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joined feb 2021
100+ sales 0% disputed
Family collective. Beautiful clean top shelf Craft cannabis. Our aim is to offer you the purest most cared for product possible. We try to preserve the integrity of the flower from plant to consumers.
Please be warned we have limited stock and it tends to go pretty fast !
Any problems, queries or questions please domÿt hesitate to hit us up !
Please let us resolve any issues with orders or product before any negative feedback . Thanks Team
share Bonneville and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
233 reviews
9.9/10  100+ sales  0% disputed
34 topics on Bonneville
What an absolute fucking pleasure
by  zz87
mmm that stank! :)
How you Discovered LB??
Cool stories and one liners on how you personally discovered LB ?
Google search “ how to buy weed online in uk “ then I topic bring me here . Sound crazy
Ditto! Thought it was all a big scam for a while until one day took the plunge. Anybody not of like mind browsing this site - yes this is all one big joke and a scam now go back to your beer and fags and forget what you have seen. :)
I’m in my 40s, cannabis user for 25 years.
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and I’m glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back
So the local stuff got that bad i had to look elsewhere, and I'm glad I did,thanks Google. although watching the post man everyday is pure torture in itself but worth it lol
It feels like Christmas morning though sometimes when you hear the doorbell and know your oz has arrived lmao

Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.
High and polite bought me here. Had to sign up for newsletter for the link. I still read the newsletter too.
boom! High and Polite newsletter, that's the one I showed me the way!
Same here!
i saw a qr code downtown, guess ive made someone some pretty good btc by now :)
I googled 'how to buy weed in the UK' as the street source I had got nicked. I found a search result that was a small article about scam websites and gave a list of those that were found to be scam. At the bottom, it then mentioned 2 or 3 sites that were legit, LB being one of them.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.
Think we read the same article and had a similar first experience 👌
If it were, they clearly missed out on some good ref token earnings!!
Man this sounds so relatable.. I also thought scam as it was clear web and website even looked dodgy at first, didn't know what would happen but with the reviews from trustpilot and on here, using bitcoin for purchases and stuff it just tempted me now on like order 30 don't have to buy dry ass dog from my local anymore
Same. Except I jumped straight in and bought couldn't believe it came the next day. Life was changed forever. I was like a kid in sweet shop from that moment on.
Yeah I think that's about the same for me. Had been looking for a go between for a few months and found a place where I could get Delta 8 or HHC and thought I'd just settle for that as getting weed on the clear net would be unlikely.

Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.

Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.

That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).

Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.
Greencat, the spacemen, and thehashcollectice haven’t let me down..
Yeah since I wrote that post i've been much luckier and found some decent vendors, big shout out to; The Gentleman Dealers, Mad Dabber and Dr Greenthumb who all had decent service and stuff :D Also I tried Greencat and had a mixed experience, but now that you mention it The Spacemen were decent too ;)
My man decided to retire from dealing after near 30 years,so after no hashish for six months i decided to see if i could buy on the dark net,imagine my surprise when google told me to go to LB,even bigger shock when i got my first delivery as like everybody i thought it was a scam lol
100 plus club now lmao
Supply dried up beginning with lockdown. LB saves the day
Tapped “I WANT WEED!!” into my search engine. Google is my friend....
Gave up buying non descript skunk of mates of mates as didn’t like the edgy buzz and the shifty pick ups. Wanted to return to the more relaxed hashes I used to smoke in the 90’s which had disappeared years ago so tentatively typed in ‘buying weed online’ into Google. Read an article name checking LB and the rest is history. Thought it could be bogus but kept everything crossed and hey presto. Still can’t quite believe it two years on. Enjoying my indica dominant hash and weed and am far more educated than was ever before. Got my next door neighbour onto it to and we swap bits all the time. Genius.
was trying to find where i could buy bud online and stumbled across a UK website embracing cannabis ans shroom use. the guy who writes it all said that he'd be including a site he uses to buy bud in the next email newsletter. so i signed up and sure enough LB was mentioned. the guy was also talking about how it can be used on clearnet and all youd need is bitcoin. i went straight on it and browsed for a bit before setting up a cryptowallet and making my first purchase
High and polite for me as it appears it has for others also
I’d been using cannazon, there was a great selection but it was buggy and painful to use that I did what everyone else seems to have done and hit Google up with “buy weed online UK”.
I had been off it for a while and been smoking cbd hash and weed from a company called just bob although I craved real hash 😵‍💫
Then brexit came and just bob stopped serving the uk so back to the drawing board. I had came across this place years before previously doing searches for hash and always thought it stinks of scam all over it. Then I came across high and polite and they recommend lb
So that’s when I thought fuc it go for it set up coinbase and never looked back
Happy days 😀
Now I get offered stuff from contacts from the past and very rarely take them up on it although there is some cracking prices and quality on the street just now and hash seems plentiful everywhere but just can’t see past
Long live the biggy ✌️
There was a review somewhere with a link a few years ago. Never looked back.
A google search lol. The wonders of the clearnet.
a friend of mine told me about it but what i remember is the feeling when i got here. 1st my stomach sank a little like it was a shock and as i scrolled i started seeing all the posts as well as the items and it just felt like i had found a colony of escapees from dystopia.
Was writing an article on different types of drug markets. Obviously checked out LB because it's a pretty unique market-it's the website version of the Gaudi building in Barcelona.
I was reading an article on Tor browser that had an LB link the article was about the benefits of medicinal cannabis.
Stumbled across the LB sub on Reddit 👌
Glad to see someone else also didn't find it by a friend or a Google search! The sub can really help with visibility
Personally I came across a site called High and Polite, and a gentleman pointed me here about a year ago. As an older bloke, street dealing really isn't my thing and while I used it for years the darkweb still kinda scares me, so LB is perfect.
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail
The Pontiff of Piff
Customer who was ordering very regularly directly suggested I have a look. Was very skeptical at first but he assured me he bought hash off here just as regularly as he was buying weed off me. Made the leap of faith and never looked back
A friend told me about it a few years ago, never looked back.
Was using another site (a good one, single vendor type), was wanting some thai, told what i was looking for is book of wisdom thai, less than minute later i'm here, month later i had not only the thai under my belt but half ounce odd of SpaceWalker Badder and who knows what else, i'd love to see my first few orders here, i remember the badder, it was a stupid purchase cause it was sent 1st class, only option from vendor.
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.😁
Wow! So cool to see how this community came together! Nice post ;-) For us it was a destiny - a friend who knew we had to share what we had with the world ;-) and we are grateful to be here everyday :-) Gratidão
A work colleague told me about it so I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised and have been using LB ever since.
I had been buying from the clearnet for about 6 months. Seemed like new sites were popping up every other day. The prices were starting to get a bit much and heard someone on reddit mention LB. Flashback 2 or 3 years. And a really cool random guy I was gaming with one day, tells me how he buys his weed from a website that looks like it was made in the 90's. So the second I load up LB for the 1st time it was like BOOM I finally found it
I'd seen a website in the news supposed to be selling weed. I'd started looking through reviews, which were mixed, but ultimately it seemed like it was a scam. Certainly at best a roll of the dice. Eventually I read a comment on a forum that said something like, "ignore all these sites and go little biggy. You can thank me later." Except I can't thank them as I've no idea where I read the comment. Certainly I should thank them as I've ordered all sorts of bits n bobs in the short time I've been a member since. Maybe I should write up my own beginners experience at some point as my mind had been blown by LB and the community here. There's loads of things I'm looking forward to trying next.
High & polite
Liberty Cap season has been a shit show in my area so had to dig through Reddit for a good Mush Plug 😅
It was a dark and stormy night, the captain said to his crew gather round men gather round. 😅😂
Keep It Green
My mate Tommo

Was purchasing for few months before I decided to list myself
During lockdown, my buddies locked-down their stash!
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.
Rotterdam better than Amsterdam ?
Prices lower in Rotterdam. Not seen any drunk English people there, less touristy, still plenty to see and do.
good to know thank you…
Was working with an old.hippy type fella during covid. Was finding it increasingly difficult to get weed through my normal channels. Hippy fella pointed me in this direction and here I am nearly 4 years later
A popular online blog links to lb in the newsletter. After rifling through various pages here, I figured it looked legit and made an order. Nearly a year later and I'm never going back to a plug, ahaha.
There was some forum I found that lists all the websites that have scammed ppl out of weed online, a few people on there pointed at this being the only legit place to buy so after a few searches I couldn't find anyone saying theyve had a bad experience on here so tried it out during pandemic/lockdown and haven't bought any off the street since :)
Stopped smoking weed for like 20 odd years until a couple of years ago. I’m an old cunt. Used to source online years ago (Budmonkey!!) as it was always better quality online back then. - Bit of double-zero hash and some Jack Herer or AK47. Clearweb weed sites are nothing new!!

Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.

Then the real research began 😄

Been happy so far. :)

There is only about a 1/4 in my “shite” jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.
I used to use Budmonkey too, seems crazy but I reckon it was like 2002/2003?! Scored some AK47 and decent hash. Such a novelty back then, remember using NoChex as payment too.
✊ my brother 😄

I talk to people about BudMonkey and they think I’m insane.
Remember around the same era another clear web site called Pepe' Page (?) got busted and was front page news in UK Tabloids?! I remember bricking it same would happen with Budmonkey and it wasn't long after when it went offline. Trying to remember how I even discovered BM to begin with and think it may have been mentioned in a drum and bass forum I used to frequent.

Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!
Yeah I vaguely remember Pepe. Hermes the Hash Trader too.

I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting ‘Dam quality weed made me very popular with my mates 😂
2004..! Mail-order is not a recent thing!

Big up all Effervesing Elephants
Just typed in to Google where to buy weed in the uk and this place was the answer ;)
After moving from one area to another in the UK I went from having a really good plug who I had used for years with a consistent supply of good quality weed to working my way up through street level dealers trying to find nice weed, everything I was picking up was really bad quality compared to what I used to pick up back home, so I started doing a bit of research and searching online and found some websites that seemed and I had heard where legit. I tried 2 other clear net sites that at first was okay but then the quality was inconsistent and wasn’t worth the extra premium compared to the local dealers prices. Then I stumbled upon LB I had looked at it a while ago and could have sworn it was a scam it looked too good to be true! but though fuck it what’s the worse that can happen I seen green cat’s exodus cheese and as i had not seen any cheese for a long time and it was at a reasonable price I placed a order, 3-4 days passed and I was almost certain it was a scam but one Saturday morning it turned up! Never looked back since
I found out through a newsletter called High and Polite. I luckily avoided many clearnet scams before this.
I truly didn't think that web searching 'buy weed online' would lead me to a place like this but here we are 🙂. Not even sure I had the VPN activated when I did it!
Covid stuck and couldnt meet my usual plug. Google search and found littlebiggy.
from a friend to be honest
I was a refugee from LondonCaviar i was recommended here from the LC sub reddit
My dealer for 5 straight years all of a sudden retired and I’d cut all my other contracts off so was left dry for 48 hours 😰 still never tried anything too amazing here yet but love that I can finally get vapes and never have to be accused of fucking my dealer 🤣
Reddit was where I found biggas on random post pointing
Cannabis Cannibals
Who still remembers Bud Brothers?
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)
Got fed up with crap thc vapes/carts on the darknet. Searched online (reddit) got me here
Google searches and found LB > are there any Alternatives to LB any one know of one ☝️
I found out via a Reddit thread. Was a bit skeptical at first but after so many people confirming it’s legit I had no reason to believe otherwise :-)
Haha what a question. Love it. I discovered Lb through reviews . Reviews are always the champ for helping you discover more and more lol. Wich led me to check LB out and loved the wide seletion of choices and vendors to offer amazing products . Obviously not only maryjane. The hashish and other pyschadelics are superior . KING LB!
Cali dreams
How I found LB was I was supplying ones of the highest reviewed account on LB, BUT he kept it a secret from me and did not want me to get on it, little fucking hater, oh well I'm here now and not going anywhere. He knows I'm here lol
by  Amin2k4
Bonneville Back with a Bang! !!
Err…good luck with this guys!
Drop coming soon ⏳
Old but gold 💚
Get in the groove!
Bonneville Membership ??
Gonna need a bigga jar!!
Welcome Back Bonneville!
by  JazzNBass
$150+ an eighth is insanity
Handmade hash dropping over the next week or so
Hashish Concentrate 5*
Worst and best HYPE strains ??
Stock take and it’s low !!!
Guess who’s back, back again
What happened to Bonneville?
New drop imminent !!
by  Amin2k4
New strains?
Security ain’t Messing
Mars live
by  Dadon
New Vendor review
Free weed - thanks Bonneville
Afgooey review
by  Khuunntt
Very strong
by  Deez_nuts
What a sample
by  Jimbo47
Wow got a sample
Sample review
by  bevbevan1
Afgooey review
by  Bigbum
Tester amounts to build rep and trust please
17 posts by Bonneville
I need a new series to watch
Off the beaten track..... no disappointment!!! PATRIOT PREACHER Film - THE PLATFORM
item testing on little biggy
Hi Hootie, please explain? Thanks + 2 more
on  FredsDad
UK sellers with best stealth
In postie circles .... if a packet get sussed it will ‘go missing’ 100% they know there’s no grounds for a complaint or come back ! However.... specia…
Hear hear !!
Top vendor 🙏🏻 Old school !! If we were purchasing off biggy 💯 we’d hit BB up first + 2 more
Ice o lator or water hash
Listing soon ;)
Where to find UK outdoor grow site??
Watering is key in our opinion! Make sure you can walk in and out unseen and don’t change from ‘carried in water’ to Brook, river, canal .... also nee…
on  Richy781
Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet . ( Don Bob) If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. ( B…
Lets get #hashtaguk back on the wall!
In fairness we only appeared on the wall when we gave FREE samples out and never since !!
Selling On Little Biggy Smoov And Easy discussion
how can ethereum keep getting more valuable when there is no limit to mining?
Hi BB , yep definitely one in the same and transitioning is seamless 100% but as far as we understand the existing eth ( the ones we got ;) ) will sta… + 2 more
on  hoqwer
Who are the best home grow vendors?
Mad love Bluntchisel
on  Apexskunk
Pay Day recommendations please
Hi Apexskunk, how’s it going .... please feel free to pop past and view our offerings ;)
Try Coinomi ! I to had troubles with coinbase
bigg topics