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joined nov 2016
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1 topic on Blegg
3 posts
+6 votes

Bitpanda questions
21 posts by Blegg
1 post
+10.5 votes
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
Because freedom is only delivered through the end of a gun (unfortunately)
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom awa…

Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
Americans are happy to devote decades of their lives to supporting an overseas war machine as they gobble up jingoistic bullshit in their media.
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?

I don't expect many to understand, and it's not something you can relate to unless you've walked a similar path,but... during my traveling work days, I experienced more than once the need to carry a firearm.
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)

You make a fine point but the statistics don’t lie. A developed country shouldn’t be 4th on a list with these others.
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)

no biggz, that's the virgin islands, an unincorporated territory of a few hundred meters.

USA are #64 in World rankings for intentional homicides/100k people

Because freedom is only delivered through the end of a gun (unfortunately)
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun

i don't think the american colonies outgunned england and i'm sure that's not how it went down in india or in the 1990s in eastern europe.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.

This is it, no tyrannical regime, dictator, kings or queens taking the piss were ever overthrown through mediation and peaceful actions, fire meets fire literally.

I'll go with the penis fixation. I don't own a gun - don't want one - guns are for killing. It's the second amendment in the American Bible, er, "Bill of Rights". Funny thing is that the pro-life people are usually pro-gun. Just doesn't make sense.

Guns do not kill... the person using it KILLS... I use them to kill clay pigeons. and just imagine it's someone i hate. lol ;)

By that reasoning the murder rate in the likes of El Salvador, Honduras etc. is purely down to the types of people that live there and not to the availability of guns. Obviously incorrect. You need someone willing to kill AND a gun to shoot someone dead.

I am not black but I am a 6'5' 300+ pound white mail. when I get out of my car I have yet seen my public servent have his on his gun when he see's me. I have never been shot , but I have been scared you never know when They might get scared and shoot. I am always as helpful and curtice I can makke cause I want to live and pissing of armed cops is not a healthy way to live. When they start treating you like shit , remember it will you a lot more then it will him.

Not saying you're fat but it's interesting that fat white dudes are credible rappers and also eyed by the police like black dudes.

No one can grant anyone rights, unless we agree that they can. Plenty folks will tell you you're not free unless unless always unless. You are free if you say you are. And you're not if you're not (royal you, not you you, but yes, also you 😜). You can be in a prison cell and be totally free. You can be a rich fat white cunt with acres of land and be completely imprisoned. It's in the mind. Sure, there may well be folks who contest your freedom, tell you you're not free, tell you you must this and you mustn't that if you want your "rights" intact. Nonsense. There, that's my two penny's (or cents, since the topic started in the US) spent and I'm skint for the night.

They didn’t. Our rights are God given and they are inalienable. The Bill of Rights protects them, or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.

I’m not trying to start something here but I really want to understand how these rights are God given. Can you explain?

That’s ok. We are born free and we are born with certain God given rights, which are inalienable. This is just the way it is, like having a right to clean drinking water. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property. In the UK we still have the right to bear arms, but it has been hidden from us using legislation and obfuscation. Most people don’t understand that they are supposed to be free, so they put up with buffoons and paedo Freemasons dictating what they can and can’t do. This is one of the reasons why we pay income tax, which is unlawful but not illegal. The law is simple: No loss, no harm, no injury, no fraud.

Straw man stuff really opened my mind a good decade ago. The financial system is a good place to begin ones journey back into realising one was always free and one just didn't know it. Look at me, getting all queenly with the "ones". Did you say freemasons? 😉

Thanks for the response Camber I appreciate it but I’m still struggling with the God given bit. It’s not as if Moses came down from the mountain with a commandment saying Americans can have AR15s. I don’t mean to sound flippant I just don’t understand it

That’s ok, you’re not coming across as flippant.
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’

It was a rural place and hunting was very common. If you start from that perspective and then think of the government coming in and taking the guns away you start to understand.

Not being American but my take on it is simply history, god made men Samuel Colt made all men equal… You can hunt so can provide for yourself and your family, you can defend yourself and your family from threats, and I guess Homer said it best with ‘If You Don't Have A Gun, The King Of England Can Just Walk In Here And Shove You Around’ And for Americans it was true, it’s the reason they were free, the gun. I think the vast majority of people would agree if there were NO guns then the world would be a better place, BUT if bad guys, police, army have guns and you don’t then you’re simply powerless to anyones will. So if they have guns yeah I also want a gun.

I could be wrong but I’m sure the law to carry guns came into action as to kill Indians as white man was expanding in America.?

It’s a national identity! They feel they wouldn’t be Americans without the ability to kill somebody instantly.

1. The Wild West is recent history in a young nation and was really really wild. Ditto the Civil War.
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?

The right to bear arms is to shoot the British, not the Indians. The theory is if everyone has guns, the government can't be oppressive and tyrannical. In practice, however, you just end up with gut-shot schoolkids. Guns are fun though tbf

They need their guns lots of wild animals running about on two legs out their nuts on prescription drugs with guns.
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh

It might be useful to differentiate the American people and American foreign policy. It seems you have conflated the two, whereas looking at the American people and domestic policy might yield better results. Guns are completely illegal in China and as we all know, China is one of the most liberated places to live on the planet! The second amendment in the US was created to provide a constitutional check on congressional power was as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression. My family live in the USA and right now, gun ownership is anything from a penis fixation, it's security and peace of mind. I would rather get shot than stabbed any day of the week. Knife crime is equally as concerning in my book.

I'm hoping that you picked up the sarcasm in my 'China is liberated' comment. Reading it back, it doesn't come across too clearly.

hear ya my friend. thought i was doing the same ;) with your comment. i read it both ways (with/without sarcasm) I wouldn't criticise either. just own my private thoughts lol. stay as safe as this "Pandemic" will let you. Gaz

No, the founding fathers recognised the likely leadership America was likely to get would be those psychopaths you identify - a neolib psychopathic war machine at the helm. Without the right to bear arms, the citizens of the US would be unable to defend themselves against these psychos in control. Have you not noticed that the MSM (totally controlled by the same psychos) is relentlessly pushing for "gun control" - can you not see their agenda here? To disarm the citizens of the US would be to disarm all potential opposition to these globalist psychopaths in their pursuit of a NWO, hence the relentless media to demonize gun ownership. Are you are aware that you are statistically more likely to die from an unprovoked knife wound in London than you are to die from an "unprovoked" gun shooting in the US?

2 posts
+3 votes
Chat GPT for President
Only as intelligent as the people that coded it so full of ideology and bullshite…
+ 2 more

Chat GPT for President
Inspiring, intelligent and getting better every day CG has already commanded a news cycle magnificently - and what else is there?

Why not at this point.. chat gpt probably smarter than 99% of people anyways 🤣 you can’t stop it better get on the side of the AI fast 😉

Yeah but you'd need a way in, something that makes your brain feel good. And an algorithm to control it all

1 post
+6 votes
trump says he will free ross ulbricht
Let the Circus begin… just like he said he free Julian Assange, bread and circuses for the not so clever…

trump says he will free ross ulbricht
Let the Circus begin… just like he said he free Julian Assange, bread and circuses for the not so clever…

If he can’t keep his big mouth shut then the Judge will have to take that into consideration.
I want to see him get community service. Cleaning up litter from Central Park. Something nice and publicly humiliating.
I want to see him get community service. Cleaning up litter from Central Park. Something nice and publicly humiliating.

Hopefully he will stop the wars on day one.
War's with biden or no wars with trump??
Is this the world we live in now that we would rather have all this conflict all over the place??
Ever since biden messed up in Afghanistan the world has not been the same do you not remember what happened there a few years back have we got such goldfish brains???
War's with biden or no wars with trump??
Is this the world we live in now that we would rather have all this conflict all over the place??
Ever since biden messed up in Afghanistan the world has not been the same do you not remember what happened there a few years back have we got such goldfish brains???

1 post
+5 votes

Growing is my passion. And I respect the medicinal value it brings to those in need of it. Unfortunately our country still does not share the same views, and see it as more harmful then beneficial. I got into growing not as a hobby, but more on a deep sentimental matter of mine.
On a personal note, a few years back in 2021, I had got serious about growing for the sake of my dad, who was suffering from chronic pain and had to take more then a dozen tablets every single day which the Doctor prescribed to him, but we’re doing jack all for him. Instead they were only making him feel weaker and weaker.
Seeing your dad deteriorating in front of your very eyes is disturbing.
Not eating,
Not moving,
Just lying there waiting to die
He wouldn’t even go to his check ups in hospital because he was in so much pain.
I considered bringing over some medicinal herbs for him in order to try and ease the pain he was going through, as he was chain smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey to help numb it instead.
So one day I rolled him up a fat jay, and after the first few hits he started coughing,
A second round of a few more hits the painful moanings had turned into giggling and laughter
A few more hits after that and he was lying down like the green gods were giving him a sacred massage ,and taking out this terrible pain from his body. I had forgotten how relaxed and calm he use to be.
Dad hadn’t eaten the whole week, but he was soon munching on everything and anything I could fine in the kitchen for him, to cook up.
The last few months I got to spend with dad was a happy one. Although he was still in pain , that pain was greatly reduced due to the medicinal effects of cannabis.
All I know is it could have been a hell of a lot darker if my dad had just stuck to tablets cigarettes and whiskey.
My dad had died of stomach cancer soon after. One day I walked into his bedroom and he wasent moving and breathing. I had hope he had one last spliff before he slept, so that I I know he had died peacefully in his sleep, and that he was stoned on his journey to heaven.
Because of this incident my knowledge and passion for growing had continued.
I had witness from first instance of how cannabis can help those that are suffering, and I really wanted to pursue this as a main goal in life.
But also being busy with life can also make you forget spending time with your loved ones. So Last month of April 2024, the recurrence of death again had occurred to a childhood friend of mine, which had sadly given me the opposite feeling this time.
I didn’t have any inspiration or motivation putting me off growing completely.
The atmosphere of death this time had made me lose all hope and interest in things, and I really didn’t have a care for anything in the world.
I came to my own conclusion, that my negative feelings was one of regret.
Regret for not spending the time I could have spent with Ryan. Like I did with my dad.
I had no energy in doing anything because of it. I couldn’t be bothered to carry on growing. Growing is done with love and care, and I didn’t have the feeling of these attributes within me to carry on my passion.
Instead I comforted Ryan’s family everyday and we spoke about him everyday.
After the funeral I decided to take a month abroad by myself, to escape for a bit. I didn’t want to show myself on LB, as dealing with customers and any issues would have made my mental state even worse.
I decided to come back on LB today, as iv had time with my thoughts, plus it’s summer and its positive, and things can only get better. I feel better. I shall carry on what I hold dear to me and why I started growing in first place
Thankyou for
That have supported me and checking in on me. It is much appreciated !
Please spend time with those that you hold close, as you really don’t know what you got until it’s gone ❤️
On a personal note, a few years back in 2021, I had got serious about growing for the sake of my dad, who was suffering from chronic pain and had to take more then a dozen tablets every single day which the Doctor prescribed to him, but we’re doing jack all for him. Instead they were only making him feel weaker and weaker.
Seeing your dad deteriorating in front of your very eyes is disturbing.
Not eating,
Not moving,
Just lying there waiting to die
He wouldn’t even go to his check ups in hospital because he was in so much pain.
I considered bringing over some medicinal herbs for him in order to try and ease the pain he was going through, as he was chain smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey to help numb it instead.
So one day I rolled him up a fat jay, and after the first few hits he started coughing,
A second round of a few more hits the painful moanings had turned into giggling and laughter
A few more hits after that and he was lying down like the green gods were giving him a sacred massage ,and taking out this terrible pain from his body. I had forgotten how relaxed and calm he use to be.
Dad hadn’t eaten the whole week, but he was soon munching on everything and anything I could fine in the kitchen for him, to cook up.
The last few months I got to spend with dad was a happy one. Although he was still in pain , that pain was greatly reduced due to the medicinal effects of cannabis.
All I know is it could have been a hell of a lot darker if my dad had just stuck to tablets cigarettes and whiskey.
My dad had died of stomach cancer soon after. One day I walked into his bedroom and he wasent moving and breathing. I had hope he had one last spliff before he slept, so that I I know he had died peacefully in his sleep, and that he was stoned on his journey to heaven.
Because of this incident my knowledge and passion for growing had continued.
I had witness from first instance of how cannabis can help those that are suffering, and I really wanted to pursue this as a main goal in life.
But also being busy with life can also make you forget spending time with your loved ones. So Last month of April 2024, the recurrence of death again had occurred to a childhood friend of mine, which had sadly given me the opposite feeling this time.
I didn’t have any inspiration or motivation putting me off growing completely.
The atmosphere of death this time had made me lose all hope and interest in things, and I really didn’t have a care for anything in the world.
I came to my own conclusion, that my negative feelings was one of regret.
Regret for not spending the time I could have spent with Ryan. Like I did with my dad.
I had no energy in doing anything because of it. I couldn’t be bothered to carry on growing. Growing is done with love and care, and I didn’t have the feeling of these attributes within me to carry on my passion.
Instead I comforted Ryan’s family everyday and we spoke about him everyday.
After the funeral I decided to take a month abroad by myself, to escape for a bit. I didn’t want to show myself on LB, as dealing with customers and any issues would have made my mental state even worse.
I decided to come back on LB today, as iv had time with my thoughts, plus it’s summer and its positive, and things can only get better. I feel better. I shall carry on what I hold dear to me and why I started growing in first place
Thankyou for
That have supported me and checking in on me. It is much appreciated !
Please spend time with those that you hold close, as you really don’t know what you got until it’s gone ❤️

Hey LD,
Whilst the end is obviously tragic thats actually a lovely story about how you were able to to be there in such a effective way for your father towards the end. God how I wish I could have been there in that way for my mother who died of cancer and in pain at just 53. I think we all have or know people who have suffered such loss.
Dealing with the grief over your friend is another huge personal issue for you. Taking time out and away as you did is exactly what I would have done.
Its fascinating what you say about growing and the intense care and even emotion that it must take. I've never done it but I've spoken long and hard to many who have and its definitely a common theme- the love that you put in is the love you get back! Hopefully by getting back into it with the focus required it will also offer you some peace and solace.
Everything that LB growers do for us in appreciated on this site and there is no way LB would be the same without you.
Hope you stay with us for a long time to come. And thank you for sharing...
Whilst the end is obviously tragic thats actually a lovely story about how you were able to to be there in such a effective way for your father towards the end. God how I wish I could have been there in that way for my mother who died of cancer and in pain at just 53. I think we all have or know people who have suffered such loss.
Dealing with the grief over your friend is another huge personal issue for you. Taking time out and away as you did is exactly what I would have done.
Its fascinating what you say about growing and the intense care and even emotion that it must take. I've never done it but I've spoken long and hard to many who have and its definitely a common theme- the love that you put in is the love you get back! Hopefully by getting back into it with the focus required it will also offer you some peace and solace.
Everything that LB growers do for us in appreciated on this site and there is no way LB would be the same without you.
Hope you stay with us for a long time to come. And thank you for sharing...

Welcome back LD!
Beautifully sad words 💖 I totally understand what you’re going through. It never gets easier, we simply learn to cope better; if you ever need a chat or rant etc msg away.
Glad to see you return and don’t stop growing, the motivation will come back and you will feel glad that you did, for you, for your dad’s legacy, and your friend. They are with you always in all that you do. 💚
Stay strong and keep on keeping on! Roll a massive joint and spark one up for your loved ones! (That always helps me!) 💖
Beautifully sad words 💖 I totally understand what you’re going through. It never gets easier, we simply learn to cope better; if you ever need a chat or rant etc msg away.
Glad to see you return and don’t stop growing, the motivation will come back and you will feel glad that you did, for you, for your dad’s legacy, and your friend. They are with you always in all that you do. 💚
Stay strong and keep on keeping on! Roll a massive joint and spark one up for your loved ones! (That always helps me!) 💖

All of these issues and you have the strength to come out the other end.
It’s not easy and when you get to a certain age. Tales like this is all too common unfortunately.
It would be a loss to the community if we lost growers like yourself.
“Don’t plant your bad days. They grow into weeks. The weeks grow into months. Before you know it, you got yourself a bad year. Take it from me - choke those little bad days. Choke ‘em down to nothing.” ~Tom Waits
It’s not easy and when you get to a certain age. Tales like this is all too common unfortunately.
It would be a loss to the community if we lost growers like yourself.
“Don’t plant your bad days. They grow into weeks. The weeks grow into months. Before you know it, you got yourself a bad year. Take it from me - choke those little bad days. Choke ‘em down to nothing.” ~Tom Waits

Hi lazy daze
Sorry to hear about your father and friend, but you did the right thing and helped your dad when he needed it, that’s a big bro hug from me I wish I had you about when I had my cancer and I think your dad would think himself lucky to have had the help, so growing helped a lot of people out 🙏 good to hear from you 👊 keep growing keep going liv life high 🫶
Sorry to hear about your father and friend, but you did the right thing and helped your dad when he needed it, that’s a big bro hug from me I wish I had you about when I had my cancer and I think your dad would think himself lucky to have had the help, so growing helped a lot of people out 🙏 good to hear from you 👊 keep growing keep going liv life high 🫶

Thank you for sharing this mate, really caught me in the feels, It's easy to forget sometimes but the most important thing really is to just be there and you put it so beautifully💜💚🏹

Wise words LD and heart wrenching words that stopped me in my tracks. I feel those you lose live on in your thoughts, words and actions as those people helped to forge you, making you the person you are right now. That bond gives you the strength to get your head down, move forward and carry on.
Glad you're back, mate and long may you continue. ✌️
Glad you're back, mate and long may you continue. ✌️

Hey Man.
Thank you for those words. Chimes very much with my own experiences. I have just finished writing a message to a vendor to thank them for their generosity, with my best mates wellness. Reading that, really moved me, having lost a few in my life. To you and all of the growers who do this for love , as well as money, you are doing gods work. Feel proud of the service you give, and know you are valued.
Cheers G
Thank you for those words. Chimes very much with my own experiences. I have just finished writing a message to a vendor to thank them for their generosity, with my best mates wellness. Reading that, really moved me, having lost a few in my life. To you and all of the growers who do this for love , as well as money, you are doing gods work. Feel proud of the service you give, and know you are valued.
Cheers G

1 post
+7 votes
Recommendations for the optimal cryptocurrency wallet.
There is no 1 in what you do, have many different types and exits don’t hold bitcoin it will be tracked back to you, wash and use private coins monero…

Recommendations for the optimal cryptocurrency wallet.
I'm seeking suggestions for top-tier cryptocurrency wallets suitable for vendors and would appreciate insights from those well-versed in this domain.GAW

There is no 1 in what you do, have many different types and exits don’t hold bitcoin it will be tracked back to you, wash and use private coins monero, Dero, pirate chain etc. Paxo gold good for getting your coin into real currency quick. Be smart play the game as it is that. But please learn Bitcoin will fuck you long term ( no not the gains blah blah blah there is money to be made) but it’s traceable always has been and now with blackrock involved forget it. Bitcoin is another psyop to bring people into the normalisation of digital currency. Be clever. Sorry but not sorry that’s my opinion. Good luck. But I will say again Bitcoin is traceable so when they come and they will good luck as I think you will need it. Peace, also quick edit I hope you got nothing connected to kyc account pure jail bait for a vendor like your self. Like I said play the game learn the rules and you live forever happy, if not well what you do on this platform will haunt you.

Exodus and Electrum.
Both have adjustable fees, rbf, doublespend multi address/ new address after every deposit etc etc. Exodus supports multi currency including Monero if you’re working that way. Electrum is bundled with Tails which is very useful.
Both have adjustable fees, rbf, doublespend multi address/ new address after every deposit etc etc. Exodus supports multi currency including Monero if you’re working that way. Electrum is bundled with Tails which is very useful.

1 post
+2 votes
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys and this time with prizes you don’t want to miss out on 🤔
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

So biggas you’ve heard of hash Caviar ? Now introducing Eddys Beluga Caviar made with only the finest top grade ingredients🔥😵💫
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶

Eddy's has become the Willy Wonka of weed! 🧁🍬🍭
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁

Hey bud,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,

Can be custom made to any size imagine a 5g piece 😵💫this one has Alien breath sugar, JB Zkittles cake badder and coated in Golden pineapple shatter 1.1g total and its delicious 😋

Eddy the mad scientist! 🤓 Did you happen to come up with this in the early hours after a few too many edibles? 😂
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔

Nice one Eddy, I’m going to guess 32gs.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.

2 posts
+6.2 votes

UK to US Travel Worries
If you got no criminal record your good, my mate was same thing caught when young done with possession given caution. but that was good couple of year…
+ 2 more

UK to US Travel Worries
Hey All,
I may well be getting to travel to the US from the UK on a family holiday.
When I was 18, when I go I'll be 40, I was arrested for possession, given a caution which I was told will last 5 years and let go the same night, no other action at all and entirely clean record otherwise.
This has never been a problem in the least during my life but now it appears I would technically be in breach of the standard travel visa waiver and should be going to London to appeal to the US embassy for a visa.
Anyone got any experience of this? Common sense tells me I would be fine as loads of busted teen smokers must holiday as adults but I do not need to be turned away on the US side of an long flight with wife and kids in tow!
Cheers all.
I may well be getting to travel to the US from the UK on a family holiday.
When I was 18, when I go I'll be 40, I was arrested for possession, given a caution which I was told will last 5 years and let go the same night, no other action at all and entirely clean record otherwise.
This has never been a problem in the least during my life but now it appears I would technically be in breach of the standard travel visa waiver and should be going to London to appeal to the US embassy for a visa.
Anyone got any experience of this? Common sense tells me I would be fine as loads of busted teen smokers must holiday as adults but I do not need to be turned away on the US side of an long flight with wife and kids in tow!
Cheers all.

As someone who is no stranger to being on wrong side of law, this may be of use.
In last few years, the government has brought in filtering for people with criminal records, and, unless the offences were for specified crimes, they are wiped after so many years.
If you've ever served time, they are never wiped.
I can't see how anybody other than a job application to the police can unfilter these misdemeanors.
In last few years, the government has brought in filtering for people with criminal records, and, unless the offences were for specified crimes, they are wiped after so many years.
If you've ever served time, they are never wiped.
I can't see how anybody other than a job application to the police can unfilter these misdemeanors.

Travelling abroad
The United Kingdom does not routinely share criminal records with foreign authorities. As a result, if you declare a criminal record on your visa application form, you may be required to provide a police certificate as part of your application.
The United Kingdom does not routinely share criminal records with foreign authorities. As a result, if you declare a criminal record on your visa application form, you may be required to provide a police certificate as part of your application.

Good topic.
I was in a very similar situation a few years ago but it was a work trip that was making me sweat about some historical transgressions.
Like others have mentioned you need to apply for the electronic visa waiver ESTA. I would suggest you fill the form out ‘clean’ and keep your fingers crossed the check comes back OK.
I don’t think even with the ESTA you are guaranteed entry so expect a little anxiety at the airport 😮
The downside is if your ESTA isn’t granted your only option is to travel to some interview but I don’t know anything about that.
Good luck 🤞
I was in a very similar situation a few years ago but it was a work trip that was making me sweat about some historical transgressions.
Like others have mentioned you need to apply for the electronic visa waiver ESTA. I would suggest you fill the form out ‘clean’ and keep your fingers crossed the check comes back OK.
I don’t think even with the ESTA you are guaranteed entry so expect a little anxiety at the airport 😮
The downside is if your ESTA isn’t granted your only option is to travel to some interview but I don’t know anything about that.
Good luck 🤞

it's true you can pass ESTA and still be denied. in fact, the US embassy could approve your application and they could still deny you entry at immigration.

Hi mate, my partner lives in the US so I’m back and forth quite a lot and also have a caution from my youth. If you’re just going for a holiday then you can easily get an Esta and your caution will not be an issue. It could only be a problem if you were applying for a six month visa or residency but for any trip shorter that 90 days you’ll be fine

You need apply esta visa then you will find out, does not cost much. They ask a bunch of eligibly question 1 is for drug conviction if you answer yes to any off those questions they will most likely refuse visa. Drug convictions forget going to American.
All you can do is just apply be honest and see if you get it, Im sure the visa lasts 2 years multiple entries up to 90 days
Apply for your police record and see if your a Registered criminal 😅
All you can do is just apply be honest and see if you get it, Im sure the visa lasts 2 years multiple entries up to 90 days
Apply for your police record and see if your a Registered criminal 😅

Thanks for the reply.
I don't actually have a conviction, this is how most of the time is not a problem. The difference in this case being the question includes arrests along side convictions in the list of what to declare.
I don't actually have a conviction, this is how most of the time is not a problem. The difference in this case being the question includes arrests along side convictions in the list of what to declare.

If you got no criminal record your good, my mate was same thing caught when young done with possession given caution. but that was good couple of years ago he went to Las Vegas for honeymoon no problems but back then you had to go to embassy in London for an interview. They don’t do that now.

It’s fine it’s ‘spent’ your record will show as completley clean as if it never happened dude ✌️

Cheers for the advice.
Would you therefore lie on the form based on that the caution is so old it won't show?
I know in the UK it's spent but not sure the US see it that way, officially anyway.
Would you therefore lie on the form based on that the caution is so old it won't show?
I know in the UK it's spent but not sure the US see it that way, officially anyway.

I’ve been in a bit of trouble myself in the past. Due to work I’ve had many enhanced dbs checks cautions no longer show on your record in any way after 5/6 years. What’s the wording of the question on the form. If it was me I would just put no cautions but I’m not always known for my great decision making skills 😆

lol, this is the exact wording from the US embassy.
"If you have ever been arrested, cautioned and/or convicted of an offense anywhere in the world, you are required to declare it when applying for a visa. In cases where an arrest resulted in a conviction, you may be permanently ineligible to receive a visa and will require a waiver ineligibility to travel to the United States. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does not apply to United States visa law. Therefore, even if your arrest or conviction is considered spent, you are still require to declare it and furnish an ACRO Police Certificate when applying for a visa."
"If you have ever been arrested, cautioned and/or convicted of an offense anywhere in the world, you are required to declare it when applying for a visa. In cases where an arrest resulted in a conviction, you may be permanently ineligible to receive a visa and will require a waiver ineligibility to travel to the United States. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does not apply to United States visa law. Therefore, even if your arrest or conviction is considered spent, you are still require to declare it and furnish an ACRO Police Certificate when applying for a visa."

Well they think a lot of themselves in the US considering their crime rates 😅😂 personally if it doesn’t show up on an enhanced dbs I can’t see how they would be able to get hold of it. I also doubt they check every record but I could be wrong. Good luck getting it all sorted buddy let us know how you get on

You are all fine , think you are being or reading too much into it. I know criminals who land from US to UK all the time. Depends what you are here for as long as legit no worries britian lets in any fucker lol

1 post
+2 votes
Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post
Count me in

Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post

Hello everyone, its time for another giveaway! There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our distillate vape pens (one of each strain).
To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight on Friday 9th June, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 10th - good luck!
To draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( and it will be live-streamed here:
dr.distillate :)
To enter, just leave a comment on this post by midnight on Friday 9th June, we will draw the 2 winners on a live-stream at midday on the 10th - good luck!
To draw the winners we will put all usernames into a random name picker ( and it will be live-streamed here:
dr.distillate :)

Tried your straight distillate so would definitely give one of these a whizz
Good luck everyone
Good luck everyone

Worth a shot hah, do you sell smaller quantities of your distillate to EU? 100ml is quite a lot for a single consumer.

Sorry, we don't offer international shipping yet on our items that are shipped from the UK. We only offer shipping to EU on our direct from US supplier listing but their minimum is 100ml unfortunately. Thanks :)

Please drop us a message with your address and it will be posted monday :)
Please drop us a message with your address and it will be posted monday :)

Please please please pick me. I have never tried distillate vape pens so this would be perfect thing for me i have chronic pain and i am always open to trying new things to gelp with it.

ive entered loads of these but never been a winner so lets hope lady luck is with me lol,
thanks guys
thanks guys

Always love a giveaway, never win but always happy to enter. Good luck to me and everyone else entering 🤞

Go on then, I'll try this. Just to say, If I am lucky enough to win then split my pens, send me one and draw another winner for the other.

1 post
+1 votes
420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)
Generals Daughter

420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)

Happy 420 fellow biggas, due to popular demand we have put up a Pick n Mix listing on our cali imports so you guys can try up to 4 strains with your order :)
As we love giving back to all you Biggas we are going to giveaway 4 X 3.5Gs .
All you have to do to enter the competitio is comment your all time favourite strain, you will then be allocated a number.
Only 1 entry per customer.
The winner will be picked on 05/05/2023 using a random number generator.
The link for the Pick n Mix listing is below;
Once again Happy 420 :)
Lots of Love
As we love giving back to all you Biggas we are going to giveaway 4 X 3.5Gs .
All you have to do to enter the competitio is comment your all time favourite strain, you will then be allocated a number.
Only 1 entry per customer.
The winner will be picked on 05/05/2023 using a random number generator.
The link for the Pick n Mix listing is below;
Once again Happy 420 :)
Lots of Love

Here are the links for the draw guys;
Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;
Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;

My favourite strain of all time is the original blue cheese, the smell from them buds and the high was unreal. Also didn’t mind jack hearer

Mine would be Chocolope, only had it once in Amsterdam but was probably the tastiest smoke I've ever had and it hit like a train. Would love to try it again.
Cheers TGT. 👍
Cheers TGT. 👍

My all time favourite is SoGouda, a strain from Amsterdam which is G13 x Cheese x Blueberry. One of the nicest tasting weeds I have smoked. Not seen it anywhere but Amsterdam and I haven't even seen it there for over a decade. Hopefully someone has kept it going somewhere.
Thanks for the comp and happy 420 TGT.
Thanks for the comp and happy 420 TGT.

Received a generous Henry as one of the prize winners. Not sure which strain I got but hits the spot nicely.
Excellent communication and stealth.
👍 Guys.
Excellent communication and stealth.
👍 Guys.

Thank you for your patience guys, we have just done the draw via live stream
Winners are...
11, 15, 45, 17
Please send us your shipping details :)
Winners are...
11, 15, 45, 17
Please send us your shipping details :)

Your Hindu Kush was a favourite and got me buying almost every week. Best sleep i've had.

Old school super silver haze although tried your mendo purps last night and it’s right up there!🔥

Contests need to be provably fair here's some examples
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast
specify the number generator url, and the url for the streaming event
- the price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
the winner of the euro cup
Or an open contest:
- best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.
This will be deleted if it does not become provably fair.
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast
specify the number generator url, and the url for the streaming event
- the price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
the winner of the euro cup
Or an open contest:
- best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.
This will be deleted if it does not become provably fair.

We will be goin a live draw of this competition on 05/05/2023
The links will be posted on this post.
We will be thinking of new possibilities also :)
The links will be posted on this post.
We will be thinking of new possibilities also :)

Link for live stream;
Number generator we will be using ;
Number generator we will be using ;

Animal cookies has become a fast favourite - sticks me firmly in place but the high is just so relaxing and fluffy! Great for pain as well 😎

Green Crack. The name put me off but for me this was one of the most euphoric and relaxing sativas I've ever tried.

I have to go with early 90's bubblegum or white widow, straight off the boat from Amsterdam.
More recently purple lemon cookies hit the spot when I injured my back some years back.
Also props to red and gold seal back in the day
More recently purple lemon cookies hit the spot when I injured my back some years back.
Also props to red and gold seal back in the day

Special skunk 1 cut😊. Scruffy looking but seriously stinky and tasty 👅 (not 🧀 but close much stronger)

I recently got some Cashmere, absolutely beautiful strain. Had me and the missus cackling like morons! That's my pick for favourite strain (so far)

Think it was 2005 and was in The Green Room coffee shop. Now my memory is fuzzy at the best of times.. lol. but think I had a Purple Kush pheno that tasted of straight up grape!!!
First time ever trying that flavour profile and it blew my mind..🤯🤤
Edit: There may be a slight chance I might of got the strain name confused… but it was a awhile ago now 😅
First time ever trying that flavour profile and it blew my mind..🤯🤤
Edit: There may be a slight chance I might of got the strain name confused… but it was a awhile ago now 😅

Grandaddy Purple for my, it was my frist taste of cali bud back in early 2010s. Never had flower packed with so much flavour comparing to the baggies from street dealers in the UK.

Love cookies-related strains 💚🍪 Favourite was probably some Mac I had a couple of years back. Happy 420 TGT 🥦🎉

Happy 420 TGT 😎 my all time favourite is a good stardawg! (Just like TGT’s recent stock) 😊Thank you for the comp! And good luck to all other biggas 🤞🏼

I'm gonna name something I reckon a lot of people ain't heard of called sirious black pray someone gets that again peace out

1 post
+2 votes
Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
Count me in cheers

Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
As a thank you to everyone for the warm welcome here and helping us get started we are doing a giveaway!
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker ( to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker ( to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)

Draw will be live-streamed in about 10 minutes!
Stream link:
Stream link:

Winners are twifg420 and 2nani! I will send you both a message now to sort out delivery :)

Thank you dr distillate!!! I was the winner of your comp ….. within 2 days of sending my details the carts were through the door…. It’s my first time using these so have nothing to compare to, but from my first experience I know these 1000mg taste amazing when smoked.. the flavours are both great and the high is very clean, clear and long lasting!! I would highly recommend these to anyone thinking about giving them a go…. Thanks

We have its just below in response to clean up borg asking the same :)
Here it is again though:
Here it is again though:

this drawing needs to be broadcast in a live stream to be provably fair. if not it gets deleted love.

Live stream will go live at midday 30th April! Here is the link:

1 post
+2 votes
Eddys 🔥420😮💨 Lucky number Giveaway . Happy 420 Everyone🫶
Got to be in it to win it, Good luck everyone

Eddys 🔥420😮💨 Lucky number Giveaway . Happy 420 Everyone🫶

Happy 420 biggas hope everyone has chance to enjoy the sun abit today with a nice smoke🔥🔥
To celebrate 420 I’m dropping back to back giveaways , this time it’s a simple lucky number draw with two chances to win a nice 420 RAW tray with goodies and a $50 voucher to spend in store🤩😍
Simply upvote this post and make a comment to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held April 30th
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone who enters Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
P.s don’t forget it’s still Hash Wednesday deals @Eddys and the guess the weight of the WiFi OG moon boulder comp for a chance to win the big 420 prize link in comments.✌🏻
To celebrate 420 I’m dropping back to back giveaways , this time it’s a simple lucky number draw with two chances to win a nice 420 RAW tray with goodies and a $50 voucher to spend in store🤩😍
Simply upvote this post and make a comment to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held April 30th
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone who enters Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
P.s don’t forget it’s still Hash Wednesday deals @Eddys and the guess the weight of the WiFi OG moon boulder comp for a chance to win the big 420 prize link in comments.✌🏻

1 post
+3 votes

Pick n Mix
Pick n Mix Competition @Eddys 🍭🍪🍫🍬🍭
Thanks for the give away Eddy. Good luck all

Pick n Mix
Pick n Mix Competition @Eddys 🍭🍪🍫🍬🍭
Hi Biggas,
It’s competition time again @Eddys this time you have the chance to win one of Eddys Pix n Mix bundles all you have to do is upvote this post and comment and you’ll be given a lucky number. Draw will be held on Sunday 2nd April 8pm.
Minimum of 10buys on LB number will be drawn using a random number generator.@
Draw will be on youtube for all to see the winners . @.
Video of numbers generated will be uploaded on this channel @8pm Sunday 2nd April.
Good luck everyone much love Eddy🍭
It’s competition time again @Eddys this time you have the chance to win one of Eddys Pix n Mix bundles all you have to do is upvote this post and comment and you’ll be given a lucky number. Draw will be held on Sunday 2nd April 8pm.
Minimum of 10buys on LB number will be drawn using a random number generator.@
Draw will be on youtube for all to see the winners . @.
Video of numbers generated will be uploaded on this channel @8pm Sunday 2nd April.
Good luck everyone much love Eddy🍭

Hi guys any chance I can enter I have 8 purchases on my account and would appreciate it if possible. 💚

Thanks for the freebie for the community Eddy, one of the main reasons why we all love this site and vendors!

Best keep these sweets in top cupboard guys away from the kidddly winks. Haha if not demolished first straight out the package.

I'll have a smash at this. Not really done any edibles. I must try them this year. Cheers Eddy 👍

Don't have the necessary buys to enter, but just want to say I'm loving the things like this since discovering LB! Good luck Biggars!

Howdy buddy, only 2 atm (very new to LB) but I'll be sticking around so I'll get a number one day!

1 post
+3.2 votes

BTC VS MONERO as payment option
Bitcoin is to mainstream now,
What happens when they audit the Bitcoin block chain. Which they probably will at some point...
People are going to ha…

BTC VS MONERO as payment option
Would anyone else be interested in an XMR payment option as it would be a lot more secure than BTC?

People are sheep, XMR is privacy based, what we are buying is illegal (in most places) so it would seem obvious to use xmr
but btc was the first coin and now the biggest
but btc was the first coin and now the biggest

the more research i do on monero the more its everything people told me bitcoin was! Cheap, fast, secure and ACTUALLY anonoymous. How do we get monero on here?

i agree xmr is a more secure option
it is at the end of the day deemed as a privacy coin
the only trouble i feel with this process is that customers may find difficulty creating theyre first transaction
as syncing the wallet can take upto a week using a regular hdd and a local node
this must be done, as without syncing the wallet no payments can be made
this is the issue i had when setting up and using xmr, my coins where basically stuck for a week while my getmonero gui synced
it is at the end of the day deemed as a privacy coin
the only trouble i feel with this process is that customers may find difficulty creating theyre first transaction
as syncing the wallet can take upto a week using a regular hdd and a local node
this must be done, as without syncing the wallet no payments can be made
this is the issue i had when setting up and using xmr, my coins where basically stuck for a week while my getmonero gui synced

Bitcoin is to mainstream now,
What happens when they audit the Bitcoin block chain. Which they probably will at some point...
People are going to have big problems
What happens when they audit the Bitcoin block chain. Which they probably will at some point...
People are going to have big problems

I agree it does make more hassle for the buyer, but if you kept the btc payment system as well at leastpeople would have the choice

I guess hopefully some body from the LB staff sees this and might work on making it happen, I can't really think of another way we could make it happen

More secure probably not, harder to trace maybe. But the dept for homeland security has had tools to trace it since Aug 2000.

they are truly amazing. not only is that before monero was invented it's before the department was established.

They’ve not cracked it, they are able to get a general idea but not the specifics, it’s gonna be a cat n mouse. OxMR has the new zsnark tech and maybe it’s the next gen

Greenfinger has a bit of a promising breakthrough.

1 post
+1 votes
Did you say 5 or 500 people lol i feel loke I would only be considered in one of those two groups

Am i too late, neve had gummies before been wanting to tey some but sceptical about thr strength

Love to get my hands on some of them out here in deepspace. Happy to write a review for fellow littlebiggers!

Hope im not too late CBDave, would love to try some of these for my old man who has parkinsons

1 post
+2 votes
You need to write a terms of condition. When the buyer places an order from you, by doing so the buyer agrees to those terms and conditions
For example
50% reship or no reshipping or full reship for undelivered parcels
Cut off time for shipping
Posted same day or next Etc, etc, etc
Any kind of Signed for is best covers all party’s
But everybody likes a bit of free next day delivery :)
Good luck
For example
50% reship or no reshipping or full reship for undelivered parcels
Cut off time for shipping
Posted same day or next Etc, etc, etc
Any kind of Signed for is best covers all party’s
But everybody likes a bit of free next day delivery :)
Good luck

Hey there,
I've only been using this site for a little while but I would suggest giving the choice. I've only had one issue, we could both see it had been sent and not delivered as it was tracked and that is now always my preferred option if given.
Best wishes, hope it all works out for you. :-) xxx
I've only been using this site for a little while but I would suggest giving the choice. I've only had one issue, we could both see it had been sent and not delivered as it was tracked and that is now always my preferred option if given.
Best wishes, hope it all works out for you. :-) xxx

Sort of on topic, sort of not. As a new seller I'd make sure your stealth is absolutely on point. Not trying to come off as patronising, just so many new sellers who don't put any effort into stealth and it fucks everyone over. I'd personally rather pay for half decent delivery such as tracked & signed etc. Give a slight bit more confidence in ordering and is nice & speedy.

Hi dorsoda4300 Your completely right. I've taken care of stealth. And I can assure we reach touch down ?%.. I really appreciate the feedback guys didn't expect anyone to take interest in me. But I do really appreciate it. I have decided to only send out 1g orders in 1st class for a small fee. And anything bigger will be next day tracked. . Also I will provide tracking to all customers. .

first class should be a small fee or free even ndd should be a decent price a competitive price

You can always offer free delivery on first or second class post then charge for NDD that way if you don’t mind waiting you get it in a few days and if you want it quicker you pay a bit more just make sure prices are competitive as if there too high it won’t matter if you offer free post you may not get custom if your a new vendor

Yes that could happen so a tracked service is best for both parties as you can both see where it is in the system this site is based on trust and that can be gained through many means most people’s biggest worry isn’t getting ripped off it’s getting caught by customs/police I know I’m relieved every time I get a drop make sure stealth is amazing and the products you offer match and you will have repeat customers

ULC seem to do very well and offer free 1st class. I might get some people trying to rip you but IMO most people are happy to find this site and don’t abuse vendors to get more buds sent. Some vendors only sell to people with good rep

I don’t think it’s best, I was just highlighting what another vendor does, to give you additional information in your quest to find your littlebiggy flavour;)

My only fails have been straight RM. My tracked have sailed in. Then you are left fighting over whether they sent it or not. From now on I will only order if its tracked and I’m prepared to pay to save the stress!

I feel your pain buddy. I’m sure 90% of people on here will take RM and it works. Because I’ve been “unlucky” 3 times I want to see tracked as an option for which I’m prepared to pay...

I’ll also been unlucky and lost out but I never received a tracking number to find out where my pack was so if you do tracked maybe send the customer the tracking so they can see for them self where it is

2 posts
+2 votes

How to put referencing on Bitpanda
No you don’t need to put a reference number.
+ 2 more

How to put referencing on Bitpanda
Hello guys,
I recently changed over to using Bitpanda to send over the bitcoin, rather than Coincorner as it was getting a bit expensive. However when I am sending payments there is no way of adding a reference to the payment. Am I doing something wrong on Bitpanda? Im sure I need to put a reference when sending the Bitcoin.
I recently changed over to using Bitpanda to send over the bitcoin, rather than Coincorner as it was getting a bit expensive. However when I am sending payments there is no way of adding a reference to the payment. Am I doing something wrong on Bitpanda? Im sure I need to put a reference when sending the Bitcoin.

When i first started using bitpanda, i was bamboozled to by the missing references as well. But the email confirmation is a pretty good idea by the panda guys.
I grew to like just putting in the bitcoin adress abd confirm my payment via email.
When i first started using bitpanda, i was bamboozled to by the missing references as well. But the email confirmation is a pretty good idea by the panda guys.
I grew to like just putting in the bitcoin adress abd confirm my payment via email.

Yes, it was a bit weird at first with no reference, but I got there in the end. I always feel more comfortable with a reference though.
Yes, it was a bit weird at first with no reference, but I got there in the end. I always feel more comfortable with a reference though.

I use bitpanda.
I don’t use a reference number?
Just put the bitcoin address in and the amount you want to send. You should get an email to confirm the payment, then It’s sent.
I don’t use a reference number?
Just put the bitcoin address in and the amount you want to send. You should get an email to confirm the payment, then It’s sent.

1 post
+1 votes

Can’t buy Bitcoin!
Bitpanda works well. But takes about 24 hours for a sepa transfer with basic verification.

Can’t buy Bitcoin!
Would appreciate help here - I’ve tried buying Bitcoin from 3 places- Paxful, Coinbase and Binance - and transactions keep being cancelled. My bank (HSBC) says it’s nothing to do with them. I’m waiting on replies from the Bitcoin platforms but it’s incredibly frustrating and if anyone has any idea why this is happening I’d be v grateful as I really want to purchase items! :)

Your card has definitely been locked due to a cancellation or chargeback. It can take up to 7 days to unlock. Do a transfer instead mate.

Managed to sort issues with the bank and Coinbase and happily making purchases. Many thanks to everyone for tips and suggestions, much appreciated.

Local bitcoin always works well its Peer 2 peer and does not require ID which is nice;)

Using my debit card. I get a message saying that it’s been processed but then it fails or is cancelled. I suspect my bank doesn’t support purchasing Bitcoin, in which case I’d rather they just told me!

I used localbitcoins last time I bought, got more for my money than when I bought with bittylicious

I face similar issue with coinmama; my bank blocks one of 10 tries with the card.
Less problems with wire transfer but still randomly .
Hope this helps
I face similar issue with coinmama; my bank blocks one of 10 tries with the card.
Less problems with wire transfer but still randomly .
Hope this helps

Sounds like the issue is with your bank if they're not allowing the transaction to be processed. I use Coinbase myself and bar the fees being a bit steep I found it very straight forward and quick. If you just send them a valid I.D and bank account you get Level 2 verification within a few hours and anytime I've purchased BTC it's been instant.
Bittylicious are also fairly easy to use and can send the BTC directly to the address provided by the Vendor. I think Vikosh has a helpful step by step guide on LB Help or else in Noob Safe Space. I don't have the link handy unfortunately but I'll try find it if I can.
Bittylicious are also fairly easy to use and can send the BTC directly to the address provided by the Vendor. I think Vikosh has a helpful step by step guide on LB Help or else in Noob Safe Space. I don't have the link handy unfortunately but I'll try find it if I can.

Thanks - I think it must be my bank, despite them denying it, because it’s happening with 3 crypto currency platforms. Coinbase was quite easy to set up and is by far the most straightforward to use so I might have to set up an account with a different bank just for this. It’s crazy!

1 post
+2 votes
How much do you pay?
Tenner a gram for small bits.
90 to 100 for a half Ounce.
160 to 180 for an Ounce.

How much do you pay?
If littlebiggy wasn't available to you how much do you usually pay for mid grade weed where you are?

Where i live in the stix at the min its a tenner a G for whatever, some great some truly shocking. But in my home city where i try to drive back to as much as i can i get top shelf Dawgs, Cheese's, Gelato's etc for 50 on the Q, 90 HOZ, 170 Boz

I'm in Yorkshire. 10 a g if it's shit hot.
If it's standard 25=8th 50=Q ect. Alot of dealers will do an ounce for 160-180
If it's standard 25=8th 50=Q ect. Alot of dealers will do an ounce for 160-180

Last time I bought local, paid £120 for an ounce and a half of outdoor organic Frisian Dew.
Was growing indoors for 10 years b4 I lost my space, hoping to get somewhere this year, now ive found LB I'm aiming to sell on here hopefully b4 Xmas, priced at £25 per Henry including 1st class.
I charge £20 per 3.5 when I have stock, as I only charge what I'd be happy to pay
Was growing indoors for 10 years b4 I lost my space, hoping to get somewhere this year, now ive found LB I'm aiming to sell on here hopefully b4 Xmas, priced at £25 per Henry including 1st class.
I charge £20 per 3.5 when I have stock, as I only charge what I'd be happy to pay

Please fucking do....trajectory of the prices on the items wall is only going one way at the mo

As a northerner the prices in this topic are making my eyes bleed. You all need to head for Yorkshire lol

Usually 100 for a Q if it's off my usual guy. In the current situation the supply is scarce and it'a not uncommon for people to pay 50 cash for 2 / 2.5g of very average weed. More often than not it is sub par quality and defintely not worth the money. Thank god for LB!

Where I am it’s 200 on the wizard generally, 35 on the 8th usually and 50 a Q if you can find it but generally everyone here it’s 10 a gram no matter how many grams you want sadly.
I can get top top shelf hash at 100 on the Z, sadly I’m just not that much of a hash smoker anymore, the prices on here for hash in particular are a joke.
I can get top top shelf hash at 100 on the Z, sadly I’m just not that much of a hash smoker anymore, the prices on here for hash in particular are a joke.

I always thought hash was a lot cheaper than bud it seems to be nearly the same price on here

Northern Ireland if you're lucky enough to find a source you'd look at 10 on the gram. Unless you've got good links or going wholesale that's been standard for a while. Q's started hitting £80 hence I'm now on LB I wouldn't pay more than that anymore. I've found the relative cost no cheaper particularly on here, but less running around and more customer care as it should be for those prices

In the Republic of Ireland, times have gone so bad, I'd roughly get 2.6/2.8 for a 50 bag and a Q would be 100/110.

Tenner a gram
60 for a Q
120 a half Oz
220 Oz
Some pay more/less but pretty standard prices for south east of Scotland.
60 for a Q
120 a half Oz
220 Oz
Some pay more/less but pretty standard prices for south east of Scotland.

I would snatch the fucking hand off of a dealer at 200 an Oz lol! Just goes to show the fluxuation in price due to supply / demand. More supply means cheaper prices so makes sense I suppose.

Know a guy who had been scoring off same grower for 20 years n was getting me Qs for 40! Only lasted 3/4 month for me as the grower got busted :-(
Seen the prices you mention in your post below...very very steep! Where is this?
Seen the prices you mention in your post below...very very steep! Where is this?

Ireland mate, there was a time when I used to deal and could always sort something but I just got sick of the work and risk involved so went back to strictly smoking and not selling. All my old sources have resorted to dealing coke because there's more money in it so now weed is becoming more and more scarce but you can find an 8th of coke in a matter of minutes lol, place is shambles. With the current pandemic things have gotten even worse. Sad state of affairs for a "green" island.

If you have a green thumb (n even if you don't!) now is the time to get growing!
Wish I had the space to do it again myself.
Wish I had the space to do it again myself.

I'm definitely not a greenfinger but I would love to try grow my own at some stage just for the experience. Unfortunately I can't grow in my current living situation but maybe someday :)

well im lucky and my main dude has some good dawg all the time and something new every week. our neighborhood fucking loves dawg lol he sells that shit like crazy :D also has shatter right now im smoking fruity pebbles and it's dope. 40 for 1g shatter, and 60 for q dog or other stuff. but as anywhere I got some shitty deallers too that gunna ride to your place for 4 hours with half dried weed for 70q

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