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joined aug 2023
In a world of screens, he finds his place,
A pixelated mask on his face.
He leaps through code and binary streams,
A guardian of virtual dreams.......dotsman
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2 topics on dotsman
by  dotsman
LVcannabis Shake
I do like a bit of shake!
for blunts especially!
Thought I'd try LVcannabis's Shake this time around!
I have used these guys a few times before! (never failed!)
I was impressed enough to write a review for their shake (which for me is impressive because I don't normally give a fuckmondo) I think my motivation was tickled at..A:the price and B: just a clean uppy high!

This is my review if anyone's interested!

great shake for the price! (people always say that I know! lol)
smell: quite chlorophyll'y that would suggest too much green leaf! but it could suggest, whoever grew this kept a good VPD and didn't overnute at final flower and kept their leaves healthy all the way through growth.
Blunt test: tastes way better than I thought! no grought throught! likey!
High: really nice cerebral soul lift (arty)
some of the shakes i've had on LB can be a right old mixture of strains and can be a real messy high! which is sometimes what I want to be fair! But this Isn't!-- Its strong, but tolerable if that makes sense?

Price: fucking unbelievable!


Stealth: untrackable/untraceable!

All in all, Bloody good show LVcannabis!!
I would def ... (could't be arsed to spellcheck the full word) Buy Again!!
Thanks very much!!
I just wish they were as professional with my order or lack of my order, not sure I can trust these people anymore,or if they sort my order out then maybe I could give them another go but I like to be told the truth and not lied to!! Time will tell, but congratulations on your shake, maybe it is just a blip and I will get my order,just a bit pissed off because I have over 150 orders in nearly 5 years and I have not disputed anyone as I still have a 0% record which I absolutely appreciate the work vendors put into there businesses!! Apologies for the rant but it’s been a week and I bought an ounce with 24hr Tracked postage thinking I had all angles sorted but I personally let friends down as they don’t have what they paid for and had to endure a shitty weekend with still no sign as of today.
Yup still waiting as well Oskar.
Proper fucked my birthday week 🤬
Sorry to hear that MasterC
hope everything gets sorted for you man!
reach out to LV again! I'm sure they'll want to keep good ratings?
Happy Birthday by the way xpeacex
Finally arrived a week after ordering and paying for NDD.
Product is good, service is shocking.
Probably my first and last time ordering with them
Glad it arrived for you bud! releaf(see what i did there?)XpeaceX
good luck with your order man!
You should reach out to LV again!
normally pretty good with comms?

I've ordered only 5 times with lv and never really had a problem!
maybe a day later than expected but still arrived.
For me, when possible(money wise)
I'll always try to leave a bit in the stash between ordering just in case there's an issue!
but that's not always possible and if i'm waiting for my meds and they dont arrive
all of a sudden the postmans a thief, my therapist has called the police, or my neighbor looks stoned!
I then take a breath and remember maybe this vendor is doing this full time, maybe they have a job? maybe they go to school {lol}
maybe the vendor uses multiple PO branches to avert attention.
It can be really frustrating ( I once sat on my balcony looking out for my postman for 5 effin hours (sad git)
and when he eventually showed up to my door no parcel-just bills FUCK (this was not LVC by the way)
I have also found my post office seems to be able to logistically handle
any other parcel type other than SNDD
I hope everything gets sorted for you anyway's XpeaceX
Hey dude,appreciate your comment, I have spoken to them this morning and he said he will resend the order and I did tell them that I will promise to pay for the original order arrives. I paid for 24hr tracking so I would be covered if something like this happened.
When it comes to sitting waiting by the window for hours is exactly what I do also buddy and I think it’s just a natural reaction when we are desperate for our orders. I just think they were a little bit insensitive this time as I made the order a week ago,also I have made 150 orders on LB over 4 and a half years with zero disputes so with that in mind I probably knew that I would react the way I did but hopefully I will have something by the weekend!! Thanks again for your comment, it does put everything into perspective,as we don’t know exactly what others go through daily especially if we take our own situations in to the mix!! Cheers buddy.

To all fellow bigga's,
Please note that dotsman is not in any way connected to LVcannabis (he does love their shake though!)

dotsman is only officialy affiliated with:


Nice one dotsman, i love these reviews. Had a couple of deals from LV myself , one was under, so the kid responded next day with a reship of the balance. I've seen a couple of negatives but that's been mainly shipping issues but I put that down to him ( ? ) being slightly overwhelmed with orders. He's moving a lot of smoke....
I've always had a hassle free experience with LV! maybe not quite as fast as S-MEN but in my exp way faster than others!
I think shake is shake- lungs, no likey!
but if I'm budgeting fuck it should only be £50-60 an oz, anyways!
stay chill Titus_Pullo much respect to you!
by  dotsman
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thanks gassed x + 2 more
Competition time!
16 please! 24/04
on  BigRoo
Who remembers buckets & hot knives?
Christ I used to transfuse the blades in my old nanna's kitchen with grandad kenny! circa 92' Thanks for reminding me BigRoo! XpeaceX
number 16 please. goodluck everyone! XpeaceX
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Transaxe unpaid
It still is a good site man! I honestly think this is a escrow delay! same thing happened 26/05 stay chill man it will resolve have faith XpeaceX + 5 more
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26 please 09.04.24 17.39 xpeacex
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lovely enjoy man!!
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