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joined jan 2020
I'm just a procurer at the moment. Maybe in a few years I'll be a producer again.
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1 topic on TheRealRick
Disputes explanation please
17 posts by TheRealRick
£44,212 - 9/9/24 @ 10pm What an awesome giveaway, a whooooole once?! Good luck all, just not as much as me ;)
🎉 Moonrock Giveaway! 🎉
13 if it's still available please 8/9/24 @ 7pm
10ml Distillate Giveaway!
This is dickshit bonkers! But I think I get it so I'll take 13 please. 10/9/24 @ 8pm
At least you lot have got your orders! I have not got my order and he is ignoring my messages! I haven't even ordered any hash?! I am rather poor and … + 2 more
{buy help}
Start Buying
I've found bittylicious for buying the bitcoin and then Exodus for a wallet has been very good. No matter where you buy the coin from, you'll have to …
3rd attempt Growing advice
You can try with a carbon filter but I wouldn't bother, never found one that works. But yes you do need suck all that hot air out of the tent - not pu…
Free Bud Competition 🏆
Good ol' classic white widow or even blue widow. There's no school like the old school...
GiveAway Time!! ⏰️
13 if it's still available please 09/09 @ 10am
on  [travel]
Friendliest Islamic Destinations?
Morocco, Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia are all favourites but a real stand out star for me is Uzbekistan - full of history, especially from the Genghis …
dubai doobies?
So many questions arise in my mind from this post..... such as do you like the idea of many years in a middle eastern prison, or have you done any res…
Bit of help, please!
I think this is clearly RM's mess. I don't believe the customer is doing the dodge because they have 12 buys and I don't think you are doing the dodge…
Favourite film list. 30g Truffles competition with DrShroom
TRUFFLE PIG Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!
Am I too late? I'm always late.... If I were a woman I'd be pregnant a lot. + 2 more
on  Nutta
Movies to watch when baked
Any Tarantino film (Django is great!), Matrix 1 & 2, Fight Club, Star Wars episodes 1 -6, most of the MCU infinity saga films, Fear and Loathing i…
on  {bitcoin}
bitcoin fee's
I thought I just come up with a genius idea called cannacoin but after a swift googling it appears someone beat me to it! We should use that on here.
bigg topics