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{life extension}
joined oct 2014
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32 topics on {life extension}
by  Fifijane
πŸ™ Tips for successful tolerance break from cannabis, particularly the smoking part - have no issue at all with edibles, tinctures etc. It's particularly the 'tobacco' element that really worries me
..and i would be SO much happier if he would just smoke pureze-

So after really fancying for absolutely AGES, the idea of having a, totes cool, 'stoner', boyfriend... well golly gosh, oh my lucky stars, I've GOT ONE now!!!! See, thing is - turns out when you ACTUALLY LOVE SOMEONE, turns out you care more about them being healthy and happy, than about how 'totally rad', haha ,it would be to get a 'stoner dude', πŸ––πŸ‘Œ ;) winky, winky, charming and uber charismatic, COOL AS YOU LIKE!.. boyfriend.

So, right, it's totally like a, 'careful what you wish for', type sitch- coz the guy's a stoner, and then some..right. Stupid money spent on gear. I mean he works hard in a proper, really hard, clever person job, he's a responsible, reliable person and he can spend his time and money on anything he likes, I just would strongly prefer that it's something that is harmful to his health- smokes loads, fucking loads. Tolerance ridiculous, has to spend so much ti get the job done - and he loves it, but i so swish, SO much that he would take a tolerance break and need/ want , less of it.

Fully braced for down votes, so fire away,😬😰 haha., I'm not terrible, I just love him and want him to be enjoying optimal, well being.

How should I broach/ try and help him apply if he's interested..the subject?

Any tips/ hacks, anything at all, music, food, things to watch that might inspire the cause,anything like that.

Thankee in advance! Anyone that may help. biggest love and light and gratitude 🧑🧑🧑
Smoking different strains everyday in week cycle will not build your tolerance as smoking same strain over and over, plus different high, taste and medical properties almost everyday. Don't know if this method is working same for everyone, but is πŸ’― % working for me.
Still have high tolerance but not skyrocket like my friends.
Good luck πŸ€žπŸ’š
If it is a health concern about the tobacco, maybe suggest or discuss a dry herb vape. It takes a few days to get used to but is worth the effort IMO, a tolerance break for a tobacco smoker will probably just have them smoke more tobacco.
Good luckπŸ’š
Let's cut to the chase.

There are three ways to get things done in this world:
1) sex
2) guns
2) money

I don't know what your relationship is like, but would hazard that a well-deployed "You know that thing you like...", will prove more productive than 9mm or 9 million.

But you do you Fifi!

πŸ†/πŸ”«/πŸ’° = πŸ’ͺ
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