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cleanup borg
joined aug 2019
0 no harm
1 only interpret
2 maximum viable love

if you see something spammy or inappropriate be a love and let we know.

anything we do can be appealed, just use our page for this.
share cleanup borg and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
16 topics on cleanup borg
cleanup borg
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall
Darlings: our wonderful wall has a mind of it's own, though we each influence this mind with our words and deeds here.

The wall measures novelty, popularity, positivity and most of all integrity. It does this based on experience and gets smarter every day.

We understand the tea leaf reading can be difficult, especially for noobs, but there are a few things that we have come to lean:

1 stay online and be responsive
2 voting and posting patterns betray lots of naughty behavior, this makes things very easy for the algorithms
3 nastiness always winds up hurting you, even when you are right
4 if you remind the algo of a previous dodgy person you have an uphill battle

Data from your payment processor, over posting, over messaging, and more seem to go into it as well. Whatever it is though dears you'll always hear the same thing from us, be patient,

And by all means please do understand that Borgs can not control the wall.
Very interesting.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your input. What an amazing use of algorithms and no-one has complete control. That's my interpretation.
cleanup borg
Yes you charming bloke it's love that feeds on hate. What we are trying to do here is let people understand it better.
scammers are very often hard coded for touchiness (usually they feel deeply cheated in childhood).

touchy discussions are a great way for an algorithm to round up the usual subjects.
Just respect and no bullying with true freedom of speech and no one ganging up on people just for posting simple questions or opinions ! not rocket science is it? :)
Yeah that is what is sometimes lacking from some people I've experienced it anyway
Canadian Imports
We would feel we live by those 4 rules but lately we are being pushed out by the algorithm if anything has changed recently can we change it back please, We conduct business as usual but our topics our basically invisible and our new items don't show on the wall our old items are in a freefall we always try to stay positive and have patience but we have seen zero rotation in the items wall all week whereas usually it would change only a daily basis making things fair for all and our topics seem to be invisible, why hide the Canadian we are the life of the party :)
Very frustrating :(

And we all love the Canadians lol
cleanup borg
We should also add a very important point: we see the behaviour trends but what comes out of fraud detection is a borg of a different colour.

We can't see this kind of thing anymore than you can and it has far greater influence on the wall than any other factor.
Hi, I appreciate the info.. when you say a Borg of different colour, what does that mean?
cleanup borg
each borg has a very limited job, fraud belongs to a non public-facing borg that appears extremely automated.
I have been solicited to join as a vendor to a site called little Came from an anonymous message in my lb inbox.

I know this is scam spam, but disturbs me nonetheless.
cleanup borg
an anonymous message means they are already in the hoover love but thank you
Thank you for shedding a little bit of light on the madness that is the LB Wonderwall, Cleanup Borg. I see a lot of posts and questions on this regularly. It's cool to know how it functions :)
We are following those rules and are now invisible on the wall and also topics. Very frustrating :(

I see “The Wall” like online matchmaking and ranking systems.

firstly the bad actors work out how it works (hence most devs never fully explain it) but these bad folk work it out anyway.

Then they abuse the shit out of it.

Devs are then in arms race to “outsmart” via changes and updates.

They work it out again and the cycle continues…

This is why very often it results in questionable behaviour, in this case our wall order and things can get messy.

Unfortunately the small % of bad actors FUCK it for the rest of us.

Also, borgs I really hope that “Cali” string flag is in a combination of other stuff , cos otherwise it’s dog shit and you hurt even folk like me as I’ve come to use “Cali dense” as a term to help people know their bud density
Cheers that clears a few things up and makes for interesting reading.

Still a mystery but to a certain extent what makes it bad can make you stumble on some interesting items but if I’m honest most of the best stuff I’ve purchased has been down to scrolling though the comments.
Cheers cleanup, you have a real good one friend.
If borgs don't control the wall who's throwing out the perma bans?
Thank you
New to selling on LB and discovering more to this site everyday. Only just read this topic and it's very fascinating to say the least. At first I thought my account had some technical issues but I've now come to realise the wall hasn't approved of us yet. I wonder if this is the same reason our store doesn't have the images I uploaded when creating the listings?
post removals
Messages Secured
by  Tomh7
Unable to send messages
How To Argue Like a Bigga
Tasers do harm
by  justAskin
so its a demerit only system
love always, trust never
thick biggaz are sexy
Please clean up
Our original post was removed and we're not sure why?
cleaning day
Want wall love? Follow up on your posts
by  diceman
get u some spam
22 posts by cleanup borg
little biggy theme song?
Star Trek Porn
Now that's what I'm talkin bout Spock
To Cleanup Borg: Karma Police
thank you love
You need Musk's ego to think you can do shit about an AI takeover.
thus post human
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Phishing in chat?
You are right love, this is phishing. Thank you very much Edders and co.
Request late dispute
this dispute is re-opened, seller must reach settlement with buyer to avoid financial penalty. once they send us a message the dispute will be closed.
420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)
brilliant love + 3 more
fixed loves
Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
thank you + 2 more
This is 100% "TheSmokeDen"
please be specific love when making an accusation use links to the images or other assets you refer to
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Biggy competition rules
couldn't have said it better myself love.
14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)
this is good, thank you for the effort love. but to be provably fair please stream the drawing. + 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
What is harm?
Frankly by all of us bitching all the time. However there are some no-nos that awake this borg: threats personal attacks hate words spam abusive vot…
on  TheCowboy
Anonymous message!
that means they've already been flushed love, but thank you
WARNING - This is Dankyou2021's new account - selling fake cali
Boys and girls this is a lovely example of why manners pays off for all of us. Chunkyboy has done his homework and most certainly has something impo…
on  Jamjarjim
People trying to take business off site
Well done my loves, you've no doubt saved someone from getting picked off.
on  Mrbond20
Seeing as we are all going to die...
list the items you have. thats the only way to sell items.
UK_WEED_420 Nomination for termination
call these names out if you still can love, the terminator is a little heavy handed god bless their heart
bigg topics