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{stoned thouhhts)
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175 topics on {stoned thouhhts)
by  aero
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If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?
Coming off the weed with shrooms
Been a smoker for years, I was a problem drinker before I got into weed and it helped get me off the booze for good. I’ve loved being a smoker some great times but it’s just not compatible with my life any more.. too busy with work and my family don’t like it so I have to be secretive which isn’t ideal. Has anyone tried to come off using mushrooms? Has it worked? Would you have any advice? I’ve had mushrooms a few times but no more than 3.5 in one sitting. I feel like I need a mental boost that will enable me to kick the habit.

a half g of some decent shrooms (it'll be shroom season here very soon) will be a nice boost for you.
however myself the no.1 thing i like to do when microdosing shrooms is to puff so you gotta see if the shrooms work for you but for sure a half g or even a full g when you're needing it, it's definitely worth a shot.
Coming off weed you must eat well, good nutritious food.
It's too much for the human body having to deal with a massive change in habit with low quality nutrition, the body needs good fuel to keep you going through it all.
Take care dk.
Have you thought about natural highs... Like learning guitar or working on improving your body shape lifting? Boredom and disconnect lasts about a month with weed withdrawal which feels long when you are in it, but soon passes if you're bsy
i second the nutrition , i usually make pots of chanko and a lot of things like stews etc plenty of veg and good clean proteins.
Cheers mate
no problem i used to smoke a lot and i do like an Oz in a week sometimes twice a month then i'll have a week or so off .The more you keep having regular Tolerance breaks the easier it is to do it next time.Its like anything even coffee or chocolate your body will miss it if its a regular thing. try taking st johns wart before bed but don't do it a lot its to boost your serotonin and help you sleep. But don't do it a lot because that can effect your sleep if your body starts to rely on it.
Much appreciated bro thanks
im gonna sound a bit of a hypercrit as ive been smoking on and off for 35 yrs, ive done pretty much everything, there is a wonderful book called allen carr easy way to quit smoking, its for ciggerettes, but if you change that word everytime he mentions it to weed , its pretty much identical, i never smoke fags anymore even in joints, i also no only smoke weed every now and then rather than daily, more of a reward than an addiction, so i may smoke weed a few days then take 2 months off, perspnally the best thing that goes with it, is a gym membership or join a martial art, make sure you go 5 times a week.
that book is the one though, best of luck, its not hard at all, infact your already halfway there and dont realise it. the times i tend to smoke are when im injured, at mo ive got a shoulder injury that wont heal for 3 months, so i dont train, and justify having a few joints, but writing this i now realise im being a donut, thanks for wake up call :)
Thanks for your comment my friend. I’ve actually read the cannabis edited version of Alan Carrs stop smoking cannabis. The words are very suggestive and the hypnotherapy is interesting but in the end it didn’t work for me. I just love smoking a joint every now and again no matter how much I try to deny it so I’ve just tried to moderate and really make the most of the times when I smoke weed. I just try and avoid smoking in the day but working from home is very tempting if I have anything in. It is an emotional rollercoaster though isn’t it. I wish you the best either way try not to beat yourself up like I do to myself.
You’re a real one you brother all the best man. Thanks for this I will take this advice too You are far from donut you donut! 🫶🤣
weed is a bit different to fags as its enjoyable, fags litrally do nothing apart from wreck your health, thing that beats all drug is health and fitness. like i say if its just the odd reward that not an addiction. best of luck to you
This is a fantastic post friend, I have helped advise hundreds of people wanting to try microdosing or a trip.
In short the micros help build new pathways in your brain over time as a non intrusive supplement . Taking a trip serves as a breakthrough method and can help reset the mind to find new focus, determination and motivation. I have just lowered all my prices if you want to take a look at my page or message me if you want to chat further.

Respect and Gratitude TheFunGuy
A couple of years ago Mushrooms changed my life. Every 2 weeks I was having a bigger and bigger mushroom trip. Going from 2 grams to 6 grams. It was when I was at 3.5G trip. I stopped eating crappy foods. Would only drink tea or Water. Started working out.
The only thing I couldn't stop was smoking.

But quit smoking last year in October when my chest was mega tight and couldn't smoke a J without feeling like my throat was on fire.
I used patches for 3 days
For the 1st week I would light up a J smoke a bit and flush it down the toilet after feeling guilty. And then just quit all together.

To be fair it stopped the crazy dreams you get after 2 weeks of stopping weed. @ 1st I missed the ciggys. But now I just fancy a spliff every so often.
I'm doing this right now mate. I've had 3 decent doses, 3.5, 5.1 and 5.1 again, 2 weeks apart. Set my intentions and on first session had a challenging time, realised why I smoked so heavily though. Went back in to pick up where I left off and on the second trip found that I could deal with the negative thoughts and went through it all one by one. Had the 3rd trip and that was a really positive experience. I carried on smoking between each session but when I ran out I didn't buy more, which never happens. After the 3rd trip I haven't smoked, it has only been 12 days but feel totally refreshed, no longer craving weed every minute of the day. Not craving mushrooms either. I could go into a lot more detail. The mushrooms are a very powerful medicine for the mind. Treat them with respect, set and setting, have good intentions and know what you want to achieve. Be ready for a challenging time. They hold a mirror up to your personality and there is no escape, so be ready for it. Good luck.

Edit - I have also been fasting on and off while doing this, and feel amazing.
Thanks for sharing Juan, glad it’s working well for you I’ve had one joint in 4 days which is good for me. Tempted to get some shrooms in like you say the setting is important so I will have a think about how I can get some time alone. All the best
We believe psychedelics can help with this :)
Book yourself a holiday to a country where you can't buy weed.
2 weeks in a warm/sunny country has helped me kick hash a few times.
Cannabis Cannibals
I personaly smoke way more while I'm on shrooms so I'm not sure if that could work. However if you wanted to quit weed for good you just have to keep yourself busy it's not a big deal even if you're a heavy toker. It's all about your mind set.
You said your busy and it doesn't fit your lifestyle anymore. So it should be easy peezy to drop it as it sounds like becoming a hassle to find time for a quick smoke break in secret. Hanging out with stoners will get you the opposite results even if it's just online looking at buds.
If you need to you can force yourself to quit by going on a vacation for a week or 2 to a place where you can't get weed and have no choice but not to smoke :D

There was an episode on JRE not too long ago about a plant that can reset the brain of serious addicts but need to be used in a clinical setting.

I just think putting down weed is much easier than putting down tobacco.

Also microdosing mushrooms could be another way to uplift your mood and it works for people but even then you would just replace one secret with another and you still need to forget about weed if that's your goal.
Thanks for your comment pal. I blame you your bud is superb lol. Only joking, yeah some great points there which I will consider. You are spot on though if you really want to quit you can take yourself away for a few weeks and it does definitely reset if I’m being honest with myself I don’t feel ready to be completely teetotal. All the best mate
Cannabis Cannibals
You can always have some edibles at hand. It's probably easier to hide than buds if you're not ready to let Mary J go :)
Anyways best of luck!
Hey it's been a while! How is the quitting going? What have tried out so far? I just started trying NAC, and think its working. I gather my smoking bits after work and I've just been forgetting to use them.. Normally flicking around the internet doesn't get me to forget to smoke. They reduce cravings, somehow? Idk if you're doing well or not, but it not, maybe worth a try?
Cheers for your comment pal. I’ve kind of accepted that I smoke weed although I have significantly reduced my intake. Ideally I’d smoke once or twice a week but 7g is better than 24g so slight progess. Its not easy though is it could happily smoke myself silly. Not aware of NAC whats that like weed ominous? Done a few sessions didn’t sit right with me just made me want to smoke more. Hope it goes well for you anyway mate.
So relatable, I'm always creeping up smoking more and threatening to quit but only managing to cut back. I love it when I can get to 7g or less, it suits me better but same as you by the sounds of it, its an ongoing little battle. That NAC its a supplement, like vitamins. It stands for N-acetylcysteine. I swear by it now. Not completely quitting, I'm just trying to smoke less and its working out pretty well. If you give it a go, lmk how it goes. Take it easy :)
Separate nicotine from weed.

Switching from cigarettes to nicotine vapes is super easy, tapering down the nicotine level is a slow but straightforward process.

Once you only vape weed/ hash it’s good, but not the same and without the nicotine it’s pretty easy to break the daily habit. Just my 2c.

Maybe a large dose of mushrooms may change your perspective on smoking, until you’re on a rough comedown and reach for the cigs again. Microdosing to break a smoking habit? yeah zero evidence of that working at all.
mate its easy to come off though if you have been smoking for years without a break it will take you 4-5 weeks to get over the return of REM sleep you might get some crazy dreams but that is about the worst thing that happens.
My problem is tobacco its harder to come off than cocaine so dont try and do both at the same time not sure mushrooms are the answer especially if you are not used to them.
Harder to come off than cocaine??? And this shits legal... :/
Crazy world we live in.
Personally I've been using nicotine pouches with great results, I now turn to pouches whenever I get nicotine cravings, seems to do the trick, I now no longer find cigarettes to be appealing I get a stronger and longer lasting nicotine buzz.
The research that is based on is a bit dubious.

It's based on how many times a monkey will hit a bar for a substance...

Micro dosing seems beneficial for over all life.e Stops that bad crave to smoke. or eat bad foods or be around bad things generally. We always give extra caps in every packs
Cheers pal I’ll get some in is that what you’d recommend the microdose capsules?
Drinking green tea and fasting has helped me reduce the amount I smoke, I literally have 1 or 2 joints a night now,

Hypnotherapy might be a good shout as well, most addictions hide trauma's or is down to boredom (which is a lot of men these days).
Yeah good suggestions pal. Not smoked for 5 days and feel ok now, first few days felt like a crackhead. Im just going to Buy one or two pre rolls a week so i haven’t got weed lingering. It’s nice to know I can go without and be okay but stress and boredom are triggers for me.
Same here it’s hard to fill that gap, I’m down to one a night which is ok but ultimately I felt a little weird and on edge with out it, let alone the boredom 😒 It’s finding the balance I guess
by  curvylu
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help re: microdose
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