Has always been the same and the quality of the shake has always been the same too. People that are smoking it and genuinely believing there's nothing wrong really need to shop around more. 3 separate occasions (spread over a 3 year period, so multiple different batches) were all crackling/sizzling when smoking. It's barely mentioned and when it is, people assume it's normal. He's very quick to ignore when mentioned too. He knows, and doesn't want to acknowledge it because not enough people complain, that's the simple answer. It's a big issue this site has with non honest reviews or "pre-smoked" reviews letting the vendors continue to not care. His shake shouldn't be on the site.
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joined nov 2021
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3 posts by Lippiu
Seller ignoring select customers
Thank you so much, must only wait then
+ 2 more
Royal Ketama Gold Hash
I love Royal Ketama Gold, great smoke, slightly oily and fragrant smell!
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