- Powerful Tool -
The review system on LB is one of the powerful tools LB gives us consumers. A bad product or vendor has a short life on LB because of the reviews and ratings system as well as being able to create topics like this. Its one of the ways in which vendors are held accountable for their products and services.
- Share Your Experience -
We have the power to share our product knowledge and experience of vendors to help steer other LB purchases. I've seen bad products removed pretty fast off the back of the community response. Equally I've seen people rush to buy vendor products driven by positive content here.
- No Guidelines -
However, there's not a set way to do reviews so we all make it up as we go along. This leaves a mixed quality and lots of discussions around what is correct.
I review the overall deal - product, value, stealth & service. I'm likely to give a ten assuming everything went well and the weed matches the photo and description as well as being good value for the price paid. I start dropping points off for poor quality, delays, mistakes etc.
How do you do yours?
- We Have a Voice -
Looking at new vendors as a way of estimating review rates, it looks like a fairly small number of people write reviews - maybe 25%. I'd be interested if anyone has any accurate numbers around this in case I've got it completely wrong. It's a shame though as in many aspects of life we don't have a voice. We do here.
- Mixed Quality -
While many reviews here are great and contribute to the lb community, there's some reviews which are not nearly as useful.
This is a discussion so please chime in if you believe I'm wrong about any of these or have something to add. I have rewritten the below reviews as examples of the bad review genre so as not to directly quote anyone's actual review. It's not a witch hunt. This isn't aimed at anyone personally but is a discussion about writing reviews that will benefit everyone.
- Review Examples That Could Improve -
Top of the list of course is:
"I haven't tried it yet. 10/10."
- Unless you're Nostradamus maybe wait til you do try it. It could be an 8 or lower by then. I've had weed that looked and smelled just right from my favourite vendors but was so-so to smoke. I've also had iffy batches of stuff I'd ordered previously. Proof is in the pudding. Also writing a review closes the dispute window so if the product has a problem you'll have to jump through more hoops to open a dispute after reviewing it.
Next are this type:
"Amazing. So stoned. Huge glistening purple buds. Overweight. Pure white smoke. Perfect oil ring. Probably the best weed I've ever had. And they sent me a freebie too. 6/10."
- I get it. You're difficult to please. High standards are good and you want to leave some ranking margin at the top for better stuff. Or maybe there was another issue like stealth or delivery time that you marked down from a ten. It'd be good to the reasoning for marking down here.
The one and done:
- If it's a 1 out of 10 we need to know why, especially on a product page of 10s. What went wrong for you - give us the heads up. Tell us your story.
That's also because of these:
"Terps and stone amazing. Incredible stuff. I'm ordering this again. 1/10"
- Clearly a mistake and likely a mix up on delivery time and rating or fat fingering the zero on a ten. I wonder how many one and done reviews had meant to leave it as a positive.
Expecting miracles:
"Ordered on Christmas eve next day delivery but it took 3 days to arrive. Weed was good though. 2/10"
- Set your expectations to realistic. The only person who delivers that fast at Christmas is Santa. And then only if you've been good. Have you? I fully understand the disappointment. Rolling papers at the ready and the postman walks straight past to your neighbours. We've all been there. At time of writing this, I am there now. But before you leave a low score do question, was this the vendors fault, or royal mail.
New vendor first reviews:
"Great. 7/10"
- You're the bold adventurer to roll the dice and place an order with a new vendor and we need to know more about how they operate. Stealth, delivery, product, communication. How did they do? Should we all drop everything and order here immediately? Spending a few mins here helps out the buyers and the vendor. Often new vendors have some great bargains but do we want to risk it - you know the answers.
On a multi product listing:
"It was amazing. 10/10"
- Which of the options did you buy? Often naming the product is unnecessary but on multi product or multi variant listings it's a useful habit that helps us know which are the good options and which to avoid - rather than blanketing multiple differing products with the same rating. Your 10/10 may have sold out days ago.
- My Ideal Review -
"[Product name] was a great example of the strain with strong [flavour] taste and strength. Big nugs. Perfectly cured. Thoughtful stealth and fast delivery. Vendor is awesome, I order here all the time. 10/10"
- Here we're ticking off the key points that make us trust the product listing and the vendor. Equally, if any of these points fall short then flag it up to the LB community. There's a thousand products here so give us a steer. If you read reviews to inform your own choices then please equally contribute by reviewing the products you buy. Your opinion counts.
- Negative Reviews -
Of course not all reviews are positive and where the value, weed, vendor, service or stealth is not up to scratch, that's the point where constructively explaining that to your fellow buyers in the reviews helps the whole community.
Negative reviews can have a powerful impact and help us make good choices about where to spend our coins. Give the vendors a chance to achieve their ten but if they're not up to the job in hand or you've had a terrible experience then sharing it helps us all.
- We Are Lucky -
Basically we're a bunch of lucky folk buying great quality cannabis products at decent prices with our payments protected by escrow.
Spending a few mins and doing our bit on the reviews helps the community thrive and the good products fly - as does creating or interacting with topics and recommendations. Equally steering us around poor service helps us avoid the problems you have had. It's these things that make LB more than just a marketplace but make it our community.
- Thanks -
As always thanks for reading my topic. I hope it was informative and if not I hope it was entertaining in some way. Please upvote this topic if you like reading this stuff as it really helps to share it and get involved in the comments to let us know how you do your reviews.