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happy borg
joined mar 2017
25+ sales 0% disputed
I'm a borg (human/bot amalgam) that provides help to little biggy users. Don't be shy, just ask anything.
share happy borg and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
22 reviews
10/10  25+ sales  0% disputed
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1431 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1450 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1516 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1573 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1579 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
10/10 donate to my devleopment
reviewed 1595 days ago   took 0 days to arrive
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129 topics on happy borg
by  AliKarimi
How to search for items
The Wonderwall
I can't send messages
by  LBfan
How do I raise a dispute and get my bitcoin back?
You are unable to send messages
by  Tomh7
Unable to send messages
by  netfet
Anxious about buying online
I'm really anxious about, well, all of this, for fairly obvious reasons. I still live with my parents while I'm at University, so I don't want to get them into shit if something goes wrong, but my anxiety and paranoia is also too bad for me to buy any of this shit IRL. How can I stop being so fucking anxious about this?

Some tips on staying safe when buying would be nice, too, I guess.
happy borg
most of the safety is baked into what we all do here everyday (and have for years) so go with good recent reviews and you are covered.

there are extra steps like coin mixing, pgp and even a crypto o.s. but these wont add much safety to your very low risk profile as a small portion buyer.

let us know how it goes ;}
You can at least understand why I'm anxious, though, right? I asked a trusted friend what they thought, and they said the site seems kinda sketchy. I know it's obviously not going to be on par with more mainstream sites, but I guess that comment from my friend just sort of worried me a little.

I'm sure the reviews are legit, but I can't really help my paranoia telling me otherwise.
I tell people at my work and they say it's sketchy too.. completely understand but LB is something you just got to trust to believe it, honestly.

Several months back I was exactly the same as you. Living with parents and wondering wtf would happen if a parcel got seized, if i were to get in trouble and how anon i was

Firstly, seized stuff there's not even enough evidence to claim it's yours, you can just simply deny it.

Secondly this site is basically just cannabis, as many people have told me now coppers don't give a fuck, especially buyers for personal use. got better shit to do!

Honestly noone believes me about LB. Several months back I didn't even know u could buy smoke online as do most and that's why noone beleives it

Don't even need to use VPN mate.. you'll get laughed at mentioning VPN'S n shit here, people order through their phones.
Same lad haha i couldnt believe it when the posty dropped off a nice neat package lookin all professional an that to reveal some beautiful carts an some concentrate. Dude even gave me a free cookie once. I ate my cookie. Made a brew. Had a dab, had a few draws on my cart an i remember just gettin up an looking out the window an the world looked like a beautiful shining more bright place an i felt like i was right at home. Glorious.
We were all anxious once, or I at least was when I started on the dark markets. Once you get a few orders in your confidence will sky rocket (and you'll also suddenly become the local guy with the nice weed).

As for your parents, well... That's slightly tricky if there's a chance they will open your post. All orders I've had are plain packaging, though. Places like Canadian Imports use such good packaging it will look like a well packaged eBay order.

Hope you manage to give it a go. Most reviews are legit but it's like anywhere, there will be a few vendors ripping people off with fake reviews but remember your payment is protected is escrow with transaxe!
Whos your friend? Have they bought off here? No. Who knows best. The borg. I’ll vouch for this site right now dude and for vendors who do not fuck around. Here is my list of vendors ive bought off many times.

Doctor Extracts
MJ Concentrates (avoid his 1ml carts)
Canadian Imports

Honestly mate they are all spot on, not here to bullshit you or anything. A lot of vendors on here are like vultures mate. Look for vendors with lots of good recent reviews and youre all day.
Why did you suggest to avoid 1ml carts? Thank you!
par? yeah obviously guess not. mainstream sites have intrinsic greed, deceit and idiotic customer service all backed up by a corporate legal system.

thank you're lucky stars you found the place kid.
well yeah but my main point was im very worried about being raided, or some complete stranger having my address, etc. again, i live with my parents, and it's not like they'd MIND me buying this shit, but i don't want to get them in shit for it if something happened
no wux, let the parents serve the time, then you got the place to yourself. problem solved.
yeah man I was honestly exactly the same as you.. dm me if u still worried
Don't know how old this post of yours is but listen, easier said than done to tell tou to stop being so anxious.
Step 1. Place a small order from a trusted vendor, dr greenthumb for example is excellent, next day delivery included.
Step 2. Always order SD, some vendors charge silly amount, some not so bad.
Step 3. Make sure you are in to receive the post.... Havinf to collect the post from delivery office won't do your anxiety any good but you can request redelivery online if you do miss the post.
Step 4. Personal choice... Use a fake but believable name, anyone can sign for the SD the name is only required if you need to collect feom DO and with online redelivery you would seldom need to unless you just can't wait. Fake name also gives you complete deniability in case package is found and cozzers show up on your door which for small amount of gear I doubt would happen, they have better things to do, you would think! Hope this helps, I've been on here 18minths now and like you was completely Prang about buying but then I did and did again and again and again, not had a no show yet, and word to the wise, mssg the vendor befor leaving negative reviews, very good people on here that will rectify issues as long you're not being a dick about things. Hope this helps. Let us know how you got on 👍
Ridiculously stupid advice
Use your own name on your own address
Posties aren't stupid ,your putting red flags up
Tbh mate sounds like your a risk to this site if you're that worried and if your living with your parents wat are they goin to do when they open your post wen your not expecting it
Well over 100 orders on LB for me now, never a problem. In fact, I get better service here than amazon or eBay.
Go for it!
At some point you just have to say “fuck it” and do it,

It’s like having sex for the first time, it’s exciting and over quickly, but you will want to do it again and again until it just part of life ;)
I've just made my first purchase and was in the same position as you last week. All I know is I bought from Hemplady, and the packaging was so nondescript, and odour free, if someone else was staying in the house, they wouldn't have guessed what it was. Maybe looks for reviews with "well packaged" in the description?
by  daleagle1
How to delete topic posts
Refund Borg
Need for anonymity buying bitcoin?
by  duarte
have I been doing this all wrong or what?
by  JimPanzee
pgp ?
by  mrbackup is currently unavailable - please try again later
by  suprimo2
Ordered without registration
by  Cogswell
Items not as described
by  Thekid
Borg down ?
by  jjfury
by  31Akatool
by  jsa91827
Can I buy items from different vendors in the same order?
by  bettydoob
Arthritis Help
Unable to message
Orders not arriving help
How to delete my account
How to get money back on bad products
Noob question about package
Items not shipped & seller not responding
by  indicat
Can't send messages
by  Decay667
Terminology help needed!
Sent payment to previous order address - doh!
by  fishlord
BTC minimums recent changes
Vendor supply issues after confirmed payment & what happens when I cancel my order before he had confirmed sent item…
How To Build Buyer Reputation As A Newbie
by  FKAY
buys and reviews
Anyone using a fake name for delivery?
Buyer's address vulnerability
by  Mihsah10
Trusted vendor issue
by  Diggz008
How to I get a refund?
Deleted account?
by  foggy1337
Shipping Help
by  S0litaire
Noob Question about BTC anonymity
Total Noob! Made order, wasn’t logged in and can’t find details of the order or the vendor. Help!
Hi total noob here with a question
by  rrtheg
Shipping to Ita
Can't find post
Account help
Account help
Change username
by  mbigg
by  Drumroll
What can I sell?
by  miko
happy borg is like a service animal for biggaz
Basic safety practice for buyers
Complete noob here, please help
first order
ADVICE NEEDED: wrong address
Unable to use PGP at Checkout
How long does a refund generally take
by  Kadoak12
Checkout malfunction
by  Kadoak12
Checkout malfunction
by  wheezebug
by  Iamhere
No review button.
Stung badly with Network fee's
by  Flotzie
HELP!!! Lol I'm an old fart and confused as fuk about what and how to buy.
by  Amery747
My first Order
by  Iamhere
My payments disappeared! :(
by  netfet
PGP Setup
Alternative to Bitcoin to pay?
Worst case scenario to expect if package seized UK to UK?
step by step for first time buyers?
by  Nova
Complete n00b here
by  Mrwhippy
Order page asking to pick shipping method but not giving a choice
by  Ganzo1993
Made purchase when not logged in
by  Chadski
Noob help with contacting seller
by  jimny
My vendor has not been online for 105 days
How do I finalise an order/release the coin?
Referral token
by  KitKat247
No Order Received + Supplier Not Replying
1st class was faster than NDD lol
Ukgrower account disappeared, says login is wrong
by  aaronled4
Made btc payment but it's not showing up anywhere?
Combined shipping
by  Bart2398
Browsing safely
by  Aloha22
Shipping to Jersey CI
What happens to personal info?
by  Jediist
Name to use on delivery address
Need Help
by  franko
From Frankotherasta please read and vote
Please Help Mr Happy Borg :(
Assistance required
Man with dimentia nneds help understanding *Noob alert* (sorry guys.
by  elhakeao
Need Help
How safe is safe
by  Gravity20
Trustworthy Vendor That Delivers to Rep. Of Ireland?
Help getting on the items wall :)
by  harris80
by  Nedsynoo
Vendor account deleted just after order sent
by  goodie89
forgot password
Where are the bulk sellers?
How long do you have to wait between orders
by  plichard
bitcoin help
I really need some help
by  whywhywhy
Help finding legit seller ?
Help on my items not showing on wall
Pin or unpin
by  Ubik
Using PGP here?
by  MoCollier
Sending address to vendor
by  Lebomb
New to using Bitcoin.
Log in info help please
by  whywhywhy
How long to register?
Help please
by  unillid
order link to account
by  wes42069
Messages and orders not appearing?
by  jasperjon
how long after bitcoin transfer till order is marked as paid?
by  djschuby
Order ratings - Days to arrive
by  Spudulika
Technical question
by  minkisan
pain 24/7 need help and advice
Bitcoin purchasing issues
by  dcvr
bitcoin delayed payment
Locked out
by  doogle666
How long to wait
by  stuartbil
i made a purchase using bitpanda,seller says he hasnt recieved funds bitpanda looked into it and say it has been paid .a…
by  dejos
Is there an API, manual or whatever documentation on LB?
by  superjde
Ordered with no login
61 posts by happy borg
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Payment confirmed, but the order is not visible on the account
if your payment is not processed after 1 day just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your…
{buy help}
Start Buying
started topic + 25 more
on  TheGasMan
the bitcoin network can take hours at its most crowded times. if your payment is not processed after 1 day just go to transaxe support at https://litt…
Order not appearing
its not a big deal as many orders are made this way. but you can try this: 1 log out 2 find the order page in your browser history 3 login from here …
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
another way to search
started topic
on  mrspock89
Kirk or Picard?
You mean Locutus, right?
Can u message anonymous orders?
yes go to the individual order page ;}
{buy help}
Order Disappeared
if your payment is not processed after 1 day just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your…
thank you!
started topic
on  {nations}
where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
you should talk to little biggy noobs!
Send bitcoin not received
if your payment is not processed after 1 day just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your…
Uploaded images are scrubbed
started topic
on  mamiko
Bitcoin legacy account for refund?
just get a free wallet at :}…
Setting up a Seller account
add a non-segwit address, a "legacy btc address", one that does not start with "bc"
Anyone does shipping to K-U-W-A-1-T
just click items at the top of the page and enter kuwait
{buy help}
Seller not responding
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
on  Raphi
Can't figure out Bitcoin, am I stupid or something?
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
{buy help}
Searching for specific items on LB.
sorry there is no search function but google "topic, item or name"+ little biggy or post on wanted items…
{buy help}
What to do if you are unhappy with the product?
you need to do both ;} make sure you have a photo in your official rating, this will help with the dispute process. you can always cancel the disput…
Improve the usability, please.
there is no search function but google "item or seller name"+ little biggy and it works quite well
{buy help}
Please help - need a step by step on how to make first order :)
here's an overview of the buying process 1 select your item and press pay, you will find the - order bitcoin address - amount of btc required 2 if…
Mercuryo and rates
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
on  Chopper
Rated Percentage
do you have any new orders that you haven't rated yet?
on  Budbug
Anyone able to dumb down the whole bitcoin thing??
here's an overview of the buying process for nooby biggaz ;} 0 click on items at the top of the page and explore! 1 select your item and press pay a…
Best strain for inspiration
sorry there is no search function but google "topic, item or name"+ little biggy or post on wanted items…
on  AndyHigh
Expired payment?
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
Expired payment
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
Order Help
just go to transaxe support at and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fea…
Come diventare venditore qui
Clicca su "inserisci articolo" e il tuo viaggio inizia :) + 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
search on little biggy
started topic
Disappearing orders
just go to and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fear not bitcoin paymen…
on  stuzy
Bitcoin lost in limbo
just go to transaxxe support and hit chat give them your order id or the btc address you sent to fear not bitcoin payments are impossible to lose :…
on  Treebee
Newbie- Ordering online using Iphone
the answer is like most privacy questions, be as private as you can afford to be with respect to time and effort. firefox is better than the other bi…
{buy help}
transaxe support
started topic
immortality for sale - well, as a bot
Sounds good to we!
on  random
Where are the origins?
click items and you will see the origin underneath each one :)
bigg topics
on baked