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joined aug 2020
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2 topics on Mhokurtz
by  Mhokurtz
Happy holidays everyone
by  Mhokurtz
Wait period for blockchain
125 posts by Mhokurtz
I need a new series to watch
The secret ingredient is crime!!!!
on  {rap}
Popek Monster
I've seen bits of his before and he is absolutely mental lol. Defo a character thats for sure
on  [music]
Hip Hop is alive!
Ooooo I didnt know about a new serial killers ill have to check that out. The last one was amazing. I could be wrong but I think public enemy just re… + 3 more
on  [music]
electro swing
If you like them then you should check out Caravan Palace because they are awesome too. + 2 more
on  {rap}
Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
Dabbla isassivley slept on. Psychoville is a masterpiece + 4 more
on  Emz2460
Package collected from post office by hampshire police
Yeah that wasn't very well thought out was it lol
Friday Giveaway! / 2G AMNESIA HAZE
What a nice giveaway. Great work guys
Exodus cheese & G13
Budbros had some listed up recently. I did a review on it...was a banging smoke.
Best 80's Film Ever....Go !!!
I cant believe noones said blues brothers....such an amazing film with a brilliant soundtrack. Ive lost count how many times I've seen it lol + 2 more
My Zkittles better then your Zkittles
If you remember can you please drop me a message when it's up and listed. Thanks 😊
Supernatural Fans??
Fantastic show. I've not seen the last series yet so no spoilers. I've actually got the antiposession tattoo from the show done 😀 + 2 more
on  Richy781
Banks getting arsey with wallet transfers
Funnily enough a new article came up about this on my feed this morning. Sounds like several banks such as Starling, Barclays and Monzo are all starti… + 3 more
Smoothies review
Nice review mate. Shame its gone off the menu because it sounds lovely
Tupac's Banned Christmas Interview
That was actually a really interesting interview. Thanks for putting that up. Well worth a watch
Liberty Haze coming along nice
Awesome thanks mate :) + 2 more
Cake crashers review
started topic
on  [music]
Sleaford Mods
I got into them after they featured on the prodigy album years back....very different style to the norm but they defo rock.
Order missing
No mate still nothing.....thats 4 of us now that are waiting. I'm honestly starting to think something fishy is going on. I've spoken with the provid… + 16 more
Bonneville Membership ??
This idea has been throw around a few times before and had a pretty good reception but I don't believe anything was ever followed through. Would be …
Doctor says.....
I know right....anyone know the models name?...for research purposes of course haha
What strain would you like to see more of?
MAC.....don't care what type...just MAC So far I've had MAC 1, MAC 10 and banana MAC and every single one has been top draw amazing smoke. Pretty … + 2 more
Invisible weed.
Im also waiting on a response for 2 days now. No delivery and no comms. 1st time I've used smoggy so I'm a bit concerned but I've always heard good …
why did my account get suspended.
Looks like the account got suspended because you had a couple of disputes on your orders and you were offline for over 2 weeks so escrow just assume t…
How To Be Added To The Wonder Wall?
Hi smonkey I've read before that it's very biased towards karma and continuous listing/logging on. The theory behind it is that you are best to al…
5 stars on the app store and it stole his life savings
Just another reason I hate apple. Be careful with your BTC everyone :)
SMONKEY Loyalty Scheme
Thats a very generous offer mate. Will it apply once per customer or every 5 orders regardless of repetition?
Anyone heard from Smoggyman?
Gutted to hear that mate. Mine turned up today...was sent next day recorded but took 4 fucking days to turn up. Fuck knows what happened there tbh. … + 3 more
Ghost train haze review
started topic
I've had ghost train plenty of times before and I'd say around 90% of the time it does look like this. I've always thought it was an ugly strain cos t…
Customer service
I can 2nd this. They have always been very good to me and the mango haze is my go to morning one to energise me before work. Great stuff guys keep it …
Selective scammer
I think I get it......but its a tough one to call whether its acceptable or not From a buyers point of view you want to know that your items are goin… + 3 more
on  Dopedad
British Bulldog
I'll 2nd this. Very well loved bud and very tasty too. + 4 more
Great flower great service
started topic + 2 more
Best weed for sex/improving libido?
I'd suggest a nice haze. They are often the best strains for pure energy.
Best quality, lowest price
Gotta say DIUK have been very consistent for me recently and they have a whole range of prices to fit your budget....if u can stretch to afford their …
Still waiting
I hate to tell you mate but the vendor hasn't even been online for 23 days so I doubt they are still in business. Best bet is to contact escrow for …
Juicy fruit ice cream
Is that the ones in the old yellow packs...used to love those when I was younger....gonna have to check the shops to see if they still do them now lol…
Over charged
Hi scarface. I think I know what has caused the problem here and unfortunately in this i stance it is neither your fault or the vendors fault. Lb …
reviewers if you want me to believe you're not shills
Gotta say I agree 100% I can't imagine there is anyone on here that would need to do it unless they got banned and tried to come back lol. Vendor wis… + 6 more
Super Hans is no scammer
We all get days like that mate. Just try and take this as a lesson learnt and move on :) Good man for coming back and saying sorry cos thats never a…
Well I'm going to comment on your comment about you commenting on clickbait.....commentception lol Enjoy the smoke if you pick some up mate + 2 more
Get a 3.5 for £10!
Soooooo gutted. I literally just put the btc in my wallet ready to buy it and as soon as I refreshed it the offer had gone. I hope the 5 people who g… + 2 more
on  {gaming}
Anyone got a jailbroken PS4?
You are right. You put it onto the hard drive and the chips etc booted the game on the cracked firmware ....I even remember renting games from blockbu… + 2 more
First timer, very happy
Welcome to lb mate. I've had a few orders from them now and they are great to deal with. Enjoy your smoke
on  Docazz
Unsatisfactory service. Basic bullshit.
Lord only knows where that package sat for so long....I expect it just got knocked off a shelf and wasn't found found a while lol. You are right tho… + 2 more
ask lb sellers: how to roll with noobs?
Hahaha I Raffed Out Rowd when I saw that comment bulldog.
The Beamup?
They haven't been online for 6 days now. I'd put in a request to escrow if I were you mate.
on  hoqwer
Jesus!... The Prices!!!
Yeah its getting pretty silly isn't it. I'm the same as you and I automatically ignore anything thats silly prices because its just a piss take. Sadl… + 2 more
Wallet fees are crazy atm.... Any recommendations?
Blockchain has been the same....been trying to sort and order and they want to charge £10+ on a £40 transaction lol. Tbh its stopped me buying atm an… + 2 more
Uk Cali
Can I ask what you mean by UK Cali? Surely its one or the other. Good luck with your new shop :) + 2 more
New around here
Welcome dude. Community interaction goes a looonnnggg way around here so get involved and have a laugh while your at it :) Good luck with your new …
on  {bitcoin}
silk road treasure opened
Blockchain are trying to charge me £13 to transfer £45 lol....I need to find out where they got it so cheap hahaha
Anyone who gets this Mac 1 and also the mac 10
I put up a review on the MAC ONE from RB just before Christmas if you wanna check that out...I'm waiting on my delivery of the MAC 10 drop DIUK and il…
Top Grade Mac 1
Is this coming back after Christmas? Its amazing.
London cannabis cafes
I'd be interested to. Lived in London my whole life but never come across one.
Little (Biggy) bit of Bud Porn. Happy New Year!
Ooooooo looks frosty :)
Skywalker review
started topic
on  caz
escobart There u go mate :)
has anyone tried this yet?
Tbh the $10 for 1g is worth a punt anyway. Just under a tenner is a decent intro price + 2 more
Much better! Makes me want to try it now:)
Damn thats a whole lot better with the flash. Looks awesome :)
Happy Christmas ?☃️? everyone.
You too dude :)
on  carverr
Hi carverr What makes you think they are the same person? I've not seen anything myself that would suggest it so im asking an honest question. I've…
Did you know?
Thats made my shitty day turn into a big wide smile. Thanks man I needed a good laugh
Anyone tried or Reviews??
I've had mimosa plenty of times and I'd say it was a nice daytime high. Always leave me with a sense of being uplifted and gives me enough energy to g… + 2 more
"...2.23g received (ordered 2g)!!"
I think it depends more on the vendor tbh. I always weight mine out of the bags just the nuts on their own and ive found sometimes certain lovely vend…
Welcome to LB
Looks beautiful...shame I'm past my spending limit already :( Good luck with the sales buddy :)
New seller on here
Good luck on the sales buddy. I'd say you might wanna get a pic on your listing because that's what a lot of people look for when deciding what to p…
Count me in...not had any in years. Whats the price gonna be on the 2g?
OS Tangie
on  OS Tangie
Thoughts on UrbanLeafCo?
Absolutely brilliant vendor. Smoke has always been spot on and they have the best comms of anyone I've dealt with so far + 2 more
Free Adidas superstar shell toes!!
Thats very generous of you buddy. You don't appear to have halves on your listing tho...only goes up to 7g
on  {gaming}
any one among us that's among us?
its super fun to play with a group of mates when you are all josh as did YOU did it. Pure and simple good fun
Is this showing on the wall? Someone please let me know
Showing for me matey
Nice helpful medicine
I think you are right that its viewed are a drug rather than something with medical properties. Sadly this is unlikely to change unless the people who… + 2 more
bigg topics