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13 topics on [travel]
by  ike
Europe in August what's the move?
by  zeppomarx
Best travel value on earth?
Jimmy Boco
Menorca Advice
by  ARUBA420
cart to thailand
dr whom
by  dr whom
Most Underrated Destination?
by  24601
Why is Switzerland So Expensive?
Soi Sativa!
by  24601
Lisbon vs Porto?
by  brakefast
Friendliest Islamic Destinations?
I've been to so many Christian places, Buddhist, but never a Moslem one. Where do you suggest?
Istanbul is one of the friendliest big cities on earth.
British Bulldog
Agreed, I went to Istanbul during Ramadan a few years ago and it was fantastic. Highly recommend that city, just a beautiful place and the food is amazing!

Cheers. BB
My Auntie and her “friend” went to Turkey during Ramadan and she said it was nightmare. Agreed that it was a beautiful place and the food was beyond superb.
Got to love Turkish food 🤌
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Apparently Jordan is quite chill. Haven’t been but have seen a documentary following a guy (Levison Wood) travelling around Arabia and definitely Jordan is more relaxed than some surrounding countries. Also Petra is in Jordan which looks amazing
Egyptians are hard to beat however you slice it.
I dunno, they didn't do too well in the Suez war... And I'm pretty sure the ottomans beat them a couple times too.
Malaysia & Indonesia definitely worth a mention! Very underrated as tourist destinations. Azerbaijan is a fairly secular Muslim nation, with a big drinking culture & nightclubs, same goes for Kosovo. Friend of mine visited both & had a great time. Apparently Kosovans love Brits. Morocco is very regional, but always friendly. I've never been but some of the best & most hospitable people I've encountered come from there - a colleague of mine gave me a big chunk of hash at work once because he was despairing at the shwag I was smoking (pre-LB days!).
My friend went to Iraq before lockdown and had a brilliant time. Iraqis are very friendly and tjough there are issues a well run tour will be worth it. Some of the architecture looks incredible.
Wow as a British Muslim I came here expecting the same regurgitated racist nonsense you see all over Facebook etc. I just want to say it’s a breath of fresh air seeing all these posts. I also wanted to say that first and foremost I would consider myself British, my dad moved to this country 30+ years ago (whether due to prior circumstances or not) and has built an amazing life for us all here in much we certainly wouldn’t have been able to enjoy in his own country.
The problem is you have people coming over nowadays who do not want to intergrate into British society at all, learn the language? No thanks, try some traditional English food? don’t eat that horrible bland food. Claim the benefits? Yes please. I find myself in a situation where I am unable to buy a home, unable to live comfortably while working what I would say is a fairly good job all because 1000+ goes towards deductions and funding these kind of people. These kind of people are the real problem and tarnish the reputation of everyone else.

To the OPs question most countries barring Saudi Arabia are fine for a visit just be sure to obey the local customs. Saudi Arabia is full of bigoted hypocrites so I would steer well clear of there. Some notable examples which are quite liberal are Morocco and Turkey. Istanbul and marrakech are good city breaks and there are also loads of resort towns such as Agadir, Bodrum etc. Further afield you could travel to the northern areas of Pakistan where I am from we have the 2nd tallest mountain K2, hash from the Himalayas beautiful food and beautiful people. It’s an amazing place and it’s safe despite what you hear on the news. Search karakoram tourism if you’re interested
You sounds like you are blaming immigrants for your economic situation. That stuff you don't like seeing on Facebook seems to be seeping in and affecting your views of migrants.

'People coming over nowadays' but not *my* parents - exactly the kind of words we're sick of hearing from Priti and Suella. I promise you, the same will have been said about your dad 30 years ago, I was old enough in the 80s and 90s to remember it.
I think you are confused sir are you for migration or against?
I am talking from first hand experience, I know my dad experienced racism in the 90s and I have experienced it first hand when travelling to more rural parts of the UK. Racists will be racists but I have enough life experience to know not all white people in this country are like that. This is nothing to do with race anyway it’s about British culture and contributing to the society we live in. I have seen myself people come over here, get a council house within 2 months, universal credit, free medical. Add the odd cash in hand job to that and you’re laughing.
We've always had high levels of migration in and out of this country and just to be clear I am more than happy with that, I'm not trying to make some sort of anti-migration point in a weird way.

You sound like you are against migrants being housed, supported by the welfare state, or provided with medical treatment when they're sick. I'd prefer to live in a country that minimises homelessness, poverty, and illness, regardless of the recipient's country of birth. You've painted a picture of migrants 'coming over here', being provided with the bare minimum to integrate into society, and being happy as a result as though it's somehow a bad thing. Would you prefer that they weren't? Do you not think it hinders someone's ability to become a functioning member of society if they're homeless, penniless, and denied medical treatment? How's that going to help with them integrating and contributing to society?

The beef I have with what you're saying about migrants is that it's no different to what your dad will have heard 30 years ago, and probably no different to what you hear directed at yourself when you're out in the sticks. The comparison I made with Priti and Suella was no doubt unfair, you are surely nothing like as abhorrent as those two, but you use the same words. I ask you to reflect on them and how you feel when those same words are directed at you and your family.
So you think the current system where 10-member families can come over here to claim everything when they have a perfectly fine life where they are is ok?
I agree if there is a genuine need for asylum then yes careful support should be provided but also monitored and tapered off when reasonable. The current system can be more profitable than working a 9-5.
I'm sure we're in agreement that we have a crazy economic situation where working 9-5 at minimum wage is often not enough to survive, and I agree that the meagre levels of support that's provided by the welfare state sometimes exceed that. But it's the low wages and high costs that are the problem, the disparities in wealth distribution in the sixth largest economy in the world. It's not the amounts that are received by benefit claimants that causes problems for those in low paid work. Far from it, indeed it makes society worse for everyone to live amongst widespread poverty.

Reducing the support to those in need is not going to help people to be fully functioning members of society, whether they have migrated here recently or can trace their family tree back to the Alfred the Great. You shouldn't blame migrants and benefit claimants for the dire situation the low paid find themselves in in this country these days, you're directing blame downwards rather than upwards where it really lies.
dr drek
sorry for the downvotes, you 2 arent unthoughtful but this thread is about travel
Fair point, I wish you all the best S12345 if you are reading this!
You too mate all the best stay toking!
the other day i was at a meeting with a young lady from afghanistan, she is becoming a teacher here, she is most welcome.
Most ‘ordinary’ people are friendly and accommodating wherever you go, it’s the extremist hardline cultists in positions of power that are the cancer. Look at the U.K. for a hardline extremist cultist government!
Anyway, the Turkish are generally friendly.
There’s the Maldives and Tunisia which are also relatively safe.
"look at the UK for a hard-line extremist cultist government" I don't even know how to begin to comprehend this level of hilarious stupidity.

Look at the Afghan govt, sure, North Korea go right ahead... I'm not sure you understand what extremism actually is, or what the UK government actually does, I'll give you a hint though (you're a moron)

Also turkey being relatively friendly compared to the UK? I think you need to lay off the bud, bud.

However Tunisia is fantastic for a holiday, I can't fault that.
you had a point till you insulted the bigga
The fact you had to stoop to childish insults shows that actually you are the moron. :)
I’m pretty amused that you got so worked up about a bit of sarcasm, your medula oblongata kicked in before you had a chance to think!
I travelled around SE Asia for a few months and I loved Lombok in Indonesia. We were stopping at a homestead that a Muslim family owned. They don't drink but were more than happy to get alcohol in for us travellers.

Indonesia in general I really enjoyed as well as Malaysia.
I'll vouch for Morocco. You've got to be streetwise of course, but a beautiful country with kind and generous people. You soon tune out the prayer calls.
As an english guy with a house in morocco, I'd definitely vouch for that - I fell in love with the place. Tangiers in the nprth is perfect if you dont want things too hot and youd like to still see alot of europeans, casablanca or marakech if your looking for the arab vibes with old medinas and lots of tourist activities - Fez if you like leather. There are even a few smaller places i like such as chef chawen - the blue city which have some amazing places to see. You could even visit the jabala and see farming as it was hundreds of years ago - youll never meet nicer or more genuine people

Of course im biased!

On a side note, if you biggas are into your smoke, go to morocco and head to places like al hoceima in the rif mountains - they grow everything up there and would happily sell you a kilo for less than £100 😁
Sign me up!
Malaysia, lovely people
I'd say pick a muzza country you like a go for it.

Being of Islamic faith I'd say most muslims actually really like modern American and European culture, it fits very well with our cultural structures.

As a non Muslim in an Islamic country, as a guest, you will be treated very well.

Only thing I would suggest is inglis88 mentioned Balsall Heath, cuzi is chatting bubbles. Sounds like a hater, it's just like any other urban area around the world, I should know. I just passed through it.
I'd second Indonesia and Malaysia as being extremely friendly, but the friendliest people I've ever met are from travelling in Kyrgyzstan, where everyone I met wanted you to either stay with them or to take you out for dinner and meet all their family and friends! I've also heard great things about Tajikistan!🙏🏼💚
Morocco ... been there 8 times
Food is terrific, rich culture, wonderful people.
As with other places, beware of scammers, but the public, wow.
I've travelled a lot in my almost 44 years, Morocco is a must see!
Places I would recommend:
Marrakesh, Take a tour to Ourika, beautiful waterfall up there
Casablanca, buzzing city and the largest Mosque in Afrika
PM me for more info if you like ...
Pakistan is very good country to visit, most travel vloggers has said Pakistan is the most hospitable country out of the 44 countries they visited. Personally I'd travel to northern areas of Pakistan and even go to the area near Afgan border if your wanting fresh pure hash
Definitely would recommend Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Tunisia and Jordan. Malaysia and Indonesia are possibly the friendliest and nicest people I’ve ever met in my life. Also, their food and natural scenery is absolutely top tier. Morocco is a nice place too but I think the others are much better especially for tourism.

All the best,
Northern Cyprus is good in the summer for a few weeks great food that is inexpensive, for around a tenner you can get a decent 3 couse meal at a nice Chinese for example and really nice backdrops of the sea at most restaurants just don’t upset anyone in the army as they do no fuck about.

I heard a story when I was there about a foreigner who had pissed off one of there neighbours and the neigbour told the army that they had drugs so they got them and held them for 2 days hitting them demanding to know where the stash was buried a proper pistol whipping.

Also be aware if you ever get caught in a Muslim country with narcotics you are on your own no one will risk there reputations to be associated with drugs so no help will be coming anytime soon.
Morocco, Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia are all favourites but a real stand out star for me is Uzbekistan - full of history, especially from the Genghis Khan days as the silk road splits in Uzbekistan where you can go up to Russia/Europe or down to Middle East/Africa, as well as being full of really lovely people. I hope to get back there one day...
I spent 3 years in Indonesia and 3 months in the Philippines with frequent travel to Singapore. Indonesia was like my second home, just stay clear of drugs, which you'll most likely only be offered in bali and the neighbouring islands.
If you don't have an international driving license and shouldn't be on the roads, they'll hand you a piece of paper saying you need to pay £50-100. Don't pay it. Before I lived there and was a tourist I was stupid enough to pay it. You should be paying around £5. Locals pay around £2.
In the 3 years I was there, I only felt unsafe twice. One was on a bus and the people were trying to sell me a fake rolex for an amount of money and they were quite adamant I was gonna pay up. Second time I was out in the sticks with my girlfriend on my vespa and a dodgy couple were following us, clocked them quite early and confirmed relatively soon after they were looking into us. We just headed back to the population. Whether we were somewhere we shouldnt have been and peaked interest, ill never know!

Going back to drugs, my apartment was randomly raided for a drugs test. Not shitting you I open the door to a big team of narco agents and a TV news crew. They were doing random drugs tests in the neighbourhood. Literally take me to my toilet, pass me a plastic cup and watches me with my back turned pee in the cup! Can't make the shit up! Fortunately all was good.

I have highlighted a few of my bad experiences however it can't replace the 100s of amazing experiences I gained. The people are friendly, the food is good. Number 1 rule when visiting Asian Street food stalls, go where all the locals go, if you don't follow the rule you'll end up code brown.
Stay safe. Stay wise. Be respectful. Carry as little as possible and follow the laws, you'll be safe in almost any country.
Also the dude at the airport literally asked for an underhand of £15 to let me through the gates. Explained i had overstayed by one day. Saved me a huge amount of time with all the paper work and was a fraction less than what I would have had to pay to their government! The hilarious thing was he was sat on a closed gate and I skipped the busy queue 😂
Be prepared for the constant megaphone blasting prayers. Try to get a room as high and soundproofed as possible;)
i actually enjoy the meditation breaks, especially the feeling that people all over the world are sharing the moment. as long as i'm in the right time zone ;)
Even at stupid o’clock in the morning when trying to sleep?;)

I have been to a few Muslim places and am now sick of it. Just like if I see another temple or church;)
I hear Baghdad is nice this time of year.
Saddam Hussein went out shopping one day. Upon his return he was greeted by Uday, who said “what’s in the bag dad?”
your brother, now behave
From my own experience Muslims are very friendly people in general

Just abide by the culture and norms you will be fine

Mary <3
Flavour chaser
Turkey & dubai are very welcoming to tourists.

The worst islamic destinations ive been to is tunisia & london.
Heya Muslim here albeit not so much a practising one anymore.

If it’s Muslim history and culture you’re after I would say Istanbul (research Ottoman Empire before you go). Also Jordan has lots of history dating back to the time of the crusaders. Do a bit of research on the crusade and salahuddin ayyubi before you go (he’s a bit of a hero amongst our Kurdish brothers).
Egypt has more history about the ancients than Islamic history. Believe it or not Saudi Arabia has very little. Non Muslims are also forbidden to enter Mecca - the holy capital.
Jerusalem would have been a good shout had it not been for the current conflict.

Please let us know where you decide!
Oman. Friendly not super paced people are chill very beautiful scenery
Savile Town is friendly
Try Balsall Heath.
by  1313
what is up with all the coke dealers on the streets of lisbon?
by  1313
affordable snowboarding destinations?
by  defnote
Is the Michelin guide corrupt?
by  Saffysda
Crete 2023
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