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joined jun 2023
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7 topics on Aleysus
3 posts
+9 votes

PGR free sellers

PGR free sellers
I've only seen a bit of Don Loco but nothing else so far, any suggestions would be appreciated!

Green avenger weed has been my go to recently, platinum og is lovely imo!
Riley packs also has some quality stuff in more often than not. Hope this helps!✌
Riley packs also has some quality stuff in more often than not. Hope this helps!✌

4 posts
+9 votes

I quit thc

I quit thc
Before quitting I was on almost 3ml of live resin carts a week mainly from Dr. Extracts, sensi smart and clean cart club.
I was high on carts 24/7 for 19 months and it took me 56 days to come negative in the urine test, I tested myself every week.
To put you in perspective I was a daily smoker for 18 years, then I stopped for 10 months then went to vaping dry herb for around 2 years, then another break of almost a year before I encountered carts. I felt in love of how discrete and strong they are, to the point that I didn't touch the herb anymore. It was a game changer and it helped me in many ways, went back to the gym and running and it helped to lose more than 20kg of weight.
At the end I knew my time with carts was up as it wasn't giving me any positive anymore so I quit overnight.
Fuck me, it's been horrible, depression and irritability like never before in my life, the gym and the running is what is saving me, but the sleep? I woke up countless times every night with cold sweats and shakes but the worst thing are the fucking nightmares. It's like living in a live terror film, my whole live is gone through this fucking nightmares. From seeing my pets being killed on front of me, to see how my two daughters drowned by my fault, to my partner being kicked to death in front of me too. And countless more.
If I share this it's only to warn those deep in to the fucking carts to be aware, everything has a price and I feel mine is being too little compared to what this shit may cause to other people. It isn't only THC on them, be sure of that.
I am and will always be a firm defender of the herb as medicine for the body and mind on its natural and organic state.
I was high on carts 24/7 for 19 months and it took me 56 days to come negative in the urine test, I tested myself every week.
To put you in perspective I was a daily smoker for 18 years, then I stopped for 10 months then went to vaping dry herb for around 2 years, then another break of almost a year before I encountered carts. I felt in love of how discrete and strong they are, to the point that I didn't touch the herb anymore. It was a game changer and it helped me in many ways, went back to the gym and running and it helped to lose more than 20kg of weight.
At the end I knew my time with carts was up as it wasn't giving me any positive anymore so I quit overnight.
Fuck me, it's been horrible, depression and irritability like never before in my life, the gym and the running is what is saving me, but the sleep? I woke up countless times every night with cold sweats and shakes but the worst thing are the fucking nightmares. It's like living in a live terror film, my whole live is gone through this fucking nightmares. From seeing my pets being killed on front of me, to see how my two daughters drowned by my fault, to my partner being kicked to death in front of me too. And countless more.
If I share this it's only to warn those deep in to the fucking carts to be aware, everything has a price and I feel mine is being too little compared to what this shit may cause to other people. It isn't only THC on them, be sure of that.
I am and will always be a firm defender of the herb as medicine for the body and mind on its natural and organic state.

Thanks for sharing buddy.
I honestly believe that carts are going to do a whole lot of harm for the cannabis cause in the long run. They are so big in the US now and the demand so great that even the top branded dispensary versions are being found to have a raft of seriously health damaging contaminants.
Kids are now using carts as their first INTRODUCTION to cannabis ffs. Normal weed will never work for them, they have a sky high tolerance from the get go!
Too easy, too convenient, too strong, too habit forming....what could possibly go wrong? And when they rage against cannabis it will be the carts they see and the damage they do and it could bring down the whole house of cards, fragile as it is.
There is no stopping it now, we've opened the box. But well done on coming off them. I use them very rarely now. I used to take one down the pub with mates but I haven't even done that the last few times...
I honestly believe that carts are going to do a whole lot of harm for the cannabis cause in the long run. They are so big in the US now and the demand so great that even the top branded dispensary versions are being found to have a raft of seriously health damaging contaminants.
Kids are now using carts as their first INTRODUCTION to cannabis ffs. Normal weed will never work for them, they have a sky high tolerance from the get go!
Too easy, too convenient, too strong, too habit forming....what could possibly go wrong? And when they rage against cannabis it will be the carts they see and the damage they do and it could bring down the whole house of cards, fragile as it is.
There is no stopping it now, we've opened the box. But well done on coming off them. I use them very rarely now. I used to take one down the pub with mates but I haven't even done that the last few times...

The thing is, I experienced withdrawal symptoms before as I always quit overnight, but with carts has been way worse than I could imagine.
I can't imagine how much damage it would do to a youth never smoked before. I see them in my town, hitting bongs bigger than themselves in the fucking kids park when I take my daughters, quite scary though. They will be zombies by the time they reach adulthood.
And we'll be all put in the same bag by general public.
It's an epidemic to come, thanks to the USA and their fucked up system.
I just hope here and Europe does a smarter way of legalising
I can't imagine how much damage it would do to a youth never smoked before. I see them in my town, hitting bongs bigger than themselves in the fucking kids park when I take my daughters, quite scary though. They will be zombies by the time they reach adulthood.
And we'll be all put in the same bag by general public.
It's an epidemic to come, thanks to the USA and their fucked up system.
I just hope here and Europe does a smarter way of legalising

Totally agree. I look at the number of teenager contributors on r/weed on Reddit (mostly US) who say they are doing a cart a day and they can’t stop and it is terrifying. All the potential benefits of legalising cannabis will be lost in the backlash I fear…

22 posts
+56 votes

Live resin carts

Live resin carts
Looking for a vendor with good quality live resin, apart of dc extracts :)

Hi Aleysus 😉. Without a doubt Sensi Mart live resin carts either 50/50 s or 100% live resin 😉 loads of good choices..

I should have some back on sale in the next couple of weeks, I'll have 0.5ml and 1ml up for grabs 👍🏻

Waiting for my first to arrive from SN2D. 0.5 ml for $55 plus $12 postage. Compared to $37 from sensimart. Been thinking about buying one for ages, I'll let you know if it's worth the extra $.

The cart arrived, Cannabotix live resin. I was dubious about international shipping but it was tracked all the way and landed on the mat 13 days after ordering, having spent a worrying 5 days in UK customs.
Nice to see the packaging on what I hope is an authentic US cart. Taste was nice, not too strong and very natural. Really smooth on the throat, more so than other carts I've had. Great lingering indica stone.
Better than sensimarts and GVC? I'd say by a small margin.
It's reinforced to me how good the vapes on LB from UK vendors generally are.
I would definitely order from SN2D again but only as an occasional treat.
Nice to see the packaging on what I hope is an authentic US cart. Taste was nice, not too strong and very natural. Really smooth on the throat, more so than other carts I've had. Great lingering indica stone.
Better than sensimarts and GVC? I'd say by a small margin.
It's reinforced to me how good the vapes on LB from UK vendors generally are.
I would definitely order from SN2D again but only as an occasional treat.

Try ours.
Strong, cheap, no additives. Only live resin and distillate. We plan to add Cannabis Derived Terpenes to the next batch to increase the flavour.
Strong, cheap, no additives. Only live resin and distillate. We plan to add Cannabis Derived Terpenes to the next batch to increase the flavour.

I've tried live resin carts from all the popular UK vendors on here.
The best ones I've had, have been from Sensimart & the great vape company.
I haven't tried any of the US imports or RR ones yet so not certain whether they are worth the extra cash.
The best ones I've had, have been from Sensimart & the great vape company.
I haven't tried any of the US imports or RR ones yet so not certain whether they are worth the extra cash.

Cant belive these havnt been mentioned yet. The king of carts!

The Runtz was the best of the current stock but ive just bought the last of those, so my second choice would be the jarritos or mac1

Hi burr77 ..yes maybe. But also a king of prices 🧐. Maybe good carts. But 3 times the price of Sensi Mart.which are great quality for the price. Especially if your on a budget 👍😭😉

But theyre also twice the size. sensi carts are only .5ml so the price difference is not so far apart

Fair point burr77. Still . If you're feeling flush at about $100 including shipping and fees for a 1ml live resin cart.bit out of my budget lol 🤣 each to their own budget I suppose 👍

Same man I would love to try them but I can barely justify sensis prices let alone $100 per ml that’s crazy

We do live resin liquid diamond carts, feel free to check our page out! Lots of reviews there now :)

7 posts
+7 votes

Vaping herb after carts

Vaping herb after carts
I switched to carts a year ago but I was missing a bit of true smell so I got myself some lovely herbs from Druids.
What a disappointment when I vape it in the mighty and it's just terrible to the taste, like I can't feel no Terps, tried to smoked it and it was even worse, couldn't even finish a joint!
I stick to carts but still love opening the tin to sniff the true smell.
What a disappointment when I vape it in the mighty and it's just terrible to the taste, like I can't feel no Terps, tried to smoked it and it was even worse, couldn't even finish a joint!
I stick to carts but still love opening the tin to sniff the true smell.

Sorry to say it but the carts have destroyed you mate. Too strong, too easy, too full of chemicals and demon tolerance builders. Should only be used in rotation and moderation imo.
It will take a while, but I predict this lesson will be learned by us all…
It will take a while, but I predict this lesson will be learned by us all…

I know where I'm standing and very well aware of pros and cons plus personal situation etc.
Hence I mentioned I stick to carts. I was only sharing my thoughts, your opinion sounds a bit like an statement but it's ok I still appreciate you reply
Hence I mentioned I stick to carts. I was only sharing my thoughts, your opinion sounds a bit like an statement but it's ok I still appreciate you reply

Hehe, yeah sorry mate, I’m finding myself up on a high horse these days when it comes to carts. We’ve all got to find our own way at the end of the day😉

Took me a few days on the dhv before I could get used to tasting the vapour and then started picking up the terps. Don't give up too soon.

Thanks yeah definitely once I get that tolerance brake I know taste will be back. In the meantime sniffing them flowers

1 post
+10 votes

Coinbase advanced

Coinbase advanced
Hi everyone, I've been paying 2/3 quid max in fees in orders of £120 with Coinbase advanced during last couple of months. It takes a bit longer to master than normal Coinbase but after that it's pretty much the same process.
I don't know the science behind, I only use btc to buy weed but I felt I have to share that!
I don't know the science behind, I only use btc to buy weed but I felt I have to share that!

2 posts
+4 votes

What imply opening a dispute

What imply opening a dispute
Wating 10 days for sdd, vendor is replying to messages but solving nothing, not sure if worth opening a dispute and what imply.

Hey Aleysus, sorry you’ve had a bit of difficult time with the vendor. if nothing is solved with them and nothing arrives, that’s what the dispute button is there for, it’s there to protect you from losing your money. If the vendors responding that’s a good sign and hopefully you can resolve the issue with them directly, but if nothing comes of it, then don’t be afraid to open a dispute. Often, opening a dispute will motivate the vendor to sort out the issue as they don’t want that on their page. Hopefully everything gets sorted for you quickly and you get your order soon 😊

11 posts
+31 votes

Loss of weight with carts

Loss of weight with carts
I've smoked for 20+ years on and off. 8 months ago I started first time carts and use them daily since. Since then I've lost 15kg without a serious change on my diet.

Hey Aleysus,
15kg weight loss is very impressive and I hope you’re feeling better for it!
I am by no means an expert but i have quite a lot of experience with nutrition and health and weight loss so i’ll just give you my thoughts on what i think the weight loss could be caused by. sorry this may be quite a long post as well.
If we break down the weight loss over the 8 months, you’ve lost around 2kg a month which equates to roughly 1lb a week. This is a 500 calorie deficit under your maintenance calories per day for the 8 months (3500 calorie deficit under your maintenance = roughly 1lb of fat). So if you’re in a 3500 calorie deficit over the week you’d lose around 1lb per week. This may well be the case if you’ve swapped out sugary drinks for diet drinks, or increased your exercise, or cut out a few snacks, or maybe a combo of all, you could quite easily put yourself in a calorie deficit without realising. It could also be a case of losing water weight which can fluctuate depending on what you eat and if you’re eating more or a case of losing muscle if you’re someone who would gym regularly and then stopped, you’ll start losing your muscle you’ve gained and therefore also lose weight.
Unexpected weight loss could also be caused by a number of other factors outside of your diet. for example, in times of stress, like losing a job, loss of a loved, the ending of a relationship, those kind of things can have an impact on your mental health which can cause weight loss. it could also be a digestive issue, such as ibs or maybe a new gluten intolerance which has caused coeliac disease, that would also cause weight loss. also if you had started a new course of medication, this can impact your weight too, so that’s something to factor in as well. other health conditions to maybe research would an overactive thyroid - which controls your metabolism so when it’s overactive your metabolism increases and you’ll lose weight eating the same number of calories as before. type 2 diabetes is also something would cause weight loss. and i don’t mean to scare you at all with this, unexpected weight loss is also a symptom of cancer but this is ofc in rare circumstances but something to be aware of.
I guess the big thing would be to monitor your energy levels, and maybe try counting your calories if you are concerned about the weight loss and maybe a trip to the gp to have a chat about it and get a more expert opinion on the matter. Also, sudden weight loss due to any serious health condition generally happens in people over 60 or 65 i can’t remember exactly which one it is, so age is also a factor to think about in this too.
Sorry for the long response and i apologise if i’ve worried you at all, that’s not my intentions whatsoever, just trying to give as much info as i can. But if you’re feeling good and healthy, there’s probably nothing at all to worry about and i congratulate you on your weight loss 😊
Also if you’d like any more info or would like a chat about anything in more depth feel free to send me a message and i’ll be happy to try help.
15kg weight loss is very impressive and I hope you’re feeling better for it!
I am by no means an expert but i have quite a lot of experience with nutrition and health and weight loss so i’ll just give you my thoughts on what i think the weight loss could be caused by. sorry this may be quite a long post as well.
If we break down the weight loss over the 8 months, you’ve lost around 2kg a month which equates to roughly 1lb a week. This is a 500 calorie deficit under your maintenance calories per day for the 8 months (3500 calorie deficit under your maintenance = roughly 1lb of fat). So if you’re in a 3500 calorie deficit over the week you’d lose around 1lb per week. This may well be the case if you’ve swapped out sugary drinks for diet drinks, or increased your exercise, or cut out a few snacks, or maybe a combo of all, you could quite easily put yourself in a calorie deficit without realising. It could also be a case of losing water weight which can fluctuate depending on what you eat and if you’re eating more or a case of losing muscle if you’re someone who would gym regularly and then stopped, you’ll start losing your muscle you’ve gained and therefore also lose weight.
Unexpected weight loss could also be caused by a number of other factors outside of your diet. for example, in times of stress, like losing a job, loss of a loved, the ending of a relationship, those kind of things can have an impact on your mental health which can cause weight loss. it could also be a digestive issue, such as ibs or maybe a new gluten intolerance which has caused coeliac disease, that would also cause weight loss. also if you had started a new course of medication, this can impact your weight too, so that’s something to factor in as well. other health conditions to maybe research would an overactive thyroid - which controls your metabolism so when it’s overactive your metabolism increases and you’ll lose weight eating the same number of calories as before. type 2 diabetes is also something would cause weight loss. and i don’t mean to scare you at all with this, unexpected weight loss is also a symptom of cancer but this is ofc in rare circumstances but something to be aware of.
I guess the big thing would be to monitor your energy levels, and maybe try counting your calories if you are concerned about the weight loss and maybe a trip to the gp to have a chat about it and get a more expert opinion on the matter. Also, sudden weight loss due to any serious health condition generally happens in people over 60 or 65 i can’t remember exactly which one it is, so age is also a factor to think about in this too.
Sorry for the long response and i apologise if i’ve worried you at all, that’s not my intentions whatsoever, just trying to give as much info as i can. But if you’re feeling good and healthy, there’s probably nothing at all to worry about and i congratulate you on your weight loss 😊
Also if you’d like any more info or would like a chat about anything in more depth feel free to send me a message and i’ll be happy to try help.

Sounds like you need to help apex become hulk apex matey 🤜
My weight / health kick experience is limited.
Got a peloton end of sept and gone from 31% body fat to 18% average don’t change much just cut adding sugar to tea and coffees🤷♂️
Lost a couple of kg and apparently gained muscle but look like a skinny apex still 😭
My weight / health kick experience is limited.
Got a peloton end of sept and gone from 31% body fat to 18% average don’t change much just cut adding sugar to tea and coffees🤷♂️
Lost a couple of kg and apparently gained muscle but look like a skinny apex still 😭

That’s a great transformation mate, well done! And usually the end of the year around christmas is when the body fat shoots up so you’re smashing
Do you do any resistance training? Either with weights or body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups etc. If not it would definitely help with body composition and filling out your frame as you get stronger and your muscles grow.
If you do want any advice or anything about it feel free to message me and i’d be happy to help 😊
let’s make 2024 the year of the skunk 🦨 💪
Do you do any resistance training? Either with weights or body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups etc. If not it would definitely help with body composition and filling out your frame as you get stronger and your muscles grow.
If you do want any advice or anything about it feel free to message me and i’d be happy to help 😊
let’s make 2024 the year of the skunk 🦨 💪

Weed in general makes me lose weight even with the munchies. I lost 8 stone in 8 months 😱

15 kilos!!….shitty death!…I need to start spanking the carts!😳👍
But you are saying it’s not because they are reducing your appetite and that you are eating the same? You say “without serious change”…so you have changed your diet to some extent then yeah?…
I would honestly expect it to go the other way as THC generally pushes the munchies and a lot of people put on weight with regular use. Did your smoking give you munchies but carts don’t?
I don’t think carts can be the cause of your weight loss🤔
But you are saying it’s not because they are reducing your appetite and that you are eating the same? You say “without serious change”…so you have changed your diet to some extent then yeah?…
I would honestly expect it to go the other way as THC generally pushes the munchies and a lot of people put on weight with regular use. Did your smoking give you munchies but carts don’t?
I don’t think carts can be the cause of your weight loss🤔

Carts definitely helped me to reduce my appetite and fast for longer but I don't eat less if that makes sense.
I wanted to ask here before research but that's my case
I wanted to ask here before research but that's my case

I switched to carts about a year ago, given up all other smoking and dry herb vaping, weight loss for me.

haven't tried it yet for that option... but wat a great new year resolution ... I'm gonna lose weight vaping thc carts 😎😎😎

9 posts by Aleysus
1 post
+5 votes

I quit thc
started topic

I quit thc
Before quitting I was on almost 3ml of live resin carts a week mainly from Dr. Extracts, sensi smart and clean cart club.
I was high on carts 24/7 for 19 months and it took me 56 days to come negative in the urine test, I tested myself every week.
To put you in perspective I was a daily smoker for 18 years, then I stopped for 10 months then went to vaping dry herb for around 2 years, then another break of almost a year before I encountered carts. I felt in love of how discrete and strong they are, to the point that I didn't touch the herb anymore. It was a game changer and it helped me in many ways, went back to the gym and running and it helped to lose more than 20kg of weight.
At the end I knew my time with carts was up as it wasn't giving me any positive anymore so I quit overnight.
Fuck me, it's been horrible, depression and irritability like never before in my life, the gym and the running is what is saving me, but the sleep? I woke up countless times every night with cold sweats and shakes but the worst thing are the fucking nightmares. It's like living in a live terror film, my whole live is gone through this fucking nightmares. From seeing my pets being killed on front of me, to see how my two daughters drowned by my fault, to my partner being kicked to death in front of me too. And countless more.
If I share this it's only to warn those deep in to the fucking carts to be aware, everything has a price and I feel mine is being too little compared to what this shit may cause to other people. It isn't only THC on them, be sure of that.
I am and will always be a firm defender of the herb as medicine for the body and mind on its natural and organic state.
I was high on carts 24/7 for 19 months and it took me 56 days to come negative in the urine test, I tested myself every week.
To put you in perspective I was a daily smoker for 18 years, then I stopped for 10 months then went to vaping dry herb for around 2 years, then another break of almost a year before I encountered carts. I felt in love of how discrete and strong they are, to the point that I didn't touch the herb anymore. It was a game changer and it helped me in many ways, went back to the gym and running and it helped to lose more than 20kg of weight.
At the end I knew my time with carts was up as it wasn't giving me any positive anymore so I quit overnight.
Fuck me, it's been horrible, depression and irritability like never before in my life, the gym and the running is what is saving me, but the sleep? I woke up countless times every night with cold sweats and shakes but the worst thing are the fucking nightmares. It's like living in a live terror film, my whole live is gone through this fucking nightmares. From seeing my pets being killed on front of me, to see how my two daughters drowned by my fault, to my partner being kicked to death in front of me too. And countless more.
If I share this it's only to warn those deep in to the fucking carts to be aware, everything has a price and I feel mine is being too little compared to what this shit may cause to other people. It isn't only THC on them, be sure of that.
I am and will always be a firm defender of the herb as medicine for the body and mind on its natural and organic state.

Well done friend! We truly believe that we need to get back to a place where we use the herb like a master medicine she is right up there with Ayahuasca etc. everyday use is disconnecting from yourself and your reality which is never good. We love that we don’t have to give up our meds but change them daily to suite what we need or sometimes also to have fun but everything in balance :) Good luck with it all ! You won’t regret it

Probs is just THC in them, in large amounts.
Larger folk take longer to detox because of how THC interacts with lipids.
But yeah, last time I quit I had the same symptoms. Horrific nightmares.
High doses of CBD helped a bit. As did exercise.
Larger folk take longer to detox because of how THC interacts with lipids.
But yeah, last time I quit I had the same symptoms. Horrific nightmares.
High doses of CBD helped a bit. As did exercise.

I vape about 4ml distillate a week and when I don't for a day or two, I feel fine. Just irritable and wish I could be high but nothing extreme. I find alcohol helps manage the irritability though obviously comes with it's own set of problems.
What you went/are going through sounds horrific and I hope you feel well soon 🙏
What you went/are going through sounds horrific and I hope you feel well soon 🙏

1 post
+2 votes

Coin base wants £5.65 to send £21
Please use Coinbase advanced. I paid £2.25 for a £130 this morning. Find a tutorial on YouTube, there's few more steps to do but trust me if I can do …

Coin base wants £5.65 to send £21
Trying to send £21 in bitcoin and coin base wants £26.65 (£5.65 sending fee) Are fees high at the moment for sending on coinbase? was only £2.99 Tuesday morning to send £150

1 post
+2 votes
Please use Coinbase advanced, find a tutorial on YouTube how to buy btc. I've just paid 3.20£ in total for a £120

Anyone else getting fee's in the region of £50 to £70 in coinbase for sending

Yeah, it has dropped slightly since I last tried so fingers crossed it'll level out soon. 3x the transaction amount is insane

1 post
+1 votes
420 Giveaway 🍁 $250 Store Credit!
Good luck everyone!

420 Giveaway 🍁 $250 Store Credit!

Hello, biggas!
Nearly approaching 4/20 and we've decided to run a give away for $250 store credit.
If you win, you get to pick out any item(s) of your choosing with an equivalent value to $250 (£200.82).
We'll be taking some extra precautions with this giveaway to avoid people making accounts in order to win the giveaway.
You must meet the following criteria to enter the giveaway:
Account must be over 3 months in age (Jan 2024 is the earliest accepted.)
Account must have over 10 purchases on site (There are 0 exceptions for this, if you enter and win but don't qualify the giveaway will be re-rolled.)
To claim your spot in the giveaway please reply and upvote this post, you will be allocated a number.
A number will be randomly drawn on a YouTube live stream on the 20th of this month at 8:30pm using a random number generator.
Besides all that, thank you all very much for your unwavering support, we'll continue to keep smashing it for you all!
Nearly approaching 4/20 and we've decided to run a give away for $250 store credit.
If you win, you get to pick out any item(s) of your choosing with an equivalent value to $250 (£200.82).
We'll be taking some extra precautions with this giveaway to avoid people making accounts in order to win the giveaway.
You must meet the following criteria to enter the giveaway:
Account must be over 3 months in age (Jan 2024 is the earliest accepted.)
Account must have over 10 purchases on site (There are 0 exceptions for this, if you enter and win but don't qualify the giveaway will be re-rolled.)
To claim your spot in the giveaway please reply and upvote this post, you will be allocated a number.
A number will be randomly drawn on a YouTube live stream on the 20th of this month at 8:30pm using a random number generator.
Besides all that, thank you all very much for your unwavering support, we'll continue to keep smashing it for you all!

MightyRux - 7
Haha tell me about it, been floating through the last few days 😮💨
Haha tell me about it, been floating through the last few days 😮💨

I tend not to do so well in these comps but I'll have a go if there's still spots thanks. I'd go for the ts shatter & moonrocks I suspect. Good luck everyone.

Sorry mate, you missed out. Will be happy to send you a free gram of our TS Shatter though, drop us a PM to claim your prize.

Wow, that is so generous of you. A nice little campaign also for your store. The pineapple chunk looks tasty AF. Good luck to all <3 and Happy 420 everyone

Love a straight forward giveaway such as this, good luck everyone and thanks SOTL - very generous prize 🔥👌

Wicked competition going on here, I'll throw my name in the hat!
Thanks for the opportunity SOTL!
Thanks for the opportunity SOTL!

Awesome comp guys.
Good luck to everyone! Hope the 420 equivalent of Santa is good to you all!
Good luck to everyone! Hope the 420 equivalent of Santa is good to you all!

Hey there mate
Rolled number 92, you've won the giveaway. Please send me your details to claim your prize.
Rolled number 92, you've won the giveaway. Please send me your details to claim your prize.

If the VOD has not loaded for some (should be 1m30s long, full one bugging out for some reason) here's a screenshot of the number drawn @ 20:30 BST.

Sadly as it is the year of the dragon, the result is a foregone conclusion! ;)
Good luck everyone!
Good luck everyone!

Sanna98 - 63
It's delightful stuff, gives our TS Badder a run for its money! Got some in between some Mimosa Punch in a bowl right now 🥵
It's delightful stuff, gives our TS Badder a run for its money! Got some in between some Mimosa Punch in a bowl right now 🥵

Nice prize 👍
I've still not managed to get to your shop yet, I'm always tempted by something else, but I'll get there one day, sooner rather than later 😁✌️
I've still not managed to get to your shop yet, I'm always tempted by something else, but I'll get there one day, sooner rather than later 😁✌️

Great Competition that falls on my birthday 🎂 the 20th this month 😉👍. Good luck to everyone..!!!

1 post
+1 votes
Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Currently checking your menu! So let's see what's next

Eddys 🔥420🔥 Competition
Hey Biggas it’s time for Eddys 420 competition, im starting early to give everyone a chance to get involved.
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition I know I always do the same style comp but again they seem to never get taken down so makes life easy.
There will be 3 Eddys 420 $100 vouchers to be won to spend in any store and a bonus gram of one of the new concentrates just listed thrown in🔥
Simply upvote this post and comment what you would like to smoke this 420 or anything 420 related to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on 17th to give everyone chance to enter and receive your prize before 420 . Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this youtube channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

I'd love to smoke some real OG Kush with the Pablos Revenge in a purey 😵💫
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹
Cheers Eddy & good luck everyone 💜💚🏹

Cool competition, mate. 420 should be bigger here imo, I know it’s heavily yankified but a day of visibility and recognition will help with decriminalisation imo. Toot for justice, Biggas ✌️

My favourite for 420 would be a good Cherry Mac with a sprinkle of Eddie's Mac bubble hash a perfect 420🔥🏆

I would love to smoke any of these legendary hash or herb that comes only those in the elite circles seem to get 😂

#5🤞🏻 Just got a proxy at spannabis love it, was at the Storz & Bickel stand awhile checking them out aswell🔥

Nice one Eddy. For me it would be a nice dusty nug of Hindu Kush, or some old school strain extracts like Northern Lights or Jack Hera

Wow another competition eddy would love to smoke my way though the menu but it’s keeping up with the menu 💨💨💨💨😱😱🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 all the best everyone 👊

Great compo once again👍 I would love some Skywalker hash if there is any available wow! Thanks all

I would love to sample a little bit of everything on LB but my name would need to end in Musk to be able to afford it!!
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉
Also, I find it mildly amusing the Bitcoin halving will be on 20th April - sorry, puts on stetson and gains weight - 4/20.😉

Some Black Sugar grown under the Caribbean Sun, or a tangy Jamaican Red Beard. Can’t beat a bit of nostalgia…
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍
For European grown, always loved that Chocolupe from Grey Area but original Grapefruit is probably my all time fav!
These days it’s anything tasty that’s been properly flushed and cured! Seems to be a dying art. That said, you can still rely on Eddie for some top draw 😍

Ooops nearly forgot to comment 8D
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.
Tho I only dry vape these days, I do fancy a lil blunt with some Pablos Revenge and using good bud (would looooooove to find some Malibu OG I think it was called - non-LB) with a lick of melted mango haze badder spread on the skin :D
And then I'll have to order more Pablos ;)
Cheers for the compo.

Hay man cool competition, cheers.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.
I love to try some off that maui wowie with some labrador and hope I don't freek out on 420, ha ha.
Thanks and good luck everyone.
Link provided for those who need an explanation or just for fun.

Awesome comp idea! I’m trying to make my way thru your insane much to choose from omg 😊❤️

Breaking a 6 month fast this 420.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.
Going to be spending my day with a dozy golden retriever, so some potent, body-hugging hash is probably in order.

I'd like to be on a beach somewhere tropical on 420, maybe Sri Lanka, blazing 1st rub Parvati cream and a bit of S8! Lovely.

Mine would have to be any of the jungle boys cold cured bubble hash for the bong with a nice OG kush for joints

I'm quite random, I just like to try as much as possible of everything I can get my hands on.
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘
Don't really have a fave like that, I go nose and taste blind after a week of the same bud/hash.
So maybe something I've never had of would be my choice 🤔.
Big up to Eddy's Hashbar for the opportunity 😘

Hey Eddy, I would choose to smoke some of your amazing bubble hash. Tropicanna cookies and some frozen grapes. Happy 420 :)

thanks eddie,
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone
my birthday is on april 20th so im a 420 baby, will be the grand old age of 50, so thats my number, thanks for comp, best of luck everyone

i prefer my green so would go for some hippie crasher with a shot of pablo's revenge, knocks me the fuck out!

I would love to smoke some Blue Zushi and will probs spend my 4/20 making some music and beats

Xmas tree x animal mintz looks up my street! I’ve also had my eye on the grahan cream charas from YNM, something ive never sampled before.
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚
Cheers Eddy, gl biggas 💚

Very generous Eddy , I'd love to wake up and smoke some Godfather OG and your Tropicana Cherry with a chaser of the Banana Sherbet extract!
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️
That's a hero's breakfast 🦸🏻♂️

I would love to be smoking on some isolator hash - the stuff I used to smoke in Amsterdam in the mid/ late 00's - time of my life, wonderful times. Thanks again Eddy.

I would love to be smoking on a donut this 420, still yet to drop the pennys to pick one up. With my weak tolerance now days can only imagine the damage 🫠

A day to get something special in for and at least loosely plan trajectory so as not to end up in a snoring heap by teatime 😴
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞
Vaper but I still enjoy a King Palm on special days in which a bit of everything landrace & exotic, herbal & squishy gets thrown into.
Best wishes Eddy & all 🤞

Purple haze or chocolate Thai of old to see if tastes as good as I remember. Also thanks for the comp and awesome menu

Gotta be in it to win it!
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁
Nice one Eddy, I'd be grabbing some of your hash rosin if i win, prob get some if i dont win tbf 😁

Thank you for hosting! This 420, I’d love to smoke a donut joint rolled with some lovely Piattella

Nice one :) Would love to smoke a big fat j of wedding cake or hariboz this 420, looking tasty 🔥

Nice comp Eddy! I’d love to try some wax for the first time ever on 420, good luck everyone🙌💚

Cool comp Eddy,also id love that jungle boys cold cured hash,looks devine and have not tried it yet,your hash menu is amazing buddy💚

Nice competition! For 420 I will be smoking my last bit of WifiOg I bought from you ages ago and that should do for me :)

I’ve always had to work on 420 day. My ambition is for the wife and kids to be at work and school, get the sofa bed out, watch movies, long walk in the woods and plenty of naps. I’ll need a range of strains to complement each. Happy 420 all!

Would love to be smoking some vanilla gorilla with some jungle boys bubble hash sprinkled over the top 🔥

Happy 420 to all. I'd like to smoke some of that fine Jungle boys hash sprinkled into some Galactic cookies bud.Send my head into the clouds for a few hours!

Inspired by another comment, I think I'll have to save The Donut King pre-roll I still have. 1.5g of Z41 flower and 0.5g of nug run budder Zheetos extract. Really needed an occasion.

Birthdays the 23rd of April. Gotta have the best smoke on my birthday. Gonna have to make a cocktail joint with bud hash and rosin if I win. Thanks for the giveaway Eddy!

Would love to go back to 2009/10 ish…. I think… it could have been earlier or later lol. Shit memory for some reason… don’t know why 😅😉😂
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚
But would love to go back to then when I had a Purple Kush from the Green Place in the Dam. First time I ever tried a pure grape flavour.. been chasing that taste ever since..
Thanks for competition dude 🙏👊💚

Old school myself so would start 420 with a nice mix joint is some quality bud/hash mix, and I have the tattoo just to remind me. 🤣

Can't beat a proper old school haze imo, goes well with the sun, and every 420 is a scorcher! good luck all and cheers eddy!

I want to smoke that la jungle boys layered cake. Cheers Eddy and good luck Biggaz!

I wouldn't mind a Grapefruit blunt seasoned with a generous helping of Sunset Sherbert. That would hit the spot quite nicely.
Thanks and good luck all
Thanks and good luck all

Cheers for the comp eddy.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.
This 420 the other half will be at her mother's. So I shall be sat in my dressing gown, smoking super silver and trying to eat as many easter eggs as humanly possible.

Awesome comp,
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)
My 420 smoke would be NYC Diesel.
Tried it at the dam years ago and havn't found any back home since. (The sour one is completely different)

Man, everything I've had off you has been true fire. Didn't know hash could be that strong, and i been on it the last 40 years. Respect.

Hey eddy
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420
Good competition. Thanks!
Mine would be cereal milk or gorilla glue + a few moonrocks for my 420

My 420 would be cereal milk 🥣🥛 yum. Big thanks to Eddy for the giveaways and good luck people 👊🏴

Some of the jungle boys cold pressed would be amazing as well as more of the Pablo 💯🔥
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌
Great giveaway Eddy - bless 🙌

Nice comp eddy,never delved into the world of quality hash but some of your offerings would be a good start especially for 420

Im on similar vibe the Pablos Revenge , Choc chip or Xmas Tree x Animal Mintz would be a very ideal smoke for 420
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas
edit also that hippy crasher flower has been calling me for a min
Cool giveaway thanks & good luck biggas

Had your sour diesel which was beautiful so I'm sure this is no different alas, 14g doesn't last long around these parts 😅 I'd have it burnt in 4 days 🤣

I'll likely go for a mixture of things in sequence but probably ending with smokes of mixed extract & bud with a couple of edibles. There's a lot of things I'd like to try if I did win. Good luck everyone.

Big up Eddy, for 4/20 I will be smoking some dense nugs and making some hash brownies
Best of luck everyone, one love
Best of luck everyone, one love

Seeing that 420 day is a Saturday I will probably be celebrating with Captain Morgan, some edibles and a nice uplifting sativa to vape on

My 420 smoke would be some Garlic Cake Budd, had it from here a few years ago but not seen it listed since.

This 420 I’ll start the day off with a spliff of lemon pie. Then eat some edibles to get me through the day. Then some purple mimosa. Got to finish with some of ur Pablos Revenge! Send me straight to sleep.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.
Awesome comp eddy! Very generous.

Would be nice to sit inside and have a smoke but that can never happen, not anymore. Never smoked a donut joint would like one of them sat on a nice comfy chair, a nice coffee. Ideally some kind of biscotti donut. YUMMY.

My 420 smoke would be tropicana cherry bubble hash, placed an order yesterday and should have added some more of it in my basket 😖 tastes how it smells and a lovely stone🔥

1 post
+5 votes
We are back & New 100% sauce carts are now available!
I'm a bit lost between LR and sauces if anyone is able to comment the differences would be great 👍🏼

We are back & New 100% sauce carts are now available!
Hi guys we’re back and we’ve got some new strains in stock. We now have white runtz 100% sauce carts, I hope you guys enjoy them, they will be priced slightly higher than our 50/50 carts as these have cost us considerably more to make, because of this we will only be adding 1 sauce cart per each mix of 5 or 2 in a mix of 10 as the mixes are priced more for the 50/50 carts so you will still be getting a good deal. We also have gsc back for those that love it:)

I'm a bit lost between LR and sauces if anyone is able to comment the differences would be great 👍🏼

I want to say sauce is higher in terpenes and flavour whilst a resin is cannabinoid focused with more of a higher thc content
I could be mistaken though
I could be mistaken though

I always thought sauce is less than 10% THC unless there are diamonds mixed in with it too. Would be interesting to get a review if anyone tries one

Hi redeyeuk 👍 interesting to see what you think of them, once you've tried them 😉.I'll keep an eye 👀 out for your review
Sauce could be a good option as in high. Be more like smoking normal bud, around 20+ % . Live resin are good, but sometimes can be a bit overwhelming with the high THC, 😉
Sauce could be a good option as in high. Be more like smoking normal bud, around 20+ % . Live resin are good, but sometimes can be a bit overwhelming with the high THC, 😉

The white runtz is absolute fuel!! Probably one of the tastiest carts to date. The strength is their as well, i would say if not on par with LR then very close.
The fill on the carts could have been better, 4 out of 5 had large air bubbles which is unusual for the doc, maybe sauce is harder to fill? I dunno.
The good doc seems to have sorted the delivery times though, last two parcels have been next day, one on a stamp!
Overall very happy with these :-)
The fill on the carts could have been better, 4 out of 5 had large air bubbles which is unusual for the doc, maybe sauce is harder to fill? I dunno.
The good doc seems to have sorted the delivery times though, last two parcels have been next day, one on a stamp!
Overall very happy with these :-)

Hi guys sorry I was busy over the weekend, but I’ll try to answer all your messages in one reply, it seems most people are interested in strength. The sauce carts will not be as strong as distillate or 50/50 carts as it has a lower THC content, but it should make up for it in flavour and smoothness as the sauce extraction preserves lots of the natural terpenes found in the bud, our supplier has said this batch is 50-60% THC, I do not have the equipment to test this but our supplier is a reliable person & from trying the carts it seems about right. The main difference between sauce and live resin is the terpene & thc content, live resins are typically extracted in a way which will preserve more thc whereas sauce focuses more on the terpenes, the lines have kind of blurred nowadays though as you can get very terpy live resin & there is also HTE. These carts should give you a nice well rounded high with a smooth draw and great flavour, i hope you enjoy them and let me know what you think to them:)

3 posts
+5 votes
started topic
+ 3 more

Just received my order and wasn't great on stealth, literally loose in the bubble envelope. I'd happily pay extra for 2/3 extra layers, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.

Was the item not heat sealed in a Mylar pouch? As it should have been. We’ve never ever had one stopped doing it this way, we tell the post office we use it’s an item which is is close to the shape of a cart so it doesn’t seem suspicious & we have a good relationship with the post office staff. Uk-uk shipping has no customs or check points to see what the package contains, they don’t go through x rays or past sniffer dogs & even if they did the Mylar pouch should hold the smell once sealed, so there’s no reason it should get stopped, it’s way more likely to get lost or stolen and there isn’t really much we can do to prevent either of those things happening. If you would still prefer greater stealth, we can accommodate for that, in the past we’ve put carts in small boxes for example medication boxes or small electrical goods boxes if that would help mate?

Hi Doc, My last 3 or 4 orders have been wrapped in the back of sticky/thermal labels. No mylar or heat seal.
Presumably this is what the above is refering too
Not the end of the world with carts but you never know, 100% LR can be whiffy sometimes.
Presumably this is what the above is refering too
Not the end of the world with carts but you never know, 100% LR can be whiffy sometimes.

Sorry about this mate, I’ve spoke to my packaging team about it and it shouldn’t happen again, my apologies

Hi Doc, the carts were cover with a thin plastic cover around, no heat sealed. The package didn't smell or anything suspicious but my point is that you can tell they're carts if you touch it properly. Another layer like a small cardboard box inside envelope would make a huge difference.

Right okay, I’ve just spoke to my packaging team and they said there was a few days they ran out of Mylar bags so they decided to do that, im really sorry about this guys, all order in future should be sent with a Mylar bag, aleysus if next time your order you message my admin and say I’ve told you to ask for a custom order with more desecrate packaging and for him to let me know about it, I will sort you some more stealthy packaging mate:)

I had this issue a few weeks back near Christmas. No plastic container to protect the cart in transit!

True BUT I’ve ordered 100s of these 30+ times never hand an issue, carts have no smell and it’s just not going to be found any other way. The Royal Mail propaganda is not real but maybe that’s a good idea for the sake of 5$

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