I’m not going to get there unfortunately but I’m very jealous so do come back and tell us how it was and any Biggas you meet! 🥳👍

What’s the difference (treat me like a vape student please in basic language 😀 I’m old!) and is one better than the other or is it preference or is there more to it?
And I always smoke neat hash/flower as I gave up tobacco a long time ago.
Love smoking my pipe, I love the portability as it works when I’m out on walks and in the garden, at the beach, cycle rides etc plus it’s a lot less inconspicuous than carrying around a bloody bong or a £400 vape rig.
I can smoke outdoors without getting any attention so long as I’m far enough away for the smell not to reach anyone else which is usually about 50 foot away! 😂
I mean it does the job for me but I’m always looking to learn new things biggas……🤔😉

light to your pipe. Honestly mate, for £60 you can get a DynavapM which is similar in action to a pipe but a million miles away too- give it a try 👍😉

Bad diet, stress (very high pressure mentally and physically demanding job with shit hours but great pay ) lack of proper regular exercise…
So decided to quit one day and just did it. Never looked back. Best thing I ever did, I would have killed myself if I’d carried on.
It goes hand in hand with all those other things though, so eating the right foods, exercise, managing stress levels I think it’s called a ‘holistic’ approach.
If you can do all that it makes things a lot easier.
The smell of fags makes me feel Ill now, puts me right off.
Don’t drink loads either, but do allow the occasional beer. Nothing wrong with that in moderation like anything.
And like toking, all in moderation and not letting it take you over.
Use it as a tool and a gift of enlightenment not a crutch.
I used fags to relieve stress and boredom, big mistake.

To be honest my first experience, after reading all the wonderful reviews, wasn't that pleasant! It was too hot and very wood-y/burnt tasting - despite getting the mica version (protective heat shielding my left Boris - My slang term for testicle...)
Thought I had a dud BUT after a couple more goes and refining my technique I was very wrong. Get the right jet flame technique and don't rush the hits, as the Vapman does get a little hot. With my 0.05g (ish) of hash, I will have about 4-6 hits have a rest to let it cool and hit another 4-6 times. Smooth, tasty, mellow times my friend. (Oh and it does herb just as good - very good extraction on all counts!) :)

Although beautifully handmade and high quality you will wonder when you first see it as to how it can be a top performer amongst ‘000s of vapes when it’s fundamentally so simple!? 😵💫🤷♂️
You’ll love it! ❣️

Ok, alright then it's my old eyes stop laughing! :)

Vapman looks great - totally hear you both about how tiny it is - and there’s definitely something attractive about it.
At a gig tonight though, so my first proper session with it may have to wait until tomorrow…

Silent dramatic part of the gig and some person making a "click" and "whooooooosh" of the lighter and a voice going "one mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi , four mississippi" !!
Yeah, wait until you can chill with it. :)

Sorry I feel like I'm becoming a bit patronising, hell I've only had it a month!! I'm sure there are other suitable vapes for hash and I don't work for Vapman!
I do however now own all the butane gas in the world. Mwah hah hah and you thought your gas and electricity prices were high! :)

Spent the evening with it, some hits better than others, and then at some point it just started working consistently. Not quite sure what I was doing differently though - perhaps slightly longer time with the flame, and/or covering the air holes.
I've been heating it twice for a few secs before my first draw, and then once for the rest. I've been getting 2-3 rips from each bowl (using fairly small amounts).
I still forget about the air holes (covering them creates denser clouds) - and keep burning my fingers (more so the higher I got) - so once I've got that down I expect we'll be golden.
Really like the fact you can microdose/vape smaller bowls...and it definitely works well with hash - I use the microdose screen which is pretty easy to do, and to clean afterwards.
There's always been a period when I've switched from combustion to vaping when it feels like something is missing. A few days of pure vaping has always corrected that, so expecting a similar experience here.
I'm using the longer glass stem, so the flavour is good: comparable to - but not better than - other vapes I've used. It makes me cough a bit, but that's always been an issue for me.
Overall a positive experience.
Hope you enjoy too!

I don’t think you do anything much different I think it just clicks and you are friends🥰
I use the glass stem and it definitely works for me in keeping it cool, but I agree trying to use the side holes can get really hot on the fingers. I very rarely use them tbh.
But you will keep improving if you are like me. I had my best two experiences on it, last night (Moroccan taffy hash) and today (Moonrocks), best ever! 🤩👍

Please report back too - keen to know how a fellow newbie gets on with Vapman

Will definitely report back once we've got to know each other properly

It’s such a strange tiny little thing when you get it. But using it is genuinely intuitive, totally different to a battery vape (and yet I never got on with the DynavapM🤷♂️).
It’s my Go To hash vape- beautiful rips….😶🌫️😶🌫️

You might find it worth checking out a few YouTube videos or reviews for the learning curve. The included instructions didn’t really work for me and people kept saying it’s ‘intuitive’ and I wasn’t sure what they meant, but your sweet little Vapman will really grow on you🥰. I still think I’m improving my technique.
I use a long glass mouthpiece, and after a 5-6 full second (“one elephant two elephant…” 🐘) heat I blow very gently down the mouthpiece to guage the quality of the vapour by what will come out of the base. 4 second heat and repeat. 2-3 second heat and inhale. (Weed needs much less time). Vapour is cool, smooth and very flavoursome. It hasn’t made me cough which might sound unusual where it’s obviously getting super hot but initially you tend to under heat so as your technique improves you don’t really overheat.
Remember you are working the bowl so the first rip might only be the “appetizer”…heat again for the “main course”….finish with the dessert😋😍 (just typing this means I’m gonna go find him🤤😂)
I’ve yet to find anything that brings more out of quality hash🤩🤩

But remember: don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t seem to go well at first. You are just getting to know each other- imagine it’s like a first date😻…that’s going to end well 😉

For straight hash I just protect that golden bowl with cotton bacon. I use the sieves as ‘pie trays’…squashing down a wax or resin & weed paste mix. 🤩
Last night I mixed Afghan Black hash with fine crumbled bubble hash in the pie dish. Bloody marvellous 🥰🔥🥰

I use a flowerpot B-0 goes up to 1000°f? and the hash vapes best for me at 710.The b-2 is half e-nail and half bud vape. It can do both In the same hit if required.
Use it with a freight train bowl on a bong.
Has anyone tried the new sticky brick injector vape bowl/butane vape hybrid?https://stickybricklabs.com/Twist-p508478290

Drops this evening
Feel free to have a punt
There will be more

Having looked a bit the Dynavap M looks like the perfect ‘on the go’ solution for outdoors and in. Think I saw somewhere selling them discounted for 49 quid or so.
Yeah, here it is - https://magicvaporizers.co.uk/dynavap-m

Not walking with hash 😘
BAKx/vapman/bzero (or equivalent) dynavap all cope well with hash

The devices themselves are very subjective, Polly could probably explain better than me the subtle nuances but one thing there is,
Bloody loads of the things and do you know what, a good load of them a rubbish
Anyhow back to my point, no actually can't remember my point as been trying some new ideas on the BAKx
Ahhhh most vapourisers are predominantly designed for herb or concentrate
Hash is a fickle swine especially the older school stuff because it's not as easy to get air through it to heat it because.. well it's hash
Anyhow the ones above listed are all ones I own and rate for hash and flower use
Posting now before I get distracted agai

Any selling in the UK?
What is a good 510 Box Mod? (you know I have no idea what this is don’t you?🤓)
And finally: please convince me that I need this!
Thanks DR! 🥰

No my preference but you add the FMJ one hit wonder 💭
I use the dynavap with a Ti tip and cotton bacon 🥓 to keep the oven clean
Oh aye the wall brings up topics from 3 years ago lol. I’m always late to the party 🎉
Out of interest how old is this topic Dreamer420?

You don’t need it but get yourself some cotton bacon to make life easier. Just my opinion.
Wish you had posted before you ordered as I have one that’s just sitting there. As I’m beginning to have issues lol 😂

The box mod I use has a customizable temp control setting, so you can match it to the atomizer and get pretty accurate temperature control with a bit of trial and error. As it can reach higher temperatures than most dedicated dry herb vapes, you can get some really decent rips off it. I usually stick a flattened out 0.2g piece of hash on the inside wall of the oven chamber. It seems to work best with malleable comms or filtered hash. With the filtered stuff, I'm able to get almost dab-like rips with my set-up.
There's also a water-pipe adapter mouthpiece available for it. I prefer using that to vape it through a bong via a home-made whip as it tastes much better. It's fine using it directly through the regular mouth-piece too, especially when out and about. The e-cig looks also help keep things on the down-low when using outside.
The biggest issue I've had with it is finding compatible box mods. A lot of the mods I've tried won't work in temp control mode with it.

So from my perspective and LB experience so far,I'm happy to recommend the following vendors that Ive personally used and why......
THE GREEN TEAM...Great variety of products,keen prices & thoughtful and secure stealth...fast responses and all round reliable vendors.
NORTHERN ORGANICS...Small homestead vendors offering some of the tastiest "all organically grown" strains that Ive ever tasted! Also their home produced "Cannacaps" are fantastic and I like the lower mg doses they offer(10mg)...Incredibly friendly and fast comms and wonderfully stealthy and lightening posting(1 day on both occasions used)
MR EDZ....Small homestead edibles vendor with very tasty cookies,brownies etc and also has a small range of flowers at very competitive prices...Very friendly,polite and courteous service all round with good stealth and lightening posting speed...cant wait for the next listing of the Chocolate Chip Cookies as Ive become hooked!!!
Ive just made an order today from a well known vendor with a "3 Strain Special Offer" which I shall update you Biggas on once received...but so far all signs about this vendor are very positive...they even replied to my messages within minutes of me sending it(that was on Sunday!) and the order has already been sent out today within 1-2 hours of payment made!...They also have "5 layer stealth" as a drop down option on the postage services menu....all very promising....will update this topic when goods arrive :)
So....now its over to you guys...who are you confidently buying from and why? Many thanks in advance for your input.....
Peace and Love to all you Wonderful and Amazing People xx

British bulldog - single grower also super nice to deal with , releases one strain at a time next due end of may (jack herer) stealth of legend
The gentlemen dealers - great selection and if you order before 1pm its next day - their gelato wax is fab
Canadian imports - once again great for next day and super selection of products - if they get more htfse dive on it as it was fab.
Serial chiller labs - rosin carts - fab vendor with a unique product great service and stealth.
Dr extracts - different to scl product wise but sits in another niche.
Ulc - massive selection - chemdawg concentrate was so nice and also the milkbone.
There's more but I need to be taxi for a bit sorry

I'd argue that I'm not "reliable" in the sense that (as you've mentioned) I have very limited items for sale and it tends to be only once every few months.
Having been on here for a couple of years now I agree with your list.
Gentleman Dealers; have always been consistent and nice people to speak to.
Serial Chiller Labs; know exactly what they're doing and have great marketing. Really top of their game.
Druids Magic; I'd now class as a friend. They've been nothing but genuinely kind to me and their products speak for themselves. They're great growers.
Dr extracts; nice guy. Genuine.
I'd also give a shout out to MJ Concentrates, who don't seem to put a foot wrong and Drugs Inc UK, who have been really nice to me as a small seller from day one.
I'm sure I've forgotten a few of the good guys so forgive me, but in general I think this site has some really decent vendors, and long may that continue.
All the best.
Cheers BB ❤️😊👍🍻

Bud Botanist
Just hope to see them all again soon! 🤞🍻

Someone recently tried to make a complaint on their page - and almost instantly DM's customers told the guy to shut it as impossible that DM would rip them off.
Only problem with DM is that they sometimes run out of product.
Also found PISTACH https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/v/4796484 & DoctorExtracts https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4797751 to be good.
Hashishin https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4775135 is also very good - be aware coming from Israel (I think) so will take some time to arrive, and some may be nervous ordering from overseas. But as many have said he does very good stealth, and (with my orders anyway) he included a couple of samples.

All the vendors listed so far are outstanding.
I would like to add Canadian Imports and Drugs Inc to the mix with Doctor Extracts and Serial Cliller Labs for vaping.
I have been so impressed with all of my orders from all of the above.

Diuk for landrace hash
Hashlover for the best hash you ever had

Solid vendor, and a good guy.
Cheers BB 😊👍

Hows your Jack Herer coming on? We are all waiting with bated breath & checking you page on a regular O.C.D. basis! lol!

I'll hopefully have a better idea of how she's going to smoke in a few weeks, but you can't rush these things 😊👍
Cheers BB 🍻

Pistash and budboyz are my vendor for peace of mind.
Mix ups and mistakes happen, but these two have gone out of their way to rectify them and make sure I'm happy.

Real ID
Canadian imports
Super Hans
All of these have proved reliable with decent to outstanding product. To be fair though the only vendor I've ever had issues with was the clown that called themselves Green giant.

Shady stealth should be the main question but again wouldn't be fair imo and no-one's stealth here is awful, one or two are pretty bad tho.😁

I was thinking same thing about sticking with tracked or signed for just this morning when my order still didn't arrive.
IMO it's best to switch it up, getting a written out address as opposed to a stealthy printed one is fine by me every now and again.
I'm usually 65% tracked 35% untracked.
Over 100 buys and i'm not down a penny due to good folks (like Pistach, Green Cat, Daan) and due to this awesome community here.
I'm waiting my late order so i spoke to vendor and now i'm cool as i got good reply.
Mine's just couple days late, hope yours shows up but don't be afraid to talk to the vendors.👍


2 with Pistach - defo recommend, stealth, speed and comms 👍🏾
1 with radar breeder - bud didn’t look how it looked in the ad and don’t think I’ll be going back. Stealth and speed 👍🏾
1 with FlowerPower (can’t find them atm) - bud was ok, good speed, ok comms and stealth.
1 with GreenCat (waiting for delivery) - comms have been good so far, will update once received. Ordered 7g Orange Zkittles… was amazing, have reordered from GC again today. Defo recommend trying them out
Have looked at TGD & BB so will give them a try for sure. Great topic 👌🏾
I recently made a post saying us Biggas should post pics of the bud we receive from the vendors - so we can be confident we’re getting what we see in the ad.

Let me start the ball rolling.......
1/....British Bulldog....Jack Herer....without doubt the best quality weed Ive ever experienced and his friendliness,service & stealth are the stuff of legends!
2/....Canadian Imports....pretty much like BBs service...top quality weed & the neatest packaging Ive ever seen...top vendor.
3/Northern Organics...Great naturally grown weed & friendly service...the Cannacaps & Orange Sherbert strain were divine...great stealth too!
4/ YourMumsHouse....this vendor really cares about his customers...brilliant comms and great weed variety...many unusual strains stocked unique to LB...stella stealth to boot!
5/MKK2020....very decent guy & his "Og Kush" is superb!...superfast delivery and reliable stealth and service...I will defo try his hash next!
6/ TheGreenTeam....only used them for hash so far,but great quality and top service from these guys...they've currently got some super low prices on some Cali mids($25 for 3.5!!!) so Ive got an order going in after this!)....imaginative stealth and good comms.
So who else has had good weed, service & experience and from whom?.....over to you!

Keep It Green…Another quality grower for the LB stable…also making hash, rosin etc AND their own Moonrocks!…really nice people…very generous.

Currently negotiating with our best growers to fire up some seeds!🙏🏽

From pictures of his buds looks like I'll be buying once DM is out of stock.

2. MKK2020 some banging gear on a budget there. OG kush and shake. Lovely and clean, packs a punch. Service and stealth great.
3. GREEN TEAM Had some excellent hash from them. Great stealth.
As for GreenTech I purchased the worst weed I have ever had from them. So nasty I had to throw it away! Tasted like perfume! Expensive too. I was not very happy at all! My mind boggled at all the 10/10 reviews. Never again.

Funny these lists as 1 seller on there I won't buy from as they are the only ones I have ever ordered from and they failed to send the right gear twice so I just gave up and didn't review and they lost a loyal buyer.
I love the CBD/THC stuff that The Cheesemaster sold this year and he is a top vendor to deal with. https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4775904

MKK2020 - Went with them a few times over this year. Smoked a lot of their Skywalker OG and Carlitos Way, both of which are excellent. Always super fast post w/ tracking. Trusted seller.

So I have been using the site for just under a year now and to be honest I have found most of the venders on here very good at the bread and butter of comms, stealth ect
I have found that depending on what I want. I use different venders for different reason's or products.
But that being said with only just under a year under my belt I would have to highlight the following! and the top is a cop out I know!
1. BB and Druids. Now I have only had one order with both and it was a pleasure to deal with them both as you can see from the rest of the comments I am not alone! and to steel a line from a Doobie report I read and this applies to both. The plants have been cared for with love and affection and not abused!
Thank you to both
2.Dr GreenThumb. The king of combo's and my gateway back into hash and 6 months ago I would have laughed at you and all I had was green green green but oh how I was missing out in a whole new world (bet you had the aladdin song from disney in your head or is that just my stoned ass)
3.KIG New on LB and the gear that I have had from him has been excellent to say the least and like the other's seems like a top bloke and a pleasure to deal with.
4. Dr Terpy / Pistach the main reason that I started using LB was to get carts. He and his gear gave me the confidence to really use the site and spread my LB wings so to say. The comms was spot on and loved the carts. Pistach for my first order out with carts which again added to the confidence in the platform.
5. Shroom of the loom. Some of the budget deals that they did kept me going on the dark skint days.
5. Hashin just for the fucking hash. Tried 2 for his coins and the wait was well worth it.
It's very hard there after as the standards we have all came to expect is very high on here. If it's not word get's around and it must be fucking brutal to get your foot on the wall so to say. So does the question untimely then come down to gear??
I have to cut this short and pretend to be a responsible father lol
But to all the venders that I have used and still to use thank you and keep up the good work.

Right enough of the fore play. Where’s the weed porn you promised ✊✊💦🪴

Amnesia Flash by Anesia Seeds.
She's still got 6-8 weeks curing to go so too early to judge her but she smells gorgeous and certainly looks the part so far. I'm going to wait a while before I test her.
Fingers crossed she'll turn out well. 🤞
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

there are a few that float under the radar that I have also used but this is a very tough list to get on too. Maybe harder than the wonder wall
Very decent venders but we could be here for ages
420buds have also been decent to me

Have been very happy with TheGreenTeam, and It'sWeed. Looking forward to purchase from any of these vendors again.

British Bulldog - No surprise that the top dog makes number 1 in my list. Consistently the best quality to price ratio on here. MAC, Gorilla Zkittlez and Wedding Cake this year are as good as anything you’ll find
Druid’s Magic - Pipped by a nose into second place, the Druids have again delivered some turbocharged treats in 2022 with Umme, Hyperglue and Dankberry spinning my wig. Artisanal strains and wise words from the Grove
Canadian Imports - Boasting the best menu on LB, dispensary weed can be found at street prices here. Not ones for overselling, CI’s store is full of unusual import 🔥

I'll be doing MAC and Gorilla Zkittlez again in 2023 so hopefully they'll be as good as the last batch and you'll enjoy them too. Drop me a message anytime prior to my drops and I'll send you out a sample no worries at all.
Agree DM are top of their game. They're much more confident with growing loads of different and rare strains than I am! Some of their recent batches look crazy! Lovely guys too.
Anyway, thanks again buddy and really looking forward to 2023 on LB.
Have a lovely Christmas 🎄🎅
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺

1. Gentlemen Dealers: game changer since they started delivering to Ireland.
2. Nero for EU to EU and has great products.
3. Dr Terpy for great carts at really good prices.
4. Sayno2drugs, the king of Carts and edibles.

Agree with all of your list of top vendors, especially Canadian Imports who have such a great rep on here I'm tempted to get some of their gear myself!
YMH, Northern Organics, MK2020 and TGT are old school and deserve praise for their work over the years, so thanks for making the list and I'm sure they will really appreciate it if they see it.
Thanks again and have a lovely Christmas buddy. ❤️🎄⛄
Cheers BB 😊👍🍺

I'll make a post on the topics wall closer to the time to give an exact date of when the next crop will go on sale.
All the best and have a lovely Christmas.
Cheers BB 😊🍻🎄

When I’m stoned I read the rage review on that popular review site.
Cracks me up every time reading that virgins rage 😂😂😂

Greentech- excellent reliable comms. Some slick delivery options interesting menu.
Green cat- great comms. Reliable. Great menu and good prices.
And many more…..
Remember a lot of Posties/drivers are working hard…losing££.. working sundays to catch up! Don’t lose faith brother’s and sisters keep up the good fight!
(Other delivery options are available)😂😂
Good luck to all☘️😘

1: Druids Magic
2: Keep it Green
Both have excellent comms, and put up with my relentless questions and all orders I’ve had off each have been overweight and generous.
Just wish I had more time and money to order more!

Been quite shitty all in recently with the postal log jams but have 2 other options that I have been developing in between so have tried to cover and offer options for the best, quickest and stealthiest deliveries on here 100% no one can match GT's capabilities when it comes to coms and logistics. I get that there is some really good weed on here but we have got some serious fire on board have a look at my Strawberry Kush (free tracked delivery included,
No messing with GT coms and tracking numbers provided when asked for.

I went to have a look yesterday at a RM sorting center and it is complete
chaos there hundreds of postal sacks pilled up. It does not matter if they are not striking today or tomorrow that is irrelevant because of the back log it will take weeks to clear up and with Xmas just round the corner and more strikes it will only worsen.
And all at the same time customers are getting more frustrated and angry and all at the same time the LB clear net and onion goes down and it just keeps on piling on top.

And I'd be thinking the same mate, someones gotta be the first do you know how long the strikes are going on for?? surely not into next year lol

This country is in bad bad shape I am really thinking about getting out of here for good as we have years of this.
The couriers are not equal to the RM atm, people are used to getting their orders in a day and this is not always possible with couriers.
Sorry for sounding so negative I wish there was some positive to talk so far this year i have lost well over 100K.

Eddys edible - great guy, fast delivery, fast coms, and well priced edibles that hit a decent amount
Mr bean - had the best price/quality shake

Interesting on BB tho

For me....hands down....for taste,effects,price and pure 100% grown with "absolute love and care"...it just has to be British Bulldogs "Jack Herer"....What a total gem & have to say that its going to take a lot to surpass this one for 2022!...BB is a legend in all aspects from his incredible stealth to his so obvious love of his craft as a grower....Hats off to this great man and congratulations on this magnificent grow...So "Jack Herer" from BB is without doubt my "Strain of 2022".
Over to you guys!......
Much respect :)

Just finishing up some Wedding Cake. Really struggling with fighting these temperatures, even with the new LEDs but they seem to be just about ready to flush, just don't want to pull them too soon. Got two big dehumidifiers running to try and stop any bud rot setting in with this high humidity coming. Would be an absolute tragedy to lose the crop at this point as bud rot spreads like wildfire.... Christ it's stressful! 😥
Anyway, fingers crossed it survives as it smells lovely!
Thanks again for the kind words buddy, really means a lot.
All the best.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Yeah she's a lovely grow, stinks and lots of trichomes but I really have been struggling with the weather recently. Even the AC unit isn't getting the temps down quite enough during the day. The worry, as I said before, is bud rot this late in flower.
The colas are huge, but oddly enough that's not something that's a positive in high temp, high humidity environments as its sooooo easy for rot to set in under the surface with big colas. More mass = more moisture in the centre of the buds, etc etc .
Anyway, I'm doing everything i can to keep it cool and dry so I'm really hoping the crop will be decent.
I'll deffo let you know when it's ready. You've made some really kind posts about my grows that I've noticed so I'd love your opinion on this grow.
Cheers BB👍🍻


Never tried any tbh but always sound amazing

I must be crazy because I’ve also shared it😱 with friends who are very fussy and fired up to be skeptical but every aspect of it has blown them away🤩🤩
What a grow!…What a seller! 🥰

Druids really know what they're doing, that's for sure.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Fortunately I’ve got a big fat jar full! 🥳🤩🥳🤩

Apart from hoovering up carts before SCL close, I’ve been adding Taffy Coffee hash coins from Hashishin, Moonrocks from Canadian Imports, a taste of fantastic Letcho Punch from MKK 2020, the wonderful Stoney’s from Pistach and that’s before mentioning any green! 🫣….oh and a great selection of Cannacaps!….oh dear..oh dear…..😻💥…(and 3 new vapes💥👍)…

Everyone that had some said the same thing, it was incredible

as nice as it was, it's still punishingly depressing to have to spend nyon $100 to get an 8th of weed that actually goes above a 5 on the 1 to 10 scale of stinkyness lol
that being said most of the stuff i've had from canadian imports is on par with what hans used to bring, but the price is a bit more down to earth and free NDD to boot, can't go wrong!

Canadian imports are my go to vendor now, I still use others but not as much. C.I just had some SuperSilverHaze which was packed with flavour, and is definitely one that stands out so far this year 👌
What's been your best from C.I so far? 👍

very much the same here, the vast majority of my weed purchases are from C.I, with a bit of pistach mixed in there, and just recently yourmumshouse (fantastic vendor also)
i was hoping to try some of the SSH but i was lucky enough to get a sample of the lemon haze and it was fucking delicious for the price, due to smoking nothing but haze in my youth i tend to steer away from anything haze but it was a very nice surprise indeed!
difficult to say with my memory lol, but a top 3 from C.I this year would be the Funky Charms, Georgie Pie, Sherb Quake!
interested to hear what your best from CI might be??

If I had to pick 3 from C.I this year, I'd agree with you on the SherbQuake! So creamy and smooth. I'd also say their Mac1, then the SSH. But as you know, you can't really go wrong with anything from them 🇬🇧🇨🇦💚

I’ve been using the little tray (“pie dish”) on the Vapman and it’s sensational 💥🔥🤩

Also Northern Organics' Orange Sherbert (which I did share, to rave reviews) and Forum Stomper (which I kept all to myself, and loved every toke)

I took some of Green Cat’s Poundcake away with me and some friends earlier in the year and they were all very impressed by it’s bag appeal and effects, top deal that was.
Top strain to land in my stash though is Umme from Druids Magic. I grabbed 4 strains from them, all top quality, but Umme is maybe the best flower I’ve ever had.

Ya all know I love me some grove magic
Too vendor for me too with BB a hairs breath behind them
Infact meant to say on a previous thread about BB , rabb1t top tip buy 20g "shake" and 7g bud and you will feel like you stole from them 😆 and got a well cheap Oz of cracking green
Good luck with the weather BB ❤️

The mighty great but is is not the rolls Royce of vapes , it's a 2010 BMW 5 series 5 door diesel.
If you want electronic and tasty and hard hitting get a tinymight 😉
I prefer unregulated devices but that's definitely not for everyone
Have a video comparison from vapefiend and see what you prefer

It vibrates whilst it’s heating up and stops when it’s at temp. And I’m pretty sure my mighty vibrates as well so 🤷♂️
And don’t get me started on the flavour, you’ve not experienced anything like it unless you have a vapman or all glass vapes
Like this

Plus I feel healthy like I’m having a granola bar rather than a Yorkie😂👍

Theres also a link on the page of vapes and brands to avoid

Tinymight the heater has some much surface area the amount of calories it gets into the air is ridiculous, also really good for flavour, more stem options from custom people if that floats your boat
I would buy a firefly for the novelty and if it came up dirt cheap.
The only reason I don't own a tinymight is because I have a rbt mi3 and that has scratched that itch for the moment 😉

Probably some going cheap on eBay though 😂

Please report back. I’m wondering if I could make it a dedicated hash vape….🤔

I’m not a big flavour chaser and I’m not that bothered about speed so you might have saved me a bundle there😉
Glad you are enjoying it though, great addition to your collection 😂

I have also had Polly now wanting a vapman because they are suffering VAS and want to buy something

3a per cell charging it's a game changer
Plus four of them and they will charge faster than you can kill them 😜


However there are plenty of vaporisers out there that are excellent. As deadrabb1t said the tinymight is great and a much more hard hitting vape than a mighty. You can consume 0.2 g in one hit compared to a twenty minute session on the mighty.
The anvil is another excellent vape but not easy to get at the moment.
Xmax v3 is worth a shout not as expensive as the other two but performs nearly as well.
Watch some videos and find a vape where the ritual of using it suits your life style and you should be good.
FYI the anvil is brutal

It more depends on how you want to vape rather than someone telling you there favourite.
Either way there’s plenty of good choices

Mighty is really the rolls Royce of the vapes. The taste that comes, the amount of vapors while exhaling, the super battery...
Mine is about to die after more then 8 years surving intense use... Incluind flowers, hash and extracts, taking him to beach , rain, falling down from my pocket.. at this point the temperature led is broken, the outside plastics also a bite broken BUT the engine and battery are working very well!
I have bought more vapes like Da Vinci (they were selling it saying the ceramic chamber gives a better taste) and tried for a while Pax 3.
Mighty is still another level specially because of the amount of vape that it gets.
Share with us your experience after deciding which one and your experience with it
Stay happy stay high 😎

If those are your only comparisons then of course you will prefer a mighty .
Honestly people there's a whole world of ways to extract from herb , the mighty is only one of those

But for a weed/hash/concentrates piece of kit that is utterly reliable and virtually unbreakable, I’ve yet to beat it….😉

I am sure there are new products that might be less expensive and also work well.
Like you said, you probably will use it for many years.. does it worth it to risk to safe couple of bucks?
I have listen to many people that buy a cheap vape to quite smoking... And then they don't get high or see vape out of their mouth. And simply give up on vaping .
Because you are use to vape maybe you can risk in a less expensive device
Mighty users are happy with it to the point to.come to this topic defending it like it was a football team (like we are doing 😂)

For the record is I class my dynavaps as 1 I currently own 38 different vapourisers and use 36 of them ( 2 are beyond awful) in a regular rotation depending on my day, how much pain relief I need at a given time, how much time I have etc.
The mighty is a great vape, it's not the rolls Royce its a 2010 BMW 5 series , old boring and reliable
If that works for you brilliant but please acknowledge there are other viable options

Crafty+ is a great choice and is more portable. Arizer solo 2 is also a good choice it's on the cheaper side compared to the others and is also portable. I use the Solo 2 and I'm happy with it

Happy vaping.

If that doesn’t really float your boat and you want the most reliable quality vape delivery for your weed/hash/concentrates in a pick up and hit then you’ll quickly realise why the Mighty hasn’t really changed in a decade.
You won’t be down with the cool kids, but you’ll know why you love it! ❤️😉

Sorry but this is daft, your all a fucking cult
Tinymight isn't any of those things you listed
Right I'm off genuinely not gonna bother with these posts anymore

The Mighty is a sturdy, dependable vape. As mentioned, some vapes hit harder, some have better flavour, etc. If you are a vape enthusiast like DR, youll likely find something more to your taste but if youre just looking for something good without experimenting with loads of different units, the Mighty usually satisfies the buyer. Its a simple, unspectacular device which does the job.
You might prefer a desktop type like the Volcano, vapexhale cloud evo, Arizer extreme Q or the Herbalizer. Im no expert on these things. If you want to be sure, you should listen to guys like DR as he clearly has a lot of experience with vapes. Much of it depends on what you specifically want : portability, strong hits, flavour, battery life, dependability, cost. Ive only ever owned the Mighty and it does the job.
In saying that, the Tinymight is also highly rated. If you prefer bigger hits, that might be a better option.

Won't let me embed the video 🤷🏻
Decided to see how small i could make it and it still extract a bowl in one hit or so.
Early days as I only made it yesterday but it's definitely working.
Not saying this should be your method by the way just saying between this end of the scale and a mighty there's a lot of different devices out there 😉

Won't let me embed the video 🤷🏻
Decided to see how small i could make it and it still extract a bowl in one hit or so.
Early days as I only made it yesterday but it's definitely working.
Not saying this should be your method by the way just saying between this and a mighty there's a lot of different devices out there 😉

I also have a stainless steel cooling tower with titanium mouthpiece that I keep in the freezer!🥶😶🌫️

Check reviews & posts and you'll be fine!
We may be pricey at the most times but we love our high quality products.

Im actually Smoking Some of greentechs Sky Walker ..Amazing Smoke 🚬 !!.highly recommend

they are certainly my go to, even their budget options are awesome (look for Pink Starburst in particular)!

Canadian Imports have a great menu right now and Serial Chiller Labs are the real deal.
Overall the best of the best on LB today: Druids Magic 🥇👍

(Ice cream cake pictured)

Most sellers on here are 11/10 lets be honest.

Daan (first vendor I bought from and helped me through the process)
The Green Team
NorthernOrganics (special mention to these guys for being super helpful in answering questions about edibles, etc.)

So whats the weirdest sounding names you've all come across Biggas???
My top ten crazy sounding names are...(I shall announce them in reverse order(remember Eric Morley??!!...sounding my age here! haha!)......
10....Purple Monkey Balls
9.....Abusive OG
8......Grandpa"s Breath
7......Bomb Threat
6......Poochie Love
5......Jack The Ripper
4......Wet Dream
2......Cat Piss.......
& finally my N01 Position for the most furkin stupid ever strain name goes too..........
1...Dog Shit !?!?!?...(what the fuck does the exhale taste like on this one?! I shudder to think! LOL!)
So Biggas.....its over to you! Cheers! (Think I'm gonna vomit! haha!)

Theres been so many over the years
I've forgotten most

"With a name like the Trainwreck strain, you would be forgiven for thinking you might be out of action for a while after consuming this hybrid. However, most agree that Trainwreck’s name originates from an actual train wreck. It may be just an urban myth, but supposedly some covert Californian cannabis cultivators had to dig up and move their marijuana crop after a train crashed near the field where they were growing their plants."

He actually passed away on April 23rd this year after a period of illness,but the legend & his music will live on forever.
He was a true genius and pushed the boundaries of EM,never ceasing to excite and motivate his fans with over 60 albums over the last 30 years...His influence will be everlasting and can be heard today in much modern dance,ambient and electro dj comps.
I'm proud to own so many of his classic works such as Timewind, Moondawn & Beyond Recall to name but a few.....
My love for electronic music will always be a part of me,thanks to his inspiration and dedication and its with a heavy heart that I bid him a very fond "farewell".
Klaus may have left this earth,but his music will remain forever....R.I.P. Klaus...you will always be loved by so many of us for your wonderful and inspirational music......God bless you forever.

get on kind of blue Miles Davis. A masterpiece which will introduce you to the other side of the ether...

In much later live performances of that track they cut out that intro line 😖…Mason, who kind of looks like everyone’s favourite uncle these days decided it wasn’t really appropriate with his kids in the audience 🙃

After all this build up I’m going to add some of ULC’s Mimosa Wax to the weed for a ‘Mimosa Turbo’ 🤯
Will report back….😉

Utopia Strong - Tang Dreamish modular synth stuff from a band who include a member of Gong and Steve Davis (yes the snooker champ). Check out the track Brain Surgeons Three
Latest Gong album Universe Also Collapses is space riff-a-rama.
Anything by Cardiacs. Best band ever.

Little Feat ( been my fave USA rocky type band since they began - Lowell George was incredible), Tabla and other Eastern/Asian music - try Shahbaz Hussain or Sukhvinder Singh "Pinky" (Tabla - incredible) when stoned ( these guys really rock- you'll be blown away) .... I have many hundreds of albums, I could list all but LB would ban me 8)

Koan have exceptional production values and good tunes 😍
That's my go too ambient background playlist.
Telefon Tel Aviv
Blanck mass
Wet leg
Are all recent plays for me
Oh and nine inch nails, if you like music that makes you think the ghosts album is great imo

When I smoke I tend to go with stuff that has deep and layered production, stuff with a slight psychedelic/neo-psychedelic element, I love to sink into the sounds and hear all the little elements.
This tends to lead me to moden rnb; Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz. But to give one recommendation – Greentea Peng. Superb production, great vibes, and great lyrics on all her tracks. Perfect for me.
Alternatively, Left In The Dark by Galster Lustwerk is brilliant, perfectly captures that deep and mellow production.
Sending love biggas!



Also balmorhea you might like

Cheers mate :)

Roll a spliff,light a bong,fire up a vape and immerse yourself in this 18 minute piece of musical Heaven......


After that they can tend to remove smell and taste.
Buy a hygrometer, (very cheap on ebay) pop it in the jar, and when it reads around 60% get rid of the Boveda packs.
Jar in 'Kilner' or any equivalent sealed jars with a rubber gasket. Don't overfill, leave at least 10% free at the top.
Store the jars at 18 degrees C (65 fahrenheit) in a dark space.
Darkness is important.
You should get at least 12-18 months before the buds start to degrade.
Cheers BB 🍻

Cheers BB 🍻

So, imo, fresh bud is lovely to behold but old bud correctly stored won’t let you down! 😋👍

The slight less effects that you mentioned is because THC has degratates to CBN. The flower will look slightly darker (specially the orange hairs) and the effects will be different.
Few years ago, this hippie grower, very experience grower, told me that he stored it (vacuum sealed) in the lower part of the fridge or even freeze it for bigger periods 😲
Haven't tried it 😅
Stay happy stay high 😎

Grove bags
They look like they could be interesting to try out.
Uk suppliers are available with a Google search

I got some of MKK2020's OG Kush and it's so damn strong i'm gonna try next their Carlito's Way hash recently listed, well priced also.
No way in hell you'd see me paying +£100 for a 5g bit of hash, even if i was an early btc investor, like i'm sure many are here.

Got some afghan hash which is really good too.
Hope you're well bro.

It’s always an immaculate service and has been totally reliable after multiple buys from me

And Hashlover420 too if you want some mega strong shit, pricey but worth it as a little goes a long way.


and also have listed a semi dry hash (caramel pinaz)

I'd definitely check him out if you have not already.

Depending on budget I'd shop with either. Hell, if you can afford it try both!

Just got back from Hyde Park,so wonderful to have met so many old mates and new friends with that 420 vibe...all very relaxing in this beautiful spring weather...had a crafty vape of some excellent Stardawg in the open air! All very liberating! Cheers to the Macy B and Vic....lovely to see you both again....Enjoy the rest of this magical 420 day Biggas! Keep smoking,vaping and toking!


Not only am I an LB buyer,but also I'm a buyer from another "onion" website which has its own forum and is a well respected & reliable vendor in its own right.
What they offer is your own wallet that you can transfer funds to securely at any time and any amount,which minimizes transfer fees to one block amount,while at the same time gives the wallet owner the security of locking in the money sent to the wallet in GBP.
My question is...could this be a feature here on LB,and if it was,surely this might reduce the transfer fee amounts that we all have to pay to the exchanges?
Thoughts please...many thanks...peace & love to all...& 420 is coming again next month!

My previous tasty bud top 10 has been as follows....
10/....G13 Haze
9/....Triple Cheese
7/....Tuna Kush (that's a strong weed alright!)
6/...Strawberry Dream
4/...Master Kush
3/...Girl Scout Cookies
2/...Blue Dream.....and for me,without doubt,the tastiest weed so far sampled in the No1 position....is.....Fruit Punch...dam that weed is just like drinking an exotic fruit cocktail! The berries & fruits on both inhale/exhale is just incredible! Wish I could find some more of this amazing strain!
I don't really mind Thc levels as long as the strain is between 10%-25%.....but what is your current tastiest "go to" ??....Many thanks all...Cheers! :)


Seems to be out at the moment, probably because I bought it all :D

You wont go far wrong with this one.

I have a few indicas and a couple sativas available! I also have some stock that is not listed up here on LB, I hope you have a great day!
Thanks, Axel.

I suspect you'll get more helpful replies in due course!

My go to vendors that have all been a pleasure to do business with.
Hashasin for first class landrace hash and unbeatable stealth. While it comes from the Middle East and takes a wee bit longer it’s worth the wait.
Pistach is another fantastic vendor for hash has a great selection of filtered and non filtered hash all at amazing prices,stealth and delivery is usually two days with ndd ( just tried his stoneys chocolate and it’s excellent too)
Next up is the green team who once again like the other two have a very similar service and all hash orders have been excellent on time and stealth all good 👍
While I have tried other vendors on here and will continue too the 3 mentioned above go above and beyond too keep me happy and chilled out.
Peace ✌️

Keep up the good work 👍😵💫 February 23

Can certainly vouch for their quality, stealth and customer service.

Right been on here for a few years now and vendors come and go but here are some old and new.
The green team blinding service. stealth is brilliant and everything I’ve had off them is of good value..recent multibuys soft black hash purple punch and others (daytime smokes) highly recommended ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
YOUR NATURAL MEDICINE new vendor and is coming along nicely good products and communication is brilliant but stealth could be improved…recent buys red Seal and Mazzar )………highly recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
GASSED really good vendor blinding fast delivery on there hash and sampled some of there edibles stealth and coms very very good ( hash strong nighttime smoke lovely )
Highly recommended……⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eddy’s hash bar
Service very strong comms stealth again had loads of this guy and even sampled some of the lovely motorbreath,red leb,chocolate chip
and various edibles all top notch highly recommend…..⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Hashishin hashishin hashishin
Am hoping he’s like beatlejuice this guys like the ninja for hash ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️👍 if you ever get the chance to sample some of his wares please do😎👌✌️you wont regret it definitely worth the wait stealth,comms and service 1st class recents (hamsa,magic carpet,red leb ,blonde leb,jelly stuff and many many more
hopefully this sorts you biggas out.
Hopefully plenty more to come ✌️
🔥 🔥🔥

There are alot of fakes being sold online on websites or even market places like Amazon and eBay, some products are just straight up fakes whilst others are bulked out or thinned out heavily. We've heard from our supplier in Nepal that normal honey is being purchased by people and synthetics being added just so the consumer feels something when they consume it. People do silly things when money is involved with 0 care for the consumer
A characteristic of real mad honey is the tingle and slight sharpness to it when you consume it, and obviously the effects that follow
The biggest give away is the price, the age old saying - if it's too good to be true, it probably is 👊

She’s telling us nothing happening but is getting progressively more baked if you ask me 😂

10 mins “don’t feel anything” looks somewhat alert….
30 mins “don’t feel anything” moved to couch looks sedated
60 mins in “still don’t feel anything” slurring words and face melting
“Looks it’s been2 hours, not feeling anything maybe it’s more for you “mum?” Is she talking to us???
I don’t think she’s sure 😂😂😂😂

I have another question, since its an hallucegenic which is gonna chill you out and give you a buzz. Has anyone taken a high dose of psilocybin at the same time and felt they had a better or worse experience?
Looking forward to receiving my order ☺️
Having read my question, I didn't really direct it at you, sorry!

Firstly we would like to publicly announce how sorry we are to all our loyal biggas who have supported us throughout our journey on here.
We would like to say we are very sorry for having to up and pack our bags and leave without having said anything. Due to my health conditions I couldn’t foresee how long I was going to be on here and things deteriorated very fast whilst catching COVID-19 and being on dialysis machine at the same time.
During my 9 week stay in hospital our team couldn’t keep up the work of our crops (one disaster after another!) and therefore sales on here were paused immediately as the team had to prioritise all other aspects of business.
We have asked transaxe to sort all our biggas out and not leave them out of pocket! This was my only wish and couldn’t bear the thought of being called a scammer.
We would like to announce our come back and promise to have new array of stock and merchandise.
PS - Cannabis tea helps me through the night these days! 😜
Mr X

British Bulldog has best stealth on LB 💯
BudBoyzUk, ULC, Pistach, Bonneville, Canadian Imports, GreenTech, Super Hans are all 🔝

Daan and NugNinjas are bang on as well.
But nothing comes close to Bulldogs

As long as the parcel is packaged adequately there shouldn’t be a problem. Smell proof and discretion is absolutely key. In most vendor reviews there will be a mention about stealth and shipping more than likely, worth checking out 👍🏽
Best of luck

A couple sellers once parcel is opened you think you're looking at something very different indeed. And finally you have British Bulldog level when you receive the parcel you yourself have no clue what it is or even where it came from lol.
To vendors: don't put the product pack inside the parcel for all to see, i don't need an empty product pack.
And wipe down with IPA or the like, i read a review of a very beloved seller here that says product could be smelled through parcel.
Guess what i'm never gonna buy from them again, you think a review stating smell was coming through is cool?
They should have jumped all over that and explained, but no they left it and now see how business does.

weve had over 100 sales and 0 disputes
if you also pm us we can arrange delivery with decoy and stealth

We have a few reviews commending it.

I think ULC is as good as it gets on here

We do our very best to ensure deliveries gets to where there supposed too. Theres nothing worse than expecting something to arrive after you’ve paid for it and it doesn’t show up! Although we are new on here we have amazing weed and our stealth is also great. 1st class and fast delivery

If done right, stealth takes a lot of time and effort. And so it should.
Nothing is more important than everyone safely receiving their items. For both vendors, and customers alike.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

I’ve been told ‘ they just don’t go missing’ . Apparently people send huge amounts of CASH via special and the posties are fully aware of what’s in it just nothing they can do to ‘pinch’ it or it go missing . So if the stealth is on point which it sounds like everyone is and it goes special then it’s got an overwhelming chance of arrival ;)

Saw some in the thread that I'd pick like Gentleman Dealers; Ace stuff and some not bad deals, honestly couldn't tell at first cos it was so wrapped up and when I unwrapped the whole thing the items were still basically stink proof. Plus the longest it ever seems to take is 2 days.
GreenTech; Stuff was nice and reasonably priced. Their stealth was decent too and well wrapped. Again seemed to take no more than 2 days.
MadDabber; Good shit, tripped ma nuts off but took ages to arrive (nearly a month but not all the vendors fault), should probably use NDD or private courier. Stealth was good, couldn't tell at first and although mushies aint pungent they have like a musty, earthy smell that can sometimes give them away and I couldn't smell them until I opened the sealed bag so not bad.
Be interested to see what this British Bulldog stealth is about though. So what does it come in like a random toy box or something? Sounds mega cryptic which is what you want.
Anyway that turned into more of a vendor review but most vendors i've tried do at least stink proof stealth so i've never been too disappointed personally.

As I’m a new vendor on LB, I want to see what you guys like the most, tell me what’s the best hash you’ve had, what was the texture and colour like? And how were the prices ? 🧐
I’ll be getting a lot of top quality imported hash and I’d like to know what does LB like the most 📦

What you’re describing is literally the M&M stamp hash 😍
Dark Super soft Oily Indica strain, very potent yet very relaxing ! We’ve had really good reviews for that, don’t hesitate to try a sample pack and see what’s best for you 😉


beyond enjoyable for me.

P.S. Loving the spin on sainsburys lol.

And I feel exactly the same ! Some royal golden beldia to start the day and some dark super soft M&M stamp in the evening 😍
I’ve checked your items too and I love your prices ! Keep doing what you’re doing brother , Best of luck 💯

Like bud….they knock
Me off my feet lol.They honesty both do different things for me and I love them both! Can I suggest getting some samples out, it will get reviews coming in and get you noticed….sales will then follow..

Thank you for the advice and look out for it soon, I will be uploading a sample pack later tonight or first thing in the morning FOR SURE 💯

I’ve been missing out and still trying to re educate myself. It’s been quite fun 😵💫
Thus far I’m with shroom of the loom.
Nice logo and will be keeping an eye on your page because education was never this fun before.
Best of luck 🍀

And thank you again haha I appreciate it 😎 had to keep it original with the UK supermarket remix 😂

A nice touch sending it SD, when it was free postage.
What can I say?
Stealth is absolutely brilliant, without going into too much detail.
I went for the $30 for 5g of medium grade.
It's on point for the price. Needs a little heat to crumble nicely.
Definitely leaning towards indica. It's quite dark, and I feel suitably relaxed off a little tester.
It's pretty strong stuff.
And the lovely people at Strainsbury sent me a sample of the golden Beldia hash. I am yet to try, but I can tell by looking at it it's going to be lovely, soft and sandy, yum yum.
Great job, thanks very much

First order going through at that price it will sell out fast 👍

Extra filtered hashes can be harder or oily - I'll take them as they come!
I've just ordered 50 of pound cake and 50 of your royal maroc so we'll see how we get on :)
For decent commercial hash, the royal ketema gold that TGT sell is some of the best of that type I've had, certainly from biggie, but I've noticed the quality of commercial hashes seems to have improved across the board. Fortunately we don't see any more of that hard compressed soap bar stuff that blighted our lives back in the day!
I used to deal 35 years ago, and the specials I always used to enjoy were proper temple balls. There were nice different grades of afghan black back then, but spoil sports started to mix it with undesirables and people moved away from black as a result.
There should be enough people here that more speciality hashes should do OK too if you can get some.
If you can sell any of those hybrid strain eggs without costing me a months wages, I'd be interested!
Welcome to biggy, its nice to have you here.

My only issue with some Black hash is i can get a headache with it that i dont get with Beldia type brown or golden hashes. Someone has been selling some really black pucks on here. They look mental. Love to try them. I totally appreciate sellers who do trial grams or 4g of 4 strains for 40-50 dollars. Its amazing to try different strains. I'm a vaper these days so terps can matter too.

Do not underestimate the strength of Strainsburys: OG Shake!!!
Old timer+new habit= messy business
Both vendors 10/10
I've had a good experience with LB so far x

I was shocked a product I've barely seen around was available that easily.
The week waiting for it to arrive I went through a whole range of emotions
I do still buy from a darknet site as they sometimes have UK made shatter that is really cheap (MMUK if anybody cares)
But even after having my accounts banned from the wall I still love this place and all you lovely people!
Big love

Then I tried Smoggyman and his ‘Portland Oregon Mimosa’ and my world shifted! 🍊🔥😍

Found a site on the open net, everything was screaming scam all the way through the process, but I just ignored that because I was desperate to find some shatter.
So that ended up with me walking to my local shop to buy 300 worth of g cards (yeah, I know)
The product was then "sent"
Then it was "held in customs"
Then they asked for like 400 more (which would be returned after product received)
At that point I was like, yep 10000% scam 😒
Chalked it up to only loosing £300
Then I found this place and it felt like finding the holy land or valhalla or something.
Now I'm just so thankful to have found this place - it took me out of the daily steet life and gave me control over my life again.
What a place.
Juice 💚 💦

It was the most amazing quality Frosted Donuts bud from UK420 back in May '21
That was followed shortly by some Watermelon OG shatter and some Scarface hash. Both freakin awesome!
In my experience with many vendors on here over the following couple of years, there's only been a couple of problems which would either be things not getting sent on time, not full amount being sent, bits of orders missing from packs because they forgot to add them, wrong product being sent or things just floating round the postal system for too long.
Either way, most of these things can be quickly solved by contacting the vendor and if not, never be scared to dispute.
There ya go - more info than you asked for :)
(Why such a long reply? Well, I've just be dabbin some Jack Herrer budder from Canadian Imports which is currently taking me to whole new levels)
Juice 💚 💦

enjoy that budder,brother!
sounds too strong for my old ass!

Slowly getting around to trying the vendors on my list. But, I keep getting sucked into repeat purchases 🤣 we need a Little Biggy Cannabis Cup! 😂

A cup, or some sort of awards, is a great idea. Best hash/weed/concentrate/cart/vendor etc.

Shame he’s not been on line recently

this is a game changer. Saves smoking all your score with Old Mark, Big Mark, skinny Mark or Young Mark or whichever Mark your having the pleasure giving you money too!

inability or not- your the man (or possible other ident).... I blame autofill...fucking thing has sent some really embarassing things to the ex wife via amazon!

I had previously ordered from another online site which was a nightmare so was very cautious using any site.
Essentially, the package came literally 2 days later and was some of the best product I had ever had.
I find this site a complete game changer and no longer need to wait in car parks for a dodgy youth to roll up.
LB is amazing

When the parcel of shake came through the door, by the postman, I was on cloud 9. I still couldn't believe it was so easy.
Sending love and hugs to all of you.

All4twenty: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wBwHKS
BaldEagleBakery: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I6gyjy
BritishBulldog: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FzZsYX
Buddies: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tz1E6U
CanadianImports: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HLfYvI
CBDHealingShopUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ggw0Rw
dabs+donuts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ufTVXC
DoctorExtracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/FM1H9W
Dopey: https://littlebiggy.com/link/jjnW4Q
DrShroom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/VY3uGQ
DrGreenThumb: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IBTlyO
DrTerpy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7G1nfM
DrugsIncUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/k3m6iR
DruidsMagic: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UYfgxz
dr.distillate: https://littlebiggy.com/link/XhVELv
EddysEdibles: https://littlebiggy.com/link/lAjR8M
EddysHashbar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/HttC5F
GameChanger: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZFEgh5
Gassed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/crwQ9M
GenHub2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/5sn4ts
GreenAvengerWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uTN4if
GreenCat: https://littlebiggy.com/link/0EjteV
G6Extracts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qrlZDw
HashHeadz: https://littlebiggy.com/link/NFqOig
Hashishin: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Efows3
Hebba29: https://littlebiggy.com/link/1ajiAQ
Herb4Life: https://littlebiggy.com/link/uru8tX
Hootan: https://littlebiggy.com/link/I9pkPT
InstantGrams: https://littlebiggy.com/link/h41fLE
JustWeed: https://littlebiggy.com/link/67OH9U
MadDabber420: https://littlebiggy.com/link/stAYe3
MagicShroomsUK: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KlQuSe
MJconcentrates: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ry1vjX
MKK2020: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pyuzoZ
Mrb4real: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KDYYCV
MushBar: https://littlebiggy.com/link/pBSXuA
Nero: https://littlebiggy.com/link/Wm5oWK
Pistach: https://littlebiggy.com/link/xZITaA
Popeye'z: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6RZ0zo
Poundland: https://littlebiggy.com/link/UyRUBO
Prime: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PKBIBE
Psychonauts: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6SKqQo
RadarBreeder: https://littlebiggy.com/link/fdm1WC
Real D: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gF2LaI
RileyPacks: https://littlebiggy.com/link/euhMsq
Rozzyexpress: https://littlebiggy.com/link/shirzJ
sayno2drugs: https://littlebiggy.com/link/ZepVzp
SensiMart: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yRxafg
ShroomOfTheLoom: https://littlebiggy.com/link/GKFJeA
Strainsburys: https://littlebiggy.com/link/3hvBxO
Suissms: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gFiztO
Tescrow: https://littlebiggy.com/link/6Fjax1
TheFunGuy: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qpWnQJ
TheGentlemenDealers: https://littlebiggy.com/link/7gPgBn
TheGreatVapeCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/JdkGtV
TheGreenTeam: https://littlebiggy.com/link/PvltaW
TheHashCollective23: https://littlebiggy.com/link/KTQrpJ
ThePontiffOfPiff: https://littlebiggy.com/link/EsNFMH
UKdispensary: https://littlebiggy.com/link/qzyXFr
UKgrower2: https://littlebiggy.com/link/yjsZNn
UrbanLeafCo: https://littlebiggy.com/link/IAYLRo
Uwakeibake: https://littlebiggy.com/link/f5Ye3f
Wavespell1: https://littlebiggy.com/link/wYSqS1
WeedstarTHC: https://littlebiggy.com/link/tuQft8
Yourmumshouse: https://littlebiggy.com/link/gWeZW9

Appreciate your time and effort for the community. Big thanks for adding us on the list.
Peace and Respect

Please could we be added to your star studded list thank you my friend.


We have a wide range of premium products including Bud Hash and RSO we cater for most budgets and can offer custom orders please message us for these.
We have fantastic stealth and offer Special delivery service aswell as 1st class.
Please come and have a look at our shop we look forward to being a part of this community.
Come get some medicine
Peace to everyone here

Your lineup is incredibly similar to DIUKs (Drugs Inc UK), who recently seemed to have went offline for some reason.
Either way, no hate, and best of luck on LB, dude!

I just had a little look at your menu and your services well done you for your efforts there seem like a top vendor.
LB community seems the place to be with top vendors and customers.
Long may it continue

We have some great contacts and will pass on any prices reductions we get to you guys aswell as making it our mission to source the finest medicine.
We have seen many other vendors on here with some real quality too so we will have to keep our standards high.
Looking forward to engaging with the community
Thank you

We want to get everything right for you guys as best we can

Thank you again

But again we will try and work on this
Thank you

You can then setup an online Royal Mail account (with appropriate precautions, cycled regularly) and have fully tracked 24hr Royal Mail delivery for £3.30 / $4.12 Large letter upto 500g (at time of writing)
Arrives next day if dropped into a priority post box before last collection time, sometimes 6.30pm.
In this day and age any vendor hand delivering to the post office is adding an extra element of compication that's not needed.
Cuts down disputes as well as fully tracked and easy to trace. At that price, most vendors could easily incorporate that into their setup, quite a few have.
Priority post boxes are in most towns and cities, they also get taken straight to main hubs from a wider collection area, could be useful. Much easier, quicker and safer for the runners, they never go into a post office. And could only use 1 box once a couple of weeks there are that many of them.

Not to mention it is MILES better for your OPSEC and removes the chance of being ID'd by a postal worker / postmaster. A no brainer really!
This method has cut down claims of "non-arrivals" big time, all the Large Letter packages will go through customers letterboxes, plus labels can be printed from your computer, looks very professional!

IMHO you are risking yourself and the community.
Think about : Product in heat sealed wrap, if you don't have the facilities stop until you do. That wrap in at least 1 mylar (or similar not clear packaging) then inside cardboard box letter box sized with postage label on 4x6" sticker as per stated previously by SOTL.
Personally, that's a minimum.
Some vendors send actual packages with items that if you did not know what was being delivered, you may use the item none the wiser.
It is cheap compared to the cost of not doing it, potentially for both buyer and seller.
Good luck until then. Anyone buying should be aware of the conditions under which they are buying.

We have traded for many years on the dark web and our stealth has been top notch we would not have lasted aslong as we have and intend to.
We started to add a new packer with us as our sales went up.
The packing was not up to standard and the packer has been corrected totally.
We guarantee the standard will be back now on point as it shouldve been from the start here.
We apologise and also thank you at the same time for the feedback everyone as without it we could not of rectified this.

Looking forward to you trying us soon.

With some Mazar Sharif no less!
Looking forwards to trying your wares, huge welcome from Little Biggy!

Looking forward to getting some Sharif to you soon.

That London pound cake zkittles looks banging will drop an order in very soon! 😊✌️

Cheers G

I will see what I can do.
Btw we have some RED LEB coming in soon so may add more pictures with them.

Four hits of a bowl of Druids The Sin and I’m ruined. I can feel it head to toe. I took a call from an old colleague which was a welcome distraction but I feel like I talked at him loads. He must of thought I was in a great mood 😂
As I’ve been sat here I came to realise I don’t think I’ve ever used a bong before. I’ve got some recollection of doing a bucket bong in my way younger days but I was probably doing that as a group so not getting that much from it.
Anyway, I’m waffling and you know why. I like my new bong although I best try and do some work now I guess

"The Sin" was a legit 10/10 any time of the day.
And the Oracle Octane was goddam close to the finest urb I've ever smoked.
I blood cannot wait for Druid's next lot 🥲

Just popped a cap of OO in the mighty/bong. Let’s see where this takes me…

Am satiated here with some fine exodus cheese that was grown by a pal. I know it's good, but not on the same level as OO 😱 that shit was like heaven personified in a flower.

Somebody has actually given The Sin an 8/10 🤣🤣
What the hell else have they been smoking on here cause I want to know 🤣
How anybody can deny that flower a 10/10 is totally beyond me.

Something for everyone and every budget catered for here people.
Blueberry Cheese - UK
Kosher Dawg - UK
Cherry Mac Muffin Blonde
Milka Blonde
Lemon Margy Blonde
Pakistani Black Gold Seal
Pakistani Black Temple Seal
Single Filtered Hash Eggs (5 Strains)
4 Locoz Frozen Sift (160/73u) - The Hidden Valley
Gelato x SS Frozen Sift (90u) - The Hidden Valley
King Louis XIII X Runtz Frozen Sift (160/73u) - Blue Magic Patron
Marble Runtz Frozen Sift (160/45u) - Blue Magic Patron
GMO Frozen sift (180/90u) - Smugglers Farm
Apple Tartz Sugarwax - USA
Barry Bonds Badder - UK
Jealousy Badder - UK
White Runtz Sugarwax - USA
Mac-N-Jack Rosin - UK
Flavors RX Moonrocks - Creme Bruleé
Dry Ice Kief - UK
Fulton Street 0.5ml Distillate Carts (10 Strains) - UK
10ml D9 Distillate Syringes
We've got more in the pipeline Biggaz, waiting on a couple of weed drops landing. Will be added in due course ✌️

That extensive premium hash range looks sublime.

Yes, it'll definitely be back, same grower, same quality. We'll have it soon!

Yeah that's no problem and yes. Our packages will go straight through your letterbox.
Everything is weighed and put through a royal mail sizer before it goes out!

After the first one I was boom! straight back up the ladder in the heat working the lead flashing with a smile, the second one- no bloody way I’m getting back up that ladder!😅😂

Launch 🚀 phase for Moonrocks! 3-2-1 😶🌫️

We listed a couple of frozen sifts before our break and got a good response so thought we'd add a few more. More bud/concentrates/hash in the pipeline as well 👌

Look forward to additions.

We will be adding edibles again in the next few days hopefully. Got to psych myself up first though, creating all those listings took forever 🤣

Good luck mate, 🤣 ooof I bet it's not for the faint hearted.

"Were flying high,were flying right up to the sky!"
See you on the other side........:)

It’s not the fact it’s done it’s the fact it can’t be replaced 😢
Thinking of you at this said time 🪦

I seen this today and made me laugh again.
This might cheer you up but I bet you need to book early
Not Rick. No one is in the same league but Chesney must up up there for you. You’ll need your passport lol I

Yeah Baby!!!!!!!

"Staying ALIVE!" :)

Have a nice day! 🙏🕉

Just as good as usual. Fairly packed and after ordering so many times, I'm happy to say GC has the best packaging I've had from anyone on here.
Very small but dense popcorn nugs, as it says on the tin. You'll notice the shine from the buds and they are riddled with THC. Just from looking at the buds alone, you can tell it has that Wedding Cake look to them.
If you were to order a big amount, I can imagine it will smell more like shake due to the sheer quantity and the fact it is taken from a shake batch. When ground however, you can really tell it's Wedding Cake. The smell goes right up your nose and that THC really comes alive.
Just like normal Wedding Cake. This is where the massive amount of THC hits you. Very strong when smoking it and you can definately feel the kick of it going down. Has that cake like texture to the smoke to add to the thickness and overall just feels very strong. Although I did think it was high in strength, it was very easy to just smoke it daily as the high was actually quite mellow. Definately put me down and made me want to relax but not enough to where I felt brain fuzzed.
Final Thoughts:
I actually really enjoyed this. If you've had the UK shake from GC then it will feel familiar to the buds you may have found in there however I'd say a bit better quality nugs and a lot stronger overall. I'd give this an 9/10!

We're back!
Please accept our most sincere, humble and heartfelt of apologies for our absence and lack of Ninjaness - we/NugNinjaZ are a family run business - we are and always have been a very very close family/unit/team/business in every way shape and form but last year, very unfortunately and out of absolutley nowhere - the light of our lives went out and our family was completely and utterly destroyed to what seemed like the point of no return at the time - heartbeakingly so, our beautiful Mum who was also the most loving Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Aunty and Bestfriend very suddenly and very very unexpectedly passed away.
As you can imagine, this completely floored our family and temporarily destroyed us. We have cried (alot), driven ourselves crazy (alot), screamed and shouted at the world (alot), been angry, sad and every other emotion in between (alot) but now and most importantly - we're back and we're stronger than ever!
We have worked extremely hard at picking ourselves back up, moving on and putting the pieces back together again and we cannot apologise enough for our absence but at long last The NugNinjaZ are back, freshly dusted off and ready to rock and roll again - nothing but the best NugZ and customer service as always alongside the same old Ninja like precision perfect, super speedy and super stealthy delivery - what doesnt kill you makes you stronger Bigga'z - we cannot tell you how happy we are to be back! Onwards and upwards.
Thankyou for your patience :)
Much love and appreciation
Keep smoking the best and stay high - NugNinjaZ

Sorry for your loss and look forwards to seeing you back on the wall.❤️👍

But, also, welcome back! I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in what you'll have to offer soon.

So sorry to hear of your loss, but a great big hug and welcome back to the Biggy Community 🥰👍

Keep your head up, stay positive and stay strong - i know how hard it can be, positvity and "there is always a way" has always been mine and my families mantra but its hard when you go through something like this so dont ever be afraid to reach out, its a strength not a weakness.
From the bottom of our hearts - thankyou greencigar, thankyou BBDoom, thankyou MightyRux, thankyou Blazin_Esx, thankyou bevbevan1, thankyou Toking, thankyou ApexSkunk2, thankyou Discod, thankyou Bigga'z! Serious love and respect to all of you, you have warmed our hearts ❤️ we are and always will be stronger than ever in memory of our Mum 💚 do it for her, do it for him, do it for whoever it may be - much love Bigga'z

Wasn't around when you were here but glad to hear you are healing.
Big love.

Your 2021(?) advent calendar is arguably still the single most innovative listing on LB. And your logo is the best (I've got two little Tortoises that look just like it!)

I watched a documentary just before this one where the guy recons 80% of the entire drug trade in London is controlled by the Albanian mafia, which are also mentioned in this video so I can only assume the same thing is happening over here that is happening in Germany.
From my point of view it seems fairly obvious with some people talking about weed that "melts your face off" and "knocked me out cold" etc. I'm not sure when any cannabis was supposed to have that effect, but its certainly not what I want to eaperience when smoking, even if it is just a figure of speech.
At one point in the video he states that the only way to stop this synthetic cannabis polluting weed is to legalise it, and regulate its production, which i can see the sense in, but if we accept that legalisation (in the UK) isn't going to happen any time soon, surely the only other way would be to make testing kits available that simply show the presence of synthetic cannabis.
Decent cannabis testing kits are still prohibitively expensive, but they tend to focus more on THC percentages etc, rather than just simply testing for synthetics (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here). My thoughts are that if you could get a reusable testing kit for say under £50, that just tested for synthetic cannabis, everyone would buy one.
Perhaps they could even be free on the NHS? It would certainly avoid the much higher cost of dealing with people who has been smoking this poison and end up in hospital for one reason or another.
Test Borg and other testing setups on here do a fantastic job, don't get me wrong, but if someone is selling this shite they could just send weed they know isn't contaminated to be tested, then sell the contaminated shit once the results are in. It's too easily manipulated unless it's the customer sending the weed in to test.
Essentially the customer needs to control the testing, either remotely or in their own home.
Does anyone know if there are testing kits for synthetic cannabis? If not there bloody well should be.
If anyone knows a simple way to test weed for synthetics, please let the community know.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

My apologies I got that wrong. I can see how you could get around that problem now I think about it, and I'm glad you do.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

I don’t want to smoke chemicals or to be comatose. I just want honest well-grown normal weed.
There are some great growers on here like BB, Druids etc. that I trust, but there is also plenty of crap being sold on here that is full of PGR, synths and fake terps.
I’ve been caught out with doctored weed a few times since joining 3 years ago. Once with weed that definitely laced with something, made me feel really weird and gave me the worst weed-over. A couple of times with weed that had clearly been sprayed with extra terps or fabric softener or something and a couple of times with PGR weed that was nothing like the photo.
It is never pleasant and always ends up being flushed down the loo. Total waste of time money and energy.
My advice would be to stick to the small home artisan growers. And if they’re out, just wait for their restock instead of going elsewhere on here.
I wonder if you get much of this in the US and Canada where it’s legal?

We have to say that we ship from germany, but our weed is 101% clean and uncut, since we directly import it from California. Also what many people don't know is that the same is being done to hash in morocco/spain.. its a really sad thing.

I will watch the video with my brew in a tic but in regards to the strength
I personally think we are now picking up people who would have moved onto harder substances and keeping them with us as weed strength in general increases
And then thats not factoring in the dabbers in legal states who are dabbing grams of concentrate a day
People like being high, some more high than others and weed is now delivering that high for people who otherwise would be on diamorphine or fentanyl for their recreationals
My 2p before my coffee kicks in

It comes down to everyone wanting ‘bangs for bucks’…the strongest gear at the lowest price…and that is influencing LB too. But it’s human nature and as such I don’t think legalisation will solve it. A vast quantity of the tobacco sold in the UK is illegal and unsafe (if only because legal smokes have tech that puts them out if you leave them- the fakes don’t and have caused untold numbers of home fires and deaths). A huge quantity of booze in the UK is fake too- Boston in Lincolnshire have had several explosions from illegal stills! The gear pickles people. But it’s Bangs for Bucks!
So yes, home testing kits would be brilliant- let’s hope that happens. I want to see it on Dragons Den!
But in the meantime we Biggas have to use a bit of common sense. If it looks too good to be true it probably is. And the strongest gear doesn’t always mean the best high….
That’s my take👍

I don't know when cannabis that makes people feel like they've been "knocked out" or "punched by Mike Tyson" or "left them a dribbling mess" became a thing but it's certainly not the feeling i want to get from weed.
Creativity, empathy, happiness, kindness yes... But knocked out? .... Not for me thanks.
Just my 2p as always though.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Currently I smoke a small one at 1am to go to sleep.
I don't want to be dribbling etc, but I do want to go to sleep rather than a creative 5 hour jam sesh..

I’ve been using LB for a couple of years now and it’s been amazing. Before it was shit and the weed i used to get would leave me feeling awful so gave up and started Googling online weed and here I am.

Annoyingly, I had a monster hangover the day Druids Magic last went on sale. I missed the batch as they were sold out by the time I recovered :(


Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works '85-'92
Don't get Volume 2 if you like it and then expect anything like the same thing.

Mogwai - Rave Tapes (almost anything by mogwai tbh)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon

Bonobo - Animal Magic
Brian Eno - Music For Films
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Quantic - The 5th Exotic
Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
Zero 7 - Simple Things
The Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day

The Verve - Storm in heaven
Move D - Solitaire
Mos Def/Talib Kweli - Black star
Lemon Jelly - lost horizons
XTC - Skylarking
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Tide/Wave
John Haycock - Dorian Portrait

Can - Future Days
John Martyn - Inside Out
KLF - Chill Out

Anything by 4hero
Bit more mainstream but also love to chill to a bit of Zero 7😎 The live version of 'Destiny' (linked above) is just beautiful.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

2,"Ambient 1: Music for Airports" by Brian Eno: This album is a pioneer in the ambient genre, creating a calming and ethereal atmosphere.
3,"Loveless" by My Bloody Valentine: This shoegaze masterpiece features layers of ethereal and swirling guitars that create a dreamy sonic landscape.
4."Aerial" by Kate Bush: This album is known for its ethereal vocals and lush instrumentation, creating a sense of floating through different sonic realms.
5."Moon Safari" by Air: A blend of electronic and dreamy pop, this album has a spacey vibe that transports listeners to otherworldly places.
6."Kid A" by Radiohead: While not entirely spacey, this album incorporates electronic and atmospheric elements that create a sense of floating through a surreal landscape.
7."Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" by Godspeed You! Black Emperor: This post-rock album features expansive and cinematic soundscapes that can evoke a sense of floating through space.
8."Homogenic" by Björk: Known for its experimental and otherworldly sound, this album combines electronic and orchestral elements to create a unique sonic journey.

Both Nodun's Ictus albums are good choices too - the Ozrics without as many guitar riffs

I often fall asleep listen to a playlist on Spotify called "Floating through space" but it is literally ambient drone 😂

Not an album but In Love Again by Red Rack'em is a great flip of y by Outkast; super deep house, floaty as you say.

2/"Pheadra" by Tangerine Dream
3/"Faultline" by Redshift.
4/"Mirage" by Klaus Schulze.
5/"Empetus" by Steve Roach.
6/"Waves Of Dreams" by Gert Emmens.
These are all Berlin School "floating" heaven and worthy of a listen....enjoy!

Completely instrumental, so good to listen to while working, but also real nice to have on whilst having a smoke

It's just her and a loop pedal, great album for a spaced out smoke
S.O.N.O.G.R.A.M. by OneBeLo.
So smooth.

What do we have here?….some very tasty very traditional Dutch Mimosa but sandwiched in a Mighty dosing capsule with THC’s triple filtered Mimosa Hash. The hash has more of a powerful stoner effect than the normal Mimosa uplift, but combine the two and 🪇🪇
Mimosa never gets me edgy but sativas can put ants in your pants. This is mellow and strong and a power treat….🔥
Whilst I was going to crank up Setting Sons by The Jam that cerebral push is more The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. (All my albums are very old indeed 😂). Time to tune the air guitar! 🎸
Next time: Mimosa Live Resin Vape Pen from Kurvana combined with Kiva Lost Farms Mimosa Jellies! (could get messy!)…
Have a great Wednesday Biggas! 🍊❤️🍑

Sounds lovely ☺️ you always have the best sandwiches 🥪 you should have a deli
Still can’t believe that you accumulated so many of the same strain.
Did I not see someone selling shatter 🤔🤔🤔🤔 that’s could go on.
We should have a vote for the next strain many ways

looking forward to the next instalment.
It’s such a good strain which I’m pleased to say you introduced me to.

I only put soft hashes into the Mighty, normally roll out a snake and then coil it into a dosing capsule on a bed of cotton bacon. 210c seems to do the job really nicely. I probably get a bigger hit in the Vapman if I get the butane just right. It’s kind of a ‘sipper vs a ripper!’
The hash in this post is very powdery so I sprinkled over the weed. I also grind hard hashes into the weed. If 210c won’t hit a hard hash then I use the Vapman 👍

Review style is subject to change as time progresses so don’t get used to any one style.

OG KUSH (linked above)
Price - 1g/3.5g/7g/14g/28g $20/$33/$60/$110/$210
In Bag : pungent earthy & woody smell with slight gassy and sour notes
When Ground : pungent earthy & sour body odor smell with slight gassy & coffee notes
When Smoked : equally as pungent strong skunky smell
Surprisingly dense slightly sticky/greasy buds that are different shades of light green with lots of amber hairs.
Earthy & Gassy (some might even say cat pissy)
Affects: Creeper, Stress free, couch lock, heavy body, strong, long lasting, euphoric, talkative, sedative, lack of thoughts, balanced high but predominantly body
Beginning :
High ever so slowly creeps in starting with the eyes becoming slightly heavy and forehead beginning to sweat, followed by a sense of slow building relaxation from the head down that transitions into short bursts of paranoia that slowly fade into nothing leaving you fairly confused. As the high slowly builds it takes full control of your body leaving you couch locked while also clearing the mind and removing any stressful or worrisome thoughts you had before smoking.
Middle :
The high goes from what little head high there was to full blown body high which could leave some people sedated in their chairs, as it does come on fairly quickly. After the intense body high has calmed down, a deep sense of relaxation and calm will leave you feeling at ease, as well as feeling talkative, euphoric, a little giggly and even a tiny bit of random creativeness. You’ll notice your thoughts are border line non existent (if there are any they will be very random) and whatever stressful thoughts you once had are no where to be seen. This is where the body high begins to loosens it’s grasp allowing you to move around freely like a jelly fish in the wind (no one said it would be graceful). The overall high lasts a fairly considerable amount of time and may even last longer if you decide to never leave your chair.
End :
I forgot to write this but I do remember sitting back down then it all of a sudden being day time and still being a little stoned. I guess that tells you everything you need to know about the ending.
Summary :
The high is perfect for either doing nothing or doing something that requires very little brain function such as spontaneously cleaning the house, exercising, watching a film, playing video games. Aswell as being a great social smoke that gets you talking about complete nonsense for no reason at all. Great for people who have minds that can’t seem to stop thinking. In my opinion the high is very versatile once you become accustomed to the affects. Beginners / users with a low tolerance should proceed with caution as this strain is a creeper and you may accidentally bite off a portion you cannot easily devour.
Smooth inhale and exhale but after a while the chesty coughs creep in giving you that stereotypical Kush cough
Burns very smoothly and evenly with white ash and didn’t have to relight it at all at any point
No most definitely not in fact quite the opposite, it shall reinforce them saving you those precious smheckels for future purchases.

I enjoyed this write-up but find some points contradicting my own experience, I vape using a Mighty.
I find this strain not to be one for creativity or in-depth discussions but rather a nice couch lock, sleepy, munchies type stone.Very much a night-time hitter. Smoke this during the day (like I did when it landed, couldn't wait) and you'll definitely be wanting a nap.

HERMES (linked above)
Price - 3.5g/7g/14g/28g
Mostly a sour floral/lavender hash smell with very subtle notes of sweetness, earth & pepper
Slightly soft light sandy brown dry hash with very little / almost no stickiness that crumbles with ease.
Piney, sugary & peppery hash taste with a subtle sweetness and sometimes a taste that is similar to how paint smells
Affects : fast onset, couch lock, sleepy, comfortable, heavy body, potent, relaxed, warm feeling, random thoughts, munchies
Build Up :
Within minutes you’ll begin to feel a sense of heaviness in the top of your head and some pressure around the temples and eyes, while also feeling calm, at ease and a little happy as-well as a gentle relaxation in your body. As it begins to build the pressure fades leaving you with a deeper feeling of body relaxation. Your eyes will begin to become heavy and you will start to lose your train of thought and be a little confused as your mind starts to wander. You’ll notice your forehead and eyes are sweating and your breathing may be heavier and slower, this is where the main high begins
Main High :
A Deep sense of body relaxation and heaviness will slowly overwhelm you giving you a feeling of warmth almost like being wrapped in a warm soft fluffy blanket. Some people may choose to lay down at this point not necessarily because they are too high but because it feels comfortable. Your thoughts may become introspective or just completely random to the point where you can stare into space completely content to be one with the present moment. Your head and eyes will also become noticeably sweatier and heavier. As it continues to build the deep sense of body relaxation will cause a sleepy couch lock affect that really gives you no incentive to ever move again. After 10-15 minutes of those affects you may begin to feel hungry. It is at this point where you will begin to rationalise with your self if you should leave the comfort of where ever you are to go and eat as much as you can or remain dormant. After some time the body high will eventually loosen its grip giving you the feeling of an evenly balanced head and body high while still remaining very relaxed and wrapped up inside the warm soft fluffy blanket. You may also feel some energy arise that lasts a short while aswell as clearer less random thoughts.
Surprisingly smooth inhale with a slightly harsher exhale with some throaty and chesty coughs that creep in out of no where.
Burns very well and evenly due to how much you can crumble it and didn’t have to relight it a single time.
No not at all.

Lemon Haze Hash (linked above)
Price - 3.5g/7g/14g/28g
Intense citrus smell with an undertone of hash and subtle notes of sourness.
(Lemon Haze but Hash)
Soft & slightly greasy dryish coffee brown coloured hash, with a lighter inside that crumbles with ease.
Peppery hash inhale and exhale that fades into a gentle sweet and sour citrus after taste while still retaining a hash undertone
Affects : slow onset, mentally stimulated, focused, relaxed, calm, euphoric, energised, alert, uplifted, slight pain reduction
Build Up :
Slow ish onset that starts with mental stimulation and a gentle body relaxation
Main High :
As the main high begins the body high increases making you feel heavy while also making your mind clear and stress free and even reliving you of some pain. As the body high heaviness begins to fade it transitions to a weightless euphoric feeling that leaves you slightly focused, energised and calm. As time progresses the feelings of euphoria, energy, calmness and focus increase leaving you feeling alert, awake and uplifted. Creative thoughts also tend to pop up every now and then. When the high begins to fade you are left with a slight sleepy feeling that makes you feel heavy but still energised and also a slight feeling of hunger.
A little bit harsh and will make you cough every now and then.

CALI SHAKE (linked above)
Price - 3.5g/7g/14g/28g/56g/84g
In Bag : No leafy smell at all but instead an incredibly intense gassy sour citrus smell (very lemony) with subtle sweet & earthy notes & very very subtle notes of vanilla
When Ground : a less intense sour citrus smell with more earthy and gassy notes coming through
When Smoked : a sour citrus smell almost identical to how it smells but just less intense
Purple, green, orange and light brown sugar leaves and broken parts of Bud that are greasy, slightly crispy and smothered in trichomes. With almost no stems.
A bitter citrus & gassy taste with subtle sour earthy, woody, piney & creamy notes that sometimes over power the main flavour and sometimes even a cat pissy taste, while also leaving a sugary and sour taste on the lips.
Very fast onset, strong, potent, long lasting, relaxed, drowsy, head and body high, psychoactive, confused, calm, euphoric, sleepy
With in moments a rush of relaxation that starts from the back of shoulders courses down throughout the body as well as some mental calmness that gently builds over a couple of minutes. As the high builds so does the body relaxation that may cause couch lock. Your eyes will start to feel heavier, with colours and sounds also gently being heightened. Some random thoughts start to occur but only last a short while before fading into nothingness, as short bursts of confusion take the lead. Which will either make you not think or have introspective thoughts. A slight giggly euphoric feeling takes over for a few minutes before fading off as the main high begins to build
Main High
As the main high begins you’ll feel a somewhat drowsy sedated body high overcoming you leaving you with no other choice than to sit down for quite a while. You’ll notice sounds have changed making music and films that much more immersive aswell as a difference in colours and maybe even how some things feel. You may feel some moments of short term memory loss and confusion as well as an increased heaviness that seems to build that will leave you deeply relaxed. After some time the body high eases off leaving you feeling heavy but not sedated to the point of immobility with a slight sense of euphoria and giggly ness that creeps in. Some may choose to remain couch locked but if you decide to move around you will feel very relaxed, heavy and sluggish with Harley any thoughts. Which is perfect for exercise or stumbling to the kitchen to devour anything in sight which this allows you to do fairly effortlessly. Your concentration will begin to increase as time progresses allowing you to complete slightly challenging tasks but you will sometimes feel slightly disassociated with yourself and what you are doing, aswell as experiencing moments of confusion and partial short term memory loss increasing (“what was I just doing ……. Oh yeah”) you will also feel very floaty. The high then begins to flip between predominantly head high to predominantly body high till eventually fading into a deeply stress free sleepy feeling that makes you not really care about anything. It is at this point that you may end up falling asleep.
Smooth inhale and exhale till just over the half way point of a joint then it starts to become slightly hot and harsh which is where the coughs will tend to creep in every now and then.
Burns evenly with no complications, aswell as having oil rings and with almost completely white ash.
No not at all, It is truly an unbelievable price to quality ratio.

This review is bang on!
Found myself nodding to everything you mentioned.
I find it interesting how we all experience similar highs.
This is EXACTLY what you can expect if you order this.
Thank you very much Caeba 💚

Putin Hash (linked above)
Price - 3.5g/7g/14g/28g/50g
Sugary herby hash smell with subtle sour and sweet notes
Slightly Sticky dry ish dark brown hash with a lighter brown inside that can be broken down or moulded
A sweetish soil taste that slowly turns bitter and slightly sour with some gassy notes
Affects : uplifted, relaxed, energised, duller sounds, slightly jittery, floaty, euphoric, calm, loose, clear headed
Build Up :
Uplifted head high that leaves you clear headed and mentally at ease. Sounds become a-bit dull / quieter.
Main High :
A heavy body relaxation hits with a gentle jittery feeling that makes you want to not completely sit down but instead get up and be active, as well as feelings of calmness and euphoria starting to creep in. You will then start to feel a little talkative and notice a hotness and a tingling feeling in your head as the energised and uplifted feelings begin to increase as it turns to mostly head high. This is where the body high begins to fade off a bit leaving you feeling floaty but also grounded, which will make the hands and feet feel heavy and everything else feel loose and relaxed. You will also feel a little bit giggly. All the affects fade off together.
Smooth inhale and exhale till the half way point of a joint then gets a little bit harsh, which is when coughs tend to creep in.

Kosher Dawg (linked above)
Price - 3.5g - $40 7g - $80
In Bag : Pungent earthy, piney and gassy smell with subtle notes of sourness & citrus (slightly similar to stardawg)
When Ground : pungent earthy & gassy smell with sour & piney notes
When Smoked : Bitter sweet earthy & gassy
Not overly trimmed dense squidgy greasy buds that are multiple shades of green and light brown, with lots of amber hairs and a fair few “crows feet” leafs.
A bitter sweet gassy soil taste with a slight hint of pine that over powers the main flavours every now and then.
Affects : relaxed, long lasting, strong, body high, sedating, giggly, head high, numbing, talkative, floaty, blissful, uplifted, euphoric
Build Up :
Slowish onset, that starts with a head high that is then complimented with a gentle relaxation that starts to build up. You will then start to feel a little bit floaty and giggly with occasional bursts of paranoia and anxiety that are very short lived. As well as feeling a little bit talkative.
Main High :
As the main high begins the relaxed body high starts to increase along side a slightly giggly, silly and euphoric feeling. The mind starts to become emptier and clearer. Some may feel a a burst of energy at this point. As the high continues to build short moments of confusion will arise along with the body relaxation building and becoming quite sedating, which may cause a couch lock affect. This is when the body and face will start to become numb / pain free, as well as the eyes becoming heavier and slightly dryer. A feeling of happiness and calm also starts to slowly arise and build that create a sense of bliss. After some time the head high starts to balance out the body sedation leaving you in a silly, floaty, stress free, calm and physically relaxed state with a spaced out focus. Which is perfect for zoning out on a tv show or film. You will also feel a little bit talkative. As the high begins to fade feelings of hunger, drowsiness and sleepiness creep in but all while retaining a mentally uplifted feeling.
Smooth inhale and exhale with no coughs at all.
Burns evenly with no problems at all but not completely white ash.

LETCHO PUNCH (linked above)
Price - 1g/2g/4g/6g/10g/50g/100g
Sweet & sugary grape / fruit punch smell with subtle herb & pepper notes.
Very soft & very sticky oily dark brown hash that has a wet look too it that can be moulded with ease.
Sweet and sour fruity taste with a slight gassy and hashy after taste
Affects : Strong, body high, sleepy, euphoric, heavy, relaxed, drowsy, slightly energetic, calm, uplifted
Build Up :
Slow onset that starts with mental calmness and a euphoric feeling which transitions into a slight tingling feeling that turns into body relaxation. Leaving you feeling calm and stress free with very little thoughts aswell as feeling like your peripheral vision has been widened and sounds being louder than usual.
Main High :
Your eyes and body start to become heavier while also feeling very loose with the feeling of euphoria starting to increase aswell as a slight couch lock that makes you feel heavy. That then moves to a feeling of drowsiness with moments of confusion and forgetfulness that arise every now and then, aswell as a slight sleepy feeling. After some time the slight couch lock feeling fades leaving you with a comfortable body relaxation and a feeling of energy that starts to build. Your thoughts will also begin to clear which is when some random / creative ones tend to creep in. As well as a mentally uplifted feeling and an increase in euphoria. As the body and head high begin to balance out you will start to feel more energetic, but still relaxed and slightly sluggish. As the high starts to conclude you are left feeling relaxed, calm and sleepy.
Smooth inhale and exhale until the half way point where it tends to get a bit harsh and coughs start to creep in out of no where.
Its so oily that sometimes a fire starts at the end of a joint as well as smoke constantly coming from the end of the joint.

Very nice looking medium-sized buds (up to 2g), tight, dense and heavy. Slightly squashed due to top level stealth. Professionally manicured and coated with fine crystals - some sparkly, glassy-looking patches where the trichomes have squashed together against the stealth, very attractive 😊. Fresh and still slightly tacky inside. Smell has high notes of pine and citrus against a dank, earthy background. Smokes very smoothly. The taste - like DM’s recent grows - isn’t bold or flavourful, it's more a subtle sour citrus/grapefruit flavour and a faint skunkiness. It’s a different taste but still pleasant. The high (again, like the DM crops) is very special and refreshingly different. From the name I’d expected a sativa and was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s actually a 70% indica, much more to my taste! But, for me and my smoking buddy, there’s still definitely something of an initial sativa hit in this smoke! We’ve had a couple of days smoking this exclusively and the first few spliffs on both days gave us energetic tingles in the head and down through the body, and a slight increase in head chatter, effects I’d normally associate with a strong sativa. First effects include a slight rushiness and mild euphoria. It gives a bright, creative feeling with clarity of thought and it’s a positive, ‘up’ high, happy and sociable. Those first effects quickly calm into a very nice, mellow and relaxing body stone whilst still being sociable, and we both experienced nice, rolling waves of brightness, good humour and mild euphoria.
With more smokes, the rushy/euphoric aspects melt away and the mellowness and body relaxation grows, making it more what you’d expect from a 70% indica. It’s a very clean high and definitely stronger than I expected, and again comparable to the DM grows. I’ve a decent tolerance and I’m seeing it as more of an evening/night smoke - it’s a lovely, strong smoke for the daytime too, you can still be ‘functional’ on it but I certainly wouldn't be able to hide that I was on it, especially with those initial sativa-like effects! My ability to speak coherently seems to go out the window nowadays when I’m on sativas! This indica hits very differently to the 70% indicas I’m used to and it’s a very nice, refreshing change. I’m still learning and I’ve enjoyed having my expectations turned on their heads by this excellent, top quality smoke!
BUDGET (the best value item on LB?!!):
Obviously very similar to the premium 😉. The buds aren’t as well-formed but they’re still dense and heavy, there’s nothing scraggly and no stalks. The manicure, as you’d expect, is not quite as tight but it’s only tiny leaves that remain and they have crystals. And, for a budget item, these buds are big! It’s very hard to find anything smaller than my thumbnail, with some buds being similar in size to the premium buds (with a few up to 1g). I haven’t had enough of it to be sure but it seems a little less strong than the premium, with less of the initial sativa-type effects. It’s still an excellent smoke, though, and absolutely amazing at this price. It’s definitely the best value for money item I’ve seen on LB, working out at around only £90 an oz! I know many people, myself included, who’ve paid a lot more for smoke that’s nowhere near this level of quality. FFS, there’s trim selling for more than this on LB! Bulldog obviously knows that he could sell these ‘budget buds’ for close to twice the price, and the fact that he doesn’t reflects his ethics and whole approach here on LB.
There’s a very high standard of care and professionalism in how BB approaches his business, from the grow through to his detailed and honest descriptions, his comms, and packaging and stealth (with the stealth being by far the best I’ve had through LB). Attention to detail from start to finish, and just ‘doing the job right’ - everything’s of the highest quality without posing, affectations or ego. It seems that BB’s very much about ‘keeping it ‘real’, and I love that a vendor who’s had to put up with so many trolls on here has stuck with it. He demonstrates his growing skills and experience - and the way he thinks things should be done - by popping up occasionally and dropping these excellent grows at amazing prices, like a fucking boss! 😂
The premium and budget are both very highly recommended. Cheers and thanks to you, BB 🙏👍👍👍

She is a very happy one this one! Really uplifts you after a hard day. I'll almost certainly grow her again as although she wasn't a great yielder, she has so many amazing qualities I can forgive that! What she did produce is quite special.
Thanks again CO, and look forward to reading more of your reviews in future.
All the best.
Cheers BB 🤗👍💚🍺

Any clues as to when the next one will be ready?
Whenever it is, I’m looking forward to it 💪💪

MAC should be ready in around 4-6 weeks (maybe more depending upon how she cures).
Keep an eye on my page and I'll post a definitive date on there of when it will go on sale.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Also your feedback seems top notch.
And you seem like a decent geezer :)
So I’m intrigued buddy so please add me to your list and I will deffo try some of your good looking wares 👍🏼

God bless BB!....You are much loved & respected!

(Sorry mate but they are everywhere on here now and they are not even D9 distillate…)
Glad you are back- can I have a lovely AAA Mimosa please 🍑🙏🏽

Honestly, I’ve taken it back to the roots…no strain gets me on the air guitar 🎸 more than a good Mimosa…please don’t let it be faded out l…I mean..why?! 🫣

Seems to be a lot of green around which ticks some of the boxes…. but not all. E.g. looks nice, smells nice, but burns like shit with no flavour… etc
Or there’s lots of expensive uk, which is great… but I don’t want to be paying cali prices all the time..
Just want the simple things in life lol
nice terps…
good high..
smokes clean..
With a normal price tag… e.g. £25, £50, £100 etc

I know it sounds odd to say I just want normal weed 😅 as I love flavours and strong highs….. 😎
But just want that regular green that we all love or grew up on.
It’s not going to be entered in to any cups lol but it taste nice, smokes clean and is normally priced. 😁
There are few good vendors on here who can provide this 🙂but more the merrier 🥳 as there is lots of high end import bud n vapes etc ✌️💚

Seconded on the vapes by the way, they are just a red flag now as far as I'm concerned.

As far as Cashmere, it's a beautiful hybrid bud. Leafly doesn't have the parentage, but I'll have a sniff around, see if I can dig anything more up 😁

There have been plenty of threads about the vapes, and I'm not really trying to start another one here.
I can DM you my opinion if you like, but I think enough has been said about them in threads.
Good to see you back Tescrow!

Unfortunately littlebiggy.org is down you can still use your login details from .org at littlebiggy.com
Or society via tor browser - http://societytxpukcvelwgkcfb76yni5a7n5iiueaxcwwgr73koy/

We like to share all other products on here apart from the DR.TERPY premium distillate cartridges

Always had great service and carts up until now and I don’t think 🤔 I’ve seen any negative comments regarding the above.
Just had a look at the new range.
Those 50:50 carts are just what I’m looking for and especially at that price 👌
Good range in flower for all to partake
Best of luck (can we still call you Dr)

1.The gentlemen Dealers
2.The Green Team
3. Eddy
Please feel free to share yours

2. DGT - - JJ and the team are amazing
3. Smorez, missed my order and sent nearly 3 times as much as apology, amazing service
4. Gassed - Incredible products and best stealth on LB in my opinion
5. Canadian Imports - Best concentrates and super awesome guys
Honourable mentions:
The green team
Drugs Inc UK
Shroom of the loom

Shroom of the Loom's stealth impressed me but im new enough so maybe that's standard for a good vendor?
I missed smorez skittlz shatter if I remember right it was them.. great price. Hope it comes back 🤞
I will have to try Gassed for sure ive heard many good things. Thanks for your input 😄

Perhaps both vendors could send me a package and I could compare, purely for scientific purposes 😂🤔

As of right now I am due to his emergency (hope he's ok) hashheadz looks like a strong newcomer so i might give him a go.

Diuk : I like scrolling randomly and picking planty of choice
Popeye's : is my biscotti & cookie dawg go too
Strainsbury's : got some lovely hash from them recently
dr green thumb - JJ lovely hash and bud very friendly to deal with
MJconcentrates first order got me hooked on carts
Psychonauts & Maddabber
Meds that work
Both very informative in ther field and friendly they put you right at ease
The maddabbers stealth is so stealthy I almost bind it lol

1. Riley packs
2. The Hash Collective
3. Shroom Of The Loom
4. Hashishin (this guys stock is beyond words. if you know you know.)
5. dr green thumb
honorouable mention: Gassed
All of these vendors have given me great stealth, service, communication, and product.

The green team, the menu and products are right up with the best
Pistach, menu looks amazing alway
Dr greenthumb another class vendor

Green Team and Gentlemen dealers have always been so consistent, gentlemen dealers especially

2. Pistach
3. RealD (Welcome back)
I've stuck with vendors that I used when I first came to LB, like most people probably. I tend to buy hash.
Used these excellent vendors occasionally:
4. DrGreenThumb
5. RadarBreeder
6. 420Buds
7. TheGreenTeam
Shoutout to the following vendors who I haven't used them but do want to and wouldn't think twice about doing so:
Great thread - hopefully it can help some newcomers.

I bet all vendors try hard to keep the LB community happy 😊.
We take our customers feedback very important. And if something does not seem right we will investigate straight away.
Big shout out to Redeyejedi25 well spotted 👀 sharp eyes.
Hope everyone's well & blessed and hopefully the sun comes out so everyone can get high and baked.
❤️ 😊 🙏

2: Eddy's, fantastic unique products and a very nice guy to deal with. Quick coms, Great stealth. Can't go wrong.
3: Gassed, best stealth I've ever seen and I have over 150 orders. Products I've had so far have been very good and competitive prices, freebies included with each order, quick coms, Free NDD.

I've only had the rainbow hash, which was nice but he will be getting my next hash order for sure.

Over 2 years all the above vendors have been great to me, any issues resolved, comms have been decent. Long live LB

Eddy's (always throws in a freebie)
The Green Team
Dr Greenthumb
Pontiff of Piff
The Gentlemen Dealers
I've not had a bad buy yet, but a few highlights are RP's Sour Diesel, Dr Greenthumbs' Sunset Sherbet hash and Eddy's WiFi OG bubble hash. It's an amazing community with some great vendors, just wish I'd found LB years ago.

Radar Breeder for his budget bud is very good.
TGT have great bud too.
Gassed, although fairly new is definitely an honorable mention
Weedstar has always been good to me too - I have received duplicate parcels when post was delayed and he was not interested in receiving a tip. I appreciate that kind of honesty.
Dr Extracts are my favourite cart, good comms etc. He makes list for this reason.

1. Next day guaranteed top level bud it has to be the gentlemen dealers. It’s a higher price bud if you need next day and want high grade it’s them.
2. Canadian imports range of top quality bud delivery included. March madness had so many top strains.
3. Riley packs top fella amazing bud my go to for bulky buys of top bud.
4. I know you said 3 but green cat deserves a mention top bud best price points

Zoap is running low so excellent choice there ✌️

Shout out to-
The Gentlemen Dealers
The Green Team
Canadian Imports
Dr Green thumb
Pontiff of Piff
Shroom of the Loom
Riley Packs
British Bulldog
Green Cat
Sorry if I missed any I'm high

All of the above have provided excellent service,great stealth and product quality and responded in a timely manner...all trustworthy and honest 420 vendors.
Happy 420 day to all Biggas!!!! :)

Gentlemen dealers (friendly / ozes)
Green cat (Reliable/value)

Radar breeder
real d
Ones to avoid
Shroom Of The Loom
Up n comers. eddy

If anyone wants some of the MAC i'm down to about 10% of remaining stock.
There's a bit more Budget left than Premium, but both are now very low.
If any regulars want something reserving let me know.
All the best.
Cheers. BB

I've put yours to one side so if the item says sold out, just message me and I'll do you a custom order. No hurry.
All the best
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

The gear is fucking lovely 🥰 just about to try it with the especially cleaned dyna and glass 💨💨💨

Edit: order placed, stoked

Amazing work guys! 😳

We just got some cheaper concentrates so we're eager to see how they review and we also have some Do-Si-Do Flower on the way which is B-Grade but we hope it will be worth its price at $30 per 3.5g which will be our cheapest flower listing ever :)

i do feel somewhat bad about not having yet made a topic about CI with me gushing over them, but then i would feel bad for not doing the same for other vendors on here that i use fairly often! idk maybe i should be i also feel uncomfortable with public displays of favouritism on here lol

Think it would be great doing video reviews and leaving them on here but really don’t see the need to post on YouTube?

Can't really see any other reason to do this as the site already has peer reviews and ratings in place, I've never ordered without reading up on others experiences first.
Just enjoy the site, share with close trusted friends and family and find something else to start a YouTube channel on.
oh and one more thing i know there are other things out there being bait (Reddit) but how does adding more make the situation better?

However I'm going to continue to make content regardless.
In all honesty I'm not sure who you think you are doing a favor with the gatekeeping mindset but you are certainly not helping LB.
This site has a built in share button and referral system for a reason. You can go here;
And you will see LB have been promoting exactly what I'm doing for a long time. If you have any concerns please talk to reference code support as I have already been in contact with them.
From the biggaz perspectives, the vast majority have viewed this content positively and they have also been asking for this sort of thing for a long time;
I'm not sure if you think an online marketplace wants to cap its userbase for some benign reason but it's clearly not true.
All in all, if LB had a problem with the content I'm posting they would tell me to take it down but instead they actually reward it.

Again making reviews for a peer review service is pointless exposure, are you honestly hand on heart going to tell me you think putting videos on a platform like youtube wont possibly attract negative attention?
I don't take issue with you taking this upon yourself but more that you chose something massively open and public like Youtube.
The website isn't failing! You not putting the site at risk doesn't equate to capping its potential growth?! that would be a very narcissistic statement..
With enough non user eyes on it there may be future issues, If you can't calculate the potential risk doing this then you shouldn't be the one to advertise for it.
Lastly these videos are only opinion based, all I learnt is you don't like hybrids.
If you had the equipment and could run any kind of analyses then that would be useful information but still not for Youtube...

Like I've said if you don't believe what I'm saying, please bring forward your issue to Reference Token Support here;
Regardless of our personal opinions, it's not either of our decision as to where people are allowed to post content so again contact support and discuss it.
Yes these videos are opinion based.

There are LB team topics literally promoting content creators using the ref system.
Again if you feel like it's a problem that's fine but it comes down to what the LB team are happy with. In which case you can discuss it with them.
Content creators with a much larger following than me also use the ref system with no problems.

Comparing everything to "cali" is uneducated at best.
The "cali" is full of pgr's and 90% would not be saleable in the US because of this..but hey...send those hormone filled artificially swollen rock hard buds to the uk!!the uneducated lap them up.
Educate yourself in the plant by growing it,your way of thinking will do a 180 I'm sure.

I had a chat to my grow shop guy who I've known for about 15 years, and this new PGR they have now doesn't give loads of orange hairs anymore, and still maintains the smell.
They've basically perfected the synthetic shit that makes the buds look like fucking marbles (or pebbles as someone else described them).
I'm doing a trim at the moment (see above), and I can tell you with 100% certainty that buds are not supposed to look like marbles or pebbles, it's impossible to achieve by man or machine, anywhere in the world.
They're laced with synthetic chemicals and I wouldn't put them near my lungs for love nor money.
Just my 2p as always, people can do what they want with their own money... and health.
Budzinho seems to be a decent guy. More power to him, but if PGR 'Frankenweed' bud is allowed to be sold on here...then as I said, it's hardly his responsibility to expose it.
And after the 3 years I've been on here, I can tell you that even if he did....no one would listen because everyone is an expert. 👌
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻💚

Hi @British Bulldog.
It's just when I see people put down perfectly well grown and manicured buds It rubs me the wrong way!!
Realisticly grown buds as in the review(5 out of 10 on looks!) Are imo the product of good practice and not pumping the plant/end user full of chemicals unregulated for combustion or ingestion.
I just feel if by posting the truth from a growers prospective can make 1 person do some research on what they're inhaling then I'm happy.
Again I'm sorry budzinho if I came at you a little strong.bro

It is what it is.
Peace, and have a great weekend. ✌️
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Just fyi the rating is actually a summary of what I think about every aspect of the bud (looks, smell, high, smoke etc) rather than just the looks.
My honest thought was just that whoever trimmed this one didn't do the best of jobs.
I understand the corruption some growers are riddled with and I think it's great that your pointing that out.

They are probably hoping that Budzinto moves on a bit sharpish😂

Congrats on leaking a vendors stealth mate, what a class act...
Probably best to think before posting on here in future because if someone posted my stealth in detail, I wouldn't be so hospitable.
Loose lips sink ships 🚢

Hardly your fault mate.
I'm fairly new here (4 months) and it took people like pollypuff and others - incuding some vendors - to teach me the basics.
I'm not sure who administers this site but if they read this a list of Do's and Dont's systematically messaged to a newly created user account would help.

If LB showed a list of FAQ’s or Tips when you register your account it would really help noobs.
I just couldn’t navigate it all to begin with, plus you think the whole thing must be a scam which doesn’t make it any easier to get started.😳
It takes quite an initial leap of faith to be a Bigga…

Well done on your perfect 10/10 rating so far- may have to pop by the store with my basket soon👍

I personally prefer packages to be enveloped with slim line cardboard box inside that can easily fit through a letter box Always priority or tracked mail. Some vendors are better than others in terms of stealth & presentations. I personally don’t mind as all my orders have arrived safely & untampered.
I’ll add that special delivery is priority mail (1pm-Saturdays etc) & Tracked mail is pretty much a guarantee to arrive. I can imagine standard mail will sometimes go missing (agency staff during peak seasons or full time staff shortages) I’ll also be cheeky & suggest samples rather than chocolates 😉 take care community😎💨😮💨❤️

"I’ve taken a couple of doses this week, and have to say that those days have been great. Improved energy, creativity and mood. Thanks for making the good stuff available!"
"Your product is fantastic. It's really helping me. Going to have my first dose of leisure time today.. so looking forward to it"
"Absolutely loving it! Amazing all round for real"
"Looking forward to more of this dewy goodness"
"The medicine is very clean a lovely experience!"
"We've had absolutely brilliant time lovely stuff. Just got that one through the door lovely as usual thanks very much speak to you soon"
"Tried the leisure time yesterday and very happy with it!"
"I ended up taking the leisure dose as one and absolutely loved it. I found it offered a different experience to mushrooms which I sort of want to explore more. I’ve loved being able to introspect to this level, I may attempt a bigger dose, otherwise I will save it for a monthly ritual to reset my brain when I need it :)"
"I feel like I am processing so much trauma ..... it is definitely helping in ways I’ve never experienced"
And the ones that make us smile:
"Had a bit of a panic when I couldn't see you on the site!"
"Will defo be back for more, please dont disappear!"
We'd love to hear from you - tell us how you are dealing with those post holiday, winter blues!

I’m one of those that had a ‘bad’ experience when younger and am now too much of a wuss to go there, but I’m sure I’m missing out 🥹
Maybe one day🤷♂️

We will be here for you when that day comes....🙏

I got a snap from a friend from northern Norway yesterday, where his car was completely buried in snow. Having to excevate your vehicle with a frozen beard is an everyday thing. I lived in the north once too, and there's nothing like those -30-40 degree winters where your balls freeze to the side of your thigh if you don't keep moving 😂 We do have a saying though; there's no bad weather, only bad clothing


That's a decent watch though. About £16-18k in the retail market so you're hardly Ed Sheeran, but it's a good piece.
Shame its being worn by such an assclown.
Also eat a meal dude. Not sure how many links you had to take off that strap but your forearm looks like Gollem's.
Cheers BB

it's like you're allergic to common sense, i've honestly never seen a frontman for a business this openly clueless since Greentech and he holds all the records in that regard

These clowns come and go.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Sounds like something ur doing rn waffling on an old post pal
Go suck a bulldogs dick

Customers will know I been around these bushes a min now

Brittish Bulldog with his waffling pissed me off so now I have to be active to take away some business from that scumbag.

I'm unsure of the workings of this still and don't want to make a mistake that could cost me time or money.
If so, does it affect the other vendors on the order if I have to raise a dispute? I get anxious waiting for the payment to be confrimed when sending btc and want to reduce my paranoia by making multiple purchases at the same time.

Works just fine👍

3.5g of any strain for $45. Variety packs and hash also at reduced prices.

the question is whens the reduction on these for all os dying to try your goods😂

Putin has never been more popular in Russia.
We have zero business intervening in Ukraine.
Stop getting your news from state media.

China and Russia have been communicating about this for years... since 2021 (b4 Ukraine) China's sales from Russia went from 9% to over 36%... that doubled the year after!!!
The USA and UK blew up the pipe line to inflate prices on its own partering countries whilst China and Russia are creating an alliance that will see the rest of us diminish...
There's a reason Russia waited till after the Olympics b4 invading Ukraine..

They are all mental and need a smoke to chill the fuck out.

These are the emotions they want to evoke in us with their propaganda. Putin is no more evil than Boris or Biden . Maybe even less so.

The UK has already earmarked £36 Billion ish over the next 10 years to ramp up the military.
We are now in a race to arms and NATO has declared war on Russia and China.
Does not look good.

We should be as strongly opposed to this war as we were to invading Iraq but this time their propaganda is on point. The stakes this time are far higher.
Wouldn't the money be better spent on the NHS ?
Who exactly are we trying to help anyway ?

Pure evil
Killed millions all over the world & it seems to many fuckers listen to these nazis so they will carry on until they have complete control of all land , human & money
‘YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & BE HAPPY ‘ the mighty klaus says

So, unfortunately, I assume yes!

Treated myself to a little Gary Paton from Riley_packs, never tried hoping will land tomorrow but not stressed, these are my vendors but i'm still not done lol
*Want to start by shouting out RealD, miss you friend.
In no particular order, my stocking consists of product from..
The Gentlemen Dealers
It's a beautiful stocking, i'm off most of Christmas and New Year so i'll enjoy and appreciate.
Have a beautiful Christmas you guys and gals,
LB will be bigger than ever next year!✌️❤️

Have a great Christmas and fantastic New Years SC!

Is that a stocking or a massive football sock lol
I remember when we got sweets and tangerines
Anyway have a good one not that would be hard with that list

I hope we see Sam this year with his Christmas Biggie socks, it's a fun time here at Christmas.
Wishing you all the best, Dazz, can't wait to hear what everone else is chooising for Christmas.<3

Green selection is mostly wedding pie, disco biscuit, and a few others, biggest strain is wedding pie at around 14g.
Big shoutout to GH for overloading the scales and Pistach for their generosity.
I have one more buy, the stocking is away now stored till around the 23rd, kept a little sticky ketama hash, gary paton and wedding pie for now.
I could probably use a nice vape to see me through.
Hey dreamer420, you have a great Christmas and we'll meet again in a better new year!
Talk to you before that tho.<3

Patek Philippe
Gelato OG
20g there, also waiting on 6g mix and match from Eddy.

All flower vry nice, making my way through my various green now til i hit the hash middle of the week.
The Ketama is hidden in the brown paper, 6.75g, from my 14.3✌️❤️

I’ve stashed away zheetos, blue zushi, death bubba, cookie dawg and dankberry. Will try not to get them out until xmas eve. Will see how that goes😂

No Druids though???
Some of my firm favs there including Riley - did you get new cherry????
Many of the others are going to have to be 2023 for me though 😭


Thanks for all the positive vibes BB ❤️😘❤️

You have a great Christmas, Polly, wishing you and yours the very best.
Be safe and take care.💚❤️👍


All the best to you BB, nothing but the very best my friend.
Take care.❤️🎅😊

Haha, obvs just me being paranoid. You're a top bigga.
All the best for the New Year.
Cheers BB 😊👍👍❤️

And send tracking information so you can track it too👍

The Dispute button appears on your order page after 9 days, so dispute and get your coin returned. Doesn’t help you right now, I get that.
If I was you I would split that monthly order into bi-monthly halves and if you are going to place it regularly with the same one or two vendors request a custom order with a reasonable discount…might work👍🤞

As an example, have you looked at Canadian Imports menu? They include free NDD on all orders and are great people to chat to so I’m sure they would be happy to discuss your needs & desires!
Good luck🤞

Cheeses I’ve had a couple on here and were cheesey, think diuk has one listed atm.
Not seen ak for years!😭

Did order some thai tonight tho,
i first tried it in Copenhagen years back, in Christiania, ended up pitching tent and camping there for a few days.
That thai tho, was darkish brown and pretty solid and the taste /high was the best ever (incredibly earthy taste), only peanut butter gelato has come close since.
Hoping for good things tho with this stuff (mrb4real's)
Northern Lights i'm a fan of too.😊

Strainsburys T Shirts! So we made them ✅
Only 10 limited free T Shirts in your size😎
How to get your own T Shirt:
- First 3 people to make 5+ orders
- First 3 people to refer customers and get a sale (customer should include your name in order as reference)
- First 3 people to spend $500+
- First person to spend $1000+ gets a 1/1 Glow in the Dark logo Strainsburys T shirt ‼️
Good luck guys 😊 some people are not far off from winning already, we appreciate all the support and next week we will be introducing some new strains 😍

May I also suggest that you put them as a purchasable item on your page at some point in future as I'm sure they will fly out and nobody on LB to my limited knowledge is selling their own branded tee shirts right now, so you might just start an LB fashion sideline!...I would defo buy one and who wouldn't with such a clever marketing name!

Next day delivery! and Crazy, good stealth...fooled me for a minute.
Glad I got the extra M&M coz it's lovely, squidgy, oily and tasty with a very pleasant , strong, chilled hit! The Beldia is a quality smoke as well, tastes great and a good buzz from this one. The Casablanca is what it is...decent, clean, smoke at a good price. The Medical grade is my favourite...taste is divine and followed by an excellent sativa high that is buzzy and long lasting.
All in all a good shopping experience from our new Supermarket... well done people of Strainsbury's and keep up the good work 👏

I just wanted to say I’ve been really ill the past 2 days hence why I’ve been giving slow replies and late tracking details, I’ve still ensured that all your parcels are sent on time so be ready to receive your parcels the next working day every time !
I’ve been shivering like a mofo all night but I’m starting to feel better 😇 so I’ll be able to reply to all your messages very soon, also I believe we have our first T shirt winner 🔥


I've been scoping your shop all week waiting for more reviews, i thought you were looking for a 1k purchase for the fancy T lol😁

Vry strong indica hybrid.
Stealth was good but my postie doesn't need all that extra weight and couldn't fit it through door.
It would be ideal for larger supermarket sized orders tho i'll give you that, plus it's nice to have different types of stealth every now and again.
Delivery was lightning fast.
Many thanks to the folks at SB!

Haha wow hopefully doesnt get caught for your sake bro

I also didn't realise that they sent the tracking details within the order messages , rather that a separate direct message. I'm assuming when a vendor marks an order as posted, they have a box to write something in to send to the buyer? I think this is where Strainsburys are sending the tracking details as I never received a separate message with the tracking, but I can see the tracking number within the order screen. Hope this makes sense.

M&M soft dark hash mmmmm enjoying the 1st Pinner right now 😵💫
Very similar to the green teams king Hassan hash very good value for £££

As a thank you let’s do a give away seeing as everybody’s at it!
3.5G of any strain off my menu if you can upload a picture of your joint/spliff/bong/dab rig or however you consume your ganja!
I will pick the coolest set ups, wackiest roll’s or just the biggest joints!
Thank you again everybody! :)

I'm quite into vaping and am left unsupervised for periods of time with power tools and wood.
Top thing dressed in yellow is a custom PSU , then we have some halogen vapes and my 510 injector shrimp. There's more but these are out so figured 🤷🏽 photo time

However currently it appears to be limited to forward and at relative or slower speeds 🤷🏽

Message me, Zoonless and DeadRabb1t
Thanks for the pics!

To all the naysayers, just let us please enjoy this little win.
It's a win for Mrs. Mary Jane folks!

A couple of interesting points:
-They want EU approval, and of course that would automatically give approval across the zone. So potentially another Brexit shagging for us as we go backwards towards tighter controls.
- Part of the German proposal is to limit THC strengths. Now that will be interesting- where do they put the limit and does that just make the illegal trade more enticing? 🤔
Fun times ahead👍

This country is useless and what makes it worse is to take up every day feeLing like a criminal after have lost my companies since Brexit and fucking Covid.
This country just gives me an illnesses!

Happy Halloween every1

It's really easy to smoke, burns clean and has relaxing hybrid effects. Well worth the money and good service from TGT as usual

Was thinking about eating some of my hash but not sure how to go about it, don’t wanna get too wrecked haha

Eating hash can be VERY powerful…go really small and be prepared for a long lasting high😵💫👍

I was thinking of just warming up a pipes worth of hash in some oil and necking it.

Do you normally do edibles?.,.if not that’s a hell of a way to start…if so then you know your tolerance. Mine is weirdly tiny (although that makes me a very cheap night out🥳)…that hash dose would launch me 🚀🔥🚀

I’ve got some of Hashisins Caramello coin so maybe just a crumb will do the trick. 😬

I didn't mention it in my review but the first thing I did when I received my first order from hashishin is eat a bit of caramello.
I've always preferred hash which is potent enough to be eaten - my favourite being Black Afghan. Some cheaper hashishes just won't do much if you eat them but top quality squidgy hash like the ones Hashishin sell can be eaten.
That is what they used to do in many cultures - if you're into middle eastern / eastern European music that is what the mangas of Greek Rebetika music used to do.
With Hashishin caramello I started on the safe side with 0.3g and I did get exactly what I bargained for.
Usually I would take a bit of Black Afghan and flatten it a bit so that it covers the surface of my little finger nail - between 0.3 and 0.5g I reckon.
But as pollypuff pointed out not all people react the same way so start with 0.3g and be very patient ;-)

I much prefer eating hash than smoking it.
But that only works with top quality hash, but then again we have LB for that :-)
That being said once you get the hang of it - for a given hash - dosing and timing are fairly easy.

I did it too but I'm naughty: the dentist removed both a molar AND a wisdom tooth at the same time. Plus the stitches...
They warned me strongly against smoking as it could get infected.
But that didn't dissuade me and I did the same thing as you.
The thing is that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor so it prevents healing.
Another reason why you shouldn't smoke nicotine if you have gum disease (which I do like many people).
These days I get back with my vapcap and edibles so nicotine is out of my life :-)

You're welcome.
But as you've pointed out many times your mileage will vary as they say.
But if you aim for top quality black - the type which does not require a lighter - then these work for me.
5 hours flight with a peak at 2 1/2

But I’m a hypocrite mate, I chonged joints while my face was still numb 😂🤣😂
If gonna smoke just have some pain relief ready in case you get it!

BTC from Tescrow (I think) was excellent too. Squidgy and very energising. Thats how I found it anyway. Or just go for Hashisin as he's yet to disappoint me and i've used them semi-regularly since they started on here.

Not usually high strength, but looks artisan. Not tried yet, but tempted.

All over the world there's so many countries realising that prohibition on weed is ridiculous ,but it seems our government don't care about all evidence that supports the benefits of a regulated weed market.
It's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Mr Sidwick, who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry.
Strange that.

They want to create a higher barrier of entry for medicinal weed.
In the US, there is way more underground weed now than legal, so the market is in competition.
The UK is a sly cunt and knows this, so if Cannabis is a Class A, then its essentially only open for the pharma-fuckers to enter the market and to play...
Basically, support your growers and dealers and fuck the government and fuck their weed.... ours is better anyway lol

It seems like a logical path the getting some way out of the shit storm they’ve created.
Although having said that…..If the clowns running the show do legalise it we’ll probably be on the mouldy brickweed! 😂

Genetics: Lemon Betty (Lemon Skunk x Black Betty) x Sunset Sherbet (GSC x Pink Panties)
50/50 Indica – Sativa hybrid.
Loved this strain. It just hits right!

1. The shipping quality and
Tracking number was available but I forgot to ask, came through the letter box so no needless talking to the post man, professionally packaged, As Discreet as can be, came in a cardboard box that had the vacuum sealed bag inside another bag, no smell could of possibly leaked through, even went to the lengths of adding a customisation in the form of a green heart, everything packaged correctly, and had clearly been treated with pride and care, discreet and simple, just like a regular parcel you would receive in the post, doesn’t raise any suspicion, post man has no idea that their is anything going on, quality postage, worth it, no excessive packaging, only as much as there needs to be no more no less, environmentally friendly, trustable, no wasted plastic, 1 day shipping even during the Royal Mail postal strike, over all high quality shipping ,packaging and discreetness
2. Initial impression (first look or unboxing of the product)
No smell on the outside of the vacuum sealed bag but as soon as opened Smell was almost instantly noticeable, pungent and fruity aromas from the variety’s of weed and hash, proves the quality of vacuum sealable plastic, and the care taken in shipping and packaging the product, reflects very well on to the team and service provided at GREENTECH
3. Aroma
Classic hash smell, pungent, citrusy
When burning smells very citrusy with hints of orange, nice smell that fills the room but also quite strong so air freshener should be used if the room or area your smoking in leaks smell or you are trying to be discreet
4. Appearance
Light brown
Dark brown
Classic hash look, closer to light brown then dark
5. What it feels like (sticky/dry/oily)
Sticky, slightly greasy
easy to mold big and small pieces into worms or balls to smoke or to preserve
Sticks to fingers when touched
Doesn’t really crumble easily but still crumbles
6. Flavour (first taste & after taste)
Cherries, lemons, Fruit, classic hash taste sometimes pops up
Woody after taste with some ashy taste but not much
7. Initial High (the beginning)
Become slightly alert
Feel it in the head then it goes throughout the body
Heavy eyes
Watery mouth
Body high mostly, feel a little bit off balance as if your head is heavier than your body
8. The actual high (the middle)
Body and head high creeps in slowly
Becomes mostly body as time progresses
Relaxed, calm, thoughts are random, slightly introspective, makes you think deeper than usual, feel confident, talkative, creative, slightly mongy, a little bit creative
Peak high lasts a good hour or 2
Overall high lasts 2-3 hours depending on how much you usually smoke, if you smoke regularly (daily) it will last on the lower scale of what I’ve mentioned
9. The come down ( the end )
Feel tired and slightly sleepy for a few hours after smoking, thoughts slowly go back to being normal no longer as deep or introspective, couch lock remains for quite some time, still creative, and talkative, no headache, body feels tired
10. Smoothness
Smooth very little harshness, no dry throat or mouth, easily smoked with no tickling throat feeling, burns evenly
11. How well it burns
Burns white with black and gray ash
Burns a little bit hotter than normal weed, burns evenly throughout, consistently burns, doesn’t need relighting unless left for longer than 2 minutes, no toe nailing or side burning
12. Can you keep getting high
Yes you can
High becomes heavy on eyes and doubles down on the body high making you feel quite tired sometimes as well as feeling couch locked, thoughts become deeper and more introspective
13. Overall experience with that product
Enjoyable high one that is best suited for night time due to its couch lock affects after 2 joints have been smoked, makes you feel creative and allows you have deeper thoughts, enjoyable taste, easy to mold, burns evenly and consistently, smooth smoke, no headache while smoking or after smoking, overall very good hash which is cheaper than it should be
14. If it’s correctly priced
Yes priced well, I’d say a little under priced, so you are getting more than you pay for which is quite surprising and difficult to find on little biggy
15. Energy levels in the morning after smoking
Feel tired, may fall back asleep, body doesn’t feel heavy but you feel like energy is Low, heavy eyes, best suited for days/weekends you don’t really have to do much so you can lay in bed for a few extra hours

Like in USA.
You can experiment different strains like all the Doja & JB do.

I've never even considered posting his orders by hand.
Ring doorbells... recording me? Not great.
"who the hell is this at my door?!! "
"why the hell did I order from an anonymous website just for a drug dealer to turn up at my house with my wife and kids?"
.....all spring to mind.
Bottom line, if my next door neighbour started ordering from me, he'd be getting the same service as everyone else because that's what they expect.
Hand delivery. Massive no no, for both parties it's completely out of the question.
Just my 2p though, and totally up to you.
Cheers BB

Ice cream!! 🍦💚
Hope you're well my friend. How's hutch 2.0 going?
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Hutch V2 is coming along now
I think 🤔
Hows the meal prep going? Do you need another freezer yet?.😉

It does happen, I’ve once had a vendor deliver to me personally after a police seizure on a tracked order. They were mortified and did a hours drive down to me to put it right ( I didn’t ask them to ) but equally was blown away by the level of service. I think it’s probably safer for you whacking it In the mail though would had to see you picked up trying to do someone a favour.

I wouldn’t risk it, be safe let the post person do it for a pound;)

The bad review is spurious, one of a number that seem to be going around targeting vendors at the moment. Shameful, underhand tactics, but thanks for purchase anyway chump. You can take the street dealer off the street...

You fool.
Have you started again because your wife kicked you out. Your just a keyboard warrior.
Stay in your bedroom.
You have never ever bought off us but keep chatting poo.
It's been over 2 years now.
Have I slept with your Mrs or sumat that you come and talk poo and then run off and then be back after fews months.

I sell AAA cali to low grade cali because I have customer for all grades of weed.
That's why I sell it.
Stop talking Sh*t .
Buy off me to talk like I said you have never bought to know MUPPET!!!

You are defo deluded.
Reviews talk for them self idiot.
It's been over 2 years you going on about the same sh*t.
Now f*ck yourself got no time for trolls and keyboard warriors.
When you buy off me then talk .

I saw through your scams from day 1, pointed out numerous flaws and obvious signs of fakery on multiple listings. I have stopped people giving you money and ultimately that's all I want.
You are the single most prolific scammer on this site and you seem really proud about it, you have absolutely no decency or integrity and your pathetic insults only serve to demonstrate it. I really hope you get a splinter that turns gangrenous you fucking wretch.

"Single most prolific scammer"? Lol 😄 we've got one of the best rep's on the platform, dummy. All anyone has to do is look for themselves. Carry on spewing all the venomous bile you can, it's had no impact on our customer base, or it's continued growth. We hope other vendors are watching, and we'd ask them, are you comfortable selling to the likes of this nutcase?

This guys been going on about the same thing for over 2 years.
He never ever bought from us.
He just a sad troll who working for another vendor.
But thanks bro and respect 🙏

the positive sentiments at the end 👍

I've been with you and i am always thankful for the more budget options. Damn, your Budget Amnesia Haze is my go-to weed. Haters gonna hate ...

You are a disgusting person, a terrible businessman and a complete hazard to the community. I look at your reviews and I don't see many Cali sales that aren't copy and pasted by yourselves and the ones that are legit aren't exactly glowing ie the whole "black ash, crackles and pops when burning" thing so I wouldn't count you as a credible vendor, let alone one of the most credible hahaha!
You are the worst vendor here, over charging for low quality goods and your sales, reviews and attitude say it all. This may be a murky market but you buddy are a crook.

Those carts are Cherry Pie & Orange Cookies from SCL. Together this is a Mr. Whippy with great big nuts! 🍒🍦🍊
The vapour mixes in the head as you inhale for a really smooth massive hit. Carts usually make me cough, this is a huge hit 😶🌫️ that doesn’t make me cough at all.
Bloody brilliant 👍🤩
PS you don’t have to use two, there is a dummy head too- no jokes thank you! 😙

This is so good on so many levels of fun, and
those SCL carts look quality ✌️, i'd personally mix gelato with ..ice cream cake.😊
Peanut butter gelato is tastiest i've ever smoked.
*I'm looking currently at the yocan uni pro on amazon. I'd love a Tombstone for Christmas tho for sure!👍❤️💚

Weed in general not just vapes.
Have a good one!👍

weed collecting hobby already.😝
Honestly if i was rich (not saying you are or not friend) but if i was i wouldn't trust myself round weed, i'd blow every penny on it. I know you like a drink also so that must help, i started micro dosing shrooms and that suits me.
*sry to sink your thread, i'm on a very long timeout right now.
I've been given the power to sink threads for my wrongdoing lol

Works for my mates ‘cos they know where to come the bastards 😖😵💫😶🌫️

Is it good? It looks expensive too.

I feel like I’ve got a brain full of cotton wool most mornings so a break from that would be super! Is that asking too much?

I don’t get any lingering effects from pure rosin, but if I’ve overdone the carts then I will feel the wheeze! 😳

There’s a strong chance, if left unsupervised I’d over do it…….but If the rosin doesn’t linger that could be my new poison!

We need a seller to replace the SCL carts 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
At a decent price of course

I use an iolite dry herb vape, had it for a good few years
It is a butane device with a catalytic converter. Won some awards somewhere.
All this time I've been using it with a slight paranoia.
I mean, give a stoner a butane grenade and while it's heating up and hissing, you can't help but wonder sometimes...
However, it has done the job so far.
I needed a new chamber for it and looked up Oglesby and Butler because I couldn't get on their website...
...factory has burned down...!!
Still proceeding with caution ⚠️ 🤪
Anyone know of anyone has blown themselves up with an iolite please let me know 👍

That’s also bankrupting me at the same time
Ying and yang lol 😂

Nice kit but no variable temp would be a deal breaker for me….I stick with the Mighty but have a Tinymight 2 on my Xmas list😻

Because of two are you using less or just burning 🔥 though the carts ?

I want one now. I looked at SCL page and I think they might still have some left.
No I have enough ha ha ha ha

The only downside for me with carts is gauging the draw, it’s simply not consistent like it is with say the Mighty. I don’t really know why, although there is no preheat so you are hitting it from cold each time. Straight to lungs 4second inhale will give me massive clouds and a huge hit one time and half that or less the next. But either way it doesn’t make me cough and other batteries always do….👍

What do you think?!

My first time using LB and im filled with excitement and nerves!! I was hoping I could create this topic to help other first-time users feel more relaxed and get the info they need. There are some readables on Reddit and topics here but I don't think anything quite like this.
I just want to help other new comers to maybe not got through the paranoia that I have RN haha!!
It would be great if we could get some reassurance from some of the regular UK users? The answers to the questions below would certainly help calm me down.😊
1) Has anyone ever been busted buying weed from LB? (UK to UK only)
2) If busted in the UK, what are the consequences? Just a possession charge or something further for getting the postman involved? 😂
3) Any advice from regular users to help us first-timers stay safe?
4) Any experiences from regular users that you can enlighten us with? good and bad.
5) Is stealth usually good from vendors? is ordering over an ounce too risky?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and help us newbies out, i would really appreciate any reply. Sometimes this website seems too good to be true, been dealing with shit weed from dealers for years and this would change my life!!!

Deffo feel better about the process now, i really think it comes down to finding a vendor that you trust to do a good stealth!!!

Now I don't even give a second thought to ordering via LB or the other site I mentioned...The vendors on LB have all been absolutely fantastic with their service,product and stealth...LB is totally brilliant and so easy to order from....
Lastly....big shout out to the following vendors who are well trusted and terrific in all aspects...British Bulldog...The Green Team...Canadian Imports...MKK2020...Your Moms House...Northern Organics...Mr Edz...these are just a few Ive used but there are so many more that provide excellent service(The Gentlemen Dealers are the "Harrods" of weed vendors!)....hope this may help you buddy :)

Yeah I’m waiting for some help for 5 days now, hopefully postie comes tomorrow with it 🤞🏼

two AMAZING vendors I could recommend are dr green thumb for average/high tier weed and then super hans for pretty much the best. Both are extremely professional and kind, happy to help.
I know what you mean when you say you're worried, I was too then we took the risk. You think cause it's clear web there's no way but now were here

It’s not that clear which laws you break when you PUP (Personal Use by Post). RM cannot knowingly deliver illegal drugs which is why stealth is so important- what they don’t know hurts nobody. Once you are in possession of them you are committing an offence obviously but personal use in your own home is not being enforced. Whether you ‘aid and abet’ an offence by placing your order is too vague to worry about. It’s the vendors that take all the risk in effect.
The worst that can happen is that a package with poor stealth forces the post office to hold it and then report it to the police (which is nothing but time wasting hassle for them). Police can send you a warning letter claiming you have been put on a post ‘watch list’ (whether this exists or works is questionable). For larger quantities they can visit your house to deliver a warning. They would need a warrant to enter, they have no power of arrest since you are not in actual possession. If it’s a large quantity they could apply for a warrant on ‘reasonable suspicion of supply’. For these reasons small quantities for obvious personal use only are the way to go.
Yes, there are Biggas who have received letters and visits. The way to go is simple denial- you know nothing and have no idea why anyone would send you drugs. Nothing more, and that’s it.
I personally wouldn’t order ounces for the above reasons, it just jacks up the risk for little gain in my opinion but that’s just me.
There are superb experienced vendors on this site whose deliveries get through every time. Check out the reviews and it will be quickly clear who they are. Be wary of new vendors popping up with offers that seem to good to be true, especially on large volumes. Whilst your coin might be protected by escrow you have no idea what the stealth will be like.
Everyone who first finds LB simply can’t believe that it works but it does- and it’s bloody great- have fun👍👍

for reall, but man I really wanna order a whole bar of hash with the plastic/covering still on and just split that bad boy in half..

If you insist on using a fake, tell anyone you live with so they don't ask the postie to return it to sender. Yes this has happened, no it doesn't go back to the sender. Happy shopping.

Maybe blacklist my address on royal mail 😂

Love the way you bought an oz to try it out. Think I got 1/4 to test the water back in June.
I've used about 10 vendors and had zero issues with stealth etc
There is potential for issues but my experience has been good.
Recently I had an issue with quality of a shake product and this is in the midst of being resolved thanks to cooperative and understanding vendors.
After your first few orders you will probably appreciate the quality, value and ease of getting items from lb.
The community here is very helpful as you will see.
Message direct if you need to. Speak to vendors to check for good comments also.
Have fun and roll one up for me 🍁

And yes an ounce was the tester lol. wont order less than a half i doubt, just no point for me it will be gone too fast. (not proud of it lol)

I waited 8 days for this hash i just got, i was starting to shit myself a bit but then it came through the postbox this morning haha

One time I received a fake Gucci jacket with 4 and a half ounces of Girl Scout cookies divided around the padding 😂😂
Another time I received an AMAZON PARCEL 😂😂 it had an English dictionary with a hidden compartment and inside there was fire super silver haze double vacuum sealed 😭💥
What’s the craziest you guys have seen ?

There is kind of an unwritten rule that we don’t give away current vendors actual methods of stealth for obvious reasons but there is a lot of hard work that goes on here, some of it very skilful 😻
I love getting a package where after 5 minutes of opening it I’m still not quite sure what it is! 😵💫

Even until now I sometimes find myself surfing online looking for small cheap wholesale items which I can use as stealth methods for shipping 🤓 There’s a big sense of achievement when you discover a new method 😂

I had to keep the UK aspect there and give it a funny twist 🤣 initially I had some funny ideas but Strainsburys was my personal favourite 🤩
And I agree with both of you! If everyone knew the stealth secrets then parcels would start getting lost 😞 And thank you I’ll be sure to check out British Bulldog, All the best brother 💯

Who are reputable vendors that can actually be vouched for, with good pricings?

When it comes to the mids being sold as top shelf I don’t think that happens, pistach say when it’s mids on the listing https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4796484

Pistach was selling Stoney’s 500g bars for $28 and they were truly excellent 👍

Vendors that have been through the last 12 months have had their guts ripped out and would like to be able to just make a living.
This must be the only industry where more peeps keep entering and prices keep lowering while all other costs rise, fuel, stamps, electricity and packaging.
Also, take into account that all major markets are crumbling around us and we are on a financial precipice.
Hope you smash it!

Major markets are crumbling and the past few years have been turbulent but the dark economy is what makes the world go round. And the reason I asked this question is, I intend on doing business with other vendors to supply our ever growing demand but trust is entirely important when it's regarding actual information.

They're a really nice vendor to deal with too, which goes a very long way 👍

Most people are selling random strains that are poorly grown for $35+ an eighth. You've currently got mid shelf at $40 for 3g, so for the same price, established vendor with NDD, and you get top shelf, more product, I don't see how that's pricey.
Everyone has their preferences and it can be very subjective 👍

Others not tried but am aware of
British bulldog
Super Hans
Good price is a very open ended question and relieve to the buyer and the budget they have.
For example I know right off the bat I’m on the wrong page when the seller only sells Henry’s lol 😂

Out of my budget normally but I see the point your making and yes I have paid for bud on here that I was less than impressed with for the price.
Forgot to add hashin to that list and his gear is worth every penny.

I'm a big fan of hash, personally I think you have a better chance of getting a nice couch-lock stone from hash rather than flower, only tried 2 different types from pistach and flower power but I have high hopes for hashishin

I’ve been enjoying hash a lot and aye hashishin order was a treat. Back to budget for TheDazzler as my skills definitely don’t pay the bills if you add in a hashishin order lol 😂
The marshmallow ones looked lovely also but just did not have the coin for it excuse the pun 🙄

Much appreciated for shopping with us, hope to hear very soon.
Mrbean :)

I don’t think $60 an eighth is workable for most long term users it’s just way to much for weed across a month and it’s goes to like $75 . I especially like daan Skywalker as some very very nice bud also that is available as Hans isn’t here. I’d like that sort of level for £120 half ounce £220 ounce. If that can be scaled back into £30 an eighth that would be amazing 🤩

The latest (Umme, Hyperglue etc) have been the best but keep your eyes peeled for the winter harvest- there are some amazing grows coming! 😻

Personally I would be furious knowing that the price of imported bud isn't that expensive however in smaller amounts they're being sold at killer rates.. you get where I'm coming from?.
I used to be that person buying at extortion rates until I found out its all a lie. The prices are hiked up intentionally

LB works because we have so much choice and a significant degree of purchase protection. Generally Biggas are very good at selecting the right product for their tastes and pocket. Yes, some hyped up claims are made (your logo says “Premium Cannabis”- what is the definition of ‘Premium’?) and tastes vary and there are too many 10/10’s given just because product actually turns up, but personally I don’t think that’s unusual in any market, never mind an illegal one 😉

At the end of the day we all just want what you pay for and within your own budget whatever that might be

As for the pricing, we accept our mistake and the criticism is always welcome, but when the hate arrives its just even more pleasant.

Rambling message blamed on the moonrock from The Smoke Den that has turned me into a gibbering fool.... Disclaimer - my idea of mid shelf may differ from other biggaz

I agree that competition has brought prices down and quality up imo if you shop carefully, but a lot of Biggas don’t agree and claim to keep getting overpriced rubbish. Some people are just unlucky 😉

And so far I think everyone understands what our mission really is!!
We're still new let's see what we can achieve but the aim is ... topshelf bud for £40-£50 a 8th(3.5g).😂🤣
Laughing but not joking.

I should say that the size and cost of this order isn’t usual for me, it was for a special occasion and we decided to ‘push the boat out’. The final order included Fruity Pebbles, Girl Scout Cookies, Blue Cookies, Cherry Pie, Rainbow Belts, Afghan Gold Seal Hash, and 3.5g each of the DojaPack Zkittlez and Deep East/Wizard Trees Zoap. All items that are still available have been reviewed in the item review sections.
I buy regularly from TGD and have been working my way through their lower-priced items. I’ve always been *very* happy with what I’ve bought and have wanted to try their more expensive range, more out of curiosity than anything else. I wanted to see what difference, if any, there was in that price range, and I’ve read the various heated forum posts about touted calipacks, their value and authenticity, etc. With decent funds for our special occasion I could finally do what I’d been wanting to for ages - find out for myself! 😀
Firstly, apologies for the photo - I had very little left and didn’t realise I’d taken a poor picture until it was too late. I mainly wanted to show the colour of the Zkittlez bud. The buds are (left to right) Zkittlez, Zoap, Fruity Pebbles and Blue Cookies.
So, I have to start with the DojaPack Zkittlez (70% indica, 30% THC). Just amazing! I’m a 35+ years’ smoker and I’ve never seen buds anything like this before - at first glance they look almost entirely black! They’re actually about 85% a very dark purple colour, from its Grape Ape parentage, and the colour apparently comes from introducing carefully-controlled periods of cold during the grow. I’d never heard of this before (seems counter-intuitive!) and found it interesting to read about. The buds fluff up nicely in the grinder and are more what you’d expect, colourwise, inside. The smell from the pack is also unique - I don’t have a sommelier’s nose/taste so can’t provide the detailed, airy-fairy descriptions you see on some sites (!) - I’m huffing on the pack now and it’s hard to describe. It’s a strong (but not cheap or ‘perfumey’) really pleasant mix of fruit, berries, flowers and a little of that ‘soapy’ smell. ‘Flowers’ doesn’t do it justice, it’s more like the essential oils of rose otto, neroli and orange, mixed with a subtle earthiness. Really quite special. The buds were small-medium sized, dense and tight, and expertly manicured - not a hint of leaf anywhere and looking more like leafless, little boulders. It was the first thing we tried from the order and it hit, literally from the first toke. Big, silly grins straightaway from everyone who tried it. It’s a smooth smoke with a very nice taste that’s also hard to describe; a mix of the smells above with a little turkish delight or parma violets too. Gives a nice warmth over the body and a clean, brightness in the head (with no ‘headiness’). Definitely uplifting, amusing and smiley. Very strong in a clean way, and just a really nice, *very* special smoke :)
Next up was the Deep East/Wizard Trees Zoap (50/50, 25-26% THC). More gorgeous strong smells from the pack, similar to Zkittlez but with less fruit/flowers and a lot more of that soapy smell! There’s also a fresh lemon, skunky, plasticine smell - it’s so hard to describe! Light green/yellowy buds (small/medium size), again looking like little boulders, no leaf at all, just tight/dense buds with that fine, spiderweb-looking dusting of crystals. The strong soapy smell has you wondering what the taste will be like, and it *does* taste of soap but in a really nice way! The subtle fresh lemon is also there, along with a buttery (maybe popcorn or marshmallow?) taste - it’s pleasant, not overpowering, very distinctive and unique, and I know I’m not doing it justice! The effect is a clean, strong hit that comes in relaxing waves. A little more tingly in the head than the Zkittlez but, again, no headiness. Another very special strain with a very unique and pleasant taste. I preferred the Zkittlez slightly more at first, and then preferred the Zoap - they’re both on another level and very, very special.
Lastly, back to one of TGD’s cheaper options, the Blue Cookies (90% indica, 25-28% THC). Slightly bigger small/medium sized buds and more ‘typical’ looking (as opposed to little boulders), even including some leaf! Nothing over the top and still nicely trimmed, but TGD’s items are often just buds with literally no leaf at all - I’ve heard a rumour that they have a top Hollywood plastic surgeon doing their trimming 😉 Mixing Blueberry and GSC apparently results in a 90% indica - there’s still some of that distinctive Blueberry strain smell there, but it’s only subtle in the taste. The taste is still very nice though and it has (as expected) a deeply relaxing effect with, for me, no headiness at all - all body and deeply, deeply relaxing in a very pleasant way. It gives a ‘cosy’ feeling (similar to TGD’s Cherry Pie, an 80% indica, 24% THC) and would probably be very nice for anyone with anxiety issues.
So, they’re the three I couldn’t review ‘normally’ because they aren’t available as I’m writing this - although I believe TGD are restocking and will have them back in soon, possibly by the time this post goes up. I’d also quickly like to mention the Fruity Pebbles too. It’s in TGD’s cheaper range and is also a really nice and very tasty smoke. It’s a 55% indica (20-28% THC) and has a little bit of the Zkittlez’ dark purple colouring. Another lovely fruity-tasting smoke with a nice high - be warned that it’s a real creeper and very strong!
Finally, a few quick words about the ‘value for money’ and quality of the calipack smokes. I know some biggas simply won’t, or can’t afford to, pay these calipack prices. I’m usually in the ‘can’t afford to’ category. My main reason for trying the calipacks was curiosity, to see if there was a noticeable difference in quality compared to cheaper items. I can’t comment on ‘value for money’ because it’s different for each person, and what might be a lot of money to one bigga might be very little to another, so people’s perceptions of ‘value’ greatly differ. Would I like this quality of bud to be available cheaper? Yes, *definitely*! I think most of us would like most things to be cheaper but we also know that the world doesn’t work like that. The real question is: does the higher price of these calipacks equal greater quality, a nicer smoke? From the two packs I tried the answer, unfortunately for those of us who can’t afford these prices regularly or at all, seems to be a definite ‘yes’. I’ve been very happy with my TGD cheaper-priced items and thought I was getting some of the best buds available - I didn’t think it could get much better but, in terms of smell, taste and effect, it seems there is (alas!) a higher tier that I was previously unaware of. I’m all about flavour and hit, and the Zkittlez and Zoap are definitely two of the very best smokes I’ve ever had, and probably the best I’ve had in the last 20 years or so. Unfortunately, I’ve hardly any left 🙁 Oh well, the good thing about special occasions is that there’ll be more, and Christmas is coming 😁🎉
Thank you to TGD for their spot-on advice on what sort of flavours and hit that I, particularly, might like, and for their excellent service. I won’t go on about it because I assume most biggas are already aware - they have great comms/stealth and genuine NDD and, above all, excellent quality items. They look after their customers and are very generous with their free samples and gifts. Cheers! 👍

Thank you, Chasin'Orange 🧡 we appreciate the effort on your part, and it certainly won't go unrewarded in any future order 😉 All you biggas are freakin awesome!

You’re right that there is a big continual debate on here about the merit of Cali packs that has got so heated some want them completely banned including the actual term ‘Cali’ 🤯🤯
Much of this is because it’s very easy to fake Cali packs as anyone can just buy the empty packs online and fill them with whatever they want. Some Biggas then refuse to believe that any Cali packs are genuine.
But fortunately we have vendors like TGD and others who have no interest in selling fake packs. I’ve had theirs and they are 100% genuine. So you pose the question is it worth it?…and thanks for being honest enough to say yes, if you can afford the premium, or it’s a special occasion than yes it really is.
That’s certainly the way I feel. But at the same time is there UK grown weed on LB that’s better than any Cali pack regardless of price?…I’m happy to say that in my opinion the answer to that is also YES! 🥳🥳🥳

There may well still be some flak incoming for us from the anti-Cali brigade- it’s always a hot potato around here🤷♂️
(Yeah I find the page often freezes when I try a new chat message to someone, irritating!)

Many thanks N.O. :)

heads up and can create a special on these.

Is there any interest in CBD products here. I'm talking Bud, Hash, Diamonds, Vapes etc.
All high quality products. We've been offered all sorts of strains from our extracts supplier and they've brilliant feedback from their tried and tested customers.
Just wanting to know if there's a market here on biggy as much as there will be for our offline customers!

Liking vendors is not a crime.. Real D has a 9.8 rating so I’m not the only happy customer in fact he’s had exactly 1 unhappy customer. I support a lot of vendors on here not just Real D. Not in the mood for this shit today do one n find another hobby mate

Hope everyone is keeping well :)

I’m hoping you still have some diamonds left, I really regret not grabbing some

Restocked on the diamonds as well - same supplier, same quality so youve not missed the boat :)

We were gonna put all the listings up last night but I used the excuse of the lighting not being good for the pics lol.

I'll be back ........

We will definitely keep an eye out for you. We are due a big restock of hash in the next week :)

Friday August 26
Wednesday August 31
Thursday September 8
Friday September 9

Please take these dates into consideration , the strike days i can drop off mail but items will not be picked up till day after strike.
Staff will strike over a four day period and walkouts will take place on:
Thursday September 8
Friday September 9
n days when strike action is taking place, Royal Mail says it will:
Deliver as many special delivery and tracked 24 parcels as possible
Prioritise the delivery of Covid test kits and medical prescriptions wherever possible
Not be delivering letters (with the exception of special delivery)
Some parcels will be delivered.
All are items are sent special delivery. JJ & DGT

Deliver as many special delivery and tracked 24 parcels as possible
Prioritise the delivery of Covid test kits and medical prescriptions wherever possible
Not be delivering letters (with the exception of special delivery)

Then there's a backlog ripple effect after..
get why their striking but will get peanuts for it if anything. I'd love an inflationary pay rise too.... 🙄
any pay rise 😂
Rant over, sorry postie biggas ❤️

You need a fine 100% agave tequila sipped gently. I would suggest Fortaleza Still Strength Blanco. After a little while everything will be fine….👍

Bets of luck with the soul-searching hangover, I feel your pain!
Actually, ignore the above if you have valium...

I knew of a guy (an extended family member of an ex girlfriend) who got done for murder and he got 15 years. Pretty sure he was out in 12...
15 years for a kilo of puff doesn't sound right...but I'm no lawyer.
Still, glad he didn't do any time. 👍
Cheers BB 😊🍻

It is completely acceptable to receive cannabis through a private clinic, pay a completely unreasonable price for the flowers, and be exempt from legal ramifications.
The people who run the clinics are largely ex bankers who have seen an opportunity to make a few quid.
I would assume many of them are even Tory party members/ donors. There have been instances of prominent cabinet politicians profiteering from exporting cannabis grown in this country, while pushing anti drug policy.
Excellent act of solidarity in the article, but it shouldn’t have had to happen.
The UK is a country where the difference between a cancer patient and a criminal is how much money they have in their bank account.


You would just get that knowing nod from fellow LB
You know that I know that you know that know that you know 😉😵💫😵💫

Spending more on weed but saving on clothes! Win-win!
Who’s t-shirt you getting first?

The tag line ‘Humanity Reaches Maturity’ is official LB, but it’s the first time I’ve seen the logo. I think it’s cool 👍

They do a baseball tee version that I’m a big fan of!

Yeah, that’s a cool shirt👍

I remember when this was first posted a while back.

I just can’t find the logic in it 🤷♂️
And fair play to T shirt guy. Like Pollypuff20 why did something like that not be seen as it adds value to the community.

I won’t bore you with those hashes that aren’t currently available on LB but thought you might enjoy a few hi lites-
Afghan Squidgy Black (Hashishin):
Crazy liqourice smell, taste..oh the taste…it’s hot old flip flop on a dusty Khabul street…BUT NOT IN A BAD WAY!!😂😂…seriously, this is the real deal, it reeks of it’s origins, it oozes it’s past. It’s why we do this!
Bugatti (Dr. Greenthumb):
Naming hashes after supercars?…honestly this sort of thing gives drugs a bad name 🤩. Hits quick, smooth and floaty, quite a charmer. Bit Harry Styles….no idea where that came from…
Letcho Punch(MKK2020):
Oh here we go, a right set of legs on this. What the fuck heritage/genetics is ‘Letcho Punch’??…I have no idea. Melty bastard has made a mess of my oven but I forgive it because it’s doing a similar job on me. 😵💫🫠
Biggas in to their hash- don’t miss this one. Biggas not sure about hash- try this one 😻
It’s been a great weekend 👍👍😉

Good wee read as always and was talking about trying some hash again and this is certainly edging me towards that direction.
I thought we could be friends but then someone has to go and spoil it with a Harry styles comparison with Bagatti hash 🙄 some things are unfortunately unforgivable! Then again it might be that good because no one that’s not been on good gear would ever say that ever lol 😂
That weekend deserves a standing ovation 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Need to get some more of the Letcho actually.
The Cookie Dough from DrGT is very good also. A soft crumbly one like the Cookies and Cream from Pistach. Going to go for the double filtered & bud deal he's doing as well 👍
I do enjoy reading your reviews. You have a much better way with words than me. I will work may way up to your level 👍

Much Love.

My question is how long is vac sealed bud good for before it loses potency and taste?
Please only reply if you have personal experience, I don’t need google answers- I’ve already done that 🙂

The good news is even the oldest (about 18 months!) smokes real fine. Some are obviously drier than when I got them and the lights have gone out as it where but whenever I’ve taken a hit before deciding to throw them out they have been just as good as I remember.
Fresh works best for all the senses, but properly stored weed works great for getting you high even after ages, IMO 👍👍

Pop them into glass jars that are air tight.
and boviva (or something like that) humidity packs. the weed ones not cigars.
will keep for fucking ages and in most cases, age like a fine wine 👍

Thanks bro 😁

I get hella grief if the dawg standards are not 10/10
Here’s a tip .. if I list only 1g option on the Stardawg then it’s not 10/10.. just under I would say.. either ain’t got that Cali taste or power ain’t there

(Note, Polly Puggle taking the shade in the background 😍)

Slush Puppies also go well with some brandy ;)

How is vape? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ lol
Vape and a very Dr Terpy / CI skywalker and dynavape weekend for myself at a good friends
Hope all ya LB’s had a good weekend as us lol

Glad the reference did not go unappreciated bevbevan1 👏
I am indeed! Good times 😉

Lucky for us cannabis lowers body temp. It’s the essential heatwave product;)

Must be time for the Mighty with a frosty Bubbler- not going to stay frosty for long!
JJ’s Sunset Sherbert here we go!
(Polly Puggle frosted out!)

The second bowl of SS really kicked in…a lovely creeping euphoria…very nice indeed.
I’ve got those Northern Organics sativa caps. A really good lift👍
Just doing my Wednesday evening ritual of Mimosa & Music (EVERY Wednesday!). Love it ❤️❤️
What are you up to amigo?

Your Mimosa and Music sounds brilliant Polly!...You've really got quite a weekly routine going there mate! :)

How was it? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ me bad 🤦♂️

This one is next level!
check the buds out, greens, orange purples and all sorts.
the smell is fruity, creamy, biscuit, purpley
i know I'm in for a treat with this one 😋
it's a bit of a sticky icky special so recommend picking by hand and / or a few days burping and curing before grinding.
it worked just resinous as fuck 😂
now the smoke matches the smell and look.
it's unbelievably good, I wish I could afford more it's sublime tasting.
smoothly skunky and reminds me of some of the amazing purples from the taste.
got a clean hash exhale note to it to.
Did I say how good this was, I'm drooling and licking my lips smoking this.
For anyone keeping up, this is ABOVE the blackberry moon rocks in terms of flavour chasing smokegasms!
the effect, nicely fucking chilled.
still done a few bits, but with some chilling in between.
made me mad hungry though so Im gonna go snack my ass into the next size jeans.
enjoy this gets my vote for a potential crop of the year.
But the xmas ladies..
anyway 11/10 druids thanks and 24 hour delivery

Cheers man and enjoy!
How often do they get it in ? Just so when I do get paid I can put money aside to make sure I don't miss out next time
I'm just sitting looking at the photos of the bud like a wee lassie staring at at poster of Harry Styles lol

They'll sometimes post details in topics, or in their manifesto section. I think there's probably a lot of us here who check in regularly (I know I do!)

Frankly, any Bigga that misses this, misses out indeed- although I accept that indicas are not everyone’s favourite, they certainly are mine! 😍😍

Mind blown at the wisdom lol honestly that is unreal.
You better not be googling that shit ha ha ha joking man

That's some top tear endorsement right there!

BTW I tried to PM you I'm not some mad stalker because I have commented on quite of a few of your post ect
Just being a noob here and I like your honest option on products and take on things.
Not to mention that your quite knowledgeable to say the least!
Lets just say I have had a bit of time on my hands lately and have enjoyed educating myself with the help of people like your good self and everyone else that takes the time to post and discuss.
Thank you
LB community has been a very all round decent experience thus far and I have no reason to think that will change!
Cheers LB

It just tastes of Ribena so much.

Ive triple dipped this chronic!!
to put in perspective...
Ive chonged over 20 years, this is up there in my hall of fame!
Probably my joint first place on here with smoggys disco biscuits!!!!
Im pissed cos my postie didn't arrive today, fingers 🤞 for tomorrow 😬

Used to come out of nowhere every harvest with some seriously epic buds, might have retired 😭

His Portland Oregon Mimosa has a very special place in my heart😍…if it came back tomorrow I would buy serious volume👍

With hash, if it don’t bubble, it ain’t worth the trouble;) cheers

I’ll let you know late night myself if it bubbles or not.
(I’ll ask a regular offline customer also)
Also just could of sold out faster cause it has a more recognisable name.

If you like hash then this one is a must,think that might be my 7th order of it,yes it is that good a smoke and still wrecks me even after having got used to it lol

The difference in high between bud and these rosin carts is interesting indeed. I use these in social situations like the pub and take them on holiday and they sure don’t feel like a second best option. I know in my bud selection there are some that are simply going to lay me out (in an excellent way!😍) and obviously going through the set up and grind with great bud is all part of the pleasure. But being able to whip one of these out of my pocket pretty much anywhere and get a beautiful smoooooth high is a joy!
❤️ SCL !

I just came back from Rhodes 😎 where I took an SCL disposable (Knightsbridge OG) and and SCL cart (Tahoe OG) and I was totally sorted. Ultimate stealth in tavernas, bars & villa. Just perfect!👍😍

I got this for the misses, she has some health issues and does not like to smoke or the dry vape so thought I would try one of these for her.
She was apprehensive at first but she now loves it. Its helping with whatever, I just know it's helping and since went back for the 510 carts.
I think she likes the design, and how easy it is to use. It also helps that it's not as harsh as the Very high distillate we all know and love
I posted this on another thread but it also stand up here also
Hi All hope every LB is good in the hood. Just a quick update on the above in relation to the comments made by myself in relation to Green crack that I ordered from Serial Chiller Labs.
I will not go into what I said to him about it but I just thought that it was a bit off and just not what I was expecting.
Any way I switched the cart out and went back to it today.
It's all I have been vaping today so I think that has diffidently helped, and not switching out between carts! for some reason this seems to work better for me with his rosin.
SCL please can you hand me my knife and fork so I can eat my words.
FFS that's a cheeky fucking wee creeper that bad boy!

The pursuit of keeping the masses on the edge somewhere between survival and reasonable fear (if you believe the narrative or read between the lines) has to stop. We must realise our small differences are less important than the protection of our resources and communities.
Love and Respect to you all.

I use special whenever i can, you suppose specialD will be screwed when ya'll walk?
Have a good one friend.🥂

Seriously though, I support anyone who walks. My family were down the pits.
Thanks for the heads up 👍

Imagine the domino effect in Europe for adult use ...
Germany already has a good policies for medical use. For example some pathologies get medical co-payment when they buy flower in the pharmacy 👏

Reckon we'll need a change of government in the UK before we get to catch up though. Can't imagine this lot doing anything like that!

Sorry to be negative but I don’t think it will 🥲.

What we want is various sites as good as LB and plod that don’t give a fuck, and let’s be honest we’ve pretty much go that…👍👍

You just need to visit the right place.
There's even people here getting it on prescription, you wouldn't know anything about it tho eh?
Nice to share.

P.S. prescribed weed in the UK isnt medical marijuana it's middle class marijuana because the clinics are much more interested in your money than your health.However it still works out cheaper than buying online- either the dark web or here,at LB

And you dont share how to?
Know if it was me I'd be helping other biggas do the same.

The bud itself is top shelf for the price, I'm honestly gob-smacked.
100% ordering from this seller again!

Big fan of the OG Kush also.💯


If i had to choose one single strain tho i'd go Mac1. I like feel good euphoric trippy weed best.
Not a fan of energetic sativas and haze strains don't go down too well with me either.

Are you planning on doing larger amounts for sale?

thank you !

The fact you've put so much effort, and personal detail into that response, is what LB is all about (in my humble opinion).
Thank you Jobe.
Cheers. BB

The book of wisdom doesn't have many seeds in comparison to Thai stick. Both will get you baked. I fully recommend using these as morning smokes. They are both perfect for your first joint/smoke/vape of the day. I look at this type of weed as a base to building your high, a foundation for the day ahead.
The taste of of the Thai is very savoury, like inhaling a weed infused incense stick. The Swazi is sweeter, more akin to citrus sativa.
Both are great for their price point. I'd still edge it to Swazi, only just though.

Anyhow this has led to on the odd occasion to test Rabb1t status for me for some of the upcoming products, pictured below is one of those occasions.
Blackberry moonrocks not even given it chance to recover from the packet sorry but I'm not famed for my patience with these things 😂
Anyhow 🐰❤️🧙♂️
Don't ask me for flavour profiles etc I'm crap at that 😘

Unless DM don’t have their own camera I think they have hired the wrong woodland creature!🐰
Druids: sack the long eared fool and get yourself a 🦊
PS…I’m not jealous, honest! 🤢

I'm no good other than it's not a dawg or haze tastes and I my bank account is already quaking in fear 😘😂

I think it’s time for you to relinquish your duties….🤞

Go on- correct me if I’m wrong! 🤔
What a way to treat The Ladies Of The Grove 😢😖

And it's so subjective isn't it flavours and effects and what have.
Hence why I do pictures 🙂

thing to happen!😱🚌💥 ……………. as long as the weeds ok that’s the main thing 😂😉

(It must be a hard life DR) 😉💚
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

no flavour profile, shills mate 😂😂
I sensed druids were back, so here I am, order placed and ready to review when it lands 🍻


If we can make a deal with our friends in the coming weeks for a partnership you can most definitely count on us to lower the price of the Grapefruit Zkittlez.
Wish us some luck 🍀 ❤️
Mr X
Stay Blessed

Having any unhappy customers is NOT how I want to do things, especially when you guys spend your hard earned money with me.
You customers should be %100 confident and secure with my service and supply and that's what I'm here to do.
With love

Full solidarity with ordinary brave Ukrainians AND Russians who are against the poisonous gnome.
I’m hoping the Russian people will have had enough of Putin and certainly no appetite for nuclear war which he’s now threatening, it would be amazing to see the army and the people turn on him in huge numbers.
Praying here for peace and let’s hope this brings nations closer together rather than driving us apart.
Also share your sentiments about our sham of a government that has not only take bungs from Russian and Chinese governments and lined their pockets turning them into lapdogs at the beck and call of Putins flunkies/oligarchs.
Fuck them and fuck him. Salute!

Sending support and love to ordinary Ukrainians and Russians ❤️

Pretty ashamed to be English right about now.

Anyways I agree with all points here. What a disgrace to the world this tyrant and all others who do the same in other parts of the world are! No conscience or heart.

It's not just trim. I've had really nice hash and weed from Pistach. Pistach has become the first vendor I look at when I open littlebiggy.

Cheers pistach.

Hope they got you sorted brother!

Now it just feels like you’re taking the piss out of me!

Today I review 3.5 of something labelled SLC on the package, no clue what what it is and can’t see it as a listed item on your page.
From my perspective you still owe me a q, and at the second time of asking you have blatantly not stuck to what you had agreed.
I have purchased from a high majority of vendors on here, why is it that you are you only ones who don’t do what you say you are going to?

Thanks for your input :)

The very popular sativa cannacaps are heading for a strain change from the Orange Sherbert to a Cinderella strain in the coming days and gives a similarly pleasant heady daytime high in manageable 10mg doses.
Our spicy lemon treat in the Jack 47 will soon be removed also. BUT our next flowers are curing away and do lean more down the indica side this time with some more lemons, some chunky and sticky af cookies and a dank berry treat too. Keep an eye out for the full details shortly. Big thanks, BIG meds and all round love! x

For the 'healing' stone it gives, for all the flavours it holds, and for the experience of smoking it how the Creator intended.
The Strawnana is exceptional btw.✌️
Hope many folks got a chance at it.

This was my 2nd from them, very artisan.❤️

The brownies are lovely too
I need to circle around to them again methinks

I had read a number of reviews about how well RealD had taken the criticism on board regarding stealth and had turned things around significantly. I found myself in the position of for the first time in ages purchasing some herb for vaping (as I've mostly given up aside from edibles now). Anyhow, what with the death (and rebirth) of Christ, I found two of my usual vendors away on holiday, so I was scanning LB for something reasonable to vape with my milk and cookies. I was out of the country for the Star Dawg craze, so this reasonably priced herb caught my eye. It is the eye of a tight wad who knows quality when it sees it. The electric has also gone up, so RealD ticked every box.
Firstly, I think it's pertinent to mention the quality/value ratio. This is way up there. I purchased Star Dawg, but the flower was excellently cured, dense, dripping in trichomes, and vaped economically with a lovely cloud. One man's meat is another man's poison, as they say. Beautiful cliche, the Star Dawg.
Secondly, I have to say, this is the joint top ever stealth I've experienced on LB. There has clearly been a lot of thought (and care) put into the idea and execution. I won't say more than that, but I can confirm RealD has more than taken criticism on board.
Communications-wise, RealD was quick to let me know of a delay and to put me at ease, with clear next-steps and a nice little top up for my trouble. Straightforward, honest, and came back with solutions. The messages always included a warm invitation to get in touch if anything was amiss (good service).
I could really feel the effort in this transaction. It didn't go 100% smoothly, but it's not about that. I've had experiences when vendors (who shall not be named) have not sent out product and then ignored messages. RealD let me know swiftly and replied to all messages. Piece of mind comes with information, honesty, and respect.
RealD delivered.
A really random purchase which has inspired the first review in a long while.
Much love to all you real Biggas out there. I hope where I wandered will help you to wander too.
Exceptional prices, stealth, and effort.
RealD. Many thanks. It was a good experience.

Get one up soon as you've a minute. ($5 should be cool eh?)❤️
*I just got my first stealth 1.7 package and i'm vry impressed but wouldn't like to see you lose out too much.🐐

Will also relate my findings after my first order with RealD :)

Also gotta say that the stony’s chocolates are by far the best edibles I’ve ever had, they hit the spot like nothing else.
Very excited to try the guava gelato, if the pictures are anything to go by I think I’m in for a treat!
Thank you Pistach for bringing serious heat at a good price to this site, my absolute go to vendor.
Cheers 👍🏼

Keep up the really great work Pistach...Your whole vendor approach is outstanding...in fact I would go further and say its "FUCKING,FIRE,FIRE,FIRE! LETS GO!" :)

If you haven't tried it yet, get the Mac 1 trim whilst it's in stock. If it's anything like the last batch, it will put you on your arse and is nicer that alot of bud 🤣 (The gelato 33 is also fantastic)

Thanks LB brothers

Those Girls are looking very happy and loved! 💚 The autumn colours in the leaves are amazing! 🤩 🙏 🙇♂️

very tasty and very very strong couch lock central..
Looking very nice😋 I've gotta try this 1 from the druid 💨🥦

Thank you to all our biggas who have continually supported us.
We have an exciting array of new stock line coming in 😁
In the meantime what have you guys stocked up on?
Mr X

Have a good one Biggas!👍

Stealth was like pass the parcel lol. Probably the best stealth I have seen so far. So no need to worry ordering with them anymore.
Communication has also been fantastic!! I will be back for sure!
I will leave a review of the flower later. Just wanted to let you all know. It was at genuine mistake with their earlier stealth.
I think RealD are actually going to do really well on here if they keep up the great work!!
I ordered 56g to my house and there was no way of telling what was inside the packet.
Bloody brilliant thanks

Thanks so much for giving me a great Easter weekend 💨

Blue nerdz
Wedding cake x frosty gelato
Pink smoothie
Space force 1
Atomic apple
Train wreck
Grape ape
Mimosa evo
Animal mintz
Bakers delight
Gelato 41.
Please vote the post up if you would to see these flavours at these prices and comment if you would be willing to purchase. Comment/ vote and you will receive a little extra on your first order :) .

Trainwreck - 280$ for 28grams
Pink smoothie - 360$ for 28 grams.
Those should be the listed prices when I start . Hope that puts your mind at ease .

- Glookies & Forbidden Runtz from Druids Magic
- Fruit Smoothie from Smoggyman
- Snoball from Oilman
Closest available right now:
-Gelonade & MacMuffin from Druids Magic

- Wedding Cake aka Triangle Mintz #23 (Triangle Kush x Animal Mints)
- Wedding Cake aka Pink Cookies (GSC x Cherry Pie)
Both lovely strains in their own right, both very popular, but NOTHING to do with one another.

You won't be disappointed!

Enjoy your collection mate...like fine wine,they should be savored :)

and when is all my damn happy customers going to revolt against these trolls with me
because i cant seem to handle it myself, where are all my people who bought something off me
forgot me so quick?

If I might offer a little advice though: On the net, there are always people who will take a contrary view to your own no matter how well intentioned or nicely explained your actions are. To not stress out about such messages will be a key skill to learn, as you will always get them regardless. The vendors who come across best are those that are not prompted to respond too often, and will most likely simply reply to a customer message that they should check their PM's. Most of your customers are not daft and will look to your reviews to inform their decisions.
Unfortunately, 'handling' trolls is most effectively done by ignoring most of it and simply going about your business trying to ignore them. Should you feel the need to reply, its best to simply state a fact again, and try and engage the customer in a private conversation rather than a series of forum posts.
That's simply my own observation of what seems to work best - obviously you will decide how you approach such things!
I guess what I'm trying to say is 'don't stress buddy'. On the net you will always meet those you cant understand or seem unreasonable to you. As long as you deal with people in good faith and do your honest best, you will build a base of customers who will trust and repeat buy, despite the odd troll or person who expects too much.

time to resume a fast and clean service
and thank the lord the weekend is here so i can sort some issues out weve had with the post for a few customers
other than that over 200 sales and all happy customers but a few
these things happen and those sad customers will be giddy again once i sort them out

Keep doing what you're doing so excellently my friend and keep that 420 flag flying proudly :)

Why cant they always look like they did in the 80's and 90's..
I watched them all but tended to gravitate towards Arnold or Van Dam..Loved anything from Bloodsport to Last Action Hero.lol.

Just regret I haven't found it few years earlier . I basically hate buying these kind of stuff in real world.Got few questions to all your LB veterans out there as I am a noob here. question 1. How littlebiggy is possible!?? Will it be here forever!?:)) Are there any alternatives or I shouldn't be worried?! I dont want to go back to old form of buying . It seems to me almost impossible that this kind of service is working so smooth and almost openly - cops aren't aware about this !? does anyone have the power to close this website in your opinion? #
question 2) so far I got less than 20 orders coming without any problems but 2 orders from two different vendors did not show up, 1 it is almost two weeks and 2nd is like 10 days and I am a little paranoid! I didn't contacted the sellers yet about the problem but I've ordered again and another order came thru after like 5 days. Should I be worried about these two missing letters ?!
I've used only two vendors so far DIUK UK which is very professional vendor in my opinion and maddabber-
question 3 ) should magic mushrooms and mushrooms pills which are available on LB be packet in smell-proof bags like weed or it is OK to just send them loose in small plastic bag inside envelope?
question 4) I am london based - I am looking for good lsd blotters or liqyuid drops - is it allowed/available on LB ?
Thanks for any answers ..

2: Always contact the seller regarding missing orders first, if get no response or are unhappy with any response the dispute button is there for a reason 👍
3:With the exception of petite fleurs ashtrays and joint holders I personally believe that everything should come vac sealed and have multiple layers of redundancy of stealth
4:I think that on the onion version of LB there were previously people listing what else your looking for not sure if they still are.

If I see the thread it's in I will link it 👍
Probably not the same thing but there is some stuff about sites here

Missing packages well i think most of us have had at least one of those me i have had three over the years no old bill so either a mistake during shipping and somebody else got it or postman pat has sticky fingers,but you can get some packages that take time depends on how far it has to travel,but you should let the vendor know about it being late and have a discussion about what to do about it.
All the guys do their best on here used lots of them.
Cant help you with shrooms have not taking those for 30 years at least and last time 4 of us sat in the hall freaking out about the front door for 4 hours lol
Hope you get your packages sorted out :)

imo there's a couple things that allow this place to continue operating, firstly there are no 'hard' drugs on here
secondly, if they were to somehow shut this place down, they know the sites users will just migrate to other markets and that adds complications when they can just keep us all here in one place where it's easy to keep track of us :)

The apple gelato is good isn't it? I really enjoyed. The Jungle Juice 2.0 was phenomenal. I was blown away with what I received for the price I paid!
Anyone sleeping on GC is a fool!
Ps. Hope all is good with you ♡

Agree about the gelato not quite as appley as that rb fritter from a while back but its got a different kind of goodness to it, GC are the only one of the newer sellers I've tried over the last year or so definitely made the right choice and the new drops look amazing!

I agree. Not as fruity as the fritter but i found the gelato goodness was on point 👌
To be honest, same here. GC and Pistach have been the two new (to me) I've tried over the last year or so and i have to admit i was really happy with both.
I've noticed the wall has expanded quite considerably since 2019 haha.
Stay blazy my friend! And same to all the others biggaz lingering ♡

I'll let everyone know how it goes :)

Take Care

Have a goodun

Only asking because I placed a couple orders (both first class) with two different trusted vendors (So I know it's not on their end) and neither have arrived yet both posted 10 days ago and they're usually here next day for me so I'm thinking the postie might have been a bit of a cheeky bastard lol or I might just be being overly pessimistic.
But tbf the Royal Mail can be proper shit so they're probably just taking the piss to deliver.
Thanks in advance.

The longest one of our 1st class packages have taken is 4 weeks and 6 days. That was last year.
We've noticed as of late though our 1st class is landing within 2 days where some of our signed for and NDD are seeing delays again for whatever reason.
Going off Royal Mails twitter they are in complete mess all over the country again at the moment!

And I suppose it makes sense with them being low priority with more expensive services thanks for the info dude!


You could go for trap eggs but way outside what you’re asking.
For quality hand made artisanal hash, hit up my man Hashishin.
It’s not rocket fuel but he has a nice selection of mellow wares that’ll put a smile on your face.
Avoid a lot of the shite that passes for hash from the U.K. That’s all.

Bubba Kush and Banana Kush from Pistach. They have Gary Payton hash that is very nice but pricey.
Squidgy black Afghan from Hashishin. Now gone unfortunately but Hashishin does good hash.

I generally trust the THC content guides on all of their bud and extracts and the caramel twix and a stickier black hash I had a few weeks back were so good I didn't even put weed in the spliff xD
Happy smoking!

Since then my reviews have been okay
Im still going to try and work hard
to get the ratings i deserve!!

Have a good un all 🙌❤️

PS- had a Saturday wake & bake….gonna be a good weekend! 😉

🐰❤️🦊 And with ya on the weekend stuff 🎉🎉

Loving the clips and pics of all this. Making me contemplate a rig even more. I did say this year I'd like to move to dab/vape etc and this pic solidifies that in me.
Hope your weekend was a good one. I'm sure it was 🤤

My hutch is cozy but also at this time of year cold 🤣🤣 but honestly spend enough time in there and for some reason I stop noticing the cold 🤣🤷🏻
Be warned vaping/dab/glass can for some type of people (me for example) can become as much of a hobby and expense as the goods to go in them 😉

Yeah, it's cold in the garage for me so I stuck a little oil heater in there. Takes the nip off.
I've noticed for some that once you get your first rig, that's it. Game over and you're then complementing the setup with extra bits lol To be honest, that's also part of it that appeals lol 🤦🏻♂️
Good to see you about mate. Wondered if you'd got stuck in your warren.

I'm still around matey 😎 just not quite as active on here as I was due to real life ongoings (in a good way) but I still have a read etc most days

Smell is very light, very slightly citrusy but more of a flowery/ herbal smell.
Taste is about the same as the smell but the citrusy scents become more like a melon rind flavour to me and really takes a back seat. Doesn't stink the town out.
A little head high but more of a body stone. Very chilled evening but completely functional.