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joined jul 2021
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25 topics on [history]
by  wells
Digging for Utopia
skinheads 1971: racial harmony
by  zeppomarx
The English Peasants Revolt (video)
Tony Blair scrapped treason laws, it all makes sense now.
by  grits
British Railโ€™s short experiment with travelling pubs
by  brando
The penalty for lying in the Persian Empire
"Drawing his sword, he cut o๏ฌ€ their ears and noses, and having threaded these on the bridle of a horse, he tied this around their necks and let them go.

The case is clear. One cuts o๏ฌ€ the earsย โ€”ย perhaps along with other organs of sense and communicationย โ€”ย to mark those convicted of lying.
doc holiday
Make Persia Great Again
Talk about a deterrent ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคบ
Soros and junior
So that makes it all OK then?

He sold out his own people to the nazi's and then told the press years later that he has no regrets about it.

He tried to bankrupt the British pound as we beat the nazi's which he did not appreciate and he wants to cause death and destruction ti the western world but that is all OK because he helped orange County get legalised ๐Ÿคฃ

I know exactly what side of history that I am on."NEVER AGAIN"

And there is no such thing as gays for Palestine either get that into your thick sculls.

One day after the Iranian revolution the Muslim brotherhood killed all there left wing helpers.

This is what happens when you mix radical islamists with leftist fucking liberals they take a country back to the middle ages.

Ww have enabled this and we now need people with guts to sort this mess out, the teachings in alot mosques in the western world is done by radicals that were banned in countries like Pakistan as they were only intent on bringing down there governments so they were banished into Europe were we have allowed them to blossom.

Back in the 1960's the emigrants were coming here to better themselves and leave the oppression only to be followed here many years later by these nutters.

40.000 and rising on the terror watch list at any given time in the UK!?!?!

Who do you think funds the NGO"s ??

Who pays for all the social media ads in Africa to encourage the mass migration ??

Who gives them new mobile phones and just happens to be there when they land on beaches ????

Who is behind Antifa, BLM , Extintion rebellion????


Where are all the protests for the 1 million Uyghurs muslims in China ????????
dr drek
by  dr drek
Origin of the Peace Symbol
by  Tenpester
Did inequality cause the First World War?
by  coldspurs
ww2 was germanyโ€™s 2nd go at concentration camps
the greatest african slave rebellion
Napoleon Bonaparte on the Upcoming UK Election
1 sentence sums up history
JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech
The Battle of Los Angeles 1942: Aiming for The Imaginary, Americans Shoot Each Other
by  brakefast
The Greatest Boomer?
Isaac Newton Minted Coins and Busted Scammers
by  brakefast
Did comedy get this bad under fascism?
Carrosses ร  cinq sols: Pascal Invented Public Transport
The Murderer Who Helped Make the Oxford English Dictionary
by  coldspurs
The Untold Story Of The 1381 Peasants Revolt
by  ike
Night of the Guillotine
by  energixed
London in the Roman World
H.G. Wells Interviews Stalin
by  zeppomarx
The Beautiful Network of Ancient Roman Roads
A Brief Global History of the War on Cannabis
bigg topics