I'm posting this topic just in case the messaging system is playing up and you haven't seen my messages. I ordered last week but no sign of the package and no messages. The "1 unread message from you" has disappeared for other messages so it looks like they've been read but I've had no reply. Here they are just in case (most recent to oldest):
to MKK2020 20 aug 12:25 utc
I can see you've seen these messages, can I at least know if something's gone wrong? If it's because you don't have an address to post it to, could it be added on to another 5g order? Let me know and I can make it this weekend and hopefully get both sometime next week, I don't want to go through the longness of a dispute.
to MKK2020 16 aug 16:15 utc
Any updates? Let me know if I need to re-send my full address, thanks
to MKK2020 15 aug 19:14 utc
Was this sent yesterday/today? Just to confirm
to MKK2020 14 aug 12:14 utc
Damn sorry!
(address, postcode)
from MKK2020 14 aug 11:39 utc
No postcode, please send us full address
from MKK2020 14 aug 11:39 utc
these items in your order (order number) have been sent.
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