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joined dec 2022
100+ sales 0.6% disputed
Hello you have come to Sumo’s Store

Bringing you superb quality items, fast and discrete shipping at unbeatable prices

We ship Monday to Friday

Our cut off time is 1PM

We ship using standard Royal Mail 1-5 days

Please note untracked mail is not insured and we will not reship items. We have had 100% success rate so far!

Next Day Delivery (at your door in 24HOURS) is available
This option is insured. As we would have proof if an item has arrived or not

Please give us a go

We are a new vendor but have a lot of experience in this field

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37 topics on DankSumo
Happy Monday Biggaz we are back and taking orders as normal again! Danksumo!!
Still no solution from transaxe. Please help
having issues with our transaxe - will resume shipping once its sorted - Sumooo
Back taking orders! Cut off time 1pm - Dank Sumo
Messaged you
We are still here taking orders. Trying our best to get better feedback and ratings. Thank you
Cut off time 2PM today. Shipping as usual :)
Taking orders to ship tomorrow! We are active - Dank Sumo!
All orders shipped on time, Thank u Biggas - DankSumo
Shipping as normal. Cut off time 2PM. Thank you
Saturday Guaranteed shipping now available! Todays cut off time is 3PM
Taking orders and shipping as normal! Let’s get some love and support here - Sumo
by  eggzy
hello mercedes
Are we being attacked with fake reviews? How can we solve this situation? Shall we give free samples to experienced buye…
Good Morning Littlebiggy. Taking orders as usual today. If you have not tried us pls give us a go! Sumo Out!
Shipping all pending orders by 2PM today. Please get your orders in thank you!
Spend ur BTC winnings with us! We are shipping until 2PM today!
Friday NDD's have been shipped thanks everyone for understanding - Todays cut off time is 2PM. Thank you everyone
A Few Questions.
Please note some delays on our 24HOUR special delivery from yesterday - please read
1 Hour Left until Cut Off time! Thank you everyone
Todays cut off time will be 12PM . Please get orders in as early as possible. Also new 1ml Vape carts in stock. Grape Ap…
Cut off time for Monday 6th March will be 1PM. Also new cheap flower added please Orange Creamsicle
Entire backlog of orders cleared expecting loads of mail to land Monday and following - Berry Gelato Vape Carts now avai…
A sincere request from all my customers - please read
Yesterdays NDD orders will be arriving tomorrow as by mistake these weren’t sent out on time. Surely they will arrive to…
by  Jason4
Cheese Shake Review
Good Morning Ydays NDD orders will arrive tomorrow. As we had an issue getting it out on time!
Hold on tight and enjoy the ride; Expecting loads of standard mail orders to land tomorrow and following days!! We have …
All orders where shipped on time as usual. Exodus Cheese Shake going FAST! Wish I had a lot more stock. Sumo Style alway…
Thank you for the orders over the weekend. Please remember our cut off time tomorrow will be 1PM so we can ensure all or…
Want to Ask the community what you think about this?
Sumo is ハッピー HAPPI :D - 50+ sales and we just started! Tomorrow is a new day. And sumo is on the hunt for new products.
Yaramakai Hash
Good Morning! We are shipping as normal today. Cut off time 1pm. Sumo
Does anyone use Rumble? Alternative to YouTube?
Loads of cured creamy hash samples went out today. This evening we will be unveiling our awesome stamp and a full listin…
70 posts by DankSumo
on  {rap}
most inspirational rapper?
Just saying Jadakiss “why” is such a banger 😎
The illusion of evidence based medicine
Very interesting I was looking at Kuhns conversation about Karl poppers Falsification Philosophy of science is a very interesting aspect For exampl… + 2 more
on  {nations}
is the coronavirus bio warfare?
Well Fauci did admit after a 2 year stretch that now the likelihood of the virus is from a Lab The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying o…
on  coldspurs
comparison videos?
Would be my pleasure to provide some samples to get a reviewer going Someone who’s trusted and not bias would go a long way
Wanted Pineapple Express
Yes we got it Thank you!
HASH: do you like it? do you feel it's stronger than flower?
I love hash It’s got a strong body high to it It’s because of the higher CBN content to it Also I feel it lasts longer Weed has a stronger head buzz…
Best shake on LB?
Message me privately I’m happy to send u a little sample of our shake + 2 more
New batch freebies available for some reviews. Please have more than 20 buys!
started topic
Very Strong THC Lean - Give it a try guys please use a teaspoon! Very strong. DankSumo Back and active.
started topic
First time using this site, anyone suggest a good vape pen I can use on the go?
Welcome Mr onlysmokeloud We are pretty new here aswell. We had an amazing start so far Been a little quiet lately so thought I’d get invoked in the…
Out of stock until further notice. DankSumo
started topic
Prices reduced please check new prices - Sumo Style Best shake on the market !
started topic
Saw some people on the wanted items section asking for syrups and leans. So we decided to roll up our sleeves. Presented…
started topic + 7 more
Should I give hash a go?
Most definitely try it Our Junior H stamp which is in between soft fluffly blonde and squishy soft is amazing Splendid Yaramakai!! Check it out on o…
started topic
who has the best morroccan right now?
We’ve got our last few bits of the Junior H morrocan Blonde hash Very moist delicious Yaramakai Hash Sumo Out :D
Price Drop - Mid March Sale!!
started topic
2 poor reviews here are from the same troll. Customers disputed order then I sent reship then says flower is not good. T…
started topic
2 1ML Vape Cartridges 1 of each strain for $75 or approx £62! Must try - Berry Gelato and Grape Ape
started topic
Can I purchase from different vendors on the same order?
Do we need a central hub Like fulfilment by Amazon Lol
Absolutely 10/10 Super silver haze Shake will be sent as exodus shake is low stock!
started topic
Soil Grown Super Silver Haze. Cleanest batch I’ve seen this year. Frosty and sticky. Dank overload
started topic
We are running low on this batch of Shake fast.
started topic
New cheap popcorn / medium sized flower listed 3.5g 26usd ounces even cheaper
started topic
1ml Black Forest Cake Vape Cartridges - Sumo Strength!
started topic + 2 more
To be sincerely honest to all Shake buyers. This is the one to go to. Popped the big bag open. Shit stunk up the entire …
started topic + 2 more
started topic + 6 more
水耕栽培 Hydroponically Grown x3 Flushed superb flower. Bringing u Japanese tradition of cultivation to the UK. Sumo
started topic + 11 more
Extra large buds
Hey man appreciate it a lot! Enjoy the smoke and hope to hear from u again soon! Sumo Out! + 2 more
美味しい Delicious / LemonTree, Strawberry Shortcake, Apple Fritter, SFV OG, Rainbow Sherbet. Full 1 gram all in one vapes -…
started topic + 3 more
Thank you DB365 for the picture review. I got you a gift on the next order! Anyone else with pictures please post.
started topic
Distillate carts - promo prices until the end of the month! (New vendor)
Welcome to LB land :) I started not long ago we got traction and doing well Hope the same for you!
Thank you amazing review! It is some lovely bit of hash imo too! If you want something to knock you out pin u down to a couchlock try mixing with ou…
Does white ash really matter?
I agree here All the white ash stuff is a myth Large amount of phosphorus left in the bud can give u white ash for example + 6 more
A full hash listing after we gave out a bunch of 5 dollar samples - Kudasai!!!
started topic
Forget it. Now 5usd!
started topic + 2 more
bigg topics
on 4eggs