The problem:
Every time I roll on my tray then close my tin up a tiny bit of the leftover weed and tobacco ends up in the box. This really accumulates over time but is a dried mess of dusty tobacco & kief-ish stuff. Usually it reaches a point where I chuck it out. Sometimes I add it to a smoke. It's not pleasant although it's usually strong.
The theory:
So this time I've decided to apply science to it. Look away actual scientists.
I tested dry tobacco in water. It dissolves / floats. So I figured if I freeze my tray of leftovers, mix them with ice and water, hit it with a blender, filter all the big bits out then leave it to settle in a cold bottle with ice and occasional agitation, that the only stuff capable of sinking will be broken bits of trichome. Everything else would float or dissolve.
Solution in action:
It's been half an hour and it's working. It creates a really truly horrible smush of brown plant material to chuck out from the first filtering but I've got hash settling at the bottom of a bottle filled with what is -probably- toxic brown water.
* Don't try this at home folks *
If you do please acknowledge you're probably working with a poison. This is really a note to myself as I'm still mid-process while writing this. Perhaps one of the scientists I told to look away earlier but who kept on reading anyway could comment on how lethal the water would be. I still have to syphon it so I'll definitely need to take care with that.
I'm assuming the water uptake of the final hash will be so low that this isn't an issue. I'm going to give it one hour more then see what I've got. You don't have to wait an hour though. This is not a live show.
Generally the longer you leave it the more you get but I'm impatient and getting anything back will already be a better result than I expected when I started.
Hourish later:
We are ready to syphon this and filter the hash out. It looks like there is enough as a proof of concept. If you're reading this in my obituary instead of little biggy then you already know the outcome. Personally I'm feeling how I imagine Dr Frankenstein felt when his monster plans began to pan out. We are one spark away from perfection here. I'll be back. Hopefully. It went well for the Dr - right?
Honestly, this is generally unpleasant when doing this even with fresh frozen plants but this was new level unpleasant. Really like kissing an ashtray. If you're thinking of quitting smoking tobacco, making some of this would be a good start. Tobacco - it's repulsive stuff. Anyway, off for a smoke then I'll be back.
Final filter done and I have a small amount of hash of an unknown grade. Those doubting this at the beginning, you may eat your hats now. This actually includes me. I hadn't thought this through. Still my hat will not taste as bad as syphoning tobacco water. Mmmmm.... Chewy cotton & cardboard.....
The hash needs to be dried. A good hash would be well dried and cured for a length of time. That's clearly not going to happen here. As soon as it's smokable I'll smoke some to see what it's made from.
I started with 6.2g of a skanky dried mixture of old weed bits and tobacco and I've got 0.6g of hash back. What are you betting on? Good hash? Bad hash? Poison hash? Not poison but tastes like poison hash? I'm actually betting on smokable hash at this point. I don't want to have to eat two hats.
The final product:
This is it. This is happening. The cumulation of a stupid idea I had late at night when I was a wee bit stoned is at its moment of completion. I'm going in.
I've speed dried this so I might update this post once I've tried the bit ill leave to cure.
It definitely tastes horribly tobaccoey. First taste is not a positive. Nor the second. This is a bad hash based on flavour. Really bad. The smell of it burning does smell like hash. The smoke's quite thick and it leaves white ash behind. It's also got some stone. Probably around the strength of a $30 3.5g hash on lb. Except this tastes more like an ashtray. It's really bad. However bad you're thinking - it's actually worse than that. I'm currently filled with regret for starting this at all.
Any hash flavouring, and I doubt there is any, has been washed away with tobacco flavour. And not a nice tobacco flavour like when a smoker sparks up a cigarette straight off a long haul flight and has that first puff. This is a dirty ashtray taste. It's really bad. It tastes like I'm the second or third person to have smoked it. I roll with some tobacco; I enjoy tobacco - in moderation, but this is really f**kin' awful. You could lick a pub ashtray clean from the Red Lion in the 1980s and still not taste more of a used tobacco taste. You could have a more pleasurable smoke by rolling up some fallen autumn leaves into a bus ticket.
My thinking was that the hash itself is waterproof so once it's back out the water any nasty taste would go with the water. This is so far from true. Even my dinner tastes bad now. I smoked this ages ago. All I can taste is ashtrays. I keep thinking the taste has gone while I'm eating but soon as I stop it's back like I'm still smoking it. It is genuinely ruining my evening.
I was really fully ready for a smug ending to this post. I guess, arguably the science worked. I did create a hash from waste tobacco and weed. And it will get you stoned if you can bear smoking it. Earlier I wrote I'll try it once it's cured but honestly I don't think I will. It's genuinely that bad and I hadn't lived with it long enough when I made that declaration. I'm not standing by it. I wish the taste of good hash lingered like this. I guess the only positive I can draw from this experience is a greater understanding of how much flavour a bubble hash must accumulate during processing.
So there you have it. In answer to my initial question - yes, you can make bubble from a tobacco / weed mix but still don't. I'd rather eat two, three or more hats than have to smoke any more of this crap. If this is how smoking tasted, none of us would smoke.
I hope some of you found this informative, if not I hope it was entertaining at least. I'll see you in the next topic. I'm off for some extreme teeth cleaning and then smoking whatever the strongest tasting thing there is in my box in the desperate hope I may taste something else other than ashtrays. Thanks for reading.
(Honestly - which way were you betting it'd go? 'cos I really thought I was onto something for a while there.)