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We are NordShroom, We are a self contained team, with our own admin and shipping department, therefore please only contact us directly regarding orders shipping from the UK.

We have a high-quality product range, fast and efficient service, stealthy shipping methods, and great communication.

We look forward to working with our loyal UK customer base to spread the love throughout humanity. When listings are active, we will be ready and waiting to issue your orders.

Customer Service:
We aim to respond to messages at least once per day, every day, Monday - Fri. On weekends, there will be no customer service available, so please don't panic if you don't get a quick response during this time. we don't post weekends.

Any messages regarding problems with existing orders must include:
1. The order number,
2. The name of the listing in question,
3. The date of the order,
4. Shipping address (PGP encrypted),
5. Tracking number (if specifically requested) and 6.. The TXID of your payment and the wallet to which you transferred the coins from. This will help us to track down your order information and solve your issue as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Safe Usage+Harm Reduction:
Please ask if unsure about dosages, ways in which to prepare both the medicines or yourself and have questions regarding safe use we have over 30 experience in this feild and can help guide you safely as is humanly possible to ensure you get the most from these amazing healers.

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Pscylosibe Cubensis: Genus - Golden Teacher.
Golden Teacher is very aptly named, it is an extremely welcoming mushroom strain. It delivers beutifully colourful and vibrantly welcoming Trip that is easiy doaseable, which has lead to its popularity amongst users.
As with any psycadellic it is advised that you observe good set and setting practices whilst using larger dosages and these types of dosages should always be left to the more experienced users of this particular medicnal shroom.
Its trip is a truly inciteful experience and delivers a very warm body hug.
Many dosage guides are available online , we would say that anything from 1g upwards can start to deliver an experience, 3g starting to deliver more of what people would class as the beginings of a psycadellic experience 4-5g producing a sustained level of heightened awareness and anything above is at your own descretion and should not be taken lightly.
Please avoid such experiences if you have a history of psychiatric ilness in the family or are prone to suffer from said issues, if feeling the need to use such medication for help with these issues we recomend that you employ the help of an experienced trip sitter and that you still observe the set and setting part of any trip experience.
These medicines are powerful and we want you to remain safe at all times.
We advise that you have some Nicotinic acid (B3) mixed with water to help ease any digestion issues and help with the cold like expierience on your come up, this should also help with stopping the yawning sometimes felt with the experience.
We also advise that you make a cacao drink to mix your powdered Teacher juice with after steaping to help add to the calming affect, adding both of these practices to the experience will dramatically reduce anxiety and the help the disgestion of your shroomz, resulting in a much calmer and more enjoyable expierience.
For any tips at all please feel free to ask prior to purchase.
1 1g 1g tester $13.00 BTC0.00015704
1 7.5g a quarter of dried shroomz $37.50 BTC0.000453
1 15g golden teacher - (dried whole) $75.00 BTC0.000906
1 30g golden teacher - (dried whole) $150.00 BTC0.001812
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4g Raw Cacao Chocolate shroom bars:
Available in Cherry + Orange Flavours:
These bars are completely vegan and made with chunky raw cacao sourced from Peru.
There is no nonsense added to these bars at all. They are lovingly prepared and all ingredients are specifically chosen to provide the user with a top notch experience.
Each bar contains 4g of Golden Teacher and can be dosed out accordingly to your needs, a full bar will undoubtably hit the spot or can be shared for a more relaxing experience for all involved.
The bars contain raw cacao sourced from the ashwaninka tribe in Peru, there is no cacao powder used in these beauties just the good stuff.
They contain organic Cacao Butter and natural flavourings that come in both Orange and Cherry flavours that are derived from a choice of natural flavourings and the bars are further sweetened with a touch of real Canadian Maple syrup to add to the bars delight.
As per usual with any psycadellic expierience it is suggested that you observe the Set and Setting rules for safe engagement with such substances, and you should definitely avoid any such substance if you suffer with or have suffered from any psychiatric disorders in the past. We want you to stay safe and be safe so do your home work and due dilligence before embarking on any such experience and don't hesitate to ask prior to purchase if you require any guidance on use.
We can't recomend these bars here enough at NordShroomz and took a good while in the making of these particular gems to avoid the mistakes found certain milk choc bars currently available. Cacao contain Theobromine and when paired with Pscyilocybin it acts like the perfect partner, reducing anxiety and adding to the comfort of the experience as a whole.
1 100g 4g cacao chocky bar - cherry $45.00 BTC0.0005436
1 100g 4g cacao cocky bar - orange $45.00 BTC0.0005436
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250g Jar of Raw UK Honey infused with 16g of Golden Teacher:
These are the perfect way to store your shroom dosage.
The honey is naturally sourced from a UK honey producer who prides themself on good sustinable honey production this is why we use them.
These have an unbelievable shelf life and are great for just dipping into when you fancy.
The longer that you leave them the better and it is encouraged to regularly turn the jars to ensure that the good stuff is completely infused throughout the honey itself.
Each jar of the jars contain 16g of shroomz and it is recomeneded to start small and work your way into your own personal prefered dosage to ensure that you are completely comfortable with the experience.
As always it is highly recomended that you observe good Set and Setting mentality when taking any psycadellics and there is no exception for this rule here, if you or any other participent have a history of psychiatric illness the use of such substances is highly discouraged and you should avoid at all costs for the sake of your own safety and the safety of all involved, please be mindful and stay safe out there people.
Psycadellics are not to be taken lightly, but when utilised correctly can be profoundly life altering.
For any advice on storing or dosage please feel free to ask prior to purchase as we are always ready and willing to help guide your safe usage.
1 250g 250g raw with 16g of shroomz $74.00 BTC0.00089392
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2 topics on NordShroom
Competition Time: Win Some Shrooms
by  SG1234
Golden Teacher
I was one of the lucky ones, and this week took delivery of 10g golden teachers as my prize for coming 3rd in Nordshrooms recent comp.
It's been a long long time since I had some shrooms, and fair to say I was a little nervous, but also very excited to sample again.
Gotta give a big shout, and compliment to the vendor, postage was 24hrs as promised and well packaged, also comms were continual and informative, giving advice on some additional products to purchase on line to help with managing and enhancing the experience.

As luck would have it, I also acquired some mushy gummies last week, and so on fri I had one of those, which was essentially a micro dose, still enough to give me a bit of a head rush but nothing to wild, and felt like a great warm up for the big night on the Saturday.
So onto sat, Me an my mate prepared 6g between us, and around 7pm we ingested and waited, and about 7.45pm I was starting to feel even so slightly sick, my mate seemed fine and then I started to come on pretty strong. Colours were dancing and I couldn't take my eyes of a pretty dull picture which just seemed to be calling at me.. before long I was in fits of giggles, as was my mate and there was definitely some full on visuals taking effect.
The pre mixed water drink was a great shout, keeping us hydrated and almost acted as a bit of a grounded and things ramped up over the next 2-3 hrs.
It never felt out of control, and for about 2hrs we both felt really creative, having a wee acoustic jam and at that point we may as well have been Lennon and McCartney - the music was ace, and we just felt so comfortable in our trip.
It must have been about 1am, when things started to calm down, and we both felt pretty tired, out came a pre roll kush joint, which went down a treat, before I left to head home for bed.
The walk home was interesting, I did feel a little on edge, but was quickly home, into bed and fell asleep pretty quickly.
When I woke this morning, I actually felt really fresh and in such a good mood.
So totally enjoyed the experience, and will be looking to do this again in future, maybe taking slightly less and heading out on a nice long walk ( my favourite thing)

Definitely recommend Nordshroom as a vendor, absolutely spot on, and will definitely return for more someday.
If anyone is new to shrooms or like me haven't had for a long time, I would definitely suggest reaching out for a chat with vendor and they will talk you through best way to consume..

Brilliant time, brilliant vendor and overall a great experience

Many thanks again Nordshroom πŸ™‚
6 posts by NordShroom
Rise of the Mushroom Bar
started topic + 3 more
I'm gonna go with: 547 13:55 , 27:02:25 thank you for competition. clearly smahing it. :)
on  [music]
senser states of mind
This Album brings back some amazing memories, had it on constantly at the time, seen them a few times too, brilliant band.
Golden Teacher UK
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