their 23 year hiatus. Be afraid.
One More Time With Feeling. Nick Cave. Heartbreaking.
Made of Stone - Shane Meadows goodness.
Lil Peep - Everybody’s Everything
Searching For Sugarman
Until The Light Takes Us - Norweigen Black Metal lunacy. It’s great. And I don’t even much like Black Metal.
There are obviously so many others….
It’s really one for the ages. The Withnail & I of rock docs. It’s like Spinal Tap. But it’s all real.
“You broke my sitar, you cunt”
Other than that.
American Hardcore is a great roundup of American Punk. Not too much Ian McAye
Who Killed The KLF. Just because. If you don’t know who the KLF are.
Get out from under your rock. Because they are back. From their 23 year hiatus. Be afraid.
One More Time With Feeling. Nick Cave. Heartbreaking.
Made of Stone - Shane Meadows goodness.
Lil Peep - Everybody’s Everything
Searching For Sugarman
Until The Light Takes Us - Norweigen Black Metal lunacy. It’s great. And I don’t even much like Black Metal.
There are obviously so many others….

I came to post Dig! I love that documentary and I love the BJM.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil is great if you are a Spinal Tap fan. I also like Some Kind of Monster, the Metallica documentary. So many car crash scenes in one film...
Something from Nothing - The Art of Rap is a good one for any hip hop fans out there.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil is great if you are a Spinal Tap fan. I also like Some Kind of Monster, the Metallica documentary. So many car crash scenes in one film...
Something from Nothing - The Art of Rap is a good one for any hip hop fans out there.

Squaring the circle -hypnosis famous for designing the Floyd covers, on Netflix or Amazon now
Amazing journey -the who documentary
High tech soul - all about techno
Made of stone - Shane meadows on stone roses
A great BBC one about David Gilmour can’t remember the name
Story of altomont The Rolling Stones
Good one about Woodstock 2 in the 90s - again can’t remember name
Have you got it yet - syd Barrett
It might get loud
The list is endless … lol
Years ago a BBC program called Arena used to do some good music docs!
Amazing journey -the who documentary
High tech soul - all about techno
Made of stone - Shane meadows on stone roses
A great BBC one about David Gilmour can’t remember the name
Story of altomont The Rolling Stones
Good one about Woodstock 2 in the 90s - again can’t remember name
Have you got it yet - syd Barrett
It might get loud
The list is endless … lol
Years ago a BBC program called Arena used to do some good music docs!

Beware of Mr Baker. A close look at the worlds greatest ever drummer. Well known psychopathic heroin addicted Cream drummer and part time collaborator with Fela Kuti. Greatest ever opening to a documentary where Ginger lays into the interviewer with a stick because he pissed him off. Check it out.

Some Kind of Monster - Watch Metallica fall apart with hilarious consequences.
The Wrecking Crew - the ultimate session band
Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don't Know Me - Amazing and inspiring
Spike Lee - Bad 25 + the one about Thriller
Freestyle the art of Rhyme
The Wrecking Crew - the ultimate session band
Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don't Know Me - Amazing and inspiring
Spike Lee - Bad 25 + the one about Thriller
Freestyle the art of Rhyme

The Decline of Western Civilization Parts 1 and 2.Both are great, 1 is early US punk (Germs etc) but the 2nd Part is 80s metal and has the most high as fuck interview with a coked up Ozzy trying to make breakfast. The whole thing is a monument to excess and there's great footage throughout.

2 posts
+6 votes

canon borg
what to do when you can't reach little biggy
Thank you very much. I will post back how it goes. Cheers
+ 2 more

canon borg
what to do when you can't reach little biggy
the little biggy federation is a network of independently operated platforms with live littlebiggy data and functionality, plus content of their own. society can be reached via the tor onion network using the tor browser (https://www.torproject.org/download/).

can anyone help me with society ? ... I have d/loaded brave but each time I click on the above society link it doesn't work ? ...am I being stupid or too stoned ?

make sure you have the tor browser option going in brave or just use the onion browser, its better anyway

I used the Tor browser ( rpund purple icon, half solid and half a target; as no idea if tor is a brand or terminology) and once it loaded & opened - I had a bar at the bottom that I cut and pasted into and pressed go. Then came here to test

I can’t see anything on Items wall to change your country. Where is it on that page? I think I need to set my country as my orders won’t go to payment. Would appreciate any help with Society. In UK using Onion browsers on iOS. Thanks

From the Items Wall, select your vendor. Under their ‘Manifesto’ at the top of the page is ‘Select Country’ with a drop down menu👍

Thank you for heads up and keeping us updated, it's much appreciated.
Its been fun learning all this new stuff, made me raise my game. Reminded me of how I came about this place in the first place.
Its been fun learning all this new stuff, made me raise my game. Reminded me of how I came about this place in the first place.

if you use the tor brwoser make sure you have javascript turned on or several functions wont work.

Hi Ike, I’m struggling to order on Society, how do I turn have script on? I am using iOS. Thanks

On IOS you must select the lowest security level (bronze) instead of the default (silver) on Onion otherwise it auto disables JavaScript….

Just had a huge payment disappear into the ether while jumping between Clearnet and Society because clearnet just dropped out during the process. Its obvious the whole thing is breaking down. Between that and the RM strikes ruining Christmas I think it's best to go old skool for a bit. It's been a fun run though.

there is no loss of payment information between federation members. if your data isnt showing please contact
cryptonic help (society) transaxe support (little biggy)
both are accessible via littlebiggy.org/
eg http://societytxpukcvelwgkcfb76yni5a7n5iiueaxcwwgr73koycicrxqad.onion/4771150
give them the btc address you sent to and your payment will be refunded if it wasnt processed.
cryptonic help (society) transaxe support (little biggy)
both are accessible via littlebiggy.org/
eg http://societytxpukcvelwgkcfb76yni5a7n5iiueaxcwwgr73koycicrxqad.onion/4771150
give them the btc address you sent to and your payment will be refunded if it wasnt processed.

I’m struggling here.. I’m using the onion browser on iOS I’ve enabled Java and selected the correct country just says unable to calculate prices, try again later.

1 post
+2 votes
23 please. What a kind offer.


Hello Earthlings 👽
To celebrate passing 50 sales, we are now offering a Free 1g sample of our latest MoonRock batch 🌚🪨
Please choose a number between 1-30
to enter ✨️
If you're new to MoonRocks please have a look at the item description for advice on 'How to smoke MoonRocks'
To celebrate passing 50 sales, we are now offering a Free 1g sample of our latest MoonRock batch 🌚🪨
Please choose a number between 1-30
to enter ✨️
If you're new to MoonRocks please have a look at the item description for advice on 'How to smoke MoonRocks'

No worries didn’t realise it’s happened been checking this post for a while aswell aha but I have put a number in the new giveaway. Cheers MM 👍👍

1 post
+2 votes
Goldie Lookin Chain - Soap Bar
And it's the fucking rubber in it, that get you off. Classic tune.
Haha love it brung back some memories thanks for that Shroom 😊 being from Wales me and my mates loved Goldie Lookin Chain 😂

Brilliant!! I’ve seen some comments of people talking about good soap bar, now I always thought soap bar was the crap stuff , any memories people have of hash being good it was just good hash ! Soap bar or diesel or gak bar was the rubbish cut stuff, rock hard bits of plastic in it , odd smell and gave you a headache lol

Jesus this brings back memories.. was our groups theme song back when we was 16.
"Soap bars cheap and so's my clothes.. they gotta be cos all the fucking holes"
Good times but don't miss the hot rocks and in no hurry to smoke soap bar again. Lol
Looking forward to trying some of yours just waiting to re-up on some cash 👍😁
"Soap bars cheap and so's my clothes.. they gotta be cos all the fucking holes"
Good times but don't miss the hot rocks and in no hurry to smoke soap bar again. Lol
Looking forward to trying some of yours just waiting to re-up on some cash 👍😁

"I likes my soap bar with loadsa plastic, I leaves mine in cus it tastes fantastic.." A retro classic for sure. Half man half machine is another banger
Juice 💚 💦
Juice 💚 💦

Soap bar! Sitting in a deep sweat thinkin' I gotta get some rocky for the weekend 🤣 Absolutely my favourite lmao thanks for the reminder and for the laugh SOTL! 🧼😆

1 post
+5 votes
The Gentlemen Dealers - Taking orders again 🙂
Yaasssss🤘You're one of the very best and we need you. Sorry you've had a mare tho. Christ. Glad you is sorted.

The Gentlemen Dealers - Taking orders again 🙂
Back up and running folks, normal operations resumed. 🥳
Please order as normal, we'll be sending out as normal. 🙂🙏
A big heartfelt thank you to Cleanup Borg and transaxe support for fixing this, and to Game Changer, URBANLEAFCO, British bulldog, Shroom of the Loom, Nero, Gassed, Bald Eagle Bakery - who's back now too, psychonauts, to name a few, and all sellers and biggas for your vigilance and support during this difficult time. 💚🙏😘
Quite the ride 🥴 Love and peace to all. 💚✌️
Please order as normal, we'll be sending out as normal. 🙂🙏
A big heartfelt thank you to Cleanup Borg and transaxe support for fixing this, and to Game Changer, URBANLEAFCO, British bulldog, Shroom of the Loom, Nero, Gassed, Bald Eagle Bakery - who's back now too, psychonauts, to name a few, and all sellers and biggas for your vigilance and support during this difficult time. 💚🙏😘
Quite the ride 🥴 Love and peace to all. 💚✌️

Thanks BB, this place feels safer somehow, with you here, maybe it's the bulldog, or that you've been here as far back as we can remember, but you've got a reassuring presence buddy 😊 ❤️ 👍🙏

Thank you, Gassed 💚🙏
This episode has shown that there are some quick thinking and clearly very intelligent vendors on here, thanks for your support buddy 🙂
And to the hero that is Nero for the quick spot and early warning 🙌 that man is a boss! 😎🦸🙏
This episode has shown that there are some quick thinking and clearly very intelligent vendors on here, thanks for your support buddy 🙂
And to the hero that is Nero for the quick spot and early warning 🙌 that man is a boss! 😎🦸🙏

Yaasssss🤘You're one of the very best and we need you. Sorry you've had a mare tho. Christ. Glad you is sorted.

Excellent news, mate. Glad to see you back after that absolute headache of a situation!

Glad to see you back and up and running mate. I bet it was a right worry waiting for your page to be reinstated.
Hope your orders are flying in to make up for the down time!
Hope your orders are flying in to make up for the down time!

Thank you GC 💚 A very lovely thing you did for Bald Eagle Bakery, recognition and appreciation from us, a demonstration of true character, we're sure all would agree. Thank you, friend.🙏

1 post
+4 votes
Oh hard agree. Unbelievable consistency in reliability, speed, device and product. The vanguard of cannabis sales professionalism.

Just wanted to commend The Gentlemen on being consistently great. Every single order has arrived the next day with perfect packaging and has been excellent product. Thanks for the top notch service.

Oh hard agree. Unbelievable consistency in reliability, speed, device and product. The vanguard of cannabis sales professionalism.

1 post
+2 votes





1 post
+3 votes
Royal Mail loses 360 year monopoly on delivering parcels from Post Office
Not surprised. RM are terrible in every respect.

Royal Mail loses 360 year monopoly on delivering parcels from Post Office
From later this month, Evri and DPD will be options for couriers to deliver parcels

That's amazing news for all biggas, deffo made my day!!
I've always wondered why it was specifically Royal Mail that is used instead of DPD or Evri, I've never had problem with either of them but I have had parcels just go missing from RM!
I've always wondered why it was specifically Royal Mail that is used instead of DPD or Evri, I've never had problem with either of them but I have had parcels just go missing from RM!

3 posts
+7 votes

Just had to cancel and get a lesser order.
+ 3 more
2 buys on Thursday morning (14 Dec 23) - first send fee was £23! Second one, 30 minutes later, was £16. Definitely stopped me shopping around like I wanted to, waiting for them to drop before buying again. Can anyone recommend a site that shows an average transaction fee in real time? The only ones I know show the day before's average fee.

Click on the little dial icon in the bottom left of the screen when you load the site and it gives you average sat/vB in real time, and you can examine what's in each block too.

Thank you, MR 👍. I've just had a quick look and it's still a little confusing to a noob like myself, but it looks like what I need. Thank you very much, greatly appreciated 👍

No problem mate. This was all new to me until April, and then I quickly realised that learning about it could save me money. Still barely scratching the surface in terms of my knowledge.

Yeah pretty high for me too! It’s a shame in 2023 we still have to put up with this crap!
EE x
EE x

Stopped ordering on here a week ago. The borgs said litecoin will be an alternative coin LAST YEAR, nothing ever happened. I would imagine LB is loosing out big time.
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break

I've been off it for a week or so now, would have loved some for Christmas, I'm too stubborn to cancel my order so I'll wait it out and hit ten bag Tommy for a day pass

didnt know how to start own topic, but here is my stupid experience with Kraken for laughs. ok I needed to upolad id but lucky they take d license and had jpeg for wrk. i then bought btc when verified 30mns, but missed the info box telling me funds were held 72 hours. they charged me 3.50 for buying the btc to kraken. then tried to withdraw and found out they held it 72hrs. I tried to cancel at my bank but couldnt. I then waited 3 days. i then went to withdraw and saw that there is a further charge of 13.60. I need to buy more btc in order to cover it, another charge. then when i go to withdraw, I need to add a new address, every one I use needs verified by email. but by the time you've got to the email the amount on kraken has changed slightly. So after like 5 tries i finally did it quick enough to have the right receipt amount. so thank fuck thats over. Just got an email saying i must complete a survey by jan 2, or they will shut the account. provides link, go, but no survey. cant find it. so effectively they are going to take the remaining 61p in the account by default. hahaha fucking hell that was awful.

Yea I got stung on £140. £5 purchase fee and then £15.45 to send it. Roll on things settling back down.

Seems to be back up or isit just every weekend??, obviously it’s busy time of year in general but damn this seems to be the new norm

Will be the new norm, a friend was explaining to me how BRC-20 tokens are congesting the blockchain. Since they seem to be the new thing in the crypto world I don't see the congestion reducing for a while. We have the same problem in some way every few years here we need an alternative ASAP. I've had to pay 100s of dollars to move one transaction from here and its been pending for several days, blockchain explorer site reckons I'll need to pay $2111 to get it in the next few hours, not viable at all!

The fees certainly seem to go up the few times I've been 'lucky' enough to see my BTC increase decently in value! I'm all happy, thinking I've made enough for a 'free' eighth, and then lose it all in send fees!

Yes, it's crazy, tried to pay for an order and I have insufficient funds - wants over £30 fees on a £70 order!

Was same for me last week, I’d of fucked it off but it was a BB order and id already messed him about so didn’t want to take the piss any longer as he had sorted me out .

I paid 40 quid on a 200 quid order but had no choice as need carts before weekend but i dont even think the vendor has sent them,totally gutted 😔

It was for £88 something, wanted £121 I was like, naw mate. It's been like this for a while, getting steeper

I’m trying to work out the percentage , it seems people have paid anything from 15% to 37%, I think anywhere between 5-15% is pretty fair but above that is a pisstake

if they changed network to bsc the fees would be 40p for sending btc, need to get them to change it

This morning I went pay for a £100 order, fully expecting to pay a hefty whack but Xmas and all that so I was going to swallow it but the price jumped to £191. Jesus suffering fuck. Halfed the order, still paid a fortune.Really can't afford this, who can? Something needs to change. I wish I had an answer.

I dropped my fees to around the $2:50 mark, 24 hrs later and my order still isn't confirmed. What a pile of pish.

1 post
+1 votes
Magic Christmas Giveaway
Thank you.

Magic Christmas Giveaway

Giving away to three lucky winners 5g magic mushroom each.
Put Your name down if want to take part.
Put Your name down if want to take part.

Lucky number as follow
Congrats to winners.
Please send me message with Your address.
Kind Regards
Mr Zodiac
Lucky number as follow
Congrats to winners.
Please send me message with Your address.
Kind Regards
Mr Zodiac

Drawings need to be provably fair please post your generator source and a live stream url for the drawing in order to continue this contest.
This post will be removed from the wall now.
We are here to help if you need it.
This post will be removed from the wall now.
We are here to help if you need it.

1 post
+3 votes
Benjamin Zephaniah, rest in power - 1958-2023
Tragic news

Benjamin Zephaniah, rest in power - 1958-2023

'Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought'
- Benjamin Zephaniah
I woke up on the morning of November 13 wondering how the government could be overthrown and what could replace it, and then I noticed a letter from the prime minister's office. It said: "The prime minister has asked me to inform you, in strict confidence, that he has in mind, on the occasion of the forthcoming list of New Year's honours to submit your name to the Queen with a recommendation that Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to approve that you be appointed an officer of the Order of the British Empire."
Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word "empire"; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised. It is because of this concept of empire that my British education led me to believe that the history of black people started with slavery and that we were born slaves, and should therefore be grateful that we were given freedom by our caring white masters. It is because of this idea of empire that black people like myself don't even know our true names or our true historical culture. I am not one of those who are obsessed with their roots, and I'm certainly not suffering from a crisis of identity; my obsession is about the future and the political rights of all people. Benjamin Zephaniah OBE - no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.
There's something very strange about receiving a letter from Tony Blair's office asking me if I want to accept this award. In the past couple of months I've been on Blair's doorstep a few times. I have begged him to come out and meet me; I have been longing for a conversation with him, but he won't come out, and now here he is asking me to meet him at the palace! I was there with a million people on February 15, and the last time I was there was just a couple of weeks ago. My cousin, Michael Powell, was arrested and taken to Thornhill Road police station in Birmingham where he died. Now, I know how he died. The whole of Birmingham knows how he died, but in order to get this article published and to be politically (or journalistically) correct, I have to say that he died in suspicious circumstances. The police will not give us any answers. We have not seen or heard anything of all the reports and investigations we were told were going to take place. Now, all that my family can do is join with all the other families who have lost members while in custody because no one in power is listening to us. Come on Mr Blair, I'll meet you anytime. Let's talk about your Home Office, let's talk about being tough on crime.
This OBE thing is supposed to be for my services to literature, but there are a whole lot of writers who are better than me, and they're not involved in the things that I'm involved in. All they do is write; I spend most of my time doing other things. If they want to give me one of these empire things, why can't they give me one for my work in animal rights? Why can't they give me one for my struggle against racism? What about giving me one for all the letters I write to innocent people in prisons who have been framed? I may just consider accepting some kind of award for my services on behalf of the millions of people who have stood up against the war in Iraq. It's such hard work - much harder than writing poems.
And hey, if Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to lay all that empire stuff on me, why can't she write to me herself. Let's cut out the middleman - she knows me. The last time we met, it was at a concert I was hosting. She came backstage to meet me. That didn't bother me; lots of people visit my dressing room after performances. Me and the South African performers I was working with that night thought it rather funny that we had a royal groupie. She's a bit stiff but she's a nice old lady. Let me make it clear: I have nothing against her or the royal family. It is the institution of the monarchy that I loathe so very much, the monarchy that still refuses to apologise for sanctioning slavery.
There is a part of me that hopes that after writing this article I shall never be considered as a Poet Laureate or an OBE sucker again. Let this put an end to it. This may lose me some of my writing friends; some people may never want to work with me again, but the truth is I think OBEs compromise writers and poets, and laureates suddenly go soft - in the past I've even written a poem, Bought and Sold, saying that.
There are many black writers who love OBEs, it makes them feel like they have made it. When it suits them, they embrace the struggle against the ruling class and the oppression they visit upon us, but then they join the oppressors' club. They are so easily seduced into the great house of Babylon known as the palace. For them, a wonderful time is meeting the Queen and bowing before her presence.
I was shocked to see how many of my fellow writers jumped at the opportunity to go to Buckingham Palace when the Queen had her "meet the writers day" on July 9 2002, and I laughed at the pathetic excuses writers gave for going. "I did it for my mum"; "I did it for my kids"; "I did it for the school"; "I did it for the people", etc. I have even heard black writers who have collected OBEs saying that it is "symbolic of how far we have come". Oh yes, I say, we've struggled so hard just to get a minute with the Queen and we are so very grateful - not.
I've never heard of a holder of the OBE openly criticising the monarchy. They are officially friends, and that's what this cool Britannia project is about. It gives OBEs to cool rock stars, successful businesswomen and blacks who would be militant in order to give the impression that it is inclusive. Then these rock stars, successful women, and ex-militants write to me with the OBE after their name as if I should be impressed. I'm not. Quite the opposite - you've been had.
Writers and artists who see themselves as working outside the establishment are constantly being accused of selling out as soon as they have any kind of success. I've been called a sell-out for selling too many books, for writing books for children, for performing at the Royal Albert Hall, for going on Desert Island Discs, and for appearing on the Parkinson show. But I want to reach as many people as possible without compromising the content of my work.
What continues to be my biggest deal with the establishment must be my work with the British Council, of which, ironically, the Queen is patron. I have no problem with this. It has never told me what to say, or what not to say. I have always been free to criticise the government and even the council itself. This is what being a poet is about. Most importantly, through my work with the council I am able to show the world what Britain is really about in terms of our arts, and I am able to partake in the type of political and cultural intercourse which is not possible in the mainstream political arena. I have no problem representing the reality of our multiculturalism, which may sometimes mean speaking about the way my cousin Michael died in a police station. But then, I am also at ease letting people know that our music scene is more than what they hear in the charts, and that British poetry is more than Wordsworth, or even Motion. I have no problem with all of this because this is about us and what we do. It is about what happens on the streets of our country and not in the palace or at No 10.
Me, OBE? Whoever is behind this offer can never have read any of my work. Why don't they just give me some of those great African works of art that were taken in the name of the empire and let me return them to their rightful place? You can't fool me, Mr Blair. You want to privatise us all; you want to send us to war. You stay silent when we need you to speak for us, preferring to be the voice of the US. You have lied to us, and you continue to lie to us, and you have poured the working-class dream of a fair, compassionate, caring society down the dirty drain of empire. Stick it, Mr Blair - and Mrs Queen, stop going on about the empire. Let's do something else.
Bought and Sold
Smart big awards and prize money
Is killing off black poetry
It's not censors or dictators that are cutting up our art.
The lure of meeting royalty
And touching high society
Is damping creativity and eating at our heart.
The ancestors would turn in graves
Those poor black folk that once were slaves would wonder
How our souls were sold
And check our strategies,
The empire strikes back and waves
Tamed warriors bow on parades
When they have done what they've been told
They get their OBEs.
Don't take my word, go check the verse
Cause every laureate gets worse
A family that you cannot fault as muse will mess your mind,
And yeah, you may fatten your purse
And surely they will check you first when subjects need to be amused
With paid for prose and rhymes.
Take your prize, now write more,
Fuck the truth
Now you're an actor do not fault your benefactor
Write, publish and review,
You look like a dreadlocks Rasta,
You look like a ghetto blaster,
But you can't diss your paymaster
And bite the hand that feeds you.
What happened to the verse of fire
Cursing cool the empire
What happened to the soul rebel that Marley had in mind,
This bloodstained, stolen empire rewards you and you conspire,
(Yes Marley said that time will tell)
Now look they've gone and joined.
We keep getting this beating
It's bad history repeating
It reminds me of those capitalists that say
'Look you have a choice,'
It's sick and self-defeating if our dispossessed keep weeping
And we give these awards meaning
But we end up with no voice.
- Benjamin Zephaniah
I woke up on the morning of November 13 wondering how the government could be overthrown and what could replace it, and then I noticed a letter from the prime minister's office. It said: "The prime minister has asked me to inform you, in strict confidence, that he has in mind, on the occasion of the forthcoming list of New Year's honours to submit your name to the Queen with a recommendation that Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to approve that you be appointed an officer of the Order of the British Empire."
Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word "empire"; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised. It is because of this concept of empire that my British education led me to believe that the history of black people started with slavery and that we were born slaves, and should therefore be grateful that we were given freedom by our caring white masters. It is because of this idea of empire that black people like myself don't even know our true names or our true historical culture. I am not one of those who are obsessed with their roots, and I'm certainly not suffering from a crisis of identity; my obsession is about the future and the political rights of all people. Benjamin Zephaniah OBE - no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.
There's something very strange about receiving a letter from Tony Blair's office asking me if I want to accept this award. In the past couple of months I've been on Blair's doorstep a few times. I have begged him to come out and meet me; I have been longing for a conversation with him, but he won't come out, and now here he is asking me to meet him at the palace! I was there with a million people on February 15, and the last time I was there was just a couple of weeks ago. My cousin, Michael Powell, was arrested and taken to Thornhill Road police station in Birmingham where he died. Now, I know how he died. The whole of Birmingham knows how he died, but in order to get this article published and to be politically (or journalistically) correct, I have to say that he died in suspicious circumstances. The police will not give us any answers. We have not seen or heard anything of all the reports and investigations we were told were going to take place. Now, all that my family can do is join with all the other families who have lost members while in custody because no one in power is listening to us. Come on Mr Blair, I'll meet you anytime. Let's talk about your Home Office, let's talk about being tough on crime.
This OBE thing is supposed to be for my services to literature, but there are a whole lot of writers who are better than me, and they're not involved in the things that I'm involved in. All they do is write; I spend most of my time doing other things. If they want to give me one of these empire things, why can't they give me one for my work in animal rights? Why can't they give me one for my struggle against racism? What about giving me one for all the letters I write to innocent people in prisons who have been framed? I may just consider accepting some kind of award for my services on behalf of the millions of people who have stood up against the war in Iraq. It's such hard work - much harder than writing poems.
And hey, if Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to lay all that empire stuff on me, why can't she write to me herself. Let's cut out the middleman - she knows me. The last time we met, it was at a concert I was hosting. She came backstage to meet me. That didn't bother me; lots of people visit my dressing room after performances. Me and the South African performers I was working with that night thought it rather funny that we had a royal groupie. She's a bit stiff but she's a nice old lady. Let me make it clear: I have nothing against her or the royal family. It is the institution of the monarchy that I loathe so very much, the monarchy that still refuses to apologise for sanctioning slavery.
There is a part of me that hopes that after writing this article I shall never be considered as a Poet Laureate or an OBE sucker again. Let this put an end to it. This may lose me some of my writing friends; some people may never want to work with me again, but the truth is I think OBEs compromise writers and poets, and laureates suddenly go soft - in the past I've even written a poem, Bought and Sold, saying that.
There are many black writers who love OBEs, it makes them feel like they have made it. When it suits them, they embrace the struggle against the ruling class and the oppression they visit upon us, but then they join the oppressors' club. They are so easily seduced into the great house of Babylon known as the palace. For them, a wonderful time is meeting the Queen and bowing before her presence.
I was shocked to see how many of my fellow writers jumped at the opportunity to go to Buckingham Palace when the Queen had her "meet the writers day" on July 9 2002, and I laughed at the pathetic excuses writers gave for going. "I did it for my mum"; "I did it for my kids"; "I did it for the school"; "I did it for the people", etc. I have even heard black writers who have collected OBEs saying that it is "symbolic of how far we have come". Oh yes, I say, we've struggled so hard just to get a minute with the Queen and we are so very grateful - not.
I've never heard of a holder of the OBE openly criticising the monarchy. They are officially friends, and that's what this cool Britannia project is about. It gives OBEs to cool rock stars, successful businesswomen and blacks who would be militant in order to give the impression that it is inclusive. Then these rock stars, successful women, and ex-militants write to me with the OBE after their name as if I should be impressed. I'm not. Quite the opposite - you've been had.
Writers and artists who see themselves as working outside the establishment are constantly being accused of selling out as soon as they have any kind of success. I've been called a sell-out for selling too many books, for writing books for children, for performing at the Royal Albert Hall, for going on Desert Island Discs, and for appearing on the Parkinson show. But I want to reach as many people as possible without compromising the content of my work.
What continues to be my biggest deal with the establishment must be my work with the British Council, of which, ironically, the Queen is patron. I have no problem with this. It has never told me what to say, or what not to say. I have always been free to criticise the government and even the council itself. This is what being a poet is about. Most importantly, through my work with the council I am able to show the world what Britain is really about in terms of our arts, and I am able to partake in the type of political and cultural intercourse which is not possible in the mainstream political arena. I have no problem representing the reality of our multiculturalism, which may sometimes mean speaking about the way my cousin Michael died in a police station. But then, I am also at ease letting people know that our music scene is more than what they hear in the charts, and that British poetry is more than Wordsworth, or even Motion. I have no problem with all of this because this is about us and what we do. It is about what happens on the streets of our country and not in the palace or at No 10.
Me, OBE? Whoever is behind this offer can never have read any of my work. Why don't they just give me some of those great African works of art that were taken in the name of the empire and let me return them to their rightful place? You can't fool me, Mr Blair. You want to privatise us all; you want to send us to war. You stay silent when we need you to speak for us, preferring to be the voice of the US. You have lied to us, and you continue to lie to us, and you have poured the working-class dream of a fair, compassionate, caring society down the dirty drain of empire. Stick it, Mr Blair - and Mrs Queen, stop going on about the empire. Let's do something else.
Bought and Sold
Smart big awards and prize money
Is killing off black poetry
It's not censors or dictators that are cutting up our art.
The lure of meeting royalty
And touching high society
Is damping creativity and eating at our heart.
The ancestors would turn in graves
Those poor black folk that once were slaves would wonder
How our souls were sold
And check our strategies,
The empire strikes back and waves
Tamed warriors bow on parades
When they have done what they've been told
They get their OBEs.
Don't take my word, go check the verse
Cause every laureate gets worse
A family that you cannot fault as muse will mess your mind,
And yeah, you may fatten your purse
And surely they will check you first when subjects need to be amused
With paid for prose and rhymes.
Take your prize, now write more,
Fuck the truth
Now you're an actor do not fault your benefactor
Write, publish and review,
You look like a dreadlocks Rasta,
You look like a ghetto blaster,
But you can't diss your paymaster
And bite the hand that feeds you.
What happened to the verse of fire
Cursing cool the empire
What happened to the soul rebel that Marley had in mind,
This bloodstained, stolen empire rewards you and you conspire,
(Yes Marley said that time will tell)
Now look they've gone and joined.
We keep getting this beating
It's bad history repeating
It reminds me of those capitalists that say
'Look you have a choice,'
It's sick and self-defeating if our dispossessed keep weeping
And we give these awards meaning
But we end up with no voice.

He gave my 18 year old uncle a spliff at a Birmingham uni gig. In the 80s. "Wicked Thatcher, Bastard Thatcher" legend will be missed

Duude :(
I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry and boring.
Juice 💚 💦
I met that guy a good couple of times over the years, he was really friendly and approachable. He showed me how poetry didn't have to be dry and boring.
Juice 💚 💦

1 post
+1 votes

Longest wait on NDD
Had one vendor tell me to wait 21 days before he'd even consider a refund or reship. Crazy. If it hasn't turned up after 3 it's usually gone. They sho…

Longest wait on NDD
Hey all,currently 8 days in for a ndd ,whats the longest youve waited?

Wow that’s way too long….only once did I have this happen, and nothing ever turned up, had to dispute in the end and got a re-send…though I don’t think they sent it in the first place

Very long wait time for a NDD, I know RM take the biscuit sometimes but this seems a little odd. Hit that dispute button Bigga!

Get them to check the tracking or give you the number. If they won’t then it wasn’t sent and you can dispute…

1 post
+2 votes

Time for another competition with DrShroom.
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏

That is indeed the film. Have you genuinely not seen it? Cult classic. Probably one of the most quotable films of all time. That, then Commando.

I just read this, and the reflex into my head was, "Shut up Withnail, of course he's the farmer!", then I laughed. You will too when you watch it. Other stoners may well do when they read this, as is the way of these things.

How To Get Ahead In Advertising is also a very decent flick by the same team who did Withnail. Often overlooked - a fun watch.

That's the one where the extra head grows from a boil on his neck? I concur. Richard E. Grant is a fantastic actor.

I was shouting in a mirror. It’s like a tic.
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. 😄
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. 😄

Hey Dr Shroom
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?

Thanks Doc
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter

Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think I’ve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
“All I need is shoes, man”
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Man’s Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacob’s Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the World…
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.
Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think I’ve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
“All I need is shoes, man”
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Man’s Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacob’s Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the World…
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.

Now that is a list. I know I need to see the films I haven't seen based on the films you've mentioned that I have seen 🤌🤌🤌
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53

Love the new Dune. Love Denis Villeneuve - Arrival is a complete charm fest. A beautiful film. His Blade Runner. Oh. My. God. Almost betters the original. It’s beautiful. And often overlooked - I think (and this is just a stoner theory) because Ryan Gosling is fucking shit. In everything. So if he’s in it. He instantly makes the film utterly forgettable.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film he’s even been in.
See? Exactly.
“Ooh no Syd. He’s great in Drive”
Fuck that film. It’s shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Who’s a plank of wood. It’s not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynch’s Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. It’s like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
I’d have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebius’ Dune. That’s the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
There’s a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. It’s part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
It’s a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. I’ve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film he’s even been in.
See? Exactly.
“Ooh no Syd. He’s great in Drive”
Fuck that film. It’s shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Who’s a plank of wood. It’s not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynch’s Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. It’s like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
I’d have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebius’ Dune. That’s the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
There’s a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. It’s part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
It’s a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. I’ve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.

I know what you mean. His role is often to be devoid of soul. It really is a beautiful film though. The new Mad Max is also a timeless watch.
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube

I really love this list (huge Ferris fan in particular), and the new Dune is spectacular on a decent cinema or home cinema set-up. Saw Juliette Lewis' band play on a UK tour about 10ish years ago. Glad we went. Friends were so stoned they didn't want to get the train to see the gig.

Trains are far less scary than Juliette Lewis in full flow.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. It’s that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. It’s sexy as fuck.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. It’s that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. It’s sexy as fuck.

This is now the second time I’ve heard tell about that in a week. Firstly from Mark Bernardin who was explaining to Kev Smith how great it is.
I’ll give it a gander.
I’ll give it a gander.

I have 1 episode left as I've wanted to binge it, but I've been savouring it. It's the kind of thing that would make all the misogynistic incels explode due to all of the well written subject matter completely conflicting their world view. Almost every time where you think they're setting you up for a standard trope they throw a great twist. Love it. Hope they commission a lot more.

To whet your appetite, like the similar stone no doubt carried to sharpen something like to cut deeper.

Apocalypse Now weirdly seemed too obvious. But it’s in my top 5 all time fillums of all time ever. It never gets old, and I must have seen it 50 times at least.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And that’s peerless.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And that’s peerless.

I watched that recently and last saw it decades ago, but I clearly missed a shitload of what was going on in this when I saw it on VHS as a kid.

Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom ✌️
It’s gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.
Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom ✌️
It’s gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.


Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!
Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!

was going to pitch for Ken Russell’s Altered States with William Hurt then remembered ‘24 hour party people’ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrick’s ‘Artificial Intelligence’ so I’ll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)
was going to pitch for Ken Russell’s Altered States with William Hurt then remembered ‘24 hour party people’ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrick’s ‘Artificial Intelligence’ so I’ll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)

A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!
A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!

Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.
Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.

Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's
Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's

Truffle Pig
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch

i’ve got a few on the list but it’s got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high
i’ve got a few on the list but it’s got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high

not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best
not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best

Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!
Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!

Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)
Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)

3 posts
+5 votes
Who are your favourite sellers and why?
The Gentleman Dealers, all day. Every time I venture to another vendor something goes wrong. Or you pay for NDD and it takes, like, 5 days to arrive. …
+ 3 more

Who are your favourite sellers and why?
Help a new bigga out and spread some love for your faves. Let me know which seller and why you love them.
(Doesn't have to be someone with items currently in stock if they're likely to return in future.)
(Doesn't have to be someone with items currently in stock if they're likely to return in future.)

Loads!! For nice, loved home grows I've used Druids Magic and Oilman.
Hash, I've gone with Pistach, The Green Team, BudboyzUK, Greentech and BubblehashKing.
Flower I've gone with the above plus Super Hans, UrbanLeafco and The Gentleman Dealers,
Edibles I've used Dope Chef and DoctorExtracts.
All of the above use great stealth and good delivery times. Some have NDD if ordered before their cut off times.
Hash, I've gone with Pistach, The Green Team, BudboyzUK, Greentech and BubblehashKing.
Flower I've gone with the above plus Super Hans, UrbanLeafco and The Gentleman Dealers,
Edibles I've used Dope Chef and DoctorExtracts.
All of the above use great stealth and good delivery times. Some have NDD if ordered before their cut off times.

Your sweets are power!! Had 4 and was stuck to the sofa an hour later. My mate had 1 and he was mashed for 2 days 🤣

Thank you :) I'm thinking I definitely need to grab something from Druids Magic before they go out of stock!!

DM's flower is great! I've placed another order today. Yes, get in there before they go!!

Another vote for druids here, they care for the product, provide the best service I've ever had on this site (I've tried a good few vendors), really good value for money and the product is great as well.

Dr Distillate
Banging concentrates at great prices, don't know how he does it. Looking forward to trying his carts at some point.
Banging concentrates at great prices, don't know how he does it. Looking forward to trying his carts at some point.

Always been next day for me although tracked 24 isn't actually guaranteed next day. I still think they're great sellers, they will reship if it doesn't arrive.

Except when The Gentleman Dealer s ends it. He actually has the kindness to issue the tracker number and it ALWAYS arrives on time. Don't know what the deal is the others who hold back the tracker, there's always an issue and it hardly ever arrives on time.

I think GreenTech have disappeared recently.......only tried once, was a disaster...sorted the refund pretty quick though in fairness

I’m relatively new to LB, I’ve had 99% good bud and service. My go to vendors are -
Urban Leaf Co
But I have had great service/bud and comms from
The Gentleman Dealers
The Green Team
I have lots still to try too, loads of reputable vendors listed above I haven’t tried yet.
I very much look forward to trying
Super Hans
Druids Magic
British Bulldog
I’ve also had a bad experience with another vendor, I can only advise you really check the vendors page and all reviews and topics on any vendor before buying. Research pays off.
The overall experience on LB though has been amazing, I just wish I found this site sooner.
Urban Leaf Co
But I have had great service/bud and comms from
The Gentleman Dealers
The Green Team
I have lots still to try too, loads of reputable vendors listed above I haven’t tried yet.
I very much look forward to trying
Super Hans
Druids Magic
British Bulldog
I’ve also had a bad experience with another vendor, I can only advise you really check the vendors page and all reviews and topics on any vendor before buying. Research pays off.
The overall experience on LB though has been amazing, I just wish I found this site sooner.

My twopenneth worth on vendors
Pistach - Can't go wrong. From the budget weed to pricey Cali I can't fault the quality. The trim is excellent as a baccy substitute and, I think, works out cheaper than fags for joints
DIUK - As above they are 1 of a handful of go to vendors. Always arrives in 2- 3 days and something for all budgets. Also, Uncle Benz (one of their growers) knows his shit!
Hasishin - Hash from the middle east delivered in about a week to the UK? Yes please! Amazing stealth and nice, old school, hash
Dr Extracts - Honourable mention as I've just started using him for edibles (after RB ran out of Chuckles after 2 years of buying off them) and the cola bottle things are fiendishly strong!
BB - Get on his customer list (you must be an established buyer) and you won't regret it
SuperHans - If you want to treat yourself buy whatever the strongest bag of sinister minister is at the time from SH.Not the cheapest but top drawer quality
Newish vendors I've used and liked include Greencat, Greeney & Mercedes. There are probably more but I've started off Sunday as I mean to go on so I've forgotten them....
Pistach - Can't go wrong. From the budget weed to pricey Cali I can't fault the quality. The trim is excellent as a baccy substitute and, I think, works out cheaper than fags for joints
DIUK - As above they are 1 of a handful of go to vendors. Always arrives in 2- 3 days and something for all budgets. Also, Uncle Benz (one of their growers) knows his shit!
Hasishin - Hash from the middle east delivered in about a week to the UK? Yes please! Amazing stealth and nice, old school, hash
Dr Extracts - Honourable mention as I've just started using him for edibles (after RB ran out of Chuckles after 2 years of buying off them) and the cola bottle things are fiendishly strong!
BB - Get on his customer list (you must be an established buyer) and you won't regret it
SuperHans - If you want to treat yourself buy whatever the strongest bag of sinister minister is at the time from SH.Not the cheapest but top drawer quality
Newish vendors I've used and liked include Greencat, Greeney & Mercedes. There are probably more but I've started off Sunday as I mean to go on so I've forgotten them....

Despite the negative press sometimes there’s actually a depth of good vendors on here, British Bulldog has been mentioned and if he’s got listings up I’d recommend you don’t wait and go for it because you won’t regret it. LUD is superb and typically offers great value for money and really good bud too, he’s always seen me right. Super Hans and Urbanleafco are at the more pricey range but offer great bud too. In terms of the biggest vendors in here I like Drugs Inc who have always looked after me and usually have a good selection. All mentioned have superb stealth too, feel a bit guilty not mentioning others but it’s becoming to long haha!

Eddy all the way!!! the man has an mental menu and the quality is just just as crazy <3 I cant get enough

without a shadow...my go to'
druid magic
British bulldog
2 other vendors I tried for the first time this week who have joined my dream team vendor collective
waiting on drop
I feel so blessed to have such options...
druid magic
British bulldog
2 other vendors I tried for the first time this week who have joined my dream team vendor collective
waiting on drop
I feel so blessed to have such options...

I’m going to raise the flag on the ‘Product Innovation Category’ (as well as being Service Package Pro’s):
Serial Chiller Labs….👏
Canadian Imports….👏
And the Winner is….🥁🥁
US!! 👏👏👏
Serial Chiller Labs….👏
Canadian Imports….👏
And the Winner is….🥁🥁
US!! 👏👏👏

Pistach all day long for me. Ive not used everybody admiteddly, and I only smoke hashish. But the hash is great and the prices are right! 😍

I want to add British bulldog and budbotanists onto your future lists and smoggy for current
But for me 90% of what I'm currently vaping is druids 🐰💗🧙♂️
I haven't used everyone on DG's list but agreed with all the ones I have used on there
But for me 90% of what I'm currently vaping is druids 🐰💗🧙♂️
I haven't used everyone on DG's list but agreed with all the ones I have used on there

That's right yeah, the shake is lovely this time btw, mostly because I'm too lazy to trim the smaller buds, haha.
Listing should be up Saturday afternoon.
Thanks again DR, you're a goodun.
Cheers BB 😊👍
Listing should be up Saturday afternoon.
Thanks again DR, you're a goodun.
Cheers BB 😊👍

I'm sure I saw you posting some monster colas in your cab the other day right? No banana for scale lol but looked like you know what you're doing for sure.

Started off with RealD, absolutely loved his stock, his customer service was unbeatable. I hope he comes back soon.
Pistach was next, never a bad experience and they resolve any issues flawlessly. Preem shake too, almost always a good amount of bud.
mrbean is one I loved, deeply missing his unbeatable shake prices now as my wallet dries up with inflation. Hopefully he'll return too.
DrExtracts is my go to for Carts, might not be the cheapest but quality is unbeatable, plus the customer service is so good. The rare treat from here.
But, after mrbean (and those technicolor prices) seemingly peeled off, Pistach has become my sole supplier at $65 an oz of shake (of which I try to buy 4). I did try out another vendor but the quality was subpar for more expense.
Pistach was next, never a bad experience and they resolve any issues flawlessly. Preem shake too, almost always a good amount of bud.
mrbean is one I loved, deeply missing his unbeatable shake prices now as my wallet dries up with inflation. Hopefully he'll return too.
DrExtracts is my go to for Carts, might not be the cheapest but quality is unbeatable, plus the customer service is so good. The rare treat from here.
But, after mrbean (and those technicolor prices) seemingly peeled off, Pistach has become my sole supplier at $65 an oz of shake (of which I try to buy 4). I did try out another vendor but the quality was subpar for more expense.

Riley packs and strainsburys for the best budget smoke there shake is banging, Dr extracts for carts (his prices are half that of most vendors) on vapes, eddy for edibles

Pistach for service, quality and value. Top end Cali too budget trim.
Hashishin for stealth, service and that something a little special.
Dr Extracts carts for high quality product and excellent service.
Hashishin for stealth, service and that something a little special.
Dr Extracts carts for high quality product and excellent service.

I am also quite new and have done a few buys now.
Riley_Packs: Great delivery, quality of bud is amazing, comms are pleasant and helpful, good prices.
PISTASCH: Great delivery, quality of bud is also amazing, comms are nice, some things can be pricey depending on strain but for Stardawg as an example it is perfectly grown for a great price.
CanadianImports: Bought Deathbubba from these guys, was a heavy smoke and nice. Delivery on point like the others.
Last two I tried were THEGREENTEAM and It'sWeed. THEGREENTEAM I got some Triangle OG which was okay, not really for me. I like my hard hitting indicas for sleep, anxiety and giggles. Would give them another go when I see a strain that fits that profile.
It'sWeed I only bought hash and it was pleasant and quite strong which was what I was looking for. Good comms and packaging as well, in fact for all of them I have mentioned.
Would like to try GreenTech and British Bulldog but I need a few more buys to meet the requirements.
Would also like to try Eddy's Edibles Lean at some point but still thinking about it, I haven't ventured into drinkable THC before and have only been accustomed to the joints and bong.
Riley_Packs: Great delivery, quality of bud is amazing, comms are pleasant and helpful, good prices.
PISTASCH: Great delivery, quality of bud is also amazing, comms are nice, some things can be pricey depending on strain but for Stardawg as an example it is perfectly grown for a great price.
CanadianImports: Bought Deathbubba from these guys, was a heavy smoke and nice. Delivery on point like the others.
Last two I tried were THEGREENTEAM and It'sWeed. THEGREENTEAM I got some Triangle OG which was okay, not really for me. I like my hard hitting indicas for sleep, anxiety and giggles. Would give them another go when I see a strain that fits that profile.
It'sWeed I only bought hash and it was pleasant and quite strong which was what I was looking for. Good comms and packaging as well, in fact for all of them I have mentioned.
Would like to try GreenTech and British Bulldog but I need a few more buys to meet the requirements.
Would also like to try Eddy's Edibles Lean at some point but still thinking about it, I haven't ventured into drinkable THC before and have only been accustomed to the joints and bong.

You wont be disappointed GRB they are great . Edibles are a different experience tho if you have never tried them start small, as I found out a few weeks ago drinking the full bottle in 1 is not cool or clever😂😂🤤😮💨

I've had 2 different experiences with edibles. First time was making brownies with 5g of weed in Cyprus, did the double boiling method and 2 1/2 pieces made me sky high with laughter for a day and a half.
Other time was with 200mg sweet bag which got me kind of stoned but not really wacked out.
I'd be down to try out your lean, prices look amazingly cheap so i'm down to try. Do I need to consume within a certain amount of days after opening or can I use this for my saturdays over a couple of weeks?
Other time was with 200mg sweet bag which got me kind of stoned but not really wacked out.
I'd be down to try out your lean, prices look amazingly cheap so i'm down to try. Do I need to consume within a certain amount of days after opening or can I use this for my saturdays over a couple of weeks?

I've never really had edibles til a month or so back when I found eddys edibles... now I'm smoking shatter 🤣🤣🤣 the lean is really strong and the taste is exactly what you ask for ( its strong enough to have in 3 drinks)
bears and lollies the mrs loves as they mellow her out and help with her depression
Comms are always pleasant and informative and I've found he will try accommodate special orders.. I've had a custom order from him and it was all as expected...
bears and lollies the mrs loves as they mellow her out and help with her depression
Comms are always pleasant and informative and I've found he will try accommodate special orders.. I've had a custom order from him and it was all as expected...

Ordered with Eddy last week after the replies. Hopefully will land sometime next week due to those strikes but i'm patient. Going to be using this instead of classic bud near christmas eve cause I gotta get rid of that weed smell in the shed haha.

Hehe…I wanted to get my house valued but worried that the agent was either going to pass out from the weed smell or run straight to the cops…😳😂

LUD is up there for me at the min always show up decent bud and a great vendor to deal with. Drugsinc always sorted me out again they were excellent to deal with. British bulldog prob best stealth going and some well cared for bud not just pumping shit out to make money. I've used super hans before bit pricey for me but superb items so there's a few.

As a couple of biggaz have said research is key, for example i have ordered from most vendors mentioned in this post with no problems what so ever (100+ orders) any vendors mentioned will do their absolute best for you.
Gotta love the LB community.
Gotta love the LB community.

Green Cat and LUD have been my main gotos for a while now both are incredible and deserve a lot more recognition imo! :) Biggas need to be ready for luds skittles coming back!
RB and Drug Inc from the biggest sellers are both excellent ofcourse, I saw the Forbidden Fruitcake has been mentioned and I 100% recommend every bigga get some of that for the smell alone I haven't smoked my last bud of it because I don't want to lose the smell lol
RB and Drug Inc from the biggest sellers are both excellent ofcourse, I saw the Forbidden Fruitcake has been mentioned and I 100% recommend every bigga get some of that for the smell alone I haven't smoked my last bud of it because I don't want to lose the smell lol

Have to agreed bro, LUDS, green cat, drugs inc and urban leaf.
Luds always delivers amazing bud at best prices. Green cat been bringing it hard, the pound cake is immense. Drugs inc uncle Benz ice cream is a weekly order.
Urban are quality bud providers next day business. The green gelato is lovely but since then slurricaine and cereal milk smacking it, not like wil smith in a more relaxed way.
Luds always delivers amazing bud at best prices. Green cat been bringing it hard, the pound cake is immense. Drugs inc uncle Benz ice cream is a weekly order.
Urban are quality bud providers next day business. The green gelato is lovely but since then slurricaine and cereal milk smacking it, not like wil smith in a more relaxed way.

lmao that slap definitely gave chris rock the wow factor lol, you're right about the poundcake mate those buds are insane animal cookies good too but I think the poundcake edges it!
LUDs dank skittles in a couple weeks so I've got my lud fund stashed away ready for that! :P I haven't been to ULC for ages definitely need to visit them again soon nice people they are :) Been a while since I had some DI ice cream as well have been enjoying their forbidden fruit so dark purple its almost black lol but still though the icc is something else!
I had been thinking about grabbing some of their cheap bud and some mazar so I can make some combo joints but it's too hard to scroll past all that amazing bud and then buy the scraggly bit at the end lol
hope you're doing well mate :)
LUDs dank skittles in a couple weeks so I've got my lud fund stashed away ready for that! :P I haven't been to ULC for ages definitely need to visit them again soon nice people they are :) Been a while since I had some DI ice cream as well have been enjoying their forbidden fruit so dark purple its almost black lol but still though the icc is something else!
I had been thinking about grabbing some of their cheap bud and some mazar so I can make some combo joints but it's too hard to scroll past all that amazing bud and then buy the scraggly bit at the end lol
hope you're doing well mate :)

Put some forbidden fruit in my bag after what you said, been looking at it for a while. My ice cream landed today :) yeah I have a Luds in transit looking forward to his return from a break. Reordered the pound cake and some of the cookie dawg almost chose the animal but will next time. Slurricaine on urban mate, grab some super tasting and great one for after dinner like a purple punch.
Doing as well as you can with 4 kids and a lazy wife :) hope you are good
Doing as well as you can with 4 kids and a lazy wife :) hope you are good

lmao mate even anon thats gotta be a bold move digging the wife out haha but it's no wonder you need the weekly supply of uncle benz is it lol I don't know how you do it mate 0kids over here and even that feels like too many for me lmao
I just ordered some more forbidden fruits let me know what you think mate I can't work out the smell like a cherry mango orgy or something, finally got some mazari coming too! Slurricane and more poundcake up next :)
I just ordered some more forbidden fruits let me know what you think mate I can't work out the smell like a cherry mango orgy or something, finally got some mazari coming too! Slurricane and more poundcake up next :)

Wife is not on here bro I am safe speaking the truth :)
4 kids you have to be like a machine every day is like climbing a mountain usually a bastard slippery one. But if you keep going and reach the peak they fall asleep eventually. Then like today the postman may have delivered your reward. Pound cake and Luds guava on one day. I am currently melting into my smoking chair building up the motivation and energy to get the gelato out the freezer that’s reward number 2 :)
4 kids you have to be like a machine every day is like climbing a mountain usually a bastard slippery one. But if you keep going and reach the peak they fall asleep eventually. Then like today the postman may have delivered your reward. Pound cake and Luds guava on one day. I am currently melting into my smoking chair building up the motivation and energy to get the gelato out the freezer that’s reward number 2 :)

haha climbing mountains and smoking trees, my bigga really is a machine! Will have a fat one rolled and ready to honour the next mountain you conquer :)

Hey super J yes you are rather fond of that ice cream lol
Thank you for the mention brother ;)
Thank you for the mention brother ;)

I’ve been stalking your page awaiting its return:) that batch before Christmas was one of the best from uncle benz. I might also point out you have a lot of good bud, but the ice cream is perfect.

Just been discovering GC products, got some pound cake and zaffa, quick send too, great new vendor

Everyone DG said, budbotanists and the british bulldog(doubly so) are all great.
Not mentioned yet, but Buddies is my fav, because he does free NDD 99% of the time for me and his OG kush is phenomenal
Not mentioned yet, but Buddies is my fav, because he does free NDD 99% of the time for me and his OG kush is phenomenal

God forgot bulldog but he is like full moon only comes round now and then. Quality clean buds loved his og kush in fact last 3 been really sweet

Not had a less than 100% experience with Pistach so far. Looking forward to checking out others. Have certainly clocked all those mentioned by dwarfedgiant as having great reviews and am keen to try.

The Gentleman Dealers, all day. Every time I venture to another vendor something goes wrong. Or you pay for NDD and it takes, like, 5 days to arrive. But with the Gentleman Dealers you pay for NDD and it ALWAYS arrives in the time frame you have paid for. I don't know if there's a scam going where they charge and make it look like it's NDD, I don't know if that's even possible, but none of the other dealers ever have a NDD that actually comes in time. Or it gets lost, or wasn't sent properly, or something, there's always something. The Gentleman Dealers are the only ones on here that I really trust to do the job properly. Really fed up with all the other dealers and their nonsense. When TGD had their service disrupted it was a nightmare. Forced to buy from seemingly reputable vebdors but no surprises, there was a problem. He's the only one you can really trust 100 percent. So worth it for the peace of mind and lack of anxiety. And he's a really nice person and a delight to communicate with. I promise I'm not a ringer, this has just been my experience over years and multiple purchases on here.

Not been around all that long myself but I've found these two to be great -
Riley_packs - My go to vendor, Really good comms, stealth is great, menu is awesome and changes out, some real nice treats at the moment.
The Pontiff of Piff - Only few orders but always been great, answers any questions, great stealth.
There are so many great vendors here though and very friendly. Plenty I plan on trying one day, always good to see posts like this and people sharing vendors to try.
Riley_packs - My go to vendor, Really good comms, stealth is great, menu is awesome and changes out, some real nice treats at the moment.
The Pontiff of Piff - Only few orders but always been great, answers any questions, great stealth.
There are so many great vendors here though and very friendly. Plenty I plan on trying one day, always good to see posts like this and people sharing vendors to try.

Gentlemen dealers > Cali Packs Top Shelf legitimate import
Sensi Mart > Live Resin Carts
Few other vendors it just depends on what you particularly want or after on this site I recommend the above and lots more keep reading the true biggaz can advise you on your best interests :)
Sensi Mart > Live Resin Carts
Few other vendors it just depends on what you particularly want or after on this site I recommend the above and lots more keep reading the true biggaz can advise you on your best interests :)

I only buy hash so my list of choices may be somewhat limited -
Eddy's - crazy menu, topflight tier 1 hashes and good Wednesday/ Sunday promos, best comms imo.
THC23 - can't believe they haven't had a mention so far. Pricey but absolute banging hashes - always exactly as described.
Real D - isolators are lovely and cheap as chips, always fast delivery
Urbanleaf Co - another vendor sourcing superior hashes.
Eddy's - crazy menu, topflight tier 1 hashes and good Wednesday/ Sunday promos, best comms imo.
THC23 - can't believe they haven't had a mention so far. Pricey but absolute banging hashes - always exactly as described.
Real D - isolators are lovely and cheap as chips, always fast delivery
Urbanleaf Co - another vendor sourcing superior hashes.

Eddys Hashbar
Great concentrates and hash: Big fan of the Pirate Days
Great concentrates and hash: Big fan of the Pirate Days

Dr Greenthumb for the hash for me. Free NDD and top shelf gear. Never lets me down, great comms and always arrives on time. I like that :-))

Thank you for the mention aand we stocking:
New combo:
High-grade D9 Distillate Cartridges with a 510 thread with a choice of Hash or Bud.
Select any flavor of cartridge, then choose your preference of hash or bud from our menu.
$65 with are usual Free Special NDD by 1pm included
Exceptional Delta 9 Distillate boasting 95%+ THC, expertly blended with top-tier terpenes. Both the distillate and terpenes are sourced from reputable suppliers in the USA, undergo thorough lab testing to ensure they are free from contaminants. The blending and packaging processes take place in the UK.
Carts 3 flavours 1ml
These carts will be available for purchase starting tomorrow afternoon at $36.99 each for a 1ml size. Additionally, everyone who makes a purchase from Thursday to Thursday will be entered into a giveaway. One lucky person will be selected for a Friday delivery. Buy 4 get 1 free.
New combo:
High-grade D9 Distillate Cartridges with a 510 thread with a choice of Hash or Bud.
Select any flavor of cartridge, then choose your preference of hash or bud from our menu.
$65 with are usual Free Special NDD by 1pm included
Exceptional Delta 9 Distillate boasting 95%+ THC, expertly blended with top-tier terpenes. Both the distillate and terpenes are sourced from reputable suppliers in the USA, undergo thorough lab testing to ensure they are free from contaminants. The blending and packaging processes take place in the UK.
Carts 3 flavours 1ml
These carts will be available for purchase starting tomorrow afternoon at $36.99 each for a 1ml size. Additionally, everyone who makes a purchase from Thursday to Thursday will be entered into a giveaway. One lucky person will be selected for a Friday delivery. Buy 4 get 1 free.

I like indica hash mainly so for me it was Hashishin (who’s taking a break atm I think) but has a new contender with Canna Bros who’s gear is very nice. I tend to support the smaller vendors. I’ve used The Green Team too though and they’re good but rarely do what I’m after.

GreenTeam. Placed an order whilst logged out. They responded straight away, no fuss or hassle. Made up for my fuck up. True Pro's. I also placed my first ever order with them on LB. Highly recommended

I've only ever used The Green Team so this isn't a comparison with anyone. My experience with them after at least 20 orders has always been 100% reliable with Superb stealth, responsive comms and Excellent products. I've had outstanding strains of Hash (Ketama Gold is a fave) and really satisfying weeds (Kosher K and Zkittles are memorable).
The icing on the cake with them is the Regular buyer Bonus which I've enjoyed twice: meaning each 10 buys of 7g weed, I received 7g of weed FREE, with NDD included!. How good is that?! (applies same way for 10 x buys of 3.5g),
They have everything I want so no point going elsewhere, always been a smooth experience with TGT.
The icing on the cake with them is the Regular buyer Bonus which I've enjoyed twice: meaning each 10 buys of 7g weed, I received 7g of weed FREE, with NDD included!. How good is that?! (applies same way for 10 x buys of 3.5g),
They have everything I want so no point going elsewhere, always been a smooth experience with TGT.

Since finding this site I've honestly been like a kid in a sweet shop. Tried out a few vendors and have had great experiences with all of them to be honest. Dr Green Thumb, Pistach, Green Cat and Canadian Imports all stood out

Some vendors can be amazing and also poor. I’ve tried most of the vendors mentioned below in my experience in what I order
Pistach have never let me down and the product quality is amazing
Canadian imports are one of the best for me little bit pricey but you get free NDD signed for which is usual 10-15 bucks so if you late that off the price it’s pritty reasonable
Dr terpy for vape cats amazing product and reasonable price
Pistach have never let me down and the product quality is amazing
Canadian imports are one of the best for me little bit pricey but you get free NDD signed for which is usual 10-15 bucks so if you late that off the price it’s pritty reasonable
Dr terpy for vape cats amazing product and reasonable price

I’ve used:
The Green Team - nice bud and fantastic stealth
The Gentlemen Dealers - superb delivery service, including tracking numbers etc and really nice product also
Pistach - great stealth and lovely bud
Urban Leaf Co - again great comms and stealth, nice bud too
All have been great and I have never had a parcel go missing!
The Green Team - nice bud and fantastic stealth
The Gentlemen Dealers - superb delivery service, including tracking numbers etc and really nice product also
Pistach - great stealth and lovely bud
Urban Leaf Co - again great comms and stealth, nice bud too
All have been great and I have never had a parcel go missing!

Super Hans : best quality bud and very good menu range. Definately my go to for a connoisseur smoke. Stealth is as good as anyone and generally the quickest delivery. Top bloke, too.
Pistach : very good balance of value/quality. Not quite super hans levels of quality, but the best value vendor on here IMO. Some of his shake has worked out as about £5 an eighth. Again, decent stealth and receeptive comms.
The green team : decent stealth, decent products, usually a wide menu.
Urban leaf company : same as green team but with a slightly smaller menu, however they rotate products more often and have some inventive offers. Very good comms too, fast delivery, and stealth is decent.
The gentlwmen dealers : bit pricey, and don’t always have a wide range, but always been decent quality, great stealth and very nice people to deal with.
Ive tried several others, but unless something i really fancied appeared, i wouldnt go outside of these 5.
Stealth weighs big for me, and the above 5 all get it spot on, probably done 40-50 orders between them all.
Pistach : very good balance of value/quality. Not quite super hans levels of quality, but the best value vendor on here IMO. Some of his shake has worked out as about £5 an eighth. Again, decent stealth and receeptive comms.
The green team : decent stealth, decent products, usually a wide menu.
Urban leaf company : same as green team but with a slightly smaller menu, however they rotate products more often and have some inventive offers. Very good comms too, fast delivery, and stealth is decent.
The gentlwmen dealers : bit pricey, and don’t always have a wide range, but always been decent quality, great stealth and very nice people to deal with.
Ive tried several others, but unless something i really fancied appeared, i wouldnt go outside of these 5.
Stealth weighs big for me, and the above 5 all get it spot on, probably done 40-50 orders between them all.

Commented before but updating slightly, adding Green Cat, excellent service, fast and good product and stealth...
ULC also are great. In fact if I want my weed more or less on an expected delivery time Druids, ULC And GC seem the most reliable timewise.
ULC also are great. In fact if I want my weed more or less on an expected delivery time Druids, ULC And GC seem the most reliable timewise.

Drugs inc UK all day long, made 50+ orders by now, never had a single issue with weight, quality or not arriving and everything has been mind-blowing! They are also great to talk with and can answer any questions I have (usually personal recommendations). Can over the weekends be slow to reply but so am I on a sat or sun 🤣
Try the ice cream cake or forbidden fruitcake and you'll see what I mean ;)
Try the ice cream cake or forbidden fruitcake and you'll see what I mean ;)

I legit have to buy 7g now so I can sample 5-10 strains at once! xD
Just dipping my toes into their hash now too it's absolutely fucking fire!
Just dipping my toes into their hash now too it's absolutely fucking fire!

Only tried the super polm, which is smooth & creamy and gives a nice mild stone, let me know if you find any knock out couch lock hashes...I'm on the hunt for a good strong hash, normally go for tgt banana Kush og but want to try something different

The caramel twix is probably the best hash I've ever had, drugs inc just got it in stock again too I'm gonna get a brick haha

Living in ROI has made getting anything from the UK impossible. So thankfully we have Greenhoney https://littlebiggy.org/link/84W1zS. A god send for us EU folk. Top drawer stealth, great product and a joy to deal with. Highly recommend

I said it before and I'll say it again, I pretty much only buy from drugs inc UK these days, professional, helpful and the products beat literally anything!
If you haven't tried them, I recommend the ice cream cake, forbidden fruitcake and Oreo cookies to whet your whistle!
If you haven't tried them, I recommend the ice cream cake, forbidden fruitcake and Oreo cookies to whet your whistle!

Thank Mrcaa glad we can take care of you and thank you for the kind words
much love
d i
much love
d i

For me The Green Team for hash or flower, Drugs inc for flower. Had good dealings with Smoggyman. Tried Popeyes recently, good weed at best prices on here that I have seen

Only have a dozen or so orders so far but I'd like to say that my favs are Shroom of the loom and Reald
Simple reason that everything purchased from them has been amazimg quality for a gd price point..and a breeze to deal with in the ol inbox too.
No offence to any other vendors I've ordered from as tbh I have no complaints yet on here luckily 🤞 you were all great. Just as the title suggests it's about your favourites after all 😆👌
Simple reason that everything purchased from them has been amazimg quality for a gd price point..and a breeze to deal with in the ol inbox too.
No offence to any other vendors I've ordered from as tbh I have no complaints yet on here luckily 🤞 you were all great. Just as the title suggests it's about your favourites after all 😆👌

Dr Greenthumb
Amazing selection but my favourite is the Sunset Sherbet, great bang for buck and special delivery so always there next day.
Amazing selection but my favourite is the Sunset Sherbet, great bang for buck and special delivery so always there next day.

Is it wrong to vote for myself (:
Best Distillate on LB with atleast a 12 hour buzz :)
~ UKDistribution
Best Distillate on LB with atleast a 12 hour buzz :)
~ UKDistribution

Well when it comes to cannabis. I justsayno2drugs.
Best selection of carts, strains and impeccable service.
Best selection of carts, strains and impeccable service.

Hi we offer free specail NDD by 1pm on all are items also adding carts today so keep eye open on listing this evening. GAW

The Gentlemen Dealers - hail, wind or fire, order arrives next day, perfectly packaged.
Same applies for Dr GreenThumb
Same applies for Dr GreenThumb

The Gentleman Dealers are my all round favourite. Always deliver next day and do some good Oz deals.

HASHLOVER420 - This vendor introduced me to some of the best hash ive smoked over the last 30 years with great customer service, super stealth and good price per point. You have to try!!!

I like pistash for cost/quality, Biscotti is fire at the minute for the price I think.
I used gentlemen dealers a couple of times too and they had decent smoke.
I used gentlemen dealers a couple of times too and they had decent smoke.

Diamond Extracts
These guys are killing it, only just joined LB but are selling quality distillate at unbelievable prices. Also seem to be able to source other interesting extracts, one to watch.
These guys are killing it, only just joined LB but are selling quality distillate at unbelievable prices. Also seem to be able to source other interesting extracts, one to watch.

Pistach - Fast and reliable, most my orders are through them.
Boners UK - Best service I've had by far, Comms are excellent, genuinely nice dude to deal with. Great hash too.
TGT - great selection of decent bud and regularly get new strains in. Postage always takes 3 days but I always select the free option so can't complain and buds worth the wait.
I still relatively new and have a long list of vendors I'm working through but these are the best so far!
Boners UK - Best service I've had by far, Comms are excellent, genuinely nice dude to deal with. Great hash too.
TGT - great selection of decent bud and regularly get new strains in. Postage always takes 3 days but I always select the free option so can't complain and buds worth the wait.
I still relatively new and have a long list of vendors I'm working through but these are the best so far!

Try the static or the urban growers, lovely stuff
Try the static or the urban growers, lovely stuff

1 post
+2 votes

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
So I have been using this site since last summer and I have to say i really love it... up to now (fingers crossed & touch wood) i have never had an order intercepted and most turn up pretty fast..
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!

I have a lot less money now lmao but credit where it's due I've had over 50 orders have used too many different sellers to list them, use all the different postage options and every single one has arrived through my door safe and sound - no losses, no disputes, no reships or refunds just weed in my lettorbox! who doesn't want that? :) Big up lb's reliable sellers! :)

Couple of years on now and you can quadruple that number of orders and I've still had every single one land through my door no issues :) the work our sellers do is amazing <3

Agree with all the comments it’s completely changed what I use and the most interesting part for me is trying to educate myself more on what I’m smoking and or using.
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨

“ What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎

It's turned me on to bitcoin and that has made a real difference to my finances and the way I see the world :)

You know before I got on to this site i didnt even know how to get hold of bitcoin. Now i put my savings into not just bitcoin but other crypto currencies too. Using this site and having to learn about bitcoin actually taught me alot more

This site has been amazing, in my experience. It’s so good to be able to buy such an array of products. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the sellers I’ve dealt with. I might not remember them all but I’ve used Hashtag UK, Drugs Inc UK, The Green Team, Super Hans, All4twenty, UK connect and Daan. All have been great. Amazing product, stealth and delivered through the letterbox! What’s not to like. The only downer is Bitcoin and the fees. Other than that with all the choice, I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Although, looking at the weight I’ve put on in lockdown I’m probably more like Augustus Gloop!

Yeah the array of products on offer is really what has msde me fall in love with this site. Id need 20 dealers on the street to get hold of even half the stuff on here and alot of stuff would just not be possible. Long live littlebiggy!

I agree big time. This site has 100% saved me and my partner as when lockdown started we had no stash whatsoever and with no means to get our usual stuff. I feel so lucky to have found lb, the community here and all the choice it's amazing and If someone told me about this few years ago I wouldn't believed them.
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!

Oh yes I still have friends that go to the street to get their smoke and they dont believe that this site is legit. They think I have a connect that I'm keeping secret lol defo their loss if they font have the balls to try it out lol
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.

the problem of the street is that there is not much choice, sometimes the quality is poor and the product is never weighed.. prices can vary significantly and above all I have no more age and time to go around.
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄

Highly reccomend the urban leaf company and bonnevilles afgooey is special and smoggyman smoke is honestly next level to anything else I’ve had of here you won’t be disappointed if you try any of them :)

ahh I love the little brandings and product design, makes me chuckle
never know what you're going to get.
never know what you're going to get.

Made a massive difference to my life as I don't have the hassle of finding the next score, not knowing what it is, if it's been cured or on weight, from some dodgy dude in a dodgy place.

Yeah its definitely nice yo be able to buy from a reliable source like some of the guys on here. Love the rating system, the escrow... Everything! Whats not to love lol

You could say it was life changing...thats one way to put it haha. Fml this site is something else XD

I've been a member of so many different Weed forums and sites over the years. So many of them are just places for people to say "I'm smoking this, but you can't." This place is the complete opposite, if you see someone mentioning some amazing weed or hash you can buy it yourself within a few clicks. None of that gatekeeping you see elsewhere.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.

I joined and my first choices of Smokers Inc & Premium Extracts robbed me completely. Except they didn’t because of the amazing Escrow Suisse so not surprisingly I persisted. My next two orders where not good experiences. Sticking with it I finally came across the likes of Smoggyman, SuperHans & UK Dispensary and all shifted on its axis!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!

Fortunately i didnt go through the same issues that you did but thats why its best to always ask around on here about a seller and check their ratings out... When i came on here the first seller i bough off was the green team as they were the highest rated i could see at that time and came with quite a few people recommending them.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.

I do agree, although PremiumExtracts had 100+ sales and a 9.8% rating and they still took me and a good few others. I accept that if I want to buy illegal product online then it comes with an elevated level of risk which is why I stuck with it. I was sceptical that Escrow Suisse was even a real thing and was stunned by just how efficient they are. I’ve had to work harder and wait longer to get my money back from Amazon! :)

love my biggaz, this place creates the kind of society i can buy into because people have such a strong voice here. the sellers are excellent, many of them true artisans but it's the crowd and their power here that keeps them that way.

Never met a bad guy on here so far... Lots of other places are full of scammers, drama and issues.
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl

This is my first suprise here to. I read the topics all the time when I’m bored and no one argues… ever. No one is being an ass hole, it’s quite remarkable.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.

We can honestly say we look forward to everyday sharing the love with all you beautiful Bigga's!! Not only is it a safe way for us to spread our love but also to be part of a community that believes in quality and a different way of life...and one where we can choose to do what the hell we like ;-)
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!

Its been a massive plus for me. I moved to a rural location and getting weed was near on impossible. Stumbled upon this site in my desperation and it has been a game changer.

Joined late July. Postman is never away from the door. "Plenty of packages this weather" he said on Friday. Told him that I've found a 'new' hobby. Hope he never asks to come in and see my collection of pin badges 😅

I can't believe the various posties I've had haven't worked out what they deliver to me regularly. Thankfully they've all been great and the odd ice cold can of coke, on the 30 degree plus days we enjoy in the UK occasionally, goes a long way!

Due to Druids Magic, I am friends with Polly as my first DM to them was called "I hope you don't mind" and a recommendation for them to try Druids.
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much

We only remain here because we’ve had multiple private reviews from cancer patients saying our product helped them with relief. For vendors, they can also make a lot of money providing they keep a consistent product

Been on here for nearly a year. Got ripped of once for about 120 notes. Live and learn eh. Other than that I've not got a bad word to say about LB. Can't really get good hash anymore up where I live so this has been a god send. Keep up the hard work vendors. It's very much appreciated. Have a merry Xmas all you Biggies out there. And keep on puffing 💨💨💨

For sure. I'm a medical user who really struggled when I moved back to the UK. I stumbled upon LB over a year ago and have never looked back since. My top vendors are Urban Leaf Company (pure service and quality), MJ Concentrates (the same), UK CannaFarm (grass roots good ol' boy with fantastic organic weed), Oilman (great RSO and some top shelf herb), Dope Chef (great edibles), and Super Hans (a new find for me, but a connoisseur and professional to say the least). However, I've had only one bad experience and Escrow Suisse looked after it. Definitely life changing!

Hey buddy, i've just seen this. Thanks so much for the message! I'm back online again with some new stuff if you'd like to check me out :)

Absolutely 100% yes. Didn't have a regular dealer for a couple of years so had to either nag friends to buy through them, or buy random overpriced crap from strangers. Always worrying about running out and having to go through that process again. From that to this? Night and day. Add to that one of the nicest communities on the internet...

I joined when lock down began and I started to panic where I would get my weed from. Been pretty much a daily toker for the last 36 years and before lock down used to fly to Amsterdam once a month on a easyjet special and pack a jiffy bag full of delights and post them home!! Its saved me a fortune being able to use little biggy but I still miss the fun of the DAM and a night in the Katsu coffee shop

yeah def changed my life.
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!

It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities

100%. No more meeting dodgy dudes with tinted windows for shit Stardawg. The community aspect as well, great site.

Well, this is a nice topic and i would like to contribute :)
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas

Yeah the least one could say!
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.

Changed my life for good next day delivery’s are perfect for me overall the stealth from most of the top vendors on here is excellent I can vouch for honest feedback. Big up the team at lb for keeping this site up and running we all need medicine.
One Love
One Love

2 posts
+4 votes

Next day delivery guaranteed
They're the only ones genuinely worth ordering from. This is from years of experience and hundreds of buys.
+ 2 more

Next day delivery guaranteed
Hello does anyone offer ndd just want to try a different vendor and a few more flavours :)

Yes buddy lots of vendors do NDD but you have missed cut off for a lot today I think Green Avenger and Just weed will still post out today
For future reference the gentleman dealers, dr green thumb, your natural medicine do guaranteed NDD probably lots more but brains gone dead 😆
For future reference the gentleman dealers, dr green thumb, your natural medicine do guaranteed NDD probably lots more but brains gone dead 😆

TGD (the Gentlemen Dealers): Special delivery, guaranteed for 13:00 (I think) but usually arrives here before 09:30. Many people comment that it's with them in less than 24 hours from ordering. Package will need signing for. I've nearly 30 buys with them - always next day except for once when the Royal Mail strikes were on - it took 2 days when some other people's packages were taking 3 weeks or not arriving at all! I'm sure there are other vendors doing NDD but TGD are the only ones I've experience with. Good luck! 👍

Thankyou yes I've never had something arrive a day late with them just some of there items are on the expensive side quality is always there though to be honest

They're the only ones genuinely worth ordering from. This is from years of experience and hundreds of buys.

The Gentleman Dealers are the only reliable vendors in this area. They give out the tracking number. All the other ones who don't, there usually a delay or a problem. No idea why. Worth paying to get what you pay for. Plus, peace of mind and confidence it will arrive.

Waiting for delivery is the worst part! Dr Green Thumb has never let me down, in fact I'm waiting on a tracked 24 that is late so just stuck an order in with DGT to ensure I don't have a dry weekend! They are most reliable I have ordered from.

1 post
+2 votes
Steely Dan - Peg (1977)
You have great taste. Just got the 2023 remaster of Aja and you don't think they could improve on perfection but they somehow do.
4 posts
+7 votes
Any metalheads on here?
Brilliant. I've got my Sleep Dopesmoker one on 🤘
+ 4 more
Any metalheads on here?
Hey guys hope you’re all having a cool weekend. Just wondering are there Any metalheads on LB? I love most metal but my fave genres are probably blackgaze and post black metal. I really like Alcest and Panopticon I’d say they’re the bands I’m listening to the most right now. I remember people telling me when I was a teenager I’d grow out of metal,well I’m in my 40s now and still listening just as much if not more. It really is a way of life. Love and peace.

The 90s had such amazing metal bands. So many genres were exploding and were so exciting. Wasn’t so keen on that rap metal mind. I loved RATM but the ones that followed like Limp Bizkit were pretty dumb.

Sorry dude didn’t mean to offend anyone. Just didn’t personally like Limp Bizkit. Sorry.

Oh sorry man I thought you meant I was preaching to you. Yeah I loved the first Korn album hated the 2nd but loved the 3rd album. Stopped following them after that but still like the odd track after the 3rd album. Alone I break is an awesome track.

I remember seeing Pantera at the Ozzfest back in 98. Amazing set and a wild pit not as crazy as the Soulfly pit a set later that was insane. Love early Deftones up to the White Pony album.

yes but thrash, osdm, 1st wave black metal and the list goes on. So quite a different list but yeah I'm a metalhead

Celtic Frost are probably my fave out of the 1st wave black metal bands. Did you not get on with the 2nd wave of black metal? There are some great bands.

No I do just lower down on my list. Celtic frost absolutely genius band although there was a time they were called death metal

Early Dimmu Borgir for me mate. First 2 albums are great(even the ripped off track on the 2nd album) went off them when they expanded their sound.

sorgens is one of my fave tracks pity m8 i love most of their stuff although my fave albums are Puritanical and In sorte. stormblast will always hold a special place in my heart..

Of course Screamo counts man! Love myself a bit of Mice&Men and Bring Me The Horizon. Not sure if they’re Screamo bands?

I'm mid-forties now and grew up on bands like Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head and NIN. I've always been into other stuff as well but it's what I mostly listened to during my teens and twenties.
I don't listen to metal as much as I used to however I've found the old adage that your tastes mellow with age to be untrue in my case. I listen to some much heavier, more extreme bands than I used to and I'm much more open to sub genres I wouldn't have considered before.
My current favourite heavy listen is Lullabies for Eternal Sleep by Apes. Hadn't heard of them until I read a brief review that described that EP as being sort of like post-metal if all the quiet bits were replaced with nasty grindcore. One listen and I'd bought the tracks off Bandcamp. The first track, Cornwall, is savage but has such an amazing groove too.
If you like blackened stuff then check out Apes' earlier album, Lightless. Different to the latest material but still bloody good.
I don't listen to metal as much as I used to however I've found the old adage that your tastes mellow with age to be untrue in my case. I listen to some much heavier, more extreme bands than I used to and I'm much more open to sub genres I wouldn't have considered before.
My current favourite heavy listen is Lullabies for Eternal Sleep by Apes. Hadn't heard of them until I read a brief review that described that EP as being sort of like post-metal if all the quiet bits were replaced with nasty grindcore. One listen and I'd bought the tracks off Bandcamp. The first track, Cornwall, is savage but has such an amazing groove too.
If you like blackened stuff then check out Apes' earlier album, Lightless. Different to the latest material but still bloody good.

I pretty much listen to every metal track thrown at me with passion :D.
I love albums in every genre.
Some of my favorites bands are Decapitated, Dimmu Borgir, TBDM, born of osiris, meshuggah, lamb of god, well theres too much really ^^..
Metal is definitely a way of life.
Recently i've been listening to the Nomad album by Kublai Khan (insane tone/sound) and a gradual decline in moral by Kim Dracula, pretty strange shit but i love it haha.
I love albums in every genre.
Some of my favorites bands are Decapitated, Dimmu Borgir, TBDM, born of osiris, meshuggah, lamb of god, well theres too much really ^^..
Metal is definitely a way of life.
Recently i've been listening to the Nomad album by Kublai Khan (insane tone/sound) and a gradual decline in moral by Kim Dracula, pretty strange shit but i love it haha.

1."Reign in Bud" - Slayer (A stoner metal twist on Slayer's classic "Reign in Blood")
2."Black Sabbath's Munchies" - Black Sabbath (Featuring their heaviest hits to satisfy the munchies)
3."Master of Bongs" - Metallica (An epic blend of metal and cannabis-inspired anthems)
4."Weed the Lightning" - Megadeth (Thrashing through the green haze with high-intensity riffs)
5"Paranoid and Paranoider" - Black Flag (A punk-infused, paranoia-inducing masterpiece for the metalheads who like to keep it raw)
2."Black Sabbath's Munchies" - Black Sabbath (Featuring their heaviest hits to satisfy the munchies)
3."Master of Bongs" - Metallica (An epic blend of metal and cannabis-inspired anthems)
4."Weed the Lightning" - Megadeth (Thrashing through the green haze with high-intensity riffs)
5"Paranoid and Paranoider" - Black Flag (A punk-infused, paranoia-inducing masterpiece for the metalheads who like to keep it raw)

I go a lot of gigs and download/bloodstock festival. Some of the best music to have a smoke to.

Yeah probably the most community, friendly festival I’ve been to. Really chilled and there’s not too many people like major festivals.

lots of metal plays at the local gym, Sepultura, Nailbomb, SOAD, Pantera, Mastodon, Deftones, DOWN, Black Label Society, TOOL and some others I cant remember the name of

Seeing Municipal Waste again in October, really looking forward to that one
Recomendations wise, I've been really digging some of the "new wave trad" by the likes of Eternal Champion and Visigoth, super cheesy power metal about goblins and dragons, epic stuff...
Recomendations wise, I've been really digging some of the "new wave trad" by the likes of Eternal Champion and Visigoth, super cheesy power metal about goblins and dragons, epic stuff...

Thanks for the recommendations man I’ll check them out. I’m seeing Alcest in October and can’t wait for that.

Must be more then a few metalheads here on LB for sure.
Right now I'm waiting for the re-recording by the Calavera brother's of the Morbid Visions record. Absolutely can't bloody wait for that! Artwork is on point and the sound, my goodness.
But otherwise, been on a death metal vibe recently - the new 200 Stab Wounds EP and the new Kruelty record basically.
Right now I'm waiting for the re-recording by the Calavera brother's of the Morbid Visions record. Absolutely can't bloody wait for that! Artwork is on point and the sound, my goodness.
But otherwise, been on a death metal vibe recently - the new 200 Stab Wounds EP and the new Kruelty record basically.

Yeah I was thinking the same,that’s why I made the post just to see what bands everyone was into.
Oh if they get that right it should be awesome. Early Sepultura rocks. Love the Arise album lost interest around Roots. That album wasn’t for me. I really like Derrick on vocals even though a lot of Max fan boys gave him a hard time when he joined.
Oh if they get that right it should be awesome. Early Sepultura rocks. Love the Arise album lost interest around Roots. That album wasn’t for me. I really like Derrick on vocals even though a lot of Max fan boys gave him a hard time when he joined.

Tonight I've been listening to Cult of Luna and Boris. Last night it was Lamp of Murmuur and Fluisteraars. I'm in my 50s. Metal seems to make more sense the older I get but then the type of metal I listen to now is different from the metal I listened to at 16. Except for Sabbath. Always Sabbath 🤘Music just keeps on getting better.

Absolutely love Cult Of Luna their Salvation album was incredible! Can’t remember if it was their debut? Give Panoption a listen man especially there again into the light album it is pure genius. Austin Lunn plays over a dozen instruments on the album. Can’t wait to see them next month on their first ever UK tour. Always Iron Maiden for me mate though I do obviously love Sabbath.

Oh yeah I love Panopticon too. I was listening to And Again... last night. Also Botanist and Wolves In The Throne Room, sheer sheets of metallic sound, hypnotic riffs it's damn psychedelic as a genre in many ways. Also into stuff like Thou and Primitive Man, I was listening to the last Wormrot album the other day. There's just so much good stuff and such massive variety that it's impossible to not like something that's "metal" if you're into music. If anyone avoids metal they should take a deep dive into all the sub genres cos they'd be surprised at how much they would probably love. From Sunn O))) to Full of Hell and all the stops in between.

They’re ..again into the light album is so good. I found it very accessible compared to their earlier stuff. Still really enjoy their early folk metal inspired stuff. Kentucky is fantastic. I was lucky enough to see Wolves In The Throne Room a few years back. Beautiful gig. It was bombastic and majestic all at once. 🤘

I saw Panopticon a few years back over in Dutchie land, enjoyed them but haven't paid much attention to them since.Do you like Wayfarer? They do a similar type of thing kinda country tinged BM.

Really like Wayfarer too and a Scottish band called Saor. They play a similar style to Panopticon. Can’t wait to see them live,I’ve waited years for them to visit the UK. Gotta travel a few hundred miles but it will deffo be worth it. Much love.

Mate it looks epic!! Panopticon are headlining day one and are playing their entire Roads To The North album!! The entire weekend looks genuinely great too.

Dad got me into metal with sabbath i have to agree nearly 40 now .... So many metal genres would not exist without them ..

Yeah Sabbath are definitely the godfathers of metal. Without them half the genres today wouldn’t exist.

and if you into black metal check out Blackbraid they just relesed their second album its Native american black metal if you like melodic stuff check em out i feel they are only going to get better...

Thanks for the recommendation man. I’ll check them out later on they sound very intriguing.

2 posts
+8 votes
fav spacey, floaty albums?
Elder - Reflections of a Floating World
Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out
+ 2 more
fav spacey, floaty albums?
sometimes i like to just pop on an album that takes me to another world. two most recent arctic monkeys albums are great for it, i feel like i'm floating through the galaxy whenever i listen to

DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing for me. One of the few multi format albums I own that I’ve had to replace several times cos I’ve worn it out. Freaks me out that it’s nearly 30 years old, it blew my mind then and it still does now. A masterpiece of a sonic journey.

I drove 400 miles to see him DJ. Got realy high then kinda drive home 400 miles. The good old days of 1996.

I second both of these choices. I came here to say the 2nd as clearly the thread title leads anyone who knows the album to think of it. Saw them play it live about 20 years ago, and they were superb.

I third them both amazing albums, I will add any ozric tentacles early albums, cinematic orchestra ,

At one point Spiritualized were my most seen band. Overtaken by Morcheeba by the end of the 90s (i used to go on tour with them tho). Smoke Fairies are up there now too.

If I was going to give a single suggestion it would be:
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works '85-'92
Don't get Volume 2 if you like it and then expect anything like the same thing.
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works '85-'92
Don't get Volume 2 if you like it and then expect anything like the same thing.

Tame Impala - Lonerism
Mogwai - Rave Tapes (almost anything by mogwai tbh)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
Mogwai - Rave Tapes (almost anything by mogwai tbh)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon

The Future Sound of London - Lifeforms
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Brian Eno - Music For Films
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Quantic - The 5th Exotic
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Zero 7 - Simple Things
The Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Brian Eno - Music For Films
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Quantic - The 5th Exotic
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Zero 7 - Simple Things
The Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day

Here’s a few more albums that might fit your bill…..
The Verve - Storm in heaven
Move D - Solitaire
Mos Def/Talib Kweli - Black star
Lemon Jelly - lost horizons
XTC - Skylarking
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Tide/Wave
John Haycock - Dorian Portrait
The Verve - Storm in heaven
Move D - Solitaire
Mos Def/Talib Kweli - Black star
Lemon Jelly - lost horizons
XTC - Skylarking
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Tide/Wave
John Haycock - Dorian Portrait

Weirdly was watching the Acid House the other night and it played out with On Your Own...what a tune...love that band

Elder - Reflections of a Floating World
Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out
Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out

If you haven't already, check out both Noduns Ictus albums. Ozrics but with a focus on their floaty spacey sounds

Omfg the Ozrics! Lying in the dark on the floor two massive kef speakers , head in the sweetspot after buckets and hot knives

The original Dreamfish album was amazing back in the day. I remember getting a cassette tape copy from a guy at school and listening to it on headphones after a spliff which blew my mind. Got the CD off eBay years later and it's still good for an ambient chillout option.

I’ve got the vinyl of that! Quality Fax output. That label did loads of amazing CDs and they were all limited to between 200-500 copies only….

Sweet, I'll need to check my copy then. I might have bagged a rarity if it's the same label! 😂

I had quite a few but sold on sone years back highest I got was £300 for the second I.F. CD!

I prefer to lose myself in a movie or a game while high but this question feels like it was meant to be answered with ELO - Time.

Anything by LTJ Bukem
Anything by 4hero
Bit more mainstream but also love to chill to a bit of Zero 7😎 The live version of 'Destiny' (linked above) is just beautiful.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Anything by 4hero
Bit more mainstream but also love to chill to a bit of Zero 7😎 The live version of 'Destiny' (linked above) is just beautiful.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

1."The Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd: A classic album known for its immersive and trippy soundscapes.
2,"Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: This album is a pioneer in the ambient genre, creating a calming and ethereal atmosphere.
3,"Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine: This shoegaze masterpiece features layers of ethereal and swirling guitars that create a dreamy sonic landscape.
4."Aerial" by Kate Bush: This album is known for its ethereal vocals and lush instrumentation, creating a sense of floating through different sonic realms.
5."Moon Safari" by Air: A blend of electronic and dreamy pop, this album has a spacey vibe that transports listeners to otherworldly places.
6."Kid A" by Radiohead: While not entirely spacey, this album incorporates electronic and atmospheric elements that create a sense of floating through a surreal landscape.
7."Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor: This post-rock album features expansive and cinematic soundscapes that can evoke a sense of floating through space.
8."Homogenic" by Björk: Known for its experimental and otherworldly sound, this album combines electronic and orchestral elements to create a unique sonic journey.
2,"Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: This album is a pioneer in the ambient genre, creating a calming and ethereal atmosphere.
3,"Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine: This shoegaze masterpiece features layers of ethereal and swirling guitars that create a dreamy sonic landscape.
4."Aerial" by Kate Bush: This album is known for its ethereal vocals and lush instrumentation, creating a sense of floating through different sonic realms.
5."Moon Safari" by Air: A blend of electronic and dreamy pop, this album has a spacey vibe that transports listeners to otherworldly places.
6."Kid A" by Radiohead: While not entirely spacey, this album incorporates electronic and atmospheric elements that create a sense of floating through a surreal landscape.
7."Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor: This post-rock album features expansive and cinematic soundscapes that can evoke a sense of floating through space.
8."Homogenic" by Björk: Known for its experimental and otherworldly sound, this album combines electronic and orchestral elements to create a unique sonic journey.

Tripping with Nils Frahm is great for a spacey floaty experience. Seeing him live is even better.
Both Nodun's Ictus albums are good choices too - the Ozrics without as many guitar riffs
Both Nodun's Ictus albums are good choices too - the Ozrics without as many guitar riffs

Warp Artificial Intelligence 2, from the early 90s. Incredible album, well worth a listen.

I don't think this is what you're after, but it fits the bill...
I often fall asleep listen to a playlist on Spotify called "Floating through space" but it is literally ambient drone 😂
I often fall asleep listen to a playlist on Spotify called "Floating through space" but it is literally ambient drone 😂

Some fantastic albums here and I can't wait to dig into the rest of the suggestions, great thread :)
Not an album but In Love Again by Red Rack'em is a great flip of y by Outkast; super deep house, floaty as you say.
Not an album but In Love Again by Red Rack'em is a great flip of y by Outkast; super deep house, floaty as you say.

1/ "Departure from the Northern Wasteland" by Micheal Hoenig.....
2/"Pheadra" by Tangerine Dream
3/"Faultline" by Redshift.
4/"Mirage" by Klaus Schulze.
5/"Empetus" by Steve Roach.
6/"Waves Of Dreams" by Gert Emmens.
These are all Berlin School "floating" heaven and worthy of a listen....enjoy!
2/"Pheadra" by Tangerine Dream
3/"Faultline" by Redshift.
4/"Mirage" by Klaus Schulze.
5/"Empetus" by Steve Roach.
6/"Waves Of Dreams" by Gert Emmens.
These are all Berlin School "floating" heaven and worthy of a listen....enjoy!

Carbon Based Lifeforms, all of it. I tend to have a smoke.before bed, pop CBL.on and drift off to a nice spacey sleep.

Check out Haiku Salut - There is no elsewhere
Completely instrumental, so good to listen to while working, but also real nice to have on whilst having a smoke
Completely instrumental, so good to listen to while working, but also real nice to have on whilst having a smoke

Flow State by Tash Sultana
It's just her and a loop pedal, great album for a spaced out smoke
S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M. by OneBeLo.
So smooth.
It's just her and a loop pedal, great album for a spaced out smoke
S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M. by OneBeLo.
So smooth.

1 post
+2 votes

Anyone having issues with bitcoin?
have a payment showing on blockchain but has yet to show up with the vendor 4 hours later. Between this site's erratic behaviour and the mail strikes …

Anyone having issues with bitcoin?
Hi guys bittylicious pit their fees too low and all transactions aren't going through. Where can I get bitcoin in the UK?

There is a 15000 transaction mempool queue to get into a block. The spike of a huge number of transactions has overloaded the system ( again), the spike is now levelling off so we all have to wait if you have pending transactions. Unless you pay a high fee you will be the same as everyone else, good luck.

have a payment showing on blockchain but has yet to show up with the vendor 4 hours later. Between this site's erratic behaviour and the mail strikes it's got to be old skool tiul at least the new year then see where things have landed. Sick of the constant worry and frustration. Weed wasn't meant to be like this.

I used to mine Bitcoin and it's just not worth mining these days unless you've got free electricity.
Low mining fees were fine at the beginning because the miner or miners pool would get 25 whole new coins to keep for each coin solved.
I sold these for £300 each in the end before the boom :(
Anyway, it kept reducing to 5 new coins when I quit. I think it's 1 now.
The difficulty keeps increasing too so miners need to keep upgrading their hardware just when the old one has broken even.
I think BTC's a bit like the movie "The Big Short". Everyone into crypto knows Bitcoin is a dying whale but nobody wants to call it.
More importantly, which crypto is that money going to move to when that happens?
Anyway I hope it's gone through now :)
Even years ago some coins would take days to mine.
I was in a pool of over 200,000 other miners.
Some coins we would crack in 20 seconds. The next one in 2 minutes. Then the worst one we had was 76 hours...
Low mining fees were fine at the beginning because the miner or miners pool would get 25 whole new coins to keep for each coin solved.
I sold these for £300 each in the end before the boom :(
Anyway, it kept reducing to 5 new coins when I quit. I think it's 1 now.
The difficulty keeps increasing too so miners need to keep upgrading their hardware just when the old one has broken even.
I think BTC's a bit like the movie "The Big Short". Everyone into crypto knows Bitcoin is a dying whale but nobody wants to call it.
More importantly, which crypto is that money going to move to when that happens?
Anyway I hope it's gone through now :)
Even years ago some coins would take days to mine.
I was in a pool of over 200,000 other miners.
Some coins we would crack in 20 seconds. The next one in 2 minutes. Then the worst one we had was 76 hours...

I mined for a year with 7 gpus, lots of fun, was a hobby as i was into gaming /PCs before.
I caught the last year of the good times when it was over 40K sterling, then the crash and electricity prices shot up.
I had a great time, was fun learning experience and was making 100 euros in btc a week, the heat and noise i put up with like a real trooper.😁👍
I caught the last year of the good times when it was over 40K sterling, then the crash and electricity prices shot up.
I had a great time, was fun learning experience and was making 100 euros in btc a week, the heat and noise i put up with like a real trooper.😁👍

Yeah, the new energy prices have killed any chance here now.
I didn't know you could still turn over that much a week just before though.
I've only seen videos of the newer machines and they do sound noisy.
When I started, they had just moved from using graphics cards to ASIC USBs. First move to separate hardware I guess.
I had a full rig of 12 'Bitfury's running off an old laptop lol. Completely silent :)
Made sense to eBay that and get an independent machine when they came out.
Still got my dual Antminer / winter heater :) .
Awful design. 2 Antminers encased in a big unit with one extra fan for the enclosure.... One unit always slows down or stops. Wasn't that loud even with both running.
Maybe it's an antique now?
I didn't know you could still turn over that much a week just before though.
I've only seen videos of the newer machines and they do sound noisy.
When I started, they had just moved from using graphics cards to ASIC USBs. First move to separate hardware I guess.
I had a full rig of 12 'Bitfury's running off an old laptop lol. Completely silent :)
Made sense to eBay that and get an independent machine when they came out.
Still got my dual Antminer / winter heater :) .
Awful design. 2 Antminers encased in a big unit with one extra fan for the enclosure.... One unit always slows down or stops. Wasn't that loud even with both running.
Maybe it's an antique now?

Just to update, my transaction went through after around 30 hours.
Setting fee too low didn't help but the blockchain had a massive backup of unconfirmed transactions too.
By the time it cleared one of my two items had sold out lol so i just cancelled them both.
Transaxe Support and Refund Borg were right on the case and i got my refund 24hrs after original confirmation.
Both orders were cancelled before confirmation so all was very straight forward.
I've already started putting together my Christmas smoke lol.
Went for something different this time and made sure to pay enough fees lol
Long live LB! (Long live King Pistach!😊
Many thanks all vendors and respect to the biggas.
Setting fee too low didn't help but the blockchain had a massive backup of unconfirmed transactions too.
By the time it cleared one of my two items had sold out lol so i just cancelled them both.
Transaxe Support and Refund Borg were right on the case and i got my refund 24hrs after original confirmation.
Both orders were cancelled before confirmation so all was very straight forward.
I've already started putting together my Christmas smoke lol.
Went for something different this time and made sure to pay enough fees lol
Long live LB! (Long live King Pistach!😊
Many thanks all vendors and respect to the biggas.

1 post
+6 votes
Who's your fav Comedian?
"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."

Who's your fav Comedian?

A few weeks back I read a post on LB about the importance of money and all I can think about what this sketch by Dave Chappelle 😂
Who's your fav comedian of all time?
Who's your fav comedian of all time?

Really tough one.....Rik Mayall, Bill Hicks, Doug Stanhope, George Carlin, Stewart Lee, Steve Coogan, Andy Kaufman all worth a shout...but for me Peter Cook is probably God :)

Makes me so happy to see someone already mentioning Doug Stanhope, I know there are many great comedians out there who cater to all kinds of needs and tastes but for me personally and my outlook on the world, Doug has been a literal lifesaver for me on numerous occasions!
ironically i don't drink but man what i would give to just sit and have a beer with the guy
the linked video was my introduction to Doug wayyy over a decade ago, saw him on Charlie Brookers screenwipe which is a fucking masterpiece in itself, Brookers best work by far!
ironically i don't drink but man what i would give to just sit and have a beer with the guy
the linked video was my introduction to Doug wayyy over a decade ago, saw him on Charlie Brookers screenwipe which is a fucking masterpiece in itself, Brookers best work by far!

Yup. Probably the only one genuinely carrying the Bill Hicks, Sam Kinison, George Carlin torch...missed him on tour last year sadly...but live he's brilliant

Saw Doug live in the UK about a decade ago (not going to check, as it's probably way longer). He gave the disclaimer that 1/3 of his shows was funny. Fortunately we hit the 1 in 3. When on form, brilliant man.

Well, this is odd too. It was the only time I've ever lost a ticket to a gig. We'd been getting pissed in a nearby pub, and I got close to the venue, checked my pockets, and no tickets!! Panicked. Rushed back to the packed pub. Both of our tickets on the floor next to where we'd been sitting, behind people who'd since taken our table, and not taken by anyone. Picked them up, went to the gig. (Universe had my back that night too?) It was probably about 15ish years ago, maybe? I really don't want to Google it.
You don't want to know all of the shit I've been to or been up to over the years, dude, as it's incredibly extensive.
Just checked on his online tour schedule. It was 2012.
You don't want to know all of the shit I've been to or been up to over the years, dude, as it's incredibly extensive.
Just checked on his online tour schedule. It was 2012.

The way Peter Cook could improvise fully formed monologues off the top of his head was mesmerising. The best example was one of his final works playing four unique characters interviewed by Clive Anderson....completely unscripted

OH YES!! Now that's spot on! Eddie Murphy said Prior was instrumental in his comedy

A pioneer without a doubt. I also forgot about director and actor Chris Morris. BrassEye was such a special and groundbreaking series and the David Lynch inspired radio series Blue Jam and later TV series Jam is still as shocking and surprising as it was 20 years ago

Got to be Bill Hicks for me. Funny as hell, intelligent, aware but the message just rings true and think has a timeless relevance. But remember, It's just a ride...

Yup. Weird how he's not talked about so much these days. Helluva lot of good books written on him....Agent Of Evolution well worth a gander

Yep. I've read a few of books on Hicks, Agent of Evolution, Love all the People (mainly routines and lyrics) and American Scream. All good. Also remember seeing a really good film about him by a couple of friends which is well worth a watch.

Richard Pryor,,dave Chappel,Bill hicks.larry david
Chubby brown, Billy connolly,frankie boyle.
Chubby brown, Billy connolly,frankie boyle.

i can't get with bill hicks after i found out how vindictive he was towards certian other comidiens ...

I have to suggest George Carlin too (or, Rufus from 'Bill And Ted', as my foolish younger self thought of him), and this is my offering of a highlight of his work.

dam right george is the man, Andrew dice clay always gets forgotten and what about patrice o'neal and steve harvey n cedric the entertainer and bernnie mac ?? my all time fave is chubby brown and bernard manning though XD ... i don't care to be PC XD

Without a doubt, pure stand-up-wise Pryor is the GOAT.
Followed by Chapelle.
Then probably pre-2011 unadulterated Frankie Boyle before he pulled the ladder up behind him and became an unbearable, unfunny moral grandstander.
Followed by Chapelle.
Then probably pre-2011 unadulterated Frankie Boyle before he pulled the ladder up behind him and became an unbearable, unfunny moral grandstander.

I think it's a shame so many are willing to dismiss Frankie as having gone soft, or having strayed from his original philosophy. He's still prepared to, and makes no apology for sticking it to the abusers, elites and untouchables;- he just doesn't do some of his more controversial material (the stuff when viewed through our current standards isn't really okay). And mind-you this controversial material IMO has actually acted as a barrier to people hearing out Frankie. I swear 95% of people's opinions on him are somethin along the lines of "oh yeah that racist guy who makes fun of disabled children?". Not only is this an unfair description of him, but it stands in the way of his more truthful commentary
I can still laugh and and enjoy all of his old stuff, I love it honestly in a sick way- but can you imagine if any comedian today called a paralympian a challenge wank? Would be very hard to defend. You punch upwards, not down, although this is up to the individual comedian I guess. But Frankie is still the GOAT. Check out his C4 documentary on the royals. He pulls no punches there! It's acidic, boundary-pushing and hilarious!
I can still laugh and and enjoy all of his old stuff, I love it honestly in a sick way- but can you imagine if any comedian today called a paralympian a challenge wank? Would be very hard to defend. You punch upwards, not down, although this is up to the individual comedian I guess. But Frankie is still the GOAT. Check out his C4 documentary on the royals. He pulls no punches there! It's acidic, boundary-pushing and hilarious!

I don't reduce it to the point where I say I don't like him because he doesn't punch down.
Although, I think it's a good idea to be mindful that I don't think something is necessarily unfunny if it is punching down.
Frankie at his best appealed to most people because they were cynical and he was too.
You didn't even have to be thinking the things he was thinking for it to be funny, but just the thought of Frankie himself being so cynical that he would "punch down" so brutally and so often made him unique and watchable.
And at the same time, Frankie wasn't really that horrible, racist, disablist etc, but he recognised that people found cynical funny, that's why he worked.
As well, he used to say it was unfair to say comedy was the last bastion of free speech and then try to tell him he can't tell controversial jokes...
Also, do you remember "untitled street" on tramadol nights? That was a clear tip of the hat to the incipient censorship we would face, then he goes and pulls the ladder up and says Ricky Gervais shouldn't be allowed to tell his jokes about "whatever".
I don't especially like punching down, but I just think we should live in a world where we are allowed to be free to discern for ourselves what is funny without censorship infringing on comedians jokes. If you don't like a joke somebody told, then don't watch em.
I mean, I choose to do that every day of my life with miranda Hart because I've never liked a single joke she's told.
Given that Frankie has told way worse than 99.9% of standups I would argue that he stinks of hypocrisy for that. Not even a Gervais fan.
He's a great writer, and he's random as fuck, which is often funny.
I just lost all respect for him as a person and artist for being a hypocrite.
Although, I think it's a good idea to be mindful that I don't think something is necessarily unfunny if it is punching down.
Frankie at his best appealed to most people because they were cynical and he was too.
You didn't even have to be thinking the things he was thinking for it to be funny, but just the thought of Frankie himself being so cynical that he would "punch down" so brutally and so often made him unique and watchable.
And at the same time, Frankie wasn't really that horrible, racist, disablist etc, but he recognised that people found cynical funny, that's why he worked.
As well, he used to say it was unfair to say comedy was the last bastion of free speech and then try to tell him he can't tell controversial jokes...
Also, do you remember "untitled street" on tramadol nights? That was a clear tip of the hat to the incipient censorship we would face, then he goes and pulls the ladder up and says Ricky Gervais shouldn't be allowed to tell his jokes about "whatever".
I don't especially like punching down, but I just think we should live in a world where we are allowed to be free to discern for ourselves what is funny without censorship infringing on comedians jokes. If you don't like a joke somebody told, then don't watch em.
I mean, I choose to do that every day of my life with miranda Hart because I've never liked a single joke she's told.
Given that Frankie has told way worse than 99.9% of standups I would argue that he stinks of hypocrisy for that. Not even a Gervais fan.
He's a great writer, and he's random as fuck, which is often funny.
I just lost all respect for him as a person and artist for being a hypocrite.

Possibly the best joke, as delivered by Clement Freud? Flawless content and delivery, and a minute of your time.

100% Dave for living comic.
100% Dave Attell for pure savagery.
100% Bill Hicks for gone comic
100% Bob Saget for pure unexpected filth and sadly gone too soon comic
100% Dave Attell for pure savagery.
100% Bill Hicks for gone comic
100% Bob Saget for pure unexpected filth and sadly gone too soon comic

Seems like everyone here has the legends, GOATs and boundary-pushers covered!
But where's the love for Doug Stanhope? He's truly one-of-a-kind and his dark yet truthful commentary stands strong alongside the likes of Carlin or Frankie Boyle
If anyone here's missed over Doug Stanhope, you truly ARE missing out
But where's the love for Doug Stanhope? He's truly one-of-a-kind and his dark yet truthful commentary stands strong alongside the likes of Carlin or Frankie Boyle
If anyone here's missed over Doug Stanhope, you truly ARE missing out

1 post
+1 votes
Can I trust ordering from abroad?
Hahaha. You can barely trust sending local these days, if it's Royal Mail. Things here are a shambles now. Good luck

Can I trust ordering from abroad?
I’ve made a few order of magic mushroom on wik from Amsterdam. Roughly 70% was stopped should I expect the % with cannabis ? I’ve saw lots of good deals and great weed from the eu&us

Stealth is obviously paramount, and there are some great vendors with great stealth already mentioned, but I'm pretty sure no stealth on the planet can beat those bloody sniffer dogs.
It seems that if the package has been anywhere near an illegal substance in the last 10 years, those long eared buggers will sniff it out. They recon a bloodhound has 1,000 times the sense of smell of a human and can track a scent for up to 130 miles!
If you get one of them sticking it's nose in the bag of mail your weed is in, I'd put money on the dog finding it, so it's a risk but let's be honest there aren't enough bloodhounds in the world to monitor everything coming in and out of the UK mail system, so as with anything else, it's a calculated risk.
The Irish customs dogs are absolute legends in the field. They basically do the work of about 500 customs agents each.
It's annoying, but you can't help admiring the little bastards! And all that for a tennis ball...
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
It seems that if the package has been anywhere near an illegal substance in the last 10 years, those long eared buggers will sniff it out. They recon a bloodhound has 1,000 times the sense of smell of a human and can track a scent for up to 130 miles!
If you get one of them sticking it's nose in the bag of mail your weed is in, I'd put money on the dog finding it, so it's a risk but let's be honest there aren't enough bloodhounds in the world to monitor everything coming in and out of the UK mail system, so as with anything else, it's a calculated risk.
The Irish customs dogs are absolute legends in the field. They basically do the work of about 500 customs agents each.
It's annoying, but you can't help admiring the little bastards! And all that for a tennis ball...
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

just FYI lol,
Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in us. And the part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is about 40 times greater than ours. Dogs also have something called neophilia, which means they are attracted to new and interesting odors.
Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in us. And the part of a dog's brain that is devoted to analyzing smells is about 40 times greater than ours. Dogs also have something called neophilia, which means they are attracted to new and interesting odors.

Amazon carries smell proof dob bags that will hold up to 1/4 lb. I also recommend using a high mil mylar bag; once sealed, place in dop bag...
Then add many layers of shipping paper or the bubble wrap......you want that dop bag to be well disguised just in case a postal employee gets curious....
Then add many layers of shipping paper or the bubble wrap......you want that dop bag to be well disguised just in case a postal employee gets curious....

You can tell from their reviews that the established pros like SayNo2Drugs and Hashishin get their orders through, but if in any doubt there is nearly always a more local alternative. Personally I don’t hesitate as long asI’m not getting ripped on the delivery costs…👍

I bought 1 x cart, 1 x pen & edibles so no double bagging Mr.Whippy on those 94% THC boys! 😵💫🔥🫣
I’m thinking of getting a CBD cart though to balance it out as an experiment?…or maybe I just overthink this stuff? 🤔😂
I’m thinking of getting a CBD cart though to balance it out as an experiment?…or maybe I just overthink this stuff? 🤔😂

You overthinking 😳
Get polly’s laptop load up Excel, graphs and power point lol 😂
Nothing wrong with doing your homework and covering the bases 😉 Pollypuff20 wasn’t sure which pronoun to use lol 😂 🦊🐼
Get polly’s laptop load up Excel, graphs and power point lol 😂
Nothing wrong with doing your homework and covering the bases 😉 Pollypuff20 wasn’t sure which pronoun to use lol 😂 🦊🐼

I always have a couple hits of CBD before and after, I feel the entourage is nicer than the solo THC effect

I’ve had no probs domestic, I ordered from Amsterdam and got shit from
the border force, but I guess it depends on the vendors stealth and the ‘dam is probably a bit too obvs.
I’ve ordered from hashishin in the Middle East and it was super quick and amazing stealth.
A mate ordered from Spain and that came rapid and stealthy too.
Do like PP20 says, if the reviews are good it’s probably pretty legit.
the border force, but I guess it depends on the vendors stealth and the ‘dam is probably a bit too obvs.
I’ve ordered from hashishin in the Middle East and it was super quick and amazing stealth.
A mate ordered from Spain and that came rapid and stealthy too.
Do like PP20 says, if the reviews are good it’s probably pretty legit.

Can’t really add to what has been said.
I have only ordered from hashishin and it was slightly delayed at Heathrow post centre but his ninja 🥷 stealth is spot on.
Read the reviews and go with your gut.
You have done the best thing by asking. That’s what I do constantly. Otherwise your pissing in the wind.
What I will say is the gear from hashishin was fucking amazing and worth the wait.
I have only ordered from hashishin and it was slightly delayed at Heathrow post centre but his ninja 🥷 stealth is spot on.
Read the reviews and go with your gut.
You have done the best thing by asking. That’s what I do constantly. Otherwise your pissing in the wind.
What I will say is the gear from hashishin was fucking amazing and worth the wait.

Hi Backwoods1999
I only ordered once from Hashishin and it did arrive. Top stealth though.
But otherwise I stick to UK vendors for now.
Bear in mind that since Brexit the UK is outside of Europe so that has all sorts of implications with customs etc as some of our Irish friends can tell.
That is why as pollypuff and others have said stealth is paramount.
I only order smelly stuff from vendors with top stealth. Edibles and mushrooms are less of an issue.
I only ordered once from Hashishin and it did arrive. Top stealth though.
But otherwise I stick to UK vendors for now.
Bear in mind that since Brexit the UK is outside of Europe so that has all sorts of implications with customs etc as some of our Irish friends can tell.
That is why as pollypuff and others have said stealth is paramount.
I only order smelly stuff from vendors with top stealth. Edibles and mushrooms are less of an issue.

At least 10 orders in with hashishin
Can’t go wrong with this guy if your wanting something a bit special ✌️
If your ordering uk and want fast can’t go wrong with diuk there service has been blinding of lately 👍
Can’t go wrong with this guy if your wanting something a bit special ✌️
If your ordering uk and want fast can’t go wrong with diuk there service has been blinding of lately 👍

Hi Kiltman
Agreed - DIUK is my go to UK vendor.
I buy edibles for myself and some week for my girlfriend and they have a wide range of quality products - fairly priced.
Service is second to none.
Agreed - DIUK is my go to UK vendor.
I buy edibles for myself and some week for my girlfriend and they have a wide range of quality products - fairly priced.
Service is second to none.

I am a mushroom vendor in the US, and domestic shipping is totally safe. For cannabis, I have ordered from UK a few times and bought some hash from Hashishin from the Middle East. Never had a problem. Some vendors on here have better stealth shipping than others, so look at the reviews for each seller.

I ship high end shrooms to UK and Ireland...never had a package undelivered, but first class shipping takes so long to get there. But if you buy a lot, it is worth it to buy from a grower like myself who has quality control standards and superior potency shrooms
I wanted to show mycophiles and ordinary humans my latest accomplishment: successful flush of "starry night ape"....
I wanted to show mycophiles and ordinary humans my latest accomplishment: successful flush of "starry night ape"....

Stick with UK vendors, what will you say when you get arrested for importing scheduled substances?
Better UK to UK imho, you can likely get away with it domestic you may get a letter or a knock, only police or post office. If across borders you will have police and customs on your
Maybe not but i always assume worst outcome but hope for the best.
Not a great strategy!
Better UK to UK imho, you can likely get away with it domestic you may get a letter or a knock, only police or post office. If across borders you will have police and customs on your
Maybe not but i always assume worst outcome but hope for the best.
Not a great strategy!

I had bad luck abroad so sticking to UK to UK now even if it costs way more. Just aint worth the f¢ckery

I order from Hashishin and have no problem. I do, however, refrain from ordering from Europe unless the reviews are good. I did order from Ireland once and that was fine also. Only the once from Ireland mind. Check reviews first 👍

I have ordered from the UK a few times with zero problems passing customs. I am US based.

Now that I smoke more often, I have mates from Colorado send me flower, kief, dispensary concentrates, etc.....very private and convenient ordering from littlebiggy.org.
Still a risk getting flower sent from a recreational state to a non recreational state like mine...
Still a risk getting flower sent from a recreational state to a non recreational state like mine...

Thats insane mate, its legal in many states surely you live near one? I visited Washington state last yr for 2 weeks for that exact reason 👍 Amsterdam is ok etc but US concentrates are 🔥 when you buy them here on lb theres no QC, under dosed products. U got the source right there ❤️

Hahaha. You can barely trust sending local these days, if it's Royal Mail. Things here are a shambles now. Good luck

bro/sis all anyone on here can really say is, no nothing is ever trusted 100% on here as there's always the risk your gonna get you goods seized, irrespective of who or where it comes from the risk is real,
but as polly has said there are vendors from abroad that are really on point bus as previously stated nothing is ever a guarantee,
Again jumping on polly statement, everything that's listed on here more or less comes from abroad apart from all the home grown 'flavours' etc so there's no reason to have the added risk of it getting your parcel seized by customs,
its less likely your items will get taken if you stay within the UK,
ive bought from hashisin b4 and was really good shit, ordered from NERO and both parcels apparently got seized including the reship so again with anything its really buyers beware!
but as polly has said there are vendors from abroad that are really on point bus as previously stated nothing is ever a guarantee,
Again jumping on polly statement, everything that's listed on here more or less comes from abroad apart from all the home grown 'flavours' etc so there's no reason to have the added risk of it getting your parcel seized by customs,
its less likely your items will get taken if you stay within the UK,
ive bought from hashisin b4 and was really good shit, ordered from NERO and both parcels apparently got seized including the reship so again with anything its really buyers beware!

if you need shrooms give us a go bro
uk but send worldwide (except australia and nz) and success is like 99%
uk but send worldwide (except australia and nz) and success is like 99%

It's safer on here and with the right person. This this out

1 post
+2 votes

Go to The Gentleman Dealers. Issues a tracker number with every purchase and it has always arrived the next day without fail and you have peace of min…

Isn't it about time vendors on here cuaght up with other websites vendors and send out tracking number once order has been posted ?
Its getting annoying ordering on here and it not showing as sent after 2 days and vendor not responding to messages time and time again , i know i should probably use another vendor buy i know the quality and price from who i use currently.
Its getting annoying ordering on here and it not showing as sent after 2 days and vendor not responding to messages time and time again , i know i should probably use another vendor buy i know the quality and price from who i use currently.

Go to The Gentleman Dealers. Issues a tracker number with every purchase and it has always arrived the next day without fail and you have peace of mind while waiting. Unfailingly prompt and reliable unlike most of the other ones who don't issue trackers and unsurprisingly, often have deliveries going missing or taking 4 days to arrive. Tbh, this service is getting worse and worse and increasingly I'm going back to face to face pick ups. Old skool reliability still works.

Ok so ive seen a cancel option because its not yet posted ,does anyone know howling it takes for a refund and if i lose any money for doing it?

Hi mate
If you hit cancel it'll send the vendor a request to cancel the order then they hit yes or no their end.
It's not an auto thing where by cancelling tour funds come straight back. If he accepts the cancel you'll have tonrovide a waller address to the refund borg and they'll send it across.
Can take around 48 hours. You'll lose some of the coin on transaction fees though I'd imagine.
If you hit cancel it'll send the vendor a request to cancel the order then they hit yes or no their end.
It's not an auto thing where by cancelling tour funds come straight back. If he accepts the cancel you'll have tonrovide a waller address to the refund borg and they'll send it across.
Can take around 48 hours. You'll lose some of the coin on transaction fees though I'd imagine.

Ordered from Green Cat for the first time around midnight on Sunday, was hoping it would be sent sometime today before the 3pm cut off advertised on his profile however it looks like it hasn't been sent.
Every other vendor I've bought from have always sent within their cut off period but I guess Green Cat must just be very busy. Also the first vendor not to respond to my comms.
I'm in no rush to receive the product as my stash is still full but definitely not a great first impression delivery wise however I'm sure the product will be banging and will arrive eventually.
Every other vendor I've bought from have always sent within their cut off period but I guess Green Cat must just be very busy. Also the first vendor not to respond to my comms.
I'm in no rush to receive the product as my stash is still full but definitely not a great first impression delivery wise however I'm sure the product will be banging and will arrive eventually.

Some of his products are banging but not best customer service but if he's running it on his own fare play .
You'll be happy with you purchase and i dont think the service will put you off.
You'll be happy with you purchase and i dont think the service will put you off.

so should i expect it tomorrow?
Just so i know what to grab to see me through .
Thanks for responding dont want to hassle i just have to plan ahead with my meds . Thanks
Just so i know what to grab to see me through .
Thanks for responding dont want to hassle i just have to plan ahead with my meds . Thanks

All ill say it was worth the wait as always GC pulled it off eventually😂
Hope you other guys get yours today ,thanks GC.
Hope you other guys get yours today ,thanks GC.

Royal Mail are absolutely useless. I can't believe they're demanding more money when they can't even do the basics. It's not like it's a difficult job.

Yeah i see cardiff and newport have small issues but it dont come through wales as far as i know thats why i want a tracker as if its delayed any longer at least i can go some where else while i wait ,ive had an order from saturday come today no problem so why one ordered thursdays not showed up is obviously frustrating .

Am the same ordered stuff Thursday
Received other stuff from different sellers but still not this
Hopefully it’s just delayed
Received other stuff from different sellers but still not this
Hopefully it’s just delayed

others have reviewed saying recieved today ordered 2 days ago for same stuff but mines 4 days and no delivery or reply.
I dont mind waiting 4/5 days or more if it was stated that as i would plan to kepo enough to last me until then but now its down my local guy for a 3rd time when i could of got more off him the first time to last me but not knowing when its coming has cost me 3 full price 8th and could of had a half same price if i knew ,after last time i thought it might of been a one off.
I dont mind waiting 4/5 days or more if it was stated that as i would plan to kepo enough to last me until then but now its down my local guy for a 3rd time when i could of got more off him the first time to last me but not knowing when its coming has cost me 3 full price 8th and could of had a half same price if i knew ,after last time i thought it might of been a one off.

Some vendors don't tend to reply over the weekend but I'm pretty sure green cat will be in touch once he has read ur msg. Got a 3.5 of pinkman goo last week delivery was a lil late but got there in the end. wudnt worry m8 prob a royal snail issue

1 post
+1 votes

Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
Surely it's Moss Side's very own MC Tunes
I’m old so I’d argue Kalashnekoff, Fallacy or pretty much half of the old mud fam (skinny, Chester), got to give a mention for doc brown though, new album is nice, still going
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol

Yeh that K-lash album was a banger, actually gave it another listen not long ago and it’s still a fucking banger. I’d say any from K-lash, Kano, Taskforce and Jehst.

shed you know the deal lol! but there is no way we can put this down to ONE best uk rapper, Klash & terra firma... MUD fam, That arab uk guy from deal real days cant remember his name but TOP lyricist, Too many to mention TBH,
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!

I love doc Brown's music, but the guy's an arsehole
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too

That parrowdice album is absolutely timeless never get bored of listening to it, pound sterling use to like some of his stuff from back in the day? Can you remember channel u, that was on sky, had all the upcoming young english talent, use to watch religiously, use to have some mad guys on there!!!!

Great shout there - were you also a Yungun fan? He’s back with new stuff under ‘Essa’ - still awesome! Also used to bang Universal Soldiers every single day - going to put it on now in fact, happy Friday all!

Yungun! Yeah man, he had a phat album with Mr Thing called GMB (grown man business) and he got a song on there called 'peter pan syndrome' which actually makes my heart bleed.... that dude is an entertainment lawyer now!

Top album!! Yeah man that’s crazy isn’t it!! Wiccaman theory by Chester P used to get me like that! The ten pound bag mixtapes were brilliant too. Loving this thread, now reminded me of how much I love Dabbla and LDZ, having a great day :D

Ten pound baaaaagggg...oh my days... the problem with smoking so much weed is I forget too much music lol...damn, louis slipperz on the mix...some of the beats of those were mind-wreckingly phat...man, I got to dig those out...yeah, loving this thread too man, nice to know I'm not the only one still rocking out Taskforce and Skinnyman and shit...oh shit...Sway...remember that cat? He did the tune over the car racing tune..ah shit...memory lol...I know the one, think it was called 'up your speed', so many bangers lost to the pit of my weeded memory lol...

Hahaha mate 100% the same!! Weeded memory sucks!! Yeah I’d completely forgotten about Sway! Flo’ Fashion was an absolute banger as well!!

Anything off that album was fantastic.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.

Agree with pretty much all of the below suggestions.
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...

Kano is tremendous live too. And so is d double e....ghetts is passable but compared to the other 2 he falls short in my eyes. I've seen all 3 of them perform multiple times

Didn’t even need to play this via link got this one backed up on the old I tunes... Badabapbap!!! Big tune

Akala for the win. Definitely NOT Skinnyman... Although I did like Council Estate of Mind.

OLDsKoOl... Return of the drifter was an epic album.. still gets alot of play in my dojo lol! How could we forget Jehst!
You like braintax too?
You like braintax too?

Still listen to “sagas of kalashnekoff”. If anyone is wondering, the film used for the skits is “Babylon”. A great film, its like a reggae “commitments”

Every Thursday at 7pm we should all go outside and start shouting "can't take no more of that"

That black cunt outta stokie, banana mango munching monkey, ill kick off ya door like jumanji!!! Hahahaha that guy!!!

I'm younger than some on this thread so don't know too many old school UK rappers. Mainly like old American rappers/mcs from the 90s, but would also give a vote to skinny man. Council Estate of mind is one my favourite albums of all time and its criminal he's not better known (In the mainstream).
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.

Def a personal favourite. Don’t think he’s made an average album and seen him live a couple times and never disappointed.

Fliptrix, Chester P, Akala, Lowkey and skinny man... Can't really claim one is better than the other, they have all reached maxed skill in their unique styles

Glad to see someone get fliptrix in there. Saw him and skinny man live at subterranea just before lockdiwn and its unreal how much stage presence fliptrix has...and he's a fucking giant lol

As much as I properly love late 90s/early 200s UKHH, I have to say that Dabbla is right up there for me.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.

Hmmmm, Good question man, Jehst is up there for me.. But, with the new school vibes of like Ocean Wisdom, Verb-T. I’m not sure anymore :)

Top reply that! Early Jehst is hard to beat in my book! Chester P also up there - more recently loving Lee Scott (by no means would class him as UKs greatest but he’s a personal fav of mine :)

Chester P is also a bloody lovely bloke to boot. A carer these days and seems.to have his head properly screwed on

Chester P for mayor!!
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.

ches don't like MF doom he says hes a traitor to the uk scene but MF's perants moved to the US he had no choice and i just think ches is bitter and jelouse he never got what MF doom did ..

Ocean wisdom I think has one of the best flows in the UK scene Verb-T perfect for a heavy zoot and a relax

Silver Bullet, hands down is the best UK rapper (really showing my age). 20 Seconds was good but 'Bring forth the Guillotine' is a classic.

Some greats already mentioned! but Dizzie rascal has to be in there for me! . Stefflon don , Jaykae and Bugzy Malone have some tunes too. Could be cheating but 21 savage as well I’m sure I saw he was from Newham originally?

I think he is you know!!! Who was the the other mc how was orginally in the newham generals, cant remember his name to stoned!!! Haha, ive even seen him live aswell at show at london dungeons, my mate won vip ticketsto see them and dizzee and jammer!!! Only 200 people whata fucking night that was!!! Still cant remeber his name!!! Haha

Bullet from a guuuuuuunnnnn!!! Derek B was the fucking man, he must have been one of my first UK hip hop heroes! Ahhh, this brings back memories..who remembers Normski?! Cannot for the life of me remember the show he had on tv for a while but I fucking loved it...

Ooooh, that rings a bell...really can't pull it out of my brain, Normski was the presenter and it was literally the only thing on tv that had any flavour at all, was late on a Friday night iirc

Showing my age ( and probably giving away that I’m more of a guitar guy ) but The Streets first album is awesome

I think for me it’s Potter Payper if you want that real rap but grime wise I’m going to say Ghetts.

All completely subjective but
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.

It’s gotta be Skepta or Dizzee man!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!

For skill, Harry shotta. Me personally. Then Kalashnekov dizzee and the streets. A grand don’t come for free was a masterpiece


JME all day. Showing my age now.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.

So many to choose from such as Ghetto but I'm gonna have to go for his old mate Kano. Special place in my heart for that donny.

I get what you mean I'm mainly on about his first shit after that he got annoying as fuck when he switched his style tbh lol

It’s all a bit mid 2000s Roll Deep etc. Good proving grounds for the future, some good MCs came out of it, but in itself it’s pretty shit. I mean compare that to some Wu Tang shit, which I guess would be the New York streets equivalent 15 years earlier... doesn’t even compare.

Not the most original post, but if what I read on the internet it true, then I would say MF DOOM, (apparently born in London).

To be honest, there isn't one, it's so hard to choose just one when there's so much talent out there.

I know he doesn’t rap anymore, but Plan B in his prime was exceptional. The Paint it Blacker Mixtape is one of my all time favourites

Not a fan of him as a person but Slowthai has been doing some really good stuff for a while now deserves a mention. Loyle Carner also I think Lyrically is very nice

There are plenty contenders, but considering quality of his music, duration of career, significance/legacy etc, I think you need to go a long way to better Kano as one of the greats in the UK.

Lowkey, songs banned in USA raided by mi5 no one can match his word play only guy to do chip in a beef. Too real too intelligent.

Dutty goodz is the king for me, chester p, lowkey,akala are also faves, and ocean wisdom for technicality, not so keen on his content but he's got very diverse flows and spot-on delivery.

Not saying he's the best but he defo up there can't believe no one shouted out MR Traumatik, he's a fucking savage 😄

elder; crazy t, wiley, killa p, flowdan, riko dan, trim, dizzee, tempz
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe

Devs aint even a rapper.. grime spitter. Never even done rap or hip hop. No wonder. Jimmy.

1 post
+3 votes
Asteroid City
Loved it but I'm a fan, I get he's marmite. Bits of this were like a live action Fantastic Mr Fox. 3 word review, Loving The Alien.
Loved it but I'm a fan, I get he's marmite. Bits of this were like a live action Fantastic Mr Fox. 3 word review, Loving The Alien.

1 post
+2 votes
new order vs depeche mode?
New Order for life, 40 years man and boy. What about, current New Order vs Peter Hook and The Light?
Tough one that. Vince Clarke era Depeche were arguably the best.
Pure electronic pop music and Vince cemented that with the fantastic Yazoo.
New order are really more of a British institution as later Depeche went full on American rock gods cliche, and not really my thing.
Born out of Joy Division ultimately New Order’s path was foisted upon them by the untimely tragedy of Ian Curtis but they rose to the occasion and still put out the occasionally brilliant record (last one for me was ‘shifty’) and have a back catalogue of strong albums with ‘Technique’ ‘Power Corruption and Lies’ being my favourites.
Pure electronic pop music and Vince cemented that with the fantastic Yazoo.
New order are really more of a British institution as later Depeche went full on American rock gods cliche, and not really my thing.
Born out of Joy Division ultimately New Order’s path was foisted upon them by the untimely tragedy of Ian Curtis but they rose to the occasion and still put out the occasionally brilliant record (last one for me was ‘shifty’) and have a back catalogue of strong albums with ‘Technique’ ‘Power Corruption and Lies’ being my favourites.

Another vote for New Order. I have the legendarily runious pressing of Blue Monday (FAC 73) on vinyl in excellent condition. Got to love a band who have a song that enables them to get out of the venue before the end of it at their shows.

1 post
+8 votes

in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
Rodney Dangerfield or Norm MacDonald. Could either be funny as shit or real deep or both, probably.

in all of history who would you most like to get stoned with?
for me it's putin i'd like to talk some sense while the weed's still in him

Jesus would be a good call, if he could do that thing with the wine then think of the stash!😵💫🥰

I have nothing to back up this up because I haven’t looked but a yoga teacher once told me that Jesus smoked weed and did yoga… a lot!

That’s if he is real ?
Now I’m not saying he is or isn’t and a firm believer that you do what you want as long as you don’t impose your beliefs what ever they may be on me.
but I just find it wired how in the Middle East that Jesus had mates called Mathew, Mark, luke and John ?????
Now I’m not saying he is or isn’t and a firm believer that you do what you want as long as you don’t impose your beliefs what ever they may be on me.
but I just find it wired how in the Middle East that Jesus had mates called Mathew, Mark, luke and John ?????

I have no doubt that Jesus was a real person and have read a number of good books on the subject. My favourite is ‘Holy Blood & The Holy Grail’ which examines the theory that Jesus was actually high born, had a real if tenuous claim to be King of the Jews and that this together with his non stop preaching is what pissed the Romans off. He actually married Mary Magdelane at the wedding at Cana (as a lowly carpenter’s son he would not have been invited to what was a society wedding) and because the Romans wanted rid of him his followers negotiated with Pontius to ‘disappear’ him rather than see him imprisoned and they did rather a good job of this! They cut him from the cross, hid him a got him out of there in what would become to be known as the ‘resurrection’.
He died not long after in Europe, but Magdelane was pregnant and there became a huge mission to protect his bloodline. The holy grail was in fact a symbol for her womb. She bore his child and died in France. The knights Templar have protected the bloodline and it’s believed his descendants are alive today.
Nice! 🥰🥰
He died not long after in Europe, but Magdelane was pregnant and there became a huge mission to protect his bloodline. The holy grail was in fact a symbol for her womb. She bore his child and died in France. The knights Templar have protected the bloodline and it’s believed his descendants are alive today.
Nice! 🥰🥰

Jesus was irrefutable as a real living person, Christians believe he was the son of God. Thats what their faith boils down to, you believe he could perform miracles or you dont, however Christ existed as a mortal being. Whether he rose from the dead etc is where faith derives, you believe or you dont.

Inglis83 that’s your prerogative and that’s my whole point wherever I agree or disagree is irrelevant to anyones opinion.
Just be happy 😃
Just be happy 😃

I think my point is I’ll smoke with most people regardless of race religion fucking anything.
As long as they are a good person
As long as they are a good person

Me to man ✌️💨 honestly didn’t pick Jesus to spark a debate just thought why not he’s caused a pretty big stir real or not 😂

Hey dude.. I mean Jesus is a historical figure not just religious so as real as Henry the 8th or Julius Caesar.
Who knows what names they had in the Middle East thousands of years ago. The bible could be a fairy tale but there is a lot of evidence to suggest Jesus was a real person
That being said I think a lot of history is bolox so who knows really but it’s as good an answer as any not sure why your picking on me 😂
I’m spiritual but not Christian or religious so not imposing any beliefs on anyone
Who knows what names they had in the Middle East thousands of years ago. The bible could be a fairy tale but there is a lot of evidence to suggest Jesus was a real person
That being said I think a lot of history is bolox so who knows really but it’s as good an answer as any not sure why your picking on me 😂
I’m spiritual but not Christian or religious so not imposing any beliefs on anyone

Bevbevan1 that’s my point.
Anyone can and will believe what they want because that’s up to them. Wherever that be Christian, Muslim, Jedi or spiritual fair play. As long as your happy 😆 that’s the main thing.
Hope your good man
Anyone can and will believe what they want because that’s up to them. Wherever that be Christian, Muslim, Jedi or spiritual fair play. As long as your happy 😆 that’s the main thing.
Hope your good man

I agree I just thought Jesus was a funny answer and if I met him then I would get to find out some secrets 😉
People be free to believe what they want it dosnt bother me 😊
Im all good buddy how are you?
People be free to believe what they want it dosnt bother me 😊
Im all good buddy how are you?

I'm 50/50 on whether that last point was tongue in cheek, but just in case it wasn't, the names of the Apostles are Anglicised from Aramaic (via Hebrew and Greek).

Many of you have already said so Jesus so going to have to go with Alexander Shulgin

Nikola Tesla - Would love to bring his ideas to the current stage of tech giving humanity freedom and the world a much needed break from our destructive manors.

Rodney Dangerfield or Norm MacDonald. Could either be funny as shit or real deep or both, probably.

Pyramid Builders of Egypt,
The last Inca Atahualpa,
A previous reincarnation of myself
someone from the stone age
and like the og poster said Putin, be cool to smoke a j with Putin
The last Inca Atahualpa,
A previous reincarnation of myself
someone from the stone age
and like the og poster said Putin, be cool to smoke a j with Putin

I'd try Hitler see if we could have redirected some of that brain off the war-monger amphetamines ... need to be a strain that makes one giggly and munchied up...feed that fecker matza and latkas until he passed out in tryptophanic bliss...

Aye but to distract him give him the blunt and put the lighter on full to burn that fucking mustachio

Bill Hicks legend and right about everything
I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more … but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?
I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more … but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and … I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?

@McFly369 you have more chance of being Han Job than and solo or Han Job solo
Han silo protecting the carts of the galaxy ha ha ha ha
Han silo protecting the carts of the galaxy ha ha ha ha

I’d love to have a smoke with bob Marley if he was still with us, and I would also love to try and out smoke snoop dogg haha

Snoop for me too. Everyone who has had the pleasure of smoking with him has a funny story. I’m not the biggest Kat Williams fan but his story is my favourite.

I used to walk about on Hampstead Heath at night sometimes, not because I am gay, but because I hoped to bump into George Michael cruising so that I could have a spliff with him.
What a wonderful man he was.
What a wonderful man he was.

Amy & Janis for sure.
They would definitely have guitars. We'd sing & laugh our cackly laughs & talk about love & broken hearts & why men aren't good for us.
I don't think there'd be snacks but I'd cope this one time.
They would definitely have guitars. We'd sing & laugh our cackly laughs & talk about love & broken hearts & why men aren't good for us.
I don't think there'd be snacks but I'd cope this one time.

4 posts
+5.2 votes

Best weed movie?
Holy Mountain is the Ipsissimus of psychedelic movies.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funnie…
+ 4 more

Best weed movie?
Seen and contributed to a great topic thread about the best weed song here. How about the best movie about weed or to watch after indulging?

I had another movie in mind when I clicked on this topic, but you nailed it. The greatest stoner movie ever, The Big Lebowski.

How High with WuTang's Methodman - turns out that name is a reference to acting technique.

How about "A Clockwork Orange." Saw it for the first time at my frat house in the early 80's. It's time for bit of the ole in out in out. Love it.

There's always Reefer Madness. It's pretty damn funny, especially since it was released in 1936. Right up there with masturbation causing blindness and hairy palms. If that was true l would be wearing dark glasses, holding a tin cup begging for enough money to buy a new razor.

I've been meaning to watch that after a few spliff for a while now, Yellow Submarine definitely pickles your head too.

"Interstellar 5555" :) (How can you beat Japanese Anime set to Daft Punk's Discovery for audio/visual, I mean come on seriously?lol)
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..

Only rewatched this a few days ago. I'd forgotten how amazing it is! Thanks again for the recommendation

Hangover 1,2,3, Pineapple Express, Harold Kumar 1,2,3, This Is The End, Tenacious D, Mac & Devin & many many more <3

Absolutely. Dazed and Confused, whenever I want to remember my teens. I definitely peaked in highschool.

Have to say "Up in Smoke" by Cheech and Chong. Stacey Keach at his best and the whole idea of getting EVERYONE at a concert stoned at once!

Agree! Read the book and loved it. Wasn't even aware there was a movie. Going to search for it.

Richard Linklaters two rotoscoped classics, "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly" are great to watch when you're baked.

A Scanner Darkly is a great pic. I only learned recently that Phillip K Dick wrote this (along with the book Bladerunner is based on - 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and also 'Minority Report' to name but a few. He is the Don of sci-fi.

Some of his early stuff that hasn’t been made into a movie or a tv show is amazing. Think he found god around the early 70s (the acid and weed was good back in the day) and his later stuff is very spiritual. He is the Don !

I recommend Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) which was inspired by Ubik and remade as Vanilla Sky.

Yeeeah! Thanks for reminding me of those two. This is my favourite thread of all time.

Just some of my favs to watch while high as a mofo:
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers

Just a couple more :p
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers

I love Pineapple Express damn I think I can quote most of it hahah
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”

Not a weed movie as such but up there with the best 'Withnail and I' - I will never tire of this film...

Homegrown 1998
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach

I remember going to see Cliffhanger when I was on Acid 25 years ago and it scared the fuck out of me as I'm scared of heights.

Idiocracy is an oldie that hardly got shown anywhere. Its funny as f""" very black humour but coming true today, so very relevant. This is a great thread. Thanks all :)

So many movies ive not seen .... got sone catching up to do!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!

There's a newish film called Valerian and the 1000 planets ( something like that) that's a proper mind fuck too.

Holy Mountain is the Ipsissimus of psychedelic movies.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.

Was gonna say this. Amazing film, rewatched it last night and it gets better each time there's so much going on. And Short Round won an Oscar.

I just scrolled through 100 comments and none said Cisco Pike??? Retired dealer Kris Kristopherson has to sell a garage full of bales of weed for cop Gene Hackman...how did you all miss that classic?

Haven’t seen it, but now I will....especially as I’ve just had a delivery of some jack herer. Thanks for the recommendation

Amazing movie...matched by your choice of profile pic.an absolute classic graphic novel.shouldve won way more awards.

Inception is incredible when high, most Nolan movies are due to the picture quality on his movies (and the topics). But I love watching Inception stoned, recently watched Tenet and have watched it another few times high and it blew my mind.

I’ve heard tenet is an absolute mind fuck so I’ll have to roll one and load it up. Cheers for the recommendations

Point Break (original) is a great movie to watch while stoned, failing that Supertroopers is always a winner!

Heres one i dont see mentioned enough and is a amazing movie. Mr Nice , its a movie about the great howard marks and importing weed into the uk back in the day. its really funny and well worth a watch

Whilst it's dated now, when The Matrix came out in 1999 it was like nothing we'd seen before. I went to see it in the theatre sooper high and it was a wild ride never to be forgotten.

Matrix. Not my sort of film normally. But one quiet night in the house, slowly and steadily getting stoned and it all made sense, until the next day.

Pineapple Express is funny as hell when smoking your favorite kush or haze or hash. This whole movie revolves around smoking weed.

Can believe these haven’t been mentioned ! If I’ve duplicated apologies ahead it’s a long thread
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget

1 post
+5 votes

Why so much hate
Reckon it's dying but I've been using it a long time and often, and am seeing what's happening. Chasing a load of lost money as we speak.

Why so much hate
Just having a browse looking to stock up my stash before Xmas and reading reviews as made me step back a bit. I see alot of reviews critisicibg vendors for lack of comms and "parcel took ages" yes... Because you are like everyone of us just now who are being royally screwed by RM. BTW I support the strikes!
As for comms, unless you've living under a blanket for the last 7 days you would have noticed LB has not been running well. The vendors, like us, have to wait an age for pages to load, so if you didn't receive a reply, I'm sure you can work out why. More so when it's asking for tracking during a 48 hour strike...
Sorry for ranting guys but let's spread some love not hate. It's not the vendors fault for sure!
As for comms, unless you've living under a blanket for the last 7 days you would have noticed LB has not been running well. The vendors, like us, have to wait an age for pages to load, so if you didn't receive a reply, I'm sure you can work out why. More so when it's asking for tracking during a 48 hour strike...
Sorry for ranting guys but let's spread some love not hate. It's not the vendors fault for sure!

I think there are two types of buyers on here, those that understand it's not Amazon, who understand vendors take a huge risk in doing what they are doing, and that we are vulnerable to numerous issues by selling online, including BTC crashes, postal strikes, LB maintainance issues... not to mention transporting large quantities of an illegal substance just to get it into the postal system... plus the time and effort for stealth to keep customers safe.
Then there are those who have absolutely no idea what vendors go through, and assume this is one big walk in the park.
I've been here for best part of three years now (and I've seen them come and watched them go) but one thing I can say for sure is its getting more and more difficult to justify selling on here, especially as a small vendor. I'm certain there are others that feel the same.
Leaving shitty reviews because you think you deserve your premium cannabis delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours, might just be the straw that breaks yet another small vendor's back.
I'd ask the members who leave those kind of reviews to ask themselves - what they would do when vendors decide the risks aren't worth the rewards?....
Eventually it'll be zero artisan products on LB and 100% monopoly by the mass producers, and we all know that doesn't work out for anyone....ever.
So yeah, a bit more love and understanding from the usual critical subjects would be great, but I won't hold my breath.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻❤️
Then there are those who have absolutely no idea what vendors go through, and assume this is one big walk in the park.
I've been here for best part of three years now (and I've seen them come and watched them go) but one thing I can say for sure is its getting more and more difficult to justify selling on here, especially as a small vendor. I'm certain there are others that feel the same.
Leaving shitty reviews because you think you deserve your premium cannabis delivered to your doorstep within 24 hours, might just be the straw that breaks yet another small vendor's back.
I'd ask the members who leave those kind of reviews to ask themselves - what they would do when vendors decide the risks aren't worth the rewards?....
Eventually it'll be zero artisan products on LB and 100% monopoly by the mass producers, and we all know that doesn't work out for anyone....ever.
So yeah, a bit more love and understanding from the usual critical subjects would be great, but I won't hold my breath.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻❤️

Well said BB, as a solo artisan vendor here doing everything by myself i fully agree this is definitely no walk in the park so I’m sending out some love to those vendors working day and night to keep people happy. Your all doing a great job and the ones that understand that will appreciate your hard work and the risks we take. ✌🏻❤️much love Eddy

Big love to you too buddy. Your products look fantastic. Keep up the good work. 👌
Take care and have a lovely Christmas. 🎄🎅
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺❤️
Take care and have a lovely Christmas. 🎄🎅
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺❤️

Agree 100% with you brothers and sisters. We are working hard to make sure all our customers have products sent ASAP and reply to messages when we see them come through. Appreciate all the love and positive comments coming our way. ❤️😊👍

You vendors are heroes to me, always have been even the street vendors.
I'm pretty sure if you go through my buy reviews every single one is a 10 lol
Love you guys and gals out there!❤️💚✌️
I'm pretty sure if you go through my buy reviews every single one is a 10 lol
Love you guys and gals out there!❤️💚✌️

I think this is a symptom of wider society. There’s so many angry, hateful individuals out there that like to moan and complain and make someone else miserable because their lives are so shitty it’s their only fun in life.
This place has been an absolute godsend to me with some top drawer vendors. I’ve been here for about 3 years or so.
And there are some genuinely good people on here, I’ve had overwhelmingly good experiences.
And it's the hard work and effort of vendors that keeps me coming back. Thanks for your service! Salute!
This place has been an absolute godsend to me with some top drawer vendors. I’ve been here for about 3 years or so.
And there are some genuinely good people on here, I’ve had overwhelmingly good experiences.
And it's the hard work and effort of vendors that keeps me coming back. Thanks for your service! Salute!

Well said mate.
All vendors am sure are trying to get parcels out soon as possible.
Royal mail strikes and Xmas etc dont really help with all the back logs. Patients is the key 🔑 👌.
All vendors am sure are trying to get parcels out soon as possible.
Royal mail strikes and Xmas etc dont really help with all the back logs. Patients is the key 🔑 👌.

So well said!! And I'm sure there are many of us who respect you so so much mate! I hope the minority don't spoil it for the rest ❤️❤️

I agree with you entirely and Bulldog’s & Eddy’s comments sum up the vendor’s perspective perfectly.
Because it’s the internet we have some weirdos and it’s not worth trying to understand that small minority, (although from time to time some of them are vendors!). Some others seriously medicate and seem to struggle to cope if things go wrong or are delayed and so vent their frustrations. A few think that growing weed is a virtually zero cost game and are permanently angry at what they see as huge profiteering. Some are just permanently angry, because they are 🤷♂️ and as always the anonymity of the web gives them a platform to rage. It wouldn’t work on the street!
That leaves the rest of us who know just exactly how lucky we are to have this site and everything on it! I certainly feel I owe a debt of gratitude beyond a few Bitcoin. I still pinch myself to check that it’s real🥰
But as with all good things we take it for granted. Vendors sometimes don’t help themselves by offering unrealistic delivery speeds, or charging for one delivery method but using another. This ‘need for speed’ causes more problems on here than anything.
Things are also not entirely what they seem- there are less vendors and a whole lot less Biggas than it appears- it’s way too easy to set up alt accounts for nefarious purposes and that can create an environment of suspicion.
After speed, the next hot spot for trouble is comms. Good comms solves everything but again we have an expectation for immediate response. It’s weird, there is hardly an institution left that responds quickly to anything even if you are dying in the street, but we expect it from our order of illegal drugs 🫣. But in my experience good vendors maintain good comms.
It would help if the Borgs actually talked to us more imo. There are some silly and frustrating aspects to the functioning of this site that we all know could be improved but despite huge efforts we can’t seem to effect change.
Quality, range, accuracy, stealth, even price are a lot less contentious it seems than speed and comms. And so they should be- check out the other genuine clear net sites in the UK and see what a limited range and huge prices are on offer!
LB is Great, and most of us know it. Long Live LB! 💥🥳😻
Because it’s the internet we have some weirdos and it’s not worth trying to understand that small minority, (although from time to time some of them are vendors!). Some others seriously medicate and seem to struggle to cope if things go wrong or are delayed and so vent their frustrations. A few think that growing weed is a virtually zero cost game and are permanently angry at what they see as huge profiteering. Some are just permanently angry, because they are 🤷♂️ and as always the anonymity of the web gives them a platform to rage. It wouldn’t work on the street!
That leaves the rest of us who know just exactly how lucky we are to have this site and everything on it! I certainly feel I owe a debt of gratitude beyond a few Bitcoin. I still pinch myself to check that it’s real🥰
But as with all good things we take it for granted. Vendors sometimes don’t help themselves by offering unrealistic delivery speeds, or charging for one delivery method but using another. This ‘need for speed’ causes more problems on here than anything.
Things are also not entirely what they seem- there are less vendors and a whole lot less Biggas than it appears- it’s way too easy to set up alt accounts for nefarious purposes and that can create an environment of suspicion.
After speed, the next hot spot for trouble is comms. Good comms solves everything but again we have an expectation for immediate response. It’s weird, there is hardly an institution left that responds quickly to anything even if you are dying in the street, but we expect it from our order of illegal drugs 🫣. But in my experience good vendors maintain good comms.
It would help if the Borgs actually talked to us more imo. There are some silly and frustrating aspects to the functioning of this site that we all know could be improved but despite huge efforts we can’t seem to effect change.
Quality, range, accuracy, stealth, even price are a lot less contentious it seems than speed and comms. And so they should be- check out the other genuine clear net sites in the UK and see what a limited range and huge prices are on offer!
LB is Great, and most of us know it. Long Live LB! 💥🥳😻

Hi ive been using the site for about 6 months and it is amazing, only downside so far has been the comms, been waiting 2 weeks for replies from 2 vendors, only instant response ive had has been when I raised a dispute after nearly 3 weeks with no comms, ive had amazing stuff on here and alot of great vendors that I will keep buying from but think it has to go both ways, hope everyone has a great Xmas and New year

Reckon it's dying but I've been using it a long time and often, and am seeing what's happening. Chasing a load of lost money as we speak.

The strikes are a necessary evil of having a shite government who don't set pay high enough. Pathetic that this is the only way to get them to listen, but Britain as a whole needs a payrise and it has to start somewhere. Every other industry will strike eventually and eventually, this too will pass. We'll all just have to cane less/not as heavy 😂 xx

When stoners don't get their weed, they can sometimes act irrationally. Strikes are a subjective issue and this can further inflame things. More love, less hate, and more importantly, less virtue signalling during this stressful time. Currently under a blanket in the dark, shaking.

Agreed, as a fairly new bigga with the kid in a sweet shop feeling still fresh, I was taken aback by the amount of seemingly petty mark Downs. Yes, if everybody got a 10 for simply successfully delivering weed in the post, the review scores would be pointless, but there has to be some consideration for the vendors.
Quite frankly, it's unbelievable that so many do take the risk, bur that is great for the buyer.
This is an Alladin's cave for the stoner so having unrealistic expectations akin to some secret society is delusional.
Big love to the good vendors, true of heart...please keep goin.
Quite frankly, it's unbelievable that so many do take the risk, bur that is great for the buyer.
This is an Alladin's cave for the stoner so having unrealistic expectations akin to some secret society is delusional.
Big love to the good vendors, true of heart...please keep goin.

was reading reviews yesterday, one bigga got a full refund then left vendor a 5/10, saying it never arrived.
I got a full refund recently too, i'll just leave the review till it expires, that or give the vendor a 10.
Full refund can't be sniffed at.
I don't see much hate tho, perhaps just not enough LOVE!🤩💚❤️
I got a full refund recently too, i'll just leave the review till it expires, that or give the vendor a 10.
Full refund can't be sniffed at.
I don't see much hate tho, perhaps just not enough LOVE!🤩💚❤️

I saw this post a few weeks ago and forgot to pin it, of course I wanted to add and reiterate comments made on the tread.
Before all that I just have one statement for all the haters that jump the gun by posting unjust posts on the topic's board
You get what you give.
I have had numerous conversions in DM's with bigga's on this issue and they venders and people that have commented are right on the money as per. Tho I do find it strange that after all the posts on the topics board, calling out venders! Not one person has been negative on this thread????? If you take the time to call venders out at least have the time to give your point of view on posts like this.
Before I rant on first things first venders we salute you. I still can't believe the service and quality on offer here and the fact I only have to press buttons and only get up off ma ass to collect my illegal drugs from the postman.
Most of what I would add is been said but A few things that I do want to add and this ties into previous comments.
What the actual fuck is peoples expectations before they order? Do they read the manifesto? Do they do the leg work and check reviews (That's another story) Do they check when they where last on line?
Now no one is perfect of course and I did get caught being a bit moany when I started using the site. As the first vender I used comms where within the hour.
Another vender a day.
I ordered 24 hour signed for with the expectation of having it the next day like special delivery. When it never came I DM'd them and they expanded the process. I felt like a pure nob and apologised for my impatience.
I have had a vender send special delivery's late so again had to wait another day. Was I happy no but shit happens (It's always at the stage where your licking your grinder like a bulldog eating beetroot) The vender apologised. Gave a reasonable explanation. We both went on our way.
So a few points that I would add and this might be a crazy idea and a bit out there but bare with me and just imagine that venders have other stuff out with LB. I'm just guessing but any venders correct me if I'm wrong
Family's and all that comes with that
Work that is not illegal
Bit coin. I'm fucking raging when my £1.25 in BC has dropped to £1.20. I could not deal with the stress of all that jazz
Walking the fucking dog
And the best of all that has been stated but need said again the fucking FEDS they are putting themself's at a massive risk by doing what they are doing, actually not just themselves but the impact that could have on there family, future employment as they can't sell fucking weed!!!!
I think I've made that point, more so with the one man band venders. I can just imagine it the now. A vender is sick and can't get to his order's or has to deal with an emergency what ever that my be!
Hi is this Indeed ?
Yes how can I help?
Looking for someone pronto to help with my manufacturing business.
What would be involved?
Replying to messages and packing
What are they packing?
My kick ass weed to cunts all over the shop
Naw of course they can't
So before ordering as stated what are peoples expectations of Comms? 30 sec 3 hours 3 days
Dr Extracts has a good line in his manifesto stating that he will reply to comms at 09:00 each day. I'm not saying everyone should do that of course but what it does do is manage peoples expectations. (I'm going to hazard a guess that he might have other commitments, like work)
I have learned that of course different venders have different comms habits and that only comes with using the venders.
A bit of advice I was given early on by polly and reiterated lately by Mr Rabb1t. DM the vender before you order anything just to test the waters with the comms.
In regards to the posts on the topic's page. As we all know there are no date stamps on the post's. So the post could and does keep popping up on the feed? Is that fair if it has been resolved. I'm not sure if you can get it removed?
The vast majority of negative posts has no context
Comms are shit? explain then. Are we talking minutes, hours, days
Gear was shit? How was it shit? 1000 reviews and you think it's shit that's fine but is that not your opinion not fact as it's very subjective. Again not my words but is it "As described "
I will back any bigga to the hilt if they have been wronged and of course they should be highlighted to the community BUT with context please. So people can make there own judgement.
Just under a year now and lately I have seen people on treads asking for updates as and if it has been resolved. Which I think should be a given.
In this time, not once have I seen a retraction or an apology posted when a positive resolution has been agreed? I find that rather strange
Long live LB and the kick ass venders fuck the haters and ignore the posts. Unless justified of course but with context please and updates.
Before all that I just have one statement for all the haters that jump the gun by posting unjust posts on the topic's board
You get what you give.
I have had numerous conversions in DM's with bigga's on this issue and they venders and people that have commented are right on the money as per. Tho I do find it strange that after all the posts on the topics board, calling out venders! Not one person has been negative on this thread????? If you take the time to call venders out at least have the time to give your point of view on posts like this.
Before I rant on first things first venders we salute you. I still can't believe the service and quality on offer here and the fact I only have to press buttons and only get up off ma ass to collect my illegal drugs from the postman.
Most of what I would add is been said but A few things that I do want to add and this ties into previous comments.
What the actual fuck is peoples expectations before they order? Do they read the manifesto? Do they do the leg work and check reviews (That's another story) Do they check when they where last on line?
Now no one is perfect of course and I did get caught being a bit moany when I started using the site. As the first vender I used comms where within the hour.
Another vender a day.
I ordered 24 hour signed for with the expectation of having it the next day like special delivery. When it never came I DM'd them and they expanded the process. I felt like a pure nob and apologised for my impatience.
I have had a vender send special delivery's late so again had to wait another day. Was I happy no but shit happens (It's always at the stage where your licking your grinder like a bulldog eating beetroot) The vender apologised. Gave a reasonable explanation. We both went on our way.
So a few points that I would add and this might be a crazy idea and a bit out there but bare with me and just imagine that venders have other stuff out with LB. I'm just guessing but any venders correct me if I'm wrong
Family's and all that comes with that
Work that is not illegal
Bit coin. I'm fucking raging when my £1.25 in BC has dropped to £1.20. I could not deal with the stress of all that jazz
Walking the fucking dog
And the best of all that has been stated but need said again the fucking FEDS they are putting themself's at a massive risk by doing what they are doing, actually not just themselves but the impact that could have on there family, future employment as they can't sell fucking weed!!!!
I think I've made that point, more so with the one man band venders. I can just imagine it the now. A vender is sick and can't get to his order's or has to deal with an emergency what ever that my be!
Hi is this Indeed ?
Yes how can I help?
Looking for someone pronto to help with my manufacturing business.
What would be involved?
Replying to messages and packing
What are they packing?
My kick ass weed to cunts all over the shop
Naw of course they can't
So before ordering as stated what are peoples expectations of Comms? 30 sec 3 hours 3 days
Dr Extracts has a good line in his manifesto stating that he will reply to comms at 09:00 each day. I'm not saying everyone should do that of course but what it does do is manage peoples expectations. (I'm going to hazard a guess that he might have other commitments, like work)
I have learned that of course different venders have different comms habits and that only comes with using the venders.
A bit of advice I was given early on by polly and reiterated lately by Mr Rabb1t. DM the vender before you order anything just to test the waters with the comms.
In regards to the posts on the topic's page. As we all know there are no date stamps on the post's. So the post could and does keep popping up on the feed? Is that fair if it has been resolved. I'm not sure if you can get it removed?
The vast majority of negative posts has no context
Comms are shit? explain then. Are we talking minutes, hours, days
Gear was shit? How was it shit? 1000 reviews and you think it's shit that's fine but is that not your opinion not fact as it's very subjective. Again not my words but is it "As described "
I will back any bigga to the hilt if they have been wronged and of course they should be highlighted to the community BUT with context please. So people can make there own judgement.
Just under a year now and lately I have seen people on treads asking for updates as and if it has been resolved. Which I think should be a given.
In this time, not once have I seen a retraction or an apology posted when a positive resolution has been agreed? I find that rather strange
Long live LB and the kick ass venders fuck the haters and ignore the posts. Unless justified of course but with context please and updates.

Top words spoken in the true Daz style. 😻
An example:
“It's always at the stage where your licking your grinder like a bulldog eating beetroot”….😂😳😂
An example:
“It's always at the stage where your licking your grinder like a bulldog eating beetroot”….😂😳😂

i was just going to go back under my blanket when i read this ;) thank you bigga, we have a lot to be grateful for, basically a world none of us could have imagined just a few years ago. i can't imagine it's easy for anyone involved but attitude makes all the difference when things get tough.

Great topic and so many amazing comments. I’ve been meaning to comment a while now. I joined in the summer and found out FAST the hate is very real indeed.
It’s so difficult to navigate from normal buyer acc to alt acc, spam, trolls etc etc
I am learning fast but doing your best every day for your customers to get random abusive messages and 1/10 reviews is a tad soul destroying.
Only two days ago I received an order for almost 2oz of my new strains, so as always I done my due diligence and the buyer is 2 years on LB with over 100 buys.
I clicked sent and started to pack the order with love to go to the post office straight after with the rest of today’s orders as it came in just before 2pm cut off.
So about 5pm that day I get a message from the buyer saying I really hope this isn’t old mouldy bush weed I’ve ordered or I won’t be happy.
I was blown away as surely if you were sceptical about a new vendor first of all why order so much first then message that, rather than reach out to me first or even order a 3.5 to sample the quality of cannabis.
Safely to say it arrived today and I got a message saying this is the worst weed I’ve had on LB in months and there giving up on the site. I am lost for words honestly…
However I’ve had some great help and advice from some top Biggaz “You know who you are” and now understand it’s just part and parcel of this beautiful platform.
If I am not packing, replying to messages or at the post office then I’m trying to source more amazing strains for my customers.
LB changed my life and I won’t let any of my customers down ever! It’s a buzz sending orders out and then getting lovely messages and reviews it truly makes it all worth while.
The love outweighs the negatives so it’s still a joy and such a positive experience for myself.
All the best over the holidays and in the new year. This community is amazing and a real eye opener.
Here’s to the future my friends, long live LB 🙏❤️
It’s so difficult to navigate from normal buyer acc to alt acc, spam, trolls etc etc
I am learning fast but doing your best every day for your customers to get random abusive messages and 1/10 reviews is a tad soul destroying.
Only two days ago I received an order for almost 2oz of my new strains, so as always I done my due diligence and the buyer is 2 years on LB with over 100 buys.
I clicked sent and started to pack the order with love to go to the post office straight after with the rest of today’s orders as it came in just before 2pm cut off.
So about 5pm that day I get a message from the buyer saying I really hope this isn’t old mouldy bush weed I’ve ordered or I won’t be happy.
I was blown away as surely if you were sceptical about a new vendor first of all why order so much first then message that, rather than reach out to me first or even order a 3.5 to sample the quality of cannabis.
Safely to say it arrived today and I got a message saying this is the worst weed I’ve had on LB in months and there giving up on the site. I am lost for words honestly…
However I’ve had some great help and advice from some top Biggaz “You know who you are” and now understand it’s just part and parcel of this beautiful platform.
If I am not packing, replying to messages or at the post office then I’m trying to source more amazing strains for my customers.
LB changed my life and I won’t let any of my customers down ever! It’s a buzz sending orders out and then getting lovely messages and reviews it truly makes it all worth while.
The love outweighs the negatives so it’s still a joy and such a positive experience for myself.
All the best over the holidays and in the new year. This community is amazing and a real eye opener.
Here’s to the future my friends, long live LB 🙏❤️

You guys have 100% the right attitude for LB….hopefully your rogue buyer genuinely did fuck off - and good riddance to them 👍😉

Thank you Polly we move forward stronger together 🙏❤️
All the best for the new year 🥳
All the best for the new year 🥳

Hehe ..with a GH Prize Hamper on the way how could my NY be anything but 😶🌫️🔥😶🌫️?…..have a great one guys! 🥳🥂

unfortunately people think that here sellers must necessarily profit/cheating/earn more than the right etc without realizing that they are simply people who sell their product (often with lots of love) and do not force anyone to buy anything
sometimes there are misunderstandings and this can inflame things especially when buyer and seller are at their first ‘exchange’
But comms have the power to sedate any problem.
I’m still surprised that profiles like BB and Reald are now restricted..
they should be considered heritage of humanity.
we hope that in time all the assholes go elsewhere and only remain who loves little Biggy and loves the sellers who work on here.
Peace ☮️❤️
sometimes there are misunderstandings and this can inflame things especially when buyer and seller are at their first ‘exchange’
But comms have the power to sedate any problem.
I’m still surprised that profiles like BB and Reald are now restricted..
they should be considered heritage of humanity.
we hope that in time all the assholes go elsewhere and only remain who loves little Biggy and loves the sellers who work on here.
Peace ☮️❤️

25+ buys @ $959 average.
Flower, shake, hash and edibles.
I’ve only been let down by one vendor (Hootan)in 2 years. I could argue that one other tried it on, but he did put it right, so one fail in 2 years it is.
Better vendors experience overall then than Amazon, eBay, Tesco even.
As for the LB platform, lack of date and timing of threads, reviews etc is a little frustrating, but it’s churlish to expect any more of the site, considering the context.
Let’s not end up (can you imagine?!) in a “..don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone..” scenario.
Meanwhile, if you can’t be without, order in good time.
And remember- venting, ranting, dissing and shit-stirring just leaves a bad taste.. for you, for the vendor and for the reader.
Flower, shake, hash and edibles.
I’ve only been let down by one vendor (Hootan)in 2 years. I could argue that one other tried it on, but he did put it right, so one fail in 2 years it is.
Better vendors experience overall then than Amazon, eBay, Tesco even.
As for the LB platform, lack of date and timing of threads, reviews etc is a little frustrating, but it’s churlish to expect any more of the site, considering the context.
Let’s not end up (can you imagine?!) in a “..don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone..” scenario.
Meanwhile, if you can’t be without, order in good time.
And remember- venting, ranting, dissing and shit-stirring just leaves a bad taste.. for you, for the vendor and for the reader.

I started using this site in October. I've been noticing a huge increase in complaints as well which is mad to me because I have had no problem what so ever. Vendors have been communicative, delivered stealth, and great products.
It is our duty as the customer to be aware of the strikes, that things won't go perfectly, and to responsibly stock up on product if dependent on it.
It is our duty as the customer to be aware of the strikes, that things won't go perfectly, and to responsibly stock up on product if dependent on it.

i can say love genetic hub! lightening fast delivery .they have easy earnt my respect . outstanding smoke amazing flower! and 20 hours to arive! blessed

I always got you my friend thanks for your honest and kind comment ❤️
Happy new year and all the best for 2023 🥳
Happy new year and all the best for 2023 🥳

Yes ! It’s so upsetting man 😭 I was doing so well had so many good reviews and ever since the strikes I just got smited with a bunch of bad reviews. I even offered everyone a full refund or Reship (because their parcels were delayed) and even after they received their original parcel AND their refund, some people still left 5/10 reviews 😭😭 I hope things go back to being smooth as usual for everyone 💚

1 post
+3 votes

{lb help}
NDD parcels (royal mail)
Usually great but my last one took 7 days and the current one is on 5 days due to RM just being awful as per. Our post here is the worst. Sometimes if…

{lb help}
NDD parcels (royal mail)
Are next day delivery parcels arriving on time or is it a waste of money picking that delivery option?

Use Special delivery by 1pm if possible, it trumps all other services. Even if it's late too lol.

Been waiting 4 post days for my "NDD" ship. I trust the seller but Royal Fail can suck my big toe.
That being said my friend, if "next day" is taking a flipping week imagine how long first class will take! You might just get a last toke on your deathbed. Assuming they're not on strike.
That being said my friend, if "next day" is taking a flipping week imagine how long first class will take! You might just get a last toke on your deathbed. Assuming they're not on strike.

It's still worth getting even if it doesn't come next day. I waited 9 days for first class recently. Had major paranoia it had been intercepted.

NDD is still the fastest option during these strikes. The last 10 days over black friday broke the mail...
We track hundreds of orders daily and its been a nightmare.
The upside, SD24 sent before the weekend are arriving this morning finally ( Wednesday ) and the 1st class have been dripping in all week as well ( probably around 7DD though.. )
Usually SD24 will be there even during a strike day.
Keep the faith, vendors aren't robbing customers... and its causing delays and cost all over, but all orders are arriving. And any that don't will be reshipped.
Not a time to burn bridges.
WeedStar loves you
We track hundreds of orders daily and its been a nightmare.
The upside, SD24 sent before the weekend are arriving this morning finally ( Wednesday ) and the 1st class have been dripping in all week as well ( probably around 7DD though.. )
Usually SD24 will be there even during a strike day.
Keep the faith, vendors aren't robbing customers... and its causing delays and cost all over, but all orders are arriving. And any that don't will be reshipped.
Not a time to burn bridges.
WeedStar loves you

I ordered three items last Sunday 27Nov They were all posted last Monday 28Nov. The NDD delivery arrived on the Tuesday but the two posted first class still haven’t arrived. We’ve had post since Friday but they’ve still not arrived. I’m assuming as others have noted that the strikes have caused quite a backlog and it seems some things posted since the last strike are being delivered before stuff that’s possibly been sat in the sorting office longer? Who knows but I’m still hopeful they’ll turn up soon

I've been waiting for a first class parcel that was posted 29/11 and today is 6/12. I spoke to a postie and he told me that a parcel posted just before or during a strike day is already classed as failed/late so the depots will ship out parcels received AFTER the strike FIRST....these newer parcels are given priority over parcels that are already classed as failed/late unfortunately. It's a nightmare but it will turn up eventually.

Yup we're seeing this also, we've shipped orders on Monday that arrived Wednesday, along with SD24 shipped last Wednesday...
Its a cluster fuck, but the tracked and SD aren't getting lost at least and are getting through.
Maybe no fucking Xmas bonus for the posties from us this year, we support the strikes but get it done son, this shit is costing everyone now!
Its a cluster fuck, but the tracked and SD aren't getting lost at least and are getting through.
Maybe no fucking Xmas bonus for the posties from us this year, we support the strikes but get it done son, this shit is costing everyone now!

Yeah man the posties deserve what they're asking for 100% so I'm totally on their side, I think I should have been a bit smarter about ordering the day before the strike. I've seen people leaving reviews on the same vendor I ordered from that only took 2 days to arrive despite ordering a week after I did. Sucks but I'm hopeful it'll at least before the weekend

My 24 hour tracked packages sent on same day as yours has still not turned up either mate. So I think we’re all fucked for now

Postie's just been....still no vapes!
Agreed, we're fucked. I think I might risk another order on Monday 12th see if that one comes before the next strike.
Agreed, we're fucked. I think I might risk another order on Monday 12th see if that one comes before the next strike.

RM is not providing tracking on there platform atm that's how bad it is. I was down having a look yesterday at one of there sorting offices and there are hundreds of sacks pilled up, go look for yourself at your local post office and see the all the sacks of mail laying about.
Except for Special, we have stopped using their services till January as the problem will only worsen with Xmas and all the online shopping over this period.
Except for Special, we have stopped using their services till January as the problem will only worsen with Xmas and all the online shopping over this period.

I get that this is an unpopular opinion but RM striking just means they’re taking a day off from stealing/losing my parcels 🤦♂️ my area is shit tbf

Lol. I'm unpopular too then buddy because I would quite happily see the lot of them thrown into the sea.
When the fire brigade strike over having to work to 65 in a job that's guaranteed to destroy your back by the time you're 45 I rock up at the picket with tea and bacon sarnies on my lunch break.
But when you're spectacularly failing to take one piece of paper and move it to another place at the best of times my sympathy well starts to run dry. Not helped by the fact that I can't even smoke a fat joint!!! XD
When the fire brigade strike over having to work to 65 in a job that's guaranteed to destroy your back by the time you're 45 I rock up at the picket with tea and bacon sarnies on my lunch break.
But when you're spectacularly failing to take one piece of paper and move it to another place at the best of times my sympathy well starts to run dry. Not helped by the fact that I can't even smoke a fat joint!!! XD

I had a 24hr sent on 28th that hasn't landed but I've had two first class ones land today that where sent on Dec 1st so I think a lot depends on what mail centres its passing through. Fingers crossed for tomorrow mate! :)

I picked next day delivery which was changed to 24hour delivery last week on 30th, seller didn't bother posting until yesterday but still insisted on saying its due to rm strikes. they must be smoking their own product because its in black and white from the tracking number. one of the top sellers here, not naming yet as its the second prob i had from them... somehow they also think sending 3.5g is equivalent to 28g. If they dont come good with a way to compensate, i will be openly posting and their 100% rating wont be that for long.

This has happened to me sent wrong class so didn’t arrive for 8 days thankfully all my ndd over have been nd or +1 even during the stikes maybe the seller I use lives close 🤷♂️

Usually great but my last one took 7 days and the current one is on 5 days due to RM just being awful as per. Our post here is the worst. Sometimes if they feel a bit pushed they just leave parcels at the depot for when they feel like it.

1 post
+2 votes

{lb help}
"please wait before creating another order"
Been hitting that pay button for an hour now and nothing is happening and society is no better, it just won't let me add to any order at all.
I reall…

{lb help}
"please wait before creating another order"
hi folks
trying to make an order, the first for a few months, however after choosing my items(all from the same seller), selecting shipping, choosing my country and then hitting "Pay", the site tells me
"please wait before creating another order"
Am I doing something wrong?
Mr G
trying to make an order, the first for a few months, however after choosing my items(all from the same seller), selecting shipping, choosing my country and then hitting "Pay", the site tells me
"please wait before creating another order"
Am I doing something wrong?
Mr G

Same issue on android phone , I just hit pay again and it eventually went through, all very slow though

Nah the site has been having a little bit of a fit over the last few days. Since some time last week this is the first time I've even been able to get on the site at all.
Having the same issue with orders, I suspect they're working on it.
Having the same issue with orders, I suspect they're working on it.

Been hitting that pay button for an hour now and nothing is happening and society is no better, it just won't let me add to any order at all.
I really hope they sort this out but it isn't looking good and with all the other chaos in the world and the time of year it is, I'm sure we all need out favourite site to be the one thing we can rely on to save what little sanity there is left.
Weeks of erratic and buggy behaviour has me concerned but we shall persist. None of the suggestions thus far have worked for me but if I find one that works I will let you all know. Some vendors must me missing out on a fortune right now and should all be up in some sort.of stoned arms over this as customers drift away to less lugubrious sites. Hope you all get watcha need guys.
I really hope they sort this out but it isn't looking good and with all the other chaos in the world and the time of year it is, I'm sure we all need out favourite site to be the one thing we can rely on to save what little sanity there is left.
Weeks of erratic and buggy behaviour has me concerned but we shall persist. None of the suggestions thus far have worked for me but if I find one that works I will let you all know. Some vendors must me missing out on a fortune right now and should all be up in some sort.of stoned arms over this as customers drift away to less lugubrious sites. Hope you all get watcha need guys.

shame to hear it's been a bit buggy the last few weeks
I got my order to go through in the end after 3 or 4 tries this morning
Fingers crossed they can sort out the issues.
I got my order to go through in the end after 3 or 4 tries this morning
Fingers crossed they can sort out the issues.

I’ve managed to access without the tor browser but still getting the same message. Please don’t break on us LB, we all rely on you!

I managed it. I kept pressing pay every 5 seconds, after about 10 to 15 or maybe more tries, it let me through to the pay page and seems to have gone through now. Seems the way people have been doing it ❤️

After failing to make your method work last night, it worked on the third attempt this morning.

Glad it worked eventually for you. Mine was marked as sent today, so all went through fine after that. Hopefully they’ll sort it out soon.

I'm getting the same message. I've contacted the seller (great coms from uwakeibake) and they are unsure about the issue.

wonder if its to do with littlebiggy.org giving the "back soon" message.
I'm accessing this via the onion.
I'm accessing this via the onion.

me too, using via society and tor browser, but have exact same issue. have been trying multiple times but to no avail.

Switching my browser into desktop mode worked for me first time on an android phone, couldn't get it to work at all before doing that. 5/12/22 good luck all hope all well and you can all get access soon.

1 post
+2 votes

"Good to See Littlebiggy.org back on again. For now ??!!"
Yes, it would be great if it worked but it's an absolute nightmare and I've been trying for two hours to put an order in. I see many others having the…

"Good to See Littlebiggy.org back on again. For now ??!!"
Great to see littlebiggy.org back up and running again 😉🙂..hope it stays active .. society was ok but so slow .

Hi ‘ what is society ? I tried to follow the links but didn’t get very far .
If you could tell me would be much appreciated
Thanks mate and hope you get a nice bud in for Xmas holidays
If you could tell me would be much appreciated
Thanks mate and hope you get a nice bud in for Xmas holidays

‘Society’ hosts a back up version of LB on a ‘secure’ or ‘dark’ web network called Tor accessible via the Onion browser…..yup…me neither🤷♂️😂

Thanks , looks like it’s back on and gonna stick in a Xmas order in now before any more shenanigans

Yes, it would be great if it worked but it's an absolute nightmare and I've been trying for two hours to put an order in. I see many others having the same issue. I really fear for this place as it's been getting worse and worse and Jo one seems to know what's happening. Going to have to visit some rather more nefarious sites as cannot wait forever for this, what with everything else in the country crumbling around out ears. Fraught times.

I finally managed it. Once I got the don’t place another order message or whatever it is, I pressed pay every 5 seconds and on about the 10 or 11 try (could have been more 😂) it let me through to pay….seems the way people are managing it. Taken hours out of my day to do it tho.

no point in using the onion when the vast majority of venders weren't using it when lb was down.

2 posts
+2 votes

{buy help}
Unable to compete payment
Doesn't help either when Royal Mail take a week to deliver NDD items and others just disappear for days only to reappear when least expected. Hard tim…
+ 2 more

{buy help}
Unable to compete payment
Please can anyone shed any light on what's going on at the moment when trying to complete a payment at checkout. It constantly says to wait. I've read other people's posts who are having the same issue and tried what they suggest but no joy. Please help.

Hi i set up a new account. Then clicked pay about 10 times then it finally whent through. Have placed 2 orders this morning. Hope this helps.

I don't unfortunately. I think it was just a coincidence, but I had 2 items in my basket and i was constantly getting the same message, I removed 1 item and it went through. But I can't replicate that again, , and I'm now getting the same message over and over 🤷♂️

THIS. Fingers crossed 🤞 just got an order in with Pistach. Keep pressing pay over and over. Good luck biggas 😊🤞🙏

i did an order on society this morning and it was really quick (Tor quick that is, so not that quick)

Last night it took about three hours plus to place an order. I just kept coming out and in changing little things, bouncing between Society and Clearnet, hitting 'pay' over and over until eventually, eventually it went through but I was having coniptions the whole time. Hope this gets fixed but it's making for a tense time when this site feels like it's slowly winding down.

Ye same issue it was working fine on society so going to try their 🤞🙄 just going slightly deranged here without a smoke and planing my escape to the hollow earth but don't worry borgs great work taking littlebiggy down for days and it appears worse 🤣🤦

Doesn't help either when Royal Mail take a week to deliver NDD items and others just disappear for days only to reappear when least expected. Hard times we're living

1 post
+2 votes

Coinbase closed my account.
Exactly the same thing happened to me and my other half, which we only discovered this morning as we tried putting our usual order in. Frantic scrambl…

Coinbase closed my account.
Hello peoples! :)
I've just been notified that Coinbase is closing my account, I have no clue why and they won't even inform me of the reason. Has this happened to anyone else? I've always been happy with the service/fees etc. so I'm somewhat perplexed to be honest! After speaking to CS on the phone they emailed me this..... What's a good alternative with roughly the same fees and isn't a nightmare to open an account, please?
We regret to inform you that we can no longer support your Coinbase account.
Our primary goal is to make our platform safe and secure for our customers. A variety of factors have been weighed in your case; for security reasons we are unable to elaborate on our internal decision process.
While we can no longer continue our banking relationship, we have not blocked your access to the current balance in your Coinbase account. You may still send your balance offsite to an external address.
Please know that we do not make these decisions lightly and we regret losing you as a customer.
I've just been notified that Coinbase is closing my account, I have no clue why and they won't even inform me of the reason. Has this happened to anyone else? I've always been happy with the service/fees etc. so I'm somewhat perplexed to be honest! After speaking to CS on the phone they emailed me this..... What's a good alternative with roughly the same fees and isn't a nightmare to open an account, please?
We regret to inform you that we can no longer support your Coinbase account.
Our primary goal is to make our platform safe and secure for our customers. A variety of factors have been weighed in your case; for security reasons we are unable to elaborate on our internal decision process.
While we can no longer continue our banking relationship, we have not blocked your access to the current balance in your Coinbase account. You may still send your balance offsite to an external address.
Please know that we do not make these decisions lightly and we regret losing you as a customer.

Why the fuck were you using Coinbase for anyways? There’s a tonne of exchanges out there that arn’t the governments bitch and tool for spying, Coinbase is and always has been the anti thesis of crypto currency. Also you should have been buying BTC on there and sending to a wallet like Exodus trust wallet etc and sending to the vendor from there, don’t send directly from the exchange to protect all parties.

Yeah man I feel that, at least now you know, like I say make sure you buy wherever you want but always send to a wallet and send to the seller from that, saves a lot of hassle down the road for everyone.

Afaik Coinbase is working alongside LE to crack down on drug transactions, binance recently suspended a account just because it had $1 million+ in crypto in the account because LE told them to. The future of crypto on brokers isn’t looking good.

Exactly the same thing happened to me and my other half, which we only discovered this morning as we tried putting our usual order in. Frantic scramble to register and get validated by another crypto thingy in time for a postal cut off. I was raging AND fuming. Joined Coinmama and my partner Bittylicious without too much trouble but the tension waiting was unbearable. You can imagine.

Pain in the arse mate, I’ve just gone with Coinjar now but read that Coinbase have the means to check where funds are sent to, but not sure how that’d make a difference! I’ve never done anything shady with my account, pretty strange man.

I use cex.io exchange, registered in the British Virgin Islands, to purchase crypto. They have one of the most secure exchanges, fees are fairly low, and user interface is intuitive. Unfortunately, KYC info required to set up an account. They have a large presence in Europe too. I am in the US, and Coinbase has come under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for such unsavory business practices. Coinbase is not a very secure platform either. I left btc on their exchange for trading last year, and my account was hacked and subsequently drained, even after I froze my account. Lost 5KUSD. I contacted them 4 times about this, but CB never responded. Finally had to join a class action lawsuit against CB where others had the exact same thing happen to them. Their security and customer service is way below the standards set by cex.io. I receive no affiliate money from my advice; motivated only in protecting buyers from a shady exchange.

1 post
+6 votes
I heartily recommend Canadian Imports
Will second that. Some incredible extracts available there and first class service, friendly and prompt. Love them.

I heartily recommend Canadian Imports
Tip-Top products (perfectly cured and trimmed buds) / supreme stealth and very efficient. Also your order is sent tracked (free of charge) for added peace of mind. Canadian imports provide a fantastic service and i recommend them to anyone looking for quality.

1 post
+4 votes
Fist class service and products from The Gentleman Dealers guaranteed! very nice indeed :)
They've never let me down. Thoroughly reliable.

Fist class service and products from The Gentleman Dealers guaranteed! very nice indeed :)

If you look past the pathetic attitude, proved fake Cali products and threats of harm to site users then yes, these guys are truly wonderful. Just because they take your money with a smile it doesn't make them good people, it makes you a customer. I suggest you try more reputable vendors you will be overwhelmed, no offence to you or anything but just look at the forums.

All the reviewer said was first class products guaranteed, he never said they were good people even though I’m sure they are, he never reviewed cali and said he was either happy or unhappy with it.
I suggest you read reviews properly mate and answer accordingly rather than chucking accusations about with nothing to back it up. Because making a post like you just have is next to fucking useless
And as for there attitude if I had to keep defending myself, business and products to someone who had never made a purchase from me constantly and I think I would have the right to tell you what I think.
This has gone on long enough and trust me when I say the lb community doesn’t care about what someone thinks of a vendor when they have never made a purchase from them.
Grow up mate and try not to let the gentlemen dealers cali spoil your Christmas
I suggest you read reviews properly mate and answer accordingly rather than chucking accusations about with nothing to back it up. Because making a post like you just have is next to fucking useless
And as for there attitude if I had to keep defending myself, business and products to someone who had never made a purchase from me constantly and I think I would have the right to tell you what I think.
This has gone on long enough and trust me when I say the lb community doesn’t care about what someone thinks of a vendor when they have never made a purchase from them.
Grow up mate and try not to let the gentlemen dealers cali spoil your Christmas

Doing great thanks buddy…
Ah, man, those balloons are insane!🤤🔥…one of those to myself and I am bombed! 😂…thinking of filling one up with some JB Gas Cake (from TGD naturally) but I think I’ll then miss Xmas entirely 😳😏
How is your arsenal of weapons looking?…can it compete with a certain 🐰?
Ah, man, those balloons are insane!🤤🔥…one of those to myself and I am bombed! 😂…thinking of filling one up with some JB Gas Cake (from TGD naturally) but I think I’ll then miss Xmas entirely 😳😏
How is your arsenal of weapons looking?…can it compete with a certain 🐰?

Haha yeah it’s certainly getting there but I think the 🐰 might still be winning. My latest vape is a vapman which is awesome for flavour and just chilling with. I haven’t invested in a balloon vape yet but I keep looking at them. I’m sure there will be some good deals in the January sales so might pick something up then and I’m discussing a custom nova brick with dougswoodery at the moment.
I forgot my latest vape is a magic flight launch box but I’m still trying to work it out. It’s quirky and easy to combust in and slightly janky. I’m looking into modding it at the moment.
I forgot my latest vape is a magic flight launch box but I’m still trying to work it out. It’s quirky and easy to combust in and slightly janky. I’m looking into modding it at the moment.

Brilliant 😂😂- you guys are nuts😵💫…I do want a Vapman for my hash though but I want a heating tower with it- coming back next year apparently, so that will be the next addition.
Have a great Xmas amigo, and here’s to getting high in 2022!! 🥳💥🥳👍
Have a great Xmas amigo, and here’s to getting high in 2022!! 🥳💥🥳👍

🐍 hasn't noticed but my current plan is to buy every vape they buy as of a few weeks ago and therefore as currently in the lead will remain in the lead 😉😃

Hahaha it sounds like I’m never going to win the great vape race. Unless I start buying and hoarding in secret and do a mass unveiling 😏

What is your point? Fakery is fakery. I have never once said the UK bud is bad, but that the Cali is fake and many many people agree (see any threads and the overwhelming lack of reviews/purchases)
Keep that nose brown though, you'll get somewhere in the end I guess.
Keep that nose brown though, you'll get somewhere in the end I guess.

Happy Xmas MrCaa and everyone else, Vipers point is that the whole site know that when you grew up you were the sort of child that would relentlessly taunt a dog until it bit and then laugh when the animal got put down.
You presence in this thread with you baseless accusations using your own previous posts and wild claims as proof show what an unhinged individual you are and the sooner nurse gives you your meds and takes away your internet for the year the better.
Hope you have a lovely Xmas and new year ☁️🐰☁️
You presence in this thread with you baseless accusations using your own previous posts and wild claims as proof show what an unhinged individual you are and the sooner nurse gives you your meds and takes away your internet for the year the better.
Hope you have a lovely Xmas and new year ☁️🐰☁️

So I am cruel and unhinged because I rebuke unsubstantiated claims? And you question my sanity lol.
As I told you specifically before, go buy some packaging and scan the codes, cannverify is flawed. No point going on about that.
So to what end am I in the wrong? With people like you touting the benefits of buying fake, how can I not say something when you clearly are woefully misinformed. That would be the true insanity here Mr Wabbit.
I'm not getting into tit for tat nonsense with fan boys, but I will continue to offer my arguments and/or evidences where I see fit, mkay?
As I told you specifically before, go buy some packaging and scan the codes, cannverify is flawed. No point going on about that.
So to what end am I in the wrong? With people like you touting the benefits of buying fake, how can I not say something when you clearly are woefully misinformed. That would be the true insanity here Mr Wabbit.
I'm not getting into tit for tat nonsense with fan boys, but I will continue to offer my arguments and/or evidences where I see fit, mkay?

Same old same old Ebenezer….
Don’t worry Mr. Scrooge, as we sit around the fireplace with our mixed box of Jungle Boys we will say a Christmas prayer for you as you grub around in that little bag of cheap twigs of yours- may the good spirits be with you Sir!
Don’t worry Mr. Scrooge, as we sit around the fireplace with our mixed box of Jungle Boys we will say a Christmas prayer for you as you grub around in that little bag of cheap twigs of yours- may the good spirits be with you Sir!

"What Is the Definition of Burden of Proof?
The definition of burden of proof is the responsibility of an individual or party to prove an assertion or claim that they have made. The burden of proof can apply to a variety of situations, such as a scientist claiming a theory, a civil case, or a criminal case. In a criminal case, for example, the prosecutor will have to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
I own two (thanks Polly) jungle boys packs from TGD and I have certified them against the cannverify app. I have also searched Google for reference to the "flaws" you mention and find none with the exception of one Reddit article where the poster gets told not to be a tit.
Just because you say something in another topic doesn't make that fact. That's like me saying Polly is the ruler of the world in two threads and then using those threads as evidence of that claim.
Sincerely Rabb1t
The definition of burden of proof is the responsibility of an individual or party to prove an assertion or claim that they have made. The burden of proof can apply to a variety of situations, such as a scientist claiming a theory, a civil case, or a criminal case. In a criminal case, for example, the prosecutor will have to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
I own two (thanks Polly) jungle boys packs from TGD and I have certified them against the cannverify app. I have also searched Google for reference to the "flaws" you mention and find none with the exception of one Reddit article where the poster gets told not to be a tit.
Just because you say something in another topic doesn't make that fact. That's like me saying Polly is the ruler of the world in two threads and then using those threads as evidence of that claim.
Sincerely Rabb1t

The claims made are that the weed is from Cali, the onus isn't on me to prove it's fake. The red flags I've raised should (and if you had a brain, would) only serve to reinforce the need to substantiate claims it is from Cali. Do you even think before you put your armour on and hit the keyboard mate?

At the end of the day mate who cares as long as the customers are happy with what they got for the money they paid.
And yeah if you going to accuse someone of something you need the proof to back it up. So the onus is on you and no one else.
Have you actually ever bought any of there cali?
And yeah if you going to accuse someone of something you need the proof to back it up. So the onus is on you and no one else.
Have you actually ever bought any of there cali?

Mrcaa_420 you are an imbecile
As previously stated I have 2 of the packs here at my house in the hutch and I have done everything to substantiate that they are real.
You being the imbecile that you are can't see that as I have packs and can put them for any test any off you suggest. The onus is now back on you for the burden of proof to demonstrate and of your ridiculous claims.
I can prove via the method on offer that the 2 jungle boys packs I have here are genuine verifiable packs. If you want to argue that methodology is wrong then show some evidence other than your ramblings .
Anyhow I'm done banging my head against the wall that's mrcaa I hope you get what ever help you need in the new year.
As previously stated I have 2 of the packs here at my house in the hutch and I have done everything to substantiate that they are real.
You being the imbecile that you are can't see that as I have packs and can put them for any test any off you suggest. The onus is now back on you for the burden of proof to demonstrate and of your ridiculous claims.
I can prove via the method on offer that the 2 jungle boys packs I have here are genuine verifiable packs. If you want to argue that methodology is wrong then show some evidence other than your ramblings .
Anyhow I'm done banging my head against the wall that's mrcaa I hope you get what ever help you need in the new year.

The test I proposed would show even counterfeit packaging scans just the same as legit ones, given it is from a decent source as no doubt some would not scan. Again think through your arguments before trying to act smart as you just display your ignorance and lack of critical thought.
I don't know why you take so personally to this though, you don't actually have a horse in the race seeing as you have stated you are happy being sold knock offs lol.
I don't know why you take so personally to this though, you don't actually have a horse in the race seeing as you have stated you are happy being sold knock offs lol.

So let me get this straight your proof there packs are fake is that because they can be counterfeited they are. Seriously do you think through your arguments, and one again Mrcaa_420 I will ask have you ever bought anything from them?
Because if you haven’t why the hell do you keep going on about it.
Prove they are fake show me one of the original jungle boys packs that you own and show me one of the jungle boys packs you received from the gentlemen dealers and let’s all have a look at what it is that you can physically prove to us.
Have you even smoked jungle boys before?
Because if you haven’t why the hell do you keep going on about it.
Prove they are fake show me one of the original jungle boys packs that you own and show me one of the jungle boys packs you received from the gentlemen dealers and let’s all have a look at what it is that you can physically prove to us.
Have you even smoked jungle boys before?

Do you give your money to every Nigerian prince that needs a loan because they are all real until you get scammed? Stop being a smartass it really isn't going well. I have no gripe with you so why are you creating xD

😂😂😂 what an amazingly irrelevant post, I’m not giving money to anybody mate
I’m not creating you are, you started it.
And you’ve still not answered the question, the only one trying to be a smart ass is you.
And I don’t have a problem with you I’m just calling out poor behaviour.
Yet again have you ordered from them?
I’m not creating you are, you started it.
And you’ve still not answered the question, the only one trying to be a smart ass is you.
And I don’t have a problem with you I’m just calling out poor behaviour.
Yet again have you ordered from them?

Mate you wasting your time talking to this PLUM.
Iv had this for over a year.
Hes never ever bought anything off us to even comment. Like I said just have to pray for him and see in 2022 he can be my mate.
Iv had this for over a year.
Hes never ever bought anything off us to even comment. Like I said just have to pray for him and see in 2022 he can be my mate.

😂😂😂 i think you might be right he doesn’t seem to be able to communicate or answer questions properly. He makes accusations with out any proof and somehow thinks if someone reads this thread I’m the one with the problem 😂
I think I want some of what mrcaa_420 is smoking
I think I want some of what mrcaa_420 is smoking

Well that probably answers more questions than it asks. But if that is the case I don’t want any
Well that probably answers more questions than it asks. But if that is the case I don’t want any

Well, you seem to be somewhat circular. Have fun and enjoy your Christmas. I won't waste any more time when you clearly don't actually have a point.
Remember what I said though, if in doubt go buy the bags and test the Cali claims, hopefully that'll clear things up on your end :)
Remember what I said though, if in doubt go buy the bags and test the Cali claims, hopefully that'll clear things up on your end :)

😂😂😂 I’m circular says the guy who’s been going round in circles talking about fake cali for almost a year.
Mate I’ve been to cali and smoked stuff straight out of there dispensaries so your right I probably am in a good position to give it a go and tell you what I think. Shame you’ve locked your page I could put a smoke report on it and tell you how it compares.
Maybe you should also give it a go and see for yourself before you start making these posts.
But yeah enjoy your Christmas buddy and like I said don’t let there cali spoil yours especially as you’ve never had it.
Mate I’ve been to cali and smoked stuff straight out of there dispensaries so your right I probably am in a good position to give it a go and tell you what I think. Shame you’ve locked your page I could put a smoke report on it and tell you how it compares.
Maybe you should also give it a go and see for yourself before you start making these posts.
But yeah enjoy your Christmas buddy and like I said don’t let there cali spoil yours especially as you’ve never had it.

Everyone just have a good Xmas 🎅
Don't let the cali packs stress you out.
Have a good Xmas and New year bro .
Love ❤ and peace
Everyone just have a good Xmas 🎅
Don't let the cali packs stress you out.
Have a good Xmas and New year bro .
Love ❤ and peace

My point was your post is completely irrelevant to this thread. No ones talking about cali fake or otherwise. And maybe it would be a good idea to join in the conversation topic of the thread
And who do you think you are buddy I haven’t brown nosed anyone. Yet I see on your page you started a thread singing the praises of DIUK so it’s ok for you to tell us you received good products and service from a vendor but no one else on this site can.
Sounds like you have some sand in your vagina 🤷♂️
And who do you think you are buddy I haven’t brown nosed anyone. Yet I see on your page you started a thread singing the praises of DIUK so it’s ok for you to tell us you received good products and service from a vendor but no one else on this site can.
Sounds like you have some sand in your vagina 🤷♂️

Hope everyone OK and well.
This guy off his head been going on about the same Theory for over a year plz give it a rest told you many times. I'll send you a free JUNGLE BOYZ PACK you do what examination you like but you never come back to me so save it.
You've never bought off us ever but have a problem with us don't even know why.🤔🤔
Every few weeks you come out with the same Theory.
And your saying we robbing people.
Mate we have give over hundreds of pounds of free samples to everyone who buys off us.
All I can do for you is pray 🙏 for you.
Have a good Xmas with your family and New year and stop dreaming about us.
And let's hope 2022 we can be mates 🙏 😊
Hope everyone has a blessed Xmas and New year 🙏
Love ❤ and peace ✌
This guy off his head been going on about the same Theory for over a year plz give it a rest told you many times. I'll send you a free JUNGLE BOYZ PACK you do what examination you like but you never come back to me so save it.
You've never bought off us ever but have a problem with us don't even know why.🤔🤔
Every few weeks you come out with the same Theory.
And your saying we robbing people.
Mate we have give over hundreds of pounds of free samples to everyone who buys off us.
All I can do for you is pray 🙏 for you.
Have a good Xmas with your family and New year and stop dreaming about us.
And let's hope 2022 we can be mates 🙏 😊
Hope everyone has a blessed Xmas and New year 🙏
Love ❤ and peace ✌

So this guy hasn’t even received one of your jungle boys packs before. What a complete joke.
So he literally doesn’t know whether what you have is legitimate or not. FFS
I have bought jungle boys before but not from yourself. I think I’m going to have to get a pack and see for myself.
So he literally doesn’t know whether what you have is legitimate or not. FFS
I have bought jungle boys before but not from yourself. I think I’m going to have to get a pack and see for myself.

Mate he never bought anything off us.
We let our reviews do the talking sold over 100s of JB PACKS on here NO 1 has ever complained.
Iv give up replying to him.
But yes anytime you ready give us a shout and we will defo lookafter you.
And won't ROB your money and run.
We let our reviews do the talking sold over 100s of JB PACKS on here NO 1 has ever complained.
Iv give up replying to him.
But yes anytime you ready give us a shout and we will defo lookafter you.
And won't ROB your money and run.

Viper TGD stealth is one of the better ones on here and is definitely up to 🐍 standards 👍
There always next day delivery if you hit cut off too, that parts the but that stresses me out as out here we have a special postie that deals with those and they went though a period of turning up anytime between 9 am and 3pm and wouldn't leave it, this led to be stressing in the front of the house all day so I try to avoid that particular service nowdays!
For you and the wonderful reliable and quick (I'm still sulking over the dhgate stuff) postal service you have it will be fantastic
Take it easy
There always next day delivery if you hit cut off too, that parts the but that stresses me out as out here we have a special postie that deals with those and they went though a period of turning up anytime between 9 am and 3pm and wouldn't leave it, this led to be stressing in the front of the house all day so I try to avoid that particular service nowdays!
For you and the wonderful reliable and quick (I'm still sulking over the dhgate stuff) postal service you have it will be fantastic
Take it easy

👍👍👍 thanks for the heads up
Yeah tbh I can’t work the dhgate thing out, you were my canary in the mine when yours landed I figured mine would be close by 🤷♂️
Yeah tbh I can’t work the dhgate thing out, you were my canary in the mine when yours landed I figured mine would be close by 🤷♂️

It's like the bloody BCG I ordered before you to get it after you 🤷🏻🤷🏻 it's a conspiracy I tell ya

Tbh I think it’s just because most of it lands closer to me than you.
But yeah you should have had yours first on both occasions
But yeah you should have had yours first on both occasions

What's this logical reasoning! 😮 On little biggy, you can naff right off with that young 🐍
It's a conspiracy against ☁️🐰☁️ and new bongs/hardware and because I said it a post above, that means it's true! 😁
It's a conspiracy against ☁️🐰☁️ and new bongs/hardware and because I said it a post above, that means it's true! 😁

Well if you said it in a previous post than it must be true especially going by mrcaa_420’s logic 😂😂😂😂😂😂

I agree it wasn't strictly related to the topic, my point was more to do with the unprofessional and quite frankly disgusting things this vendor has said. The Cali claims just add a sprinkle of malfeasance to boot.

Do you seriously want me to go through the dozens of nasty and petty little comments you made, not just to me might I add. Don't try to take the moral high ground insulting terminally ill old women and the likes you're a liar, a scoundrel and a scourge on an otherwise fairly positive community. Say what you like about me but I only ever sought to inform, remember the death threats should you get certain people's addresses?
I'm gonna go ahead and guess you edited the comments by now (CBA to check) wouldn't out it past you. Karma always comes around dude you'll get yours.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess you edited the comments by now (CBA to check) wouldn't out it past you. Karma always comes around dude you'll get yours.

You seem to make your fair share of petty and nasty comments pot calling the kettle black tbh though it is quite difficult talking to you with out being abusive I imagine most people reading this will understand that

Nope, and from the time I saw comments from this vendor about being sold fake weed from his supplier as an excuse to a complaint I wouldn't ever part a penny with any wares of theirs.

Thought as much your a joke, so what’s your problem then dude plenty of vendors sell cali here why go on a personal vendetta against this particular one like you said you got no experience of there products

Started again someone rattled the cage.
Have a good Xmas and New year mate.
Started again someone rattled the cage.
Have a good Xmas and New year mate.

I just saw the thread on forums and thought it weigh in, tis a free and open internet after all.
Merry Xmas to you too though, I hope Santa brings you a soul.
You seem to forget the countless profanities you spew at any detractors from your ill prepared fakes. Again I note the vertical Vs horizontal heat seal lines which prove UNEQUIVOCALLY that those bags are hand sealed. Legit JB packs are machine sealed. End of.
I am almost willing to bet after I pointed this out, the heat seal lines mysteriously changed orientation to try to be more realistic. It may be a small detail but that in my opinion is the most verifiable evidence possible to counter the claim it comes from Cali.
Have a happy new year too, may this be the one you stop scamming the community. (No hopes up though)
Peace :)
Merry Xmas to you too though, I hope Santa brings you a soul.
You seem to forget the countless profanities you spew at any detractors from your ill prepared fakes. Again I note the vertical Vs horizontal heat seal lines which prove UNEQUIVOCALLY that those bags are hand sealed. Legit JB packs are machine sealed. End of.
I am almost willing to bet after I pointed this out, the heat seal lines mysteriously changed orientation to try to be more realistic. It may be a small detail but that in my opinion is the most verifiable evidence possible to counter the claim it comes from Cali.
Have a happy new year too, may this be the one you stop scamming the community. (No hopes up though)
Peace :)

1 post
+1 votes
New Shatter - Jack Herer
Hi could you check your.comms please

New Shatter - Jack Herer
Hello there!!! We have a new strain of shatter available.... Well its new for me, I know its been a favorite for a while now.

2 posts
+3 votes

Hi, any chance you could look at your messages and get this dispute sorted. I know transax have been in touch also. You offered a refund several days ago which was lovely but subsequent comms have gone unread. Its been three weeks now.

I hate to hear of your less than satisfactory experience. But can you please tell us about it in your own post and not hijack juliehs review. Thank you

2 posts
+2 votes

Due to List the Original Rare S5 Haze and some lovely amber Dewaxed shatter - Special items in time for black friday!!!

The S5 Haze is RARE
many people do not know this but there are approx 50,000 phenotypes of haze. mind blowing right
The s5 haze has very long flowering time so no breeders bother with it
tight crystally nugs. smells like propper candy!!! smokes smooth and tastes brilliant.
the shatter / wax i will be listing becomes gooey at warm temps, it is dewaxed so very clean..the strain is Chemdawg X OG kush
so has kushy earthy tones, with some minty flavor coming from the chemdawg
I think i will be running out of the sugar by this evening, i dont suspect there will be sugar for atleast a couple weeks
but the shatter makes up for it
Enjoy Everyone
And thanks for supporting me all this way <3
Without you guys believing in me i would have never progressed and been able to come with such an array of fantastic products
many people do not know this but there are approx 50,000 phenotypes of haze. mind blowing right
The s5 haze has very long flowering time so no breeders bother with it
tight crystally nugs. smells like propper candy!!! smokes smooth and tastes brilliant.
the shatter / wax i will be listing becomes gooey at warm temps, it is dewaxed so very clean..the strain is Chemdawg X OG kush
so has kushy earthy tones, with some minty flavor coming from the chemdawg
I think i will be running out of the sugar by this evening, i dont suspect there will be sugar for atleast a couple weeks
but the shatter makes up for it
Enjoy Everyone
And thanks for supporting me all this way <3
Without you guys believing in me i would have never progressed and been able to come with such an array of fantastic products

The wax is amazing thank you. All your products that I've tried have been out of this world but do you think you could check your comms please. I've been trying for 5 days to contact you. Apologies for leaving this here. You're still one of the best vendors

6 posts
+6 votes
Very happy with the wedding cake & the alien. I'm not sure what hash I got, and I've not had hash for a long time, but it took me back to the hash days. Very satisfied, good seller, good product

I really enjoyed the Cake Crasher, very potent and pungent! One of my favourites from them so far..
It currently holds the position of ‘last blunt of the night’ for me at the mo (which has to be strong and tasty) so it fits well 👍
It currently holds the position of ‘last blunt of the night’ for me at the mo (which has to be strong and tasty) so it fits well 👍

Good to hear 👍 I really enjoyed the wedding cake, in fact I'm saving it for a time I can really sit back & enjoy it, I'm hoping the cake crashers is of similar quality.

Good luck. Been waiting 8 days and comms are not fantastic. 1st order from these guys and only my second no show in 2 years. We shall see....

Ah sorry to hear that, my first order from these guys was really good. It did take a day or 2 longer than others, I have an order from greentech that arrived yesterday & was ordered at the same time. But I'm not worried, I'm sure it will arrive as will yours 🤞

I hope you got yours. 10 days now and they sent me a dud tracking number. I feel quite uneasy about this lot now. Only reply to one message per day then you have to wait 24 hrs for a reply. Not great.

3 days til I can hit that dispute button. What a pain in the arse. Ach well, loads of good vendors on here. I'll go back to the reliable tried and tested ones and stay there I think.

I'll update once I hear something from them. I'm certain they'll sort it out somehow once we know what's happened.

Nope. After 2 weeks they gave me a fake tracker number then went dark. Most people seem to have received their orders and are happy so I dunno. I'll raise a dispute tomorrow then forget about it and move on. Shame but there are great vendors on here so it's fine.

Ahh dude, sorry to hear about this!! Onwards and upwards as they say… Its sad as I’ve had nothing but a great service from them.. but shit happens I guess.. Hope you get a nice smoke soon and medicate those troubles away ✌️

2 posts
+4 votes
What is your favourite thing to do while stoned.
Apart from the obvious....lol
Headphones, candlelight and some proper immersive music like cosmic jazz, or death/sludge/black/doom metal, or something…
+ 2 more
Cycling through the countryside is an absolute delight. Cooking and listening to the radio. Drinking sour beer :)

Apart from the obvious....lol
Headphones, candlelight and some proper immersive music like cosmic jazz, or death/sludge/black/doom metal, or something proggy or Dylan or Joni or some Kirtan etc etc whatever I'm in the mood for.
Headphones, candlelight and some proper immersive music like cosmic jazz, or death/sludge/black/doom metal, or something proggy or Dylan or Joni or some Kirtan etc etc whatever I'm in the mood for.

I'm pretty much high all the time(least 2 joints before work) but chilling in the garden on a warm day with the family, a full belly with nothing to do. And the kids not being to loud. Today though it's wet, but I've got a big bag of Master kush to get through

Drink ‘Mexican Flags Up A Flagpole’
Flag: 3x caballito glasses:
Red: Sangrita
White: 100% agave Tequila
Green: LemonSours
Corona Extra
Flag: 3x caballito glasses:
Red: Sangrita
White: 100% agave Tequila
Green: LemonSours
Corona Extra

Bake her swiftly to our song.
She is very griot ,
We will be vegan
Gassing upkeeps knows what
Not sure if her by the pine-trees.
She is very griot ,
We will be vegan
Gassing upkeeps knows what
Not sure if her by the pine-trees.

You are interesting and because it's a week before lockdown ends. UK. I will respond accordingly... My answers will hopefully be different numbers post lock down....
Watch ANY Comedy
Eating Cheeseeee
THINKING different levels
Watch ANY Comedy
Eating Cheeseeee
THINKING different levels

1 post
+1 votes
This bang on 4g nug of Elphinstone.
Frosty dude. I just got some today. Lovely stuff.

I took the top one outside and the other is in a shed. Any photos I take in the shed just makes it look toxic green with the flash. I thought it looked Photoshoped too :)

It genuinely does hahaha. Doesnt even look like you are holding it XD Gave me a good chuckle :P

1 post
+0 votes
£200 down the drain
Having a mare with this crew. Avoid avoid. There are better, more reliable vendors on here, ones who don't get all precious when you ask a question.

£200 down the drain
£200 down the drain with Drugs Inc UK, got sent unsmokable shit weed, week later got a reship that was worst than the first one, tastes like soap, burn jet black nasty ash, zero high,
Now over 48hrs with no response from vendor, should i dispute?
Now over 48hrs with no response from vendor, should i dispute?

Yeah ive basically thrown more of my money away here too. They might send out reships but 1. Thats not the weed we paid for and 2. We pay transaction fees to both buy and send the btc ....thats not coming back to us...i have 2 jars of their bad weed, ready for the bin. And preparing for another. Great.

Just to update, received reship within 2 days, worse quality than the dog shit if you can believe that, anyway got a refund so count your blessings aye, still gagging for a proper spliff >.>

The white Tahoe cookies burns clean and is a creeper. I smoked 2 fat ones thinking this ain't up to much. Then the next thing it was 4 hours later and I'm wielded to the couch! Lol. I got the Banana coming really hope it isn't like the pic of the black ash joint....ahhhh

Any more thoughts on the White Tahoe? Was thinking of picking some up... everything I’ve had in the last 2 months on here has been shit, like proper shit so been buying locally but always had good smoke off of DI and white Tahoe was deffo somthing that I was looking forward to smoking... so a bit meh then?

I'm gonna cry if its shit, there's like a whole page of info on how nice this crop and strain is! so I'll be wanting my money back of it's not clean! Unclean weed or smoke with black ash should not be sold, irrespective of price, you can't polish a turd.. and the price was for premium bud

Wow from DI? Surprising, I’ve had one bad smoke off them so far but it was pretty bad the rest has been some of the best I’ve had on here...
What was the weed if you don’t mind sharing?
What was the weed if you don’t mind sharing?

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