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53 topics on {Economics}
by  fan4
When will AI replace every job?
Seems there are more articles like this every day and that AI is accelerating faster and faster. If AI is better than us at everything what are we going to do all day and how are we going to earn money?
hangover helper
I think his graph answers your question: Pretty Fuckin Soon
If any AI and robots do the work without getting paid it doesn't sound like we need a whole lot of money.
It doesn’t sound like we need a whole lot of people more like!
This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driving car is to a couple of clunkers parked in every garage on stand by, it up-ends the premise of cars, transport, housing to say nothing of alcohol use, multi-tasking and God knows what else. Now think of everything else being done by robots and you and your friends spending lots of time in VR, it's not like you're going to take off the glasses and work at some factory in this scenario.
People would just do what they wanted to do. People wouldn’t be chasing money, but chasing their passions. I was a chef for two years, but fucked it off because the money and hours were shit! If money wasn’t an object and I could do it when I felt like it then that’s what I’d do.
so thats why theres negative interest rates
Don't worry about it, AI will figure it out for us.

But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?

There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.
if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.
Read life 3.0 by max tegmark. There is a vast community funded by Elon Musk reseraching AI and its potential as we speak. I wonder if the Simpsons can predict the eventuality that machines could become superior to humans like they did with forecasting Donald Trump as President.
Sag mir ich bin nicht alleine
yeah they oughta add an a.i. character for homer to play off of
Kumo Varanasi
atms resulted in more bank branches and overall, more tellers.
Once the textile loom has finished devastating the working landscape.
Lol the luddites are still operating against the looms as we speak. Especially up North.
i thought you were joking so i looked it up. ffs
For the moment, we are safe. They haven't even managed to get self checkouts working properly yet, so I'm not getting in a driverless car. All it takes is a sensor to fail, and it's game over. I work with sensors - you wouldn't want to get in a driverless car for a long while.

Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear
Eph 6:12
To understand that, you first have to understand who have control of the world. eventually you find the source being that of the "Red Shield" family. which then gives you their agenda, they see the rest of us as "goyim" having a belief we are to serve them as upgraded animals. So, they have to destroy the existing system to usher in a new having what we term "image of the beast" possibly representing AI as the brains behind their new agenda. We, therefore will enter a stage where the elite/red shield family give a choice to either obey and conform to them or to be hunted down like sheep for slaughter. The ones who accept will receive a mark to accept credits. China recently started this endeavour which fits perfectly with their zionist regime and called it "Social Credit", however, those who have understanding will flee from their demise into the wilderness for this has been written already. They call themselves Jews but are not (Revelation 2:9) thus the third temple will not be as they claim, possibly even having AI rule over the population whilst the AC rule over their temple.
I think you need to stop smoking so much weed dude... and maybe stop reading so much geopolitical and religious fiction too!
What is post-scarcity?
dr drek
by  dr drek
We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia
by  coldspurs
Anis Varoufakis: We are living in a post-capitalist dystopia
Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
the same old revolution is still avoidable
What is Neo Feudalism?
How do banks "create" money?
buddy holy
Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube
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Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted
The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era
tyler cowen's greatest economists - an ai hosted book
by  Tenpester
Is Any Money Fungible?
The only natural law of economics is cronyism
by  yagz
AI So What. There will always be work.
Best Example of Communism?
by  wells
AI = Hyper Capitalism
what's left libertarianism?
by  dreday
Is There Any Alternative To Universal Basic Income?
how hard is it to get skills anymore?
Bitcoin surging
by  1212
The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment
a history of mercantalism
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Companies Die Like People, Cities Live Like Universes
by  zeppomarx
what will happen to cities?
by  spiceX1
Frédéric Bastiat
unions are our only defense against a.i.
by  zeppomarx
does a.i. enable communism?
at tes
by  at tes
How can people deal with natural monopolies?
by  Bennybe1
are services like chatgpt going to change the world?
by  coldspurs
The 50-Euro Lawsuit Threatening OPEC
by  jksez
What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
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What is Surveillance Capitalism?
by  gs
In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
by  refUGh
all the world's gold visualised
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We’re broke
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
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Assurance Contracts
why is empty housing a popular investment?
what is the cantillion effect?
by  oasis
How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
EMF & covid
Gov.id19 ;)
Goodbye IRL Hello Meritocracy
by  E.T.
How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
by  coldspurs
The Gig Economy Is Failing. Say Hello to the Hustle Economy
mr slowbot
Why is redlining considered immoral by most people?
by  RNCIN2012
What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick f…
why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
mr slowbot
Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism (Economist)
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What is monetization?
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by  Han duo
Does bitcoin have real potential in Greece?
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