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7 topics on hippy50s
by  hippy50s
forgot fee sent extra to cover no good
now its saying partly filled order saying i owe all money except the fee. on the blockchain it says its been paid. on LB says its not and been 3 days now. if i cancel the whole order what happens next? any help much appreciated LittleBiggers
So you sent an amount that was short by the gas fee, then sent the extra immediately to the same wallet?

In my experience they’ve always accepted partial payments and added them up, confirming the order once it reached the total.

If both payments went to the same wallet and definitely accounts for the total I’d send a message to Transaxe Support with your transaction IDs.

If you did cancel it would send this request to the vendor who can approve or deny this, if it’s approved refund borg will contact you (typically within a few days) asking for a wallet ID for refund.
vendor received the top up but did not get the original payment it has a green arrow on blockchain yet says its unconfirmed. i didn't notice i missed the fee until 2 days later after checking it so i messaged vendor and said ill send the top up, after i sent this its now saying i owe the original payment minus the fee topup as vendor got the topup. vendor as confused as i am but all money is gone from my wallet and says its all been sent to the address on payment page
Vendor hasn’t received anything yet your coin is still in escrow wallets. Did the order page ever recognise the first payment at all, even received but unconfirmed?

Not sure why your second payment would clear days faster than your first though, you’ve triple checked recipient wallet ID?
the first payment was set to fast around 4 hours i thought fast was like 10 minutes but okay I've checked history and it never showed it as paid yet i seen an amount that it didn't get paid and was so small i assumed it was the fee and because it hadn't confirmed i thought it must me the fee of like 20p as that was what it said in my wallet i thought the fee was low but thought it must be right so i hit sent. 2 days pass and it still not confirmed so im digging to see what's happened and messaged transaxe and vendor. its up on the block showing as send yet not confirmed and the ETA says not any time soon what ever that means, when i sent the top up i sent it fast again then realised that was 4 hours so i send another transaction to clear in ten minutes when that was in on LB page says i partly paid owing the original payment, after that i messaged vendor again where he apologised for this hassle and is sucks whats happened cos now i missed the bank holidays deadline. would cancelling the order work? since i think its quicker to get money back and replace the order
just looked on the payment reminder page and its saying received is fully received but at the top of page it says due all of the first payment minus the top-ups it just don't make sense
Doubt cancelling would be faster, if transaxe haven’t got the funds yet they can’t send them back. If you’ve messaged them with txid they will support you
yes i sent the ID they said its showing as not paid i know but they not said anything else yet don't know if they work weekends but I've had no message from them today
If you have sent with far too low a fee you will have to wait for the payment to time out. After a period of time the BTC will be available in your wallet for you to spend again. If the payment does eventually reach transaxe (which is still possible) they will either refund you or the vendor will send your order. Hindsight's a wonderful thing; but you should always ensure you are paying a fee that will ensure your funds get to where you want them within a couple of blocks.
on the payment screen its saying received all of what i sent but has a remaining due also this doesn't make sense here is a copy and youll see the issue how can it all be recived yet have a remainder.

BTC0.00398986 Remaining
you can pay the remainder to the same address or return to littlebiggy to manage your order.
why did this happen?
BTC0.00403472 Received
BTC0.003996 Public Blockchain Record > 15:43 21Aug2024 (UTC)
BTC0.00001717 Public Blockchain Record > 09:11 23Aug2024 (UTC)
BTC0.00002155 Public Blockchain Record > 13:23 23Aug2024 (UTC)
I was gonna say this or try boost the fee but with payments clearing quickly at 2-3 sat/vB I assumed there’s no way he sent it at 1sat 😅
in my wallet it sets the fee automaticly and i seen it was .20 when i sent the extra £1 the fee was .20 i checked and realised the time was set for 4 hours so i sent another £1 set at .27p to clear in ten minutes. on the blockchain i see a fee was paid back into my wallet for $3 now since i sent only £2 in fees would this have caused littlebiggy page to mess up saying i have paid it all while at the same time say i owe the original payment minus the fees. CONFUSING
this is what little biggy payment page says

BTC0.00398986 Remaining

BTC0.00403472 Received
BTC0.003996 Public Blockchain Record > 15:43 21Aug2024 (UTC)
BTC0.00001717 Public Blockchain Record > 09:11 23Aug2024 (UTC)
BTC0.00002155 Public Blockchain Record > 13:23 23Aug2024 (UTC)
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