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joined jul 2021
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24 topics on [history]
dr drek
by  dr drek
Origin of the Peace Symbol
Tony Blair scrapped treason laws, it all makes sense now.
by  Tenpester
Did inequality cause the First World War?
by  coldspurs
ww2 was germany’s 2nd go at concentration camps
skinheads 1971: racial harmony
stoned w my biggaz
the greatest african slave rebellion
Ali ordered their slaves to bring whips of palm branches and, while their masters and agents were prostrated on the ground, each one was given five hundred lashes.

Thus began a rebellion that would last fifteen years (868 to 883) and seize whole cities, build its own city (Al-Mukhtara, Al-Mani’ah), print its own currency, and control its own polities.
Who gives a crap.That’s the most boring thing anyone has ever posted on LB.
just understand things are different for people with IQ's above 80 and you will be happier
Ali should have ordered the slaves to bring him an ounce of space cake never mind the whips of palm the plonker.Who cares what happened in 868 fs it was years ago.Chill out.Go to Sunday school if you enjoy all that preaching crap.I am away to get stoned watch the TV.Good luck with all that 868 stuff
Napoleon Bonaparte on the Upcoming UK Election
1 sentence sums up history
by  wells
Digging for Utopia
by  brando
The penalty for lying in the Persian Empire
JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech
The Battle of Los Angeles 1942: Aiming for The Imaginary, Americans Shoot Each Other
by  brakefast
The Greatest Boomer?
Isaac Newton Minted Coins and Busted Scammers
by  brakefast
Did comedy get this bad under fascism?
Carrosses à cinq sols: Pascal Invented Public Transport
The Murderer Who Helped Make the Oxford English Dictionary
by  coldspurs
The Untold Story Of The 1381 Peasants Revolt
by  ike
Night of the Guillotine
by  energixed
London in the Roman World
by  grits
British Rail’s short experiment with travelling pubs
H.G. Wells Interviews Stalin
by  zeppomarx
The Beautiful Network of Ancient Roman Roads
A Brief Global History of the War on Cannabis
bigg topics
on 0rion