Please take some time to have a look around this awesome site. There are some guides and interesting topics posted below.

All4twenty: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wBwHKS
BaldEagleBakery: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I6gyjy
BritishBulldog: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FzZsYX
Buddies: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tz1E6U
CanadianImports: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HLfYvI
CBDHealingShopUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ggw0Rw
dabs+donuts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ufTVXC
DoctorExtracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FM1H9W
Dopey: https://littlebiggy.com/link/jjnW4Q
DrShroom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/VY3uGQ
DrGreenThumb: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IBTlyO
DrTerpy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7G1nfM
DrugsIncUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/k3m6iR
DruidsMagic: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UYfgxz
dr.distillate: https://littlebiggy.com/link/XhVELv
EddysEdibles: https://littlebiggy.com/link/lAjR8M
EddysHashbar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HttC5F
GameChanger: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZFEgh5
Gassed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/crwQ9M
GenHub2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/5sn4ts
GreenAvengerWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uTN4if
GreenCat: https://littlebiggy.com/link/0EjteV
G6Extracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qrlZDw
HashHeadz: https://littlebiggy.com/link/NFqOig
Hashishin: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Efows3
Hebba29: https://littlebiggy.com/link/1ajiAQ
Herb4Life: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uru8tX
Hootan: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I9pkPT
InstantGrams: https://littlebiggy.com/link/h41fLE
JustWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/67OH9U
MadDabber420: https://littlebiggy.com/link/stAYe3
MagicShroomsUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KlQuSe
MJconcentrates: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ry1vjX
MKK2020: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pyuzoZ
Mrb4real: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KDYYCV
MushBar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pBSXuA
Nero: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Wm5oWK
Pistach: https://littlebiggy.com/link/xZITaA
Popeye'z: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6RZ0zo
Poundland: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UyRUBO
Prime: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PKBIBE
Psychonauts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6SKqQo
RadarBreeder: https://littlebiggy.com/link/fdm1WC
Real D: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gF2LaI
RileyPacks: https://littlebiggy.com/link/euhMsq
Rozzyexpress: https://littlebiggy.com/link/shirzJ
sayno2drugs: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZepVzp
SensiMart: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yRxafg
ShroomOfTheLoom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/GKFJeA
Strainsburys: https://littlebiggy.com/link/3hvBxO
Suissms: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gFiztO
Tescrow: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6Fjax1
TheFunGuy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qpWnQJ
TheGentlemenDealers: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7gPgBn
TheGreatVapeCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/JdkGtV
TheGreenTeam: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PvltaW
TheHashCollective23: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KTQrpJ
ThePontiffOfPiff: https://littlebiggy.com/link/EsNFMH
UKdispensary: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qzyXFr
UKgrower2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yjsZNn
UrbanLeafCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IAYLRo
Uwakeibake: https://littlebiggy.com/link/f5Ye3f
Wavespell1: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wYSqS1
WeedstarTHC: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tuQft8
Yourmumshouse: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gWeZW9

Appreciate your time and effort for the community. Big thanks for adding us on the list.
Peace and Respect

Please could we be added to your star studded list thank you my friend.


0 click on items at the top of the page and explore!
1 select your item and press pay after you enter your shipping details you will find the
- the orders unique bitcoin address
- the amount of btc required
2 if you need bitcoins buy them at any exchange like paybis.com (or others like conimama.com, coinbase, bitpanda etc)
3 from your exchange send the required coins to the order address, you'll find this after you complete your order and press pay
you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 16 days contact the escrow link.

Cannabis Ruderalis is a variety or sub species of Cannabis. It is native to Eastern Europe and Russia where it has adapted to very harsh conditions but can also be found in areas such as midwestern USA where hemp cultivation was prevalent. This has made them hardy plants that are resistive to weather and insects.
Physically Ruderalis grow short, typically under 2.5 feet tall with a rugged and shaggy growth pattern. They tend to produce small buds and Ruderalis is unique in the fact that it flowers based on maturity and not light cycles (modern Ruderalis hybrids can begin to flower just 3-4 weeks after seed is planted. This has given Ruderalis the name of autoflowers where their popularity has grown for cross breeders. Crossing Ruderalis with popular Sativa or Indica strains yields higher levels of THC and other Cannabinoids whilst shortening the growth cycle and allowing for quicker harvests.
The first well known, commercially available autoflower was The Lowryder. Allegedly took 9 generations of breeding to perfect and was made by crossing a Ruderalis plant with Northern Lights #2 and then with William Wonder. Nowadays most strains are also available in their autoflowering varieties.

My last grow was 4 odd years ago and can only imagine how far it’s come along.
To this day the strongest and best tasting bud I’ve smoked in all my years was the blue dreamatic I grew.
Close second a photoperiod amnesia 🤤

Ruderalis lack the strength and taste of the equivalent photoperiod. If you image the life cycle is around 4/6 weeks shorter, that a huge % of time in a plants lifetime in which they can develop size and higher terpene levels. True, good genetics, paired with a good setup can produce some incredible autoflowers/ruderalis, but if you took that same environment and put a photoperiod in it, it would produce much better quality cannabis. For new growers or those that need something to withstand harsh conditions auotoflowers cannot be beaten. They will grow literally anywhere

My photos were like trees 💪
Just don’t want any first time growers to be put off thinking autos = shite non terpy plants

Love a well done photoperiod, nice day smoke. I'd always recommend a fruity strain with auto flowers as it will come through better than anything gassy or pine. Gushers is a great choice

All4twenty: https://littlebiggy.org/link/wBwHKS
BaldEagleBakery: https://littlebiggy.org/link/I6gyjy
BritishBulldog: https://littlebiggy.org/link/FzZsYX
CanadianImports: https://littlebiggy.org/link/HLfYvI
CBD Healing Shop: https://littlebiggy.org/link/ggw0Rw
DoctorExtracts: https://littlebiggy.org/link/FM1H9W
dr.distillate: https://littlebiggy.org/link/XhVELv
DrShroom: https://littlebiggy.org/link/VY3uGQ
DrGreenThumb: https://littlebiggy.org/link/IBTlyO
DrTerpy: https://littlebiggy.org/link/7G1nfM
Druids Magic: https://littlebiggy.org/link/UYfgxz
EddysEdibles: https://littlebiggy.org/link/lAjR8M
EddysHashbar: https://littlebiggy.org/link/HttC5F
DrugsIncUK: https://littlebiggy.org/link/k3m6iR
Gassed: https://littlebiggy.org/link/crwQ9M
GenHub2: https://littlebiggy.org/link/5sn4ts
GreenCat: https://littlebiggy.org/link/0EjteV
G6Extracts: https://littlebiggy.org/link/qrlZDw
HashHeadz: https://littlebiggy.org/link/NFqOig
Hebba29: https://littlebiggy.org/link/1ajiAQ
KeepItGreen: https://littlebiggy.org/link/sTiePI
JustWeed: https://littlebiggy.org/link/67OH9U
MadDabber420: https://littlebiggy.org/link/stAYe3
MJconcentrates: https://littlebiggy.org/link/ry1vjX
Mrb4real: https://littlebiggy.org/link/KDYYCV
MKK2020: https://littlebiggy.org/link/pyuzoZ
Mushbar: https://littlebiggy.org/link/pBSXuA
Nero: https://littlebiggy.org/link/Wm5oWK
Pistach: https://littlebiggy.org/link/xZITaA
Popeye'z: https://littlebiggy.org/link/6RZ0zo
Prime: https://littlebiggy.org/link/PKBIBE
Psychonauts: https://littlebiggy.org/link/6SKqQo
RadarBreeder: https://littlebiggy.org/link/fdm1WC
RileyPacks: https://littlebiggy.org/link/euhMsq
Rozzyexpress: https://littlebiggy.org/link/shirzJ
sayno2drugs: https://littlebiggy.org/link/ZepVzp
ShroomOfTheLoom: https://littlebiggy.org/link/GKFJeA
Strainsburys: https://littlebiggy.org/link/3hvBxO
Suiss ms: https://littlebiggy.org/link/gFiztO
Tescrow: https://littlebiggy.org/link/6Fjax1
TheFunGuy: https://littlebiggy.org/link/qpWnQJ
TheGentlemenDealers: https://littlebiggy.org/link/7gPgBn
TheGreatVapeCo: https://littlebiggy.org/link/JdkGtV
TheGreenTeam: https://littlebiggy.org/link/PvltaW
TheHashCollective23: https://littlebiggy.org/link/KTQrpJ
ThePontiffOfPiff: https://littlebiggy.org/link/EsNFMH
UkGrower2: https://littlebiggy.org/link/yjsZNn
UrbanLeafCo: https://littlebiggy.org/link/IAYLRo
Uwakeibake: https://littlebiggy.org/link/f5Ye3f
Wavespell1: https://littlebiggy.org/link/wYSqS1
WeedstarTHC: https://littlebiggy.org/link/tuQft8
Yourmumshouse: https://littlebiggy.org/link/gWeZW9
420Buds: https://littlebiggy.org/link/khqBSy

Off the top of my head you missed Hashishin tho

Any other vendors or recommendations pop up and will get added 👍

If there is any chance for us to on the list would much appreciate it. We are new on here and have 50+ sales with 0 dispute. Thanks in advance .
Peace and Respect

Verify your account first and then enjoy fast and simple Crypto transactions!
Enter LittleBiggy Bitcoin wallet address and send directly from Paybis after paying with your chosen method.
You can also hold Crypto here or send externally to another wallet.
Fees are waived for first transaction!

Trichomes on Cannabis are used as a defense mechanism as their bitter taste and strong aromas deter animals and insects. They also provide the plant protection from harsh weather and winds.
Although they can vary in size and shape there are 3 main trichomes that appear most on the Cannabis plant.
- Bulbous Trichomes. Smallest (10-15 micrometers)
- Capitate sessile Trichomes. Slightly larger Trichomes containing a head and stalk
- Capitate stalked Trichomes. Much larger Trichomes and can be seen by the human eye (50-100 micrometers wide). Stalk and large gland head construction which serves as the epicentre for Cannabinoid and Terpene synthesis.
All three types of Trichomes produce Cannabinoids, however the Capitate stalked Trichomes will appear in abundance in and around the calyxes of Cannabis flowers/buds and these will contain the highest concentration of essential oils.
Trichomes on Cannabis are also used as a maturity gauge before harvesting:
- Clear Trichomes indicate they are not fully developed yet.
- Cloudy Trichomes are thought to produce a more heady and energetic high.
- Amber Trichomes are thought to produce a more body stoned couch lock effect.
- Mixed Trichomes should produce mixed effects.

Hyde Park, London, W2 2UH.
Thu 20th April. 11am-6pm
Castle Park, Broad Weir, BS1 3XB
Thu 20th April. 12 noon onwards
Hyde Park, Leeds, LS6 1AF
Thu 20th April
Platt Fields Park, Fallowfield. M14 6LA.
Sun 23rd April. 12-Sunset
By The River -Too Loud
Sun 23rd April. 12-5
Probably many more happening, feel free to add here. Enjoy the day whatever you are doing!

Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are two species of cannabis. This means that they share many similar features but have specific and distinct differences.
Strains or Chemovars (chemical varieties) labelled sativa generally have higher amounts of sweet and herbal terpenes and provide a more uplifting, head high. Sativas grow taller and longer, both in height and leaf structure. They take longer to mature than the Indica species and often have lower levels of CBD which can produce anxiety feelings in some users, whilst others feel the productive and creative side. Cannabis Sativa originate in countries with dry, hot climates and long sunny days such as those found in Africa, Central and South America and certain parts of Asia.
Sativa examples: Sour Diesel, Jack Herer, Durban Poison, Haze varieties.
Strains labelled indica tend to have higher amounts of the terpene myrcene, which is thought to contribute to sedation and the more intense “couch-lock” effect. Indica plants are smaller and bushier than Sativas and finish their growth cycle quicker. Cannabis indica orginate from the middle east and have had to adapt to the often harsh and dry conditions of countries like Afghanistan, India and Pakistan.
Indica examples: Purple Punch, Zkittlez, Blue Cheese, Grape Ape, Kush varieties.

Terpenes are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants. They are thought to protect plants during growth and attract pollinators. Terpenes are responsible for the varied but distinct aromas, flavours and appearance of Cannabis. Terpenes add to the entourage effect and the psychoactive properties of THC. In cannabis, terpenes are found in the trichomes, those resin-filled bulbous sticky hairs found primarily on the buds.
We value terpenes for their therapeutic and medicinal purposes. They are in spices, teas, and essential oils we use every day. There are also a wide variety of terpenes found in marijuana. Cannabis terpenes are similar to the more well-known compounds of THC and CBD. Like these main chemicals, marijuana terpenes have various therapeutic attributes that include analgesic, anti-anxiety, and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is important to cure and store Cannabis properly to retain the terpene profile by avoiding light, air or moisture. A few tricks and tools can help to keep the nugs at their best. UV-protected, airtight jars can be excellent storage units for cannabis flower.

Simply put, the entourage effect is the theory that the full spectrum of the cannabis plant works best together - the interaction between all of the compounds from a cannabis plant, such as phytocannabinoids and terpenes, come together to enhance their effects.
The cannabis plant has more than 400 hundred unique chemicals, each affecting us in a different way. There are more than 100 cannabinoids, 200 terpenes, many flavonoids, and several phenolic compounds. Some of these compounds are inactive, some are active, beneficial, and good for us like CBD. THC is a psychoactive cannabinoid and the main element responsible for getting you high!
Phytocannabinoids interact with our bodies receptors to produce numerous psychotropic and therapeutic effects. Terpenes give Cannabis its distinctive aromatic smell and flavour but can also give different effects.
Cannabis can be administered in many ways and is more commonly being isolated into its individual components for specific reasons. Many argue that using the full spectrum is still the best overall experience and the only way to feel the full entourage effects.

As a cannabis plant matures and its buds grow, its terpene and cannabinoid content begin to develop. The first cannabinoid the plant will develop is CBGA, also called the “mother of all cannabinoids” because it will eventually break down and produce primary cannabinoids, like THCA and CBDA.
THCA is found in variable quantities in fresh, undried cannabis, but is progressively decarboxylated to THC with drying, and especially under intense heating such as when cannabis is smoked or cooked into cannabis edibles. THCA is often the majority constituent in cannabis resin concentrates, such as hashish and hash oil, when prepared from high-THC cannabis fresh plant material, frequently comprising between 50% and 90% by weight.
THCA is rarely directly used, but its presence is commonly analysed when cannabis or hemp-based products are screened for THC; some countries require that it be measured in such screens.
THCA in its isolated form is available for purchase in select medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries in the form of a white crystalline powder. It can be smoked or vaporized in typical smoking devices, such as a bong or dab rig (device used for vaporizing hash oil). These methods convert the THCA to THC and so are used for their psychoactive benefits.

Cannabigerol (CBG) despite normally being a minor constituent of Cannabis, is another important part. Often referred to as the mother of cannabinoids, CBG is the decarboxylated form of cannabigerolic acid, the parent molecule from which other cannabinoids are synthesized.
During plant growth, most of the cannabigerol is converted into other cannabinoids, primarily tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD), leaving about 1% cannabigerol in the plant. Certain strains will be bred for a higher CBG content and often taken from younger plants before it has been coverted into other cannabinoids.
CBG is non psychoactive so won't get you high but also works as part of the entourage effect. CBG has other potential health benefits such as inflammatory properties, sleep and appetite regulation amongst others. CBG has many similar effects and properties to CBD however due to the way they are derived, CBD is much cheaper and therefore more readily available.

Research has so far demonstrated that CBDV is often a minor part of the cannabinoid profile but is more prevalent in indica landrace strains sourced from Asia and Africa, as well as strains naturally lower in THC. Strains that are high in CBD also typically tend to be higher in CBDV.
These lesser known cannabinoids all work together to give the enourage effect and release the true benefits of full spectrum Cannabis intake.

The cannabichromene compound is not psychoactive, so it’s another great choice for patients who want therapeutic benefits such as anti inflammatory properties without getting high.
It may affect the psychoactivity of THC when combined - CBC works with other cannabinoids in a phenomenon known as the entourage effect to provide a richer, fuller experience when you use Cannabis.

Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

- Post LB links on social media, don't be afraid (items, threads, reviews etc)
- Create social media accounts and direct followings to LB
- Distribute paraphernalia and leaflets with reference links embedded in QR codes etc
(Well done to anyone who collected a Weedologist lighter at any canna events!) 💚
If you are unsure where to direct people you could:
Generate your own code from my page and use that as a landing / create your own welcome page with posts and help / direct to a big well known shop who will support them / create a dynamic QR code so you can change the destination link and vary where you send people.
I would also welcome any fresh thoughts or ideas and hopefully we can keep growing this community together 💡

most people would see this as more valuable than a medical license: no doctors, surveillance, and ratings on all the products.
If you sold a a login with your ref code embedded you would get an upfront payment and the referral code stream.

1 referral per day = 1%
3 referrals per day = 2%
6 referrals per day = 3%
I've messaged you 3 times on 3 separate occasions about this but I never get a response

The best way to get an increase in the meantime is the same way you have twice already: contribute ideas that help the program. This thread is a good place for anyone to do that.

The lighter, and in particular the Clipper lighter (or, at a push, Swan) with its removable pokey bit, is a covetable commodity. It's easily lost/stolen/forgotten but it's most importantly also refillable. It could pass through many, many hands, most of them stoners, most of them curious about the chosen logo and QR code. Ever moving, potentially, is the Clipper, with people scanning its QR code out of curiosity, sitting around in beer gardens, parties, or just smoking with a mate.
Your QR code.
No-one refuses a free Clipper, and who can have too many lighters? The guy that steals this one will probably have too many, but will he scan it too...?
Print will wear off quickly, but vinyl wrap can be printed with whatever people want, even potentially vendor logos and QR codes, then they can be put on in bulk. Maybe include one with orders? Your market is out there. Niche country? Even better. Marketing that could be clicked on by dozens, all generating income for you through codes, or, maybe no-one clicks at all?

Cheers. BB

Sting with his tantric stuff was an influence on me, but only when i had to give money to Band Aid in 1984. Seems a bit too much like hard work. ;)
Cheers. BB

But all that's faded away now. I can use VR without any adverse effects except maybe a bit of eye strain for a long session.

This helps to support our growth and means that we can then offer you a wider variety of products at even better prices so its a win win for us both and not to mention that we are running a 10% extra promotion till the end of this month when you purchase using our reference code.
Step 1: click on item that you are looking to buy once you are on the product scroll down until you see reference code please refer to picture if you are unsure you will see a green arrow pointing to it.

As Weedologist says, that produces a link for whichever logged in user generates it to share elsewhere, then take a referral fee if it prompts new users to sign up.
If you generate the link then post it and ask users to click through, it may give you something, but that's not my understanding. If new users sign up from your link (+ didn’t already land here via someone elses token) and buy your product you retain a higher % and you get the referral fee on buys from other vendors.

Once the page has loaded that is it you are now on the correct page to purchase under vendors reference page every thing else is exactly as before you just need to select and buy.
Any questions feel free to PM

I need xbox for halo launch though!!!!

anyone still struggling, try the phone app called "hotstock" (red and white icon)
then pay for 1month sub, 2.99 or something and watch whichever console you want. it will spam you with notifications but I got both consoles at RRP in a week!!!

Just bought myself a first release PS1 not so long ago with Destruction Derby, Tomb Raider 1+2 and getting Ridge Racer soon. Had one in the late 90s when it came out but gave it my sis when I went to Uni and she sold the thing. Fucker! Got one back now though.
Got an Atari 2600 too.
Played both Xbox and PS more recent gen consoles, and I prefer the Xbox online interface and usability.

Backwards compatible for a massive library .
Game pass far better than ps
Forget all the bs about having no exclusives for me ps only has god of war, ghost of tsushima and ratchet and clank other than that it's a brick.
Have ps , switch and Xbox So not to biased .
Ps for last gen tho ...
Just my opinion ✌️

I've only ordered a few times on LB and every package I've ordered has turned up and there has always been communication.
All I've asked is for them to check the recorded delivery to make sure it's been sent and no comms at all.
Now I feel like a jerk if I have to click on dispute since I don't want to do this or make anyone feel like I am ripping them off but not sure what choice I have.
I've looked down their topics and it seems I ain't the only person who has this issue, it's just confusing since their reviews are decent

It also did turn up today just a week late but no complaints

![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)

Last time I was out, I hung out in Siberie, Katsu, Kashmir, Coffeeshop Amsterdam.
If you're after good bud, 1ehulp or borejorgens.

Home grown fantasy, slightly off the beaten track but with Power Plant :)

1.The Bulldog: The Bulldog is one of the most famous coffee shop chains in Amsterdam, with several locations throughout the city. It has a relaxed atmosphere and offers a variety of cannabis products.
2.Grey Area: Grey Area is a small and cozy coffee shop that has earned a reputation for its high-quality cannabis strains. It's often frequented by cannabis enthusiasts and has won multiple Cannabis Cup awards.
3.Dampkring: Dampkring gained international fame when it was featured in the movie "Ocean's Twelve." It has a welcoming ambiance and offers a wide selection of cannabis products.
4.Barney's Coffeeshop: Barney's is a well-established coffee shop that has been serving customers for over 30 years. It's known for its friendly staff, comfortable atmosphere, and an extensive menu of cannabis products.
5.Coffeeshop Amsterdam: Located near the Centraal Station, Coffeeshop Amsterdam is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. It offers a diverse range of cannabis strains and has a welcoming environment.
Remember, if you decide to visit a coffee shop, make sure to familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations regarding the use of cannabis in Amsterdam.

A bunch together, multicart maybe?

Transaxe pays out daily at anytime from my experience.
Keep plugging away and the gaps should get smaller as more people make purchases.

when i first started using LB i settled on Coinbase as my app of choice as i liked the ease of use, straight from your bank > to app > to LB, easy.
The problem is that for the 3rd time now im going without my meds because of Coinbase, there's a weekly limit of 300 sheets and also a daily limit, that with the high rates now makes me think there must be a better option as I wont get anything in now till Thursday and I needed it to drop tomorrow so was wondering if you can help out gang?
Any advice will be appreciated, cant keep going without.
thanks in advance

anyone have else have issues at the start

im just looking at one called Kraken and the fees look ok
ok so you cant buy direct from it and you cant withdraw till 70+ hours so now my emergency cash is gone too, awesome.

and yeah most of the ones ive tried since settling on coinbase do have similar or higher fees but not all.

does seem to be a few others that are low fees and easy to use like Bitpanda and Exodus so i may switch still at some point.

i probably do use that much in fees thinking about it, maybe that will be the way to go, im going to setup and try a couple of these other ones our fellow biggas have suggested.
ill update the thread if i find anything worth mentioning.
cheers pal.

coinbase also disabled my account for 3 months once for asking a question about my account absolute joke.
imo btc is terrible now fees never used to be so high
i have used exodus before to receive payments and transfer from the wallet with funds already in there fees are dirt cheap havent used in about a year and a half or so
think i paid about £15-20 in fees to purchase and send £219 btc with blockchain about 2 weeks ago

through coinbase that would be about half the fees i think.

ive heard great things about Binance + i can get xrp on it unlike blockchain which is a benefit to me think you can get xrp on cb aswell.
i guess it what does you well if coinbase aint doing you dirty no need to change plus cb gives some people the learn and earn program did it back and made about £30 after i converted to btc defiantly a feature no others have.

main issue with CB is the 300 daily limit, once a month me and a friend do a bigger order when that becomes a problem.
the other one ive tried so far is Kraken which had some teething issues but seems to have good fees

I use whitebit to get the cryptos i need. Send to Atomic.

Thanks for getting involved everyone, definitely feel there's a few options here that are better than what im using.
Just to update on my issue with Kraken, i realised now i set the kraken one up wrong and if i had done it right it would've worked fine so i should say to you all to check that one out, nice big limit etc, looks pretty easy to use if youre not an idiot like me

Unless you need to use bitcoin DrFox is available like any regular pharmacy.

Or try these;)

Enjoy 😉
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

These PE are very large....4g sent me in visions of glowing " white orbs " hovering just above my house. "
I rarely see ET visions, but PE opened my vision somehow....no anxiety at all, but cannabis both kicks in the cubes and treats the initial nausea.
Thanks for your interest.
I ship via Priority mail that looks like an eBay fulfillment, so don't worry about the constabulary.

We have high quality chocolate bars available in the US. We didn't post them to build our mj presence but were happy to post if there is a demand on here!

I have a couple of questions to ease my mind.
Why BTC and not XMR? Isnt BTC traceable compared to XMR which offers better anonymity?
Do I need to send the BTC to a non KYC wallet after purchasing, and then sending to the vendor?
Should I use TOR? VPN?
Thanks for your help!

Authorities may not be concerned but there are other parties that might be interested to know your habits, back ground checks for immigration or jobs etc

A non KYC wallet is always prefferable, Exodus is a good one and stores coins to your device. Can send here from coinbase etc
Tor is advisable for extra security and sometimes needed if clearnet site goes down you can still access on onion. Links here:
I always use a VPN when accessing the internet anyway!
Good luck with your purchase!

Read good reviews of Gassed’s RSO and is a great vendor for rapid delivery and hash so worth a look

![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)

The more you give, the more you get. Be an active member of the community: comments, topics, posts but not spammy. Some more info on the strange algorithms on the link attached.
A good product, stealth, quick delivery and good communication are key and positive reviews will help.
Some new vendors do giveaways or promos, check out the topics page for some inspiration.
Good luck 👍

I would recommend engaging in discussions here - it will get your name out and start building up trust. Small quirk of my idiot monkey brain, but I am a lot more likely to want to buy from an anonymous storefront if it has a friendly human presence.

If I had to summarize the formula for good vending from my point of view it will be: providing value.
meaning - good products, fair prices & decent service.
distributing free (or very cheap) samples as a start can be very good to spark things up (free love doesn't go unnoticed in my experience plus you're giving your customers a chance of tasting and reviewing your products quality while starting to build a base).
just my 2cents,
Best of luck 🍀

To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love

We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)

Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊

Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)



for full transparency this may be influenced by me having several trees ....

Just been reading a negative post about a seller on here and I'ma tad disappointed by that fact.
I've been amazed at how accommodating the vendors on LB are. In fact, all the ones I've dealt with have gone above and beyond.
I realised, in May, that I'd had a complete mental breakdown. I don't remember much of December, January or February. It was horrific. Despite never using crypto or venturing anywhere near the DW in my life, I found myself here, probably being a horrible, inconvenient, inept nuisance. The cyber equivalent of roller skating through a sea of banana skins, weilding a pair of scissors and sharp stick. Sorry 🙏
All sorts went wrong, even stuff that wasn't my fault but not once did any of them dismiss me, belittle me, refuse to deal with me or generally make me feel any worse than I already did.
Everyone went out of their way to get my orders out quickly. They even added a few kind words of encouragement & understanding in their messages as well as showing relentless patience with me, none of which was expected, but all of which was appreciated.
Coming out the other side & well on my way to recovery I appreciate them even more now than I did in the hopeless, muddied, PTSD riddled state I existed in back then.
MJ Concentrates 😍 The Wellness Oil got me through some dark times and made me eat now and again 👌 I won't mention what else you did regarding my first order or everyone will want the same treatment but I still smile thinking about the gesture in the context of our relationship, which is simply business at the end of the day. It's not what I expected at all. Oh & for resolving the stoopid cart issue so swiftly...
Cheers, Dude, you're a good un.
Psychonauts - I trust you guys implicitly & am eternally grateful to you for curating my adventures in micro dosing. I can't even begin to document the mind blowing revelations &. discoveries that Lucy facilitated but your product perfectly complimented the huge awakening that this year has brought - ok, so I was in denial for 36 years but I'm clearly needed now and I'm here because I felt I could travel safely. Thank you
Dr Extracts - Patient to a fault during the ordering fiasco and then, when my very first cart got delayed by RM, although I was fine with it because I know what the postal service is like, you immediately sent a replacement NDD.
Me being me then sent you some btc when the original cart turned up and I know that surprised you too, in a good way 🙃
If I said everything nice that I wanted to say about you, you'd probably kill me. I had this crazy notion that you're all ruthless thugs (I'm so fkn sorry) but you have been nothing but kind to me, especially regarding what I've gone through with my kid running around with drug gangs & having to move out etc. Ironic really but it shows how much safer it is buying through a network like this compared to the horror you may encounter on your doorstep.
I don't actually smoke so I probably won't ever have to deal with loads of other vendors and will no doubt avoid some of the bad ones - However, choosing who to buy from is not always a financially led decision and you are all assured of my loyalty (unless you stsrt fobbing me off with ropey shit 😜)
Oh, Eddy's Edibles - you were grand too but after a bit of a mix up with an 80mg lollipop I've decided to leave that department alone 😂 🍭 Operator error entirely but I can certainly vouch for the effectiveness of your wares.
It's all too easy to complain these days but we often misdirect our anger & frustration towards people who don't really deserve it. There's already far too much negativity around for us to add to it unnecessarily so it might be nice to think things through - the wrong thing said to me back then could have had horrible consequences but here I am. Still f*cking up my payments and knowing I'll never get to that 100% 😅
Love & Light to you all 😘

For all its faults, this place is not just a drug marketplace, but a much needed and appreciated safe haven for getting the medication some biggies really need, so it should be praised for that. The fact it's still here after so many other similar sites have disappeared (especially on the DW) says a lot.
Really glad you're feeling better buddy.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

I particularly like the lack of judgement levied towards newbies or people just curious about things they don't know about.
We seem to live our lives in permanent fight or flight mode, most of us only remember to breathe properly when we take a massive drag on whatever. Feeling safe anywhere is rare and I love the paradox that feeling safe on here creates.
Thank you 😊

I agree that there are plenty of threads titled 'Vendor X is a crook/twat/scammer' etc. The vast majority of them end with the bigga who started the topic apologising and retracting their complaint. It's easy to fly off the handle when things don't go your way and there is a tendency from some biggas to see this as the Amazon Prime of weed distribution.
However I believe LB thrives because it's an open forum where buyers and vendors can communicate with ease. It's peer controlled and if a vendor or a bigga is out of order they're usually respectfully called out for it. It's also important that biggas keep each other informed if there is anything they're not happy with, if for no other reason than to give others the chance to avoid if they don't want a similar experience. Same goes for vendors if they have had a bad experience with a bigga. I think LB is the best place on the 'net to buy weed and I hope it's around for at least as long as I am.
All the best with your continued recovery.

Again off the main topic but could not agree more. Like you TacoTemp. I was thinking of such a topic.
Bender bashing has became common practice at the moment and it’s doing my head in.
No chance are talking to the local like that because you sent a text and it was not replied in 3 min.
Or that RM have not delivered the illegal drugs on time. At no fault of the vender.
Might have life’s outside LB
Risk going to jail for distributing said drugs
Does stuff go wrong ?
Do orders go missing/seized
Do mistakes happen (of course)
The list could go on for ages.
This is the same in any industry. Mistakes happen. Has anyone died no
So calm down have a joint and think before you type.
If someone has genuine and been wronged then of course call them out.
White product ect. Make sure it has context not just
Comms are shit
Delivered late
Bla bla bla
On who to use list could be long very long and people forget that.
I have used some but not all the venders you have mentioned and agree.
To the Venders I have used and still to use
Thank you 🙏🏻

Being a new member it may be worth messaging vendor prior to ordering as some don't allow new buyers.
If you want an easy stress free first transaction then stick with someone like TheGreenTeam and you can't go wrong!
Good luck!

Green avenger weed combo deals hash and bud .
Shroom of the loom small bud and hash combo. Selection on lb is spot on ,good luck mate

I've had the WiFi OG and it's in the top three hashes I have bought on or off LB.


Do check our menu out , we have choice of Edibles, Hash, Flower, Vape or Shatter ..
We are fairly new with dedicated team for communications and separate dedicated team for packing and sending , 100+ Sales with 0% Dispute, 100% Delivery on All products and 80+ Reviews that do speak for itself! All our prices are marked down fairly to compete with new and old Vendors on here!
There are also few good members of community posted up a lists of Vendors , one of which can be found on TheWeedologist’s page! Good luck.
Peace and Respect


All are fantastic at customer satisfaction and service and also just top human beings!
They do amazing product that is brilliant vfm and artisanal
Can’t go wrong with any of these, my overall fave vendors who’ve covered my every need consistently
Have also used TGT and Gentleman dealers so honorary shouts out to them for reliable service and decent products.
Eddy’s is also a top geezer!

Escrow service is a contract where by you can dispute and get refund if items don't arrive. This provides security for buyers.

Hashishin is another that i hear a lot about, but don't see his merch listed in items.
Is there a way to unhide vendors?
Any help greatly appreciated...

Or if the vendor gets alot of complaints or disputes raised the admin can also hide them for this

Just paste it into the Tor browser
It's unlikely the vendor will have hidden their item themselves though, very likely it's the other reason I mentioned 👍

Most of the time when vendors are hidden it seems to be due to alot of disputes in a short period, or the vendor taking people off site to buy from them

I’ve read jelly is the strongest but honestly google it there’s no definitive link saying what’s the most high THC bust your shit open concentrate

The type of concentrate isn't particularly relevant to the THC , rosin won't definitely have THC than shatter as it depends more on the starting materials than the process
Delta 9 disty would be the highest THC content as they typically test without terps at 90% upwards THC

I'm not a believer in terps, for me they are flavour and the magic is all in the minor cannaboids
Otherwise disty vapes with cdt's would hit more like weed
Just my thoughts

Using concentrates to provide the full strain profile is the only way worth investing in.

I am really enjoying rosin varieties so far this summer.
Not sure about strongest but C-I have some of the tastiest concentrates!

Let’s call a spade a spade, I just want a crack pipe that’ll blow my head off so I can do my mundane job! Only messing but who knows, if you see my reviews getting more lively and irritable you might know why.

If CI ever lists the Gods Green Crack Budder again don’t hesitate amigo!…it honestly makes me run round the garden with no pants on. It doesn’t even have to be my garden..🫢

Like hats off and high fives galore
I need to top up my BTC it seems

A: Is not possible.
B: Would render the concentrate almost flavourless.
I would reccomend rerunning the test for that product. No way is that accurate at all, sorry. No hate intended, but I've bought it up once and you've kept the same results up. The badder looks amazing but I can't sit here and go along with that claim of 98.5% THCa, which is preposterous.
The only fair means of testing is GCMS and should be conducted by a trusted 3rd party, such as the Extractor. Still a very good idea though Eddy, big up 👍

Cheers for your work though Caeba not all heroes wear capes

Both deserve no less than a 10/10 ratings and sold by a brilliant vendor

High and polite is how I found this site.

No trouble 👌 last year sometime though.
Hempelf also…. Again last year or so.
Preferred hempelf tbh. They had 2 depots, 1 in Europe somewhere and one here. So depending on what you ordered it was normally 1-2 days or Upto a week. A really good chap on the phone too.
So they used to be legit. And I hope they still are.
Good luck ma man🍀

When I smoke it, I go with thecbdfowershop who do ndd and have had some tasty and strong cbd though this was many months ago.
What’s trust pilot recents saying about them, could be just a shitty time for them??


I appreciate all your comments. still haven't had a response from my usual vendor with the same doubts but I know this can sometimes take a while.
with your reassurances I feel confident enough to place an order.
It really surprises me that there is no such reassurance from LB and the vendors themselves as they must be losing trade from others with similar misgivings to mine.

For me, a good chunk of the first items I’ve commented on or reviewed?
Apex power mate 😂

Done for other vendors and helps biggas too.
Though I’ll need to restock by then no doubt.
Annoyingly, your page is one that never appears on my items list. Had same with realD, then I bought from him and now I see on wall?
Things fucked and many biggas have died old and crazy seeking the truth behind the Great Wall 😂

I would never play it down if it was some ropey stuff, I do it mainly to help biggas decide as the choice is vast and it’s getting so costly ❤️

CDB is entirely legal in the UK, as is THC for medical reasons, including flower.
Cannabis is illegal for recreational (don't believe recreational exists if weed makes you feel better that's medicine to me) here but we've had underground coffeeshops and a weed scene that in a lot of places gets ignored.
I hope we can legalise so that sme businesses can properly invest in their products without the fear of being jailed

Google: Medical cannabis is legal in the UK if you get a prescription from the NHS or a registered private doctor. It is still illegal to grow or buy cannabis without a prescription. There is more research underway to help increase access to medical cannabis.
It took me 2 consultations and i was able to get medical weed in UK at affordable prices and great quality.

It's much more affordable to purchase from LB

But that’s true for legalisation generally. We will end up paying more for lower quality and probably head back to LB (it’s estimated 70% of N.American weed purchases are back on the street).
Leave me alone with LB and I’m one happy 🦊

Verify your account first and then enjoy fast and simple Crypto transactions!
Enter LittleBiggy Bitcoin wallet address and send directly from Paybis after paying with your chosen method.
You can also hold Crypto here or send externally to another wallet.
Fees are waived for first transaction!

I'm lucky enough to be going on a 2 week honeymoon with the woman of my dreams this year.
We're going to Crete this August, and as we both partake, I thought I'd see if any of you lovely Biggas had any experience taking weed in or sending weed over etc.
Or even if you have advice on the culture there, anything that's going to make our time there even more special.
Thanks in advance you awesome people! 💚✌️

I wouldn't ask anyone there for a link, Greeks can be very offended if you ask them the wrong questions.
Best advice I can give is get an Airbnb, tell the host you're posting something in advance as a "secret surprise" for your wife, and order from a reputable international seller (not me lol).
After that learn some simple Greek. It's a different alphabet but get an phonetic app, for example....
Plenty of good apps out there.
Asking for the bill is always a winner in a restaurant, makes them feel like you care about their culture.
(phonetically) "Bro n'eho doh logariasmo... sebarigalo".
Or just "logariasmo... sebarigalo".
Then leave the restaurant and say;
Efaristoh... Galinikta (or Galimera if morning, Galispera if afternoon).
Anyway, have a good one. I'm stoned so writing too much haha.
Have a great holiday.
Cheers BB 💚😊👍🍻

I would've been far too scared to try and sneak anything through in my shoes, even back then. They would see me coming a mile off! 🥵😱🤣
Good advice about picking up a bit of the lingo too. Definitely shows a bit of respect to the locals, using their mother tongue 😁👍💚

Posting it there is great if you have that option, its truly amazing receiving and opening a LB package on holiday!
Also if you do want to carry anything can ask vendors to treble up on the vac packs and improve stealth.
GL whatever you decide and have a great holiday!

I reckon a couple of 50/50 live resin carts in the suitcase is just what the doctor ordered!

Edit: scratch that, I was thinking of doc extracts 🤪

I went to Crete last Summer and the place is full of CBD shops... Literally everywhere! I asked one of the shop keepers if he knew, wink wink, where to get some real stuff and his response was 'it's illegal'...
Whenever I travel by plane, I wrap buds in cling film with many many layers. Heat seal, wrap, repeat. I then use a deodorant with the plastic balls, remove said plastic ball, put weed in deodorant and put plastic ball back on. Always does the trick although I'm not sure how stealthy it is!
Enjoy your holidays!

I remember referring to the guys as "putana" which is a friendly swear word. They loved hearing me say it and they got very good weed there but I remember always old strains like White widow

Delivery 8/10 :
Sent according to vendors timescales, arrived as expected on NDD. Outside of package has some nice stealth bits.
Stealth 10/10 :
As mentioned some nice touches with stealth on the outer packaging, inside was fully vac sealed but nothing squished. Had two different strains here, each was individually sealed really nicely, and labelled. Top marks here.
Looks 10/10:
Holy hell batman! This shit looks like somebody took Scarlett Johannsen, the Olsen twins before surgery and crossed them with a Henry Cavill/Brad Pitt model, I don't think I've seen better looking bud in my life to be honest, no word of a lie.
Crystally as fuck, a bueatiful shade of green with solid, dense nugs, little tinges of orange here and there, breaks apart and grinds up beautifully.
Price/Value 6/10:
So obviously this is going to be some pricey stuff, but as the rule goes with Cali, the more you pay the more likely you are getting a genuine product and let me say, having sampled real Cali before, this is for sure that top shelf grade. Now in terms of value, this is never going to be a winner or something you can have as a daily driver unless Mr Musk owes you some pennies.
But as a treat, and as one of those to keep in the head stash for every now and then, or to pull out at parties (ooh er missus) to impress.
Quality 10/10:
As you would expect, this stuff is knock out, pure white ash in a pure joint, barely browns in the vape and in a bong it left almost nothing but some white specs. Nugs are solid in the best possible way, while also not being super heavy. Stalks (of which there are barely any) snap clean with no bends.
Well cured and extremely well trimmed (just how Jedi likes it), packaged up to retain its brilliance, really can't say enough good things here.
Stone/Taste 9/10:
Smells like heaven, sweet, almost candy but not quite, the sugar cane comes through heavy here over the MAC, although the MAC comes through more on the stone and taste, sweet sweet sweet is the best description of this wonderful flower.
Getting to the bottom of this pure joint I am feeling like being in my PC chair is way too much effort, but so is moving, the indica is strong with this one, reaching for my drink and the crisps fairly soon I would say. Also a little sweaty, so the THC content is for sure high here.
Overall rating: 9/10
This is the daddy, one of the best bits of flower I've had in a long time, no negatives I can really think of other than the price will make it a bit of a hit for some people, but if you have the means, get yourself a treat here before it's gone.
Props to the vendor, not often stuff looks exactly like the pictures, great packaging and sure I will be back for more!
My reviews all start from a value of 0/10, and I see 8 as a bang-on representation of that product, I don't just give 10/10 for no reason, so if my reviews are 8/10 that is very positive and should not be taken as negative.
A product would have to be the best version of itself I have ever seen to get an overall 10/10
As always I have probably smoked a bit before I took pictures.

Enjoy your posts a lot too.

InstantGrams more like InstantFan!

Does anyone do it on LB to ship to UK perhaps?
My old supplier - lovely lady from Spain cant send to UK anymore due to Fuckall Brexit!! and multiple declarations


Since the move from .org to .com can anyone confirm they have placed and received an order?
Is this still legit, and not now hosted by the police etc?

No, there is no way of knowing if the site has been compromised and turned into a honey pot.

And ultimately the society site on dark web is always up.
Some more info the link attached.

Check our shop for flower choice. We have limited to 15 Bundles offer on the go for 2G of 50/50 Hash & Flower pack for $20. There are big variety of Vendors with a huge variety of products and the most affordable price platform we have seen so far. Its a huge competition for customer satisfaction on here! Comptetition creates the best of competitors and the best of products - we love that!
Peace and Respect

Mrb4real has MAC1 at under £200 a z if you’re after a cookies strain.

I'm a very boring looking mom-type lady and I'm not too worried about taking a bag of Haribo (or whatever) through Liverpool airport but would just feel better if my gummy bears or cola cubes fit in with their non-psychoactive friends and don't smell like a grateful dead concert.
Thank u!

I've also got milkshake powder and maybe the best nuts on LB ;)

I usually buy bears, hearts and snakes (whacky worms) from DIUK.
DIUK makes bears in 12.5mg (cute fuzzy bears) and 20mg (big fuzzy bears) and the whacky worms pack a wallop at 50mg.
Their love hearts are pretty much like the 20mg bears.
I would say the 12.5mg is a safe bet for someone to try out edibles.
I've also bought some from edibaby69 but she's been out of stock for a while. Hers are supposedly full spectrum and they replicate classic Haribo designs.
I just went to France for Easter but posted 2 packs of re-sealed Haribo bags with some DIUK love hearts and whacky worms.
I posted not using tracked (therefore anonymous) to see if they would reach the other side (I sent them to my family's address in France). They took 10 days to arrive.
I didn't want to risk getting through the airport with them as I was travelling with my partner and son but I have read threads on LB where people's advice is to put the sweets in your checked luggage.
You might have noticed that they use those long cotton-bud lookalike sticks inside the handbags at airport security, I assume that these are used to find for traces of explosive but am not sure.
I'm sure some of us who have regularly taken edibles on flights will chirp in.
Enjoy your holiday :-)

Need real THC ones and no boof
Any suggestions ?

we have some amazing carts in stock all in one pens so no headache with buying a battery
we have listed sample sale on for 20 dollars
for u i can make an exception as we want buyers with 20+ buys only
heres the link
let me know if u need any help

Hope I’m not asking for too much!

Very fast and awesome packaging honestly im grateful
I have just placed an order for another one
Sorry i have been out of town so sorry i didnt reply earlier
Will post a pic and propper review up when im back
Zkittles is smooth man and really packs a punch, best vape ive had so far hands down

I have a few options available, 0.5ml and 1ml. $25 on the 0.5ml. $45 and $50 for the 1ml.
I have a few delivery options as well, tracked 24 Etc.
I can throw in a battery too, if needed.

Will take everyone’s suggestion on board
Have seen a few things that have surely caught my greedy eyes haha

We are pretty new here aswell. We had an amazing start so far
Been a little quiet lately so thought I’d get invoked in the forums
We have some amazing vape carts
Only one strain in stock atm but hope to have a few more in a week or so
Pls try

The high is perfect & clean with no leakage through cart, Honestly I reccomend them to everyone you can't beat the Doc!!

Also very good for you to take a look at reviews it's very helpful 😃

Can't go wrong with Dr Extracts - absolutely love the carts. Really nice high - and dead smooth. Some vapes just hit too harsh.
That said - I'll want a couple of disposables just for a change/weekends away - so I'll have to try someone else for those but I've had the odd one in the past where oil outlasted the coil - I guess that comes down to price or maybei was doing it wrong.

All the best buddy 💚
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3

Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway


Check out our menu

The original greenhouse lemon skunk, before super lemon haze was a thing,I was in dam when it first came, it was the first time I remember thinking what and how the hell am I smoking a lemon.
And the chocolate mint og that was going around 5-6 years ago I miss that.

Where, when, why and how
That being said
Blue dream has to be right up there for me. Probably more so Coming into the sunshine ☀️ months. You can’t go wrong with a bit of Blue dream
Taste wise right in my wheelhouse and the stone is fantastic.
Not seen it listed is quite a bit.
So if that’s your bag. You really need to try the Blue Dream live resin from CI 😮💨🤯

Never seen it here though ☹️

As soon as I had that Sundae Driver I thought “This is my favourite weed good lord” must have had half a zip about 4 years ago and every time I smoked it it was consistent and amazing.
Sadly went out of stock, it’s back in now and again on one site and I’ve never ever seen it here or on another site with over 1k listings of just bud.
Also worried of getting it and being disappointed since my tolerance is a lot higher these days, trying to keep the nostalgia intact.

Even better would be a european seller actually.

I will be uploading 10 pages of the Cannabis Encyclopaedia (the bible) by Jorge Cervantes weekly on Sundays 😃 for educational purposes, enjoy thanks Eddy🍭

Thanks for sharing Eddy!


Micro Dose Capsules - https://littlebiggy.org/link/36ryoH

Have used sensi seeds before and I would recommend them but there company is located in amsterdamn so takes a while to get to you.
Any info/input is greatly taken.

If you want specific strains for guerilla grows (which need to be very mould resistant etc) check out the link above on UK420.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻


My partner is on medication (not antibiotics) for an overactive bladder. The medication is Solifenacin. She has a stressful job so at the weekends so likes to use the THC tincture oils she has (she doesn’t smoke).
We just wanted to ask if it was safe to mix the two and if it could. be dangerous to mix the two. The medication I think makes the brain receptors think that the bladder is not full. She is just worried if it could be more dangerous than that by using both. Like I say she only uses at the weekend. Can’t find alot of advice on the web other than it might make you more tired which is not a problem.
Any advice or experience with others in the same boat would be appreciated. Thanks

Appreciate you taking the time to respond 👍

Its probably worth considering taking the THC oil or capsules with some fluids, as crazy as that may sound. This is because the medication will probably dehydrate your partner more than usual, so adding extra fluid with the THC will help it to metabolize normally.
Once it starts working then the effects should be the same and again, would recommend just keeping an eye on hydration as headaches etc are usually a sign of this, or lack of vitamin C when taking edibles / any cannabis product.
This is general advise from someone who has spent a long time working with medicinal cannabis. So would be interesting to hear if anyone has first hand experience with the type of medication she's taking.

For example, if a person was on beta blockers or a particular heart med… etc. high doses of cannabis (cbd especially) can make that particular medicine work better than it should.. so the person blood pressure could drop too much..
Google can be awful at times but there are some good studies out there so try a simple search of the meds plus THC.
Good luck dude ✌️💚

Was just wondering if anyone knew of any vendors offering RS11 or MAC1, I know the gentlemans dealer have RS but it's abut out of my price range at 3.5g for $75. Greencat had quality rs11 for aournd the same price for a Q and greenteam has very good mac for even cheaper.

Can source Mac1 too. DM us and we'll work something out.

![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)

Who wouldn’t want to spend time with the Druids down on The Grove?😍
Who wouldn’t want a pint with British Bulldog in an East End Tavern? (Or the Dam!)😍
Who wouldn’t want a tour around Eddy’s Wonka Factory?😍
Who wouldn’t want a posh night out with The Gentlemen Dealers?😍
The list goes on and on…..impossible to choose!🫣

I'd ask them to bring the pre-rolls with kief and shatter and see who hits the floor first, surely the vendors aren't hard hitters tho, couldn't be less they'd just blaze through all the product.
I think i could hold my own against any vendor here, apart from the shroom vendors, fuck that!😁

We would bring those pre rolls all the same though lol
Hope youre good my friend
d i

I bet TGD gets high as a bloody march hare.

Any info gratefully received
Much love
F x

Cannabis clubs in France? If only...
Don't even think about bringing some with you, if you get caught it will be big trouble.
Buying on the street leave you opened to scams,etc.
If I had to go over there with empty pockets I would follow zapgaz's advice and order from an EU based vendor like Nero to have it delivered over there.
Alternatively you can do what I do: buy some LB edibles, buy a bag of Haribos, eat them, fill the bag with the edibles and seal it with superglue.

I remember back in the day I too used to conceal ganja in different food packages and re-seal them with super glue. while it looked pretty good I later learned it doesn't prevent my package from smelling so I switched to a simple kitchen vac-sealer and used it's hot sealing stripe to seal properly.
these days I use a bit more industrial equipment, but if I may suggest for the home user a compact heat sealer which is very cheap ordering online and is able to give the appearance of brand new product while smell-proofing the package.
By the way, I ship to France so hit me up if you're interested in some quality hash (in case street dudes aren't selling 😄), do take a 14-21 days average shipping period from the ME in consideration.
Enjoy your trip! 💚

Got the taste for it and can’t find any if any vendor can source please get in touch


Greenteam are a solid for gassy dense nugs though & Franz has some mental bud for the money the blue sunset sherbert is a creme de la creme!!

The Sunset is Runtz x10, Perfectly cured & mental nuggies!!
I will be getting more soon for sure.