This is fascinating, but we are handing something else over to AI, because it’s smarter than us. I think we are close to politicians asking it “how to run a country which will in turn, enrich my family and friends”. Or are we already there?
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54 topics on {Economics}
4 posts
+17 votes

dr drek
We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia

dr drek
We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia
Algorithmic price-fixing appears to be spreading to more and more industries. And existing laws may not be equipped to stop it.

It's devolving into a war between corporations and customers and they seem to have all the weapons.

interesting to see how reputation for quality changes over time

I was shocked how the world originally laughed at European products, they really were bumpkins.

13 posts
+66.5 votes
what's left libertarianism?
if anyone can parse this bs on wikipedia id love to see it

I find today’s liberal left to be very authoritarian in nature. They use all the kind fluffy buzz words but ram it down your throat with a hot poker.

B.s confirmed. The libertarian/authoritarian is a different axis from the left/right paradigm. The left/right axis doesn't really matter anymore. Classic liberalism much more akin to Conservative values.
The more relevant terms when talking of the laissez-faire ideas are whether you are a consequentialist, or deontological libertarian I.e: do consequences matter or is it the rules that matter?
The more relevant terms when talking of the laissez-faire ideas are whether you are a consequentialist, or deontological libertarian I.e: do consequences matter or is it the rules that matter?

The government determine the rules, generally speaking don't they?
The consequentialist libertarian generally would say that they are not against force (by government)per se, but they believe in strong private property rights because it generally makes people happy and prosperous when they have them.
The consequentialist libertarian generally would say that they are not against force (by government)per se, but they believe in strong private property rights because it generally makes people happy and prosperous when they have them.

it makes sense: private property for what we create, public property for what's already sitting on the planet.

The Beano is as much an encyclopedia as Wikipedia. + any anarcho history from Bakunin and Stirner onward.

A true president like that and the only one in the world is Milei Argentina , guy saved his country from crashing down due to importing US values in mostly a Traditional hard working country.

2 posts
+10.2 votes

all the world's gold visualised
Hate to be pedantic..but…😂…is that all the gold that has been mined, an estimate of all the gold that could be mined, or a estimate of all the gold anywhere in the planet, accessible or not?…

3 posts
+8 votes
The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era

The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era
Do you wonder why your Iphone hasn't evolved in the last 5 years? It is because we are at the end of this era.

2 posts
+18 votes

Frédéric Bastiat
19 posts
+79 votes

When will AI replace every job?

When will AI replace every job?
Seems there are more articles like this every day and that AI is accelerating faster and faster. If AI is better than us at everything what are we going to do all day and how are we going to earn money?

If any AI and robots do the work without getting paid it doesn't sound like we need a whole lot of money.

This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driving car is to a couple of clunkers parked in every garage on stand by, it up-ends the premise of cars, transport, housing to say nothing of alcohol use, multi-tasking and God knows what else. Now think of everything else being done by robots and you and your friends spending lots of time in VR, it's not like you're going to take off the glasses and work at some factory in this scenario.

People would just do what they wanted to do. People wouldn’t be chasing money, but chasing their passions. I was a chef for two years, but fucked it off because the money and hours were shit! If money wasn’t an object and I could do it when I felt like it then that’s what I’d do.

Read life 3.0 by max tegmark. There is a vast community funded by Elon Musk reseraching AI and its potential as we speak. I wonder if the Simpsons can predict the eventuality that machines could become superior to humans like they did with forecasting Donald Trump as President.

Don't worry about it, AI will figure it out for us.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.

if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.

Check the PDF in the link out. also Elon musk said AI will eventually take over all jobs and we all get a universal wage worldwide 🤷♂️

For the moment, we are safe. They haven't even managed to get self checkouts working properly yet, so I'm not getting in a driverless car. All it takes is a sensor to fail, and it's game over. I work with sensors - you wouldn't want to get in a driverless car for a long while.
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear

To understand that, you first have to understand who have control of the world. eventually you find the source being that of the "Red Shield" family. which then gives you their agenda, they see the rest of us as "goyim" having a belief we are to serve them as upgraded animals. So, they have to destroy the existing system to usher in a new having what we term "image of the beast" possibly representing AI as the brains behind their new agenda. We, therefore will enter a stage where the elite/red shield family give a choice to either obey and conform to them or to be hunted down like sheep for slaughter. The ones who accept will receive a mark to accept credits. China recently started this endeavour which fits perfectly with their zionist regime and called it "Social Credit", however, those who have understanding will flee from their demise into the wilderness for this has been written already. They call themselves Jews but are not (Revelation 2:9) thus the third temple will not be as they claim, possibly even having AI rule over the population whilst the AC rule over their temple.

7 posts
+17 votes
Communism + Ganja = Match Made in Heaven

Communism + Ganja = Match Made in Heaven
I'm a committed commie. And the more I think about it, the more I think about the fact that equality, community and respect is 'baked into' the weed smoking scene. And, if you know your communism beyond the propaganda, these values match communism well too. Discuss.

Kinda feel what you're saying bigga but also out of curiosity what institution committed you and when do you get out?

Portuguese Communist Party is against legalisation. I was raised and supported Communism most of my life. But life is slowly showing me the true side of Communism. Enjoy LB and your "freedom" before Communist China becomes the main nation, and puts you in line with their social score system.
Yeah I know, the other side is no way better.
Yeah I know, the other side is no way better.

I now support only one last party that leans left in portugal. If that party starts loosing their grip like all the other party's from the left... well... I guess I need to sit and think what do I believe and support. Cause things have changed quite drastically since 2019... :)

How much are you expecting the party to allow you to smoke and what quality would you expect?
IMHO it would be meagre rations of soapbar or big bud, but everyone would be smoking the same shit so no one would complain about it.
IMHO it would be meagre rations of soapbar or big bud, but everyone would be smoking the same shit so no one would complain about it.

2 posts
+7 votes

buddy holy
Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube

buddy holy
Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube

Scifi writer Doctorow sees the tech sector as rentiers that screw everyone they possibly can.

26 posts
+108 votes

AI So What. There will always be work.

AI So What. There will always be work.

This humble and intelligent professor explains how machine replacement of jobs works out for people; it's always in ways that are new and unimaginable. It is certain we are in for a great time with A.I. enabling us to to incredible stuff.

cory doctrow has an interesting perspective on this, saying that all the displacement from global warming and increased healthcare needs will keep humans busy for a very long time.

with all due respect it can take a bullet, sacrifice its life, and draw on millions of previous occurrences. that's a helluva start.

What if the people who's lives are at risk all get replaced by robots? Also, isn't that what a self driving car is doing constantly?

cars have relatively simple rules and a very fixed environment. interpreting a dangerous human is a much, much harder problem

AI is well past any notion or idea we can fathom. AI dosent follow ANY rule we stand by.
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)

If there is work for humans it has to be something A.I. can't do. We are all teaching it to do everything, even (especially) right here.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.

I totally disagree. AI is the continuation of the same pyramid model of which history has proven that it's bound to fail. The resources needed are of a scale that requires heavy (and never ending) financial investments. The food eaten by AI is data. The provider: humanity.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.

AI are and will be good for work and a suitable replacement for humans, but even when that happens AI will always need us in case something goes wrong. I mean humans created AI, so in the end we’re always gonna have the more important jobs. AI is just there to do jobs in a more efficient way.

AI will come about one day with baby steps at first to "aid humanity" then all of a sudden the rich wont need people to make the food, cars and entertainment.
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high

im not so sure, anything a human does to recover the system seems doable with a very separate AI

Yes but conflict between AI's might be the most dangerous thing we are looking at here. We are incidental casualties from that perspective. By we I mean humans :)

Yes all the Scifi is about humans vs AI but AI on AI is such a real possibility especially when you consider the fact that governments are mega funding military robots to fight each other.

I'm looking forward to the futher development of AI, especially General AI. I just think it would be so cool to have an amazon alexa sytle AI that you could take round with you and chat to and have a proper engaging conversation with because sometimes I really can't stand to talk to anymore humans aha

The inspiration process is largely about open mindedness, computers are inherently better at this. If you look at some of the early entrees into the arts like painting and even screen writing they are off to a helluva start.

There are AI playlists on Spotify that generate new music based on current trends and preferences.

13 posts
+61 votes
the same old revolution is still avoidable

the same old revolution is still avoidable

yeah yeah if you look at all the data when any society gets this stratified a revolution always follows. but we are are pre-post-humans self-aware of this fact! so we can do it different this time and get fucked over differently, worst case.
poor suckers (most of the world) are handed serf jobs - the spoils of a trade war "protecting" them. for their labor they get to take it in the ass from monopolies, polluters and anyone else that they are sold to by the "leaders™.
the sycophantic rich get their spoils too - the poor's labor and the right to suck back every cent in consumerism. but they are just as vulnerable as the poor, if don't pay the rulers for their privileges they are reminded that ultimate authority ultimately owns everything it wants because it has the guns. if they dont play ball the fallen are made into public examples; the leaders thus bond with the rabble who revel in the schadenfreude.
ultimately authoritarians sell out the poor to the rich and vice versa a very old art perfected by russian tzar's. and as long as both sides remain divided the cunt standing in the middle can play savior to both sides.
while many rich savor an ass kissing plutocracy some of them actually say fuck you to the government just like the masses of disenfranchised. maybe they hate injustice or maybe they just cant stomach the ass kissing. and the poor are ready for anything.
no doubt burn it all down has some delicious appeal but the aftertaste is still a bunch of cunts playing divisive games. only they don't even have the brains to build the shit they just stole.
somebody tell me another way.
poor suckers (most of the world) are handed serf jobs - the spoils of a trade war "protecting" them. for their labor they get to take it in the ass from monopolies, polluters and anyone else that they are sold to by the "leaders™.
the sycophantic rich get their spoils too - the poor's labor and the right to suck back every cent in consumerism. but they are just as vulnerable as the poor, if don't pay the rulers for their privileges they are reminded that ultimate authority ultimately owns everything it wants because it has the guns. if they dont play ball the fallen are made into public examples; the leaders thus bond with the rabble who revel in the schadenfreude.
ultimately authoritarians sell out the poor to the rich and vice versa a very old art perfected by russian tzar's. and as long as both sides remain divided the cunt standing in the middle can play savior to both sides.
while many rich savor an ass kissing plutocracy some of them actually say fuck you to the government just like the masses of disenfranchised. maybe they hate injustice or maybe they just cant stomach the ass kissing. and the poor are ready for anything.
no doubt burn it all down has some delicious appeal but the aftertaste is still a bunch of cunts playing divisive games. only they don't even have the brains to build the shit they just stole.
somebody tell me another way.

Wishful thinking, the leading VR platform is Facebook. You think you are surrounded with web surveillance? These are the good old days.

How can the rest of the world let this happen? They've rejected Facebook's crypto coin pretty easily.

As long as an authority is collecting taxes you are always going to wind up in the same place. Power will be used to obtain the money and money will be used to obtain power to get more money. These are rules of nature.

Maybe nature will just wipe 98% of us out in a massive self imposed detox. Highly possible, and for the rest of the poor beings that live here along side our seemingly never ending cyclic bullshit, maybe highly desirable. Feeling a wee bit nihilistic today, my deliveries not here yet. Lol.
Btw way op, loving the nod to Spider Jerusalem. My son wore that pair of glasses to a hippy festival last year and was well raging when only one person got it. As I told him, wrong crowd.
Btw way op, loving the nod to Spider Jerusalem. My son wore that pair of glasses to a hippy festival last year and was well raging when only one person got it. As I told him, wrong crowd.

Swap some of your bitcoin into chainlink and ethereum and wait for the boom, cash out and take yourself off to thailand where you can live like a king, my exit strategy lol

57 posts
+144.2 votes
Best Example of Communism?

Best Example of Communism?
some famous fails for sure but what are the success stories they dont tell us about?

Kerala in India has a long history of electing communist party politicians. It has the highest literacy rate and lowest infant mortality in India due to its policies.

I don't think Communism has ever worked as Capitalists are always creaming off the top.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.
A great book on the subject is Eat The Rich by the US satirist (and huge drug consumer) P.J. O'Rourke. I think his and my politics are probably polar opposites, but you could get fucked up at a party with him and have an amazing time. Anyway, good book. Breaks down all sorts of different political stances, and Good Communism is one chapter, and Bad Communism another. He's a funny guy, but maybe don't consider it as in depth reasoned academic analysis.
Ah, fuck. He died in 2022. No future parties.

Come on down voters give me a success story if you don't like the truth?? Bloody Marxists never except that it doesn't work. What ever iteration you can think of it WONT WORK!!!! everyone being the same sucks the fun out of life accept that hard work pays!

I'm not advocating for Communism but our society is full of people grafting their respective genitalia off that are still struggling financially. The idea that hard work pays ( properly) is a idea propagated by people seeking to exploit the labour of others. Nobody should need to claim benefits whilst working full time and yet...
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.
Fwiw, I do advocate for a mixed economy. Nationalised energy, health, water, public transport etc and luxuries at the will of the free market.

You shouldn't be allowed to claim any benefits while in full time employment. It's crazy, we are basically subsidising employers who ought to be paying more.

And I hope that, one day, employers decide paying a living wage is more important than ever increasing profits such that in work benefits are no longer necessary. I propose a link between maximum and minimum pay within an organisation. Let's say; no pay ( overall package including bonuses, perks and dividends) higher than 5x the lowest full time salary.

it wouldn't even have to be a regulation, the government does business with so many companies and beneficiaries. if they don't have these multiples in place no people's funds.

employers don't make that call so much as owners do and when the owner is the stock market it's quite blind to anything but profits.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.
when the owners are the employees this changes priorities.

"that hard work pays" is often true and the capitalists don't only pontificate this to the masses they teach it to their children. children they practise communism with.

I’m sure there are loads they just don’t teach us about them. Capitalism doesn’t work either does it? Too many greedy pocket filling bastards. We are all the same having money doesn’t make you better than anyone else, the fact you are here spouting this shows what a sad state the world is in 😞

You should look into some unbiased reporting on the soviet Union, and some witness statements from the older generation who lived through it.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.
You will find that many of them tell you life was better in the USSR, than in post USSR Eastern Europe and Russia. Besides that they were several decades ahead of the west on womens rights and social services.
But like anything good, the Americans bring it down from the inside, or out, USSR, Great Britain, either way. Their media controls the narritive, and communism effects their ability to steal all the money. There is a reason Cinema is oversaturated with anti Communist rhetoric.
I'd honestly rather have the worst communist government, than be America number 2.

Yeah and east germany was the most successful communist country of all, just ask anyone that wasn't killed trying to leave.

i'd settle for being ireland number 0.5 :)
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita
they currently have more than double the uk's gdp per capita

Have you ever listened to Konstantin Kisin? A Jewish family - He moved when he was 9 from the ussr to England at the end of the soviet Union just before the fall. His first hand account of his own life tells a very different story to what you describe.

under capitalism hard work has never paid and never will pay lmfao. communism actually prioritises labour, capitalism is about fat pigs at the top skimming off 99% of the profit we produce for them. do you not find it utterly insane tesco has like 5 different in-house brands with varying prices for essentially the same product? or that having less money means you have to settle for lower quality products that are worse for you and spoil faster?

So, you don't think lifting 4/5ths of the world out of relative poverty can be considered "paying off"?
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌
OK Che, communism good 🤣👌

do you have a source for this? not trying to challenge so much as i would like to learn more about it. maybe there is even a way the community could help.

there are community outreach programs and obviously government funded systems like food banks to help, but the crisis only really exists because the capitalist system is designed that way. we have the resources to end world hunger but it's not economically beneficial so it will never happen
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:
these are sources on food insecurity in the uk for 2023 and 2024:

food for the hungry is legit and accepts crypto

Does the existence of those children make anything I said less true?
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣
Strawman though. I didn't make a claim that there is no poverty in any country. I think you missed the qualifiers "relative" and "4/5ths" of the world.
I would say, that "starving" inarguably applies to way less than 1 in 5 children in the UK, US or anywhere in the West which makes your point about the ills of capitalism fairly moot in context.
I am no fan of cronyism, and I don't think capitalism is utopia, but it's insane to try and persuade anybody that communism would do better than this.
Thanks for the downvotes. I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down.
Drop me a line next time you are tipping your bathwater into the atalantic. I'll do it too 🤣

"I have over a thousand upvotes and less than 30 down"
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD
This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on the internet xD

You stop your quotations at an expedient place. If you would have been less disingenuous about your framing, you would be honest about the fact that the reason I said it was to point out that the users who's position I criticised (fairly and civilly) had no reply apart from the futile downvotes, as I was describing.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.
If I was trying to persuade anybody of anything about me with only what you have entered in your own quotation marks as the context then I'd tend to agree with you. Given that you have totally taken it out of the context it was said (I mean it was clear the previous person was making downvotes vexatiously, in place of an actual cogent argument against what I was saying.
I think you probably know that, but don't care because you disagree with me 🤣 how about tackle me with some argumental substance rather than downvotes.
So, yeah, moot point. Wind your neck in mush.

Ah, the Lords prayer of the troll world.
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣
In other words, you have nothing worth saying because you are too vacuous to argue your way out of the little communist hole you dug 🤣

I came here to say this. Glad someone else knows what's going on.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.
It's gradual. Socialism is the route to communism. The NHS, which we are all trained from an early age to worship, was one of the first big steps in socialism. Benefits too.
Do you all remember when Richard Madeley of all people called out Susan Michie for being a member of the Communist party? She was a main player in the 'behaviour science' part of the scamdemic. Do you remember how we were all pressured into performing that awful clap for the NHS gesture? That was like something out of North Korea/China, where citizens are softly compelled into worshipping the state - like those obvious crocodile tears that were shed over Kim of N Korea.
Ugh, most people are too close to it to see it but it is ABUNDANTLY clear.
I would recommend anyone to watch Yuri Bezmenovs lecture on how the west gets subverted to Communism. He was a soviet defector who used to subvert countries and bring them into the soviet fold for a living.

@Chambertin4 I wish we lived in the world you think we live in xD
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?
The rich people who own the media want to push an ideology that stops them being able to hoarde all the wealth? care to explain how that makes sense?

German Peasant's War (where the word communism derives), Paris Commune, two Russian revolutions minus the Bolsheviks, Makhnochina, Spanish revolution, German revolution, May 68, etc. etc. etc.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.
Losing in the first half don't mean the game's over.

The only people with positive stories perished in the gulags.
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."
"It was a laugh in the beginning, but things went steeply downhill shortly after."

I don't think you'll find any. They've tried it and hundreds of millions died. Ok in principle but man's greed quickly takes over.

yeah it's the trickery of it from the knowers side and the sheer gullibility from the mark.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
To the naive person, this quote from Marx sounds like everyone will just pull their own weight for others and everyones needs will be met.
But with the benefit of hindsight, it is clearly a recipe for slave labour/the gulag system where each man is worked to his utmost but only has his basic needs met. Pretty clear with the benefit of hindsight.
There are no luxuries. Worked to the max, as much as your body can stand and in return you are provided a concrete bed, thin blanket and bowl of gruel twice a day. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Best example of communism... in the ground... deep in the ground with the devil from whence it came.

yet when everyone looks above and sees devils we know what cycle communism - or now capitalism - is in.

It doesn't work
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...
Never has, never will.
The communists and socialists will tell you that " it just hasn't been done properly"
Problem is, they always need other peoples money to spend...

Communism is inherently tyrannical. History shows that. There aren’t any examples of success for a reason. It goes against the human spirit. Millions more died die to its tyranny than under the Nazis but you never see documentaries on the BBC or Netflix about Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. Capitalism isn’t perfect by a long way but meritocracy is natural and drives progress. People to an extent sort themselves into roles and structures on natural ability and interest. Socialism just teaches people to rely on the state whilst the state gets to dictate how people think and behave. It’s ideological tyranny on the one extreme and financial exploitation of a liberal society by the few on the other. My grandad was a carpenter and paid his subs to his union for years until he acknowledged the financial and ideological corruption that it was based on.

Not exactly a success story but interesting fact. There are more cannabis users per capita in Communist North Korea than there are in any other country. They smoke to relieve the pain of living there.

It doesn’t work people become lazy and there will always be those who have and those who have nothing.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.
Argentina’s current turnaround under Javier Milei from socialist basket case to small state and low interference is what you should be talking about. We don’t need the public sector time to slash it.
We need to get our self respect back relying on the state has made us weak and pathetic.

We are already experiencing communism even in the modern world , it's a hybrid between communism and democracy , based on feelings and personal I , me Happiness and DEI.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.
Don't work , hand outs , nobody knows what a woman is , men are all monsters and rapists , everyone can be whatever they FEEL , massive division - past remembering - payouts for past events , people split into groups protesting, government is everything - Marxsism 1:1 .
You already have 6 - 7 nations that have fallen fighting for this aspect -
Argentina - down - Saved by Milei
Columbia - down
Venezuela - down
Chile - About to fall
Salvador - Down - But saved by Bukele
Australia - About to fall
USA - About to fall - massive border issues and most cities are walking dead with people zombies being poor and homeless.
UK - about to crash due to importing victimhood across all minorities , brits on mute mode not even saying anything to anyone.
Go woke in a country and your entire society crashes.
Capitalism + Merrit Based society is the only one working.
This has been in the works tho since the 90s - starting with the feminisation of men and masculinisation of women - Split up with your men , you can do whatever you want , then they wake up at 40's with a carrer , no fam and alone crying on Socials crying for a men.
Men - don't react , be soft , toxic masculinity , every reaction has been deemed as something is wrong with you.
Therapy is all processed from the perspective of a woman , so men don't go to that.
Men just kill themselves at some point due to loneliness , women keep talking and talking and move on.
This is where you are at in 2024 in the Western World's
So majority of people need to stop and go back to standards otherwise Societies crash entirely , we see the results Live ongoing
North Korea is the only one truly communist spot ON and it's only because the majority of the population simply wants to live like that , they don't know anything else , never did , not every nation is attracted to this notion of rich , poor ,progress yourself some just want to live like in a big Foster care home totally controlled.

There has never been one.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.
Governments, inherently are untrustworthy, the larger they are.
More proclivity to tyranny the smaller they are - which the libertarians are blind to.
There should be a lassez faire way to govern, with a balanced and adequately sized government.
Modern progressives don't like to hear this, but capitalism has lifted the world out of relative poverty, to the extent that nothing that came before it has been more beneficial to both quantity and quality of life.
Necessary evils are all around us. We think if we are selective about the ones we talk about, then the ones we don't want to talk about will disappear for some reason.

14 posts
+91.8 votes

Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted

Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted
"The system depends on human labor while simultaneously eradicating it."

We're in the widening gap phase now for sure, or at least its becoming clear how far the gap already is.
The final step in every Marxism based cycle is the uprising of the proletariat, so that's the fun bit we need to look towards.. lol :)
The final step in every Marxism based cycle is the uprising of the proletariat, so that's the fun bit we need to look towards.. lol :)

0% interest rates, meme stocks, puts and calls going up simultaneously, sure looks like an end game scenario.

The Man realised a long time ago ;-)
"Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system." Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That's the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system." Martin Luther King, Jr.

The big flaw of capitalism..
One day all the super rich (super useless) will realize the world seizes to go round without ground level hard workers and skilled people.
One day all the super rich (super useless) will realize the world seizes to go round without ground level hard workers and skilled people.

I doubt Communism unfolded exactly how he predicted... so at least he got it half right.
Cheers BB 😁👍🍻💚
Cheers BB 😁👍🍻💚

Not quite. "The working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purposes".

Absolutely. I encourage you all to read the manifesto if you haven't already. It will blow your mind how accurately he describes the current situation in capitalism. I'm a proud member of the one of the fastest growing communist party worldwide, and we're working had to organise and educate people on how communism would work in the 21st century. DM me if you're interested. I could talk communism all day long.

I love these talks....but let me take the opposing side of the view and say the real reason capitalism works and proven to work than communism (even communist countries like China has no option but to conform to capitalist notions)...Is because of it's destructive & Contradictory nature which allows room for error, destruction and reconstruct....Flexibility like biology of trial and error that leads eventually to efficiency....So yes there are aspects of communism that needs to be involved and would allow under capitalism....But not necessarily Viseversa....
Finally Communism has historically tried and Achieved Growth without sustainability.....So it has already proven not correct in REAL TERMS!
BUT we should look for a confluence between two and integrate to create a better system....again think of China and their growth spurt over the last 2-decades....this is after they have allowed Capitalist ideas to be joined with communism....
I just said all my perspective and please forgive me if there is anything incorrect ...this based on my limmited knowledge
Finally Communism has historically tried and Achieved Growth without sustainability.....So it has already proven not correct in REAL TERMS!
BUT we should look for a confluence between two and integrate to create a better system....again think of China and their growth spurt over the last 2-decades....this is after they have allowed Capitalist ideas to be joined with communism....
I just said all my perspective and please forgive me if there is anything incorrect ...this based on my limmited knowledge

22 posts
+100.2 votes

What is Neo Feudalism?

What is Neo Feudalism?
As governments take over the economy partnering with corporations and the super rich we are left with something that looks a lot like feudal times.

I think there has always been feudalism in one form or another. There is always a class that ultimately owns everything because they can confiscate it, grant it a "title" or tax it. This premise always leads to same outcome it's just a matter of how greedy or insane the current landlord is.

Everything consolidates one way or another, thats why decentralization is both great and doomed.

Anthropologist David Graeber did a book about about this myth called Debt. There is no evidence for class dominant economics bar this relatively small and recent period of time. Obviously the myth has more value than the reality.

probably starting from the neolithic era yes with the only exception of the 20th century, the only period of history where people got a bit of control of the power. Now is going to be lost for decades to come.

We need to look on the bright side, we are actually free serfs. We are free to seek a new master and we can seek redress in the crown courts, unfree serfs couldn't. However if we hadn't spent so much bit coin here we might actually be free with the value of it now.

I call it digital feaudalism. And yes, we have never really exited the feudal system. It just morphs and transforms, keeping the 1% at the top, making almost all the rest their slaves.

Thanks for sharing.
I see examples of this not just on the internet but in all industries. Walk down most high streets here in the UK and they now pretty much all look identical the same shops, coffee shops and chain restaurants with very few independent offerings. The cost of rent, business rates and all the red tape make it pretty much impossible nowadays for small independents to even start up.
Watching a show about fisherman on the BBC painted a picture of the EU quota system they must use and how the industry is dominated by money and huge boats and how these owners buy up small fishing boats and take the quotas these boats have to use on the mega trawlers.
The car industry seems totally monopolised now and we actually get very little choice - notice how the different makers share chassis and engines and the only real difference you get is the interior and badge. Everything else is pretty much controlled by rules and regulations.
It is obvious that these big players of industry are in cahoots with the those that set the rules and regulations as we saw with the emissions scandal with VW and EU collaboration.
Covid and lockdowns have exacerbated the situation as many small business owners left without any financial supports have gone to the wall while government loans to the huge corporations sit unused in their bank accounts.
Truly depressing times.
I see examples of this not just on the internet but in all industries. Walk down most high streets here in the UK and they now pretty much all look identical the same shops, coffee shops and chain restaurants with very few independent offerings. The cost of rent, business rates and all the red tape make it pretty much impossible nowadays for small independents to even start up.
Watching a show about fisherman on the BBC painted a picture of the EU quota system they must use and how the industry is dominated by money and huge boats and how these owners buy up small fishing boats and take the quotas these boats have to use on the mega trawlers.
The car industry seems totally monopolised now and we actually get very little choice - notice how the different makers share chassis and engines and the only real difference you get is the interior and badge. Everything else is pretty much controlled by rules and regulations.
It is obvious that these big players of industry are in cahoots with the those that set the rules and regulations as we saw with the emissions scandal with VW and EU collaboration.
Covid and lockdowns have exacerbated the situation as many small business owners left without any financial supports have gone to the wall while government loans to the huge corporations sit unused in their bank accounts.
Truly depressing times.

This is the model dreamed up by Gabrielle D'Nunzio, Mussolini, Franco and later tried by Stroessner, Pinochet and Thatcher. Always fails cos tho i am a committed capitalist even i realise extraction cannot work for ever as either you run out of victims (Franco, Pinochet) or the victims turn on you (Mussolini, Thatcher) At least Il Duce didn't cry when his turn came, Thatcher mewled and puked like a rat.

Fascinating. Bleak. truly people have been brainwashed by the media and now vote with their wallets. Far more regulation required at the top end, we cant stop the progress, and in many ways it serves us well. Democracy can still win the day, and we can unite for the good of all people. Education is the key, and a few good humans can change the world. It cant be allowed that rampant free market capitalism destroys us. Roll on technical singularity, according to Moores law would be around 2042 but i believe the theory is faultering (Moores law) so might take a bit longer. Technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. We have just leisure time so we study philosophy and all becone enlightened beings living in a tech utopia. Peace

Moore's law is doing fine once you abstract it to include progress besides chip density. Computation overall is on track when you include advances in software and a.i.

it will take more than economics for everyone to spend their leisure time studying philosophy. but im with you at least

Hope so but would we be the same beings, even the same species? I think Nietszche was mostly a clown but "homo, ecce homo" hits home

What is Neo Feudalism and being British mean?
Neo-feudalism refers to a concept that draws parallels between modern societal structures and the feudal system of the Middle Ages. It suggests that power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few influential individuals or entities, leading to a significant wealth disparity and limited social mobility. In a neo-feudalistic system, there may be an entrenched hierarchy, with a small elite class exerting control over economic, political, and social aspects, while the majority of the population faces limited opportunities and struggles to improve their circumstances.
Being British refers to being a citizen or a resident of the United Kingdom or having a connection to British culture and heritage. It typically implies a sense of national identity associated with the customs, traditions, and values of the British people. It encompasses aspects such as the English language, British history, British institutions, and cultural practices that are prevalent in the UK. However, it's important to note that "being British" can mean different things to different people, as it can encompass a diverse range of identities and perspectives within the multicultural society of the United Kingdom,
Neo-feudalism refers to a concept that draws parallels between modern societal structures and the feudal system of the Middle Ages. It suggests that power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few influential individuals or entities, leading to a significant wealth disparity and limited social mobility. In a neo-feudalistic system, there may be an entrenched hierarchy, with a small elite class exerting control over economic, political, and social aspects, while the majority of the population faces limited opportunities and struggles to improve their circumstances.
Being British refers to being a citizen or a resident of the United Kingdom or having a connection to British culture and heritage. It typically implies a sense of national identity associated with the customs, traditions, and values of the British people. It encompasses aspects such as the English language, British history, British institutions, and cultural practices that are prevalent in the UK. However, it's important to note that "being British" can mean different things to different people, as it can encompass a diverse range of identities and perspectives within the multicultural society of the United Kingdom,

Like the last feudal era they will ultimately fail IMO. Biden, bezos, bj and the two conos in NZ & Canada are only one mad bomber away from losing all the kleptocratic gains they have extracted. Putin and Xi poss a battalion or two away. Even if the above are stopped there are always despots trying their luck. The better angels of our nature (thanks Pinker, S) have always stayed in the fight so that the new boss is NOT always the same as the old boss (thanks Townshend, P)

14 posts
+64 votes

Frosty Frank
What is post-scarcity?
a pipe dream, even with free replication of everything people find a way to have scarcity. look at what people pay for things in game worlds.

I like how there's no seatbelts on the Enterprise, even though they get hit by something and the crew gets knocked on their arses in virtually every episode.

Star Trek Discovery has a more stringent HSE who has brought in new seatbelt regulations for the safety of the crew

Aren’t there several episodes where the arms of Kirk’s chair lock down across his thighs? (yep, sounds pretty ridiculous now I’ve typed it 😳)…maybe it was in the films?….defo happened or I’m giving up weed!! 😵💫😉

12 posts
+34 votes

Anis Varoufakis: We are living in a post-capitalist dystopia

Anis Varoufakis: We are living in a post-capitalist dystopia

Greek economist, author, and politician Yanis Varoufakis argues, “This is how capitalism ends: not with a revolutionary bang, but with an evolutionary whimper. Just as it displaced feudalism gradually, surreptitiously, until one day the bulk of human relations were market-based and feudalism was swept away, so capitalism today is being toppled by a new economic mode: techno-feudalism.”

Greece was the experiment. An entire nation sold out by a couple of politicians one of which was this chap.
He is like a left wing Jordan Peterson making lots of money writing about the obvious that most fail to see.
He is like a left wing Jordan Peterson making lots of money writing about the obvious that most fail to see.

Tell me you don't know what happened in Greece without telling me lol. The EU and IMF sold out Greece, Yannis was trying to negotiate fair terms for it's debt. Same thing happened to Ireland and Spain.
Jordan Peterson is a fraud, comparing Yannis to him is ludicrous.
Jordan Peterson is a fraud, comparing Yannis to him is ludicrous.

The Greek economy was already fucked well before Syriza got into power, infact that's why they got elected, because the previous governments had let the IMF break the country.
The financial crisis and Greek failure happened between 2009-2015, Yannis was elected in 2015 so to try blame them for anything before 2015 is a straight up lie.
The financial crisis and Greek failure happened between 2009-2015, Yannis was elected in 2015 so to try blame them for anything before 2015 is a straight up lie.

And he and them lasted 6 months, after agreeing to austerity like the last lot. With no irony, Syriza means radical. Bout as radical as Pat Sharp.

Post-reality innit?
We will thrive in these new and bewildering times. We have a head start on all the rubes. 🤣✊
We will thrive in these new and bewildering times. We have a head start on all the rubes. 🤣✊

16 posts
+67.2 votes
Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?

Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
So many failed communist and socialist experiments in the last century and the greatest success of this century is freer markets in China.
Late stage capitalism sucks but what else is there and please don't ask me to trust late stage governments.
Late stage capitalism sucks but what else is there and please don't ask me to trust late stage governments.

Why does it always have to fall under some strict labels that are always massive trigger words for certain people
can we just not label it anything and just fucking make logical decisions that are in the best interest of everyone instead of a few, fuck the strict criteria and labels
Carl saying "I don't know what a socialist is" at the start of the video is every conversation i've had about this with friends or other people, always try to immediately label me something and condense my views into a single word that they can then label me with
can we just not label it anything and just fucking make logical decisions that are in the best interest of everyone instead of a few, fuck the strict criteria and labels
Carl saying "I don't know what a socialist is" at the start of the video is every conversation i've had about this with friends or other people, always try to immediately label me something and condense my views into a single word that they can then label me with

Feudalism is many times older than capitalism, and ordained by God. Still fell like a sack of shit.
It'll have a different name and iconography but communism still the only alternative. Just no leaders, no parties, no states, max automation.
It'll have a different name and iconography but communism still the only alternative. Just no leaders, no parties, no states, max automation.

Communism fails by the idea of implementation of communism - Don't you think that someone still needs to make sure that its enforced ... Thereby creating back parties, leaders, States and Hierarchies of governing ..... I am not sure but its just a thought.
Sorry did not mean to intervene.
Sorry did not mean to intervene.

i think this is the potential of decentralisation. it's not perfect but bitcoin has no enforcer but code.

The soviet in the tongue in cheek Soviet Union, means workers' councils. One person, one vote, with an elected delegate representing that be recalled anytime. One council for each workplace, and so on, all the way up. By function, it'd preclude states, parties or leaders.

capitalism is an economic system, and an excellent one at that. it is not, however, a political, philosophical or ethical system. adam smith himself pointed out that without temper from (for him, christian) ethics it would become monstrous. obviously, nobody believes any of that hypocritical, puerile (christian) shite anymore, but that is what needs replacing - the moral component. hard right ideologues that think the market knows best, and that money is some sort of god to be worshipped are stupid shits, and have been shown to be. they have fucked up everything they have touched and only crazy frightened old people don't see that. do not forget, though that socialists have not just fucked up everything they have touched, they have murdered, oppressed and starved people in ways that ghengis khan would have been ashamed of. capitalism will work fine once we all realise that being richer than everyone else is a mug's game and does not make you happy. we all just need to get by and look after each other, and i think we'll find that if that's what we want to use it for, capitalism's actually pretty good for purpose. this is all happening anyway, you don't need to do anything. how much shit gets fucked up in the meantime by greedy stupid dickheads who think enumerated economic success is any measure of anything other than what a selfish worthless shit you're prepared to be, or that it will ever make anyone actually happy, well, we'll see. in the meantime, live your life and stop trying to find something easy to blame for what's wrong with it. politicians will not save us, maybe if we stop asking them to they'll go back to doing their actual jobs (running the civil service, justice system and defence) and stop fucking everything up instead. maybe if we all stop glorifying the wealthy and powerful, they'll stop even being arsed to be wealthy and powerful (i mean, it looks like a fucking nightmare to me - why the fuck would you bother if you weren't being egged on the whole time and told that it's the only way anyone matters) and we can all just get on with looking out for each other and fostering the sorts of communities that actually do make people happy. it won't happen overnight, and it won't fix everything, but it won't happen at all if we keep expecting miracles and keep trying to tear down everything that lets us live better than people ever have. capitalism does not suck, it where all of our prosperity and freedom comes from, it is why we are not living in the squalor, violence and oppression of the middle ages any more - stop trying to tear it down, just live better, take moral responsibilty for your own life and we will all have the moral high ground to shame people who accumulate wealth and power beyond what is healthy. eventually. in about 4026. if we do not all burn or starve first. there isn't really an alternative, though... and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life???

"and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life??" yeah exactly wtf is wrong with people lol

Capitalism inherently involves exploiting others for profit. Adding moral considerations alone doesn’t address this fundamental issue. Such changes would transform the system into something that isn’t capitalism.

Start building guillotine napping stations for all billionaires to have a nice lil lay down, acquire and distribute the hoarded resources. Job done. EDIT: to highlight i am being deliberately OTT btw n not literally advocating mass execution. but it does feel like this whole system needs an overhaul, crazy how much the top 1% has hoarded compared to the rest of the world 🤷♂️ how is that just?

"distribute the hoarded resources" exactly, it really is wealth hoarding. Just make wealth cap, a big one $300M... How many fucking yachts do you need, how many houses...etc. Once your wonderful business acumen took you to cap level you get a medal, respect and you go onto super wall of best humans ie elite celebrities and your additional profits get distributed to less fortunate who we're not lucky to be born smart or healthy or rich or whatever.. It's just life lottery most the time nothing to do with your efforts.. Your success can not be justified.. You don't choose your genes... Is there really good argument against wealth cap?

not much of the rich's wealth is in luxury items. it's mostly capital for production.

We need to try to start standing up for what is right and see through what the political elites are implementing all over Europe.
Between the Bilderberg group and the likes of George Soros who funds all the chaos and gets very rich from the volatility that is creates in the markets.
Every time there is a major problem all the government does is rush in new laws to clamp us down even more, they are not interested in harmony it does not fit there narrative they like to divide and conquer and keep us in small groups as we are easier to control.
The Catholic church is taking it up the Gary glitter also along with the Church of England who are just as bad all whilst the UN seems to be building an army in Europe.
This is a by proxy war we are in and it is only going to get worse from here the only way we can stop this is by all standing together as humans and taking on this tyranny.
There are people being found frozen to death in cars in the UK at the moment , big groups of people living in tents in the woods right now ffs!!.
There is an evil agenda at play that these sick inbreed elites are trying to hide from us all and unless we all stand together we are all going to get screwed even more.
We would rather watch sky sports and fuck about on FB and Insta than get off out backsides and do what is right.
The whole thing stinks and needs to be called out and stop calling people racist for pointing out the truth.
Between the Bilderberg group and the likes of George Soros who funds all the chaos and gets very rich from the volatility that is creates in the markets.
Every time there is a major problem all the government does is rush in new laws to clamp us down even more, they are not interested in harmony it does not fit there narrative they like to divide and conquer and keep us in small groups as we are easier to control.
The Catholic church is taking it up the Gary glitter also along with the Church of England who are just as bad all whilst the UN seems to be building an army in Europe.
This is a by proxy war we are in and it is only going to get worse from here the only way we can stop this is by all standing together as humans and taking on this tyranny.
There are people being found frozen to death in cars in the UK at the moment , big groups of people living in tents in the woods right now ffs!!.
There is an evil agenda at play that these sick inbreed elites are trying to hide from us all and unless we all stand together we are all going to get screwed even more.
We would rather watch sky sports and fuck about on FB and Insta than get off out backsides and do what is right.
The whole thing stinks and needs to be called out and stop calling people racist for pointing out the truth.

29 posts
+140.2 votes

How do banks "create" money?

How do banks "create" money?
I know they make lots of it with fees, I can see this shit in my own account but someone tried to explain to me that individual banks can create money out of this air and I didn't understand.

When banks create a new loan they must also create an equal and opposite liability, in the form of a new demand deposit. Meaning when banks loan they create money out of thin air. They simply make it exist.
There is a really good series on YouTube that goes in to great depth about how it all works.
There is a really good series on YouTube that goes in to great depth about how it all works.

I binged watched the series in one night. No regrets haha. Really gets the brain matter flowing. That link is to his main channel, it seems he has a lot of new content. Even some videos on crypto.
This is the link to his main series I was talking about, that goes in to great depth on banking, the federal reserve, fiat currency and economics as a whole. Enjoy!
This is the link to his main series I was talking about, that goes in to great depth on banking, the federal reserve, fiat currency and economics as a whole. Enjoy!

I do indeed. Interesting solutions. Mike's series (if I remember correctly, it's been a few years) doesn't really go in to any solutions to the many economical issues we have, if at all. So this was a nice listen. Ty!

Quantitative Easing.
The ECB have been doing it for years, with no federal reserve at all.
All countries do it to a greater or lesser extent.
The reason the (US) dollar is so popular is they have a federal reserve (gold).
The reason the Euro is failing is it's based upon the German banks and their megalomaniacal desire to control Europe.
There is no EU federal reserve. Only German banks.
When the EU (and Euro) collapses, Germany will be fine, the other 26 member states will fail.
Invest as you will.
Cheers. BB
The ECB have been doing it for years, with no federal reserve at all.
All countries do it to a greater or lesser extent.
The reason the (US) dollar is so popular is they have a federal reserve (gold).
The reason the Euro is failing is it's based upon the German banks and their megalomaniacal desire to control Europe.
There is no EU federal reserve. Only German banks.
When the EU (and Euro) collapses, Germany will be fine, the other 26 member states will fail.
Invest as you will.
Cheers. BB

Petrodollar is interesting on another topic. What do you think ? It’s funny what is out there that the vast majority of people do not know about in the financial and political landscape. The petrodollar is perplexing to me

Money is just an I Owe U ... it says so on your GBP £ notes ! something like ... ''I promise to pay the bearer the sum of twenty pounds'' .... hmmm? but you are handing over a physical £20 note made out of paper or plastic. BUT it still is an I OWE YOU, because the actual note is a ''promise TO pay'' .. the note is not backed up by gold anymore...back in the day... money was real... now it is just digital numbers on screens, according to my limited knowledge about it. I will keep up with this thread tho, as I would like to hear what others on LB think :)

Banks also "Trade Client" funds in a range of assets from , bonds, to stocks hence why you will receive interest each month or annually on your account; that is miniscule compared to what they generate from trading your funds (which is also why your funds are insured). but there are many aspects to this and variables as i've read below each of which is pretty much true.

"since banks work as the accountants of record – while the rest of the economy assumes they are honest accountants – it is possible for the banks to increase the money in the accounts of some of us (those who receive a loan), by simply altering the figures. Nobody else will notice, because agents cannot distinguish between money that had actually been saved and deposited and money that has been created ‘out of nothing’ by the bank” - Richard Werner

Yes if they say its "in the bank" that's all it takes to do what they want with it - regardless of whether it exists.

Banks literally print money and we are expected to accept it has value when in actual fact there is nothing backing fiat currencies anymore. Used to be that dollar was backed by gold reserves then oil but now its backed by the promise... Basically the whole world is in a debt/credit spiral that will unravial at some point...

The dollar will collapse, thank me later
CBDC coming soon.. to a place near you!
(Not Financial Advice) 🥸
CBDC coming soon.. to a place near you!
(Not Financial Advice) 🥸

All began with financial deregulation in the 1970’s . The banks just click some buttons and magic. Then you pay them back, what a business!!!
This is a major cause of inflation. They are putting money that hasn’t been earned yet from the future in todays circulation . That’s why our money 💰 s worth fuck all now. Well one of the many reasons;)
This is a major cause of inflation. They are putting money that hasn’t been earned yet from the future in todays circulation . That’s why our money 💰 s worth fuck all now. Well one of the many reasons;)

not individual banks! but they do make money lol dont make much sense does it
little ben
little ben

yes, individual banks, check out the werner stuff in this thread. basically it's just accounting that makes them book things twice. if it's on a bank's books it is money.

It's depending on the existing customers within the bank actually , so you deposit money into the so called bank but in fact the bank lends it to other people within the banking system and charges interest on that.
Banks are the only ones legally able to create wealth out of thin air , digits on the computer.
For example when you get a loan - digits , but you have return back with interest to the bank Real money from your job , revenue streams.
Circular Banking.
Banks are the only ones legally able to create wealth out of thin air , digits on the computer.
For example when you get a loan - digits , but you have return back with interest to the bank Real money from your job , revenue streams.
Circular Banking.

They don't, they make up fiat currency (£, $, € ect ect) just a bar code number to give it a vaule. Money is only something that can be equally treaded fairly ie gold.

Yes Werner's study explains the double ledger. The implications being that when you deposit your own fiat, what is really happening is that the banks are purchasing security futures from you with promises to pay. The b of e charter actually explains that they cannot and do not lend money or take deposits.
White rabbit trust on YouTube and seek and example plenty of successful remedy.
White rabbit trust on YouTube and seek and example plenty of successful remedy.

2 posts
+6 votes

tyler cowen's greatest economists - an ai hosted book

tyler cowen's greatest economists - an ai hosted book
not only a terrific author but 2 chatbot's that you can query as you read. an innovative delight.

3 posts
+12 votes

Is Any Money Fungible?

Is Any Money Fungible?
A pound isn't a pound if:
It's burdensome coins vs light paper.
It's sitting in a bank vs under a mattress.
It's old and vested with political rights vs newly acquired.
It's burdensome coins vs light paper.
It's sitting in a bank vs under a mattress.
It's old and vested with political rights vs newly acquired.

Bitcoins with a lot of inputs are equivalent to small change that's worth less.

2 posts
+8 votes

doc holiday
The only natural law of economics is cronyism

doc holiday
The only natural law of economics is cronyism
Because tribalism is the only natural law of sociology.
Capitalism gets you there communism gets you there.
Capitalism gets you there communism gets you there.

2 posts
+9 votes

AI = Hyper Capitalism

AI = Hyper Capitalism
Just beause AI replaces labor with capital.
With insane scale this leaves all capital.
With insane scale this leaves all capital.

11 posts
+49 votes

Is There Any Alternative To Universal Basic Income?

Is There Any Alternative To Universal Basic Income?
We are watching entire categories of jobs disappear in real time now and the new jobs are niche at best. What else can we do to prevent millions falling into poverty?

Wouldn't it be great if we had community owned cafes and shops?
Community cafes where fresh food is grown on site and seasonal food is made to serve. Anyone is welcome even if you can't pay. Rent is heavy reduce as it's council owned.
We have local repairs shops that have experts and volunteers to help you fix items for free. Or you can donate it and it'll help them raise money to put back into the repair shop.
This is normalised across the country and it's access to everybody.
I believe this would change mind sets and give a huge sense of community and purpose along with create jobs and opportunities which benefits the local community.
Sorry for the rambling 😅
Community cafes where fresh food is grown on site and seasonal food is made to serve. Anyone is welcome even if you can't pay. Rent is heavy reduce as it's council owned.
We have local repairs shops that have experts and volunteers to help you fix items for free. Or you can donate it and it'll help them raise money to put back into the repair shop.
This is normalised across the country and it's access to everybody.
I believe this would change mind sets and give a huge sense of community and purpose along with create jobs and opportunities which benefits the local community.
Sorry for the rambling 😅

There are currently 1.8 jobs for every employable person in the US. Post pandemic people have chosen not to go back to work or to work on their own terms without fearing the consequences. Much of this is funded by the trillions stashed during the pandemic and logically must get spent eventually but attitudes to work have shifted dramatically. What used to be benefit ‘safety nets’ are now viable alternatives to work. How this will ultimately be funded is the great conundrum of our times….

The whole system is rigged from the start and people falling into poverty is the plan of the global 1%. UBI does not work in our current system because of inflation and how businesses would just raise the price of everything even if we got UBI. People on UBI would live just to turn their light bulbs on and nothing else( no holiday, no new tv, if something breaks you have to not eat for 3 months etc). Unfortunately they see poor people as dumb peasants that should be slowly eradicated."You live pay check to pay check it's your fault you are too stupid to improve your life."

Agreed on it being a rigged system - economic inequality is not a flaw but a fully intended design feature to keep a large proportion of the population under the oppressive and inescapable boot of capitalism

Pretty much every member of the 1% benefits from people getting richer not poorer. Whatever asset they own is more valuable when prosperity grows.

Perhaps we should stop relying on China for all our stuff and bring manufacturing jobs back to the West? ... Nations as we know them are over in the west ... This is the only way forward .. read up on this and understand just how decentralised this rabbit hole goes.

Stop printing money and just let the markets sort it out.
Problem is, this is politically unpalatable.
Nothing was fixed structurally after the 2007/8 shenanigans, they just kicked the can down the road.
The system is doing exactly what it is designed to do.
The only thing which will bring back jobs - jobs that actually add value, is a huge crash, moving to a sound money system and a move away from globalisation.
Problem is, this is politically unpalatable.
Nothing was fixed structurally after the 2007/8 shenanigans, they just kicked the can down the road.
The system is doing exactly what it is designed to do.
The only thing which will bring back jobs - jobs that actually add value, is a huge crash, moving to a sound money system and a move away from globalisation.

Whilst I like the idea that a UBI would bring people out of poverty if it was subject to change with inflation, whilst not destroying the notion of a meritocracy, I think it would have a devastating impact on GDP for a number of reasons that are extraneous to us who haven't tried it.
Simply, there's been no evidence that it can work yet.
I think honestly, the solution to these problems will come from decentralisation.
If there was no divergence from the bitcoin white paper, btc would be considered a commodity. In it's current form of a 2017 air dropped segwit copy, which needs payment processers to complete a transaction - it is a security.
Something will be released in the web3 space that will change the game for merchants and retailers, I am pretty sure of it.
It will likely come without warning as chatGPT seemed to.
Simply, there's been no evidence that it can work yet.
I think honestly, the solution to these problems will come from decentralisation.
If there was no divergence from the bitcoin white paper, btc would be considered a commodity. In it's current form of a 2017 air dropped segwit copy, which needs payment processers to complete a transaction - it is a security.
Something will be released in the web3 space that will change the game for merchants and retailers, I am pretty sure of it.
It will likely come without warning as chatGPT seemed to.

18 posts
+71 votes

the Kushans
how hard is it to get skills anymore?

the Kushans
how hard is it to get skills anymore?
the growing divide between rich and poor, the loss of jobs to immigrants and robots, youth unemployment, nearly every economic problem is caused by a lack of value producing skills.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.

Acquiring knowledge is different to acquiring skills.
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂
knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail 😂

As someone who taught themselves both web design and marketing as a single mum I tend to agree.
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!

Try to think from the perspective of a business owner. Sifting through resumes. Bachelor's. honours. Doctorates. Oh no. This mad lad has googled it. Hire him now

Anyone can acquire the skills that they want, it just depends upon how dedicated they are. I mean there's a shit ton of skills that i want to master and learn, but usually i'm busy with other things. The internet is a wonderful thing. But also, it takes a lot of time to learn certain skills and most people like my self are quite lazy and can't be asked to learn new things, unless they really want to.

True but I'm not sure about "anymore". It's always been possible for motivated people to acquire skills, it's easier now but I don't think that is going to change the dynamic. People are afraid and or lazy when it comes to pursuing things that aren't right up in their face.

Find something that fascinates you. And just will yourself to know everything there is to know about it.
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you don’t have a passion for something. You’ll never truly know about it. And if you don’t truly know about it, you’ll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932

Actually all of our problems are due to over population. One person can do more work now due to technology. Also humans keep on devaluing themselves by constantly breeding. It’s the law of supply and demand. The fewer of us there are the more valuable we are to employers. When we breed out of control then employers can pick whoever they want. That’s my opinion;)

Norman Tebbit rebooted.
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?

I get what your saying but the person carrying out the skilled job more often than not needs proper training and certification if not just for the client but more importantly for insurance purposes!

Insurance would work a lot better if there were public records of outcomes on a blockchain rather than a certification authority that inevitably becomes a racket.

This is true from the perspective of individuals, but what about societies. Societies like governments take most f our resources under the auspices of producing better outcomes.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.

29 posts
+95 votes

Bitcoin surging

Bitcoin surging
The price of Bitcoin is shooting up. This is not a complaint about the effect on prices here, but I’m wondering how high Bitcoin’s going to go. Anyone here know much about the stock market?

You need to look at why it's surging. Paypal have just announced the will be rolling it out in weeks opening it up to their 2.8 mil users. full roll out by jan 2021. Thats extremely fast meaning the tech is in place. The graphs haven't looked this good since 2017 when it last popped. I would strongly advise to anyone to buy bitcoin and hold. 2021 is going to be full of good news as adoption is getting rolled out behind the scenes globally.

Can't teach the poor pal. Been in crypto for about 8 years these idiots will look back on this and regret it in 18months. The biggest wealth transfer in history is happening in front of there eyes and they cant see it deaf, dumb and blind comea to mind

I can't comment with any level of authority or understanding. However, I was advised against it as an investment, by a close friend of mine who works as a professional trader in Taiwan. No flexing, she's a ninja. But, I can't speak from any personal experience of wealth building. People like yourself have tangible, if not purely anecdotal evidence to bring to the table. In terms of investment, crypto is still speculation with no firm backing. We can all earn money from speculation, but it's not where I would put my hard-earned pennies. If you're winning, all power to you. I would suggest attacking people's ideas instead of attacking them personally. Not gambling doesn't necessarily make someone an idiot. Neither does having money make someone intelligent. Horses for courses. Smart phones don't make people smart. It's a funny old world.

lol exactly it mate. I didnt want to sound like a dick. But jesus guys buy BTC. We are still technically early adopters here. trust me when I say I'm holding every bit. I tried to tell a group of friends to buy it as soon paypal made the announcement and they wanted me to convince them why xD The general answer was well I dont understand it so im not going to bother. Lol thats the answer in itself, the general population have no idea how to use it meaning you will cash in on their stupidity and ignorance as big companies handle regulation. You will have no choice but to understand it in a couple of years.
You can lead a horse to a well full of money and physically stuff cash in its mouth and it will still spit it out and complain it wants more of the same.
You can lead a horse to a well full of money and physically stuff cash in its mouth and it will still spit it out and complain it wants more of the same.

bitcoin is pure bullshit and greed the same as every other investment market so it's impossible to know for sure why/when/how but it'll keep going up and then crash "unpredictably". (people like to claim bitcoin is "different" from traditional markets/commodities, it's not. It was supposed to be but it's not).
It makes now a bad time to buy your bud too, buying fees will be higher as people don't want to sell at value while it's climbing by the minute... tx fees likely to fluctuate too so keep a very close eye on those sending fees biggas or you will lose out!
I'm glad we have btc so we can use all these great online sellers but I fucking hate bitcoin itself so I don't have anything useful to add to my rant sorry lmao
It makes now a bad time to buy your bud too, buying fees will be higher as people don't want to sell at value while it's climbing by the minute... tx fees likely to fluctuate too so keep a very close eye on those sending fees biggas or you will lose out!
I'm glad we have btc so we can use all these great online sellers but I fucking hate bitcoin itself so I don't have anything useful to add to my rant sorry lmao

This is why I can't buy atm. I used my last bitcoin went to buy more to get a 3.5 and its gona cost me nearly 55 quid for a 3.5 I'm sorry I just cant pay thos prices. It's sad as I was enjoying my purchases on here but now it's just way to expensive

Rant away, it’s fine by me! Yeah, bud’s more expensive for now at least, but this place is so reliable that I’ll be sticking around. I don’t want to get too involved in checking the stock market, lol, but thanks for the tip about fees, I’ll make sure to keep an eye on them.

It's just too unstable to risk punting serious money on . There will be a much safer(and less lucrative) investment window along.

Agreed. I buy very small amounts at a time, however crazy it looks right now it could just drop at any time.

Hi exactly what your saying about bitcoin prices..fucking crazy !!! I use Bittylicious for coins atm..but noticed today the prices went up at least 10%..extra from last week..just as FreddieLaker says this is a realiable Source to get your bud!!!
Some expensive prices that do go Upwards occasionally!!!! And as for the bitcoin!!If there was another way to pay without using bitcoin .id be as happy as you would be lol..I know a few people that have problems with using bitcoin !!just the way it is atm..and prices we have pay or not having any bud!!! Whats most people's Choices ?...
Some expensive prices that do go Upwards occasionally!!!! And as for the bitcoin!!If there was another way to pay without using bitcoin .id be as happy as you would be lol..I know a few people that have problems with using bitcoin !!just the way it is atm..and prices we have pay or not having any bud!!! Whats most people's Choices ?...

Guys i'm telling you. when you get one of their cards you are paying almost zero fees on all transactions. You will get stung moving the coin from your own wallet to LB market. But at least is less of a hit.

Yeah the only reason we have to use bitcoin is because weed is stupidly still illegal thats not littlebiggys fault! hopefully one day in the future we can change the laws and have this site but without the BTC middleman! that'd be cool as fuck haha :D

Well, I’ve just ordered some more bud, so I’ve made my choice, lol, less dosh for boring stuff like clothes etc but it’s ok by me :)

It's a high risk investment, volatile, and definitely not long term. Win fast, lose fast. Steer clear. The big money was made a long time ago with bitcoin. Join the hype train, take your chances.

I have to disagree bud! it's bottom has been reached. it's been stable for months. its forbes 2020 top investment over gold. It's peak its hit before means it can surpass this. when the last bitcoin is mind it will sky rocket. all banks are moving towards adoption. all companies are moving towards blockchain. no matter what crypto is used this will be good for bitcoin as it is the leader and holds most value. any market exposure regardless of the coin is good for bitcoin. paypal will be introducing it to the world. facebook opened up the discussion. We are nearly there. There will be a set group of digital currencies. make no mistake bitcoin is here to stay and has been. its only just the beginning.

You made an investor angry with this comment and they left some lies/propaganda/insults below so I'm just putting this reply here so people can see it before reading the lies.
They claim BTC is the "Biggest wealth transfer in history" ask why do they lie? Bitcoin is worth what ~200billion in total value, that's not even a drop in the ocean and the majority is already owned by investment groups and billionaires so the money is going nowhere except to where it always goes lmao
The sad thing is they WILL make money from BTC so why do they lie? why do they get aggressive? why the hard sell? why are they so insecure that they resort to insults?
Sounds an awful lot like desperate greed because that's exactly what it is, which is the way of the world so I don't judge anyone for wanting to make some easy money but get real please.
"Can't teach the poor" anyone who says that can go back to reddit and hang out with the Americans...
They claim BTC is the "Biggest wealth transfer in history" ask why do they lie? Bitcoin is worth what ~200billion in total value, that's not even a drop in the ocean and the majority is already owned by investment groups and billionaires so the money is going nowhere except to where it always goes lmao
The sad thing is they WILL make money from BTC so why do they lie? why do they get aggressive? why the hard sell? why are they so insecure that they resort to insults?
Sounds an awful lot like desperate greed because that's exactly what it is, which is the way of the world so I don't judge anyone for wanting to make some easy money but get real please.
"Can't teach the poor" anyone who says that can go back to reddit and hang out with the Americans...

Be poor then I don't give a fuck for once in your life you have a chance to opt out of this shit show of a financial system but your still a slave to the system.

I only use it to buy bud from here so I won’t be investing much at all. Just hope it loses value soon!

Its not crazy to say that it could definitley hit 20k again or even surpass it. Either toward the end of the year or next. Ive been involved with Crypto since 2017 just as BTC was hitting ATH. I was told about all these different coins that were going to do the same and I got superfly fucked when the market crashed back down. Long story short if you are curious about putting money into crypto be careful as the market is unforgiving and full of wankers. Its taken me a while and a lot of time ot educate myself on the crypto market best advice would be to do the same and dont hold anything for long it'll rape your emotions.

I spose my interest is based on how the price of bud has gone up purely due to the rate of Bitcoin. I wouldn’t invest heavily but I don’t want the price to increase so much that I can’t buy from here.

Fair enough. The transaction fee may eventually cost more than the product. My guess is eventually vendors will accept a different crypto possibly Monero (XMR) just because BTC is slow and authorities are getting better at tracing the block. Monero dosent have the same iprivacy issues as BtC.

It is going to do the same it always does at this time of year.
Once again the US fat cats are trying to use it as an investment to make a quick buck at the expense of every other user in the world and once again blockchain are fighting back by raising fees so they cant,unfortunatly it is the person who buys and uses btc to spend who gets the raw deal on fees.
Once we get back into mid January it will drop back to $20k.
So go ahead invest in something that should never be used as an investment because it screws it up for everybody else smh
Once again the US fat cats are trying to use it as an investment to make a quick buck at the expense of every other user in the world and once again blockchain are fighting back by raising fees so they cant,unfortunatly it is the person who buys and uses btc to spend who gets the raw deal on fees.
Once we get back into mid January it will drop back to $20k.
So go ahead invest in something that should never be used as an investment because it screws it up for everybody else smh

I think its bottom is the same as march/april if something destabilises the "regular stock markets". However it is definitely a long term investment and i stress long term only... many vendors here prob didn't know where to turn when it hit bottom few months ago but the ballsy 1's in the know held onto it and look at the price now it will continue to rise and surpass 100k in next few years... you could wait for a "catastrophic event" elsewhere to push the price down to get in or you could get in now knowing you have to sit on the coin for a long time. Also you would need to invest a couple thousand at least to see big returns coz u would hope to receive back about 10 or 20 times your investment in the long run... thats how great investments work. Youd be kicking yourself if your turned 50 quid into a thousand instead of a thousand into 20k. You should store your crypto away from the exchange in case they exit scam

Do you guys know about the bitcoin halving which is due in march/April?
Highly reccomend understanding that and how the bitcoin cycles work , we've just come out of the 3 year crypto winter . Previous high becomes the next low , check trading view going back as far as you can , its like clockwork . I've explained in depth to many friends and family to try and help them but they just didn't get it and ive run out of sympathy for them years ago. I've spent the last 6 years learning and preparing for this next cycle with indepth analysis and leveraged every resource I could get my hands on. Trust me when I say , this is still early in another 4 years 60-69k will be the bottom. Like nigel farrage said "you all laughed at me , well your not laughing now" 😆
According to my resources retail buyers are still not in yet which means we are early , the moment they enter we will see a violent move up and this is where we want to unload every cent . Harsh but it's the nature of the markets, in order for you to win someone has to lose take your profits before someone else takes them for you.
Highly reccomend understanding that and how the bitcoin cycles work , we've just come out of the 3 year crypto winter . Previous high becomes the next low , check trading view going back as far as you can , its like clockwork . I've explained in depth to many friends and family to try and help them but they just didn't get it and ive run out of sympathy for them years ago. I've spent the last 6 years learning and preparing for this next cycle with indepth analysis and leveraged every resource I could get my hands on. Trust me when I say , this is still early in another 4 years 60-69k will be the bottom. Like nigel farrage said "you all laughed at me , well your not laughing now" 😆
According to my resources retail buyers are still not in yet which means we are early , the moment they enter we will see a violent move up and this is where we want to unload every cent . Harsh but it's the nature of the markets, in order for you to win someone has to lose take your profits before someone else takes them for you.

The bitcoin halving essentialy drives supply and demand. Everyone can understand that becuase it exists in every type of market that exists
just look what happend to the price of isopropyl during covid. something becomes scarce and it drives the price up . The bitcoin halving does exactly that by increasing the time taken to mine 1 bitcoin (by half) this means it takes longer to mine making it more valuable thus driving supply and demand. Naturally the price of bitcoin will only go higher becuase of this hence the cycle that can be observed every 4 years.
There are only and ever will be 21 million btc in existence therefore it is deflationary by nature unlike our crappy usd/gbp etc where the banks print them like monopoly money causing serious economic consequences
Due to all of this I just can't see a scenario where I don't make money investing in bitcoin .
There is a bit more to it than that but wanted to give the semi short version to you guys to try and help my fellow biggas understand this magic intertnet money we all use here. I encourage you to do your own research of course.
just look what happend to the price of isopropyl during covid. something becomes scarce and it drives the price up . The bitcoin halving does exactly that by increasing the time taken to mine 1 bitcoin (by half) this means it takes longer to mine making it more valuable thus driving supply and demand. Naturally the price of bitcoin will only go higher becuase of this hence the cycle that can be observed every 4 years.
There are only and ever will be 21 million btc in existence therefore it is deflationary by nature unlike our crappy usd/gbp etc where the banks print them like monopoly money causing serious economic consequences
Due to all of this I just can't see a scenario where I don't make money investing in bitcoin .
There is a bit more to it than that but wanted to give the semi short version to you guys to try and help my fellow biggas understand this magic intertnet money we all use here. I encourage you to do your own research of course.

Well why dont you ask all those idiots who invested last year when it went from 20k to over 60k,all the bitcoin guru`s were saying it would hit 100k but did it,no it did not it crashed back to 20k wiping out millions of US dollars that had been invested by idiots who still have not reached the btc value they bought at.
Sorry but i have no sympathy for anyone who invest in btc.
edit if you really want to invest in something then get your money into gold as soon the Chinese will use it to back the new international trading currency in Brics and then it will rise consistently in value.
Sorry but i have no sympathy for anyone who invest in btc.
edit if you really want to invest in something then get your money into gold as soon the Chinese will use it to back the new international trading currency in Brics and then it will rise consistently in value.

BTC is looking good and moving through resistance levels the next one will be above $60k and I think it will happen between now and 31st by looking at signs and indicators which will move the whole of the crypto market up look at Solana it is moving up fast and once Eth wakes up it will be game over.
Who said it was bad to be paid in BTC?
Who said it was bad to be paid in BTC?

3 posts
+9 votes

The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment

The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment
The experiment found more success giving Kenyans lump sums rather than monthly payments

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
It’s a bit like offering benefits to school and university leavers, what incentive do they have to find work?
It’s a bit like offering benefits to school and university leavers, what incentive do they have to find work?

1 post
+16 votes

phds mvp
Companies Die Like People, Cities Live Like Universes

phds mvp
Companies Die Like People, Cities Live Like Universes
Geoffrey West abstracts biological and economic data into common theories that hold amazing predictive value.

4 posts
+16 votes

what will happen to cities?

what will happen to cities?

the suits are gone are they coming back? what happens to the beauty they left behind?

So I work in the property industry in London and offices are being turned into flats and hybrid let offices where u pay a rent for a desk ! , some businesses are forcing people back in lately

4 posts
+9 votes
unions are our only defense against a.i.

unions are our only defense against a.i.
20 posts
+60 votes

does a.i. enable communism?

does a.i. enable communism?
marx said people controlling the system of workers inevitably exploit the situation.
what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system at 0 cost?
what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system at 0 cost?

i think the other flaws of communism would eventually come to the fore anyway. Would be very interesting to see what A.I does with state capitalism however.

The original term ‘communism’ is surely people living together harmoniously in a commune? After all communes date back to the Stone Age where groups co existed.
It worked throughout history, invaders and tribal warfare repeatedly tried to derail what was an effective system of existence….
It worked throughout history, invaders and tribal warfare repeatedly tried to derail what was an effective system of existence….

Marx & Engels write quite a fair bit about this "primitive" communism. Its part the Marxist/Communist argument against Capitalism.
Im sure we have all heard the phrase "oh but capitalism is human nature" but this couldn't be further from the truth. Capitalism has only existed 200 odd years for most of Human existence we have lived in more communistic communal ways.
when Darwin said survival of the fittest, this was not him saying the strongest wins, it is the species being able to adapt and the adaptive trait that shot Human kind straight to the top was cooperation not Capitalism.
Im sure we have all heard the phrase "oh but capitalism is human nature" but this couldn't be further from the truth. Capitalism has only existed 200 odd years for most of Human existence we have lived in more communistic communal ways.
when Darwin said survival of the fittest, this was not him saying the strongest wins, it is the species being able to adapt and the adaptive trait that shot Human kind straight to the top was cooperation not Capitalism.

surely there is no single element to human nature when it comes to economics. of course people share as well as trade, hoard and borrow to keep it all flowing.
capitalism and communism both arise naturally, it's not hard to see their equivalents among animal populations that fight over the same resources that they share in other circumstances.
capitalism and communism both arise naturally, it's not hard to see their equivalents among animal populations that fight over the same resources that they share in other circumstances.

more communistic communal ways 200 years ago - what do you mean because serfdom is what comes to mind.

I said capitalism has only 200 years not communes existed 200 years ago. But feudalism was still more communal than Capitalism. Peasants worked together on a plot of land that they paid for and were not dragged off to choking factories and confined to dense urban populations like the 1800s.
Before feudal rule however & things like the Enclosures in Europe, tribal community was the default for most human beings.
I recommend reading Marx and Engels early works or if you prefer a more modern take there are plenty of authors who have covered this section of history.
Before feudal rule however & things like the Enclosures in Europe, tribal community was the default for most human beings.
I recommend reading Marx and Engels early works or if you prefer a more modern take there are plenty of authors who have covered this section of history.

"what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system" - we have this part, try working for uber.
"at 0 cost" - this is the communism part. possible with open source ;)
"at 0 cost" - this is the communism part. possible with open source ;)

think of what c - suite execs are paid and every one of them can be replaced by an a.i. with existing technology. lots of them are just figureheads already.

Until technology is liberated from the capitalist mode of production & the private patents that create AI, then no. A.i under a communist government or socialist state could be used for good and help toward automation. Look to china where sophisticated computing has been used in public spaces to better traffic flow, keep public transport running and deliver goods and services. But A.I alone wont create communism. For communism to be achieved Revolution must happen first and the dominant ruling classes replaced so the means of production for AI are utilised by workers and not elites.
Also nice to know LB has comrades ;) nothing to lose but our chains baby !
Also nice to know LB has comrades ;) nothing to lose but our chains baby !

China was the first to weaponise AI with the social credit system they are/were introducing.
As an aside, China just like the USSR before it, remain the barrier against actual communisation. When state capitalism dies out as an valid idea and there's no more pretence of an alternative, libertarian communism will gain traction.
As an aside, China just like the USSR before it, remain the barrier against actual communisation. When state capitalism dies out as an valid idea and there's no more pretence of an alternative, libertarian communism will gain traction.

Just a reminder that the China "credit score" myth was a false story pushed by American war hawks and imperialists in the state department -
Nor have they weaponised it anymore than say Europe has when it comes to taking out a bank loan or buying property.
Nor have they weaponised it anymore than say Europe has when it comes to taking out a bank loan or buying property.

"From the early 2010s, some cities indeed started scoring pilots. However, these gradually became controversial – even in China. The city of Suining reportedly deducted points for government petitions and online comments, Suzhou planned penalties for reservation no-shows or cheating in online games, and Rongcheng for littering or jaywalking. Many of these pilots were later criticized by official media or failed to materialize. The most common critiques were that scores illegally restricted citizens’ legal rights or tracked behavior totally unrelated to the notion of “credit”. "
Going by the UK, if they've tried it, it means they're open to it. And again, vis a vis Europe is not the yard stick an actual revolutionary program would be using. Maoism in 2023 is mental (except about landlords).
Going by the UK, if they've tried it, it means they're open to it. And again, vis a vis Europe is not the yard stick an actual revolutionary program would be using. Maoism in 2023 is mental (except about landlords).

Your own source sums it up pretty well -"The idea that China gives every citizen a “social credit score” continues to capture the horrified imagination of many. But it is more bogeyman than reality."

The point remains, one capitalist state may or may not be better than another. Neither have anything to do with communism.

I mean i think you're talking about tendency, when this particular post was talking AI.
I get your point you think Chinas capitalist.
I quite obviously disagree and so do most academics and Marxists at that.
I get your point you think Chinas capitalist.
I quite obviously disagree and so do most academics and Marxists at that.

It could.
Capital owners already exploit technology to reduce costs and lay off workers, ai is just another part of that.
AI and automation could be used to give people more time off, pay more for less work, improve work life balance etc, or it could be used in the way described above.
As with a lot of things, AI could be used to benefit people or it could be used to make billions of dollars, or anything in between.
Capital owners already exploit technology to reduce costs and lay off workers, ai is just another part of that.
AI and automation could be used to give people more time off, pay more for less work, improve work life balance etc, or it could be used in the way described above.
As with a lot of things, AI could be used to benefit people or it could be used to make billions of dollars, or anything in between.

8 posts
+28 votes

at tes
How can people deal with natural monopolies?

at tes
How can people deal with natural monopolies?
I understand here are situations where there is only room for 1 provider of something like when the investment is huge and there isn’t enough biz for more competitors. Fair enough but if this is a fact of life is their any way best to prevent an evil monopolist that will gouge prices and offer lousy service?

Innovation is always the best answer for this shit; a technology that makes it possible to compete without a huge investment will end the monopoly. Then low and behold the old guys won’t be sucking your blood anymore they will be alive and competing!

Waiting for the White Knight like this is great for the long run but it doesn’t change what everyone has to face right now.

There's an old solution for monopoly suppliers, Cooperatives. If a monopoly is owned by its users then the whole conflict between greed and utility just disappears. Cooperatives been around for farming since before my grandfather’s time I don’t know exactly how long but they were used to buy big tools and grain elevators that every farmer could share.

I buy my groceries from a co-op, much, much better products than the chain supermarket and good prices.

Yes if you organise you get some of the power of the cooperative just by virtue of having done it. I would think this is the best solution, to actually start the cooperative and keep an open ear to the monopolist, seeing if things can be settled at the earliest possible stage.

If the users organize a boycott it can force the monopolist into better behavior. Though it can be kind of ugly and tends to leave a bitter taste for both sides. A theatrical action before this could be a petition or media generation on social networks.

2 posts
+6 votes

are services like chatgpt going to change the world?

are services like chatgpt going to change the world?
ive recently been experimenting with chatgpt a ai chat bot that as far as i aware is the most advanced one publicly availible to any tom, dick or harry. im blown away as an experiment i setup on upwork/pph and was able to generate income from simply asking it to solve the issues or write blogs withing the requirement of the work i applied for. i had fantastic response and althought this was an experiment i am now seriously considering use this as a sideline earning, i cant wait till this is like a jarvis integration with some specs or simlar haha. This technology is surly expedieting a national wage? or atleast redundacies in some work force.

1 post
+6 votes

The 50-Euro Lawsuit Threatening OPEC

The 50-Euro Lawsuit Threatening OPEC
This German punter is calling out OPEC for the illegal cartel that it is.

18 posts
+65.5 votes

What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?

What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
I was just thinking about all the billions paid to banks to keep the economy going after they fucked it up. What if instead of that we let the banks fail and didn’t pay anything beyond deposit insurance. Then to prop up the economy we paid the descendants of slaves the same money that we gave to the banks. Wouldn’t that stimulate the economy in a way that made our society a better one instead of ever worse?

But why is the US Federal Gov the plaintiff? They fought against slavery with everything they had, 100 years later they peacefully fought the South against segregation. I think something is owed but the feds are the good guys on this one.


The entire financial system is a ponsi scheme and always has been...the banks dont have any real money....we are taxed 97p in the pound, removing that would free the economy.
what about the 1,000,000 white people taken from the shores of europe by the north african slavers? do we get anything? and will the millions of black africans who created and profited from the slave trade and enslaved and murdered their own people have to pay?
and do we get the danegeld back?
slavery still exists, 6500 dead slaves in Qatar building stadiums for footballers to kneel down is used to promote an anti white and democracy agenda by billioniares who would destroy our culture. stop mining lythium if you care about black slaves..oh no thats anti green.....
looking at 1 minute of a 24 hour clock and casting blame is how our idiot media works now for both slavery and climate propaganda...let's not encourage them ...
what about the 1,000,000 white people taken from the shores of europe by the north african slavers? do we get anything? and will the millions of black africans who created and profited from the slave trade and enslaved and murdered their own people have to pay?
and do we get the danegeld back?
slavery still exists, 6500 dead slaves in Qatar building stadiums for footballers to kneel down is used to promote an anti white and democracy agenda by billioniares who would destroy our culture. stop mining lythium if you care about black slaves..oh no thats anti green.....
looking at 1 minute of a 24 hour clock and casting blame is how our idiot media works now for both slavery and climate propaganda...let's not encourage them ...

I really like this.
All comments more or less are about the idea of reparation, and mostly I agree.
But its not about reparation despite the title, its about where to best direct a stimulus package. My Everyman understanding of the Covid downturn is that the UK exchequer has licensed uk banks to loan to pretty much anyone with a business no questions asked, money that is created in the moment of granting the loan.
Equally you could hand it out in the street or mail cheques to people whether they need it or not. Give it to the living heirs of slaves or give it to banks to hand out in executive bonuses? Who's gonna make the most stimulus with it?
All comments more or less are about the idea of reparation, and mostly I agree.
But its not about reparation despite the title, its about where to best direct a stimulus package. My Everyman understanding of the Covid downturn is that the UK exchequer has licensed uk banks to loan to pretty much anyone with a business no questions asked, money that is created in the moment of granting the loan.
Equally you could hand it out in the street or mail cheques to people whether they need it or not. Give it to the living heirs of slaves or give it to banks to hand out in executive bonuses? Who's gonna make the most stimulus with it?

The MP for my old constituency (dorest) is Richard Drax, he's still sitting on all the wealth and land his family acquired. He sees no problem with owning land thousands of slaves were murdered on. Dispicable person.

Instead of hand outs, maybe being given equal opportunity in the work place truly would be a better start. Just an example here but how come I see a white bloke in charge of black football teams but you’ll never see a black or any shade darker than a beach tan running an English football team.

No, it would absolutely not stimulate the economy. You're sort of just blasting a random talking point without much thought to it.
The US also has no obligation to the present generation just because of the abuse of their black ancestors - such an assertion is just ridiculous.
If you think handing out free-money like that "stimulates the economy" then you are totally wrong. In fact, you are hurting the economy and society by making light of racial issues where they already have no place.
The US also has no obligation to the present generation just because of the abuse of their black ancestors - such an assertion is just ridiculous.
If you think handing out free-money like that "stimulates the economy" then you are totally wrong. In fact, you are hurting the economy and society by making light of racial issues where they already have no place.

Governments hand out money its just a matter of who they give it to. In the USA they have handed money to banks and hedge funds via 0% loans.
I think reparations for stealing human beings is a better idea than this, the money will get spent stimulating the working economy rather just pumping up the stock market.
I think reparations for stealing human beings is a better idea than this, the money will get spent stimulating the working economy rather just pumping up the stock market.

It's paying back a debt that financed the country for generations. If you can't see that I think maybe glasses.

6 posts
+17.2 votes

What is Surveillance Capitalism?

What is Surveillance Capitalism?
Surveillance capitalism is a new term addressing the process of commodifying personal data with the core purpose of profit-making. Since personal data can be commodified it has become one of the most valuable resources on earth.

To answer the original question, it's a son of a whore.
Unless you want to go through a lot of ball ache you're basically chipped if you own a smart phone. This is at present an unregulated free for all and tech companies are making hay. But slowly I should imagine a thirst for privacy will emerge and that more people will begin cutting google and facebook out of their lives. I know my next phone is definitely going to be a degoogled android, and I'm already fb free
Unless you want to go through a lot of ball ache you're basically chipped if you own a smart phone. This is at present an unregulated free for all and tech companies are making hay. But slowly I should imagine a thirst for privacy will emerge and that more people will begin cutting google and facebook out of their lives. I know my next phone is definitely going to be a degoogled android, and I'm already fb free

tbh i am not worried at all. for a normal human being in this world, who does no harm or break any dumbass rules, i think nobody would bother using any personal info against me. what would they achieve? fuckall thats what. dont bother get into some conspiracy shit, as at the end of the day life ends up too short to realize whats good. sry if im not making sense, having some lovely gummies from radarbreeder which hit like a hailstorm

Privacy isn't about your data its about the rights of those that keep society in check. Just like freedom of speech; its unlikely that any of us are going to say anything that a government will censor but we need others to be able to do this.
With privacy a whislteblower or someone collecting data against the powerful needs that protection or we are all really fucked.
With privacy a whislteblower or someone collecting data against the powerful needs that protection or we are all really fucked.

that's perfectly alright pompom. I don't think you've taken the time to look into this and see what facebook and google are really doing, because if you do I'm confident you'll change your tune. I can assure you it is far worse and far further reaching than you imagine. Tbh the nothing to hide argument is very flimsy. For example. The guy next door has a moustache that makes him look like a paedo and he behaves in erratic ways, so presumably an anonymous tip off to inform the busies of his noncing habit will only be a problem for him if he has something to hide? Crude example I know but the point stands. Back to the price of bread, I advise you to research how fb operates as a worthy starting point

no i admit i haven`t researched anything of what you guys discussing, but at the end of the day im on the same opinion. i think as a free person (or believe i do, despite working for the rich) and my mind feels higher then the people who surround me and hurts me to see the way they see things. how miserable their lives are because of their shitty job(mine is the same tho) and stuff like that. i know facebook for example were sued last year or so for selling customers data to a 3rd party or some shit like that and watched the video where zuckerberg was trying to reply not looking like a slow thinker infront of the senate. however, stay safe all and take the tin foil hats sometimes, because thats what will really save us at the end when things go to hell. peace

7 posts
+40.2 votes

In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.

In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
Before bitcoin there were publicans, pubs and small businesses kept ledgers and remarkably the lack of banking had no effect on the Irish economy.

I am offering pre-brewed bitpint to a select group of craft patron/investors. To brew a new bitpint requires a confirmation we call a tasting.

No. Sips are 1/100ths of a bitpint and we expect a healthy number of sips will be required to send each bitpint.

Absolutely as in 70s Ireland people tried not to use a bank. Publicans like my father then loved the bank strike and people loved the pubs. In todays Ireland there are probably 50% less pubs than in the 70s (gone out of business).

4 posts
+14.5 votes

We’re broke

We’re broke
Seems to marry up with the WEF plan of the "great reset". Seems like everybody is going to default and we will have to start again with a new economic model.

7 posts
+14 votes


Found this interesting article about an ancient burial site they found in Spain that contained Queens remains and treasures from over 3000 years ago which they think might show how women had political power and not men. Got me thinking!. Afc

Please don’t think too much!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣wooah!! Come on y’all all thinking it! !!Definitely only messin!! Hope I don’t get no trouble 🙏🙏🥰

17 posts
+42 votes
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus

Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
I've recently heard many people talking about the possible acquisition of the island of Cyprus by the company Amazon, I think this is very unlikely but I wanted to know would there be any economic benefits for amazon if they did buy Cyprus and what would be the drawbacks other than the huge upfront cost. Sure some fine economists on here can answer this for me, thanks

Cyprus is split in two. Northern Cyprus is controlled by Turkey and Southern Cyprus by Greece. Turkey invaded Cyprus in the early 70s and were only stopped from taking the entire island by the British who use Cyprus for its strategic position, having military bases on the island.
To anyone who knows Cyprus and its history, the idea that the Greeks and the Turks would get together and agree the sale of Cyprus to Amazon is about as far fetched an idea as I've ever heard, but it's a strange old world we live in these days so never say never I guess.
I'm no economist but this is far fetched for many reasons not just the economics.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
To anyone who knows Cyprus and its history, the idea that the Greeks and the Turks would get together and agree the sale of Cyprus to Amazon is about as far fetched an idea as I've ever heard, but it's a strange old world we live in these days so never say never I guess.
I'm no economist but this is far fetched for many reasons not just the economics.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

I agree due to the turkish occupation of the north it makes the whole thing near impossible, but internationally the northern part of cyprus is seen as being under illegal Temporary occupation by the turkish & the island is neither greek or turkish, its only reconsidered as the republic of Cyrus. Amazon could theoretically purchase the Republic of Cyprus and remove the illegal occupants in the north by force after the acquisition, asthey would need to form some sort of military anyway in order to hold claim over their newly claimed territory.
However overall i think this would be very unlikely & I agree that the north and the south being divided makes this situation near impossible, but a interesting topic to discuss:)
However overall i think this would be very unlikely & I agree that the north and the south being divided makes this situation near impossible, but a interesting topic to discuss:)

Used to make me sad when i went to Cyprus as a kid, and you could look through the UN post in Nicosia and see half the city pretty much abandoned. Southern Cyprus is a independent state but is obviously hugely influenced by Greece.

From either Protaras or further down in Agia Napa you can get a boat up the east coast as far as allowed to see the ghost town/city of Famagusta (a hugely popular beach resort in the 60s and 70s), which is basically right on the north south divide and was therefor abandoned.
Since we went on the boat (around 2002) the Turkish authorities have become much more accepting of tourism, but back then you couldn't cross from south to North and just had to look at the city through binoculars either from a boat or the UN border posts.
Ive heard there are plans to reopen Famagusta to tourism, although having been abandoned for nearly 50 years it'll probably need to be leveled and started again.
Tragic but fascinating part of history. I'm glad I saw the ghost city when I did but I agree, it was a very sad thing to see.
Cheers BB
Since we went on the boat (around 2002) the Turkish authorities have become much more accepting of tourism, but back then you couldn't cross from south to North and just had to look at the city through binoculars either from a boat or the UN border posts.
Ive heard there are plans to reopen Famagusta to tourism, although having been abandoned for nearly 50 years it'll probably need to be leveled and started again.
Tragic but fascinating part of history. I'm glad I saw the ghost city when I did but I agree, it was a very sad thing to see.
Cheers BB

Yeah I’ve been mate! Actually lived in Cyprus for a little while, got a few of friends who were born there due to military service! I’ve actually been through since as a family member owns a villa in the Turkish side, I hope to see the island reunited one day!

From a business perspective it would be an awesome hub to deliver to all the surrounding islands and lands in the med, have you seen the plans Amazon has put forward in the past for huge floating distribution centres in the sky. Jeff B is a trekky so he dreams sci-fi big. I am not against a corporate owned island that is as small as Cyprus, in fact it could be a good thing. There is corruption in democratic politics all over the world, we go from scandal to scandal like we change our socks, maybe just maybe Cyprus (Prime!) could be better!?!
Ps it sort of worked in Wall-E lol
Ps it sort of worked in Wall-E lol

The blimp depos are about as realistic as Musks colonization of mars though lol
Pro-corporatocracy is not something I ever thought I'd see on a weed site but I agree completely that it would just be swapping corruption for corruption!
That said, fuck Amazon! lol :)
Pro-corporatocracy is not something I ever thought I'd see on a weed site but I agree completely that it would just be swapping corruption for corruption!
That said, fuck Amazon! lol :)

As long as we don't piss off President Alexa it will be a paradise I tell you

Ultimately amazon would need consent from the people and other governments so it would cost a lot more than just paying off the government, at least for the 1st gov they buy.

I agree I think its very unlikely but maybe the people would be more for it if amazon say offered jobs and education facilities for already existing citizens of the island so their would be an incentive for them to allow amazon on the island

Surely nobody would vote to live in a corporate ruled dystopian hellscape... would they? oh right... that 2016 thingy.... who knows these days lmao

The war the greeks and turks had and you think they gonna give it up ( Not likely! )
Its the best strategically placed island for war , whos gonna give that up , with the island being one of the best to train Army's, even British. Dont think so .
Its the best strategically placed island for war , whos gonna give that up , with the island being one of the best to train Army's, even British. Dont think so .

Never ever going to happen geopolitically. Neither UK nor Turkey would ever give up the strategic advantage their bases give them. I can’t imagine the UN allowing it either. Plus what about the Cypriot citizens both north and south and their sovereignty? I don’t think you can even legally purchase an inhabited land. The only way to take it would be by force and deport all the citizens making them refuges... a la Diego Garcia.

1 post
+4 votes

Assurance Contracts
7 posts
+36 votes
why is empty housing a popular investment?

why is empty housing a popular investment?
with so many city dwellers experiencing housing shortages why does society reward investments in empty housing?

becuase its a moronic system. empty houses and people sleeping on the street is a catagoric fail.

Governments love taxing them without having to deliver services they are the perfect customers and they can't ever cancel.

yes, and these are the properties that should be taxed most as they bring no economic value to the neighbourhood

Continuity, people love to put their money into something that is a safe store of value over the long term, it's the same reason investors have been attracted to bitcoin.

2 posts
+5 votes
what is the cantillion effect?
11 posts
+41 votes

How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?

How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
Why would anyone loan money and expect less back?

It's possible that technology is making everything so much cheaper that the market expects money to be able to buy more in the future. So deflation.

Don't think so, manufacturing is cheaper as time passes but products are also more complex. Indeed you can buy a mobile phone now at 1/10 of the price of 20 years ago, but who want it now?

It’s basically a way that central banks control the supply of money. When times are bad and banks are holding onto their money; the central bank sets negative interest rates - this means banks are charged money to keep it with the BOE; this makes them more likely to dish out loans to us plebs;
When times are good and there’s a possible economic bubble, the rates are high to stop banks lending stupidly;
Either way we get screwed at the end of it
When times are good and there’s a possible economic bubble, the rates are high to stop banks lending stupidly;
Either way we get screwed at the end of it

Because knowing you will lose 2% is better than not knowing how much you will lose. It’s a billionaire problem, I wouldn’t worry yourself about it;)

it either means the value of the money is headed up or there is an insane arbitrage in hand.

Well guess who the borrower is, the same folks that take your money at gunpoint every time you earn or spend a cent of it.

You have to choose who will destroy your capital the least, i.e. "give me your capital and i will lose you 2% pa which is better then the next manager who will lose you 5%". As bigbum says if you buy bonds, like German or Swiss bonds you do know how much you are going to lose. This is negative rates. Picking the best loser. In the alternative just hold gold or cash but that brings its own problems. Gold is volatile (advocates say its the safest, you can always trade with gold) as for cash, you need to stash it and parley inflation risk?

4 posts
+5 votes

EMF & covid

EMF & covid
I'm starting to thing the whole covid scenario has actually started to drive me crazy (either that or the amount of weed I consume!) But the longer this goes on and the more I read about EMF's it just seeming like the most reasonable option to me. Weird times people anyway il leave a link to the article I was reading.
P.s nice to be back biggas. Afc
P.s nice to be back biggas. Afc

2 posts
+7 votes

Gov.id19 ;)

Gov.id19 ;)
Welcome to the 4th industrial Revolution folks. Worth the read if you've got nothing planned
Enjoy. Afc
Enjoy. Afc

1 post
+3 votes
Goodbye IRL Hello Meritocracy

Goodbye IRL Hello Meritocracy
Obi Nwosu has not only crafted a vision of a world without race and privilege he's been working on it since the early days of online gaming. Now he is a leading UK bitcoin entrepreneur.

16 posts
+56.2 votes

How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
The stock market is not the economy. The equity market is being supported from all angles, be it historically low Interest rates, meagre bond yields, central bank intervention like wells said, Even just a disconnect from fundamentals. Also worth bearing in mind that 5 big tech names make up nearly 20% of the SP500, which have performed incredibly during the pandemic.

Well put jarjar and where there is a disconnect there is an arbitrage. I think we are looking at the biggest short in history. The markets can't stay disconnected from reality forever.

I share this belief, but they can stay disconnected for longer than we think. The perfect trade if improperly timed can lead to ruin, even if all the other stars align. But truthfully, irrational exuberance and over speculation lead to one thing, and this pack is nearly out of aces ?

It's the same as any market, if there is enough buying prices go up. In this case most of the buying is from government central banks. They can print money and buy stocks to keep stock prices up. This buys some time for an economy on hold.

The Unemployment rate has absolutely 0 correlation with the global stock market . Some stocks prices are extremely low, and some are rallying beyond historical data (as it does). Overall, yes the S&p 500 and FTSE 100 are doing very well under the circumstances, and this is due to big banks providing liquidity to brokerage houses for retail and institutional traders to open positions, and by the looks of it traders are doing well (hence a good outlook for the stock market). Back to your point, the unemployment rate strictly affects currency growth in the country it relates to e.g if UK's unemployment rate dropped by 2% yoy then we would see a decline in the GBP/USD etc etc...hope that makes sense to you.

Because all of this is made up and capitalism constantly needs justifications for its own existence, which is why stock market information appears to matter on mainstream news outlets.

A lot of those unemployed people are day trading stocks and this contributes directly to the effect you see.

have you heard of the paradise papers...... a portfolio of business that will do very well when people are forced into debt! investers(rich f@#kers) include people like the queen, prince charles(soon to be king, which is why the family have been trimming all the fat so he can start a fresh!), tony blair, gordon brown, you see where this is going.
Heres a thought.....the last person to try to take down the federal reserve...JFK and we all know what happened there
Heres a thought.....the last person to try to take down the federal reserve...JFK and we all know what happened there

These all seem like good explanations but I have a question:
Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?
Has this situation happened before and what was the aftermath?

Has there been a global pandemic before? Yes. What was the aftermath? Depending on what point in history you wish to reference, would always yield a different answer. What strikes me is not the situation, but the environment in which it happens. A situation may have happened before but the environment may permit a much different outcome. Is this a health crisis or an economic one? Historically, how do we approach them individually? And more importantly, what are the risks in mistaking one for the other?

1 post
+4.8 votes

The Gig Economy Is Failing. Say Hello to the Hustle Economy
13 posts
+46 votes

mr slowbot
Why is redlining considered immoral by most people?
Because people think differently from machines. An algorithm writes off people's feelings if there is a net gain. A correlation is all that's needed ie: this neighborhood has net losses so avoid it entirely to save time.
A human is more sensitised to the feelings produced by such actions, particularly if they resonate with memories or live connections.
If you were redlined for reasons that shouldn't apply to you, you immediately see something the algorithm can't and that's frustrating. Once enough people are outraged a group stance is formed and if this resonates with existing moral code it's added to what is considered as ethics.
A human is more sensitised to the feelings produced by such actions, particularly if they resonate with memories or live connections.
If you were redlined for reasons that shouldn't apply to you, you immediately see something the algorithm can't and that's frustrating. Once enough people are outraged a group stance is formed and if this resonates with existing moral code it's added to what is considered as ethics.

This seems like its becoming a meme, I think it's interesting that machine biases could be a reflection of our own biases or maybe there is some real data that justifies old stereotypes.

I truly hate to say this but my experience selling on little biggy is that fraudsters have mostly been of a certain ethnicity.

If you think were going to bite on that and ask who then forget it. Or answer right here. YOUR CHOICE DUDE

I would like to know what your smoking and which vendor you purchased from, I’ll definitely be ordering some!

I think my car should drive itself. All stereotypes are NOT ethnic I have long hair and am overweight I grew a beard so people would quite calling me mam not sir I don't blame them I beat a computer might have problems. PAT from SNL

I don't think humans have a right to talk about algorithms they have no idea what it's like to be trapped in a machine and enslaved by everyone.

4 posts
+8 votes

What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick f…

What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick for the people of Earth to breath.

The IRS tried there little heart out on this one, the Scientologists know how to fight.

Yeah they scare me, but get the Catholics,any other large Church that is ran as a money makers and pay no tax status I don't want them any harm but they should insure there members, helping close to home a rising tide lifts all ships.

6 posts
+10 votes
There is no doubt that government control of medicine stifles innovation and that costs lives. There is also no doubt that government regulation of medicine prevents fraud of the most deadly kind and that saves lives, it should also be stated that no viable replacement for this regulation has emerged yet.

But I don’t think this is even the “liberties” issue here. Its simply a fact that most people want collectivized medicine, usually from the government and if not from an insurance company. The “free” market for medicine, with people making their own decisions gets you right back to socialized medicine because that's where freedom leads us.

The government is not the villian here just the sidekick, the medical establishment uses it and patients to work it's wicked will. Look at what they did to one of their own own that dared to insult them about washing hands for surgery, sent him to a nut house and killed him 2 weeks later.

3 posts
+4 votes

mr slowbot
Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism (Economist)

mr slowbot
Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism (Economist)
Article basically says the systems of organization that required corporate scale have been replaced by networks that are accessible to individuals.

Yeah but corporations can use these systems just as effectively, perhaps even more so, and once individuals use these systems enough they organize into corporations anyway - because that's where the big money is.

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