When did you post this my mate?
Sugar is food for cancer (see glycolysis), carbs are sugar - zero sugar, zero carbs - starve the cancer of what it uses to grow.
No artificial sweeteners - use organic raw honey to sweeten, or date syrup, maple syrup, other natural alternatives.
Healthy fats, no oils - none. That eliminates practically every "food" that comes in a box/packet from the supermarket.
Animal fats only; butter, lard, ghee, dripping, suet - organic and grass fed. Raw milk - organic and grass fed.
Organic, pastured eggs - one of the most nutrient dense foods you can eat; a little of everything the body needs.
Change your salt to Celtic sea salt.
Organic fruit, vegetables, food.
Give the body the real and wholesome nutrition it needs to function properly and to fight illness, not food containing toxins - this includes oils and food that has been sprayed with chemicals and grown in soil depleted of it's nutrients/minerals, to aid in the fight for, and return to health.
Pineapples contain a digestive enzyme called bromelain that eats at the outer protein layer of tumors, a layer which guards them (tumors) against being recognised by the body's immune system, exposing them to attack by the immune system - use organic pineapples, eat or juice them in a masticating juicer.
Blueberries, cherries, black grapes, turmeric, garlic, paprika, are all inhibitors of tumor growth - use organic.
Eliminate all chemicals from everyday use - that's all regular toiletries and household products; soaps, shampoos, creams, lotions, toothpaste, hygiene products, deodorants/antiperspirants, hair sprays/products, beauty products, make-up, perfumes, dish soaps, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, cleaning products/polishes, sprays and air fresheners - they might smell like flowers and fruits, but there are no flowers or fruits in them, only horrible shit - there are clean alternatives for all of them.
This is difficult to do fully, but the more clean alternatives can be used the less exposure there is to the chemicals and toxins they contain - that all go into the body and wreak havoc on it's normal function.
Clean water, not tap water, not water from a plastic bottle.
A water distiller will produce pure clean water, which can be re-mineralised with a pinch of Celtic sea salt, and which will help carry toxins out of the body.
No poisons in = vastly reducing the efforts of the body to purge them, and the harm they do = more energy available to fight disease and recover health.
Fasting gives the body a break from digestion, a heavily energy intensive process, so that energy can be directed towards fighting disease and healing.
DM please for more.