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40 topics on {science}
by  24601
Plants can scream
The scientists use machine learning to interpret the sounds of plants under stress.
Totally! When we went on a safari in South Africa the ranger told us about how when animals graze, the grass "scream" and send singles to the surrounding area which makes the animals move on .... And then you have the fungi systems under trees - now that's as a world of its own that communicates to each other, connecting for miles and miles, looking after one another - the intelligence is mind blowing - humans could learn a lot if only they connected more with them by using the amazing medicines we have on LB! peace and love to you all
The fungi system blows my mind. Apparently a healthy tree can send nutrients to help a dying tree by communicating through the fungal network. Oh my…..😵‍💫
I heard that too and apparently it's not species specific, it will help any tree in need - why aren't humans.......
It might just be one of the most beautiful things I can imagine 😍
I totally agree! Earth is so much more complex than we comprehend. It's amazing and beautiful to connect with the others sharing this beautiful little blue dot in Space.

I've experienced some incredible meditations where I was taken to places and beings that I can't describe. Personally I have never gone so far or deep on any of the medicines that I have used from here. So far the meds help me better with day to day challenges, but I have yet to take the cosmic leaps that occur during meditation.

Having said that I also have to say that meds on this site have helped me be ABLE to meditate. Quieting the mind is not easy, a bit of help is always a good thing.
The smell of freshly cut grass that humans seem to love is actually a warning signal that it’s under attack, to warn all the other grass…😭 makes me not want to mow the lawn 😂 nature is crazy good, I’m pretty sure humans are the only species that actually devolve over time rather than evolve!
interesting thanks but if we are caring about the grass like this isn't that evolving?
I don’t think anyone really cares about the grass, if I’m honest. I would defo argue that we’re devolving as a species. We’re getting more stupid on the whole, mainly I think due to the crap food that has become so popular. But that’s a whole other rant. 😁
Farmers care.
Oh, I’m not sure about that.
You can only be, sure if they love the land more than money. Factory farms with corporate owners - forget it. They're in it for the profit and don't care what nefarious means they use to get more money.
Why do you think Family farms have been systematically targeted and taken? It's not easy to fight the big money when you're just a skint little person that actually loves to see their land and animals thrive naturally.
You should hear the noise in our grow rooms on chop day!!
I've known this for way over a decade, it was a very unpleasant experience when i heard them.
When i think back it was like hearing them through my third ear so to speak, but when it happened, at that time i realized what was going on.
Was around 10 full grown aloe plants, beautiful specimens, their fate all came at same time, was very quick, and that's when i heard them.
So again, this is something i've known for a very long time, just sayin', have a good one biggas.✌️
I also believe in birds, animals ESP abilities, especially birds.
That must have been very traumatic for you, I'm sorry. I agree with you about all 'living' and 'non-living' things. All of existence is made of the same stuff. We are not above any other entity, we are part of the grand scheme.

You'd probably enjoy the ravens that talk to me when I feed them. I don't hear them the way you do...yet.
I do talk to the birds if i hear something unusual outside, just imitate them.
However the 'good birds' which is what the word budgie comes from in native australian, i can hear them a lot, know what they want and can have fun with them.
Have fun with them in bird song.
When i had 7 they all had there own song, same with my guys now, one's is just beautiful and the other's is very clever, always changing it up and copying me as i copy him.😁 Budgies have huge personality, they're the golden retreiver of the avian world.
I used to keep 7 fly round me till i started the night shift. Just couple guys now. And doggo.😁
But yes the plants, the aloe plants, was a tragedy it wouldn't have happened if i'd known.
Same kinda thing with spiders, spiders have spirits, always avoid ending ones life.👍
We're blessed to share the earth with the amazing animals and flora.
Take care Rider!❤️👊
THANK YOU!!! I learned about this at least 30 years ago. It's why I'm not a vegetarian, I believe that all things are sentient. Just because we don't hear them, or see them in action is because of human limitations...and hubris!
Squidgy Pete
What kind of twisted creature would smoke the reproductive organs of another being for a laugh ?
Sorry to be that annoying vegan guy , but I have to push back in that line of reasoning.
There's a difference between the suffering of an animal and the suffering of a plant.
Animals have brains and suffer like we do , but plants literally don't mind.
buddy holy
its all relative cuz and withering dont look like fun
Yes, plants DO mind. Just because you can't communicate with them does not mean that they are not sentient in their own way. Please don't assume that a brain is the ultimate organ. As science has progressed we have learned that there are neural clusters in different areas of our bodies actually work like assistant brains. That's the best way I can explain it.

Notice that I do not attack your choice to be vegan. That works well for many folks. My concerns are directed towards ANY dietary choices. 1) How processed is the product? 2) How much is wasted?
Squidgy Pete
I'm aware that plants can send signals through their cells and react to stimuli , but I've seen no more evidence of a mind in a plant than I have in a rock.
Neural clusters are not the same as brains. Brains are organs that can learn in real time , neural clusters cannot , they just react.
I don't attack anyone's choices either , but if you're concerned about waste then the vegan diet is by far the least wasteful , as it only requires a fraction of the land and resources since no animals need to be fed.
I think you make far too many assumptions. Who says that a brain or a mind are required for sentience? We humans know how we work fairly well. That doesn't mean we have the ability to understand such an alien right under our noses.

You may not like my thoughts on the emotional responses of water...

I am confused as to why it's better to kill many many insects, to grow food crops. But it's not ok to kill the 1 animal that grazed natural grassland.
You’re not vegetarian because plants scream? Must survive on dust, explains the thinking.
L Ron Hubbard said this year's ago, that's where Scientology started.
Respect for ALL entities? Well, scientology went WAAAAAAY wrong somewhere. Probably human greed. IDK
This is pretty awesome and mindblowing, thanks for sharing!
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