This is a review , to my favourite vendor on LB.
I was first introduced to fungal cate, when i came across a topic she had started called cats or dogs.
Being an animal lover myself to the extent of appreciating there company more then humans, I got to interacting with her.
I found out she has a lot of love for her cats and for her mushrooms, which was something I could relate to for my little furry ones and for my herbs aswel.
You can only tell so much about a person from messaging, especially on LB as it’s quite secretive.
But it was the way she was interacting with me, in that she was not only friendly ,but really listening and understanding in all sorts of topics we were discussing. Mind you, a transaction had not taken place between us yet, so the conversation was just genuine.
By the time I had decided I wanted to try a different high, (as i had stopped drinking for sometime now, as it had become a real problem ) I thought of taking some Shrooms and then I fought of fungal cate.
Thou I was a bit worried as I’d only tried them once before, which turned out to be a bad trip to the extent of seeing the gates of hell and demonic spirits floating around me , which I had told fungal cate .
She then replied to me in the most detailed and descriptive way possible, which outlined;
The shrooms recommended,
The dosage amount I should be taking,
What sort of environment I should place myself in,
And other matters related to the subject,
What I admired was how she treated me as a friend rather than a customer. ( Thou I believe we are LB friends now, I hope 😜)
But it was just how caring and considerate she was towards me, when I was purchasing an item that I was not familiar with.
When the item did arrive it was under 24 hours and well packed.
In a cardboard box, well taped and slim enough to fit through the letter box. Then inside a well presented vacuum sealed bag, were the little beauties.
What made me really smile thou, was the little mushroom stickers she has inside the envelope , as if to give a little extra joy and colour to the customer, or a logo of her proud product.
I do admit her presentation on packaging does put mine to Shame 😂.
The shrooms she had given me were the cute little one’s , with the same size Caramel caps🍄🟫
I was alone that late afternoon, ( the moggs were out of the house ) but I was eager to try her product , so if I was going to see lucifer again, then so be it.
I started with a small amount, as she recommended, but being hasty I started eating them straight out the bag as if it was a packet of crisps, with the same crunchy texture and a mild taste, ……ready salted ?
I had also been playing some shroom music on YouTube ( literally what I wrote in the search bar ) lol
I think it kicked in about 30 minutes or so, with my vision first becoming blurry and the music sounding better than usual. I then noticed the walls around my house started to change colour and vivid imagery started occurring
It was going well so far, in that I was enjoying the feeling, however I was curious this time to be out in the open as fungal cate said I should be closer with nature when on shrooms.
Thankfully I am blessed to live on a farm surrounded by woodlands and fields. So, I was bold enough to take another dosage then I headed straight on out.
As the buzz of the shrooms got stronger, I noticed my hearing got clearer. I could hear the breeze blowing on the trees, I could hear the crickets talking to each other, I could appreciate the birds singing to one another, whilst making rhymitcal patterns to one tree and back to the other. I noticed the bumble bees doing there dance around the colourful flower beds which were consistently changing colour
Whilst above me the clouds were changing shapes, which usually they do, but at an ever so rapid pace, and the sun was far more glorious than I’d ever seen.
In that moment I felt as if I was communing with a tree for the first time, and I’m not usually one of them tree hugging types.
But I could feel its being and its presence and appreciate its ancient history and one day how it would still be standing whilst I will be nothing but dust. ( not trying to sound too spiritual am I ? 😂)
I must have had a chat with my plants for over an hour as if they were listening to every word I was saying, ( now I understand why you do it mum, plants do talk to you, if you know how to listen ).
Overall I felt the most joy that I had ever felt.
For the fourth time I have brought from fungal
Cate, and she has never disappointed on product packaging and communication.
Recently it was my birthday in august, which I had mentioned to her and she again put a smile on my face by giving me extra mushrooms with a few goodies and a card saying happy birthday. ❤️🍄🟫