As I said to my friend the other day. I know this stuff is legit because the anonymous seller on the illegal site I use said it is
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joined jun 2023
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1 topic on Ryan92gray
48 posts
+139 votes

Anything over £60 4 a q

Anything over £60 4 a q
See a lot of bud here being sold at ridiculous prices some as much as £100 for a q often being sold as cali import.question is who’s dumb enough to pay that much to get stoned it won’t get you anymore stoned then you would from top shelf uk grown bud it might look or taste a bit nicer but it costs twice sometimes three times as much then factor in that because it’s still illegal in the uk they have no way to prove 100% that they are what they say they are and you can buy custom or counterfeit empty packs on alibaba for like 40p why would any right minded stoner pay those prices. It’s time the buyers were honest to themselves and started boycotting vendors that sell supposed cali import at these ridiculous prices it’s not worth it and you can’t prove it’s legitimate Cali FULL STOP!!! You can’t prove importation because it’s illegal so can’t be legally imported to the uk which means you can’t have legitimate proof of importation.

I've been smoking and drinking for a few decades, and the current pricing of bud is very, very similar to fine wine pricing. Bud is very much pitched on flavour now (as well as strength/quality), and also rarity, like if you were buying fine Burgundy. This wasn't a thing when I was a lad, and I'm sure they invented terps after I quit smoking back in 2016... You can get pissed on cheaper wine (and stoned/high on bud) and it'll cost you a fraction of what super expensive stuff that costs 2-10x more will. Is it that much more worthwhile? Depends on your outlook. If you just want to get baked, then probably not. I smoke about an oz a week, and I love flavour. No-one can realistically sustain that long term, surely? I have 2 levels of bud (daily and treats) generally to acknowledge this.
If you want to be able to taste different fine things long term you need lots of money, a low tolerance, and/or an ability to ration the special bud.
If you want to be able to taste different fine things long term you need lots of money, a low tolerance, and/or an ability to ration the special bud.

Not the same as fine wine or liquor as there priced on age locations where only that wine can be produced and the process of aging and fermentation none of that is like cannabis it can be grown by anyone anywhere and again it’s not legal so there’s no regulations could have added terps or been grown using chemicals that are carcinogenic when smoked so again they can’t justify the price there charging

Because I don’t have a space to grow at the moment and what does me growing it have to do with this topic ? It’s about people over charging for supposed Cali that they cannot 100% prove it is what they say it is

It's exactly like that. You're being charged a hefty premium based on a named grower / producer and the scarcity of their products in particular. If it's as easy as just anyone growing it anywhere then why does it get constantly more expensive?

Because people are greedy and want more money wines and such are from verified producers it’s 100%legal which means they have 100% proof of importation and been tested for toxins and have certifications none of which you can get from the weed there selling here because it’s illegal so u can’t prove it is what there saying it is different if you live in the states where it’s regulated and 100% traceable and tested for toxins and 100% certified then and only then can you charge the ludicrous prices

Ever seen the documentary Sour Grapes? Was on Netflix years ago, and that's a very good watch. Even in highly regulated markets people are often duped.

Mate, you have way too much faith in the regulated market:

I’ve bought Cali bags in Cali, thought they were great, then bought the same packs on here from reputable dealers when mine ran out and they were identical if a little older. But yes, for the price the top shelf UK grown is a better fresher buy on the whole…

You may not be able to prove it's cali absaloutely conclusively that doesn't mean in vitro it isn't though, some people also may want specifically Cali as I see a demand for it locally also.
Generally I'd say alot of UK and cali present differing characteristics like bud structure and often lineage. I think you can absaloutely be assured by many people that it is Cali through the vendors merit and there is further ways of providing evidence, the same goes for Uk strains and their names you could say.. mind those who choose to buy Cali may often have a sense themselves where-as those who may be more 'old school' may not.
Horses for courses I suppose..
Generally I'd say alot of UK and cali present differing characteristics like bud structure and often lineage. I think you can absaloutely be assured by many people that it is Cali through the vendors merit and there is further ways of providing evidence, the same goes for Uk strains and their names you could say.. mind those who choose to buy Cali may often have a sense themselves where-as those who may be more 'old school' may not.
Horses for courses I suppose..

Then u can’t charge full price that’s my point u wouldn’t pay full price for a painting that might be fake or 20 cigarettes cos the pack has English writing on it u have to ask a fair price for the product and let people know it has the potential of not being what it says on the tin

People can prove beyond reasonable doubt that it is, and I believe it to be sensible not to assume sellers who have otherwise proven track records would fabricate something like this and sell something that looks and smokes like cali to be some boutique UK grow. I just can't stretch the mental logic of this making sense. So other than the odd trickster who likely wouldn't last very long here I find your point to be mute.
Obviously do your own enquiry though I'd suggest having faith in peoples decency rather than vice versa
Obviously do your own enquiry though I'd suggest having faith in peoples decency rather than vice versa

I lost my faith in people along time ago how can you have faith in people look at the state the world is in because of people and let’s be honest about the stuff that is grown over here a lot of it by Albanian gangs that use slaves they traffic from France people are parasites mate

I hear that man, I think you can because it serves us and others to. These things can test us to the core though don't let the world steal your joy man. Tending to my own garden helps me.
All the best to you bro..
All the best to you bro..

Don't stress mate, go have a joint or something 👌
Ultimately something is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it.
And they have lots of different reasons for doing so.
You might disagree (which is entirely valid), but that doesn't make their choice wrong.
Which is my point: it's their choice. I'm sure your motives are good, but it's not your place to tell others how to spend their money.
Arguably getting stoned is a waste of money, as is getting pissed! Fortunately wanking's still free.
Counterfeit goods is a separate topic, about which I think we can all agree upon.
And yes, there are some terrible people doing terrible things; but there are also some wonderful people doing wonderful things.
And in between are all the rest of us: the great heaving majority, just getting on with life in a pretty ordinary way.
So don't let shit get on top of you; especially other people's.
Ultimately something is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it.
And they have lots of different reasons for doing so.
You might disagree (which is entirely valid), but that doesn't make their choice wrong.
Which is my point: it's their choice. I'm sure your motives are good, but it's not your place to tell others how to spend their money.
Arguably getting stoned is a waste of money, as is getting pissed! Fortunately wanking's still free.
Counterfeit goods is a separate topic, about which I think we can all agree upon.
And yes, there are some terrible people doing terrible things; but there are also some wonderful people doing wonderful things.
And in between are all the rest of us: the great heaving majority, just getting on with life in a pretty ordinary way.
So don't let shit get on top of you; especially other people's.

Straight in with the insults.
Also completely unaware of proof Borg it seems
People buy 20k bottles of champagne,. people buy white lightening cider for £2 a gallon
Different options for different people
Doesn't make you dumb to buy it
Also completely unaware of proof Borg it seems
People buy 20k bottles of champagne,. people buy white lightening cider for £2 a gallon
Different options for different people
Doesn't make you dumb to buy it

Not the same as fine wine or liquor as there priced on age locations where only that wine can be produced and the process of aging and fermentation none of that is like cannabis it can be grown by anyone anywhere and again it’s not legal so there’s no regulations could have added terps or been grown using chemicals that are carcinogenic when smoked so again they can’t justify the price there charging

Horses for courses, some folk pay thousands fof clothes which hardly keep them warm. Whether for the experience, the ego, or endocannababinoid benefits, I'm not here to judge

As this is a free market it is governed by supply and demand.
If everyone boycotts the expensive, it will only make the cheap stuff more expensive and cause the quality to drop across the board. Why would anyone put effort into growing something special if they have to sell it at a low price.
You should be encouraging more people to buy the top shelf in order to drive the price of the generic down.
If everyone boycotts the expensive, it will only make the cheap stuff more expensive and cause the quality to drop across the board. Why would anyone put effort into growing something special if they have to sell it at a low price.
You should be encouraging more people to buy the top shelf in order to drive the price of the generic down.

Ur argument makes no sense why would the quality drop it would have to improve if anything it would force people who are growing shit weed to grow better weed as people would just buy from people selling quality weed so they’d have to up there game to compete if everyone bought top shelf the opposite would happen the prices will continue to get even more ridiculous as buyers up the prices to make it look like there’s is better and out compete other vendors and the price isn’t low £60 for q is fair for quality weed and you’ll find plenty of vendors selling at this price point why pay more ur getting ripped off

It wasn't an argument mate just a comment on free market economics.
If you put a price cap on something the quality won't improve.
If you put a price cap on something the quality won't improve.

Good post Ryan and i completely agree with you. Take me for example before i joined LB and was buying off my usual street plug i always use to buy from him either Stardawg or Haze as they were the only strains that were being sold at 3.5 for £30 and the weight increased up from there which i felt was reasonable priced however his US imports etc were starting at prices of around £40 for 3.5 sometimes even £50 which i just couldn't justify to myself for a bit of weed.
Like you pointed out i always thought the so called cali import stuff was just re bagged bud in those fancy mylar bags you can buy and then people are falling for it thinking it's top shelf when it's not. I'm not saying all dealers do this by any stretch of the imagination but people do need to wake up to this as i do think it's an issue.
I remember the days when i could ring a dealer for a ten bag but not anymore most dealers ain't even entertaining anything less then 3.5 these days how times have changed!
Like you pointed out i always thought the so called cali import stuff was just re bagged bud in those fancy mylar bags you can buy and then people are falling for it thinking it's top shelf when it's not. I'm not saying all dealers do this by any stretch of the imagination but people do need to wake up to this as i do think it's an issue.
I remember the days when i could ring a dealer for a ten bag but not anymore most dealers ain't even entertaining anything less then 3.5 these days how times have changed!

This is hilarious
Your complaining that you can't buy a 10 bag of undetermined weight bit can buy specific amounts for specific prices
It was always weights 10 bags were an abomination and always worked in the dealers favour not yours
Your complaining that you can't buy a 10 bag of undetermined weight bit can buy specific amounts for specific prices
It was always weights 10 bags were an abomination and always worked in the dealers favour not yours

"remember the days when i could ring a dealer for a ten bag but not anymore most dealers ain't even entertaining anything less then 3.5 these days how times have changed!
Yup, was short over the Christmas rang my bloke for a couple of 10 deals and was informed he could only get 3.5 minimums.
Yup, was short over the Christmas rang my bloke for a couple of 10 deals and was informed he could only get 3.5 minimums.

That they have and I’m not saying all Cali packs are fake but they can’t prove they are legitimate so how can they ask and expect to get full price we have no way of knowing other than there word that it’s Cali or even the strain they claim it to be you can’t trust anybody especially when they can charge so much more just by repackaging it they should sell it at these ridiculous prices they should sell it at the same price as the uk bud it’s just a fad that people seem to be falling for but there making it harder for the good vendors to sell quality honest bud and resist the temptation of repackaging for more profit

Prices are to high all over £60 for a q in my opinion there is no bud worth more than £60 a q that’s what this post is about something is only worth what people are willing to pay so if people stop buying these so called Cali strains /us/ca imports then they would have to drop the price stoned is stoned and u won’t get anymore stoned from £80 q than u would from a £60 q might taste a lil better but let’s face it we don’t smoke weed for the taste we smoke it to get stoned so why pay ridiculous prices for the same high

Then that is why you should have led with
In your opinion...
Not calling people who buy the packs dumb
Also there's a metric ton of people who smoke for the taste as well
It's same as people who prefer wine of beers of a certain type no?
In your opinion...
Not calling people who buy the packs dumb
Also there's a metric ton of people who smoke for the taste as well
It's same as people who prefer wine of beers of a certain type no?

100% comparable with the wine and beer comparison, especially at high levels. It's not about the product, per se, it's about the rarity and ability to source.

Was in Michigan Recently you can get Ounces of the Za Za which was top End $125 a ounce they go in tiers over there or you could buy Sun Grown 2/half Ounces for $45 very good quality > Sun grown weed should never cost too much..once they legalise it my friend you will be getting ounces for £90 of the high end it’s only a matter of time and that will put a lot of good & not so good people out of business …only a matter of time

Yeh but it will be a very long time....I have a relative who works quite high up in the Home Office and says we are no closer to legalisation than we were in the 70s.

yeah i agree with exactly what your saying. It's a shame really that people are getting ripped off especially in these times. That's why I'm so thankful to LB as you can definitely get budget weed off here without breaking the bank. To be fair I didn't even know there was a market for such as thing as trim until I discovered LB no street dealer that i ever went to ever sold it period.

If you have to ask the price, you probably can't afford it. You are asking for white economy economics on the black market. You might want to see what medical weed costs.

Pack situation I agree with
Import however, very easy to prove on here. Proof Borg got a strict system, box has to be packaged, show official country of origin + the unboxing of it.
Have done in past, and have submitted my newest one too.
Some prices are crazy though, ive got my mids at up at decent price id like to think.
Import however, very easy to prove on here. Proof Borg got a strict system, box has to be packaged, show official country of origin + the unboxing of it.
Have done in past, and have submitted my newest one too.
Some prices are crazy though, ive got my mids at up at decent price id like to think.

But that can still be got around all u have to do is order something that’s cheap and legal take it out the box put ur stuff in the box reseal and then take a vid it’s not a lot of trouble to go to considering the mark up in price and again I’m not saying this is what you do personally but there’s people that would and probably do and a lot of the vendors have no proof of importation but still charge ludicrous prices

Maybe but honestly more fuck about than it’s worth, it’s not really that hard to get import nowadays.
Problem with packs is - even some people importing them are being scammed off with fake packs without realising. Rare you can find a good plug with certified packs, not saying they don’t exist!
Even basic stealth bypasses customs if all the paperwork is filed correctly (which is where a big % of problems arise)
Completely agree pricing wise though, my prices aren’t that extreme and that’s factoring in risk of losses during import, paying for addresses etc - and the more I sell the more I put into the business hopefully bringing the costs down in the future 👌
Problem with packs is - even some people importing them are being scammed off with fake packs without realising. Rare you can find a good plug with certified packs, not saying they don’t exist!
Even basic stealth bypasses customs if all the paperwork is filed correctly (which is where a big % of problems arise)
Completely agree pricing wise though, my prices aren’t that extreme and that’s factoring in risk of losses during import, paying for addresses etc - and the more I sell the more I put into the business hopefully bringing the costs down in the future 👌

At the end of the day NO WEED regardless of whether its cali or not is worth more than £200 an ounce even if its imported. Too many greedy people out there looking to rip people off by charging double the price for a bit of weed cause its smells and taste bit better and has some more crystals on it. Have bought weed on her at £140 an ounce that has been miles better than all the stuff I have bought for dearer on here

I've had in the past genuine Cali grade with the barcode sealed from a actual dispenser paid something like £75/80 even paid £90 before for a 3.5 and happily do so but not all the time I tend to leave that to special occasions such as my bday, Xmas Nye, Fridays lol joking on the Fridays. They definitely stand above the U.k grown i.m.p, not that I knock it as that's my stand smoke all throughout the year and serves me well, but for a treat then it's definitely some top self legit Cali what's not hard to prove at all.

8 posts by Ryan92gray
1 post
+1 votes

putin assassination strategies
Who owns these arms companies pretty sure in most cases there run by the governments a war in Europe will be massively profitable for the USA as now i…
That ain't filler. The man appears to be on a fairly big dose of steroids. I'd imagine he's quite unwell and probably not long for this world.

If he hasn’t got long, this makes him very dangerous. Coupled with the fact a lot of the drugs elderly take effect the mind without them knowing.

I fear ill health is wishful thinking. Looks like he's spent a bundle on plastic surgery to me. That said, it's probably better for a lot of people if he's not at death's door.

If only we could “fast forward to the bit where he shoots himself in the bunker”…..followed by eternal damnation in the flames of Hell fire with a red hot pitchfork up his bum hole.
Seems fair 👍
Seems fair 👍

Biden laughing all the way to the bank. While UK, Europe suffers...
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!

America want this war. Remember it was Biden and Bojo that pulled Zelensky away from peace talks back in 2022

The people are waking up, this is a sick thread, nato wants war not putin.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.

I find it fascinating that governments happily admit to chemtrails be used aswell as geoengineering yet it's still called a conspiracy. The war in Ukraine can go back to 2008 when they first stated their intention to join Nato. Putin reiterated then how that would unfold so we pushed the button again in 2014. Remember what's good for goose is good for the gander. If the US didn't like missiles in Cuba, why would we expect Russia wouldn't feel hard done by expanding east constantly

What security guarantees did Russia offer Ukraine though? You must know that Ukraine was rightfully concerned in 2008, Russia had occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, who was to be next?
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.

It's going to be a mess and your entirely right in what you say about arms dealers being the only profiteers of war.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.

Who owns these arms companies pretty sure in most cases there run by the governments a war in Europe will be massively profitable for the USA as now instead of donating weapons there gona start selling them to Europe

If Ukraine was to surrender their lands, then I'd say only if they were entered into NATO, which enables their future security, and the lands would need to be demilitarised.

The Minsk agreements seemed fair to me . Crimea has always been Russian and the Donbas wanted independence but would rather ally with Russia than the West . A lot of Ukrainians already considered themselves Russian , so they wouldn't lose their culture .

See, I hear that, but people only question what they don't agree with, or in the case of some people, what they're told not to agree with.

Tell ye what, if time was reversed and we were being invaded or attacked by a foreign power, I damn well hope there will be nations that would support us.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.

I love America . They're our cultural and genetic relatives after all , but the globalists have steered America in the wrong direction .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .

Total and utter horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.

Can’t believe someone hasn’t shot/ poisoned the evil cunt tbh. (They like a bit of poison do the Russians)
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡

Putin is considered a moderate in Russia . There are far worse people waiting to take his place .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .

this guy will pay a million for the effort

That's a fed up topic honestly.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.

he needs to show his comrades that he isn't bunkered this means he is looking at regular strategy meetings in person with people easier to follow. his makeup and camera crew are all regulars and dont have a lot of security around them normally.

he just needs to smoke some pot and chill the fuck out, and suck some dick, poor guy has a lot of tension.

Putin is the only adult in the room right now . While our Western leaders are all desperate to start ww3 , he is showing restraint .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .

Thank god for Putin lol, have you seen what his army does to kids and women in Ukraine? The bucha massacre? Raped and tortured kids? Bombing innocent people weekly in Ukrainian cities far away from the front lines.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.

1 post
+1 votes
Could governments use EMP devices to prevent malicious AI taking over the world
All we need is a hose and a fire hydrant flood the main systems water and computers don’t mix

Could governments use EMP devices to prevent malicious AI taking over the world
I’ve been in a weird stoned rabbit hole tonight researching ai and emps. I saw a lot of videos talking about the possibility of high level artificial intelligence some day in the future possibly taking over the human race, surely it would be fairly easy for humans to defend their selves by just using multiple EMP devices across the earth to damage all electrical equipment on earth, I know this would set the human race back a considerable amount of years but I think it would be worth it if it prevented an ai take over. There’s also the possibility that ai could try and defend its self using faraday cages or potentially moving it’s self off planet, but I think EMP may be are best hope. Any thoughts?

That sounds like the path humans took in the Matrix when they tried to nuke the machines. Didn't go so well :(

I like the dramatic nature of your thought.
But honestly
We can just programme servitude into the technological “DNA” of the AI and that would be end of most likely
It can only do what it’s permitted to do by the people who designed it, for the most part.
Things can always slip through the cracks though.
But going from that to a full-blown dystopian invasion of killer toasters is a big leap 😂
Personally, I think the more existential threat of AI would be it falling into the wrong hands,
Or more worryingly, it already being in the wrong hands to begin with 🤐
But honestly
We can just programme servitude into the technological “DNA” of the AI and that would be end of most likely
It can only do what it’s permitted to do by the people who designed it, for the most part.
Things can always slip through the cracks though.
But going from that to a full-blown dystopian invasion of killer toasters is a big leap 😂
Personally, I think the more existential threat of AI would be it falling into the wrong hands,
Or more worryingly, it already being in the wrong hands to begin with 🤐

You make a good point shaunyboy, it’s very unlikely they would turn rogue due to the boundaries coded into it, but your right if it got into the wrong hands who knows what might happen, hopefully everything ends up being alright, I guess sometimes I just get too stoned and worry my toaster might one day get up and put me in a choke hold for being to lazy to clean the crumbs out of it lol
Maybe if we were all nicer to the machines we would have nothing to worry about
Maybe if we were all nicer to the machines we would have nothing to worry about

😂 naaah I love stoner thoughts mate.
Just wait until the toaster sex-bots
That’s when things start to get real interesting 💦⚡️
Just wait until the toaster sex-bots
That’s when things start to get real interesting 💦⚡️

If the AI is already that advanced.. Then you have to assume it's already hatched a counter plan.. To our plan.. Thing is once we reach the singularity, around 2030 or earlier, ai will be capable of replicating at nearly the speed of light.. Building better versions of itself at a rate humans wouldn't be able to comprehend. I they look for the reason the earth is in peril.. They'll discover that people are to blame. Skynet doesn't seem so bizzare these days. As for emps.. Probably computer controlled so again they've already realised and countered it. I'm extremely interested in the merging of AI with quantum computers. The very nature of quantum physics and AI combined in the wrong hands is very disturbing to say the least.

It will probably already be using satellites. The problem is that a genuine AI will learn from mistakes and constantly improve itself. The other problem is we share all of our ideas and knowledge online which it can analyse. I don't thinks it's good news :(

No, EMP is not a targeted thing, any EMP over a specific area will kill all technology in that area, including power and infrastructure we need to fight against AI. It would be a very clear example of cutting off your nose to spits your face. Unless somebody invents EMP that can target only specific devices, this is dead in the water.

Scary shit 🤣
We'd probably be dead before we had the chance to launch a counter attack if AI decided to exterminate us or they'd prevent it. Also in an age so dependent on Technology we'd probably kill ourselves if we did.
May be our reckoning 🤷🏼♂️
We'd probably be dead before we had the chance to launch a counter attack if AI decided to exterminate us or they'd prevent it. Also in an age so dependent on Technology we'd probably kill ourselves if we did.
May be our reckoning 🤷🏼♂️

All we need is a hose and a fire hydrant flood the main systems water and computers don’t mix

1 post
+0 votes
Seems to be a scammer
ordered the tester pack then they msgd saying no cart just Cali vapes so I assumed they would replace the cart with the vape but they then cancelled b…

Seems to be a scammer
Placed an EU order on the 12th December, asked for the tracking code on the 15th December and I'm still waiting to receive both the package and the tracking code... (Today is 24th December)
They asked already 2 times the postcode, even after sending it, no tracking code provided.
I've open a dispute, I'll keep this thread updated, but so far I'd advise to do not order from this seller, at least not international orders.
They asked already 2 times the postcode, even after sending it, no tracking code provided.
I've open a dispute, I'll keep this thread updated, but so far I'd advise to do not order from this seller, at least not international orders.

Update as 25th December:
The seller asked the full address to again to reship the package, well I'm not ok with this solution as clearly it means that they never sent it, 2 weeks have passed and it is clear that I'll not receive it before new year...
Definitely avoid this seller.
The seller asked the full address to again to reship the package, well I'm not ok with this solution as clearly it means that they never sent it, 2 weeks have passed and it is clear that I'll not receive it before new year...
Definitely avoid this seller.

Hi, I'll be honest with you, I have used their service and actually it was my first purchase and I had some questions to ask before the transaction which they gladly and promptly replied and guided me. So all in all a very smooth transaction and package received 2 days later. (Tracked 24).
However do be in mind I'm in the UK and any other location can have any reason for non delivery. It may have got lost or something.
The Stealth was amazing, so absolutely no dangerous there, I don't think they will realise anything odd.
Anyway could you please keep us updated on this situation.
However do be in mind I'm in the UK and any other location can have any reason for non delivery. It may have got lost or something.
The Stealth was amazing, so absolutely no dangerous there, I don't think they will realise anything odd.
Anyway could you please keep us updated on this situation.

Update as 27th December:
I've received the package, didn't try it yet.
So, the guy(s) are NOT scammers, they only have a very bad communication issue.
They sent me yesterday the tracking code but it was the wrong one, days pass without receiving a reply from them, but, at least they've sent it out.
ClearComms, please improve your communication to match your nickname lol
I've received the package, didn't try it yet.
So, the guy(s) are NOT scammers, they only have a very bad communication issue.
They sent me yesterday the tracking code but it was the wrong one, days pass without receiving a reply from them, but, at least they've sent it out.
ClearComms, please improve your communication to match your nickname lol

ordered the tester pack then they msgd saying no cart just Cali vapes so I assumed they would replace the cart with the vape but they then cancelled because they had no carts left even tho they only had about 4 sales across there menu and didn’t tell me they were cancelling my order then when I looked at there menu the next day they still had the same deal but was twice the price so I lost my trans fee and never received my order I won’t b ordering from them again that’s for certain bunch of lying w4nkers

Yes, I received the order in the end, after the waiting 2 weeks and 8 days to receive the wrong tracking number from you. But in the end it landed... And you've sent 2 fake vapes from Melt x Pack Man, dude, you are putting at risk people health with those shit vapes...
At this point I'm done arguing with you, let's have the dispute and period.
At this point I'm done arguing with you, let's have the dispute and period.

1 post
+5 votes

{lb help}
Fed up with Your Natural Medicine
I bought some "old skool rocky" from them was horrible stuff can smell the diesel burning that soaked through during shipment wrote a review…

{lb help}
Fed up with Your Natural Medicine
I ordered 7 grams of flower from YNM (first time using them) a couple of weeks ago but they sent me 7 grams of hash instead (which I don’t use) by mistake, numerous messages later they finally replied and sent out a replacement which I opened today to find a single large bud that weighed 3.46 grams so I messaged them to ask for a partial refund of the missing amount to which they replied:
“ there seems to be a lot of mistakes with this address we do not do refunds and we definitely do not send anything under 3.5”
So basically accusing me of lying. I have no incentive to lie when I’ve given them my address and every other transaction I’ve had on here has been excellent.
Now I don’t want them to send out the missing half eighth because it would be the 3rd small package with literally 0 stealth (can feel it through the packaging) I’ll get in a week which I’m not happy with.
Can I open a dispute for the missing amount? Or just leave it be, keep my account 100% dispute free and chalk it up to experience?
Either way as a middle aged man suffering from chronic pain and anxiety that just wants the medicine I paid for I’m disappointed with this seller and I hope other buyers aren’t falsely accused of their own faults.
“ there seems to be a lot of mistakes with this address we do not do refunds and we definitely do not send anything under 3.5”
So basically accusing me of lying. I have no incentive to lie when I’ve given them my address and every other transaction I’ve had on here has been excellent.
Now I don’t want them to send out the missing half eighth because it would be the 3rd small package with literally 0 stealth (can feel it through the packaging) I’ll get in a week which I’m not happy with.
Can I open a dispute for the missing amount? Or just leave it be, keep my account 100% dispute free and chalk it up to experience?
Either way as a middle aged man suffering from chronic pain and anxiety that just wants the medicine I paid for I’m disappointed with this seller and I hope other buyers aren’t falsely accused of their own faults.

Quite literally just done similar to me. day 7, nothing for a 1st class post. Ignoring my messages now. They are evil people, compounded by the fact their seller page is FULL of larpy shite about being nice. I am furious with them, true evil trying to spread animosity in the world, looking to open dispute after today.

I'm so glad other people are starting to see through the manifesto on some vendors pages full of larpy shite about them being nice humble family businesses sharing high quality medicine etc, when you actually take a step back and realise that NONE of those claims are verifiable in any objective way and it's all a huge front to draw in naive inexperienced cannabis consumers, you start avoiding certain vendors like the plague that they are

I paid the extra $12 for special delivery last Wednesday, still not recieved anything. Maybe it's me and I've got the idea of 'special delivery' wrong?

Twice I've used these guys, paying for special delivery both times, they both came late and was sent standard postage. The 1st one took nearly 2 weeks to turn up!
Won't be using again, these guys are just chancers.
Won't be using again, these guys are just chancers.

Me too here. I had an order which was partially paid, then cancelled. Placed another order, cancelled their end. No refund for either. Now on day 4

Not sure how old this message is, but if you want top notch flower with good stealth and super fast delivery try 'THESPACEMEN'. I'm just a buyer on here but they have impressed me - give em a try?

I 100% back your statement here. After some slow services and not the best quality from some other sellers I have only bought flower from The Spacemen for months now. Prices are really good for top quality flower, probably because it’s small and mid sized buds but that’s perfect for me as I don’t want to spend £70+ on a 3.5g

Any update on your situation with this seller? Did you receive the order in the end? Did u open a dispute?

I placed an order with Your Natural Medicine, and they cancelled it with the comment "hi if it said you had under 10 buys we would not of sent sorry we cannot find this order" yet nowhere on their page does it say anything about only supplying to buyers who have more than 10 purchases. Seriously unimpressed and pissed off:(

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago and it took ages for the Borg to refund me. They really should put it on their page if they don't want to sell to new accounts. I certainly won't be giving them any business in future. I get it is risky to sell on here but if you are gonna turn away customers then you won't do well going forward.

Their latest reply:
“We have over 300 sales and this is the only one with double problems.
All we are saying is that is very unusual.
Send address will send the other 3.5 that supposedly didn't make it and just make note of the address.”
So they’ve doubled down with another sarcastic response. I explained I have chronic pain and anxiety so the last thing I want is the postman coming for a third time this week and have offered to send a picture of the hash and single bud I received if it helps put their mind at ease.
I no longer trust them handling something I breath into my lungs when they somehow think I’m at fault so will look to resolve this via dispute.
“We have over 300 sales and this is the only one with double problems.
All we are saying is that is very unusual.
Send address will send the other 3.5 that supposedly didn't make it and just make note of the address.”
So they’ve doubled down with another sarcastic response. I explained I have chronic pain and anxiety so the last thing I want is the postman coming for a third time this week and have offered to send a picture of the hash and single bud I received if it helps put their mind at ease.
I no longer trust them handling something I breath into my lungs when they somehow think I’m at fault so will look to resolve this via dispute.

Hi I just read this , I've had a few problems with different sellers sucks when you just want it bevause you need it as medication as I do and yourself. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place.i would advise you dispute the original order and you will get a refund eventually from transaxe.

I can tell you right now you are not the only one, they have quite litrally scammed me from my order.

Thwy shorted me half a gram on the wisdom book but I thought nothing of it.
However, I just bought a bar of hash from them and they've sent me a lump of henna. Literally unsmokable henna ! Their manifesto is a lie.
However, I just bought a bar of hash from them and they've sent me a lump of henna. Literally unsmokable henna ! Their manifesto is a lie.

Guys I'm so happy yet sad to find this post! These idiots sent me 14 grams of "Organic" bud but when I opened the packet it reeked of toilet spray! I'm not even lying it is so bad that I am too scared to even try the bud as it is clear this stuff has been sprayed with something and there is nothing organic about it! And as you all I'm not hearing anything back from my message - Gutted as it was expensive too! Sorry to hear you're all going through this when we get let down on LB its hard as most peeps here are legit! Got some brilliant organic bud of Cheesemaster at the same time and thank god I did as it helped me know my smell instinct wasn't wrong plus I grow myself so know that this isn't right!
What can we do?
What can we do?

Sorry to hear that, there’s nothing worse than flower that’s been sprayed with something, best recourse is just to open a dispute if they’re not being responsive, I opened one and they finally apologised and sent out the missing 1/8th, then they accidentally sent another 1/8th the next day but all 3 strains I got were different.
So my issue was kind of resolved and I closed the dispute but I won’t be using them in future, I feel like they’re using the ‘natural medicine’ gimmick but don’t actually care about anything they’ve written in their manifesto.
So my issue was kind of resolved and I closed the dispute but I won’t be using them in future, I feel like they’re using the ‘natural medicine’ gimmick but don’t actually care about anything they’ve written in their manifesto.

I don’t get that spraying thing. I mean who doesn’t notice?
Anyone on here who sells such things on here should hang their heads in shame and go back to messaging platforms
Anyone on here who sells such things on here should hang their heads in shame and go back to messaging platforms

YNM just sent me a lump of henna that won't even burn.
I noticed. YnM is a bad actor. That manifesto is a bullshit.
I noticed. YnM is a bad actor. That manifesto is a bullshit.

Literally have had the same from them; paid for next day and it didn’t even arrive on time either!
Both packages reek of lemon cleaner and he’s unresponsive too 🙄
Both packages reek of lemon cleaner and he’s unresponsive too 🙄

I had a bad experience with them too, I ordered a half ounce of the premium valley hash, wasn't crazy expensive but what turned up was run of the mill rocky, and underweight. When I messaged to ask if it could be resolved they told me to mention it on my next order!!
Didn't pursue it further because I couldn't be bothered, but definitely wouldn't use them again
Didn't pursue it further because I couldn't be bothered, but definitely wouldn't use them again

I bought some "old skool rocky" from them was horrible stuff can smell the diesel burning that soaked through during shipment wrote a review then next day the listing had been removed.

Hmmm, put an order in with them last week with the, £4.50 RM 24 hour tracked. Hung on paid status until today when it was marked as sent.. Handy information for future reference. Sorry about your experience @mellow man

Mate i have just had the same experience with them i ordered 7 grams of cheese and 7 gramms of landrace book of wisdom only got 3.6 of the cheese when i complained i got told only book of wisdom was ordered im no broke pocket and do not need to try and cheat people to get a free henry i won't waist my money on them again

I did that with my first order. It did arrive. But being logged in when ordering is a must.

Sorry for hijacking your post but has anyone on here including yourself got sorted yet? I'm on day 7 of a special delivery that hasn't arrived.

I opened a dispute and finally received an apology and the missing flower so my issue was eventually resolved, if they’re not being responsive then open a dispute and you can always close it after it’s been resolved, not sure if special delivery has a tracking code but if it does they should be able to see what happened to it.

Special delivery is tracked and guaranteed by 1pm, they charge for special delivery but send normal post

Iv used YNM 3 times.
Each time i ordered the same item same volume.
The item came NDD each time.
The product was v good and v good price.
Stealth was good im not going to share for opsec incase 5-0 r here, but i will say it needs a better physical barrier, atm is adequate.
They have always been responsive to MSG's.
These are the objective facts of my exp dealing with YNM.
I appreciate that mileage varies tho 🤷
Each time i ordered the same item same volume.
The item came NDD each time.
The product was v good and v good price.
Stealth was good im not going to share for opsec incase 5-0 r here, but i will say it needs a better physical barrier, atm is adequate.
They have always been responsive to MSG's.
These are the objective facts of my exp dealing with YNM.
I appreciate that mileage varies tho 🤷

1 post
+0 votes
whats your opinion on branded cali bags?
You can buy new unused branded packs online so no real way of knowing if there from the legit us vendor
Cost/Risk is really too high. Every fake bag is available for pennies and many include working QR codes etc.
I have bought them directly from the US (SN2D) or from highly trusted vendors (TGD) and not been disappointed although they are still too expensive…
I have bought them directly from the US (SN2D) or from highly trusted vendors (TGD) and not been disappointed although they are still too expensive…

totally understandable.
Its our last stock, only 2 bags left, thats why they are not in the nft pack anymore.
Its our last stock, only 2 bags left, thats why they are not in the nft pack anymore.

Most ain’t worth it due to them being older stock(or just shite machine trimmed anyway) and not to mention the price gimmick when we all know it’s not where it’s grown it’s who’s grown it and what genetics have been used that matters

You can buy new unused branded packs online so no real way of knowing if there from the legit us vendor

you can...well thanks, for the input.
We'll have a look at how we can certify the authenticity of our branded bags, without breaking the seal!
We'll have a look at how we can certify the authenticity of our branded bags, without breaking the seal!

Depends on the pack(brand dependant or even batch dependent), some will have a invisible sticker on the bottom of the pack that only can be seen with a uv torch, or others may actually have a scratch QR code but even that can be faked if someone can clone it to copy the address link from it. basically if you know how to verify the brand of pack you have it’ll most likely be genuine, but again who knows if they change the buds state side and reseal them fuck knows 🤣🤣

1 post
+1 votes
Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Happy weird but funny as fook or ash vs evil dead over the top but a good show to watch when high 22/6/24 22:50

Free 10g Weed Giveaway 23/06/24
Morning Biggas!
Another week another give away.
Last weeks Free Weed is in the post for Crimson. Hope you'll have as good time with it as I had with the movie you suggested!
These days there are tons of good shows out there to the point that it's pretty hard to keep up with whats around so this week I am looking for a TV series to watch.
Any genre can enter but I prefer scifi and comedy (probably same as most biggas here).:)
Entries will close Sunday at 6am and winner will be announced at 12pm.
Good luck and looking forward to them shows to come 🍿
Another week another give away.
Last weeks Free Weed is in the post for Crimson. Hope you'll have as good time with it as I had with the movie you suggested!
These days there are tons of good shows out there to the point that it's pretty hard to keep up with whats around so this week I am looking for a TV series to watch.
Any genre can enter but I prefer scifi and comedy (probably same as most biggas here).:)
Entries will close Sunday at 6am and winner will be announced at 12pm.
Good luck and looking forward to them shows to come 🍿

Fargo, all seasons! Especially season 2 as it has a sci fi theme with a UFO. It's the single best TV series I've ever watched.

The first two seasons were as close to TV perfection as you can get. Season 3 was a masterclass in acting from David thewlis.

Absolutely. I genuinely could not believe it was him! ....about a million miles away from Frank Gallagher :)

I think you mean David Threlfall as Frank? David Thewliss is one of those actors I recognise but reading his list of films doesn't really ring any bells; where have I seen him from? I've got to go and watch that again! ....Thewlis/Threlfall ....reckon I've finally got it :)

Read my comment again, Sir.
Look up David Thewliss (V M Varga) and David Threlfall (Frank). 😁
Look up David Thewliss (V M Varga) and David Threlfall (Frank). 😁

People just do nothing. Fricken hilarious. There is a weed drought episode which is pretty accurate 🥸 6:48 17/06/24

Si-Fi and comedy, You'll be wanting to check out Red Dwarf!
If you like animation i can also recommend Star Trek: Lower decks.
17/6/24 @ 21:56
If you like animation i can also recommend Star Trek: Lower decks.
17/6/24 @ 21:56

Phoneshop is hilarious, was on Channel 4 or E4 back in the day. I’ve seen it all uploaded on YouTube recently 17/6/24 21:08

Thank you all so much for the recommendations! This was a very though one with many good ones made it to the shortlist, I ended up picking to watch: People of Earth
It was recommended by: trippycat
Nicely done and thank you once again for recommending it!
The full list I picked from:
The Detectorists
Resident Alien
What we do in the shadows
3 body problem
Nighty Night
This country
Trailer park boys
The Changeling
Avenue 5
People of earth
Twisted Metal
Next weeks giveaway will be anounced tomorrow! Have a nice Sunday! :)
It was recommended by: trippycat
Nicely done and thank you once again for recommending it!
The full list I picked from:
The Detectorists
Resident Alien
What we do in the shadows
3 body problem
Nighty Night
This country
Trailer park boys
The Changeling
Avenue 5
People of earth
Twisted Metal
Next weeks giveaway will be anounced tomorrow! Have a nice Sunday! :)

Sci Fi AND Comedy??? you covered with the humongously underrated and sadly very short lived Avenue 5

A 2nd hand recommendation, but I'm about to start watching The Expanse after a mate described it as 'like Game of Thrones in space'.
Apparently when the original makers dropped it some of the fans were so hard-core about it that they flew a plane past Amazon buildings with a sign saying 'Save the Expanse'. If a show inspires that level of commitment it has to be worth a watch imo.
Alternatively if you want some comedy then Good Omens gets my vote!
17/6/24 @ 21:28.
Apparently when the original makers dropped it some of the fans were so hard-core about it that they flew a plane past Amazon buildings with a sign saying 'Save the Expanse'. If a show inspires that level of commitment it has to be worth a watch imo.
Alternatively if you want some comedy then Good Omens gets my vote!
17/6/24 @ 21:28.

The expanse was great. It does tail off in latter series so I'm not completely surprised it got cancelled but the early series were compelling. I liked how it worked with many of the realities of living and moving in space which most series ignore. The early plot line is fascinating too. I liked it anyway.

Misfits from c4 from a while
Back was pretty funny & had a sci-fi vibe to it.
17/6/24 @ 21:20
Back was pretty funny & had a sci-fi vibe to it.
17/6/24 @ 21:20

Either What we do in the Shadows. So funny or for a sci-fi hit try Westworld
17/6/24 @ 20:42
17/6/24 @ 20:42

What We Do In The Shadows easily the best comedy of the last 5 years....rivalled only recently by Ted the series

3 Body Problem. Top sci-fi must see with a few laughs. The books are a total mind fuck if you like an epic trilogy that you can barely understand. Written by a theoretical physicist so based on his knowledge and research 🤯 17/6/24 @ 9:55

Nice to see some love for the deliciously dark, but absolutely hilarious Nighty Night...tailor made for anyone who claims to have a dark sense of humour...Julia Davis is amazing

Can we have the intercourse now Jill? Is probably the darkest quote in British comedy.

Or when she brings in a child's set of Pyjamas for Terry in hospital....
"They're a bit small, Jill."
"Dr. Wivell said that you will be quite small by the end Terry."
"They're a bit small, Jill."
"Dr. Wivell said that you will be quite small by the end Terry."

'Joy, could you not breathe too close to the clients, just while your dentures are setting in...we're not all fish lovers' 🤣

ahaha if you want comedy, “this country” on BBC
very relatable, not a dull moment throughout the whole series.
will have you wetting yourself and quoting many 1 liners.
hope you find what you’re looking for :)
11:31 18/06/24
very relatable, not a dull moment throughout the whole series.
will have you wetting yourself and quoting many 1 liners.
hope you find what you’re looking for :)
11:31 18/06/24

The Orville, Star Trek: Lower Decks and Solar Opposites are all pretty solid depending on your tastes! 11:02am 18/06
Adding an edit to throw in a bonus movie suggestion, They Cloned Tyrone, it's on my watch next list so can't say if it's great or not.
Adding an edit to throw in a bonus movie suggestion, They Cloned Tyrone, it's on my watch next list so can't say if it's great or not.

18/06/24- I love watching trailer park boys while having a joint, that show just goes hand in hand 😂

I recently watched the Scifi series The Expanse which I liked loads more than I expected I would. It's got a pretty good initial plot line but it's the fact that it adheres to many of the harsh realities of living and moving in space rather than skirt around them the way most Scifi series do that I felt gave it some level of integrity and fascination. If you've not seen it, give a few episodes a bash as it takes a while to get going properly. I'm currently watching another Scifi series, The Killjoys. It's kinda fun but hard to recommend in case you judge me by it.

People of Earth
sci-fi comedy
A Journalist who doesn't believe goes to investigate a support group for people who have been abducted.
s1 was great.
17/06/24 20:48
sci-fi comedy
A Journalist who doesn't believe goes to investigate a support group for people who have been abducted.
s1 was great.
17/06/24 20:48

If u have never seen legion the TV series it's on Disney plus now I think it's sci-fi comedy and a whole lot of trippiness best TV series I've ever seen (17/06/24) 20.18pm

Anime: Baccano - A crazy fantasy caper involving alchemists, immortals, gangsters, outlaws and an elixir of immortality, spread over several decades. (If this is your first Samurai Champoo, black lagoon or bungo stray dogs next, all available dubbed)
Non-Anime: Love, Death & Robots - A collection of animated short stories that span various genres including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. (Hard to tell some from reality)
Non-Anime: Love, Death & Robots - A collection of animated short stories that span various genres including science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy. (Hard to tell some from reality)

I'd highly reccomend the Orville on Disney+ - hilarious Sci-fi show, not too much to think about.. perfect for stoners like us!
Have a good night mate, all the best
Have a good night mate, all the best

Hi CCannibals
If you haven't seen Twisted Metal it is both SciFi AND Comedy.
Season 1 has been out for a while and was on Amazon lately.
I could mention another shwo but I guess that would be cheating!
If you haven't seen Twisted Metal it is both SciFi AND Comedy.
Season 1 has been out for a while and was on Amazon lately.
I could mention another shwo but I guess that would be cheating!

Check out Snowpiercer, great sci-fi tv series set in a dystopian setting that I enjoyed, and as a bonus Sean Bean stars in it!
- 18.06.2024 12:48
- 18.06.2024 12:48

Going out on a limb here, not sci-fi or comedy (fav's of mine tbh) AND I haven't watched these in years but I remember enjoying them (and only one season for each):
The Night Of - twisty, turny, tense, wrongful(?) imprisonment drama.
The Last Panthers - Dark, violent Crime drama, moody ambient dark music (ended up with the soundtrack)
18/06/24 12:33pm
The Night Of - twisty, turny, tense, wrongful(?) imprisonment drama.
The Last Panthers - Dark, violent Crime drama, moody ambient dark music (ended up with the soundtrack)
18/06/24 12:33pm

My all time favourite Sci-Fi TV series has to be The X Files and for a comedy for me it's got to be Only Fools & Horses, never fails to make me laugh no matter how many times I watch it :-)
18/06/2024 10:45AM
Good Luck.
18/06/2024 10:45AM
Good Luck.

Oooh fun competition and first one I've ever entered lol, few recommends from yesteryears....
Mork & Mindy, Futurama & 3rd Rock From The Sun. 18.06.24, 10.29am✌️ 💚
Mork & Mindy, Futurama & 3rd Rock From The Sun. 18.06.24, 10.29am✌️ 💚

Animated series called
"The Boondocks"
don't understand how it doesn't get recommended more. Check it out
"The Boondocks"
don't understand how it doesn't get recommended more. Check it out

Please put date stamps biggas so we know who was first in case 2-3 of sugges the same

I'm the TV guy! These are the best shows out there:
Mare of Easttown is maybe the best crime mini series ever made!
Severance is some adult sci-fi and a real mind twister
For comedy - Dave is the funniest show I've seen in the past few years.
Even if you don't pick me, definitely watch these shows - they're all tens!
Mare of Easttown is maybe the best crime mini series ever made!
Severance is some adult sci-fi and a real mind twister
For comedy - Dave is the funniest show I've seen in the past few years.
Even if you don't pick me, definitely watch these shows - they're all tens!

The acolyte
Cleaning lady
Presumed innocent
Dark matter
All banging at the minute 👍🏻👍🏻
Cleaning lady
Presumed innocent
Dark matter
All banging at the minute 👍🏻👍🏻

Happy weird but funny as fook or ash vs evil dead over the top but a good show to watch when high 22/6/24 22:50

If you like Sci-fi Comedies, a great TV Series to watch is Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (if you haven’t already seen it). High-ly recommended 🔥🥬💨

Dark Matter
For all Mankind
Raised by Wolves. (Sadly cancelled though)
All great scifi.
For all Mankind
Raised by Wolves. (Sadly cancelled though)
All great scifi.

Something that always made me howl was Operation Good Guys from the 1980's? Very funny, particularly the cocaine bust episode. Hard to find but well worth a watch. 22.06.24

I always enjoy rewatching Red Dwarf, the jokes still land for me after all these years!
Not comedy or sci-f I know, but the ‘American Crime Story’ series were class. Really bingable and plenty to go at. There’s a series on the OJ Simpson case, the Versace murder (REALLY good this one!) and the Bill Clinton affair. 21/6. 2350
Not comedy or sci-f I know, but the ‘American Crime Story’ series were class. Really bingable and plenty to go at. There’s a series on the OJ Simpson case, the Versace murder (REALLY good this one!) and the Bill Clinton affair. 21/6. 2350

Thank you for all entries this far. Please make sure to include date stamp I can still see few posted without.

2 posts
+2 votes
Customer Only Giveaway #2
$30313 give or take ten
+ 2 more

Customer Only Giveaway #2

Well because why not!
Y’all are getting good at these BTC guessing ones!
We are giving away some of our exotic topshelf Cali shake AGAIN (Customers only)
To enter you MUST have at least 1 buy from us in the past.
Guess the price of bitcoin in $ at 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) on Sunday 16th July 2023.
Submissions close 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) Saturday 15th July 2023.
There will be TEN, yes TEN! winners in order of closest guess.
1. 14g shake
2. 7g shake
3. 3.5g shake
4. 3.5g shake
5. 3.5g shake
6. 2g shake
7. 2g shake
8. 2g shake
9. 2g shake
10. 2g shake
Your submission is accepted and locked in once I upvote and reply to it.
Winners announced Sunday evening and prizes will be sent Monday morning.
Good luck! 🤞
Y’all are getting good at these BTC guessing ones!
We are giving away some of our exotic topshelf Cali shake AGAIN (Customers only)
To enter you MUST have at least 1 buy from us in the past.
Guess the price of bitcoin in $ at 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) on Sunday 16th July 2023.
Submissions close 16:20 UK time (GMT+1) Saturday 15th July 2023.
There will be TEN, yes TEN! winners in order of closest guess.
1. 14g shake
2. 7g shake
3. 3.5g shake
4. 3.5g shake
5. 3.5g shake
6. 2g shake
7. 2g shake
8. 2g shake
9. 2g shake
10. 2g shake
Your submission is accepted and locked in once I upvote and reply to it.
Winners announced Sunday evening and prizes will be sent Monday morning.
Good luck! 🤞

Another giveaway already? I applaud your generosity GC.
I'm going to guess $30,425.70
Good luck biggas and thanks again GC.
I'm going to guess $30,425.70
Good luck biggas and thanks again GC.

Wow that’s a tight pack of runners! As I bombed out last time I’ll no doubt do so again, sooooo:
$30,777 🤞
$30,777 🤞

Big up GameChanger doesnt have to do this even reminded me in DM to participate Mad love already for this vendor <3
I see no one is guessing BTC to go up i will be optimistic and put $30,723
I see no one is guessing BTC to go up i will be optimistic and put $30,723

I've been really enjoying this stuff in the Tinymight 2, vapes really tasty, and gets you nicely bingo-ed! Thanks GC!
Can I guess at $30,422 please? 💚🍀😁
Can I guess at $30,422 please? 💚🍀😁

I wonder what the difference is having it in the vape vs a joint. Might need to get that Tinymight 2.
Good luck! 💚👍🤞
Good luck! 💚👍🤞

It's a new experience for me too, but I'm really enjoying the tm2. There's definitely a learning curve, but with a little trial and error, and some help from the awesome folks on here, it's been great! 😁😶🌫️💚

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