Just wanted to give some thanks now I’ve reached my first anniversary on LB. As I’ve gotten older and been forced into hermit-life by poor health I’ve lost all of the decent contacts I used to have. Most of the people I’ve bought from in the last 5-10 years didn’t even know what strains they were selling, let alone anything about them, and they probably didn’t care much either. With LB, I’ve gone from that to being able to try a massive variety of strains and really learn what I most enjoy. I’ve had the highest quality, most beautiful-looking buds, tasted the most amazing flavours I’ve had in a long life of smoking, and experienced the most varied and best quality highs. I’ve spent a fortune that I can’t really afford and I’ve had a fucking ball doing it! 😂🎉
The vast majority of my buys have been with The Gentlemen Dealers (TGD) so a big thank you to them. Their huge range is solely responsible for me being able to find out what indica/sativa splits I most prefer, and I get far more of what I actually want out of smoking now because of that. From their ‘shake’ to their Jungle Boys, everything has been of the highest quality, and their professionalism and super-reliable NDD service has been very reassuring for someone new to the whole BTC and buying-online thing. Thank you to the gents for an amazing year 👍. And then, just recently, I’ve been lucky enough to try some of Druid’s Magic’s wares. I’m now just waiting for my tastebuds to return (Covid/flu/whatever) and then I’ll be be able to show their Frozen Black Cherry the respect she deserves. Their grows are obviously legendary, but they’ve also been an absolute pleasure to communicate with too, such nice people. Thank you to DM and everyone who pointed me in their direction 👍. Thanks also to the few other vendors I purchased from (all excellent experiences apart from one poor bag of supposed ‘shake’!)
Thank you very much to all the biggas who’ve helped me out - particularly BB and polly - and thanks to everyone whose posts have taught me something or made me laugh. Cheers to everyone who’s made this a friendly, welcoming place for an old fart who’s never done anything like this before. Thank you to the irl bigga friend who showed me what to do, and cheers to whoever makes this all possible.
Thank you biggas, I hope you all have a good Christmas. Best wishes for the coming year. Cheers 👍🎄🎉