What is up with LB lately?? I'm hearing about too many parcels going missing, turning up with awful stealth, getting intercepted, sub standard weeds, wrong items sent and high high prices!!!
So far in the last month (ish) I have had bad weed from -
DIUK - Twice with Gelato and Black Cherry Soda + bad expectations for banana sundae. Others had complaints on the Purple Dawg Shit.
JJ - Damp unsmokable skywalker - Okay-ish Orange Sorbet.
UK420 - Seeded, bad tasting , no high present, Pink Cookies/Wedding Cake. Awful stealth!
The Gentlemen Dealers - Leafy Blueberry. Almost no bud content. Smokes and tastes bad.
Guys....why are we accepting this!? Im not!! And i know some of you are getting just as miffed with this as I am. Some strains are now topping at $65 a G!?!? Then postage!?! Really!? Stardawg ...€100+ a Q?? Come on. Okay, if you want to pay $100+ for some cali import, thats fine. Enjoy! But sellers seem to be upping prices to a crazy height for no good reason other than "covid".
I'd hate to turn my back on LB but the standards are slipping and I'm getting scared to order off anyone, for fear of bunk weed showing up :(
We need people to be more honest in their reviews. 10/10 just because it showed up and was green, isn't good enough IMO ... We also need sellers to start trying their supply. Horror stories can be found on the threads, of sellers admitting ti only trying the stock when the negative reviews start to pile in! Jebus...