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53 topics on {Economics}
by  fan4
When will AI replace every job?
dr drek
by  dr drek
We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia
by  coldspurs
Anis Varoufakis: We are living in a post-capitalist dystopia
Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
the same old revolution is still avoidable
What is Neo Feudalism?
How do banks "create" money?
I know they make lots of it with fees, I can see this shit in my own account but someone tried to explain to me that individual banks can create money out of this air and I didn't understand.
When banks create a new loan they must also create an equal and opposite liability, in the form of a new demand deposit. Meaning when banks loan they create money out of thin air. They simply make it exist.

There is a really good series on YouTube that goes in to great depth about how it all works.
nice man, thanks for sharing will 100% be putting this on later
I binged watched the series in one night. No regrets haha. Really gets the brain matter flowing. That link is to his main channel, it seems he has a lot of new content. Even some videos on crypto.

This is the link to his main series I was talking about, that goes in to great depth on banking, the federal reserve, fiat currency and economics as a whole. Enjoy!
thanks muchly, think you might like richard werner
I do indeed. Interesting solutions. Mike's series (if I remember correctly, it's been a few years) doesn't really go in to any solutions to the many economical issues we have, if at all. So this was a nice listen. Ty!
British Bulldog
Quantitative Easing.

The ECB have been doing it for years, with no federal reserve at all.

All countries do it to a greater or lesser extent.

The reason the (US) dollar is so popular is they have a federal reserve (gold).

The reason the Euro is failing is it's based upon the German banks and their megalomaniacal desire to control Europe.

There is no EU federal reserve. Only German banks.

When the EU (and Euro) collapses, Germany will be fine, the other 26 member states will fail.

Invest as you will.

Cheers. BB
Petrodollar is interesting on another topic. What do you think ? It’s funny what is out there that the vast majority of people do not know about in the financial and political landscape. The petrodollar is perplexing to me
Money is just an I Owe U ... it says so on your GBP £ notes ! something like ... ''I promise to pay the bearer the sum of twenty pounds'' .... hmmm? but you are handing over a physical £20 note made out of paper or plastic. BUT it still is an I OWE YOU, because the actual note is a ''promise TO pay'' .. the note is not backed up by gold anymore...back in the day... money was real... now it is just digital numbers on screens, according to my limited knowledge about it. I will keep up with this thread tho, as I would like to hear what others on LB think :)
Banks also "Trade Client" funds in a range of assets from , bonds, to stocks hence why you will receive interest each month or annually on your account; that is miniscule compared to what they generate from trading your funds (which is also why your funds are insured). but there are many aspects to this and variables as i've read below each of which is pretty much true.
Spot on smokey!
"since banks work as the accountants of record – while the rest of the economy assumes they are honest accountants – it is possible for the banks to increase the money in the accounts of some of us (those who receive a loan), by simply altering the figures. Nobody else will notice, because agents cannot distinguish between money that had actually been saved and deposited and money that has been created ‘out of nothing’ by the bank” - Richard Werner
ravi smaalz
Yes if they say its "in the bank" that's all it takes to do what they want with it - regardless of whether it exists.
Gods Connect
Banks literally print money and we are expected to accept it has value when in actual fact there is nothing backing fiat currencies anymore. Used to be that dollar was backed by gold reserves then oil but now its backed by the promise... Basically the whole world is in a debt/credit spiral that will unravial at some point...
Cali Connect
The dollar will collapse, thank me later

CBDC coming soon.. to a place near you!

(Not Financial Advice) 🥸
One word. Credit.
They don't create money, they create an illusion. Pepe is the only money worth anything
Money printer go brrr
All began with financial deregulation in the 1970’s . The banks just click some buttons and magic. Then you pay them back, what a business!!!

This is a major cause of inflation. They are putting money that hasn’t been earned yet from the future in todays circulation . That’s why our money 💰 s worth fuck all now. Well one of the many reasons;)
I thought we just discovered all money, is in fact, cake.
not individual banks! but they do make money lol dont make much sense does it

little ben
goldman sucks
yes, individual banks, check out the werner stuff in this thread. basically it's just accounting that makes them book things twice. if it's on a bank's books it is money.
When a bank makes a loan it is creating fiat currency
It grows on trees
It's depending on the existing customers within the bank actually , so you deposit money into the so called bank but in fact the bank lends it to other people within the banking system and charges interest on that.
Banks are the only ones legally able to create wealth out of thin air , digits on the computer.
For example when you get a loan - digits , but you have return back with interest to the bank Real money from your job , revenue streams.
Circular Banking.
It's all about complex energy numbers.
They don't, they make up fiat currency (£, $, € ect ect) just a bar code number to give it a vaule. Money is only something that can be equally treaded fairly ie gold.
good thread :)
Yes Werner's study explains the double ledger. The implications being that when you deposit your own fiat, what is really happening is that the banks are purchasing security futures from you with promises to pay. The b of e charter actually explains that they cannot and do not lend money or take deposits.
White rabbit trust on YouTube and seek and example plenty of successful remedy.
buddy holy
Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube
by  coldspurs
Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted
The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era
tyler cowen's greatest economists - an ai hosted book
by  Tenpester
Is Any Money Fungible?
What is post-scarcity?
The only natural law of economics is cronyism
by  yagz
AI So What. There will always be work.
Best Example of Communism?
by  wells
AI = Hyper Capitalism
what's left libertarianism?
by  dreday
Is There Any Alternative To Universal Basic Income?
how hard is it to get skills anymore?
Bitcoin surging
by  1212
The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment
a history of mercantalism
phds mvp
by  phds mvp
Companies Die Like People, Cities Live Like Universes
by  zeppomarx
what will happen to cities?
by  spiceX1
Frédéric Bastiat
unions are our only defense against a.i.
by  zeppomarx
does a.i. enable communism?
at tes
by  at tes
How can people deal with natural monopolies?
by  Bennybe1
are services like chatgpt going to change the world?
by  coldspurs
The 50-Euro Lawsuit Threatening OPEC
by  jksez
What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
by  24601
What is Surveillance Capitalism?
by  gs
In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
by  refUGh
all the world's gold visualised
by  Camber
We’re broke
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
by  ike
Assurance Contracts
why is empty housing a popular investment?
what is the cantillion effect?
by  oasis
How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
EMF & covid
Gov.id19 ;)
Goodbye IRL Hello Meritocracy
by  E.T.
How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
by  coldspurs
The Gig Economy Is Failing. Say Hello to the Hustle Economy
mr slowbot
Why is redlining considered immoral by most people?
by  RNCIN2012
What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick f…
why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
mr slowbot
Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism (Economist)
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What is monetization?
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Does bitcoin have real potential in Greece?
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