Fall of Civilizations - Not weed related but hypnotic to watch high. Really informative and really well presented, there's not a great deal of them but they're beautifully put together.
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70 topics on {stoned theatre}
27 posts
+84.2 votes

Good Youtube Channels

Good Youtube Channels
Whats your favourite Weed related Youtube Channel?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?
I like watching Doctor Denz, can you recommend any other good ones?

Not necessarily 'weed' related, but if you want a YouTube channel to learn some stuff, "Today I Found Out" is great when you're high and ready to soak up a bit of random trivia (if that's your thing)
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Urbanremo is a great channel!
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.
He’s a Canadian grower who used to work for Advanced Nitrients and now has his own nutrient company.
He does things like Marajuana Monday or Hash Wednesday where he reviews strains but also always brings his camera to all the expos and cannabis cups.

Hi Treebee..I'm a doctor denz fan..love his videos along with strain cainers....great to watch while stoned as fuck lol😃..

Cannacribs is worth a look, it's a behind the scenes look at some of the big US brands and how they operate

Kill Tony. Not specifically weed related, but hilarious, and loads of the panel/contestants are all baked

Epic Spaceman is awesome if you like your Astro-based sciences, graphics are top notch when you're buzzing!

I’m an engineer so I like anything to do with engines and motors obvs the green stuff too but I like grind hard pluming , Alec Steele , rather b welding , rclifeon and loads more mate don’t watch tv yt is my go too

Not weed related but I tend to.watch have a word podcast. Some absolute better guests, it's a comedy podcast hosted by comedians (pretty self explanatory 🤣) always has me rolling

I can't provide a an actual link but type "high rollers Derek gilman" on YouTube search. It's part of the Ganjiers channel. The 30 ish minute episodes with Derek Gilman as host can be fun/informative to watch. Cannabis industry guests talking all sorts of topics... Oh and they have to have a toot at some point in the conversation!!

2 posts
+3 votes

Totally nearly wet myself from screaming laughter pain from watching this- MY name is Earl series 2 ep 15 :)))* the next…

Totally nearly wet myself from screaming laughter pain from watching this- MY name is Earl series 2 ep 15 :)))* the next ep also mega so much funny- I think
Tripping, obvs, but my friend isn't, and said it not just me Tripping, it is actually so funny. It's always good to have a non tripping, sober as a judge 😬😂 , friend when tripping i find, it helps you to know if a thing is actually a thing and not just because you're tripping, haha.
I totally forgot My name is Earl existed. Very excited and delighted! :))))
I totally forgot My name is Earl existed. Very excited and delighted! :))))

6 posts
+15 votes
What’s everyone’s favourite stoner film
Nah dude the Friday trilogy is legendary, the fun times I'm sure we've all had watching those movies 😹

My four favourite stoner comedies are: Pineapple Express, Up In Smoke, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Super Troopers

Labyrinth is a trip, David Bowie in spandex, Jim Henson on puppets and produced by George Lucas

5 posts
+12 votes
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Dimensions
Does length, width, height and time always come together? Can you have other combinations?
Aren't regular movies 3d (length width and time) and "3d movies" 4d (add depth??
Aren't regular movies 3d (length width and time) and "3d movies" 4d (add depth??

Grant Morrison.
One of the greatest talks i've ever heard!! We are in our time suits biggas!! Be loving and nice to all!! Yay!!
One of the greatest talks i've ever heard!! We are in our time suits biggas!! Be loving and nice to all!! Yay!!

68 posts
+244.2 votes
Human Traffic (The Film)

Human Traffic (The Film)

Can anyone remember this gem of a film from 1999. I found it in my attic and it is still a masterpiece after all these years. Anyone who is nostalgic about the nineties, get it watched now! I swear, you will not be disappointed.

Great film, special for me cos i lived with director for 4 years and he wrote it during that period. So its my early 20s on film pretty much. Nice one bruvva is an evolution of how we used to scream down the phone at each other, (and still do) with names instead of bruvva.
It is superb and just represents his zest for life and fun and sillyness and funny situations. Under table snorting scene just one example of the talent in the cinematography.
If you liked this, i would urge anyone to check out his largely unknown second film "i know you know". A different affair about him and his dad and mum, but stunning in different ways. Also his older college stuff, party politics, life in the bus lane. On YT somewhere i think.
The sequel to HT is confirmed btw in case you didn't know.
It is superb and just represents his zest for life and fun and sillyness and funny situations. Under table snorting scene just one example of the talent in the cinematography.
If you liked this, i would urge anyone to check out his largely unknown second film "i know you know". A different affair about him and his dad and mum, but stunning in different ways. Also his older college stuff, party politics, life in the bus lane. On YT somewhere i think.
The sequel to HT is confirmed btw in case you didn't know.

Wow, that is amazing. He captured a perfect picture of life and it is totally relatable. The whole film was so well done and the cast was just spot on. You will have to tell him how amazing he is. I was 19/20 when it came out and that was a typical weekend. It just gives you the warm and fuzzies. I would be totally buzzin’ if there was a sequel. I will have to do some digging and see if I can find his other stuff. Thank you.

I met Justin a few years ago whilst working on a project in uni. Proper top guy and was awesome to work with someone who had created one of your favourite films.

Spot on bro I'll keep an eye out for that as human trafficking is a top film reminds me of my younger days 👍

I first watched it on a big screen at Glastonbury, chewing my face off. Takes me right back whenever I watch it

I also saw this first on the big screen at Glastonbury, chewing my face off. Decided I wanted a cup of tea half way for some reason.. Thought someone had moved the bushes in front of me so I began to climb through it. The bushes hadn't moved.. I had crawled down the middle aisle in front of everyone, walked along the screen and preceded to climb through undergrowth.
Luckily some kind people came and pulled me out of the bush and explained to me what the fuck was going on and directed me to the nearby tea tent. Memory a bit patchy but I think I was having fun.
I miss the 90's sometimes.
Luckily some kind people came and pulled me out of the bush and explained to me what the fuck was going on and directed me to the nearby tea tent. Memory a bit patchy but I think I was having fun.
I miss the 90's sometimes.

It’s amazing the memories this film brings back. I miss the 90s too. There was nothing like a good Mitsubishi pill to set you on a good weekender. I think we are all the same on here. We just want life back to what we had then.

It’s a weird state of affairs when you are in a field in Somerset and you think. I know. I’ll go and watch Human Traffic.
A lovely state of affairs.
Where were you. When all my mates thought it’d be funny to go gabba. It wasn’t funny.
I’d have gone and watched some totally weird Ken Russell film. (Altered States, anyone?)
Rather than having to go gabba.
A lovely state of affairs.
Where were you. When all my mates thought it’d be funny to go gabba. It wasn’t funny.
I’d have gone and watched some totally weird Ken Russell film. (Altered States, anyone?)
Rather than having to go gabba.

I must admit, that part is spot on and I was always the interceptor of the spliff lol!

Yeah all the old crowd that came up from London lots of the football factory boys just all about life on the estate all the capers etc great film

I was clubbing my tits off then so this was like looking into a mirror for me (a bit like the scene at the afterparty with Jip and Koop on the sofa ;)). Love the Howard Marks spliff politics cameo 👌 summed up a Britain and a generation that didn’t take itself too seriously (unlike today sadly).

I know! It’s awful now. You could lose your mates and find randoms and nothing bad ever happened!

Morning! *sniffs* MORNING!!
Nurse! I need a pisspot and a jacket.....cause I'm fucked!
Literally one of my favourite movies of all time. He wen't from being a raver who takes pills on the weekend to going on grand adventures as The Hobit. Martin Freeman is a beast!
"Any jungle goin!?"
**sorry if I have ruined any quotes, my brain is only at half capacity today lol**
Nurse! I need a pisspot and a jacket.....cause I'm fucked!
Literally one of my favourite movies of all time. He wen't from being a raver who takes pills on the weekend to going on grand adventures as The Hobit. Martin Freeman is a beast!
"Any jungle goin!?"
**sorry if I have ruined any quotes, my brain is only at half capacity today lol**

"You know how artists paintings go up in value when they die? Well rappers records go up when they get locked up. IT'S GOING TO BE BANNED!"

Koop scratching cracks me up " puffing da herb err ehh err ehh puf puf puf puf puffing da herb" or something like that lol.
And the whole "who the hell you been ringing in Taiwan boy" scene.
Such a great film. Pretty much summed up my late teens early 20s. The best days. :)
And the whole "who the hell you been ringing in Taiwan boy" scene.
Such a great film. Pretty much summed up my late teens early 20s. The best days. :)

The whole thing cracks me up. It doesn’t matter how many times you watch it, you always find it funny. I think there is a little bit of all of us in that film. I’m defo a Lulu.

So true. I was definitely moff lol. I look back now amazed that I'm alive and heathy. Wouldnt dare get mashed now but thought nothing of dropping a few a back then. Was just part of going out in those days eh. Wouldn't change it for a thing though. Best days/nights of my life. Helter skelter, dreamscape, hysteria. Then later God's kitchen, progress, passion. I'd give anything to go back in time and do it all again. :)

You found reality then lol! I think if I dropped a pill now, I would die! I will stick to the green! I live in Scotland so the rave scene here was epic in the 90s. I wouldn’t change it for the world. There were no fights, everyone loved everyone, no one got offended and it was safe! I feel bad for the young ones now. They won’t get the experiences we had. The music was on another level too.

Not Martin Freeman dude, was John Sim who played the master in Dr Who. Also Andrew Lincoln in in it briefly who plays Rick in Walking Dead

No shit? Hahaha for literally years I was thinking it was the same dude, my bad. Cheers for that!

I think we know you mean John Simm and not Martin Freeman. At least you know the film though. Makes me so nostalgic for my 90s lifestyle. It was an amazing time to be off your face.

Got any Jungle in guy?
I've got the Tarzan and Jane o' Jungle, just swung in off the vine
I've got the Tarzan and Jane o' Jungle, just swung in off the vine

Remember this very well back then, Saturday night after club M yarm back to a mates pad and session began with this movie on. Danny dyer was epic

"The Emperor wants to control outer space, Yoda wants to explore inner space. That's the fundamental differences between the good and the bad sides of the force."
24 Hour Party People is also a good-un.
As well as Who Killed the KLF?
24 Hour Party People is also a good-un.
As well as Who Killed the KLF?

Got any Jungle guy?
I GOT THE TARZAN AND THE JANE OF THE JUNGLE SWUNG IN FRESH ON THE VINE THIS MORNING 😁 (or close if remember serves me right). In all fairness I did much the same facially to that baseline. Film!
Nice post
I GOT THE TARZAN AND THE JANE OF THE JUNGLE SWUNG IN FRESH ON THE VINE THIS MORNING 😁 (or close if remember serves me right). In all fairness I did much the same facially to that baseline. Film!
Nice post

Wow one of the best films of the nineties takes me back. Spot on film the good old days lol.

But have you seen Taxi Driver... ?
Danny Dyer at his best in this movie!
The coathanger bit is hilarious!
Danny Dyer at his best in this movie!
The coathanger bit is hilarious!

The Business is probably my favourite Danny Dyer film, not seen the Taxi so will give it a watch.

I will have to have a look at that one. Danny Dyer is always good in films. Not keen on him in Eastenders though.

Nah Eastenders is rubbish, but Danny Dyer was funny in Human Traffic. Note he wasnt in Taxi Driver, he is just talking about the movie Taxi Driver to a taxi driver. Talking about torturing Peter Andre... I will link it

Duh! Sorry, I didn’t pick you up there and yes, that part was hilarious. I also hate Peter Andre, so that is particularly hilarious to me.

I hated this film, maybe I was a bit of a snobby clubber back then, but every character in that film is a complete muppet. The movie is a cringe fest

Might do thx. Is irreversible a movie as well? Can’t think of a good movie that captures that 90s vibe of E, raves & or clubbing. This is England 90s took me back a bit in some bits.
It was the buzz of scoring the pills and then driving off to some illegal rave in an abandoned car park or some unsuspecting farmers field, going to Sterns….i was at lechlane spiral tribe, gutted didn’t go to castle Morton…top days
It was the buzz of scoring the pills and then driving off to some illegal rave in an abandoned car park or some unsuspecting farmers field, going to Sterns….i was at lechlane spiral tribe, gutted didn’t go to castle Morton…top days

Hello. I’m actually Sydbarrett but they won’t let me post as that.
Sterns. Hahaha. Utterly legendary. Never gets any credit.
Me and my mate did some backdrops for Sterns early on. Went to Mensa’s farm a few times. (It wasn’t actually a farm)
He had a room full of keyboards nobody knew how to use.
Sterns was the Hacienda of the South of England dance scene.
Beautifully messy.
There were some good parties at the top of Bury Hill, just outside Arundel. I’m sure Spiral Tribe were something to do with that. Then they buggered off to France. Plus the Carioca club in Worthing on a Wednesday. Solid small club strobe and smoke machine dirty old Acid House. Downbeat in Brighton earlier on. Then Carl Cox at the Escape. Then it was just the Zap really. Frock and Jacket to score. Then down the Zap.
There were also the Empire events. Usually on Bognor Pier if I remember correctly. Never went to any of those. My Brother was way more into it than me. He did all of the Raindance kind of things. I was too old for that shit 😂🤣
Positive Sounds at Blackrock in Brighton with Tonka Sound System.
That shit was just the pinnacle.
Then the CJA happened and it was all over too quickly.
I often wonder what the UK would be like now if free parties and kids just “being free. Doing, what we wanna do”. Wasn’t utterly stamped out and forced to go mainstream.
I bet there’d be less kids stabbing each other and way more general love and fun. Nobody got stabbed back then. The Indie kids initially took the piss. Then their figurehead, Bobby Gillespie learnt acid house. (At the Zap. In Brighton. I know. Because me and my mates used to laugh at him, in all his 1965 Velvet Underground clobber) so even the moody indie kids got into it.
My mate used to take photos of football. But just the fights. He put out a book. Casuals.
Between 1988 and 1992 - he had no pictures of fights.
They were all on pills. Fuck fighting.
The CJA and gangsters inevitably turned the whole scene moody. People not dancing, standing at the back with their coats on. Scowling at everyone. Fuck that.
I’m an old cunt. Don’t listen to me.
Sterns. Hahaha. Utterly legendary. Never gets any credit.
Me and my mate did some backdrops for Sterns early on. Went to Mensa’s farm a few times. (It wasn’t actually a farm)
He had a room full of keyboards nobody knew how to use.
Sterns was the Hacienda of the South of England dance scene.
Beautifully messy.
There were some good parties at the top of Bury Hill, just outside Arundel. I’m sure Spiral Tribe were something to do with that. Then they buggered off to France. Plus the Carioca club in Worthing on a Wednesday. Solid small club strobe and smoke machine dirty old Acid House. Downbeat in Brighton earlier on. Then Carl Cox at the Escape. Then it was just the Zap really. Frock and Jacket to score. Then down the Zap.
There were also the Empire events. Usually on Bognor Pier if I remember correctly. Never went to any of those. My Brother was way more into it than me. He did all of the Raindance kind of things. I was too old for that shit 😂🤣
Positive Sounds at Blackrock in Brighton with Tonka Sound System.
That shit was just the pinnacle.
Then the CJA happened and it was all over too quickly.
I often wonder what the UK would be like now if free parties and kids just “being free. Doing, what we wanna do”. Wasn’t utterly stamped out and forced to go mainstream.
I bet there’d be less kids stabbing each other and way more general love and fun. Nobody got stabbed back then. The Indie kids initially took the piss. Then their figurehead, Bobby Gillespie learnt acid house. (At the Zap. In Brighton. I know. Because me and my mates used to laugh at him, in all his 1965 Velvet Underground clobber) so even the moody indie kids got into it.
My mate used to take photos of football. But just the fights. He put out a book. Casuals.
Between 1988 and 1992 - he had no pictures of fights.
They were all on pills. Fuck fighting.
The CJA and gangsters inevitably turned the whole scene moody. People not dancing, standing at the back with their coats on. Scowling at everyone. Fuck that.
I’m an old cunt. Don’t listen to me.

Zap in Brighton….fuck yes, legendary place as well, went there a few times. Happy daze. Even coming back from a night out, sitting in front of the tv feeling wrecked all trying to smoke spliff to see you through the come down…such great days…I preferred the illegal raves to the commercial ones…then when that scene died did my share of clubbing which was great, but not quite as great. Sterns was messy and had the right vibe, some clubs had the vibe some didn’t, but in the end it was all good. Never felt threatened back in those days…

2 posts
+13.5 votes
thai lawnmower racing
4 posts
+13 votes

mr bond meet mr bean
1 post
+2 votes

Clockwork Wonka
3 posts
+18.2 votes
the time dilation of adam magyar

the time dilation of adam magyar
7 posts
+35 votes
recommended animated series?

recommended animated series?

just discovered this new show on adult swim, absolute banger.
what has everyone else been watching?
what has everyone else been watching?

The most recent series of Beavis and Butthead on Paramount Plus has literally had me rolling on the floor with laughter. So funny

If you're willing to try out some anime, then the original Berserk series (1997) is INSANE! I didn't know an animation could be so badass.
Hunter x Hunter is also top tier.. It's so much fun. Watching it for a second time atm.
Hunter x Hunter is also top tier.. It's so much fun. Watching it for a second time atm.

33 posts
+93.2 votes
Any good series?

Any good series?
Looking to kill some time, I like all genres, thanks in advance

If your into superhero stuff but want something grittier and darker give The Boyz a shot, once it gets going its an amazing watch, great while high too.

Invincible on Amazon if you like animated stuff had me hooked. Also letterkenny if you can find somewhere to watch it.

1. Game Of Thrones
2. House Of The Dragon
3. The Office
4. Yellowstone
5. The Last Of Us
6. True Detective; (the first season may be the best piece of tv ever created)
8. Your Honor
9. Euphoria
10. Tulsa King
11. 1923
12. The Sopranos
13. The Patient
14. the golden boy
15. catching lightning
16. house of cards
2. House Of The Dragon
3. The Office
4. Yellowstone
5. The Last Of Us
6. True Detective; (the first season may be the best piece of tv ever created)
8. Your Honor
9. Euphoria
10. Tulsa King
11. 1923
12. The Sopranos
13. The Patient
14. the golden boy
15. catching lightning
16. house of cards

One of my favourites, lost count how many times I've Watched.
Currently watching Sopranos AGAIN!! 😁
Currently watching Sopranos AGAIN!! 😁

I've been in a nostalgia trip lately, watching series I grew up with. Alternating between -
Prison Break
Prison Break

Outer limits
Twilight Zone
Doctor Who
Warehouse 13
Outer limits
Twilight Zone
Doctor Who
Warehouse 13

knew I would see supernatural somewhere!
First 3 seasons amazing and then just good after. Cant be bad
First 3 seasons amazing and then just good after. Cant be bad

maybe a season 16. I think its been long enough since the finale and i didnt like Deans ending honestly. Well easy for them to be revived the new god is there brother.... LMAO love the show and felt I need to put context to what i meant:)

Some great recommendations so far. I’ll add a few obscure ones that haven’t been mentioned or that you might of missed.
1. Chernobyl (HBO)
2. Raised By Wolves (HBO)
3. Pantheon (Animated show on Amazon New Zealand I believe but if you know how to find stuff to watch online for free, it’s there)
4. Vikings (Amazon)
5. The Boys (Amazon
6. Severance (Apple Tv)
7. See (Apple TV)
8. Silo (Apple TV)
9. Boardwalk Empire (Can’t remember)
10. The Englishman (BBC Iplayer)
I believe all of these shows to be great!
2 and 3 have been unfortunately cancelled despite having no business being cancelled, it’s pretty shit that we might not get any conclusions to their stories but what’s there is worth watching.
I’ve added where you can watch them on their native streaming services but if you’d rather watch them for free, I got you! Here’s the site I use as it has NO ads and all of the shows I’ve listed can be found there:
1. Chernobyl (HBO)
2. Raised By Wolves (HBO)
3. Pantheon (Animated show on Amazon New Zealand I believe but if you know how to find stuff to watch online for free, it’s there)
4. Vikings (Amazon)
5. The Boys (Amazon
6. Severance (Apple Tv)
7. See (Apple TV)
8. Silo (Apple TV)
9. Boardwalk Empire (Can’t remember)
10. The Englishman (BBC Iplayer)
I believe all of these shows to be great!
2 and 3 have been unfortunately cancelled despite having no business being cancelled, it’s pretty shit that we might not get any conclusions to their stories but what’s there is worth watching.
I’ve added where you can watch them on their native streaming services but if you’d rather watch them for free, I got you! Here’s the site I use as it has NO ads and all of the shows I’ve listed can be found there:

I appreciate your input. I’ve been searching for something to binge but, truthfully, I’ve grown to be a “tv snob” lol… my expectations after watching such series as Game Of Thrones has really diminished my desire to watch anything mediocre. I’ll absolutely look into these series - if you have a recommendation or suggestion on where I should start, I’m all ears!

I’d start with Chernobyl, it’s a quick mini series, 5 episodes I believe. Get that out of the way then I’d hop on The Boys after that. Anything from my list after that and you’re good. Ps, I’d class The English and Pantheon as hidden gems😎

Anytime pal. I hope you enjoy and if you fancy a chat and review once you’ve got stuck in, hit me up.

What We Do In The Shadows. Was on BBC Iplayer...now all series on Disney Pluus.
So few genuinely decent sitcoms about in recent years...this though totally bucks the trend. Its brilliant :)
So few genuinely decent sitcoms about in recent years...this though totally bucks the trend. Its brilliant :)

Currently Im enjoying Lawman Bass Reeves and Monarch Legacy of Monsters. Slow Horses series 3 starting on the 1st December I think (Series 1 and 2 available now).

It must be mentioned here somewhere but I cant help it it is one of my secret pleasures.
Supernatural. Sam and Dean. Also if you like it I think a new season is coming.
if you have watched the boys Dean is the super soldier (Captain some1 I really cant remember his name) in series 2.
Supernatural. Sam and Dean. Also if you like it I think a new season is coming.
if you have watched the boys Dean is the super soldier (Captain some1 I really cant remember his name) in series 2.

New season of Fargo has started, previous seasons are worth a watch and this season looks good, bit of a slow burner storyline so far.

Gomorrah (Amazon), Suburra (Netflix), The Wire (Sky?) & The Last Kingdom (Netflix). A few I’ve really enjoyed lately 👍

Game Of Thrones above everything and there’s no second place… but have you already seen it?

5 posts
+12 votes

Rogan and Musk Nov.24
🤦♂️ I was too high, or stupid… let’s stick with high 😂 not sure if u like Graham Hancock but he was just on JRE recently too

10 posts
+62 votes

Amazon Troopers: Special Delivery
2 posts
+5 votes

A Stoned Man
15 Storeys High series 1
1 post
+2 votes
Marijuana Mania Episode 1

Marijuana Mania Episode 1

How many of you seen this web series? These guys made most of the legendary strains from the last decade or so. To me it's very entertaining to see those monster plants some episodes are several hours long.
100% give it a go if you haven't seen it before. Can learn a lot about current Ganja culture, growing, factory farming etc. Amazing series all round.
100% give it a go if you haven't seen it before. Can learn a lot about current Ganja culture, growing, factory farming etc. Amazing series all round.

2 posts
+22 votes

Epic Rap Battles Guy Fawkes VS Che Guavera
2 posts
+24 votes
The OG Justice League: Super Friends
47 posts
+173.2 votes

This video might upset some people
I watched that video the other day and it made me think of a post from PollyPuff about the entourage effect:
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.

that's the thing, science often changes its mind once it considers more parameters and cannabis understanding is still in diapers.

This was actually really interesting. My partner and I have ‘debated’ lol at length the indica v sativa thing and whether there’s a difference, in the end all I could/can say is a good quality indica to me at least feels like I have a force almost pushing me deeper into the sofa where as a good sativa always brings me up, both mentally and gets me laughing and indeed wanting a good time! Seems according to this, that science says it’s in my head!!

Weed definitely has different effects from strain to strain but it does seem there is more to it than Indica/sativa
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts

Set and setting is definitely a thing. One day I can consume with others and laugh my tits off, the next day by myself and I just fall asleep. All using the same strain (aaaaghh!! bacteria... Chemovar? one debate at a time!)
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.

Very well put indeed, not just set and setting either, overall headspace and mood, and probably one of the most undervalued metrics in this whole topic is diet + exercise, every single one of these factors will dictate how you're going to be affected by the consumption of THC
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc

Yeah always thought the ratio thing was a bit dodgy. Why not 23/77 or 86/14 ?
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)

Well a hybrid is a hybrid. If my dad is aborigine and my mum is a Klingon then I’m 50:50 and the world is my lobster right? So cross a sativa haze with a Hindu Kush and it will be a 50:50 hybrid of the two, it’s just what difference that makes in the effects and whether those effects are attributable to the plant type rather than other elements. I guess we are now siding with “other elements “, which is fine.
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didn’t correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet 🤓. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too 🤠…..
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didn’t correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet 🤓. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too 🤠…..

But what happens if your Dad is 32% Indonesian and 68% Armenian and your mum is 38% Klingon and 62% Borg (? that's a Trek thing innit?) Then your not 50:50. It's meaningless!
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? 😉
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? 😉
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?

You are just being obtuse CB. Look, take an everyday strain like Purple Punch to keep it simple and let’s take a quick glance at the Family Tree: 🤓
Purple Punch »»» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
»»» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
»»» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle »»» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville »»» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
»»» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
»»» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
»»» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
»»» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
»»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Afghanistan »»» Indica
»»» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica »»» Indica
NL #2
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
»»» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
»»» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
»»» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
»»» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed »»» Unknown Strain
»»» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
»»» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica »»» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
»»» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud »»» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud »»» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? 😶🌫️👍
Purple Punch »»» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
»»» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
»»» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle »»» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville »»» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
»»» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
»»» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
»»» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
»»» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
»»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Afghanistan »»» Indica
»»» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica »»» Indica
NL #2
»»» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
»»» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
»»» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
»»» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
»»» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed »»» Unknown Strain
»»» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
»»» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica »»» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
»»» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud »»» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud »»» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? 😶🌫️👍

Now don't get mad, I'm not being sarcastic or disingenious. This is a 100% genuine response after reading and re-reading your comment for the last 10 minutes: Sorry, I don't understand?

Thank fuck for that! My antenna isn't erect enough at the moment. I think it needs greasing and if I just give it a tug it may start working. Although last time I did that it poked me in the eye.

Phew! You had me thinking “Christ, if I can’t even get a smile out of CB then I’m cancelling my One Dog Stand Up Tour! “ 🥹

didn't take long did it for people to start glazing over the science once again and stating "but, but i can feel a difference" lol, i'm experiencing such high levels of second hand embarrassment
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever

Wish I could keep some in jars but It never stay s in the jars for long ,abit like my vodka bottle ha ha u lot are good people

I have 3 children using this theory they should all be fairly similar as 50/50 me and Mrs rabb1t and therefore the same as each other
They aren't
They aren't

Well genetically they certainly are. Unless there’s something Mrs.Rabb1t isn’t telling you..🤫

Yes but ones hyperactivity, ones like the opposite and ones bang in the middle
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?

Interesting ‘cos it’s exactly the same argument- genetics vs effects yeah? We think that a plants genetics give us particular effects but the (scant) evidence suggests otherwise. Kids personality traits don’t mirror their genetics but their DNA doesn’t lie.
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows why…
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows why…

But we do at least know now thanks to science it's not indicas sedate and sativas don't
We know it's more complex
We know it's more complex

I'm a medical user it all works just need more of some than others
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?

Well I am a lying sexual deviant, two faced and with loose morals, no heart or backbone, serving only myself and people who pay me enough. So yeah, maybe I could be a politician. :)

Well that's ok because the idea I have means you would be in politics a short time anyway
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions 🤔
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions 🤔
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests

My thought process is that sativa and indica are individual species of the cannabis plant which would itself suggest some biological variations between the two, so I still think there's maybe something missing from the 'no difference between them' position.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.

Hi OldManEd, It's difficult to get that image of large plant, narrow leaved sativa and small plant, broad leaved indica out of our heads isn't it?
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.

There not saying there isn't a difference more that there isn't a couchlock indica cannabinoid and a hyper sativa cannaboid and that's it's the different ratios of terps/noids etc etc but there isn't a thing that either sativa or indicas have that other doesn't

Yeah, all fair points - maybe I should stop trying to make sense of it all and just enjoy it for what it is. 😊

Love this, Since we've established that there is no scientific difference between an indica and sativa, it's only fair to discuss why these strains might feel so different when ingested. The most likely hypothesis is the entourage theory, also called the entourage effect.
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. “What studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canada’s Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
“For example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.”
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: “It really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
It’s a tough subject for sure 😂❤️
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. “What studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canada’s Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
“For example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.”
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: “It really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
It’s a tough subject for sure 😂❤️

So the people (like this woman who often work for big corporations who are profiting from weed) who claim we have proven that indica/sativa doesn't mean anything haven't shown any evidence that isn't an article that doesn't cite sources
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.

Don't put words in my mouth, never said she was a genius
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius 👍
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy 😊
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius 👍
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy 😊

I was replying generally, it wasn't directed at anyone specifically, appreciate the "let me Google that for you there Jedi" 😅
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while 😂
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while 😂
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.

I think sativa has just become a code word for, "not very strong" nowadays.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.

That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis
That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis

Wow, she talks fast..I broke my pencil on the first question and by the time I’d sharpened it it was all over! 😵💫😂

Science > there's no difference between the two and we've been telling you this for years now but you wont listen and it's slowing down the progress of medical research
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(

Sorry hesh, I haven't got temporal event availablity to reply I need to focus my synergy to generate a dynamic output into the locally manifested environment and haven't got time for buzzwords 😏😘

2 posts
+4 votes

Bad Trip (netflix)
19 posts
+64.8 votes

Better Call Saul vs. Breaking Bad
For me the greatest TV show of all. So many great characters. And a perfect ending. Gonna leave it a few years before going back and watching again. Though I miss my Kim Wexler fix

she has got so much better as time goes on, we love it! Just watched one last night and I was actually shocked! wont spoil for anyone ;)

Breaking bad will probably always be considered more of a classic and definitely was one of those dramas that paved the way for modern dramas today. But in terms of quality BCS is better written, Directed and streamlined than breaking bad season 1 was a bit slow tho. Also without BB there never would be BCS which has to be apprciated.

BB my preference Saul is an amazing character but dont think it takes you on the roller coaster BB does

I can't remember 1 boring episode of BB, even the one that was set solely in the lab with the fly Walter couldn't catch

So true I forgot about that one lol.
Most episodes left you with that feeling hows he going to get out of this.
The videoed confession had me in stitches.
Poor Hank lol.
Most episodes left you with that feeling hows he going to get out of this.
The videoed confession had me in stitches.
Poor Hank lol.

Yeah things went seriously south for Mr White once Hank died. He was a good character

For me, personally I think they’re both brilliant. You cant watch better call Saul before breaking bad. I love how it shows the aftermath of what happened, better call Saul is slower but if you’ve watched breaking bad before you’ll be sucked in from minute one. For me breaking bad might just be the greatest tv series ever. Just everything about it was fucking mega and it wasn’t hollywoood it was raw just like GOT used to be till they ruined it.

No need for a comparison, both great shows. Obviously BB set the scene for Better Call Saul, but I think it would have worked without BB as a stand alone.

2 posts
+7 votes

A Dragon Ball Tale
1 post
+2 votes

A Stoned Man
It was summer ‘09
20 posts
+86 votes
Apocalypse films

Apocalypse films
Looking for films that are to do with some kind of apocalypse. E.g. zombies, viruses, nuclear, environmental. Can be based during or after the apocalyptic event. Please tell me your favourites or ones you plan to watch
Some of my favourites: children of men, 28 days/weeks later, Dawn of the dead (2004), I am legend, 2012 and war of the world's (2005)
Some of my favourites: children of men, 28 days/weeks later, Dawn of the dead (2004), I am legend, 2012 and war of the world's (2005)

You should check out 'Threads' a UK TV movie from the mid 80's. The effects are wonky by todays standards but it's still chilling as hell. Fail Safe and Forbin: The Colossus Project are also still scary.
Children of Men is my favourite film of all time. A flawless masterpiece with great characters and so plausible.
Children of Men is my favourite film of all time. A flawless masterpiece with great characters and so plausible.

+1 for Threads, superb. They could act, the director could direct; I'm critical of much of todays loud, effects heavy drama. But then I'm a wrinkly 8)
"Apocalypse Now" fits into the category I think, if you haven't seen it - do so asap.
"Apocalypse Now" fits into the category I think, if you haven't seen it - do so asap.

I have seen apocalypse now, didn't think of that when I wrote the post. I guess it's not a proper apocalypse (global/taking humanity to near extinction - does tick the societal collapse box) but the name certainly fits and it is a brilliant film.

Apocalypse now is one of my favourite films. Have you seen the redux version. It’s a directors cut and is so worth it. It is loosely based on the book Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad which is a good read if you enjoy the film. Brando is the man. A hell of a lot of his part is improvised. Genius

I actually prefer the original version, it's tighter (and usually I'd always go for director's cut). The Redux one felt a bit over-indulgent (the scenes with the playboy bunnies and the weird, detached posh French people were interesting but didn't add much that the film didn't already get across in other scenes, and they affected the pacing for me). Anyway, that's just my personal preference - great shout from you and Dirigible, and one of my favourite films too (also Conrad is one of my favourite writers).
The "making of" doc for the film (called 'Hearts of Darkness') is an apocalypse film in itself ;). Def worth seeing if you haven't - at one point Coppola tells his wife that he's mortgaged everything he owns to pay for the movie, and it's going to be rubbish, and considers deliberately injuring himself to get the insurance payout ;(
Brando is indeed the man! I think he had to improvise most of it because he couldn't/wouldn't learn the actual script haha (plus the script was unfinished)...and yet the performance is still genius.
(also, Brando wasn't the only one who wouldn't learn his lines, as the link with Dennis Hopper above shows. And I'm pretty sure Coppola was partaking of the magic herb during shooting as well, let's not assume he was sober just cos he's the director ;)
This is all a tangent but man I love the film.
I was going to suggest The Road as well, as someone has already said - bleak and powerful film. And Children of Men is a great choice. Also, Tarkovsky’s Stalker - incredible shots and atmosphere.
The "making of" doc for the film (called 'Hearts of Darkness') is an apocalypse film in itself ;). Def worth seeing if you haven't - at one point Coppola tells his wife that he's mortgaged everything he owns to pay for the movie, and it's going to be rubbish, and considers deliberately injuring himself to get the insurance payout ;(
Brando is indeed the man! I think he had to improvise most of it because he couldn't/wouldn't learn the actual script haha (plus the script was unfinished)...and yet the performance is still genius.
(also, Brando wasn't the only one who wouldn't learn his lines, as the link with Dennis Hopper above shows. And I'm pretty sure Coppola was partaking of the magic herb during shooting as well, let's not assume he was sober just cos he's the director ;)
This is all a tangent but man I love the film.
I was going to suggest The Road as well, as someone has already said - bleak and powerful film. And Children of Men is a great choice. Also, Tarkovsky’s Stalker - incredible shots and atmosphere.

I suggested it fits as the Vietnam War caused the collapse of Vietnamese society & economy, not to mention the USAs use of the defoliant Agent Orange, napalm and all the rest. As far as all those agrarian villagers were concerned it was an "extinction event", their world had gone. 8(

I’m going to throw Snowpiercer into the mix. The movie, not the tv series. Directed by Bong Joon Ho, he directed Parasite and has a great name.
Children of men is also one of my all time favourites, very moving film that scarily looks like the not too distant future.
Children of men is also one of my all time favourites, very moving film that scarily looks like the not too distant future.

Children of Men: that is my fav film ever, I remmeber when I first watched it I was so moved I was in tears. Usually love movies but never get emotional, Children of Men however got me. "Strawberry Cough". 28 Days Later, one of Danny Boyles movies.
Other good movies: Train to Busan, The Road, Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Shaun of The Dead, Sunshine (about a space crew in the future trying to stop an impending apocalypse as the sun is dying), Independence Day. That's what I can think of so far, but amazing shout on Children of Men, a lot of people I know have never seen Children of Men, it's a very underrated film.
Other good movies: Train to Busan, The Road, Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Shaun of The Dead, Sunshine (about a space crew in the future trying to stop an impending apocalypse as the sun is dying), Independence Day. That's what I can think of so far, but amazing shout on Children of Men, a lot of people I know have never seen Children of Men, it's a very underrated film.

That one shot through the bus and into the building.
Incredible bit of filmmaking.
Gravity is also a bit of a masterpiece.
Incredible bit of filmmaking.
Gravity is also a bit of a masterpiece.

The walking dead( rv series )
The road
The book of eli
Night eats the world
Train to buscan
Last man in earth *TV comedy
A quiet place
The crazies
Just a few I have watched that were decent
The road
The book of eli
Night eats the world
Train to buscan
Last man in earth *TV comedy
A quiet place
The crazies
Just a few I have watched that were decent

** shoots at asteroid.
“I’m only trying to have some fun before I die”
Buscemi? NO. Usually I dig your work. But no. You already died mate.
Or. In all seriousness. Along with all the stone cold classics others have mentioned….
Until The End of the World
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Fountain
Avengers Infinity War/Endgame
The Andromeda Strain
Silent Running
Jacob’s Ladder
Phase IV
Planet of the Apes (original)
Planet of The Apes (Not Tim Burton)
Batman, The Batman. Most of the Batmans apart from Clooney and Kilmer.
The Ninth Gate
Day After Tomorrow
Last of Us
Logan’s Run
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s version)
The Endless
Fight Club
Day of the Dead (both versions)
28 Days Later
Quiet Earth
The Matrix (and the other ones)
Donnie Darko
Z for Zachariah
Casualties of War
After Hours
Inland Empire
Day of the Triffids (80s version)
Terminator 2
Don’t Look Up
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Super 8
War of The Worlds (Spielberg)
Saving Private Ryan
Reign of Fire
Dr Strangelove
Paths of Glory
Girl With All The Gifts
District 9
12 Monkeys
Wild at Heart
Natural Born Killers
Bad Batch
The Bed Sitting Room
Soylent Green
Farenheit 451
Death Race 2000
Escape From New York
Take Shelter
Another Earth
Both Blade Runners
The Mist
Midnight Special
Should keep you going and make you suitably depressed, but in a nice way.
Probably many, many more. Nothing like the end of the world to make a movie pop.
I do love an apocalypse movie and it’s like I had this massive list pre-prepared or something.
Nobody is that much of a nerd, surely?
Why the fuck d’ya think I smoke weed? It helps
Or maybe I’m like this because I
smoke weed.
Maybe weed would help.
I’ll smoke some weed. Even if it doesn’t help it’ll feel like it’s helping for a while.
** shoots at asteroid.
“I’m only trying to have some fun before I die”
Buscemi? NO. Usually I dig your work. But no. You already died mate.
Or. In all seriousness. Along with all the stone cold classics others have mentioned….
Until The End of the World
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Fountain
Avengers Infinity War/Endgame
The Andromeda Strain
Silent Running
Jacob’s Ladder
Phase IV
Planet of the Apes (original)
Planet of The Apes (Not Tim Burton)
Batman, The Batman. Most of the Batmans apart from Clooney and Kilmer.
The Ninth Gate
Day After Tomorrow
Last of Us
Logan’s Run
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s version)
The Endless
Fight Club
Day of the Dead (both versions)
28 Days Later
Quiet Earth
The Matrix (and the other ones)
Donnie Darko
Z for Zachariah
Casualties of War
After Hours
Inland Empire
Day of the Triffids (80s version)
Terminator 2
Don’t Look Up
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Super 8
War of The Worlds (Spielberg)
Saving Private Ryan
Reign of Fire
Dr Strangelove
Paths of Glory
Girl With All The Gifts
District 9
12 Monkeys
Wild at Heart
Natural Born Killers
Bad Batch
The Bed Sitting Room
Soylent Green
Farenheit 451
Death Race 2000
Escape From New York
Take Shelter
Another Earth
Both Blade Runners
The Mist
Midnight Special
Should keep you going and make you suitably depressed, but in a nice way.
Probably many, many more. Nothing like the end of the world to make a movie pop.
I do love an apocalypse movie and it’s like I had this massive list pre-prepared or something.
Nobody is that much of a nerd, surely?
Why the fuck d’ya think I smoke weed? It helps
Or maybe I’m like this because I
smoke weed.
Maybe weed would help.
I’ll smoke some weed. Even if it doesn’t help it’ll feel like it’s helping for a while.

One of my favourite film genres! Some great ones mentioned here and I've made a list of the ones I haven't seen.
The Stand by Stephen King. The book was the best, but I'm sure I've seen dramitised TV versions, going back maybe 30 yrs now...
The Stand by Stephen King. The book was the best, but I'm sure I've seen dramitised TV versions, going back maybe 30 yrs now...

1 post
+2 votes

Edward Woodward (Callan) Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Nidge)
1 post
+3 votes
aqua teen hunger force
11 posts
+34 votes

🪙Gold 5 to 🔴Red Leader
Nice one BBDoom
Are you watching Ahsoka?
It has a wicked plot and Baylan Skollis probably the best baddie since Count Dooku
My favourite Star Wars Telly show after Mando.
Are you watching Ahsoka?
It has a wicked plot and Baylan Skollis probably the best baddie since Count Dooku
My favourite Star Wars Telly show after Mando.

Hi BBDoom
My fav are Mandalorian - all seasons.
Boba Fett has some good bits in it too and it becomes Mando season 2.5 halfway through so it makes sense to watch it.
I like Asohka a lot too. Lots of Japanese Chambara influences, hints of 50s SciFi & Pure Science-Fantasy (Star Whales).
My fav are Mandalorian - all seasons.
Boba Fett has some good bits in it too and it becomes Mando season 2.5 halfway through so it makes sense to watch it.
I like Asohka a lot too. Lots of Japanese Chambara influences, hints of 50s SciFi & Pure Science-Fantasy (Star Whales).

Remember seeing this in the cinema with my two lads when they were kids, they’re now in their mid 20s
Amazing sequence still looks incredible that whole battle scene.
Amazing sequence still looks incredible that whole battle scene.

I was in Southern Spain, i remember a lot of hype surrounding this movie when it was released too.
I seen it in Spanish with a Spanish stoner friend i met in the campsite i worked at, i got the gist of the dialogue but the beginning was just incredible like you say.
Was probably the best of ep. 1-3, after that i enjoyed very much Rogue One, some really nice scenes in that one too.👍
I seen it in Spanish with a Spanish stoner friend i met in the campsite i worked at, i got the gist of the dialogue but the beginning was just incredible like you say.
Was probably the best of ep. 1-3, after that i enjoyed very much Rogue One, some really nice scenes in that one too.👍

Oh my God, this scene from rogue one. When Vader makes THIS entrance after not having done so in a film for 30 years or whatever it was return of the jedi..my entire body went limp in the cinema and could feel my heart beat in my throat. Could possibly have challenged a free diver for time spent holding one's breath...just stunning

7 posts
+32 votes
lord of the rings - soviet version
You seen the knock of avengers / xmen, from Russia?
Watched that high as fuck and wasn’t too bad tbh 😂
Watched that high as fuck and wasn’t too bad tbh 😂

4 posts
+13 votes

Everything, everywhere, all at once.

Everything, everywhere, all at once.
Suck into a bagel.
Smoke Pineapple Kush/Starburst and watch this.
One of the best films I've seen 👌
Smoke Pineapple Kush/Starburst and watch this.
One of the best films I've seen 👌

Have you seen Mr. Nobody, stars Jared Leto as the leading actor, basically the same sort of concept of different realities and lives, but way more mind boggling, it may alter your perception on things so be careful

57 posts
+153.5 votes
Good documentaries recommendations?

Good documentaries recommendations?
Our fav of 2020: The Last Narc.
On Amazon Prime
On Amazon Prime

Murder Mountain - Netflix
Easily the best documentary mini series I've seen in years. And I watch a lot of them. Fascinating if you're interested in the cannabis business, and murder....and weird isolated communities, and loads more.
Just incredible. Seen it 3 times and might watch it again.
Tiger King on Netflix is also pretty good although didn't need to be as long as it was. Seemed to be dragged out over too many episodes.
Cheers BB
Easily the best documentary mini series I've seen in years. And I watch a lot of them. Fascinating if you're interested in the cannabis business, and murder....and weird isolated communities, and loads more.
Just incredible. Seen it 3 times and might watch it again.
Tiger King on Netflix is also pretty good although didn't need to be as long as it was. Seemed to be dragged out over too many episodes.
Cheers BB

Yes, (Murder Mountain) I need to watch that again. Started casually watching that and then couldn't believe what I was watching. Tiger King is fun to watch, but Murder Mountain should just as much credit or hype.

Vice documentaries
or documentaries by Louis Theroux
i actually have a feeling Louis Theroux is a user here!!
somewhere suspiciously looking for the good stuff
or documentaries by Louis Theroux
i actually have a feeling Louis Theroux is a user here!!
somewhere suspiciously looking for the good stuff

Hahaha and asking a lot of (not so) innocent questions I guess.
Thanks mate
Thanks mate

The Odessa Project.
Not too serious
Not too long.
Ask yourself if you had 30 million in 1996 would you buy a Russian submarine to run drugs ?
Not too serious
Not too long.
Ask yourself if you had 30 million in 1996 would you buy a Russian submarine to run drugs ?

Learning the identity of Q wasnt bad either, this is important journalism that happens to have amazing characters.

If you are at all interested in hip hop, check out the BBC Four series "Hip Hop - The Songs That Shook America". I only saw one episode so far, but there are some amazing interviews, old footage and stories.

didn't rate it tbh, didn't think it did the best job of telling his story and jumped around too much. Found it tedious to watch at times imo. I'm a big biggie fan so had high hopes

These new BBC nature docs are great if you have a 4K tv ;) I just got one. The last tv I bought was a cube, so it’s amazing picture ;)

Yeah Icarus is amazing. I am not sure if a saw The Octopus Teacher, I saw a couple about Octupus and they are amazing creatures. Thanks I will check it

Hands On a Hardbody: Amazing documentary about a competition to win a car. 24 people compete by keeping their hand on the car and being the last one standing. Sleep deprivation, insanity, giggles and heartbreak ensue.
The Decline Of Western Civilization: There's 3 of these. The second one is the funniest. In parts it's like a real-life Spinal Tap.
Heavy Metal Parking Lot: This is on Youtube and is only like 10 minutes long. But it's about the carpark scene at a Judas Priest concert. Mullets and questionable characters abound.
Project Grizzly: Mad man tries to invent a suit that will allow him to survive a grizzly bear attack. He ends up looking like Robocop. One of the funniest documentaries ever made.
American Movie: Amateur filmmaker is trying to get his horror movie made over multiple years. Follows him and his cast (locals/family) and the terrible movie they make.
The Decline Of Western Civilization: There's 3 of these. The second one is the funniest. In parts it's like a real-life Spinal Tap.
Heavy Metal Parking Lot: This is on Youtube and is only like 10 minutes long. But it's about the carpark scene at a Judas Priest concert. Mullets and questionable characters abound.
Project Grizzly: Mad man tries to invent a suit that will allow him to survive a grizzly bear attack. He ends up looking like Robocop. One of the funniest documentaries ever made.
American Movie: Amateur filmmaker is trying to get his horror movie made over multiple years. Follows him and his cast (locals/family) and the terrible movie they make.

If you haven't seen One Day in September, check it out. It's about the hostage situation at the Munich Olympics. A story of misplaced political activism/terrorism and the mind-blowing incompetence by the authorities who were tasked with handling it. Or, The Fog of War, in which Robert McNamara - late US Secretary of Defence - talks candidly about America's devious role in many 20th Century events.

Yeah good one. The Fog of War: need to check that one out.
And "mind-blowing incompetence by the authorities"? Just turn on the news 0_o
And "mind-blowing incompetence by the authorities"? Just turn on the news 0_o

The Game Changers
Turned me into asparagus- eating caw :)
Turned me into asparagus- eating caw :)

I must admit, I am a die hard carnivore. But that doc did make me think about eating less meat too. Check Joe Rogan podcast too with the doc maker. Very interesting.

The same here- ended up eating less meat just because I started eating more veg :) Not a black/white path though as there are A LOT of poor quality "vegan"-labelled products with tonnes of salt and things that are much worse than meat.

Was just about to say, totally agree - Vegan doesnt mean healthy. We got wrapped up in Beyond meat etc etc but you check the ingredients and most contain methylcellulose and other synthetic products that we are not totally clear on how they effect your body - stick to vegetables, fruits and if anything you buy has less that 5 ingredients in it, you are on to a winner 🙏🏽

'Fourteen Days In May' on BBC iPlayer.
Its from the 80s and followins a death row inmates final 2 weeks leading up to his execution date. Very powerful documentary, will stay with you gor a while after watching.
Its from the 80s and followins a death row inmates final 2 weeks leading up to his execution date. Very powerful documentary, will stay with you gor a while after watching.

I read a suggestion that the popularity of BBC nature documentaries (particularly Attenbrough) in the USA has great correlation with legalised weed.
Almost anything from Storyville.
Almost anything from Storyville.

U.S had to turn back on a nuclear bombing mission to Cairo in 1967 after Israel navy torpedo hit USS Liberty. It's mental !

True! One of my favorite NOVA docs is Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial.

What a fantastic recommendation. Cheers for that.
Some of the stuff on there is fascinating.... especially after a nice vape. :-)==~
Some of the stuff on there is fascinating.... especially after a nice vape. :-)==~

Not brand new but still, unique way to make documentary. full movie also available, engrossing. The Tower.
Full : https://youtu.be/fXCfht5VzHE
Full : https://youtu.be/fXCfht5VzHE

Love this thread, some real gems here.
2 additions.
Street Food Asia.
Good food and good gear go hand in hand. Watching these mostly old timers make simple things so well, some of them finally got Michelin stars for it. Great cinematography and storytelling.
Hannibal Buress Goes To Scotland.
Love this guy already, but this is an insight into the real highs and lows of the working life of a comedian as he does Edinburgh Festival for the first time.
2 additions.
Street Food Asia.
Good food and good gear go hand in hand. Watching these mostly old timers make simple things so well, some of them finally got Michelin stars for it. Great cinematography and storytelling.
Hannibal Buress Goes To Scotland.
Love this guy already, but this is an insight into the real highs and lows of the working life of a comedian as he does Edinburgh Festival for the first time.

Anything made by Ken Burns. Anything by Storyville or the best documentary ever made "Death of a state."

Ah so many, just finished "Being Human" on Youtube - thats a 3 part series.
Are we talking just series or documentaries?
Are we talking just series or documentaries?

4 posts
+15 votes

My favourite thing about Back To the Future

My favourite thing about Back To the Future

Is that there always in such a frantic hurry when then have a time machine

16 posts
+36.2 votes

Alan Partridge's Scissored Isles

Alan Partridge's Scissored Isles
What a Legend, have you see the one where he ends up out in the middle of nowhere, trapped by his “super fan” it’s fucking hilarious, but I can’t remember the name of the episode.

Fucking hell, yes mate, I’m going to watch that episode again, when I get some smoke in. Nice one for uploading that.

I'm Alan partridge series 1 mate it's Jed the superfan he pulls in while he's trying to impress the Irish haha

Love his new investigative journalist style. Think the character is actually getting better over time.
This Time is fucking hilarious if you're into these recent ones, 2 series
This Time is fucking hilarious if you're into these recent ones, 2 series

4 posts
+20 votes

2 way tube ride
4 posts
+15 votes
Jibaro ( Love, Death and Robots)

Jibaro ( Love, Death and Robots)

One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen on screen.

I literally just discovered LDR and I have to say I've been blown away by the sheer level of creativity and beauty in the whole thing. Simply stunning

1 post
+7 votes
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
3 posts
+6.2 votes

Planet of the Apes TV Series
4 posts
+22 votes
biggy smalls raps over thomas the tank engine

biggy smalls raps over thomas the tank engine

fuck the video but listen to this shit it is awesome

6 posts
+23 votes

The Midnight Gospel

The Midnight Gospel

The stoniest, most enlightened, weirdest , wisest funniest show. It also is a great foreshadow of a vr universe.

Loved every moment of this, I need to go back and watch while having a good vape session!

Watched a good amount of this on mushrooms. Yes enlightening, great show and facinating concept.

5 posts
+28 votes

If Everyone On Earth Jumped at Once
Maybe if we all gathered together in one place and jumped a few times when the sun is at midday it will move slightly and will resolve this global warming.👍😃

Or if we all ran on the spot would the Earth speed up? Or turned around and ran the other way on the spot, would we go back in time? Maybe if we all pushed into the ground at the same time the Earth would implode? Oh the possibilities.

1 post
+5 votes

Adam Curtis on Real Change?
3 posts
+10 votes

driz drizl
The Power of Nightmares Part 1 - Baby It's Cold Outside
Love a bit of Adam Curtis, engrossing always, but always have an underlying feeling that I'm being told a narrative that is only one strand of a story. The fact that he's BBC using BBC clips adds to my unease. However I've watched the lot and some of the clips blow the mind. His latest Traumazone is newly up on iplayer about the fall of communism (timely eh?)

2 posts
+8 votes

space 1999
2 posts
+12 votes

ghetto bikes
Capitan America - Il super adattoide
10 posts
+50 votes

Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled

Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled

The Fall of Civilizations is an awesome series, this is Episode 1.

This is really interesting, seems the Romans never really integrated the local population so even at it's height the whole thing was tenuous.

It's always felt strange seeing Roman relics in England, like there is no continuity with anything else.

Fascinating. I really enjoyed the whole series. Itchy feet now though, i really want to travel!

1 post
+6 votes

Le Samourai
1 post
+3 votes

jump tp warp speed
3 posts
+11 votes
The whole history of earth and life
2 posts
+10 votes
Right Up Our Alley
1 post
+3 votes

Monsters From the Id (The Climax of Forbidden Planet)
6 posts
+23 votes

mona lisa
Love Death & Robots

mona lisa
Love Death & Robots

Amazing anime shorts on Netflix. Watching a Hong Kong Steampunk episode right now and I'm right.

I’m glad someone brought this up! Really good series. Loved the sims blue episode. Deep as fuck!

2 posts
+5 votes
I Care a Lot

I Care a Lot
1 post
+2.2 votes

Centurions: Power Xtreme

Centurions: Power Xtreme

This is one of my most favourite cartoons from my childhood.
AWESOME theme tune. Awesome corny character names. Awesome explanation in the intro. I don’t even remember the actual episodes; it doesn’t matter. It’s an awesome concept (I reckon that the modern day Marvel IronMan ripped on it a little, maybe?).
Obviously I don’t want to revisit and watch an episode, I rather the rose-tinted memories.
Power Extreme!
AWESOME theme tune. Awesome corny character names. Awesome explanation in the intro. I don’t even remember the actual episodes; it doesn’t matter. It’s an awesome concept (I reckon that the modern day Marvel IronMan ripped on it a little, maybe?).
Obviously I don’t want to revisit and watch an episode, I rather the rose-tinted memories.
Power Extreme!

1 post
+5 votes

time space space time
2 posts
+4 votes
the gorgeous corona virus

the gorgeous corona virus
1 post
+2.2 votes
Bosch on Amazon Prime

Bosch on Amazon Prime
Cracking series if you are looking for one. Crime drama. Very gritty. Absolute class. There are 6 Seasons.

2 posts
+9 votes

mr burns reel
6 posts
+5 votes



one that sticks with me, not long been smoking when seen this, proper out the box, ha. check out your peter jackson. produced, directed and starred as "derek".

When did you post this?
What time and day because I made a topic three fuckin days ago and it still ain't up yet.
I also made an add.
Just a general question
I might go start my own site
What time and day because I made a topic three fuckin days ago and it still ain't up yet.
I also made an add.
Just a general question
I might go start my own site

One thread and it's proved me right.
He posted and within 30 minutes had it up, I posted and 60 hours has passed.
What will help?
He posted and within 30 minutes had it up, I posted and 60 hours has passed.
What will help?

5 posts
+14 votes

Stargate......vs...Close Encounters
Some serious nostalgia here. My dad took me and my brother to see this at the cinema when it first came out, fucking loved it. Wonder if it’s aged well!?

8 posts
+15 votes
Ballers or Billions

Ballers or Billions
any one else watch and/or know when the new seasons are out?

cheers buddy, billions is unreal, ballers is slightly more easy watching, background tv you know #
but thanks for the update and letting me know!
you watching anything good to smoke along to atm?
little ben
but thanks for the update and letting me know!
you watching anything good to smoke along to atm?
little ben

ozark is pretty good found it slow to get into but got sucked in, enjoyed it
tryna start Gangs of london too
tryna start Gangs of london too

3 posts
+6 votes
Neil DeGRASS Tyson's StarTalk

Neil DeGRASS Tyson's StarTalk
Carl Sagan's protege, this guy loves weed and outer space. His shtick is real fun and thought provoking.

1 post
+2 votes

doc holiday
I Love Quibi

doc holiday
I Love Quibi
There. I said it. Fuck all you schadenfreuding mummy fucks. It's brilliant and often perfectionist and the opposite of my social feeds.
Start with the Most Dangerous Game and remember why the old A list were different from you and me.
Start with the Most Dangerous Game and remember why the old A list were different from you and me.

3 posts
+14 votes

Danger 5
5 posts
+12 votes
Startup - Amazon Prime Video

Startup - Amazon Prime Video
I was a bit weary about the premise, basically a crypto currency startup and how the partners get wrapped up in all kinds of organised crime and general trouble, but with some really good performances (not least by Martin Freeman who plays a crooked FBI agent) it's actually turning out to be quite good.
It's a little bit slow, but that's pretty common with most series these days.
It's no Sopranos, but I'd give it a solid 7.5/10 so far.
Cheers. BB
It's a little bit slow, but that's pretty common with most series these days.
It's no Sopranos, but I'd give it a solid 7.5/10 so far.
Cheers. BB

yeh i didnt mind it, good premise but could rate it around a 7 out of 10. waiting for a new series its an easy watch
have you seen silicone valley? good premise v light hearted
have you seen silicone valley? good premise v light hearted

Haven't seen that yet mate but will look into it after your recommendation.
Is it on Amazon or is it a Pirate bay job?
Is it on Amazon or is it a Pirate bay job?

12 posts
+60 votes

picard series?

It just great, edgy, sexy and sweary- what more could you want. It leaves me wondering how far trek can be pushed. I came across this fan art on Facebook of what if....

i watched the 1st one and was a little bummed so i havent had the gumption for the next one. special effects were shit but im gonna give it another go the story is rarely good in a 1st episode so no comment there

Me too! I hate waiting a week for episodes. Binge watching has ruined me lol! I love Star Trek and Picard was always my favourite Captain, so no doubt I will love this.

3 posts
+15.2 votes

doc holiday
Mr Robot Beats All Your Shit

doc holiday
Mr Robot Beats All Your Shit
best series out there if you exclude the 2 middle seasons.

The first season was straight fire, clearly ran out of juice after that, what was whiteroses machine suppose to do? what did she show Angela? all kinda feels like an ass pull tbh.

Defo, the creator esmail found bigger projects and malek won the oscar during seasons 2 and 3 but they came back as champions to finish it off on their own terms in 4. Just skip to 4 if you loved season 1. youll love it.

6 posts
+36 votes

Why Does My Body Do That On Weed?
Not bad teddy for a bear sucking a phallus, course you'd have the time to practice. Don't fret I'm sure this year Mark will call back.

good luck getting through, your mum still keeps calling me. as for what i'm sucking on here i guess you're not too familiar with this subject: mrs scott's tits. yes you've been away a long time and they've got a few parsecs on them but believe me sailor they still get the job done.

Parsecs? What storybooks are you reading to your little friends before bed? You know after they suck on you a bit but before cuddle time.

1 post
+1 votes
The Best of Tim and Eric
bigg topics