Dear valued customers,
Don't usually care about reviews like this but it's one of the 1st ones on the product itself, so I just thought I'd let it be known.
This is the 2nd 6/10 in a week now, don't know if people are just being overly picky (you can't please everyone, unfortunately) or if people are trying to damage our score, but since everyone else is leaving 9s or 10s for the same stuff it definitely makes you think...
Just because your half ounce looks like a Q doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it... I think the reviewer has made the product out to be shit down to his own personal preference rather than rating it as a smoke itself.
This is very dense, well grown, flavorful flower (and in no way "twiggy")... few of the ones we have in stock may have been vac-packed tight for transit but if you're in the know, this is the way it goes.
If that isn't your thing, there are plenty of non-established (and established) outfits on here which can and will sell you muted, low quality PGR-ridden buds, we advise you go and use them instead.
If there is ever an issue with an order we encourage customers to get in touch... This is one of those cases where they didn't and just put up a slag review.
Perfect quality flower for the price people, I've put another pic of it up for you all to see above (13.88g pictured)...
On a positive note, there is a very, very, easy way of solving this problem!
I'll be giving a free 3.5g of Jungle Cake incl. T24 to the next 4 people who reply "Bollocks, I'm in!" to this post so we can see who's telling porkies 😁
No new accounts (3 month minimum age / 5 minimum buys) / obvious alts.
Active members of the community only, thank you in advance 👍